;+ ;NAME: ; thm_ui_only_trange ;PURPOSE: ; This program oprerates on the tplot data_quants to strip out data ; the is not in the input time range: start time, end time, and the ; subscripts of the appropriate data_quants structures are used, this ; is designed to be used in thm_ui_load_data_fn only... jmm, ; 13-nov-2006 ;INPUT: ; st_time, en_time = time in seconds from 1-jan-1970 0:00 ; data_ss = the subscripts of the data array to on which to operate ;OUTPUT: ; None explicit, the tplot variables are changed ;HISTORY: ; jmm, 13-nov-2006, jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu ; jmm, 13-dec-2006, made to work for non thg_mag data ; ;$LastChangedBy: kenb-mac $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2007-01-26 15:52:34 -0800 (Fri, 26 Jan 2007) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 241 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/thmsoc/trunk/idl/themis/common/thm_ui_only_trange.pro $ ; ;- Pro thm_ui_only_trange, st_time0, en_time0, data_ss ;- st_time = time_double(st_time0) & en_time = time_double(en_time0) ndss = n_elements(data_ss) For j = 0, ndss-1 Do Begin j1 = data_ss[j] If(j1 Gt 0) Then Begin tplotvars = tnames() get_data, tplotvars[j1-1], data = dd If(is_struct(dd)) Then Begin szy = size(dd.y) ok_arr = where(dd.x Ge st_time And dd.x Lt en_time, nok_arr) If(nok_arr Gt 0) Then Begin xj = dd.x[ok_arr] If(szy[0] Eq 1) Then yj = dd.y[ok_arr] $ Else If(szy[0] Eq 2) Then yj = dd.y[ok_arr, *] $ Else If(szy[0] Eq 3) Then yj = dd.y[ok_arr, *, *] $ Else If(szy[0] Eq 4) Then yj = dd.y[ok_arr, *, *, *] $;overkill? Else Begin xj = dd.x & yj = dd.y Endelse str_element, dd, 'x', xj, /add_replace str_element, dd, 'y', yj, /add_replace store_data, tplotvars[j1-1], data = temporary(dd) Endif Endif Endif Endfor Return End