;$Author: kenb-mac $ ;$Date: 2007-01-24 14:23:38 -0800 (Wed, 24 Jan 2007) $ ;$Header: /home/cdaweb/dev/control/RCS/evaluate_varstruct.pro,v 1.51 2006/10/27 17:00:22 kovalick Exp kovalick $ ;$Locker: kovalick $ ;$Revision: 225 $ ; Purpose: called from plotmaster, given a variable structure it ; returns the plotting information: plot type, number of panels, ; width, height, beginning and end time and title of the window/gif. ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- pro __prep_movie_pstruct, pstruct, ptype, dsize, params pstruct.ptype = ptype ; Must determine the number of images present if dsize[0] eq 2 then $ ; Images should not need more than 1 panel pstruct.npanels = 1 $ else if ptype ge 17 then $ ; or should this be unconditional?? pstruct.npanels = dsize[dsize[0]] ; Need image size for window/gif sizing pstruct.iwidth = dsize[1] pstruct.iheight = dsize[2] ;print, '**** Movie params: ', ptype, ' ', params ;!! for i = 0, n_elements(params)-1 do begin param = strupcase(params[i]) if param eq 'LOOP' then $ pstruct.movie_loop = 1 ; true if param eq 'FRAME_RATE' then $ pstruct.movie_frame_rate = uint(params[i+1]) end end ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION evaluate_varstruct, a ; Verify that the input variable is a structure b = size(a) if (b(n_elements(b)-2) ne 8) then begin print,'ERROR=Input parameter is not a valid structure.' & return,-1 endif ; Initialize the structure to be returned by this routine atags = tag_names(a) ; get names of all attributes for structure timing_data = 0L plottable_data = 0L ; initialize flags pstruct = {vname:'', ptype:0L, npanels:0L, $ iwidth:0L, iheight:0L, $ btime:DOUBLE(0.0), etime:DOUBLE(0.0), $ btime16:DCOMPLEX(0.0,0.0), etime16:DCOMPLEX(0.0,0.0), $ movie_frame_rate:3, movie_loop:0, $ title:'', source:''} allfill = 0 ; FALSE ; Retrieve the name of the variable from structure or structure tag b = tagindex('VARNAME',atags) if (b(0) ne -1) then pstruct.vname = a.VARNAME ; RTB 9/96 Retrieve the Data set name from the Logical source or ; the Logical file id b = tagindex('LOGICAL_SOURCE',atags) b0 = tagindex('Logical_source',atags) b1 = tagindex('LOGICAL_FILE_ID',atags) b2 = tagindex('Logical_file_id',atags) if (b(0) ne -1) then pstruct.source = strupcase(a.LOGICAL_SOURCE) if (b1(0) ne -1) then pstruct.source = strupcase(strmid(a.LOGICAL_FILE_ID,0,9)) if (b2(0) ne -1) then pstruct.source = strupcase(strmid(a.Logical_file_id,0,9)) if (b0(0) ne -1) then pstruct.source = strupcase(a.Logical_source) ; Determine the cdf type of the data for min/max time determination b = tagindex('CDFTYPE',atags) if (b(0) ne -1) then begin ;TJK 7/20/2006 check for both CDF_EPOCH and CDF_EPOCH16 ; if (a.CDFTYPE eq 'CDF_EPOCH') then timing_data = 1 ; set flag ;TJK 9/15/2006 check for whether this variable is Record varying, if ;not, do not include it as "timing_data". Otherwise variables like ;THEMIS' base time variable of 1970/01/01 have a btime set for them ;which throws off the time range for plotmaster calls (w/o tstart/tstop) if ((strpos(a.CDFTYPE, 'CDF_EPOCH') ge 0) and (a.CDFRECVARY eq 'VARY')) then begin timing_data = 1 ; set flag ep16 = 0L endif if ((strpos(a.CDFTYPE, 'CDF_EPOCH16') ge 0) and (a.CDFRECVARY eq 'VARY')) then begin timing_data = 1; set flag ep16 = 1L; endif endif ; Only variables with the attribute 'VAR_TYPE' equal to data are plottable b = tagindex('VAR_TYPE',atags) if (b(0) ne -1) then begin if (strupcase(a.VAR_TYPE) eq 'DATA') then plottable_data = 1 ; set flag endif ; Retrieve the data and get its dimensionality. If the data is timetag ; data then get its min and max values. if ((timing_data eq 1)OR(plottable_data eq 1)) then begin b = tagindex('DAT',atags) if (b(0) ne -1) then begin d = a.DAT & dsize=size(d) if (timing_data) then begin agood = where((a.DAT gt 0.0), acnt) ;TJK 5/13/99 add check for epoch values of 0.0 if (acnt gt 0) then begin if (ep16) then begin c = min(a.DAT(agood)) & pstruct.btime16 = c c = max(a.DAT) & pstruct.etime16 = c endif else begin c = min(a.DAT(agood)) & pstruct.btime = c c = max(a.DAT) & pstruct.etime = c endelse endif endif endif else begin b = tagindex('HANDLE',atags) if (b(0) ne -1) then begin handle_value,a.HANDLE,d & dsize=size(d) if (timing_data) then begin agood = where((d gt 0.0), acnt) ;TJK 5/13/99 add check for epoch values of 0.0 if (acnt gt 0) then begin if (ep16) then begin c = min(d(agood)) & pstruct.btime16 = c c = max(d) & pstruct.etime16 = c endif else begin c = min(d(agood)) & pstruct.btime = c c = max(d) & pstruct.etime = c endelse endif endif endif else begin print,'ERROR=No DAT or HANDLE field in structure' & return,-1 endelse endelse b = tagindex('FILLVAL',atags) if (b(0) ne -1) then begin ; fill = where(d ne a.FILLVAL, fcnt) ;TJK 6/1/2006 just look at the numbers 'not inifity or NaN ;TJK 11/17/2006 - fixed the following two where statements - ;they were plain wrong...because all finite returns is 1's or 0's ;so need to use those as indexes to their own where call. ; if (b(0) ne -1) then begin ;; fill = where(d ne a.FILLVAL, fcnt) ;;TJK 6/1/2006 just look at the numbers 'not inifity or NaN ; fill = where(finite(d) ne a.FILLVAL, fcnt) ; if (fcnt eq 0) then allfill = 1 ;TRUE ;;TJK 6/1/2006 do another test for NaN's ; fill = where(finite(d), fcnt) ; if (fcnt eq 0) then begin ; print, 'DEBUG, all values are NaN' ; allfill = 1 ;TRUE ; endif ; endif goodvals = where(finite(d), gcount) if gcount gt 0 then begin ;good value found, check them against the fillval fill = where(d(goodvals) ne a.FILLVAL, fcnt) if (fcnt eq 0) then allfill = 1 ;TRUE endif else begin ;no finite values found allfill = 1 endelse endif endif ; If data is not plottable, then no need to proceed. if (plottable_data eq 0) then return,pstruct ; Attempt to determine the plot type based on the display type attribute b = tagindex('DISPLAY_TYPE',atags) if b(0) ne -1 then begin ; attribute found c = break_mystring(a.(b(0)), delimiter='>') case strupcase(strtrim(c(0),2)) of 'TIME_SERIES': begin pstruct.ptype = 1 ;TJK changed this logic to deal w/ the fact that we'd added "keywords" to the ;time_series display_type syntax, e.g. "scatter" and "noauto" which are ;preceeded by ">". This fact was throwing off the npanels setting... 5/14/2001 pstruct.npanels = 0 if (n_elements(c) eq 2) then begin ; check for element list ; dn = break_mystring(c(1),delimiter=',') ;;TJK if (dn(0) ne ' ') then pstruct.npanels = n_elements(dn) e = examine_spectrogram_dt(a.DISPLAY_TYPE) pstruct.npanels = e.npanels print, 'DEBUG - Display_type = ',a.DISPLAY_TYPE print, 'DEBUG - setting npanels based on examine_spectrogram_dt to ',e.npanels endif if (pstruct.npanels eq 0) then begin ; determine number of panels dimensionaly if (dsize(0) eq 0) then pstruct.npanels = 1 ; only 1 point. RCJ 02/2001 if (dsize(0) eq 1) then pstruct.npanels = 1 if (dsize(0) eq 2) then pstruct.npanels = dsize(1) if (dsize(0) ge 3) then pstruct.ptype = 0 ; reset endif ;need to check whether there's any good data in range b = tagindex('VALIDMIN',atags) if (b(0) ne -1) then begin npanels = pstruct.npanels-1 for nel=0, npanels do begin if (dsize(0) le 1) then begin ;scalar vmin = where((d ge a.VALIDMIN and d le a.VALIDMAX), count) if (count lt 1) then pstruct.npanels = 0 ;no good values to plot endif else begin ;dim sizes greater than 1 vsize = size(a.VALIDMIN) ;in case the number of validmin/max values doesn't ;match the size of the data, then just use the first min/max if (vsize(0) eq 0) then begin idx = 0 endif else if (vsize(1) ne dsize(1)) then begin idx = 0 endif else idx = nel vmin = where((d(nel,*) ge a.VALIDMIN(idx) and d(nel,*) le a.VALIDMAX(idx)), count) if (count lt 1) then begin pstruct.npanels = pstruct.npanels-1 ;this dimension not good. print, 'no good values' endif endelse endfor endif ;validmin/max exists end 'SPECTROGRAM': begin pstruct.ptype = 2 ; Number of panels may be determined either dimensionaly ; or based on other information in display_type if present. dimension_based = 0 ; initialize flag if (n_elements(c) eq 1) then dimension_based = 1 if (n_elements(c) eq 2) then begin if (c(1) eq '') then dimension_based = 1 endif if (dimension_based eq 0) then begin ; process display_type dn = strupcase(c(1)) & i=0 & n=0 while (i ne -1) do begin i=strpos(dn,'Z=',i) if (i ne -1) then begin & n=n+1 & i=i+1 & endif endwhile if (n gt 0) then pstruct.npanels = n $ else dimension_based = 1 ; no useful info in display_type endif ;help, /struct, pstruct ;stop;TJK if (dimension_based eq 1) then begin ;TJK not right if (dsize(1) eq 2) then pstruct.npanels = 1 $ if (dsize(0) eq 2) then pstruct.npanels = 1 $ else pstruct.ptype = 0 ; not plottable as spectrogram! endif end 'TOPSIDE_IONOGRAM': begin pstruct.ptype = 2 & pstruct.npanels = 1 end 'BOTTOMSIDE_IONOGRAM': begin pstruct.ptype = 2 & pstruct.npanels = 1 end 'RADAR_VECTOR': begin pstruct.ptype = 3 end 'IMAGE' : begin pstruct.ptype = 4 ; must determine the number of images present if (dsize(0) eq 2) then pstruct.npanels = 1 ; $ RTB 12/98 ; images should not need more than 1 panel ; RTB 12/98 else pstruct.npanels = dsize(dsize(0)) ; need image size for window/gif sizing pstruct.iwidth = dsize(1) pstruct.iheight = dsize(2) end 'ORBIT' : begin pstruct.ptype = 5 end 'MAPPED' : begin pstruct.ptype = 6 end 'STACK_PLOT' : begin pstruct.ptype = 7 pstruct.npanels = 1 end 'MAP_IMAGE' : begin pstruct.ptype = 8 ; must determine the number of images present if (dsize(0) eq 2) then pstruct.npanels = 1 ; $ ; images should not need more than 1 panel ; RTB 12/98 else pstruct.npanels = dsize(dsize(0)) ; need image size for window/gif sizing pstruct.iwidth = dsize(1) pstruct.iheight = dsize(2) end 'PLASMAGRAM' : begin pstruct.ptype = 9 ; must determine the number of images present if (dsize(0) eq 2) then pstruct.npanels = 1 $ else pstruct.npanels = dsize(dsize(0)) ; need image size for window/gif sizing pstruct.iwidth = dsize(1) pstruct.iheight = dsize(2) end 'MOVIE' : begin __prep_movie_pstruct, pstruct, 10, dsize, c end 'MAP_MOVIE' : begin __prep_movie_pstruct, pstruct, 11, dsize, c end 'FLUX_MOVIE' : begin __prep_movie_pstruct, pstruct, 14, dsize, c end 'PLASMA_MOVIE' : begin __prep_movie_pstruct, pstruct, 15, dsize, c end 'FUV_MOVIE' :begin __prep_movie_pstruct, pstruct, 17, dsize, c end 'WIND_MOVIE' : begin __prep_movie_pstruct, pstruct, 19, dsize, c end 'TIME_TEXT' : begin pstruct.ptype=12 if (a.LABLAXIS ne '') then $ ; a 'panel' is one line of labels pstruct.npanels = 1 $ else pstruct.npanels = n_elements(a.LABL_PTR_1) end 'FLUX_IMAGE' : begin pstruct.ptype = 13 ; must determine the number of images present if (dsize(0) eq 2) then pstruct.npanels = 1 ; $ RTB 12/98 ; images should not need more than 1 panel ; RTB 12/98 else pstruct.npanels = dsize(dsize(0)) ; need image size for window/gif sizing pstruct.iwidth = dsize(1) pstruct.iheight = dsize(2) end 'FUV_IMAGE' : begin pstruct.ptype = 16 ; images should not need more than 1 panel if (dsize(0) eq 2) then pstruct.npanels = 1 ; need image size for window/gif sizing pstruct.iwidth = dsize(1) pstruct.iheight = dsize(2) end 'WIND_PLOT' : begin ; based on map_image pstruct.ptype = 18 ; must determine the number of images present if (dsize(0) eq 2) then pstruct.npanels = 1 ; need image size for window/gif sizing pstruct.iwidth = dsize(1) pstruct.iheight = dsize(2) end else : begin pstruct.ptype = 0 ; unknown plot type ; print,'WARNING=Unknown value for DISPLAY_TYPE attribute' end endcase endif ; If no plot type has yet been determined, then attempt to determine the ; plot type according to the dimensionality and size of the data. if (pstruct.ptype eq 0) then begin case dsize(0) of 0 : begin ; only 1 point. Same case as if dsize(0)=1. RCJ 02/2001 pstruct.npanels = 1 pstruct.ptype = 1 b = tagindex('VALIDMIN',atags) if (b(0) ne -1) then begin vmin = where((d ge a.VALIDMIN and d le a.VALIDMAX), count) if (count lt 1) then pstruct.npanels = 0 ;no good values to plot endif ;validmin/max exists end 1 : begin ; single panel time series pstruct.ptype = 1 & pstruct.npanels = 1 ;TJK - 1/29/99 - need to check whether there's any good data in range b = tagindex('VALIDMIN',atags) if (b(0) ne -1) then begin vmin = where((d ge a.VALIDMIN and d le a.VALIDMAX), count) if (count lt 1) then pstruct.npanels = 0 ;no good values to plot endif ;validmin/max exists end 2 : begin ; could be multi panel time series or single panel spectrogram ; or orbit plot if (dsize(1) le 3) then begin source_key=strmid(pstruct.source,3,6) if (source_key eq 'OR_DEF') OR (source_key eq 'OR_PRE') then begin var_key=strmid(pstruct.vname,3,4) crd_key=strmid(pstruct.vname,0,3) if(var_key eq '_POS') then begin if(crd_key eq 'GSM') or (crd_key eq 'GM_') or (crd_key eq 'SM_') then begin ; pstruct.ptype = 1 & pstruct.npanels = dsize(1) pstruct.ptype = 5 ; This may change back sometime endif else pstruct.ptype = 5 endif else begin pstruct.ptype = 1 & pstruct.npanels = dsize(1) endelse endif else begin pstruct.ptype = 1 & pstruct.npanels = dsize(1) endelse ;TJK added 1/29/99 ;need to check whether there's any good data in range if (pstruct.ptype eq 1) then begin b = tagindex('VALIDMIN',atags) if (b(0) ne -1) then begin npanels = pstruct.npanels-1 for nel=0, npanels do begin if (dsize(0) eq 0) then begin ;scalar vmin = where((d ge a.VALIDMIN and d le a.VALIDMAX), count) if (count lt 1) then pstruct.npanels = 0 ;no good values to plot endif else begin ;dim sizes greater than 1 vsize = size(a.VALIDMIN) ;in case the number of validmin/max values doesn't ;match the size of the data, then just use the first min/max if (vsize(0) eq 0) then begin idx = 0 endif else if (vsize(1) ne dsize(1)) then begin idx = 0 endif else idx = nel vmin = where((d(nel,*) ge a.VALIDMIN(idx) and d(nel,*) le a.VALIDMAX(idx)), count) if (count lt 1) then begin print, 'no good vals' & pstruct.npanels = pstruct.npanels-1 ;this dimension not good. endif endelse endfor endif ;validmin/max exists endif ; for time series plots endif else begin ; dsize(1) gt 3 ; ; RCJ 05/01 added this check for validmin/max: ; ;need to check whether there's any good data in range b = tagindex('VALIDMIN',atags) bb = tagindex('VALIDMAX',atags) if (b(0) ne -1) and (bb(0) ne -1) then $ vmin = where((d ge a.VALIDMIN) and (d le a.VALIDMAX)) if (n_elements(vmin) ne 0) and (vmin(0) eq -1) then begin print, 'no good vals' & pstruct.npanels = 0 endif else begin ; b = tagindex('DEPEND_1',atags) if (b(0) ne -1)AND(a.DEPEND_1 ne '') then begin pstruct.ptype = 2 & pstruct.npanels = 1 endif else begin ; do it as a time series pstruct.ptype = 1 & pstruct.npanels = dsize(1) endelse endelse endelse end 3 : begin ; image pstruct.ptype = 4 ; must determine the number of images present if (dsize(0) eq 2) then pstruct.npanels = 1 $ else pstruct.npanels = dsize(dsize(0)) ; need image size for window/gif sizing pstruct.iwidth = dsize(1) pstruct.iheight = dsize(2) end else : d=0 ; unplottable endcase endif d = 0 ;deallocate the data array - TJK ; Verify that required DEPEND attributes are present so that automatic ; plotting can be done. Autoplotting is impossible without the DEPEND's. d0 = 0L & d1 = 0L & d2 = 0L ; initialize b = tagindex('DEPEND_0',atags) if (b(0) ne -1) then if (a.DEPEND_0 ne '') then d0=1L b = tagindex('DEPEND_1',atags) if (b(0) ne -1) then if (a.DEPEND_1 ne '') then d1=1L b = tagindex('DEPEND_2',atags) if (b(0) ne -1) then if (a.DEPEND_2 ne '') then d2=1L case pstruct.ptype of ; check for missing depends 1 : if (d0 eq 0) then pstruct.ptype = 0 2 : if ((d0 eq 0)OR(d1 eq 0)) then pstruct.ptype = 0 3 : if ((d0 eq 0)OR(d1 eq 0)OR(d2 eq 0)) then pstruct.ptype = 0 4 : if ((d0 eq 0)OR(d1 eq 0)OR(d2 eq 0)) then pstruct.ptype = 0 else: d=0 ; do nothing endcase if pstruct.ptype eq 0 then pstruct.npanels = 0 ;check to see if the data for this variable is all fill, if so don't ;allocate any panels for it. Added TJK 2/28/99 if (allfill eq 1) then begin pstruct.ptype = 0 pstruct.npanels = 0 print, 'setting .npanels and .ptype to zero - no good data' endif ; Determine the title for a window or gif file using this variable b = tagindex('SOURCE_NAME',atags) if (b(0) ne -1) then begin n = break_mystring(a.SOURCE_NAME,delimiter='>') mytitle = n(0) endif else mytitle = '' b = tagindex('DESCRIPTOR',atags) if (b(0) ne -1) then mytitle = mytitle + ' ' + a.DESCRIPTOR b = tagindex('DATA_TYPE',atags) if (b(0) ne -1) then mytitle = mytitle + ' ' + a.DATA_TYPE pstruct.title = mytitle return,pstruct end