;+ ;PROGRAM: get_bsn2,PNAME=pname,BNAME=bname,VNAME=vname,BOW=bow, ; intpos=intpos ; ;INPUT OPTIONS ; pname: string, Name of orbital position structure ; Default is 'wi_pos' ; bname: string, Name of magnetic field structure ; Default is 'wi_B3' ; vname: string, Name of solar wind velocity structure ; Default is 'wi_pm_Vp' ; bow: structure Bow Shock parameters ; Default bow={standoff:23.5,eccentricity:1.15,x_offset:3.0} ;PURPOSE: ; Generates tplot structures for intersection of Bow Shock and s/c B-field line. ; Generates the following structures: ; th_bn: the angle (in degrees) between shock normal and the ; field line that passes through the spacecraft ; l1: the distance along the field line to the shock ; l2: the distance from a point that is missdist from the ; spacecraft in x to the tangent point ; d,m: the distance along x from the spacecraft to a point ; where the B field line would be tangent to the ; bow shock. A positive d means that the field ; line has already intersected the shock. A positive ; m indicates that the field line has not yet intersected ; the shock. ; All distances are in Re. l1 and l2 are negative if the field line is ; anti-parallel to the vector connecting the spacecraft and the point ; of field line intersection. ;OPTIONAL OUTPUT: ; intpos: array of position vectors giving points where bow shock ; intersects B field line that passes through spacecraft ;CREATED BY: ; P.Schroeder ;LAST MODIFICATION: ; @(#)get_bsn2.pro 1.5 02/04/17 ;- pro get_bsn2,PNAME=pname,BNAME=bname,VNAME=vname,BOW=bow,intpos=intpos if not keyword_set(pname) then pname='wi_pos' if not keyword_set(bname) then bname='wi_B3' ;if not keyword_set(vel) then vel=3.e5 if not keyword_set(vname) then vname='wi_pm_Vp' if keyword_set(bow) then begin if data_type(bow) ne 8 then $ bow={standoff:23.5,eccentricity:1.15,x_offset:3.0} endif else begin bow={standoff:23.5,eccentricity:1.15,x_offset:3.0} endelse get_data,bname,data=bfld pos=data_cut(pname,bfld.x) vp=data_cut(vname,bfld.x) px=pos(*,0) py=pos(*,1) pz=pos(*,2) bx=bfld.y(*,0) by=bfld.y(*,1) bz=bfld.y(*,2) vx=vp(*,0) vy=vp(*,1) vz=vp(*,2) vmag = sqrt(vx^2+vy^2+vz^2) bsnarr = cal_bsn2(px,py,pz,bx,by,bz,vmag,bow=bow) intpos = bsnarr.intpos str_element,/add,bsnarr,'time',bfld.x nam='bsn' store_data,nam,data=bsnarr str_th_bn = {ytitle:"!4h!X!DBn!U",max_value:1.e19,yrange:[0.,180.],ystyle:1,misc:bow} store_data,nam+'.TH_BN',dlim=str_th_bn str_l = {ytitle:"L",max_value:1.e19,yrange:[-200.,200.],misc:bow} store_data,nam+'.L',dlim=str_l str_lc = {ytitle:"LC",max_value:1.e19,yrange:[-200.,200.],misc:bow} store_data,nam+'.LC',dlim=str_lc str_lm = {ytitle:"LM",max_value:1.e19,yrange:[-200.,200.],misc:bow} store_data,nam+'.LM',dlim=str_lm str_d = {ytitle:"D",max_value:1.e19,yrange:[0.,200.],misc:bow} store_data,nam+'.D',dlim=str_d str_m = {ytitle:"M",max_value:1.e19,yrange:[0.,200.],misc:bow} store_data,nam+'.M',dlim=str_m str_vc = {ytitle:"Vc",max_value:1.e19,yrange:[-20000.,20000.],misc:bow} store_data,nam+'.VC',dlim=str_vc str_intpos = {ytitle:"Intpos",max_value:1.e19,misc:bow} store_data,nam+'.INTPOS',dlim=str_intpos str_intpos = {ytitle:"normal",max_value:1.e19,misc:bow} str_normal = {ytitle:"norm",misc:bow} store_data,nam+'.NORMAL',dlim=str_normal print,'number of points = ',n_elements(bfld.x) return end