;$Author: kenb-mac $ ;$Date: 2007-01-24 14:23:38 -0800 (Wed, 24 Jan 2007) $ ;$Header: /home/cdaweb/dev/control/RCS/plot_spectrogram.pro,v 1.82 2003/10/28 20:02:35 kovalick Exp kovalick $ ;$Locker: kovalick $ ;$Revision: 225 $ ;+------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; NAME: PLOT_SPECTROGRAM ; PURPOSE: To generate a spectrogram plot given the anonymous structures ; returned by the read_mycdf function. ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; out = plot_spectrogram(Xstruct,Ystruct,Zstruct) ; INPUTS: ; Xstruct = structure containing the Epoch variable structure of the ; type returned by the read_mycdf structure. ; Ystruct = structure containing the variable to be plotted against ; the Epoch variable in the Xstruct parameter ; Zstruct = structure containing the variable to be plotted as Z. ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; TSTART = Forces the time axis to begin at this Epoch time. ; TSTOP = Forces the time axis to end at this Epoch time. ; ELEMENTS = if set, then only these elements of a dimensional variable ; will be plotted. ; POSITION = If set, this routine will draw the plot(s) at this position ; of an existing window, rather than open a new one. ; FIRSTPLOT= Use this key in conjunction with the position keyword. Set ; this flag to indicate that the variable is the first in the ; window. ; LASTPLOT = Use this key in conjunction with the position keyword. Set ; this flag to indicate that the variable is the last in the ; window. ; PANEL_HEIGHT = vertical height, in pixels, of each panel ; CDAWEB = If set, the plot will have sufficient margin along the Z ; axis to hold a colorbar. ; GIF = If set, the plot will be a .gif file instead of Xwindow ; XSIZE = if set, forces the plot window to this width ; YSIZE = if set, forces the plot window to this height ; AUTO = if set, turns auto-scaling on ; NOGAPS = if set, eliminates data gap scanning ; NOCLIP = set when writing to GIF file ; IGNORE_DISPLAY_TYPE = if set, causes the attribute display_type to ; be ignored. ; NOSUBTITLE = if set, will not print 'time range = ' subtitle even after ; the last graph. Needed for timetext case. RCJ ; COMBINE = if set, need to add the dataset name to the y axis label ; added 10/22/2003 - TJK. ; DEBUG = if set, turns on additional debug output. ; OUTPUTS: ; out = status flag, 0=0k, -1 = problem occured. ; AUTHOR: ; Richard Burley, NASA/GSFC/Code 632.0, Feb 22, 1996 ; burley@nssdca.gsfc.nasa.gov (301)286-2864 ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; 8/20/96 R. Burley : Reform the epoch data if retrieved from ; : a handle to remove spurious extra dim. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;TJK 05/12/99 ;added two functions to find the next or previous "valid" time value function findprev, times, t for i = t-1, 0, -1 do begin if (times(i) gt 0) then return, i endfor return, -1 end function findnext, times, t for i = t+1, n_elements(times)-1 do begin if (times(i) gt 0) then return, i endfor return, -1 end FUNCTION plot_spectrogram, Xvar, Yvar, Zvar, $ TSTART=TSTART,TSTOP=TSTOP,ELEMENTS=ELEMENTS,$ POSITION=POSITION,PANEL_HEIGHT=PANEL_HEIGHT,$ FIRSTPLOT=FIRSTPLOT,LASTPLOT=LASTPLOT,$ CDAWEB=CDAWEB,GIF=GIF,NOCLIP=NOCLIP,$ XSIZE=XSIZE,YSIZE=YSIZE,COMBINE=COMBINE,$ ;QUICK=QUICK,SLOW=SLOW,SMOOTH=SMOOTH,AUTO=AUTO,$ QUICK=QUICK,SLOW=SLOW,AUTO=AUTO,$ IGNORE_DISPLAY_TYPE=IGNORE_DISPLAY_TYPE,$ FILLER=FILLER,NOSUBTITLE=NOSUBTITLE, $ DEBUG=DEBUG,_EXTRA=EXTRA ; Verify that both Xvar and Yvar are present if (n_params() ne 3) then begin print,'ERROR=missing parameter to plot_spectrogram function' & return,-1 endif ;if(keyword_set(CDAWEB)) then GIF=1L ;RTB added ; Verify the type of the first parameter and retrieve the data a = size(Xvar) if (a(n_elements(a)-2) ne 8) then begin print,'ERROR=1st parameter to plot_spectrogram not a structure' & return,-1 endif else begin a = tagindex('DAT',tag_names(Xvar)) if (a(0) ne -1) then times = Xvar.DAT $ else begin a = tagindex('HANDLE',tag_names(Xvar)) if (a(0) ne -1) then begin handle_value,Xvar.HANDLE,times sxz=size(times) if(sxz(0) ne 0) then times = reform(times) endif else begin print,'ERROR=1st parameter does not have DAT or HANDLE tag' & return,-1 endelse b = size(times) if (b(n_elements(b)-2) ne 5) then begin print,'ERROR=1st parameter datatype not CDF EPOCH' & return,-1 endif endelse endelse ; Verify the type of the second parameter and retrieve the data a = size(Yvar) if (a(n_elements(a)-2) ne 8) then begin print,'ERROR=2nd parameter to plot_spectrogram not a structure' & return,-1 endif else begin YTAGS = tag_names(Yvar) ; avoid multiple calls to tag_names a = tagindex('DAT',YTAGS) if (a(0) ne -1) then THEENERGY = Yvar.DAT $ else begin a = tagindex('HANDLE',YTAGS) if (a(0) ne -1) then handle_value,Yvar.HANDLE,THEENERGY else begin print,'ERROR=2nd parameter does not have DAT or HANDLE tag' & return,-1 endelse endelse endelse ; Verify the type of the third parameter and retrieve the data a = size(Zvar) if (a(n_elements(a)-2) ne 8) then begin print,'ERROR=3rd parameter to plot_spectrogram not a structure' & return,-1 endif else begin ZTAGS = tag_names(Zvar) ; avoid multiple calls to tag_names a = tagindex('DAT',ZTAGS) if (a(0) ne -1) then THEDATA = Zvar.DAT else begin a = tagindex('HANDLE',ZTAGS) if (a(0) ne -1) then handle_value,Zvar.HANDLE,THEDATA else begin print,'ERROR=3rd parameter does not have DAT or HANDLE tag' & return,-1 endelse endelse endelse ; Verify type of data and determine the number of panels that will be plotted ; and which elements of the data array are to be plotted. a = size(thedata) & b = a(n_elements(a)-2) & thedata_size = a c = size(theenergy) & d = c(n_elements(c)-2) & theenergy_size = c if keyword_set(DEBUG) then begin print,'SIZE OF THEDATA=',a ;debug print,'SIZE OF THEENERGY=',c ;debug endif print, d, n_elements(c)-2 ;if ((b eq 0) OR (b gt 5)) then begin ; RCJ 02/02 Need to include data type 13 to plot ulysses data: if ((b eq 0) OR ((b gt 5) and (b lt 12))) then begin print,'ERROR=datatype indicates that Z axis var not plottable' & return,-1 endif ;if ((d eq 0) OR (d gt 5)) then begin ; RTB 2/99 IDL 5.2 changed meaning of size{type} from Int to UInt if ((d eq 0) OR ((d gt 5) and (d lt 12))) then begin print,'ERROR=datatype indicates that Y axis var not plottable' & return,-1 endif ; Determine the number of panels case a(0) of 0 : begin print,'ERROR=single data points are not plottable' & return,-1 end 1 : begin print,'ERROR=single spectra points are not plottable' & return,-1 end ; 2 : elist = 0 ; single panel spectrogram 2 : begin elist = 0 & igram = 0L & bgram = 0L; assume single panel spectrogram b = tagindex('DISPLAY_TYPE',ZTAGS) if (b(0) ne -1) then begin ; evaluate the display type if(strpos(strupcase(Zvar.DISPLAY_TYPE),'TOPSIDE') ne -1) then igram=1L if(strpos(strupcase(Zvar.DISPLAY_TYPE),'BOTTOMSIDE') ne -1) then begin igram=1L bgram=1L endif endif ;rint, "igram ", igram, bgram end 3 : begin ; #panels determined by dimensionality or by display type b = tagindex('DISPLAY_TYPE',ZTAGS) if (b(0) ne -1) then begin ; evaluate the display type dtype = examine_spectrogram_dt(Zvar.DISPLAY_TYPE) & d=size(dtype) if (d(n_elements(d)-2) eq 8) then elist = dtype.elist endif else elist = indgen(a(1)) ; all elements if (dtype.igram eq 1) then igram = 1L else igram = 0L bgram=0 if (dtype.dvary gt -1) then vary_dim = dtype.dvary end else: begin print,'ERROR=cannot plot data with > 3 dimensions' & return,-1 end endcase ; Hack for FAST RTB 7/97 - TJK extended to DE 7/97 ; TJK - 7/22/97 - also changed variable "fast_gram" to "scale_gram"; ; had to also change the determination of the temp_str since the length ; of the Source_name varies... Source_name looks like 'DE>Dynamics Explorer' ; so we're looking at the character string before the ">" ; ;TJK 02/21/2001 - finally found the source of the problem for trying to use the xmin/max and ;ymin/max and yfillval keywords so we are going to use the "scale_gram" option for all spacecraft ;except ISIS (for now). ; temp_str = strmid(Yvar.SOURCE_NAME,0,strpos(Yvar.Source_name, '>')) if (temp_str eq 'ISIS') then scale_gram = 0 else scale_gram = 1 ;if((temp_str eq 'FAST') or (temp_str eq 'DE') or (temp_str eq 'IMAGE') or (temp_str eq 'GEOTAIL')); then scale_gram = 1 else scale_gram = 0 if(n_elements(scale_gram) eq 0) then scale_gram=0 num_panels = n_elements(elist) ; Determine the average time resolution in seconds nt = n_elements(times) resolution = ((times(nt-1) - times(0)) / nt) / 1000.0 ; Determine the proper start and stop times of the plot tbegin = times(0) & tend = times(n_elements(times)-1) ; default to data if keyword_set(TSTART) then begin ; set tbegin tbegin = TSTART & a = size(TSTART) if (a(n_elements(a)-2) eq 7) then tbegin = encode_CDFEPOCH(TSTART) endif if keyword_set(TSTOP) then begin ; set tend tend = TSTOP & a = size(TSTOP) if (a(n_elements(a)-2) eq 7) then tend = encode_CDFEPOCH(TSTOP) endif print, 'From tstart and tstop keywords: tbegin, tend ', tbegin, tend ; Compare the range of the time data to the requested start and stop times ; Pad 1st value; changed lt to le and gt ge (may change back) RTB 11/96 pad_front = 0L & pad_end = 0L if(igram eq 1) then begin i = lindgen(n_elements(times)-1) & w = where(times(i) gt times(i+1),wc) if (wc gt 0) then begin if keyword_set(DEBUG) then print,'WARNING=Repairing',wc,' backward time steps' for j=0,wc-1 do begin ; process each back step ; ; locate where the data after the break overlaps the data before the break ; ; and flag the overlapped times by zeroing out the times fields b = where(times ge times(w(j)+1),bc) & times(w(j)+1) = 0.0D0 endfor ; ; Scrub out the data where the times array was set to zero w = where(times ne 0.0D0) & times=times(w) endif if(tbegin lt times(0)) then tbegin=times(0) ; Set start time for Ionograms if(tend gt times(n_elements(times)-1)) then $ tend=times(n_elements(times)-1) ;Set end time for Ionograms endif else begin ;TJK look for any times that aren't valid and replace them w/ a ;reasonable number (not a fill value). Start w/ the 2nd value bad = where(times le 0, nbad) if (nbad gt 0) then begin print, 'Found ',nbad,' fillvalue time records, replacing w/ averaged times.' ;TJK force this data to use exact x and y scale ranges by setting ;scale_gram to 1, otherwise w/ all of the fill data, the x range gets ;extended way to far and produces incorrect plots. scale_gram = 1 size_times = n_elements(times)-1 for t = 0L, size_times do begin if (times(t) le 0) then begin if (t eq 0) then times(t) = tbegin if (t ge 1 and t lt size_times) then begin prev = findprev(times, t) next = findnext(times, t) ;if fill at the beginning or out to the end then just ;assign the begin or end requested time to times... if ((prev eq -1) and (next ge 0)) then $ times(t) = (tbegin+times(next))/2 if ((prev ge 0) and (next eq -1)) then $ times(t) = (times(prev)+tend)/2 if (next ge 0 and prev ge 0) then $ times(t) = (times(prev) + times(next))/2 endif if (t eq size_times) then times(t) = tend endif endfor endif if (tbegin lt times(0)) then begin times = [tbegin,times] & pad_front = 1L endif if (tend gt times(n_elements(times)-1)) then begin times = [times,tend] & pad_end = 1L endif endelse ; Determine the first and last data time points to be plotted rbegin = 0L w = where(times ge tbegin,wc) if (wc gt 0) then rbegin = w(0) rend = n_elements(times)-1 w = where(times le tend,wc) if (wc gt 0) then rend = w(n_elements(w)-1) if (rbegin ge rend) then begin print,'ERROR=No data within specified time range.' & return,-1 endif if(igram eq 1) then begin tdif=double(tend-tbegin) ; define this RTB 10/96 ; tdel=46000 tdel= 90000 ; ms by default. May have variable field name in cdf to if(tdif le 9000.D) then begin print, "STATUS=< 10 sec. of data available for selected interval" return, -1 endif if(tdif gt 900000) then print, "STATUS=15 min. maximum ionogram interval" if(tdif lt tdel) then tdel=tdif num_panels=ceil(tdif/tdel) ; the next 3 lines were executed when we did not want less than 5 min ; in one panel: ;num_panels=fix(tdif/tdel) ;pan_dif=tdif-num_panels*tdel ;if(pan_dif gt 5000) then num_panels=num_panels+1 if(num_panels gt 10) then begin num_panels=10 print, "WARNING: Not more than 10 panels can be generated at a time" endif ; scale=num_panels*PANEL_HEIGHT ; Add an extra panel in case freq is scale=(num_panels+1)*PANEL_HEIGHT+40 ; being plotted in plot_timeseries sizeWindow=[640,scale+!d.y_size] if(!D.name eq 'Z') then begin device,set_resolution=sizeWindow,set_colors=240,set_char=[6,11], $ z_buffering=0 endif endif if not (keyword_set(nosubtitle)) then begin ; Create a subtitle for the plots showing the data start and stop times CDF_EPOCH,tbegin,year,month,day,hour,minute,second,milli,/BREAK ical,year,doy,month,day,/idoy subtitle = 'TIME RANGE='+strtrim(string(year),2)+'/'+strtrim(string(month),2) subtitle = subtitle + '/' + strtrim(string(day),2) subtitle = subtitle + ' (' + strtrim(string(doy),2) + ') to ' CDF_EPOCH,tend,year,month,day,hour,minute,second,milli,/BREAK ical,year,doy,month,day,/idoy subtitle = subtitle + strtrim(string(year),2)+'/'+strtrim(string(month),2) subtitle = subtitle + '/' + strtrim(string(day),2) subtitle = subtitle + ' (' + strtrim(string(doy),2) + ')' endif else subtitle='' ; Convert the time array into seconds since tbegin CDF_EPOCH,tbegin,year,month,day,hour,minute,second,milli,/BREAK CDF_EPOCH,idlep,year,month,day,0,0,0,0,/COMPUTE_EPOCH times = (times - idlep) / 1000 julday = ymd2jd(year,month,day) ; Determine label for time axis based on time range ;xranger = lonarr(2) ; Rounded decimals causing ionogram label problems xranger = dblarr(2) ; RTB 4/97 changed this from long to double xranger(0) = (tbegin-idlep)/1000 xranger(1) = (tend-idlep)/1000 if(igram ne 1) then begin trange = xranger(1) - xranger(0) if (trange le 60.0) then tform='h$:m$:s$.f$@y$ n$ d$' $ else tform='h$:m$:s$@y$ n$ d$' endif else tform='h$:m$:s$' ; Determine if a new window should be opened for the plots new_window = 1L ; initialize assuming a new window needs to be created if keyword_set(POSITION) then begin ; adding to existing plot a = size(POSITION) & b = n_elements(a) if ((a(b-1) ne 4)OR(a(b-2) ne 3)) then begin print,'ERROR=Invalid value for POSITION keyword' & return,-1 endif if keyword_set(PANEL_HEIGHT) then begin ; verify it a = size(PANEL_HEIGHT) & b = n_elements(a) if ((a(b-2) le 1)OR(a(b-2) gt 5)) then begin print,'ERROR=Invalid value for PANEL_HEIGHT keyword' & return,-1 endif else psize = PANEL_HEIGHT endif else begin print,'ERROR=PANEL_HEIGHT keyword must be specified with POSITION keyword' return,-1 endelse if keyword_set(FIRSTPLOT) then clear_plot = 0L else clear_plot = 1L new_window = 0L ; no new window needed endif ; Determine the size of the new window to be created if keyword_set(NOCLIP) then noclipflag = 1 else noclipflag = 0 if (new_window eq 1) then begin if keyword_set(GIF) then begin ; set default gif sizes xs = 640 & ys = 512 & noclipflag = 1 endif else begin ; set default xwindow sizes a = lonarr(2) & DEVICE,GET_SCREEN_SIZE=a ; get device resolution xs = (a(0)*0.66) & ys = (a(1)*0.66) ; compute defaults endelse if keyword_set(XSIZE) then xs = XSIZE ; override if keyword present if keyword_set(YSIZE) then ys = YSIZE ; override if keyword present if keyword_set(PANEL_HEIGHT) then begin ys = (PANEL_HEIGHT * num_panels) + 100 & psize = PANEL_HEIGHT endif else begin psize = ((ys-100) / num_panels) ; leave space for time axis and title endelse if (psize lt 50) then begin ; sanity check for #pixels per panel print,'ERROR=Insufficient resolution for a ',num_panels,' panel plot' return,-1 endif endif ; Initialize plotting position arrays and flags if keyword_set(POSITION) then ppos = POSITION else begin ppos = fltarr(4) ; create position array ppos(0) = 100 ; default plot x origin ;changed from 100 ppos(2) = (xs - 40) ; default plot x corner ppos(1) = (ys - 30) - psize ; 1st plot y origin ppos(3) = (ys - 30) ; 1st plot y corner ppos(2) = xs - 100 ; set margin for spectrogram color bar endelse if(igram eq 1) then begin ppos(0)= 100 & ppos(2)=!d.x_size-100 ppos(1)= (!d.y_size - 60) - psize ppos(3)= (!d.y_size - 60) endif ;print, "position;",ppos ; Determine the title for the window or gif file if (new_window eq 1) then begin a = tagindex('SOURCE_NAME',ZTAGS) if (a(0) ne -1) then b = Zvar.SOURCE_NAME else b = '' a = tagindex('DESCRIPTOR',ZTAGS) if (a(0) ne -1) then b = b + ' ' + Zvar.DESCRIPTOR window_title = b endif ; Create the new window or the gif file if (new_window eq 1) then begin if keyword_set(GIF) then begin a = size(GIF) & if (a(n_elements(a)-2) ne 7) then GIF = 'idl.gif' deviceopen,6,fileOutput=GIF,sizeWindow=[xs,ys] endif else begin ; open x-window display window,/FREE,XSIZE=xs,YSIZE=ys,TITLE=window_title clear_plot = 0L ; initialize clear plot flag endelse endif ; Determine the fill value for the Y and Z data a = tagindex('FILLVAL',ZTAGS) if (a(0) ne -1) then Zfillval = Zvar.FILLVAL else Zfillval = -1.0e31 a = tagindex('FILLVAL',YTAGS) if (a(0) ne -1) then Yfillval = Yvar.FILLVAL else Yfillval = -1.0e31 ; EXTRACT THE DATA FOR EACH PANEL AND PLOT for i=0,num_panels-1 do begin ; extract data for a single panel from the data array ;TJK added the capability to use the elist (filter out individual ;energies/flux's/angles from different dimensions. 5/13/98 if (thedata_size(0) eq 2) then begin mydata = thedata endif else begin ;three dimensions if (vary_dim eq 1) then mydata = thedata((elist(i)-1),*,*) if (vary_dim eq 0) then mydata = thedata(*,(elist(i)-1),*) endelse if (theenergy_size(0) le 2) then begin myenergy = theenergy endif else begin ;three dimensions if (vary_dim eq 0) then myenergy = theenergy(*,(elist(i)-1),*) if (vary_dim eq 1) then myenergy = theenergy((elist(i)-1),*,*) endelse ; remove any extraneous dimensions and determine new sizes mydata = reform(mydata) & myenergy = reform(myenergy) mydata_size = size(mydata) & myenergy_size = size(myenergy) mydata_type = mydata_size(n_elements(mydata_size)-2) myenergy_type = myenergy_size(n_elements(myenergy_size)-2) ; pad the beginning and end of data if extra time points were added if (pad_front) then begin ; add fill point to front if (mydata_size(0) eq 2) then begin if keyword_set(DEBUG) then print,'Padding front of data...' fill = make_array(mydata_size(1),TYPE=mydata_type,VALUE=Zfillval) mydata=append_myDATA(mydata,fill) & mydata_size=size(mydata) endif if (myenergy_size(0) eq 2) then begin if keyword_set(DEBUG) then print,'Padding front of energy...' fill = make_array(myenergy_size(1),TYPE=myenergy_type) for b=0,myenergy_size(1)-1 do fill(b) = myenergy(b,0) myenergy=append_myDATA(myenergy,fill) & myenergy_size=size(myenergy) endif endif if (pad_end) then begin ; add fill point to back if (mydata_size(0) eq 2) then begin if keyword_set(DEBUG) then print,'Padding back of data...' fill = make_array(mydata_size(1),TYPE=mydata_type,VALUE=Zfillval) mydata=append_myDATA(fill,mydata) & mydata_size=size(mydata) endif if (myenergy_size(0) eq 2) then begin if keyword_set(DEBUG) then print,'Padding back of energy...' fill = make_array(myenergy_size(1),TYPE=myenergy_type) for b=0,myenergy_size(1)-1 do fill(b) = myenergy(b,0) myenergy=append_myDATA(fill,myenergy) & myenergy_size=size(myenergy) endif endif ; If ionogram increment through times if(igram eq 1) then begin if(i eq 0) then tend_save=(tend-idlep)/1000.D if(i ne 0) then tbegin=tend tend=tbegin+tdel ;print,"time ", tbegin, tend xranger(0) = (tbegin-idlep)/1000.D xranger(1) = (tend-idlep)/1000.D ;print,"range ", xranger ; Pad last panel if needed if(i eq (num_panels-1)) then begin ;print, xranger(1), tend_save ;print, "times(end)", times(n_elements(times)-1) if(xranger(1) gt tend_save) then begin ; Pad end times=[times,xranger(1)] if (mydata_size(0) eq 2) then begin if keyword_set(DEBUG) then print,'Padding back of data...' fill = make_array(mydata_size(1),TYPE=mydata_type,VALUE=Zfillval) mydata=append_myDATA(fill,mydata) & mydata_size=size(mydata) endif print, myenergy_size if (myenergy_size(0) eq 2) then begin if keyword_set(DEBUG) then print,'Padding back of energy...' fill = make_array(myenergy_size(1),TYPE=myenergy_type) for b=0L,myenergy_size(1)-1 do fill(b) = myenergy(b,0) myenergy=append_myDATA(fill,myenergy) & myenergy_size=size(myenergy) endif FILLER=1L endif endif ; Determine the first and last data time points to be plotted rbegin = 0L w = where(times ge xranger(0),wc) & if (wc gt 0) then rbegin = w(0) rend = n_elements(times)-1 w = where(times le xranger(1),wc) if (wc gt 0) then rend = w(n_elements(w)-1) if (rbegin ge rend) then begin print,'ERROR=No data within specified time range' & return,-1 endif endif ; print, "rbegin, rend ", rbegin, rend ; screen out data points which are outside the plotting time range if (mydata_size(0) eq 2) then mydata = mydata(*,rbegin:rend) if (myenergy_size(0) eq 2) then myenergy = myenergy(*,rbegin:rend) mytimes = times(rbegin:rend) ; recompute array sizing information mytimes_size = size(mytimes) mydata_size = size(mydata) myenergy_size = size(myenergy) ; When plotting spectrograms using the /QUICK keyword, the spectrogram ; function uses the TV command, and when not QUICK, it uses POLYFILL. ; When plotting QUICK, data gaps must be filled in if the spectrogram ; is to be vs. time instead of just by record number. Determine if ; plotting in QUICK mode, and if so, fill in the data gaps in all arrays. if keyword_set(FILLER) then begin gaps = -1 & gaps = find_gaps(mytimes,ratio=3.0) & a = size(gaps) if (a(0) eq 0) then done = 1 else done = 0 if ((done eq 0)AND(keyword_set(DEBUG))) then begin print,'Filling in ',a(1),' data gaps...' endif while (done eq 0) do begin ; compute the number of fill points required to smooth the gap a = gaps(0) & b=(mytimes(a+1) - mytimes(a)) / resolution & b=long(b) if (b gt 0) then begin ; proceed with the gap filling ; create array of timing data to fill the gap fill = fltarr(b) & c = indgen(b)+1 & d = mytimes(gaps(0)) fill = fill + ((resolution * c) + d) ; plug the fill data into the time data array c=mytimes(0:gaps(0)) & d=mytimes(gaps(0)+1:mytimes_size(1)-1) mytimes = append_mydata(fill,c) & mytimes = append_mydata(d,mytimes) ; create array of Zdata to fill the gap fill = make_array(mydata_size(1),b,TYPE=mydata_type,VALUE=Zfillval) ; plug the fill data into the zdata array c=mydata(*,0:gaps(0)) & d=mydata(*,gaps(0)+1:mydata_size(2)-1) mydata = append_mydata(fill,c) & mydata = append_mydata(d,mydata) ; smooth the gap in the energy data if it is time varying if (myenergy_size(0) eq 2) then begin ; time-varying energy ; create array of Ydata to fill the gap fill = make_array(myenergy_size(1),b,TYPE=myenergy_type) for c=0L,myenergy_size(1)-1 do fill(c,*) = myenergy(c,0) ; plug the fill data into the ydata array c=myenergy(*,0:gaps(0)) & d=myenergy(*,gaps(0)+1:myenergy_size(2)-1) myenergy=append_mydata(fill,c) & myenergy=append_mydata(d,myenergy) endif endif ; reset array sizing information mytimes_size = size(mytimes) ; reset array sizing data mydata_size = size(mydata) ; reset array sizing data myenergy_size = size(myenergy) ; reset array sizing data gaps = find_gaps(mytimes,ratio=3.0) ; recompute the data gaps ; RCJ 02/20/02 Output of find_gaps is array even if one element. ; Turn it into scalar, otherwise a(0) will be 1 and we get into ; an infinite loop: if n_elements(gaps) eq 1 then gaps=gaps(0) a = size(gaps) & if (a(0) eq 0) then done = 1 endwhile endif ; If not plotting in quickmode, then compare the number of actual data ; points to the number of pixels available to plot on the xaxis. Reduce ; the number of datapoints by averaging if required. ; if keyword_set(SMOOTH) then begin ; a = ppos(2) - ppos(0) ; if (n_elements(mytimes) gt (a*2)) then begin ; reduce the data ; if keyword_set(DEBUG) then print,'Averaging data to fit window...' ; ; mytimes = congrid(mytimes,a,/interp,/minus_one) ; ; w = where(mydata eq Zfillval,wc) ; ; smoothing method depends on presence of fill data ; if (wc gt 0) then mydata = congrid(mydata,mydata_size(1),a,/minus_one) $ ; else mydata = congrid(mydata,mydata_size(1),a,/interp,/minus_one) ; ;smooth y-axis... ; if (myenergy_size(0) eq 2) then begin ; ;print, 'smooth y data...' ; ;check for y-fill values... 9/97 CGallap ; w = where(myenergy eq Yfillval,wc) ; if (wc gt 0) then print, 'fill data detected...' ; ;Do not interpolate - fill values are present! ; if (wc gt 0) then $ ; myenergy = congrid(myenergy, myenergy_size(1),a,/minus_one) $ ; else myenergy = congrid(myenergy,myenergy_size(1),a,/interp,/minus_one) ; endif ; endif ;endif ;If scalemin/max exist, use them ; determine the proper scale for the Y axis ymax = 1.0 & ymin = 0.0 ; initialize to any value a = tagindex('SCALEMIN',YTAGS) if (a(0) ne -1) then begin ; TJK 3/1/2001 add check for if there's a value for the attribute, if ; not don't want to use it. if (yvar.scalemax ne '') then begin b=size(Yvar.SCALEMIN) if (b(0) eq 0) then ymin = Yvar.SCALEMIN $ else ymin = Yvar.SCALEMIN(elist(i)) endif endif a = tagindex('SCALEMAX',YTAGS) if (a(0) ne -1) then begin ; TJK 3/1/2001 add check for if there's a value for the attribute, if ; not don't want to use it. if (yvar.scalemax ne '') then begin b=size(Yvar.SCALEMAX) if (b(0) eq 0) then ymax = Yvar.SCALEMAX $ else ymax = Yvar.SCALEMAX(elist(i)) endif endif ;TJK add use of validmin/max 2/26/2001 ; determine the proper scale for the Y axis a = tagindex('VALIDMIN',YTAGS) if (a(0) ne -1) then begin ; TJK 3/1/2001 add check for if there's a value for the attribute, if ; not don't want to use it. if (yvar.validmin ne '') then begin b=size(Yvar.VALIDMIN) if (b(0) eq 0) then ymin = Yvar.VALIDMIN $ else ymin = Yvar.VALIDMIN(elist(i)) endif endif a = tagindex('VALIDMAX',YTAGS) if (a(0) ne -1) then begin ; TJK 3/1/2001 add check for if there's a value for the attribute, if ; not don't want to use it. if (yvar.validmax ne '') then begin b=size(Yvar.VALIDMAX) if (b(0) eq 0) then ymax = Yvar.VALIDMAX $ else ymax = Yvar.VALIDMAX(elist(i)) endif endif print, 'elist, ymin, ymax =', elist, ymin, ymax ; Why autoscaling used here validmin and validmax set in cdf ; w = where(mydata ne Zfillval,non_fillcount) & w=0 ; look for filldata print, 'looking for z-fill data, non_fillcount =', non_fillcount if (keyword_set(AUTO))AND(non_fillcount gt 0) then begin ; temporary patch (HACK) for scale adjustment y1max=0.0 a = tagindex('DELTA_PLUS_VAR',YTAGS) if (a(0) ne -1) then y1max = max(Yvar.DELTA_PLUS_VAR) a = tagindex('SOURCE_NAME',YTAGS) if (a(0) ne -1) then temp_str = strmid(Yvar.SOURCE_NAME,0,6) if(temp_str eq 'SAMPEX') then begin ymax = max(myenergy)+y1max & ymin = min(myenergy) endif else begin ;TJK changed to screen out the values outside the scale min and max - even ;when autoscaling. w =where(((myenergy ne Yfillval)AND(myenergy ge ymin)AND(myenergy le ymax)),wc) if (wc gt 0) then ymin = min(myenergy(w),MAX=ymax) ; ymax = max(myenergy) & ymin = min(myenergy) endelse print,'AUTOSCALING ENERGY: ymax=',ymax,' ymin=',ymin ;DEBUG endif ; quality check the y scales ; RCJ 02/15/02 'ymin - 1' -> 'ymin - 1.' in case ymin is unsigned number. if (ymax eq ymin) then begin & ymax = ymax + 1 & ymin = ymin - 1. & endif yranger = fltarr(2) & yranger(0) = ymin & yranger(1) = ymax ; determine the yaxis scale type, natural or logarithmic yscaletype = 1L ; initialize assuming logarithmic a = tagindex('SCALETYP',YTAGS) if (a(0) ne -1) then begin if (strupcase(Yvar.SCALETYP) eq 'LINEAR') then yscaletype = 0L endif ; Determine the proper labeling for the yaxis ylabel = '' & yunits = '' if keyword_set(COMBINE) then begin a = tagindex('LOGICAL_SOURCE',YTAGS) if (a(0) ne -1) then yds = strupcase(Yvar.(a(0))) endif a = tagindex('FIELDNAM',YTAGS) if (a(0) ne -1) then ylabel = Yvar.(a(0)) a = tagindex('LABLAXIS',YTAGS) if (a(0) ne -1 and Yvar.(a(0)) ne '') then ylabel = Yvar.(a(0)) a = tagindex('UNITS',YTAGS) if (a(0) ne -1) then yunits = Yvar.(a(0)) ; ylabel = ylabel + '!C!C' + yunits - TJK changed to reduce space 11/98 if (n_elements(yds) gt 0) then begin ylabel = yds + '!C' + ylabel + '!C' + yunits endif else ylabel = ylabel + '!C' + yunits ; compare the size of the yaxis label to the panel height ycsize = 1.0 & ylength = max([strlen(ylabel),strlen(yunits)]) if ((!d.x_ch_size * ylength) gt psize) then begin ratio = float(!d.x_ch_size * ylength) / float(psize) ycsize = 1.0 - (ratio/8.0) + 0.1 endif ; Determine the proper labeling for the z axis zlabel = '' & zunits = '' ; initialize a = tagindex('FIELDNAM',ZTAGS) if (a(0) ne -1) then zlabel = Zvar.(a(0)) a = tagindex('LABLAXIS',ZTAGS) if (a(0) ne -1) then if(Zvar.(a(0))) then zlabel = Zvar.(a(0)) ; RTB check for blank lablaxis 10/96 if (num_panels gt 1 and igram ne 1) then begin ; RTB added igram if (dtype.lptrn eq 1) then begin ; get labling from labl_ptr_1 a = tagindex('LABL_PTR_1',ZTAGS) if (a(0) ne -1) then begin if (Zvar.(a(0))(0) ne '') then zlabel = Zvar.(a(0))(elist(i)-1) endif endif if (dtype.lptrn eq 2) then begin ; get labling from labl_ptr_2 a = tagindex('LABL_PTR_2',ZTAGS) if (a(0) ne -1) then begin if (Zvar.(a(0))(0) ne '') then zlabel = Zvar.(a(0))(elist(i)-1) endif endif endif a = tagindex('UNITS',ZTAGS) if (a(0) ne -1) then zunits = Zvar.(a(0)) if (num_panels gt 1 and igram ne 1) then begin ; RTB added igram a = tagindex('UNIT_PTR',ZTAGS) if (a(0) ne -1) then begin if (Zvar.(a(0))(0) ne '') then zunits = Zvar.(a(0))(elist(i)-1) endif endif ;TJK take out one !C 11/98 zlabel = zlabel + '!C!C' + zunits zlabel = zlabel + '!C' + zunits ; compare the size of the zaxis label to the panel height zcsize = 1.0 & zlength = max([strlen(zlabel),strlen(zunits)]) if ((!d.x_ch_size * zlength) gt psize) then begin ratio = float(!d.x_ch_size * zlength) / float(psize) zcsize = 1.0 - (ratio/8.0) + 0.1 endif ; determine the proper scale for the Z axis ; TJK set zmin/max defaults from the data w = where((mydata ne Zfillval),wc) if (wc gt 0) then begin zmin = min(mydata(w),MAX=zmax) endif else begin zmax = 1.0 & zmin = 0.0 ; initialize to any value endelse print, 'zmin and max defaults (from data) = ',zmin, zmax zvmin = 0; TJK added on 2/13/2003 for use below in noauto section a = tagindex('VALIDMIN',ZTAGS) if (a(0) ne -1) then begin ; TJK 3/1/2001 add check for if there's a value for the attribute, if ; not don't want to use it. if (zvar.validmin ne '') then begin b=size(Zvar.VALIDMIN) if (b(0) eq 0) then zmin = Zvar.VALIDMIN $ else zmin = Zvar.VALIDMIN(elist(i)) endif zvmin = zmin ;TJK save this value otherwise overwritten by scalemin (if it exists) endif a = tagindex('VALIDMAX',ZTAGS) if (a(0) ne -1) then begin ; TJK 3/1/2001 add check for if there's a value for the attribute, if ; not don't want to use it. if (zvar.validmax ne '') then begin b=size(Zvar.VALIDMAX) if (b(0) eq 0) then zmax = Zvar.VALIDMAX $ else zmax = Zvar.VALIDMAX(elist(i)) endif endif print, 'zmin and max (after validmin/max check) = ',zmin, zmax zsmin = 0;TJK added on 2/13/2003 for use below in noauto section a = tagindex('SCALEMIN',ZTAGS) if (a(0) ne -1) then begin ; TJK 3/1/2001 add check for if there's a value for the attribute, if ; not don't want to use it. if (zvar.scalemin ne '') then begin b=size(Zvar.SCALEMIN) if (b(0) eq 0) then zmin = Zvar.SCALEMIN $ else zmin = Zvar.SCALEMIN(elist(i)) endif zsmin = zmin endif zsmax = 0L ;TJK initialize a flag to indicate whether scalemax has been defined a = tagindex('SCALEMAX',ZTAGS) if (a(0) ne -1) then begin ; TJK 3/1/2001 add check for if there's a value for the attribute, if ; not don't want to use it. if (zvar.scalemax ne '') then begin zsmax = 1L b=size(Zvar.SCALEMAX) if (b(0) eq 0) then zmax = Zvar.SCALEMAX $ else zmax = Zvar.SCALEMAX(elist(i)) endif endif print, 'zmin and max (after scalemin/max check) = ',zmin, zmax ; determine the zaxis scale type, natural or logarithmic zscaletype = 0L ; initialize assuming linear a = tagindex('SCALETYP',ZTAGS) if (a(0) ne -1) then begin if (strupcase(Zvar.SCALETYP) eq 'LOG') then zscaletype = 1L endif if (keyword_set(AUTO)) then begin if (zscaletype eq 1) then begin ; screen all fill and negative data ;TJK added this section 4/19/99 so that when there are valid values that ;fall below zero they will get scaled up so as not to drop off just because ;we're log scaling. This change requested by Bob McGuire. if (zmin le 0.0) then begin scase = where(((mydata le 0.0) and (mydata ne Zfillval) and (mydata ge zmin)), sc) if (sc gt 0) then begin zcase = where((mydata gt 0.0) and (mydata ne Zfillval),zc) ;find the min of the vals above 0. if (zc gt 0) then begin newmin = min(mydata(zcase)); print, 'reassigning values le 0.0 to lowest data value above zero = ',newmin mydata(scase) = newmin ;reassign all values that are "valid" but because they ;fall below 0 (w/ log scaling), they would be lost. endif endif endif ;TJK end of change. w = where(((mydata ne Zfillval)AND(mydata gt 0.0)AND(mydata ge zmin)$ AND(mydata le zmax)),wc) if (wc gt 0) then zmin = min(mydata(w),MAX=zmax) endif else begin ; screen all fill ;TJK changed to screen out the values outside the scale min and max - even ;when autoscaling. w =where(((mydata ne Zfillval)AND(mydata ge zmin)AND(mydata le zmax)),wc) if (wc gt 0) then zmin = min(mydata(w),MAX=zmax) endelse endif else begin ;noautoscaling and scaletype = log - Kent wants another change 2/12/2003 (TJK) if (zscaletype eq 1) then begin ; screen all fill and negative data scase = where((mydata ge zvmin) and (mydata lt zsmin) and (mydata ne Zfillval), sc) if (sc gt 0) then begin print, 'NOAUTO - reassigning values lt scalemin to scalemin = ',zsmin mydata(scase) = zsmin ;reassign all valid values below scalemin. endif if (zsmax eq 0) then zmax = max(mydata) ;TJK added 2/13/2003 for Kent endif endelse ; quality check the z scales if (zmax eq zmin) then begin & zmax = zmax + 1. & zmin = zmin - 1. & endif if keyword_set(DEBUG) then begin print,'ymin=',ymin,' ymax=',ymax,' yscaletype=',yscaletype ;DEBUG print,'zmin=',zmin,' zmax=',zmax,' zscaletype=',zscaletype ;DEBUG print,'ycsize=',ycsize,' zcsize=',zcsize,' noclipflag=',noclipflag ;DEBUG endif ; reverse the data if generating an ionogram for top ionograms only ; bottom ionograms remain unchanged if (igram eq 1 and bgram eq 0) then begin if keyword_set(DEBUG) then print,'Converting data for ionogram...' ;DEBUG mydata = reverse(temporary(mydata)) myenergy = reverse(temporary(myenergy)) ; SCALEMIN and SCALEMAX changed in MASTERS don't need to switch scale RTB 4/98 ; if keyword_set(AUTO) then begin ; ionograms are inverted ; temp = yranger(1) & yranger(1) = yranger(0) & yranger(0) = temp ; endif endif ; generate the spectrogram if keyword_set(QUICK) then quickflag = 1 else quickflag = 0 if keyword_set(SLOW) then quickflag = 0 if (!d.name eq 'Z') then clip=1 else clip=0 mystatus=0; init ; TJK - Spectrogram is a little wierd in how it deals with min and max scale ; values, for some reason it doesn't always produce nice plots when ; the ymin/max and xmin/max values are specified... certain data need ; to have them specified (ISIS ionograms and Fast/DE spectrograms) so we've ; got them pulled out as special cases. It also seems to have a wierd ; sideaffect when Quick=true/false. If Quick is true then the energies ; are read in reverse order than if Quick is false. ; ; comment out xrange and yrange values to let idl scale ; May need xrange in call but must also include yrange ; Ionograms MUST have yrange set in call to spectrogram if(igram) then begin spectrogram,transpose(mydata),mytimes,transpose(myenergy),$ YSTYLE=16+1,XSTYLE=4+1,LOGZ=zscaletype,LOGY=yscaletype,$ YTITLE=ylabel,POSITION=ppos,FILLVALUE=Zfillval,$ /DEVICE,NOERASE=clear_plot,XRANGE=xranger,YRANGE=[yranger[1],yranger[0]],$ QUICK=1,CHARSIZE=ycsize,NOCLIP=noclipflag,$ CTITLE=zlabel,CSCALE=[zmin,zmax],cCharSize=zcsize,$ STATUS=mystatus endif else if(scale_gram) then begin desc_str = strmid(Yvar.descriptor,0,strpos(Yvar.Descriptor, '>')) if (desc_str eq 'RPI') then begin print, 'Calling spectrogram w/X and Y min/maxes specified (IMAGE/RPI data)' spectrogram,transpose(mydata),mytimes,transpose(myenergy),$ YSTYLE=16+1,XSTYLE=4+1,LOGZ=zscaletype,LOGY=yscaletype,$ YTITLE=ylabel,POSITION=ppos,FILLVALUE=Zfillval,$ MINVALUE=zmin, MAXVALUE=zmax,$ /DEVICE,NOERASE=clear_plot,YFILLVAL=Yfillval,/noskipgaps,$ QUICK=0,CHARSIZE=ycsize,XRANGE=xranger,YRANGE=yranger,$ CTITLE=zlabel,CSCALE=[zmin,zmax],cCharSize=zcsize,$ STATUS=mystatus endif else begin print, 'Calling spectrogram w/X and Y min/maxes specified' spectrogram,transpose(mydata),mytimes,transpose(myenergy),$ YSTYLE=16+1,XSTYLE=4+1,LOGZ=zscaletype,LOGY=yscaletype,$ YTITLE=ylabel,POSITION=ppos,FILLVALUE=Zfillval,$ MINVALUE=zmin, MAXVALUE=zmax,$ ;TJK added these /DEVICE,NOERASE=clear_plot,YFILLVAL=Yfillval,/reduce,$ QUICK=0,CHARSIZE=ycsize,XRANGE=xranger,YRANGE=yranger,$ CTITLE=zlabel,CSCALE=[zmin,zmax],cCharSize=zcsize,$ STATUS=mystatus; TJK take out 2/9/2001 because it alters ;the x axis scale , /CENTER endelse endif else begin print, 'Calling spectrogram w/o x and y min/maxes specified' spectrogram,transpose(mydata),mytimes,transpose(myenergy),$ YSTYLE=16+1,XSTYLE=4+1,LOGZ=zscaletype,LOGY=yscaletype,$ YTITLE=ylabel,POSITION=ppos,FILLVALUE=Zfillval,/reduce,$ MINVALUE=zmin, MAXVALUE=zmax,$ ;TJK added these /DEVICE,NOERASE=clear_plot, $; XRANGE=xranger,YRANGE=yranger,$ QUICK=quickflag,CHARSIZE=ycsize,NOCLIP=noclipflag,$ CTITLE=zlabel,CSCALE=[zmin,zmax],cCharSize=zcsize,$ STATUS=mystatus endelse if(DEBUG) then print,'mystatus=',mystatus ;DEBUG ; if(mystatus lt 0) then deviceclose & return, 0 timeaxis_text,JD=julday,/NOLABELS ; Adjust plot position and flags for next plot if(igram eq 1) then begin ppos(3)=ppos(3)-(psize+20) & ppos(1)=ppos(1)-(psize+20) & clear_plot=1 timeaxis_text,FORM=tform,CHARSIZE=0.9,/NOYEAR,jd=julday endif else begin ppos(3) = ppos(1) & ppos(1) = ppos(1) - psize & clear_plot=1 endelse endfor ; draw the time axis by default or if lastplot flag is specified if keyword_set(POSITION) then begin if keyword_set(LASTPLOT) then begin timeaxis_text,FORM=tform,JD=julday,title=subtitle,CHARSIZE=0.9 endif endif else begin timeaxis_text,FORM=tform,JD=julday,title=subtitle,CHARSIZE=0.9 if keyword_set(GIF) then begin print,'not yet titling gifs from within plot_spectrogram' deviceclose endif endelse return,0 end