Pro thm_ui_config_temp_mess, id, text_in widget_control, id, get_uval = state, /no_copy widget_control, state.messw, set_val = text_in widget_control, id, set_uval = state, /no_copy If(obj_valid(!themis.progobj)) Then $ !themis.progobj -> update, 0.0, /history_too, text = text_in Return End ;+ ;NAME: ; thm_ui_config ;PURPOSE: ; A widget that allows the user to set some of the fields in the ; !themis system variable: Also allows the user to set the themis ; configuration text file, and save it ;HISTORY: ; 17-may-2007, jmm, ; 2-jul-2007, jmm, 'Add trailing slash to data directories, if necessary ;$LastChangedBy$ ;$LastChangedDate$ ;$LastChangedRevision$ ;$URL$ ;- Pro thm_ui_config_event, event widget_control,, get_uval = uval Case uval Of 'LOCALDIR': Begin widget_control,, get_val = temp_string temp_string = strtrim(temp_string, 2) ll = strmid(temp_string, strlen(temp_string)-1, 1) If(ll Ne '/' And ll Ne '\') Then temp_string = temp_string+'/' !themis.local_data_dir = temporary(temp_string) thm_ui_config_temp_mess,, '!themis.local_data_dir = '+!themis.local_data_dir End 'REMOTEDIR': Begin widget_control,, get_val = temp_string temp_string = strtrim(temp_string, 2) ll = strmid(temp_string, strlen(temp_string)-1, 1) If(ll Ne '/' And ll Ne '\') Then temp_string = temp_string+'/' !themis.remote_data_dir = temporary(temp_string) thm_ui_config_temp_mess,, '!themis.remote_data_dir = '+!themis.remote_data_dir End 'NODOWNLOAD':Begin widget_control,, get_val = temp_string If(event.type Le 2) Then Begin tt = fix(temp_string) If(tt Eq 0 Or tt Eq 1) Then Begin !themis.no_download = tt thm_ui_config_temp_mess,, '!themis.no_download ='+strcompress(string(tt)) Endif Else Begin thm_ui_config_temp_mess,, '!themis.no_download, Invalid Input, please input 0 or 1' Endelse Endif End 'NOUPDATE':Begin widget_control,, get_val = temp_string If(event.type Le 2) Then Begin tt = fix(temp_string) If(tt Eq 0 Or tt Eq 1) Then Begin !themis.no_update = tt thm_ui_config_temp_mess,, '!themis.no_update ='+strcompress(string(tt)) Endif Else Begin thm_ui_config_temp_mess,, '!themis.no_update, Invalid Input, please input 0 or 1' Endelse Endif End 'DOWNLOADONLY':Begin widget_control,, get_val = temp_string If(event.type Le 2) Then Begin tt = fix(temp_string) If(tt Eq 0 Or tt Eq 1) Then Begin !themis.downloadonly = tt thm_ui_config_temp_mess,, '!themis.downloadonly ='+strcompress(string(tt)) Endif Else Begin thm_ui_config_temp_mess,, '!themis.downloadonly, Invalid Input, please input 0 or 1' Endelse Endif End 'VERBOSE':Begin widget_control,, get_val = temp_string If(event.type Le 2) Then Begin tt = fix(temp_string) If(tt le 10 And tt Ge 0) Then Begin !themis.verbose = tt thm_ui_config_temp_mess,, '!themis.verbose ='+strcompress(string(tt)) Endif Else Begin thm_ui_config_temp_mess,, '!themis.verbose, Invalid Input, must be LE 10' Endelse Endif End 'RESET': Begin thm_ui_config_temp_mess,, 'Restoring Original Configuration' widget_control,, get_uval = state, /no_copy !themis = state.thm_cfg_sav widget_control, state.localdir, set_val = !themis.local_data_dir widget_control, state.remotedir, set_val = !themis.remote_data_dir widget_control, state.nodownload, set_val = string(!themis.no_download) widget_control, state.noupdate, set_val = string(!themis.no_update) widget_control, state.downloadonly, set_val = string(!themis.downloadonly) widget_control, state.verbose, set_val = string(!themis.verbose) widget_control,, set_uval = state, /no_copy End 'RESETTODEFAULT': Begin dir = thm_config_filedir(/app_query) If(dir[0] Ne '') Then Begin ;Is there a trailing slash? Not for linux or windows, not sure about ;Mac ll = strmid(dir, strlen(dir)-1, 1) If(ll Eq '/' Or ll Eq '\') Then filex = dir+'thm_config.txt' $ Else filex = dir+'/'+'thm_config.txt' ;Does the file exist? If so, delete it If(file_search(filex) Ne '') Then file_delete, filex, /noexpand_path Endif thm_ui_config_temp_mess,, 'Restoring Default Configuration' ;No config file, so just run themis_init thm_init, /reset ;Now you need to put the valuse that you have back into the widget widget_control,, get_uval = state, /no_copy widget_control, state.localdir, set_val = !themis.local_data_dir widget_control, state.remotedir, set_val = !themis.remote_data_dir widget_control, state.nodownload, set_val = string(!themis.no_download) widget_control, state.noupdate, set_val = string(!themis.no_update) widget_control, state.downloadonly, set_val = string(!themis.downloadonly) widget_control, state.verbose, set_val = string(!themis.verbose) widget_control,, set_uval = state, /no_copy End 'SAVE': Begin thm_write_config filex = thm_config_filedir()+'/'+'thm_config.txt' thm_ui_config_temp_mess,, 'Saved New Configuration file: '+filex End 'EXIT': Begin widget_control,, /destroy End Endcase Return End Pro thm_ui_config ;If !themis does not exist, set it thm_init thm_cfg_sav = !themis ;Build the widget master = widget_base(/col, $ title = 'THEMIS Science Software: Configuration', $ /align_top) ;widget base for values to set vmaster = widget_base(master, /col, /align_left) vlabel = widget_label(vmaster, value = 'Configuration Settings') ;Widget base for save, reset and exit buttons bmaster = widget_base(master, /row, /align_left) ll = max(strlen([!themis.local_data_dir, !themis.remote_data_dir]))+12 ;Now editable text widgets lbase = widget_base(vmaster, /row, /align_left) localdir = widget_text(lbase, /edit, /all_events, xsiz = ll, $ uval = 'LOCALDIR', val = !themis.local_data_dir) flabel = widget_label(lbase, value = 'Local data directory') rbase = widget_base(vmaster, /row, /align_left) remotedir = widget_text(rbase, /edit, /all_events, xsiz = ll, $ uval = 'REMOTEDIR', val = !themis.remote_data_dir) flabel = widget_label(rbase, value = 'Remote data directory') ndbase = widget_base(vmaster, /row, /align_left) nodownload = widget_text(ndbase, /edit, /all_events, xsiz = 10, $ uval = 'NODOWNLOAD', val = string(!themis.no_download)) flabel = widget_label(ndbase, value = 'no_download: 0 for auto download, 1 to use local data only') nubase = widget_base(vmaster, /row, /align_left) noupdate = widget_text(nubase, /edit, /all_events, xsiz = 10, $ uval = 'NOUPDATE', val = string(!themis.no_update)) flabel = widget_label(nubase, value = 'no_update: 0 - update files if newer on server, 1 - never overwrite local files') dwbase = widget_base(vmaster, /row, /align_left) downloadonly = widget_text(dwbase, /edit, /all_events, xsiz = 10, $ uval = 'DOWNLOADONLY', val = string(!themis.downloadonly)) flabel = widget_label(dwbase, value = 'downloadonly: 0 to download and load data, 1 to only download') vbbase = widget_base(vmaster, /row, /align_left) verbose = widget_text(vbbase, /edit, /all_events, xsiz = 10, $ uval = 'VERBOSE', val = string(!themis.verbose)) flabel = widget_label(vbbase, value = 'Verbose: from 0 to 10, higher value = more comments') ;buttons savebut = widget_button(bmaster, value = ' Save ', uvalue = 'SAVE') resetbut = widget_button(bmaster, value = ' Reset ', uvalue = 'RESET') reset_to_dbutton = widget_button(bmaster, value = ' Reset to Default ', uvalue = 'RESETTODEFAULT') exitbut = widget_button(bmaster, value = ' Close ', uvalue = 'EXIT') ;message widget messw = widget_text(master, value = '', xsize = ll, ysize = 1, /scroll) state = {thm_cfg_sav:thm_cfg_sav, $ localdir:localdir, remotedir:remotedir, $ nodownload:nodownload, noupdate:noupdate, $ downloadonly:downloadonly, verbose:verbose, $ messw:messw} widget_control, master, set_uval = state, /no_copy widget_control, master, /realize xmanager, 'thm_ui_config', master, /no_block End