;+ ;FUNCTION: PTRACE() ;PURPOSE: Returns a string that provides the current program location. ;KEYWORDS: ; OPTION: The value of the option is retained in a common block ; OPTION=0 : returns null string ; OPTION=1 : returns highest level routine name. ; OPTION=2 : returns highest level routine name (indented). ; OPTION=3 : returns all levels ; ;Usage: Generally useful for debugging code and following code execution. ;Example: ; if keyword_set(verbose) then print,ptrace(),'X=',x ; ;Written: Jan 2007, D. Larson ;- function ptrace,option=option,sublevel=sublevel,dtime=dtime,str common ptrace_com2,display_option,lasttime ,prefix if n_elements(dtime) ne 0 then lasttime= keyword_set(dtime) ? systime(1) : 0 if n_elements(option) ne 0 then display_option = option if n_elements(display_option) eq 0 then display_option = 1 if n_elements(prefix) eq 0 then prefix='' if display_option eq 0 then return,'' stack = scope_traceback(/structure) level = n_elements(stack)-1 if keyword_set(sublevel) then level -= sublevel level = level > 1 stack = stack[0:level-1] rnames=stack.routine + string(stack.line,format='("(",i0,"): ")') case display_option of 0: rnames[*] = '' 1: if level ge 2 then rnames[0:level-2] = '' 2: if level ge 2 then rnames[0:level-2] = ' ' else: endcase res = prefix+strjoin(rnames) if keyword_set(lasttime) then begin newtime=systime(1) res = string(format='(f6.3,": ")',newtime-lasttime)+res lasttime = newtime endif if keyword_set(str) then res = str+res return,res end