;+ ;PROCEDURE: thm_time_check.pro ;PURPOSE: prints information about gaps between timestamps in cdf files ;INPUT: ; dir: The directory in which to search for cdfs ; out: the output directory for the limit files ; LIM: reassign the limit if you want it is a 2 element array ; MNEM: optional regex to filter timestamp mnems ;KEYWORDS: ; none ; ;COMMENTS: Will check all timestamps for all cdfs in the directory and ;output a seperate file for each type of timestamp. ;File format is: ;timestamp1 timestamp2 gap_size record_number ; ;currently it signals a gap if a gap is over 180 seconds or negative ; ;EXAMPLE: thm_time_check,'/','/dev/null' ; ;CREATED BY: Patrick Cruce (pcruce@gmail.com) ;- ;+ ;SUB-FUNCTION: thm_variable_defined ;PURPOSE: checks to see if a variable is defined in a given cdf file ;INPUT: ; file: the name of the file ; mnem: the name of the mnem ;OUTPUT: ; returns 1 if yes 0 if no ;KEYWORDS: ; none ; ;EXAMPLE: b=thm_variable_defined('filename','variable') ; ;CREATED BY: Patrick Cruce (pcruce@gmail.com) ;- function thm_variable_defined, file, mnem id = cdf_open(file) cdf_in = cdf_info(id) cdf_close, id ;print, cdf_in.nv ;print, cdf_in.vars[125].name ;iterate over variables for i = 0, cdf_in.nv-1 do begin ;print,cdf_in.vars[i-1].name if cdf_in.vars[i].name eq mnem && cdf_in.vars[i].numrec gt 1 then begin ;print,cdf_in.vars[i].name, i, cdf_in.vars[i].numrec return, 1 endif endfor return, 0 end ;+ ;SUB-FUNCTION: thm_union ;PURPOSE: returns the union of two arrays,elements returned sorted ; runs in O(nlogn) ; ;INPUT: ; a:the first array ; b:the second array ;KEYWORDS: ; none ; ;EXAMPLE: c = thm_union(a,b) ; ;CREATED BY: Patrick Cruce (pcruce@gmail.com) ;- function thm_union, a, b ;alg is O(n^2) without sort, but ;O(nlogn) with sort(assuming efficient sort) c = [a, b] c = c[sort(c)] ;omg this is soooo cool, it eliminates all non-unique elements d = c(where(c ne shift(c, 1))) ;iterate through elements of c ;for i = 1, N_ELEMENTS(c)-1 do begin ;only copy unique elements ; if d[N_ELEMENTS(d)-1] ne c[i] then d = [d, c[i]] ;I'm very suspicious of the efficiency ;of d=[d,c[i]] this would be best done ;with a stack push or a linked list ;I think I'm going to write a vector "class" ;endfor return, d end ;+ ;SUB-FUNCTION: thm_discrete_derivative ;PURPOSE: takes a length n array and returns a length n-1 array with ;each element of the return array representing the ith-(i-1th) element ;of that array ;INPUT: ; a = the array on which the check is done ; b = name var to return result in ;KEYWORDS: ; none ; ;EXAMPLE: thm_discrete_derivative,a,b ; ;CREATED BY: Patrick Cruce (cruce@gmail.com) ;- pro thm_discrete_derivative, a, b n = n_elements(a) if n gt 1 then begin b = double(indgen(n-1)) for i = 1L, (n-1) do begin b[i-1] = a[i]-a[i-1] endfor endif else begin b = a endelse end ;+ ;SUB-PROCEDURE: thm_write_derivative_limits ;PURPOSE: takes the discrete derivative of a 1-d input array, and ;writes an entry to a specified file whenever that derivative is out ;of range ; output format is: ; v e1 e2 d i ; where: ; v= -1 if d le lim[0] and 1 if d gt lim[1] ; e1 = the preceding element to the boundary violation ; e2 = the following element ; d = e2-e1 or the difference that generated the violation ; i = the approximate record entry where the violation occurred ;INPUT: ; file: the file to be written ; a: the array to be analysed ; lim: 2-element array with format [low,high] representing interval [low,high) ;KEYWORDS: ; none ; ;EXAMPLE: thm_write_derivative_limits,file,a,lim ; ;CREATED BY: Patrick Cruce (pcruce@gmail.com) ;- pro thm_write_derivative_limits, file, a, lim get_lun, lun openw, lun, file, /APPEND thm_discrete_derivative, a, b for i = 0L, (N_ELEMENTS(b)-1) do begin ;used to behave differently, now the ;same thing could be accomplished with ;an or if b[i] lt lim[0] then begin printf, lun, a[i], a[i+1], b[i],i endif else if b[i] ge lim[1] then begin printf, lun, a[i], a[i+1], b[i],i endif endfor close, lun free_lun, lun end ;+ ;SUB-PROCEDURE: thm_get_mnem_file ;PURPOSE: gets every value of a 1-d mnemonic from a file ;INPUT: ; filename: The name of the file from which the values should be ; acquired ; mnem: the mnem from which the values should be acquired ; a: the named var in which values should be stored ; ;KEYWORDS: ; none ; ;EXAMPLE: thm_get_mnem_file,'filename','mnem',a ; ;CREATED BY: Patrick Cruce (pcruce@gmail.com) ;- pro thm_get_mnem_file, filename, mnem, a ;open cdf file id=cdf_open(filename) ;calls cdf_info.pro from $IDL_BASE_DIR/ssl_general/CDF/ to get cdf info in = cdf_info(id) ;iterate over variables for i = 1, in.nv do begin ;if its a time variable if stregex(in.vars[i-1].name, mnem, /BOOLEAN) && in.vars[i-1].numrec gt 0 then begin ;print the variable in question ;print, in.vars[i-1].name, i-1, in.vars[i-1].numrec ;get the values cdf_varget, id, in.vars[i-1].name, a, REC_COUNT = in.vars[i-1].numrec, /ZVARIABLE endif endfor cdf_close, id end ;+ ;SUB-PROCEDURE: thm_time_list ;PURPOSE: lists the timestamp mnemonics for in a cdf file ;INPUT: ; filename: The name of the file to be checked, or no filename to ; get dialog ; in: a named var to return the array of time names in ;KEYWORDS: ; none ; ;EXAMPLE: thm_time_list,'filename' ; ;CREATED BY: Patrick Cruce (pcruce@gmail.com) ;- pro thm_time_list, filename, in ;cdf open is part of the standard idl cdf interface id=cdf_open(filename) ;calls cdf_info.pro from $IDL_BASE_DIR/ssl_general/CDF/ to get cdf info cdf_in = cdf_info(id) in = [''] ;iterate over variables for i = 1, cdf_in.nv do begin ;if its a time variable if stregex(cdf_in.vars[i-1].name, '.*_time', /BOOLEAN) && cdf_in.vars[i-1].numrec gt 0 then begin ;concatenate the variable in question ;print, cdf_in.vars[i-1].name, i-1, cdf_in.vars[i-1].numrec] in = [in, cdf_in.vars[i-1].name] ;functionality below removed to turn time_check into time_list ;get the values ;cdf_varget, id, in.vars[i-1].name, values, REC_COUNT = in.vars[i-1].numrec, /ZVARIABLE ;calculate the change from one element to the next ;discrete_derivative, values, values_d ;print, 'Got Values Plotting' ;plot them ;plot, values_d ;print, 'Plotted Press .C to continue' ;stop endif endfor cdf_close, id end ;+ ;SUB-PROCEDURE: thm_write_lims_dir ;PURPOSE: searches all the cdfs in a directory and writes the ;results of a limit check over the discrete derivative of the ;specified mnem in a file ;INPUT: ; dir: The directory in which to search for cdfs ; mnem: the mnemonic to be acquired ; lim: a 2-element array specifying the required limits ; out: the output directory for the limit file ;KEYWORDS: ; none ; ;EXAMPLE: thm_write_lims_dir,'in_directory','out_directory','mnem_name',[0.0,1.0] ; ;CREATED BY: Patrick Cruce (pcruce@gmail.com) ;- pro thm_write_lims_dir, dir, mnem, lim, out ;get a list of cdfs to search s = file_search(dir+'/*.cdf') ;no empty arrays wtf? a = [0] ;iterate over files for i = 0, (N_ELEMENTS(s)-1) do begin print,s[i] if thm_variable_defined(s[i], mnem) then begin ;get the values from a given file thm_get_mnem_file, s[i], mnem, v ;the reform function removes the the dimension of size 1 so dims match v = reform(v) ;concatenate b = [a, v] thm_discrete_derivative, b, c spl = strsplit(s[i], '/', /EXTRACT) thm_write_derivative_limits, out+'/'+mnem+'.lim', b, lim a = v[N_ELEMENTS(v)-1] endif endfor end ;+ ;SUB-PROCEDURE: thm_time_list_dir ;PURPOSE: lists the union of timestamp mnemonics for all cdfs in a directory ;INPUT: ; list: a list of files to be searched ; in: a named var to return the array of time names in ;KEYWORDS: ; none ; ;EXAMPLE: thm_time_list_dir,'dirname' ; ;CREATED BY: Patrick Cruce (pcruce@gmail.com) ;- pro thm_time_list_dir, list, in thm_time_list, list[0], in for i = 1, N_ELEMENTS(list)-1 do begin thm_time_list, list[i], out in = thm_union(in, out) endfor end pro thm_time_check, dir, out, LIM = lim, MNEM = mnem s = file_search(dir+'/*.cdf') thm_time_list_dir, s, a if(not keyword_set(lim)) then lim = [0, 1500.0] if(not keyword_set(mnem)) then mnem = '.*' print, 'Limit: '+ lim for i = 1,(n_elements(a)-1 ) do begin if(stregex(a[i], mnem, /BOOLEAN)) then begin print, 'Mnem:'+a[i] thm_write_lims_dir, dir, a[i], lim, out endif endfor end