;$Author: kenb $ ;$Date: 2006-10-11 13:32:51 -0700 (Wed, 11 Oct 2006) $ ;$Header: /home/rumba/cdaweb/dev/control/RCS/create_plmap_vis.pro,v 1.4 2002/12/04 20:50:35 johnson Exp kovalick $ ;$Locker: kovalick $ ;$Revision: 8 $ ;Function: create_plmap_vis ;Purpose: to compute the virtual variables for the Polar VIS ;instrument. ;Author: Tami Kovalick, Raytheon STX, April 23, 1998 ;Modification: ; ; function create_plmap_vis, astruct, orig_names ;this code assumes that an image, geolat and geolong variables are ;declared as virtual. And that the "components" of the image virtual ;variable are the following list: ;Names = ['Look_Dir_Vctr', 'Int_Time_Half', 'Limit_Lo', 'Limit_Hi', 'AltF', ; 'Post_Gap','V_Zenith', 'D_Qual', 'Sun_Vctr','Time_PB5', 'Rotatn_Matrix', ; 'Filter', 'SC_Pos_GCI', 'SC_Vel_GCI', 'SC_SpinV_GCI', 'Sensor'] ;astruct will contain all of the variables and metadata necessary ;to create the lat and long data arrays. The Polar VIS original ;geographic coordinates (in the CDFs) only contain 1 location point ;for every 15, so in order to position these images on an earth ;map we must compute the lat and long for each image point. ;unfortunately the polar vis s/w relies on common blocks to pass ;its data variables, so for now I will just include them. When/if ;this s/w works I may get bold and eliminate these. COMMON XV_RECORD_DATA, Image, Record, XPos, YPos, ROI, LastImage, Curr_Limit COMMON XV_DERIVED_DATA, LookV_GCI, ALTLS, Alts, Phis, SZAs, Locs, Glats, Glons COMMON XV_FLAGS, Flags COMMON XV_FILE_DATA, Path, Filename, Fid, MaxRecs, ImageNum, LookVector, Header, UnDistort COMMON XV_DEBUG, dalts ;The code we are using to generate the full lat and long values was ;picked up from the polar vis web site mentioned in their polar vis ;CDFs. http://eiger.physics.uiowa.edu/~vis/software/. The code is ;called compute_crds (below). print, 'In Create_plmap_vis' ;First thing, get the virtual image variable metatdata and data. atags = tag_names(astruct) ;get the variable names vv_tagnames=strarr(1) vv_tagindx = vv_names(astruct,names=vv_tagnames) ;find the virtual vars if (vv_tagindx(0) lt 0) then return, -1 ;Second thing, if the 1st image virtual variable handle or dat structure ;elements are already set, then return astruct as is (because the other ;image variables, if requested, have already been set on the 1st call. ; ; This is not true if create_plmap_vis called 1st. IIMAGE_COUNTS variable will ; be set, but all other variables to be created in create_vis will not be set ; There is an ordering problem. ; Now return only if all of the handles are ne 0. ; RTB 9/98 ; ;vtags = tag_names(astruct.(vv_tagindx(0))) ;tags for the 1st Virtual image var. ireturn=1 ;print, vv_tagnames ;print, orig_names im_val_arr=intarr(n_elements(vv_tagindx)) for ig=0, n_elements(vv_tagindx)-1 do begin ; RTB added 9/98 vtags=tag_names(astruct.(vv_tagindx(ig))) v = tagindex('DAT',vtags) if (v(0) ne -1) then begin im_val = astruct.(vv_tagindx(ig)).dat endif else begin im_val = astruct.(vv_tagindx(ig)).handle if (im_val eq 0) then ireturn=0 endelse im_val_arr(ig)=im_val im_size = size(im_val) im_val=0 ;print, vv_tagindx(ig), im_val_arr(ig) if (im_val(0) ne 0 or im_size(0) eq 3) then begin im_val = 0B ;free up space ireturn=0 endif endfor if(ireturn) then return, astruct ; Return only if all orig_names are already ; populated. RTB 9/98 ;Set the index for where the latitude variable is located in astruct. ;This will vary depending on how many virtual image variables were selected. l_index = n_elements(vv_tagnames) - 2 ;the lat and long are the last two vvs. ; Determine 1st vv which has not yet been populated. If there are other ; vv's (after this current vv) which have not been set, they will be ; populated below if approriate or in another vv function called be ; read_myCDF. RTB 11/20/98 ; im_v=where(im_val_arr eq 0,im_vn) ;print, im_v if(im_vn ne 0) then begin c_3= '' i=0 while((c_3 eq '') and (i lt im_vn)) do begin c_0 = astruct.(vv_tagindx(im_v(i))).COMPONENT_0 ;1st comp. var (image var) c_1 = astruct.(vv_tagindx(im_v(i))).COMPONENT_1 ;2nd comp. var (latitude var) c_2 = astruct.(vv_tagindx(im_v(i))).COMPONENT_2 ;3rd comp. var (longitude var) c_3 = astruct.(vv_tagindx(im_v(i))).COMPONENT_3 ;4th comp. var (intensity var) ;print, c_3 i=i+1 endwhile ;if(c_3 eq '') then return, astruct ; No intensity found endif else return, astruct ; All fields populated if (c_0 ne '') then begin ;this should be the real image data - get the image data real_image = tagindex(c_0, atags) itags = tag_names(astruct.(real_image)) ;tags for the real Image data. d = tagindex('DAT',itags) if (d(0) ne -1) then AllImage = astruct.(real_image).DAT $ else begin d = tagindex('HANDLE',itags) handle_value, astruct.(real_image).HANDLE, AllImage endelse endif else print, 'No image variable found' im_size = size(AllImage) if (im_size(0) eq 3 or (im_size(0) eq 2 and im_size(1) eq 256)) then begin ; Get the Intensity variable if (c_3 ne '') then begin ;this should be the real image data - get the image data intensity = tagindex(c_3, atags) itags = tag_names(astruct.(intensity)) ;tags for the real Image data. d = tagindex('DAT',itags) if (d(0) ne -1) then Intens = astruct.(intensity).DAT $ else begin d = tagindex('HANDLE',itags) handle_value, astruct.(intensity).HANDLE, Intens endelse endif else print, 'No intensity variable found' ;Third thing, need to get all of the image support variables data ;out of the astruct and place them into a simple data structure. if (vv_tagnames(l_index) ne '') then begin ; this should be the latitude/long vv variable index = vv_tagindx(l_index) ltags = tag_names(astruct.(index)) ;tags names for the vv lat variable. ;find the "component_" attributes and construct a list a = where(strpos(ltags, 'COMPONENT_') eq 0, a_cnt) if (a_cnt ge 1) then begin Names = strarr(a_cnt) for j = 0, a_cnt-1 do begin Names(j) = astruct.(index).(a(j)) endfor endif endif ;now get the data for the these component variables from our ;structure and put them into a more simple structure which will ;be "passed" along to the vis s/w via the common block (xv_record_data). ;TJK - need to set the rec_number to the current record - because ; the low level compute_crds routine is expecting one structure ; named "record" for each image/time. if (im_size(0) eq 3) then num_recs = im_size(3) else num_recs = 1 print, 'Number of images = ',num_recs ;Set up the arrays that all of the new data will be put in prior ;to final storage in their respective structure handles. new_image = bytarr(im_size(1), im_size(2), im_size(3),/nozero) new_lat = dblarr(im_size(1), im_size(2), im_size(3),/nozero) new_lon = dblarr(im_size(1), im_size(2), im_size(3),/nozero) ; RTB add Epoch to Names list Names1=strarr(n_elements(Names)+1); Names1=[Names,"EPOCH"] Names=Names1 for k = 0, num_recs-1 do begin record = {RECORD:k+1} for i=0, n_elements(Names)-1 do begin var = tagindex(Names(i),atags) ;get each variables tag index vartags = tag_names(astruct.(var)) d = tagindex('DAT',vartags) if (d(0) ne -1) then vardat = astruct.(var).DAT $ else begin d = tagindex('HANDLE',vartags) handle_value, astruct.(var).HANDLE, vardat endelse var_size = size(vardat) ;need to only pass along one record worth of data ;for each "record structure". What comes back in vardat is ;all records for each variable. Also, for variables that ;aren't record varying, ie. look_dir_vctr and sensor, ;we'll have to detect this and pass the same record along ;each time... if (num_recs gt 1) then begin var_size = size(vardat) case (var_size(0)) of 0: begin dat = vardat end 1: begin if (var_size(1) eq num_recs) then dat = vardat(k) else $ dat = vardat end 2: begin if (var_size(2) eq num_recs) then dat = vardat(*,k) else $ dat = vardat end 3: begin if (var_size(3) eq num_recs) then dat = vardat(*,*,k) else $ dat = vardat end 4: begin if (var_size(4) eq num_recs) then dat = vardat(*,*,*,k) else $ dat = vardat end else: begin print, 'cannot handle greater than 4 dimension data yet',$ Names(i) end endcase endif else dat = vardat ;only one record vardat = 1B ;free up vardat record = CREATE_STRUCT(Names(i), dat, record) endfor ; all of the components Image = AllImage(*,*,k) ;just load in one image LookVector = record.Look_Dir_Vctr Imagenum = k ;Compute_crds is the main routine provided by the polar vis people ;that compute all sorts of things. compute_crds ;once the compute_crds routine runs, their resultant values needed ;for plotting the image should be in the common block XV_DERIVED_DATA ;as glats, glons which are each 256x256 arrays. Now put these new ;data in the appropriate virtual variables dat or handle structure ;tag member. new_image(*,*,k) = transpose(Image) ; Modifiy w/ intensities new_image(*,*,k) = Intens(new_image(*,*,k)+1) ; new_image(*,*,k) = Image ; RTB changes 9/98 new_lat(*,*,k) =rotate(rotate(Glats,5),3) new_lon(*,*,k) =rotate(rotate(Glons,5),3) ;new_lat(*,*,k) = Glats ;new_lon(*,*,k) = Glons immin = min(Image,max=immax) print, 'Min and max values for this image, ',immin,' ',immax Image = 1B Glats = 1B Glons = 1B endfor; for each image ;TJK a bunch of varification information which can be taken out ;once we're confident things are working correctly... wcnt = 0 wlat = where((new_lat ge -90.0 and new_lat le 90.0), wcnt) if (wcnt gt 0) then latmin = min(new_lat(wlat),max=latmax) print, 'In CREATE_PLMAP_VIS' if (wcnt gt 0) then print, 'Min and max latitudes for this image set, ',latmin,' ',latmax if (wcnt gt 0) then print, 'Number of valid latitudes = ',wcnt wcnt = 0 wlon = where((new_lon ge 0.0 and new_lon le 360.0), wcnt) if (wcnt gt 0) then lonmin = min(new_lon(wlon),max=lonmax) if (wcnt gt 0) then print, 'Min and max longitudes for this image set, ',lonmin,' ',lonmax if (wcnt gt 0) then print, 'Number of valid latitudes = ',wcnt ;end of varification...TJK im_temp = handle_create(value=new_image) lat_temp = handle_create(value=new_lat) lon_temp = handle_create(value=new_lon) ;astruct.(vv_tagindx(0)).HANDLE = im_temp astruct.(vv_tagindx(l_index)).HANDLE = lat_temp astruct.(vv_tagindx(l_index+1)).HANDLE = lon_temp ; Loop through all vv's and assign image handle to all w/ 0 handles RTB 9/98 ; Check if handle = 0 and if function = 'create_plmap_vis' for ll=0, l_index-1 do begin vartags = tag_names(astruct.(vv_tagindx(ll))) ;11/5/04 - TJK - had to change FUNCTION to FUNCT for IDL6.* compatibility ; findex = tagindex('FUNCTION', vartags) ; find the FUNCTION index number findex = tagindex('FUNCT', vartags) ; find the FUNCT index number if (findex(0) ne -1) then $ func_name=strlowcase(astruct.(vv_tagindx(ll)).(findex(0))) if(func_name eq 'create_plmap_vis') then begin print, vv_tagnames(vv_tagindx(ll)), im_temp if(astruct.(vv_tagindx(ll)).HANDLE eq 0) then begin astruct.(vv_tagindx(ll)).HANDLE = im_temp endif endif endfor ;The following should populate an extra 2 more virtual image variables. ;if (l_index gt 1) then begin ;asking for more than one image vv. ; if l_index eq 2 then astruct.(vv_tagindx(1)).HANDLE = im_temp ; if l_index eq 3 then astruct.(vv_tagindx(2)).HANDLE = im_temp ;endif ;free up space new_image = 1B new_lat = 1B new_long = 1B ; Check astruct and reset variables not in orignal variable list to metadata, ; so that variables that weren't requested won't be plotted/listed. status = check_myvartype(astruct, orig_names) return, astruct endif else return, -1 ;if there's no image data return -1 end