;------------------------------------------------------------- ; $Id: loglevels.pro 8 2006-10-11 20:32:51Z kenb $ ;+ ; NAME: ; LOGLEVELS (function) ; ; PURPOSE: ; Compute default values for logarithmic axis labeling ; or contour levels. For a range from 1 to 100 these ; would be 1., 2., 5., 10., 20., 50., 100. ; If the range spans more than (usually) 3 decades, only ; decadal values will be returned unless the /FINE keyword ; is set. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Tools ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; result = LOGLEVELS([range | MIN=min,MAX=max] [,/FINE] ;[,COARSE=dec]) ; ; INPUTS: ; RANGE -> A 2-element vector with the minimum and maximum ; value to be returned. Only levels _within_ this range ; will be returned. If RANGE contains only one element, ; this is interpreted as MAX and MIN will be assumed as ; 3 decades smaller. RANGE superseeds the MIN and MAX ; keywords. Note that RANGE must be positive definite ; but can be given in descending order in which case ; the labels will be reversed. ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; MIN, MAX -> alternative way of specifying a RANGE. If only ; one keyword is given, the other one is computed as ; 3 decades smaller/larger than the given parameter. ; RANGE superseeds MIN and MAX. ; ; /FINE -> always return finer levels (1,2,5,...) ; ; COARSE -> the maximum number of decades for which LOGLEVELS ; shall return fine labels. Default is 3. (non-integer ; values are possible). ; ; OUTPUTS: ; A vector with "round" logarithmic values within the given ; range. The original (or modified) RANGE will be returned ; unchanged if RANGE does not span at least one label interval. ; The result will always contain at least two elements. ; ; ; SUBROUTINES: ; none ; ; REQUIREMENTS: ; none ; ; NOTES: ; If COARSE is lt 0, the nearest decades will be returned ; instead. The result will always have at least two elements. ; If COARSE forces decades, the result values may be out-of- ; range if RANGE spans less than a decade. ; ; Caution with type conversion from FLOAT to DOUBLE !! ; ; EXAMPLE: ; range = [ min(data), max(data) ] ; c_level = LOGLEVELS(range) ; contour,...,c_level=c_level ; ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; mgs, 17 Mar 1999: VERSION 1.00 ; ;- ; Copyright (C) 1999, Martin Schultz, Harvard University ; This software is provided as is without any warranty ; whatsoever. It may be freely used, copied or distributed ; for non-commercial purposes. This copyright notice must be ; kept with any copy of this software. If this software shall ; be used commercially or sold as part of a larger package, ; please contact the author to arrange payment. ; Bugs and comments should be directed to mgs@io.harvard.edu ; with subject "IDL routine loglevels" ;------------------------------------------------------------- function loglevels,range,min=mind,max=maxd, $ coarse=coarse,fine=fine if (n_elements(COARSE) eq 0) then COARSE = 3 ; Make sure to have a valid range which is positive definite ; NOTE that range does not need to be sorted! if (n_elements(mind) gt 0) then begin mind = mind[0] if (n_elements(maxd) eq 0) then maxd = mind*1000. endif if (n_elements(maxd) gt 0) then begin maxd = maxd[0] if (n_elements(mind) eq 0) then mind = maxd*0.001 endif ; still not defined, i.e. neither mind nor maxd given if (n_elements(mind) eq 0) then begin mind = 0.1 maxd = 100. endif ; RANGE superseeds min and max if (n_elements(range) eq 0) then range = [ mind,maxd ] ; one element for RANGE is interpreted as MAX if (n_elements(range) eq 1) then range = [ range*0.001, range ] thisrange = double(range) > 1.D-100 thisrange = thisrange(sort(thisrange)) ; set lower range to 3 decades below upper range if it is zero if (thisrange[0] lt 1.D-36) then thisrange[0] = thisrange[1]/1000. ; get log of ranges and decadal log lrange = alog10(thisrange) if (lrange[0] lt 0.) then lrange[0] = lrange[0] - 1.0D-6 if (lrange[1] lt 0.) then lrange[1] = lrange[1] - 1.0D-6 ; if (lrange[1] gt 0.) then lrange[1] = lrange[1] + 1.0D-6 drange = fix(lrange) ; create label arrays to choose from ; currently 1.D-15 to 5.D+16 ; ranges outside these limits always return only decades ; set mode according to following rules: ; - range outside limits -> return decades ; - coarse exceeded -> return decades ; - /fine set -> return 1,2,5,... for any number of decades ; - [automatic] -> return decades if more than COARSE decades ; otherwise 1,2,5,.. mode = 0 ; return decades if (keyword_set(fine)) then mode = 1 if ((lrange[1]-lrange[0]) le COARSE) then mode = 1 if (thisrange[0] lt 1.D-15 OR thisrange[1] gt 5.D16) then mode = 0 if (mode) then begin ; make overall array labels = [ 1.D-15, 2.D-15, 5.D-15, 1.D-14, 2.D-14, 5.D-14, $ 1.D-13, 2.D-13, 5.D-13, 1.D-12, 2.D-12, 5.D-12, $ 1.D-11, 2.D-11, 5.D-11, 1.D-10, 2.D-10, 5.D-10, $ 1.D-09, 2.D-09, 5.D-09, 1.D-08, 2.D-08, 5.D-08, $ 1.D-07, 2.D-07, 5.D-07, 1.D-06, 2.D-06, 5.D-06, $ 1.D-05, 2.D-05, 5.D-05, 1.D-04, 2.D-04, 5.D-04, $ 1.D-03, 2.D-03, 5.D-03, 1.D-02, 2.D-02, 5.D-02, $ 1.D-01, 2.D-01, 5.D-01, 1.D+00, 2.D+00, 5.D+00 ] labels = [ labels, $ 1.D+01, 2.D+01, 5.D+01, 1.D+02, 2.D+02, 5.D+02, $ 1.D+03, 2.D+03, 5.D+03, 1.D+04, 2.D+04, 5.D+04, $ 1.D+05, 2.D+05, 5.D+05, 1.D+06, 2.D+06, 5.D+06, $ 1.D+07, 2.D+07, 5.D+07, 1.D+08, 2.D+08, 5.D+08, $ 1.D+09, 2.D+09, 5.D+09, 1.D+10, 2.D+10, 5.D+10, $ 1.D+11, 2.D+11, 5.D+11, 1.D+12, 2.D+12, 5.D+12, $ 1.D+13, 2.D+13, 5.D+13, 1.D+14, 2.D+14, 5.D+14, $ 1.D+15, 2.D+15, 5.D+15, 1.D+16, 2.D+16, 5.D+16 ] llabels = alog10(labels) ind = where(llabels ge lrange[0] AND llabels le lrange[1]) ; if range values are too close, return original range if (ind[0] lt 0) then return,range ; return reversed labels if range[0] gt range[1] if (range[0] gt range[1]) then $ return,reverse(labels[min(ind):max(ind)]) $ else $ return,labels[min(ind):max(ind)] endif else begin if (lrange[1] lt 0.) then drange[1] = drange[1] - 1 exponent = indgen(drange[1]-drange[0]+1)+drange[0] if (n_elements(exponent) eq 1) then $ exponent = [ exponent, exponent+1 ] if (range[0] gt range[1]) then $ return,reverse(10.D0^exponent) $ else $ return,10.D0^exponent endelse end