THEMIS Science Help Request Form thm_sci_help_request_xxxx (xxxx number will be sent back to you) Date Submitted: _________ Request Type: __ (C-Comment, O-Observation, P-Problem, Q-Question) Category: ___________ (Data, Document, Download, Gui, Instrument, Plot, Software, Web Content, Other, Not Sure) Title: ___________________________________________________ Requestor Info: Name: ________________________ Office Phone: _____________ Email: ________________________ Help Request Details (fill in as much as you can): If a Problem or Observation: Date Occurred: _________ Operating System _______ (e.g. Linux, Unix, Windows) CDF Version ____ Version of Software _____ Version of IDL____ Detail Description of Comment, Observation, Problem or Question: (if applicable, please include IDL error messages, crib sheet or lines of code used to run and if using the GUI the History File) ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Please email any supportive materials that would help in researching your request with the Help Request Title above in the subject line. Thanks so much, THEMIS Science Support Team