;+------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; NAME: PLOT_WIND_MAP ; PURPOSE: To plot the map image data given in the input parameter astruct. ; Can plot as "thumbnails" or single frames. ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; out = plot_map_images(astruct,vname) ; INPUTS: ; astruct = structure returned by the read_mycdf procedure. ; vname = name of the variable in the structure to plot ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; THUMBSIZE = size (pixels) of thumbnails ; FRAME = individual frame to plot ; XSIZE = x size of plotting window, single frame or thumbnails: 512 is default ; YSIZE = for thumbnails: calculated based on the number of images to plot. ; for single frames: 512 is default ; GIF = name of gif file to send output to ; REPORT = name of report file to send output to ; TSTART = time of frame to begin mapping, default = first frame ; TSTOP = time of frame to stop mapping, default = last frame ; CDAWEB = being run in cdaweb context, nothing happens. yet. ; DEBUG = if set, turns on additional debug output. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; out = status flag, 0=0k, -1 = problem occured. ; AUTHOR: ; Rita Johnson 12/2004. Based on plot_map_images.pro ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION plot_wind_map, astruct, vname, $ THUMBSIZE=THUMBSIZE, FRAME=FRAME, $ XSIZE=XSIZE, YSIZE=YSIZE,$ GIF=GIF, REPORT=REPORT,$ TSTART=TSTART,TSTOP=TSTOP,MYSCALE=MYSCALE,$ XY_STEP=XY_STEP, $ CDAWEB=CDAWEB,DEBUG=DEBUG ;print,'In plot_wind_map' ; Determine the field number associated with the variable 'vname' w = where(tag_names(astruct) eq strupcase(vname)) if (w[0] eq -1) then begin print,'ERROR=No variable with the name:',vname,' in param 1!' & return,-1 endif else vnum = w[0] if keyword_set(REPORT) then reportflag=1 else reportflag=0 ; Verify the type of the first parameter and retrieve the data a = size(astruct.(vnum)) if (a(n_elements(a)-2) ne 8) then begin print,'ERROR= 1st parameter to plot_wind_map not a structure' & return,-1 endif else begin a = tagindex('DAT',tag_names(astruct.(vnum))) if (a(0) ne -1) then idat = astruct.(vnum).DAT $ else begin a = tagindex('HANDLE',tag_names(astruct.(vnum))) if (a(0) ne -1) then handle_value,astruct.(vnum).HANDLE,idat $ else begin print,'ERROR= 1st parameter does not have DAT or HANDLE tag' & return,-1 endelse endelse endelse ; Retrieve more data (latpass, lonpass) ;lat = tagindex('COMPONENT_2',tag_names(astruct.(vnum))) ;if (lat(0) ne -1) then lat=where(tag_names(astruct) eq strupcase(astruct.(vnum).component_2)) ;lat=lat[0] ;;print,lat,tag_names(astruct),astruct.(vnum).component_2 ;lat1 = tagindex('DAT',tag_names(astruct.(lat))) ;if (lat1(0) ne -1) then latpass = astruct.(lat).DAT $ ;else begin ; lat1 = tagindex('HANDLE',tag_names(astruct.(lat))) ; if (lat1(0) ne -1) then handle_value,astruct.(lat).HANDLE,latpass $ ; else begin ; print,'ERROR= Latpass does not have DAT or HANDLE tag' & return,-1 ; endelse ;endelse ;lon = tagindex('COMPONENT_3',tag_names(astruct.(vnum))) ;if (lon(0) ne -1) then lon=where(tag_names(astruct) eq strupcase(astruct.(vnum).component_3)) ;lon=lon[0] ;lon1 = tagindex('DAT',tag_names(astruct.(lon))) ;if (lon1(0) ne -1) then lonpass = astruct.(lon).DAT $ ;else begin ; lon1 = tagindex('HANDLE',tag_names(astruct.(lon))) ; if (lon1(0) ne -1) then handle_value,astruct.(lon).HANDLE,lonpass $ ; else begin ; print,'ERROR= Lonpass does not have DAT or HANDLE tag' & return,-1 ; endelse ;endelse ; Get pass epochs. ;elon = tagindex('DEPEND_0',tag_names(astruct.(lon))) ;if (elon(0) ne -1) then elon=where(tag_names(astruct) eq strupcase(astruct.(lon).depend_0)) ;elon=elon[0] ;elon1 = tagindex('DAT',tag_names(astruct.(elon))) ;if (elon1(0) ne -1) then edatpass = astruct.(elon).DAT $ ;else begin ; elon1 = tagindex('HANDLE',tag_names(astruct.(elon))) ; if (elon1(0) ne -1) then handle_value,astruct.(elon).HANDLE,edatpass $ ; else begin ; print,'ERROR= Edatpass does not have DAT or HANDLE tag' & return,-1 ; endelse ;endelse ; Find & Parse DISPLAY_TYPE FOR ancillary map image variables (lat & lon) a = tagindex('DISPLAY_TYPE',tag_names(astruct.(vnum))) if(a(0) ne -1) then display= astruct.(vnum).DISPLAY_TYPE $ else begin print, 'ERROR= No DISPLAY_TYPE attribute for variable' endelse ; Parse DISPLAY_TYPE ipts=parse_display_type(display) keywords=str_sep(display,'>') ; keyword 1 or greater ; The DISPLAY_TYPE attribute may contain the THUMBSIZE RTB ; The THUMBSIZE must be followed by the size in pixels of the images wc=where(keywords eq 'THUMBSIZE') if(wc[0] ne -1) then THUMBSIZE = fix(keywords(wc(0)+1)) ;TJK 01/09/2004 - added map_proj into the syntax for the display_type ;Prompted by the arrival of TIMED data. Look for the value and then ;set the appropriate projection name wc=where(keywords eq 'MAP_PROJ') if(wc[0] ne -1) then map_proj = fix(keywords(wc(0)+1)) else $ map_proj = 8 ;default map projection proj_names =["", "stereographic projection","orthographic projection","lambertconic projection",$ "lambertazimuthal projection", "gnomic projection", "azimuthal equidistant projection",$ "satellite projection", "cylindrical equidistant projection", "mercator projection", $ "molleweide projection", "sinusoidal projection", "aitoff projection", "hammeraitoff projection", $ "albers equal area conic projection", "transverse mercator projection", $ "miller cylindrical projection", "robinson projection", "lambertconic ellipsoid projection", $ "goodes homolosine projection"] ; Based on the projection, set xs and ys. 512 is default if keyword_set(XSIZE) then xs=XSIZE else begin xs=512 ; Overwrite xs depending on the projection: if (map_proj eq 8) then xs=512 if (map_proj eq 14) then xs=512 endelse if keyword_set(YSIZE) then ys=YSIZE else begin ys=512 ; Overwrite ys depending on the projection: ; RCJ. It's useless to set this for the thumbnail page, ys is ; redefined based on boxsize and number of rows if (map_proj eq 8) then ys=350 if (map_proj eq 14) then ys=512 endelse tip = tagindex('PROJECT',tag_names(astruct.(vnum))) if (tip ne -1) then project=astruct.(vnum).project else project = ' ' if (project eq 'TIMED') then white_background = 1 ;TJK 3/15/2004 - add the capability to switch the background from black to ;white. Also have to switch for foreground color (one to be used for ;labeling and axes, etc.) if keyword_set(WHITE_BACKGROUND) then begin foreground = 2 white_background = 1 endif else begin foreground = !d.n_colors-1 white_background = 0 endelse ; Assign latitude variable a = tagindex(strtrim(ipts(0),2),tag_names(astruct)) if(a(0) ne -1) then begin a1=tagindex('DAT',tag_names(astruct.(a(0)))) if(a1(0) ne -1) then glat = astruct.(a(0)).DAT $ else begin a2 = tagindex('HANDLE',tag_names(astruct.(a(0)))) if (a2(0) ne -1) then handle_value,astruct.(a(0)).HANDLE,glat $ else begin print,'ERROR= 2nd parameter does not have DAT or HANDLE tag' return,-1 endelse endelse endif else begin print, 'ERROR= GLAT variable missing from structure in map image' return, -1 endelse ; Assign longitude variable a = tagindex(strtrim(ipts(1),2),tag_names(astruct)) if(a(0) ne -1) then begin a1=tagindex('DAT',tag_names(astruct.(a(0)))) if(a1(0) ne -1) then glon = astruct.(a(0)).DAT $ else begin a2 = tagindex('HANDLE',tag_names(astruct.(a(0)))) if (a2(0) ne -1) then handle_value,astruct.(a(0)).HANDLE,glon $ else begin print,'ERROR= 3rd parameter does not have DAT or HANDLE tag' return,-1 endelse endelse endif else begin print, 'ERROR= GLON variable missing from structure in map image' return, -1 endelse ; Determine which variable in the structure is the 'Epoch' data and retrieve it b = astruct.(vnum).DEPEND_0 c = tagindex(b(0),tag_names(astruct)) d = tagindex('DAT',tag_names(astruct.(c))) if (d(0) ne -1) then edat = astruct.(c).DAT $ else begin d = tagindex('HANDLE',tag_names(astruct.(c))) if (d(0) ne -1) then handle_value,astruct.(c).HANDLE,edat $ else begin print,'ERROR= Time parameter does not have DAT or HANDLE tag' & return,-1 endelse endelse ; Determine the title for the window or gif file a = tagindex('SOURCE_NAME',tag_names(astruct.(vnum))) ;if (a(0) ne -1) then b = astruct.(vnum).SOURCE_NAME else b = '' if (a(0) ne -1) then b = astruct.(vnum).SOURCE_NAME+', ' else b = '' a = tagindex('DESCRIPTOR',tag_names(astruct.(vnum))) ;if (a(0) ne -1) then b = b + ' ' + astruct.(vnum).DESCRIPTOR if (a(0) ne -1) then b = b + astruct.(vnum).DESCRIPTOR+', ' a = tagindex('DATA_TYPE',tag_names(astruct.(vnum))) if (a(0) ne -1) then begin type=strsplit(astruct.(vnum).DATA_TYPE,'>',/extract) if n_elements(type) eq 2 then b=b+type[1]+', ' ;b = b + ' ' + astruct.(vnum).DATA_TYPE ;d_type = strupcase(str_sep((astruct.(vnum).DATA_TYPE),'>')) endif a = tagindex('FIELDNAM',tag_names(astruct.(vnum))) ;if (a(0) ne -1) then window_title=(b = b + ' ' + astruct.(vnum).FIELDNAM) if (a(0) ne -1) then window_title=(b = b + astruct.(vnum).FIELDNAM) sedat=strarr(n_elements(edat)) for i=0L,n_elements(sedat)-1 do sedat(i)=strmid(decode_cdfepoch(edat(i)),8,2) ;TJK 1/26/2006 removed for Rita the "sort" portion, it was putting our data in ;the wrong order (across data boundaries) ;indices=uniq(sedat,sort(sedat)) ;indices=uniq(sedat) ; RCJ 01/27/2005 Changing this logic. ; indices will be an array generated by hand and contain a group number: group=0 indices=[0] for i=1L,n_elements(sedat)-1 do begin if sedat(i) ne sedat(i-1) then group=group+1 indices=[indices,group] endfor ; ;sedatpass=strarr(n_elements(edatpass)) ;for i=0L,n_elements(sedatpass)-1 do sedatpass(i)=strmid(decode_cdfepoch(edatpass(i)),8,2) ;indicespass=uniq(sedatpass,sort(sedatpass)) ;n_days=n_elements(indicespass) ;n_days=n_elements(indices) n_days=n_elements(sedat(uniq(sedat))) if (n_days eq 1) and (not keyword_set(frame)) then FRAME=1 ; idat_orig=idat glat_orig=glat glon_orig=glon ;latpass_orig=latpass ;lonpass_orig=lonpass if not keyword_set(myscale) then begin q=where(idat[0,*] ne astruct.(vnum).fillval) if q[0] eq -1 then myscale =0.0 else myscale=max(sqrt(idat[0,q]^2+idat[1,q]^2)) endif ; ; ****** Produce single frame; ; if keyword_set(FRAME) then begin ; produce plot of a single frame if ((FRAME ge 1)AND(FRAME le n_days)) then begin ; valid frame value j=frame-1 ;q=where(sedat eq sedat(indices(j))) q=where(indices eq j) idat = idat_orig(*,q) ; grab the frame glat = glat_orig(q) ; grab the frame glon = glon_orig(q) ; grab the frame ; ;q=where(sedatpass eq sedatpass(indicespass(j))) ;latpass=latpass_orig[*,q] ;lonpass=lonpass_orig[*,q] ; ; Begin changes 12/11 RTB ; determine validmin and validmax values a = tagindex('VALIDMIN',tag_names(astruct.(vnum))) if (a(0) ne -1) then begin & b=size(astruct.(vnum).VALIDMIN) if (b(0) eq 0) then zvmin = astruct.(vnum).VALIDMIN $ else begin zvmin = 0 ; default for image data print,'WARNING=Unable to determine validmin for ',vname endelse endif a = tagindex('VALIDMAX',tag_names(astruct.(vnum))) if (a(0) ne -1) then begin & b=size(astruct.(vnum).VALIDMAX) if (b(0) eq 0) then zvmax = astruct.(vnum).VALIDMAX $ else begin zvmax = 2000 ; guesstimate print,'WARNING=Unable to determine validmax for ',vname endelse endif if keyword_set(DEBUG) then begin print, 'Image valid min and max: ',zvmin, ' ',zvmax wmin = min(idat,MAX=wmax) print, 'Actual min and max of data',wmin,' ', wmax endif ; scale to maximize color spread idmax=max(idat) idmin=min(idat) ; RTB 10/96 if (idmax eq astruct.(vnum).fillval) and $ (idmin eq astruct.(vnum).fillval) then begin print,'ERROR= All values fillval: ',astruct.(vnum).fillval return,-1 endif if keyword_set(DEBUG) then begin print, '!d.n_colors = ',!d.n_colors print, 'min and max after filtering = ',idmin, ' ', idmax endif if keyword_set(GIF) then begin ; RTB 9/96 Retrieve the Data set name from the Logical source or ; the Logical file id atags=tag_names(astruct.(vnum)) b = tagindex('LOGICAL_SOURCE',atags) b1 = tagindex('LOGICAL_FILE_ID',atags) b2 = tagindex('Logical_file_id',atags) if (b(0) ne -1) then psrce = strupcase(astruct.(vnum).LOGICAL_SOURCE) if (b1(0) ne -1) then $ psrce = strupcase(strmid(astruct.(vnum).LOGICAL_FILE_ID,0,9)) if (b2(0) ne -1) then $ psrce = strupcase(strmid(astruct.(vnum).Logical_file_id,0,9)) GIF=strmid(GIF,0,(strpos(GIF,'.gif')))+'_f000.gif' if(FRAME lt 100) then gifn='0'+strtrim(string(FRAME),2) if(FRAME lt 10) then gifn='00'+strtrim(string(FRAME),2) if(FRAME ge 100) then gifn=strtrim(string(FRAME),2) GIF=strmid(GIF,0,(strpos(GIF,'.gif')-3))+gifn+'.gif' deviceopen,6,fileOutput=GIF,sizeWindow=[xs,ys+30] if(white_background) then begin mapcolor = foreground erase ; erases background and makes it white endif ;print,'I_GIF=',GIF split=strsplit(gif,'/',/extract) outdir='/' for k=0L,n_elements(split)-2 do outdir=outdir+split[k]+'/' print, 'GIF_OUTDIR=',outdir print, 'LONG_GIF=',split[k] if (reportflag eq 1) then begin ;printf,1,'I_GIF=',GIF & close,1 printf,1,'LONG_GIF=',outdir+split[k] & close,1 endif endif else begin ; open the xwindow window,/FREE,XSIZE=xs,YSIZE=ys+30,TITLE=window_title endelse xmargin=!x.margin ; have glat and glon. ; get zone and meri from idat: zone=transpose(idat[0,*]) meri=transpose(idat[1,*]) ; case map_proj of ; Option 6 not being used yet. 6: begin wc=where(keywords eq 'NORTH') if wc[0] ne -1 then begin map_set,/azimuthal,90.,180.,/continents,/isotropic,$ limit=[0,-180,90,180],color=200,/noborder endif wc=where(keywords eq 'SOUTH') if wc[0] ne -1 then begin map_set,/azimuthal,-90.,180.,/continents,/isotropic,$ limit=[-90,-180,0,180],color=200,/noborder endif end 8: begin map_set,/cylindrical,/continents,color=0,$ /isotropic;,/noborder,color=200 map_grid,/label,latlab=-180.,lonlab=-90,color=0,$ ;latdel=20, londel=20, color=50 latdel=30, londel=45 end 14: begin map_set,/mercator,/continents,color=0,/isotropic,$ central_azimuth=90.,/noborder; color=200 lats=[-80,-60,-40,-20,0,20,40,60,80] latnames=['-80','-60','-40','','0','20','40','60','80'] map_grid,/label,latlab=-180.,lonlab=-20,color=0,$ ;latdel=20, londel=20, color=50 ;latdel=20, londel=20, $ londel=20, $ lats=lats,latnames=latnames end else: begin print,' Do not recognize map projection. In plot_wind_map.' return,-1 end endcase map_proj_info,/current,name=idl_projection projection=proj_names(map_proj+1) ;if keyword_set(DEBUG) then print, 'Requested ',projection;proj_names(map_proj) ; cdaweb_velovect will overplot the wind plot on the map cdaweb_velovect,zone,meri,glon,glat,$ ;latpass=latpass,lonpass=lonpass,$ color=230, projection=idl_projection, error=error,$ missing=astruct.(vnum).fillval,$ ;length=15, /normal, xy_step=xy_step, $ ; RCJ 03/21/2006 Changed from normal to device length=10000, /device, xy_step=xy_step, $ myscale=myscale if (error eq -1) then return,error xyouts,.06,.06,/normal,astruct.(vnum).lablaxis,color=foreground project_subtitle,astruct.(vnum),window_title,/IMAGE,$ ;TIMETAG=[edatpass(0),edatpass(n_elements(edatpass)-1)], TCOLOR=foreground ;TIMETAG=edat(indices(j)), TCOLOR=foreground TIMETAG=edat(q(0)), TCOLOR=foreground ;xyouts, 0.02, 0.1, projection ,color=foreground,/normal if keyword_set(GIF) then deviceclose endif ; valid frame value endif else begin ; ****** Produce thumbnail plots; ; ;if(n_elements(THUMBSIZE) gt 0) then tsize = THUMBSIZE else tsize = 166 if(n_elements(THUMBSIZE) gt 0) then begin case map_proj of 8:begin x_tsize = THUMBSIZE y_tsize = THUMBSIZE-70 end 14:begin x_tsize = THUMBSIZE y_tsize = THUMBSIZE-30 end else:begin x_tsize = THUMBSIZE y_tsize = THUMBSIZE-70 end endcase endif else begin x_tsize=150 y_tsize=150 endelse nimages=n_days ; screen out frames which are outside time range, if any if NOT keyword_set(TSTART) then start_frame = 0 $ else begin w = where(edat ge TSTART,wc) if wc eq 0 then begin print,'ERROR=No image frames after requested start time.' & return,-1 endif else start_frame = w(0) endelse if NOT keyword_set(TSTOP) then stop_frame = nimages $ else begin w = where(edat le TSTOP,wc) if wc eq 0 then begin print,'ERROR=No image frames before requested stop time.' & return,-1 endif else stop_frame = w(wc-1) endelse if (start_frame gt stop_frame) then no_data_avail = 1 $ else begin no_data_avail = 0 endelse ; Perform data filtering and color enhancement it any data exists if (no_data_avail eq 0) then begin ; a = tagindex('VALIDMIN',tag_names(astruct.(vnum))) if (a(0) ne -1) then begin & b=size(astruct.(vnum).VALIDMIN) if (b(0) eq 0) then zvmin = astruct.(vnum).VALIDMIN $ else begin zvmin = 0 ; default for image data print,'WARNING=Unable to determine validmin for ',vname endelse endif a = tagindex('VALIDMAX',tag_names(astruct.(vnum))) if (a(0) ne -1) then begin & b=size(astruct.(vnum).VALIDMAX) if (b(0) eq 0) then zvmax = astruct.(vnum).VALIDMAX $ else begin zvmax = 2000 ; guesstimate print,'WARNING=Unable to determine validmax for ',vname endelse endif if keyword_set(DEBUG) then begin print, 'Image valid min and max: ',zvmin, ' ',zvmax wmin = min(idat,MAX=wmax) print, 'Actual min and max of data',wmin,' ', wmax endif ; calculate number of columns and rows of images ;ncols = xs / x_tsize & nrows = (nimages / ncols) + 1 ncols = round(xs/x_tsize) if ((nimages mod ncols) eq 0) then nrows=nimages/ncols $ else nrows=(nimages/ncols) + 1 label_space = 0 ; TJK added constant for label spacing boxsize = y_tsize+label_space;TJK added for allowing time labels for each image. ys = (nrows*boxsize) +50 if keyword_set(GIF) then begin deviceopen,6,fileOutput=GIF,sizeWindow=[xs,ys];+30] if(white_background) then begin mapcolor = foreground erase ; erases background and makes it white endif ;if (no_data_avail eq 0) then begin if(reportflag eq 1) then printf,1,'IMAGE=',GIF print,'IMAGE=',GIF ;endif else begin ;if(reportflag eq 1) then printf,1,'I_GIF=',GIF ;print,'I_GIF=',GIF ;endelse endif else begin ; open the xwindow window,/FREE,XSIZE=xs,YSIZE=ys,TITLE=window_title endelse xmargin=!x.margin ; generate the thumbnail plots irow=0 icol=0 for j=0L,nimages-1 do begin if(icol eq ncols) then begin icol=0 irow=irow+1 endif ;xpos=icol*tsize ;ypos=ys-(irow*tsize);+30) ;if (irow gt 0) then $ ;ypos = ypos-(label_space*irow) ;TJK modify position for labels ; Scale images RTB 3/98 xthb=x_tsize ythb=y_tsize+label_space xsp=float(xthb)/float(xs+80) ; size of x frame in normalized units ysp=float(ythb)/float(ys+30) ; size of y frame in normalized units yi= 1.0 - 10.0/ys ; initial y point in normalized units x0i=0.0095 ; initial x point in normalized units y0i=yi-ysp ;y0i=0.65 x1i=0.0095+xsp ;x1i=.10 y1i=yi ; Set new positions for each column and row ;print,'xsp = ',xsp,tsize,label_space x0=x0i+icol*xsp+.01 ; 0.01 to separate the graphs a bit y0=y0i-irow*ysp x1=x1i+icol*xsp y1=y1i-irow*ysp position=[x0,y0,x1,y1] ; ;q=where(sedat eq sedat(indices(j))) q=where(indices eq j) idat = idat_orig(*,q) ; grab the frame glat = glat_orig(q) ; grab the frame glon = glon_orig(q) ; grab the frame ; ;q=where(sedatpass eq sedatpass(indicespass(j))) ;latpass=latpass_orig[*,q] ;lonpass=lonpass_orig[*,q] zone=transpose(idat[0,*]) meri=transpose(idat[1,*]) case map_proj of ; Option 6 not being used yet. 6: begin wc=where(keywords eq 'NORTH') if wc[0] ne -1 then begin map_set,/azimuthal,90.,180.,/continents,/isotropic,$ limit=[0,-180,90,180],color=200,/noborder ;tlat=5 ;tlon=-100 endif wc=where(keywords eq 'SOUTH') if wc[0] ne -1 then begin map_set,/azimuthal,-90.,180.,/continents,/isotropic,$ limit=[-90,-180,0,180],color=200,/noborder ;tlat=-5 ;tlon=-100 endif end 8: begin map_set,/cylindrical,/continents,/isotropic,color=0,$ position=position,/noerase; color=200 ;tlat=-90 ; tlat: title lat. This is to date the map ;tlon=-150 ; tlon: title lon end 14: begin map_set,/mercator,/continents,color=0,/isotropic, $ central_azimuth=90.,position=position,/noerase; color=200 ;tlat=5 ;tlon=-100 end else: begin print,' Do not recognize map projection. In plot_wind_map.' return,-1 end endcase map_proj_info,/current,name=idl_projection projection=proj_names(map_proj+1) ;if keyword_set(DEBUG) then print, 'Requested ',projection;proj_names(map_proj) ; cdaweb_velovect will overplot the wind plot on the map cdaweb_velovect,zone,meri,glon,glat,$ ;latpass=latpass,lonpass=lonpass,color=0,$ color=230, projection=idl_projection, position=position, $ missing=astruct.(vnum).fillval, error=error, $ ;length=2, /normal, /clip, xy_step=xy_step, $ ; RCJ 03/21/2006 Changed from normal to device length=2500, /device, /clip, xy_step=xy_step, $ myscale=myscale,/nolabels if (error eq -1) then return,error ;xyouts,tlon,tlat, $ ;strmid(decode_cdfepoch(edatpass(indicespass(j))),0,10) ;strmid(decode_cdfepoch(edat(indices(j))),0,10) xyouts,x0,y0, $ ;strmid(decode_cdfepoch(edat(indices(j))),0,10),/normal strmid(decode_cdfepoch(edat(q(0))),0,10),/normal !x.margin=xmargin icol=icol+1 endfor xyouts,.06,.06,/normal,astruct.(vnum).lablaxis,color=foreground project_subtitle,astruct.(vnum),window_title,/IMAGE,$ ;TIMETAG=[edatpass(0),edatpass(indicespass(j-1))], TCOLOR=foreground ;TIMETAG=[edat(0),edat(indices(j-1))], TCOLOR=foreground TIMETAG=[edat(0),edat(q(0))], TCOLOR=foreground ;xyouts, 0.02, 0.1, projection ,color=foreground,/normal ;xyouts, 0.02, y0-y0*.2, projection ,color=foreground,/normal ; done with the image ; RCJ If we are at this point in the code that's because no_data_avail *is* =0 ;if ((reportflag eq 1)AND(no_data_avail eq 0)) then begin if (reportflag eq 1) then begin PRINTF,1,'VARNAME=',astruct.(vnum).varname PRINTF,1,'NUMFRAMES=',nimages PRINTF,1,'NUMROWS=',nrows & PRINTF,1,'NUMCOLS=',ncols PRINT,1,'THUMB_HEIGHT=',y_tsize+label_space PRINT,1,'THUMB_WIDTH=',x_tsize PRINTF,1,'START_REC=',start_frame PRINTF,1,'WIND_MAP_IMAGE=1' PRINTF,1,'MYSCALE=',myscale PRINTF,1,'XY_STEP=',xy_step endif ; RCJ If we are at this point in the code that's because no_data_avail *is* =0 ;if (no_data_avail eq 0) then begin PRINT,'VARNAME=',astruct.(vnum).varname PRINT,'NUMFRAMES=',nimages PRINT,'NUMROWS=',nrows & PRINT,'NUMCOLS=',ncols PRINT,'THUMB_HEIGHT=',y_tsize+label_space PRINT,'THUMB_WIDTH=',x_tsize PRINT,'START_REC=',start_frame PRINT,'WIND_MAP_IMAGE=1' PRINT,'MYSCALE=',myscale PRINT,'XY_STEP=',xy_step ;endif ;if ((keyword_set(CDAWEB))AND(no_data_avail eq 0)) then begin if (keyword_set(CDAWEB)) then begin fname = GIF + '.sav' & save_mystruct,astruct,fname endif if keyword_set(GIF) then deviceclose endif else begin ; no_data_avail=0 ; no data available - write message to gif file and exit print,'STATUS=No data in specified time period.' if keyword_set(GIF) then begin xyouts,xs/2,ys/2,/device,alignment=0.5,color=foreground,$ 'NO DATA IN SPECIFIED TIME PERIOD' deviceclose endif else begin xyouts,xs/2,ys/2,/device,alignment=0.5,'NO DATA IN SPECIFIED TIME PERIOD' endelse endelse endelse ; blank image (Try to clear) if keyword_set(GIF) then device,/close return,0 end