This page was created by the IDL library routine
Last modified: Thu Sep 27 14:05:48 2007.
Please note this routine is still in development CDF2TPLOT ,files,varnames=varnames,all=all record=record if only one record and not full cdf-file is requested $LastChangedBy: davin-win $ $LastChangedDate: 2007-06-08 06:46:50 -0700 (Fri, 08 Jun 2007) $ $LastChangedRevision: 766 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See ssl_general/CDF/
NAME: cdf_info FUNCTION: cdf_info(id) PURPOSE: Returns a structure with useful information about a CDF file. In particular the number of file records is returned in this structure. INPUT: id: CDF file ID. CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFIED: @(#) 1.9 02/11/01 $LastChangedBy: davin-win $ $LastChangedDate: 2007-03-21 09:24:16 -0700 (Wed, 21 Mar 2007) $ $LastChangedRevision: 489 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See ssl_general/CDF/
This is a new routine that needs further testing, development, and enhancements. PROCEDURE: cdf2tplot, cdfi Purpose: Creates TPLOT variables from a CDF structure (obtained from "CDF_LOAD_VAR") This routine will only work well if the underlying CDF file follows the SPDF standard. Written by Davin Larson $LastChangedBy: kenb-mac $ $LastChangedDate: 2007-07-03 09:12:36 -0700 (Tue, 03 Jul 2007) $ $LastChangedRevision: 988 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See ssl_general/CDF/
FUNCTION cdfi = cdf_load_vars(file) Keywords: VARFORMAT = string or string array: a string or string array (which may contain wildcard characters) that specifies the CDF variable names to load. Use 'VARFORMAT='*' to load all variables. VARNAMES = named variable ;output variable for variable names that were loaded. SPDF_DEPENDENCIES : Set to 1 to have SPDF defined dependent variables also loaded. VAR_TYPE = string or string array; Variables that have a VAR_TYPE matching these strings will be loaded. CONVERT_INT1_TO_INT2 Set this keyword to convert signed one byte to signed 2 byte integers. This is useful because IDL does not have the equivalent of INT1 (bytes are unsigned) $LastChangedBy:davin-win $ $LastChangedDate:2007-04-20 00:50:40 -0700 (Fri, 20 Apr 2007) $ $LastChangedRevision:597 $ $URL:svn+ssh:// $
(See ssl_general/CDF/
FUNCTION: dummy = cdf_save_vars(cdf_structure,new_cdf_name) PURPOSE: To dump data and metadata from an IDL structure into a CDF file. The structure format is the structure produced by INPUTS: cdf_structure : IDL structure defined by new_cdf_name : a string to name the new CDF file with OUTPUTS: CDF file named by the new_cdf_name input EXAMPLE: dummy = cdf_save_vars(cdfi,'newcdf.cdf') Written by: Matt Davis Note: To use this routine you must have the CDF_EPOCH/CDF_EPOCH16 bug patch on your IDL6.3 and if you are using Solaris you need to be in 32-bit mode NOT 64-bit (ie, idl -32)
(See ssl_general/CDF/
NAME: cdf_set_cdf27 SYNTAX: cdf_set_cdf27 [, /yes | /no] PURPOSE: Call CDF_SET_CDF27_BACKWARD_COMPATIBLE but don't bomb unnecessarily when run on an (unpatched) pre-IDL 6.3, pre-CDF 3.1 installation of IDL. VERSION: $LastChangedBy: kenb-mac $ $LastChangedDate: 2006-12-13 11:21:07 -0800 (Wed, 13 Dec 2006) $ $LastChangedRevision: 88 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See ssl_general/CDF/
NAME: cdf_var_atts FUNCTION: cdf_var_atts(id [,var[,attname]]) PURPOSE: Returns a structure that contains all the attributes of a variable within a CDF file. If attname is provided then it returns the value of only that attribute. KEYWORDS: DEFAULT: The default value of the attribute. ATTRIBUTES=att A named variable that returns an array of structures containing attribute info if this variable is passed in on subsequent calls to cdf_var_atts it can significantly improve performance. OBSOLETE!!! USAGE: atts = cdf_var_atts(file) ; returns structure containing all global attributes atts = cdf_var_atts(file INPUT: id: CDF file ID or filename. var; CDF variable name or number attname: CDF attribute name CREATED BY: Davin Larson $LastChangedBy: davin-win $ $LastChangedDate: 2007-06-08 06:46:50 -0700 (Fri, 08 Jun 2007) $ $LastChangedRevision: 766 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See ssl_general/CDF/
NAME: make_cdf_index PROCEDURE: make_cdf_index, [pattern] PURPOSE: Creates an index file for CDF files. The index file will have one line for each CDF file found. Each line contains the start time, end time and filename with the following format: YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss fullpathname.cdf CDF files may be distributed over many directories or disks. INPUT: pattern: (string) file pattern, default is: '*.cdf' KEYWORDS: DATA_DIREC (string) data directory(s) INDEX_FILENAME: (string) Name of index file to be created. NO_DUPLICATES: Set to 1 if duplicate days are to be ignored. SEE ALSO: "makecdf","loadcdf","loadcdfstr","loadallcdf", CREATED BY: Davin Larson, August 1996 VERSION: 02/04/17 1.5
(See ssl_general/CDF/
PROCEDURE: print_cdf_info PURPOSE: prints information about a specified cdf file INPUT: filename: The name of the file for which info is desired. KEYWORDS: none CREATED BY: D. Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.13 02/11/01
(See ssl_general/CDF/