;+ ;NAME: ;thm_ui_load_data_fn ;PURPOSE: ;A widget interface to load CDF data for whatever instrument ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ;varnames = thm_ui_load_data_fn(st_time, en_time, $ ; dtype = dtype, $ ; station = station, $ ; astation = astation, $ ; probe = probe) ;INPUT: ;st_time, en_time = start and end times in seconds from ; 1-jan-1970 0:00 ;KEYWORDS: ;dtype, the type of data, a string, of form ; 'instrument/datatype/datalevel', the default is 'gmag/mag/l2' ;station, the ground station of the gmag data, default is '*', for all ;astation, the ground station of the asi data, default is '*', for all ;probe = one or more of ['a','b','c','d','e'], default is ['a','b','c','d','e'] ;OUTPUT: ;varnames = an array of tplot variable names, to pass into tplot ;HISTORY: ; 22-sep-2006, jmm, jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu ; 23-oct-2006, jmm, changed to call cdf2tplot ; 30-oct-2006, jmm, changed again, to call load_thg_mag, also added ; dtype and station as inputs ; 13-nov-2006, jmm, changed the argument list, now the output is a ; data id string, added a check for start time > end ; time ; 08-dec-2006, krb, changed load_thg_mag to thm_load_gmag ; 13-dec-2006, jmm, Added call to cdf2tplot for data for which there ; is no load program... ; 14-dec-2006, jmm, returns an array of variable names and ; subscripts, which should be easier to read.. ; 15-dec-2006, jmm, Added calls to thm_load_fgm, fit, sst, efi, ; ask,probe can be an array ; 16-jan-2007, jmm, Add all of the thm_load routines ; 5-feb-2007, jmm, update calls to load routines ; 10-apr-2007, jmm, removed history tracking, which is now handled in ; thm_gui_event, also changed dtype, station ; astation and probe to keywords ; 1-may-2007, jmm, New version, new argument list,etc.... ; 10-may-2007, jmm, New version, new argument list,etc... that last ; one lasted a long time, didn't it ; 30-jul-2007, jmm, allow for string time input, this is needed to ; run histories. ; ;$LastChangedBy$ ;$LastChangedDate$ ;$LastChangedRevision$ ;$URL$ ; ;- Function thm_ui_load_data_fn, st_time0, en_time0, $ dtype = dtype0, $ station = station0, $ astation = astation0, $ probe = probe0, $ progobj = progobj, $ _extra = _extra @tplot_com otp = -1 data_ss = -1 ;database thm_init ;this should work ;Check time range here st_time = time_double(st_time0) & en_time = time_double(en_time0) ttest0 = time_double('2004-07-23/00:00:00') ttest1 = systime(/sec)+365.0*86400.0d0 ;add a year If(st_time Lt ttest0 Or st_time Gt ttest1 Or $ en_time Lt ttest0 Or en_time Gt ttest1) Then Begin If(obj_valid(progobj)) Then $ progobj -> update, 0.0, text = 'Invalid Time Input, No Data Loaded' message, /info, 'Invalid Time Input, No Data Loaded' Return, otp Endif If(en_time Le st_time) Then Begin If(obj_valid(progobj)) Then $ progobj -> update, 0.0, text = 'Start time LT end time, No Data Loaded' message, /info, 'Start time LT end time, No Data Loaded' Return, otp Endif If(n_elements(dtype0) Eq 0) Then dtype = 'gmag/mag/l2' $ Else dtype = strlowcase(strcompress(dtype0, /remove_all)) ndtype = n_elements(dtype) ;get the instrument type datatype and dlevel instr = strarr(ndtype) & iname = instr & dlvl = instr For j = 0, ndtype-1 Do Begin ppp = strsplit(dtype[j], '/', /extract) instr[j] = ppp[0] iname[j] = ppp[1] dlvl[j] = ppp[2] Endfor If(n_elements(station0) Eq 0) Then station = '*' $ Else station = strlowcase(strtrim(station0, 2)) If(n_elements(astation0) Eq 0) Then astation = '*' $ Else astation = strlowcase(strtrim(astation0, 2)) If(n_elements(probe0) Eq 0) Then probe = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] $ Else probe = strlowcase(strtrim(probe0, 2)) ;Get the info for the data that has been loaded already If(is_struct(data_quants)) Then Begin tx0 = time_string(data_quants.trange) didx0 = data_quants.name+':'+tx0[0, *]+' To '+tx0[1, *] Endif Else didx0 = -1 ;people are inconsistent in using the trange keyword, so set a ;timespan...: tt = [st_time, en_time] t1 = str2time(strmid(time_string(tt[0]), 0, 10)) t2 = str2time(strmid(time_string(tt[1]-1.), 0, 10)) ndays = 1+fix((t2-t1)/(24.*3600.)) timespan, t1, ndays ;GMAG ss = where(instr Eq 'gmag') If(ss[0] Ne -1) Then Begin thm_load_gmag, site = station, trange = [st_time, en_time], $ progobj = progobj Endif ;ASI ss = where(instr Eq 'asi') If(ss[0] Ne -1) Then Begin thm_load_asi, site = astation, trange = [st_time, en_time], $ datatype = iname[ss], progobj = progobj Endif ;ASK ss = where(instr Eq 'ask') If(ss[0] Ne -1) Then Begin thm_load_ask, site = astation, trange = [st_time, en_time], $ datatype = iname[ss], progobj = progobj Endif ;EFI ss = where(instr Eq 'efi') If(ss[0] Ne -1) Then Begin u_lev = uniq(dlvl[ss]) & lvls = dlvl[ss[u_lev]] For j = 0, n_elements(lvls)-1 Do Begin ssj = where(dlvl[ss] Eq lvls[j]) If(ssj[0] Ne -1) Then Begin thm_load_efi, probe = probe, datatype = iname[ss[ssj]], $ level = lvls[j], /get_support_data, trange = [st_time, en_time], $ progobj = progobj Endif Endfor Endif ;FBK ss = where(instr Eq 'fbk') If(ss[0] Ne -1) Then Begin u_lev = uniq(dlvl[ss]) & lvls = dlvl[ss[u_lev]] For j = 0, n_elements(lvls)-1 Do Begin ssj = where(dlvl[ss] Eq lvls[j]) If(ssj[0] Ne -1) Then Begin thm_load_fbk, probe = probe, datatype = iname[ss[ssj]], $ level = lvls[j], /get_support_data, trange = [st_time, en_time], $ progobj = progobj Endif Endfor Endif ;FFT ss = where(instr Eq 'fft') If(ss[0] Ne -1) Then Begin u_lev = uniq(dlvl[ss]) & lvls = dlvl[ss[u_lev]] For j = 0, n_elements(lvls)-1 Do Begin ssj = where(dlvl[ss] Eq lvls[j]) If(ssj[0] Ne -1) Then Begin thm_load_fft, probe = probe, datatype = iname[ss[ssj]], $ level = lvls[j], /get_support_data, trange = [st_time, en_time], $ progobj = progobj Endif Endfor Endif ;FGM ss = where(instr Eq 'fgm') If(ss[0] Ne -1) Then Begin u_lev = uniq(dlvl[ss]) lvls = dlvl[ss[u_lev]] ;load state data, if not there For j = 0, n_elements(probe)-1 Do Begin thm_ui_check4spin, 'th'+probe[j]+'_fgm_dummy', vx1, vx1, h1, $ probe_in = probe[j], trange = [st_time, en_time], $ progobj = progobj Endfor For j = 0, n_elements(lvls)-1 Do Begin ssj = where(dlvl[ss] Eq lvls[j]) If(ssj[0] Ne -1) Then Begin thm_load_fgm, probe = probe, datatype = iname[ss[ssj]], $ level = lvls[j], /get_support_data, trange = [st_time, en_time], $ progobj = progobj Endif Endfor Endif ;FIT ss = where(instr Eq 'fit') If(ss[0] Ne -1) Then Begin u_lev = uniq(dlvl[ss]) & lvls = dlvl[ss[u_lev]] For j = 0, n_elements(lvls)-1 Do Begin ssj = where(dlvl[ss] Eq lvls[j]) If(ssj[0] Ne -1) Then Begin thm_load_fit, probe = probe, datatype = iname[ss[ssj]], $ level = lvls[j], /get_support_data, trange = [st_time, en_time], $ progobj = progobj Endif Endfor Endif ;SCM ss = where(instr Eq 'scm') If(ss[0] Ne -1) Then Begin u_lev = uniq(dlvl[ss]) & lvls = dlvl[ss[u_lev]] ;load state data, if not there For j = 0, n_elements(probe)-1 Do Begin thm_ui_check4spin, 'th'+probe[j]+'_scm_dummy', vx1, vx1, h1, $ probe_in = probe[j], trange = [st_time, en_time], $ progobj = progobj Endfor For j = 0, n_elements(lvls)-1 Do Begin ssj = where(dlvl[ss] Eq lvls[j]) If(ssj[0] Ne -1) Then Begin thm_load_scm, probe = probe, datatype = iname[ss[ssj]], $ level = lvls[j], /get_support_data, trange = [st_time, en_time], $ progobj = progobj Endif Endfor Endif ;MOM ss = where(instr Eq 'mom') If(ss[0] Ne -1) Then Begin u_lev = uniq(dlvl[ss]) & lvls = dlvl[ss[u_lev]] For j = 0, n_elements(lvls)-1 Do Begin ssj = where(dlvl[ss] Eq lvls[j]) If(ssj[0] Ne -1) Then Begin thm_load_mom, probe = probe, datatype = iname[ss[ssj]], $ level = lvls[j], trange = [st_time, en_time], $ progobj = progobj Endif Endfor Endif ;SST ss = where(instr Eq 'sst') If(ss[0] Ne -1) Then Begin u_lev = uniq(dlvl[ss]) & lvls = dlvl[ss[u_lev]] For j = 0, n_elements(lvls)-1 Do Begin ssj = where(dlvl[ss] Eq lvls[j]) If(ssj[0] Ne -1) Then Begin thm_load_sst, probe = probe, datatype = iname[ss], $ level = lvls[j], trange = [st_time, en_time], $ progobj = progobj, /get_support_data Endif Endfor Endif ;ESA ss = where(instr Eq 'esa') If(ss[0] Ne -1) Then Begin lvl_1 = where(dlvl[ss] Eq 'l1', nl1) If(nl1 Gt 0) Then Begin app_id = strmid(iname[ss[lvl_1]], 0, 3) ddd = strcompress(/remove_all, string(fix(app_id))) thm_load_esa_pkt, probe = probe, datatype = ddd, $ /get_support_data, trange = [st_time, en_time] Endif lvl_2 = where(dlvl[ss] Eq 'l2', nl2) If(nl2 Gt 0) Then Begin thm_load_esa, probe = probe, datatype = iname[ss[lvl_2]], level = 'l2', $ /get_support, trange = [st_time, en_time], progobj = progobj Endif Endif ;STATE state_ss = where(instr Eq 'state') If(state_ss[0] Ne -1) Then Begin thm_load_state, probe = probe, datatype = iname[state_ss], $ /get_support_data, trange = [st_time, en_time], progobj = progobj Endif ;What are the new structure elements? If(is_struct(data_quants)) Then Begin ndq = n_elements(data_quants) If(ndq Gt 1) Then Begin If(is_string(didx0)) Then Begin tx = time_string(data_quants.trange) didx = data_quants.name+':'+tx[0, *]+' To '+tx[1, *] new_flag = bytarr(ndq) For j = 0, ndq-1 Do Begin fff = where(didx0 Eq didx[j], nfff) If(nfff Eq 0) Then new_flag[j] = 1 Endfor data_ss = where(new_flag Eq 1) Endif Else data_ss = 1+lindgen(n_elements(data_quants)-1) ;Here restrict to the input time range ; thm_ui_only_trange, st_time, en_time, data_ss ;Here get the tplot variable names If(data_ss[0] Ne -1) Then Begin tplotvars = tnames() otp = tplotvars[data_ss-1] Endif Else otp = -1 Endif Else Begin data_ss = -1 otp = -1 Endelse Endif Else Begin data_ss = -1 otp = -1 Endelse Return, otp End