; Generates a new name for a variable, if the old coordinate system is ; in the name, then it is replaced, otherwise, the new system name is ; appended Function thm_ui_cotrans_newname, vname, c_in0, c_out0 vnp = strcompress(/remove_all, strlowcase(vname)) c_in = strcompress(/remove_all, strlowcase(c_in0)) c_out = strcompress(/remove_all, strlowcase(c_out0)) lc_in = strlen(c_in) vn_test = strpos(vnp, c_in) If(vn_test[0] Eq -1) Then nvn = vnp+'_'+c_out $ Else Begin nvn = c_out pre = strmid(vnp, 0, vn_test) post = strmid(vnp, vn_test+lc_in) If(is_string(pre)) Then nvn = pre+nvn If(is_string(post)) Then nvn = nvn+post Endelse Return, nvn End ;+ ;NAME: ; thm_ui_cotrans ;PURPOSE: ; Widget for coordinate transforms ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; thm_ui_cotrans, gui_id ;INPUT: ; gui_id = the widget id of the thm_gui widget that called this one. ;OUTPUT: ; none explicit, new variables are created ;HISTORY: ; 26-feb-2007, jmm, jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu ; 10-apr-2007, jmm, changed input from state to the variable names ; 31-may-2007, jmm, rewrite to become its own widget, and to call ; thm_cotrans, rather than cotrans directly ; 12-jul-2007, jmm, added a message widget, for invalid user input errors ;$LastChangedBy$ ;$LastChangedDate$ ;$LastChangedRevision$ ;$URL$ ; ;- Pro thm_ui_cotrans_event, event Common thm_ui_cotrans_sav, from_sav, to_sav err_xxx = 0 catch, err_xxx If(err_xxx Ne 0) Then Begin catch, /cancel help, /last_message, output = err_msg For j = 0, n_elements(err_msg)-1 Do print, err_msg[j] If(is_struct(state)) Then Begin cw = state.cw widget_control, state.messw, set_val = err_msg[0] For j = 0, n_elements(state.button_arr)-1 Do widget_control, state.button_arr[j], sensitive = 1 widget_control, event.top, set_uval = state, /no_copy Endif Else Begin widget_control, event.top, get_uval = state, /no_copy If(is_struct(state)) Then Begin cw = state.cw widget_control, state.messw, set_val = err_msg[0] For j = 0, n_elements(state.button_arr)-1 Do widget_control, state.button_arr[j], sensitive = 1 widget_control, event.top, set_uval = state, /no_copy Endif Else cw = -1 Endelse If(widget_valid(cw)) Then Begin If(is_struct(wstate)) Then widget_control, cw, set_uval = wstate thm_ui_update_history, cw, [';*** FYI', ';'+err_msg] thm_ui_update_progress, cw, 'Error--See history' Endif ;check for thm_cotrans messages...' x1 = strpos(err_msg[0], 'coord. system of input') x2 = strpos(err_msg[0], 'know how to transform') If(X1[0] Eq -1 And x2[0] Eq -1) Then thm_ui_error Return Endif widget_control, event.id, get_uval = uval If(uval Eq 'EXIT') Then Begin widget_control, event.top, /destroy Endif Else If(uval Eq 'COTRANS') Then Begin ;What are the active datasets: widget_control, event.top, get_uval = state, /no_copy widget_control, state.cw, get_uval = wstate, /no_copy If(ptr_valid(wstate.active_vnames)) Then Begin vars = *wstate.active_vnames widget_control, state.cw, set_uval = wstate, /no_copy Endif Else Begin widget_control, state.cw, set_uval = wstate, /no_copy widget_control, state.messw, set_val = 'Cotrans Failed, No Active Data Set' thm_ui_update_progress, state.cw, 'Cotrans Failed, No Active Data Set' widget_control, event.top, set_uval = state, /no_copy Return Endelse new_vars = vars For j = 0, n_elements(state.button_arr)-1 Do widget_control, state.button_arr[j], sensitive = 0 messj = '' For j = 0, n_elements(vars)-1 Do Begin ic = strcompress(/remove_all, cotrans_get_coord(vars[j])) oc = strcompress(/remove_all, strlowcase(to_sav)) If(ic Eq oc) Then Begin messj = 'Input and Output Coordinate Systems are the same for'+vars[j] widget_control, state.messw, set_val = messj thm_ui_update_progress, state.cw, messj thm_ui_update_history, state.cw, ';'+messj Endif Else If(ic Eq 'unknown') Then Begin messj = 'Unknown Input Coordinate System for '+vars[j]+' No Transformation' widget_control, state.messw, set_val = messj thm_ui_update_history, state.cw, ';'+messj new_vars[j] = '' Endif Else Begin thm_ui_update_progress, state.cw, 'Checking for state data...' thm_ui_check4spin, vars[j], vspinper, vspinphase, h0 If(is_string(h0)) Then thm_ui_update_history, state.cw, h0 thm_ui_check4spin, vars[j], vspinras, vspindec, h1, /rasdec thm_ui_update_progress, state.cw, vars[j]+': '+ic+' to '+oc nvj = thm_ui_cotrans_newname(vars[j], ic, oc) h2 = 'thm_cotrans,'+''''+vars[j]+''''+', '+''''+nvj+''''+ $ ', in_coord='+''''+ic+''''+', out_coord='+''''+oc+'''' thm_ui_update_history, state.cw, h2 thm_cotrans, vars[j], nvj, in_coord = ic, out_coord = oc If(is_string(nvj)) Then Begin get_data, nvj, data = ddd If(is_struct(ddd)) Then new_vars[j] = nvj Else Goto, failure_j Endif Else Begin ;something odd happened failure_j: help, /last_message, output = err_msg widget_control, state.messw, set_val = err_msg[0] thm_ui_update_progress, state.cw, err_msg[0] thm_ui_update_history, state.cw, ';'+err_msg new_vars[j] = '' Endelse Endelse Endfor If(is_string(new_vars) Eq 0) Then Begin mess = 'Cotrans Failed, No New variables -- See History for details' widget_control, state.messw, set_val = mess thm_ui_update_progress, state.cw, mess Endif Else Begin thm_ui_update_progress, state.cw, 'Finished Coordinate Transform to '+to_sav widget_control, state.messw, set_val = 'Finished Coordinate Transform to '+to_sav ok = where(new_vars Ne '') ;must be true if you're here new_vars = new_vars[ok] thm_ui_update_history, state.cw, thm_ui_multichoice_history('varnames = ', new_vars) thm_ui_update_data_all, state.cw, new_vars Endelse For j = 0, n_elements(state.button_arr)-1 Do widget_control, state.button_arr[j], sensitive = 1 widget_control, event.top, set_uval = state, /no_copy Endif Else Begin to_sav = uval widget_control, event.top, get_uval = state, /no_copy If(state.cw Ne -1) Then thm_ui_update_progress, state.cw, $ 'Coordinate Transform'+' to '+to_sav widget_control, state.ttextw, set_val = ' Coordinate Transform to '+to_sav widget_control, event.top, set_uval = state, /no_copy Endelse Return End Pro thm_ui_cotrans, calling_widget_id Common thm_ui_cotrans_sav, from_sav, to_sav ;Build the widget master = widget_base(/col, scr_xsize = 350, $ title = 'THEMIS Science Software: Cotrans', $ /align_top, group_leader = calling_widget_id) ;Cotrans buttons widget m1 = widget_base(master, /col, /align_center, frame = 5) clabel = widget_label(m1, value = 'Choose Output Coordinates') cbuttons = widget_base(m1, /row, /align_center) ;"From" buttons widget ; fbutbase = widget_base(cbuttons, /col, /align_center) ; flabel = widget_label(fbutbase, value = 'From:') ;"To" buttons widget tbutbase = widget_base(cbuttons, /col, /align_center) ;Text widget showing the current transform ttextbase = widget_base(m1, /col, /align_center) ttlabel = widget_label(ttextbase, value = 'Current Transformation:') If(n_elements(to_sav) Eq 0) Then to_sav = 'DSL' ttextw = widget_text(m1, value = ' Coordinate Transform to '+to_sav, xsize = 50) ;"Transform" Button tranbut = widget_button(master, val = ' Transform ', uval = 'COTRANS') ;"Exit" button exitbut = widget_button(master, val = ' Close ', uval = 'EXIT') ;message widget messw = widget_text(master, value = '', xsize = 50, ysize = 5, /wrap, /scroll) ;set up the coordinate system buttons qs = ['SPG', 'SSL', 'DSL', 'GSE', 'GEI', 'GSM'] nqs = n_elements(qs) tj = lonarr(nqs) For j = 0, nqs-1 Do $ ;To buttons tj[j] = widget_button(tbutbase, value = ' '+qs[j]+' ', uval = qs[j]) cw = calling_widget_id widget_control, cw, get_uval = wstate, /no_copy wstate.cto_id = master widget_control, cw, set_uval = wstate, /no_copy state = {thisw:master, cw:cw, ttextw:ttextw, messw:messw, $ button_arr:[tj, tranbut, exitbut]} If(state.cw Ne -1) Then thm_ui_update_progress, state.cw, $ 'Coordinate Transform'+' to '+to_sav widget_control, master, set_uval = state, /no_copy widget_control, master, /realize xmanager, 'thm_ui_cotrans', master, /no_block End