;+ ;PROCEDURE: thm_file_download ;PURPOSE: This is a general purpose routine will download all THEMIS data files within ; a given time range. ; It looks for all procedures that match: "thm_load_*.pro" and executes them with the /DOWNLOADONLY keyword set. ; ; Warning - This is a BETA routine and may be deleted in a future release. ;- pro thm_file_download libs,'thm_load_*',routine_names=rtns resolve_routine,rtns,/no_recompile for i=0,n_elements(rtns)-1 do begin proc_info = routine_info(rtns[i],/parameters) if proc_info.num_kw_args eq 0 then continue if total(/pres,strmatch(proc_info.kw_args,'DOWNLOADONLY')) gt 0 then begin if total(/pres,strmatch(proc_info.kw_args,'SITE')) gt 0 then begin message,/info,'Executing: "'+rtns[i]+'"' call_procedure, rtns[i],SITE='all', /downloadonly endif else if $ total(/pres,strmatch(proc_info.kw_args, 'PROBE')) gt 0 then begin message,/info,'Executing: "'+rtns[i]+'"' call_procedure, rtns[i],PROBE='all', /downloadonly endif endif endfor end