;+ ; Batch File: THM_CRIB_FBK ; ; Purpose: Demonstrate the loading, calibration, and plotting ; of THEMIS FBK (Filter Bank) spectral data. ; ; Calling Sequence: ; .run thm_crib_fbk, or using cut-and-paste. ; ; Arguements: ; None. ; ; Notes: ; None. ; ; $LastChangedBy: pcruce $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2007-07-19 13:51:18 -0700 (Thu, 19 Jul 2007) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 1176 $ ; $URL $ ;- ; FBK FilterBank data example. ;start with a clean slate del_data, '*' print, 'at each stop point type .c to continue with the crib' stop ;set a few TPLOT options. tplot_title = 'THEMIS FBK Spectra Examples' tplot_options, 'title', tplot_title tplot_options, 'xmargin', [ 15, 10] tplot_options, 'ymargin', [ 5, 5] ; set the timespan and load the FBK data (FB1, FB2, FBH). timespan, '2007-06-23', 1.0, /day ;this line loads all the data from probe alpha on the specified day thm_load_fbk, probe = 'a' tplot_names print, 'We Just loaded the level 2 fbk data from probe alpha' stop ; now I'm going to plot some of that data tplot, [ 'tha_fb_scm1'] print, 'We just plotted the search coil magnetometer boom 1 data' stop tlimit, '2007-06-23/03:30:00', '2007-06-23/05:30:00' print, 'Now we adjusted the time limit to zoom in' stop tlimit, '2007-06-23/00:00:00', '2007-06-24/00:00:00' print, 'Now we zoom back out' stop ; plot all the level two data from probe a on one plot tplot, [ 'tha_fb_*'] print, 'We just Plotted all the fb data on one plot' print, 'The line plots(fb_hff) are the max and average of the high frequency filter output from the digital fields board' print, 'fb_edc12 is the output of electrical boom one minus electrical boom two, dc filtered' print, 'As mentioned above fb_scm1 is the search coil magnetometer data boom 1' stop del_data,'*' ;NOTE: it can be dangerous to use the datatype keyword on filterbank ;data. Because the returned datatypes vary depending on spacecraft ;configuration, your requested datatype may not be ;available. If,however, you call thm_load_fbk without the datatype ;keyword, it will return any available data on the days requested, ;regardless of type thm_load_fbk,probe=['a','b'],datatype='fb_scm1' tplot_names print,'now we just loaded all the fb_scm1 data from probes alpha and beta' stop tplot, [ 'tha_fb_scm1','thb_fb_scm1'] print, 'Now we plot all the data' stop del_data, '*' print, 'We deleted all the data' stop thm_load_fbk, level=1,/get_support_data tplot_names print, 'We just loaded all the level 1 data from all probes, this includes uncalibrated values(fb1,fb2,fbh),calibrated values(fb_*), and values used to calibrate(fb1_src)' stop tplot, 'thc_*' print, 'and plotted the themis c data using the * wildcard' stop thm_load_fbk, /valid_names print, 'Use the /valid_names option to get a list of valid parameters for the fbk data type' print, 'Now we are done' end