;+ ;PROCEDURE sphere_to_cart,r,theta,phi, x,y,z ;PURPOSE: transform from spherical to cartesian coordinates ;INPUTS: r, theta, phi (array or scaler) ;OUTPUTS: x, y, z (will have the same dimensions as r,theta,phi) ;KEYWORD OUTPUT: ; VEC: a named variable in which the vector [x,y,z] is returned ; ;CREATED BY: Davin Larson ;LAST MODIFICATION: @(#)sphere_to_cart.pro 1.6 02/11/01 ; ;NOTES: ; -90 < theta < 90 (latitude not co-lat) ;- pro sphere_to_cart,r,theta,phi, x, y, z,vec = vec c = cos(!dpi/180.*theta) x = c * cos(!dpi/180.*phi) * r y = c * sin(!dpi/180.*phi) * r z = sin(!dpi/180.*theta) * r vec = [[x],[y],[z]] return end