;+ ; This puts the input data structure into the tplot common block as ; the data_quants structure, and undefines all of the other variables ; in the common block, using temporary, the original common block is ; saved in a different common block. This is needed to call the ; stackmagplot routine on a subset of stations ; 13-nov-2006, jmm, jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu ; ;$LastChangedBy: kenb-mac $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2007-01-26 15:52:34 -0800 (Fri, 26 Jan 2007) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 241 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/thmsoc/trunk/idl/themis/common/thm_ui_reset_common_block.pro $ ; ;- Pro thm_ui_reset_common_block, data_ss, restore = restore @tplot_com ;defines the common block common tplot_temp, data_quants2, tplot_vars2, tplot_configs2, current_config2 If(keyword_set(restore)) Then Begin If(n_elements(data_quants2) Gt 0) Then data_quants = temporary(data_quants2) If(n_elements(tplot_vars2) Gt 0) Then tplot_vars = temporary(tplot_vars2) If(n_elements(tplot_configs2) Gt 0) Then tplot_configs = temporary(tplot_configs2) If(n_elements(current_config2) Gt 0) Then current_config = temporary(current_config2) Endif Else Begin If(n_elements(data_quants) Gt 0) Then data_quants2 = temporary(data_quants) If(n_elements(tplot_vars) Gt 0) Then tplot_vars2 = temporary(tplot_vars) If(n_elements(tplot_configs) Gt 0) Then tplot_configs2 = temporary(tplot_configs) If(n_elements(current_config) Gt 0) Then current_config2 = temporary(current_config) data_quants = [data_quants2[0], data_quants2[data_ss]] Endelse Return End