;+ ;PROCEDURE: spec3d,data ; Plots 3d data as energy spectra. ;INPUTS: ; data - structure containing 3d data (obtained from get_??() routine) ; e.g. "get_el" ;KEYWORDS: ; LIMITS - A structure containing limits and display options. ; see: "options", "xlim" and "ylim", to change limits ; UNITS - convert to given data units before plotting ; COLOR - array of colors to be used for each bin ; BINS - array of bins to be plotted (see "edit3dbins" to change) ; OVERPLOT - Overplots last plot if set. ; LABEL - Puts bin labels on the plot if set. ; ;See "plot3d" for another means of plotting data. ;See "conv_units" to change units. ;See "time_stamp" to turn time stamping on and off. ; ; ;CREATED BY: Davin Larson June 1995 ;FILE: spec3d.pro ;VERSION 1.25 ;LAST MODIFICATION: 02/04/17 ;- pro spec3d,tempdat, $ LIMITS = limits, $ UNITS = units, $ ; obsolete. Use units function COLOR = col, $ BDIR = bdir, $ PHI = phi, $ THETA = theta, $ PITCHANGLE = pang, $ VECTOR = vec, $ SUNDIR = sundir, $ a_color = a_color, $ LABEL = label, $ xdat = xdat, $ ydat = ydat, $ dydat = dydat, $ BINS = bins, $ VELOCITY = vel, $ OVERPLOT = oplot ;@wind_com.pro if size(/type,tempdat) ne 8 or tempdat.valid eq 0 then begin print,'Invalid Data' return endif a_color='' str_element,limits,'a_color',a_color case strlowcase(strmid(a_color,0,2)) of 'pi': pang=1 'su': sundir=1 'th': theta=1 'ph': phi=1 else: endcase str_element,limits,'pitchangle',value=pang str_element,limits,'sundir',value=sundir str_element,limits,'thetadir',value=theta str_element,limits,'units',value=units data3d = conv_units(tempdat,units) str_element,limits,'color',value=col nb = data3d.nbins title = data3d.project_name+' '+data3d.data_name title = title+'!C'+trange_str(data3d.time,data3d.end_time) ytitle = units_string(data3d.units_name) ydat = data3d.data str_element,limits,'velocity',value=vel if keyword_set(vel) then begin xdat = velocity(data3d.energy,data3d.mass) xtitle = "Velocity' (km/s)" endif else begin xdat = data3d.energy xtitle = 'Energy (eV)' endelse ;print,minmax(xdat) str_element,limits,'bins',bins if keyword_set(phi) then begin phi = reform(data3d.phi(0,*)) ; col = bytescale(phi,range=[-180.,180.]) col = bytescale(phi);,range=[-180.,180.]) endif if keyword_set(theta) then begin theta = reform(data3d.theta(0,*)) ; average theta ; col = bytescale(theta,range=[-90.,90.]) col = bytescale(theta);,range=[-90.,90.]) endif if keyword_set(pang) then str_element,data3d,'magf',vec if keyword_set(sundir) then vec = [-1.,0.,0.] if keyword_set(vec) then begin phi = average(data3d.phi,1,/nan) ; average phi theta = average(data3d.theta,1,/nan) ; average theta xyz_to_polar,vec,theta=bth,phi=bph p = pangle(theta,phi,bth,bph) col = bytescale(p,range=[0.,180.]) endif if keyword_set(col) then shades = col if keyword_set(label) then labels = strcompress(indgen(nb)) if not keyword_set(bins) then bins = replicate(1b,nb) plot={title:title, $ xtitle:xtitle,x:xdat,xlog:1, $ ytitle:ytitle,y:ydat,ylog:1,bins:bins } str_element,data3d,'ddata',value =dydat str_element,plot,'dy',dydat,/add ;wi,lim=limits mplot,data=plot,COLORS=shades,limits=limits,LABELS=labels,OVERPLOT=oplot time_stamp end