;+ ;NAME: ; thm_ui_check4spin ;PURPOSE: ; given a THEMIS tplot variable name, check to see if spin period and ; phase exist, for coordinate transformations, If they do not, load ; the state data for the appropriate time period ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; thm_ui_check4spin, vname, vname_spin1, vname_spin2, history_out ;INPUT: ; vname = tplot variable name ;OUTPUT: ; vname_spin1 = the tplot variable containing the spin period. or ; spinras ; vname_spin2 = the tplot variable containing the spin phase or ; spindec ; history_out = a history string, if data needs loading ;KEYWORDS: ; rasdec = if set, return the variables for spinras, and spindec used ; for dsl <-> gse tranformations ;HISTORY: ; 26-feb-2007, jmm, jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu ;$LastChangedBy$ ;$LastChangedDate$ ;$LastChangedRevision$ ;$URL$ ; ;- Pro thm_ui_check4spin, vname, vname_spin1, vname_spin2, history_out, $ rasdec = rasdec, probe_in = probe_in, $ trange = trange, progobj = progobj, _extra = _extra @tplot_com If(keyword_set(probe_in)) Then probe = probe_in $ Else probe = strmid(vname, 2, 1) ;set getspin to zero if there is data for this probe and time_range getspin = 1b ;Check for spin data all_names = tnames() If(keyword_set(rasdec)) Then Begin var1 = '_spinras' var2 = '_spindec' Endif Else Begin var1 = '_spinper' var2 = '_spinphase' Endelse ok1 = where(all_names Eq 'th'+probe+var1) ok2 = where(all_names Eq 'th'+probe+var2) If(keyword_set(trange)) Then tj = time_double(trange) Else Begin data_ssj = where(data_quants.name Eq vname) tj = data_quants[data_ssj].trange Endelse If(ok1[0] Ne -1) And (ok2[0] Ne -1) Then Begin ;check for time ranges tper = data_quants[ok1[0]+1].trange tphase = data_quants[ok2[0]+1].trange If(tj[0] Ge tper[0] And tj[1] Le tper[1] And $ tj[0] Ge tphase[0] And tj[1] Le tphase[1]) Then getspin = 0b Endif If(getspin) Then Begin If(obj_valid(progobj)) Then progobj -> update, 0.0, $ text = 'Loading State data for Calibration, Probe: '+probe thm_load_state, probe = probe, /get_support_data, trange = tj tj = time_string(tj) ;for history history_out = 'thm_load_state, probe = '+''''+probe+''''+$ ', trange = ['+''''+tj[0]+''''+', '+''''+tj[1]+''''+$ '], /get_support_data' If(obj_valid(progobj)) Then progobj -> update, 0.0, $ text = 'FInished Loading State data for Calibration, Probe: '+probe Endif Else history_out = '' all_names = tnames() ok1 = where(all_names Eq 'th'+probe+var1) ok2 = where(all_names Eq 'th'+probe+var2) If(ok1[0] Eq -1) Then vname_spin1 = '' $ Else vname_spin1 = 'th'+probe+var1 If(ok2[0] Eq -1) Then vname_spin2 = '' $ Else vname_spin2 = 'th'+probe+var2 Return End