pro Restore_Objects_Event, event common cdfxcom, CDFxwindows, CDFxprefs ; include cdfx common widget_control,, get_uvalue=info widget_control, info.list, get_value=bvals case of info.ALL : begin bvals[*] = 1 widget_control,info.LIST,set_value=bvals end info.NONE : begin bvals[*] = 0 widget_control,info.LIST,set_value=bvals end info.CANCEL : widget_control,,/DESTROY info.RESTORE : begin for i=0,n_elements(bvals)-1 do begin if bvals[i] eq 1 then begin widget_control,/hourglass a = restore_mystruct(info.fnames[i]) cdfx_dataobject,a,GROUP=cdfxwindows.wid[0] a=0 ; free the memory endif endfor widget_control,,/DESTROY end else : ; do nothing endcase end ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Create a window to allow the user to restore saved data objects PRO restore_dataobjects, GROUP=GROUP fnames = cdfx_file_search('*.sav') if fnames(0) eq '' then begin ok = dialog_message(/error, [$ 'No data objects found. Cannot restore.', $ '(CDFx objects are stored in .sav files in', $ 'the current working directory.)']) return endif bvals = lonarr(n_elements(fnames)) ; button state values scroll = 0 ysize = 0 if n_elements(fnames) gt 10 then begin scroll=1 & ysize=20 endif ; Create the widget base1 = widget_base(/Column,Title='Restore Data Objects',/frame) if n_elements(fnames) le 15 then begin list1 = CW_BGROUP(base1,fnames,/NONEXCLUSIVE,SET_VALUE=bvals,/FRAME) endif else begin list1 = CW_BGROUP(base1,fnames,/NONEXCLUSIVE,SCROLL=scroll,SET_VALUE=bvals,$ X_SCROLL_SIZE=200,Y_SCROLL_SIZE=200,/FRAME) endelse base2 = widget_base(base1,/Row) ; Register this data object into the main window list add_cdfxwindow, 'Restore Objects', base1 ; Save the widget id's of the buttons and list of this widget info={LIST:list1, $ ALL: widget_button(base2, value='Select All'), $ NONE: widget_button(base2, value='Select None'), $ RESTORE: widget_button(base2, value='Restore'), $ CANCEL: widget_button(base2, value='Cancel'), $ FNAMES: fnames} ; Realize the data object widget_control, base1, /realize, set_uvalue=info xmanager, 'Restore Objects', base1, Event='Restore_Objects_Event',$ GROUP=GROUP, Cleanup='cdfx_cleanup_and_remove' end ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function cdfx_object_from_event, event widget_control, /hourglass widget_control,, get_uvalue=a child = widget_info(, /child) widget_control, child, get_uvalue=b widget_control, b.list, get_uvalue=vnames vname = str_sep(vnames(b.vnum), ' ') vname = strtrim(vname[0], 2) return, {orig:a, ti:tagindex(vname, tag_names(a)), $ vname:vname, pruned:cdfx_prune_struct(a, vname)} end ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- pro cdfx_DataObject_Event, event common cdfxcom, CDFxwindows, CDFxprefs ; include cdfx common tnames = tag_names(event) if tnames(3) eq 'VALUE' then begin ; must be from pull down menu case event.value of 'Object Actions>.Save IDL save file' : begin child = widget_info(,/child) ; get widget id of first child widget_control,child,get_uvalue=info widget_control,info.labl,get_value=olabel widget_control,/hourglass widget_control,,get_uvalue=a olabel=strtrim(olabel,2) s = break_mystring(olabel,delimiter=' ') t = break_mystring(s(2),delimiter='/') u = s(0)+'_'+t(0)+t(1)+t(2)+'.sav' print,'Creating the save file:',u save_mystruct,a,u a = 0 ; free memory end 'Object Actions>.Save a CDF file' : begin child = widget_info(,/child) widget_control,child,get_uvalue=info widget_control,info.labl,get_value=olabel widget_control,/hourglass widget_control,,get_uvalue=a olabel=strtrim(olabel,2) s = break_mystring(olabel,delimiter=' ') t = break_mystring(s(2),delimiter='/') u = s(0)+'_'+t(0)+t(1)+t(2)+'.cdf' print,'Creating the cdf file:',u ; s = cdfx_write_mycdf(a,u) ;!! s = write_mycdf(a, filename=u) ; or [u] ?? a = 0 ; free memory end 'Object Actions>.List Object' : begin widget_control,,get_uvalue=a print,'Generating list file...' widget_control,/hourglass s = list_mystruct(a,filename='cdfx.txt',/NOGATT,MAXRECS=950) if s ne -1 then xdisplayfile,'cdfx.txt' end 'Object Actions>.Time Filter' : begin widget_control,/hourglass widget_control,,get_uvalue=a cdfx_timeslice,a, end 'Object Actions>.Plot an Xwindow' : begin widget_control,/hourglass widget_control,,get_uvalue=a s = plotmaster(a, xsize=600, /cdaweb, /auto, /slow, /smooth,$ debug=CDFxprefs.debug) end 'Object Actions>.Plot a GIF file': begin widget_control,/hourglass widget_control,,get_uvalue=a cd,current=cwd s = plotmaster(a,xsize=600,/auto,/slow,/smooth,/GIF,/cdaweb,$ outdir=cwd, debug=CDFxprefs.debug) ;outdir='./', debug=CDFxprefs.debug) ok = dialog_message(/info, 'GIF image saved.') end 'Object Actions>.Close Object': begin if 'Yes' eq dialog_message(/question, $ 'Are you sure you want to close this object?') then begin widget_control,, get_uvalue=a delete_myhandles, a ; free any handles child = widget_info(, /child) widget_control, child, get_uvalue=info remove_cdfxwindow, title=('Data Object '+info.letter) widget_control,, /destroy endif end 'Variable Actions>.Show/Edit vattrs' : begin ; widget_control,/hourglass ; widget_control,,get_uvalue=a ; child = widget_info(,/child) ; widget_control,child,get_uvalue=b ; widget_control,b.list,get_uvalue=vnames ; vname = str_sep(vnames(b.vnum),' ') ; vname = strtrim(vname(0),2) a = cdfx_object_from_event(event) cdfx_editvattrs, a.orig, a.vname, end 'Variable Actions>.Compute Statistics' : begin ; widget_control,/hourglass ; widget_control,,get_uvalue=a ; child = widget_info(,/child) ; widget_control,child,get_uvalue=b ; widget_control,b.list,get_uvalue=vnames ; vname = str_sep(vnames(b.vnum),' ') ; vname = strtrim(vname(0),2) ; ti = tagindex(vname,tag_names(a)) a = cdfx_object_from_event(event) cdfx_showstats, a.orig.(a.ti), end 'Variable Actions>.List Variable' : begin a = cdfx_object_from_event(event) s = list_mystruct(a.pruned, /novatt, /norv, file=a.vname+'.list') resp = dialog_message(/info, $ "Listing saved in file '" + a.vname + ".list'") end 'Variable Actions>.Plot Variable' : begin a = cdfx_object_from_event(event) sts = plotmaster(a.pruned, /smooth, /cdaweb, /auto) if sts ne 0 then $ rsp = dialog_message(/error, 'Unable to plot variable!') end 'Variable Actions>.XPlot Image Variable' : begin a = cdfx_object_from_event(event) if stregex(a.vname, '.*IMAGE.*', /boolean, /fold) then $ s = xplot_images(a.orig, a.vname) $ else $ rsp = dialog_message(/error, 'Only images can be sent to XPLOT.') end else : print,'UNKNOWN VALUE FOR PULLDOWN!' endcase endif if tnames(3) eq 'INDEX' then begin ; must be from variable list widget_control,, get_uvalue=vnames s = size(vnames) if s(n_elements(s)-2) eq 7 then begin ; event is from the list child = widget_info(,/child) ; get widget id of first child widget_control,child,get_uvalue=b ; get the widget ids from first child b.vnum = event.index ; record which variable is selected widget_control,child,set_uvalue=b ; set the updated widget ids widget_control,b.vmenu,/sensitive ; sensitize the variable functions endif else begin ; event is from the droplist widget_control,/hourglass widget_control,,get_uvalue=a if (event.index eq 0) then $ vnames = generate_varlist(a) $ ; DATA only else $ vnames = generate_varlist(a, /ALL) ; ALL variables widget_control,,get_uvalue=b widget_control,b,set_value=vnames widget_control,b,set_uvalue=vnames a=0 ; free up the memory endelse endif end ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO cdfx_D0CBox, wid remove_cdfxwindow, WID=wid widget_control, wid, get_uvalue=a delete_myhandles, a ; free any handles end ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO cdfx_dataobject, a, GROUP=GROUP COMMON cdfxcom, CDFxwindows, CDFxprefs ; include cdfx common ; Determine the letter to identify this object letter = determine_dataobject_letter() ; Create a string array holding all of the global attributes in structure atags = tag_names(a.(0)) & w=where(atags eq 'FIELDNAM') & gattrs='' & p=' ' for i=1,w(0)-1 do begin if (n_elements(a.(0).(i)) eq 1) then begin val = atags(i) + ': ' + string(a.(0).(i)) if (gattrs(0) eq '') then gattrs = val else gattrs = [gattrs,val] endif else begin gattrs = [gattrs,(atags(i)+':')] for j=0,n_elements(a.(0).(i))-1 do gattrs = [gattrs,p+string(a.(0).(i)(j))] endelse endfor ; Determine a variable that contains the timing information atags = tag_names(a) & tvar = -1 for i=0,n_elements(atags)-1 do begin btags = tag_names(a.(i)) & w = where(btags eq 'CDFTYPE',wc) v = where(btags eq 'CDFRECVARY',vc) ;also check if record varies (because we ;now have datasets w/ several ;cdf_epoch variables, have to use the ;one that varies by record (THEMIS)) if (wc gt 0 and v gt 0) then $ if (a.(i).CDFTYPE eq 'CDF_EPOCH' and (a.(i).CDFRECVARY eq 'VARY')) then tvar = i endfor if (tvar ne -1) then begin ; Determine the start and stop time of the data d = get_mydata(a,tvar) start_time = decode_cdfepoch(min(d)) stop_time = decode_cdfepoch(max(d)) & d=0 endif ; Create label for this object from logical source and start/stop time lsource = '' & atags = tag_names(a.(0)) ; get names of the epoch attributes w = where(atags eq 'LOGICAL_SOURCE',wc) if (wc gt 0) then lsource = lsource + a.(0).(w(0)) if (strlen(lsource) le 1) then begin ; construct lsource from other info s = '' & t = '' & d = '' w = where(atags eq 'SOURCE_NAME',wc) if (wc gt 0) then s = break_mystring(a.(0).(w(0)),delimiter='>') w = where(atags eq 'DATA_TYPE',wc) if (wc gt 0) then t = break_mystring(a.(0).(w(0)),delimiter='>') w = where(atags eq 'DESCRIPTOR',wc) if (wc gt 0) then d = break_mystring(a.(0).(w(0)),delimiter='>') lsource = s(0) + '_' + t(0) + '_' + d(0) endif olabel = ' ' + lsource + ' from ' + start_time + ' till ' + stop_time + ' ' ; Create a list of variables and pertinent metadata vnames = generate_varlist(a) ; Create the widget base1 = widget_base(/Column,Title=('Data Object '+letter),/frame) base2 = widget_base(base1,/Column) base3 = widget_base(base1,/Row) labl1 = widget_label(base2,value=olabel,/align_center) text1 = widget_text(base2,value=gattrs,/scroll,ysize=10,xsize=40) list1 = widget_list(base2,value=vnames,/frame,ysize=6,uvalue=vnames) but1 = widget_droplist(base3,uvalue=list1,$ value=['Show data vars','Show all vars']) junk1 = {CW_PDMENU_S,flags:0,name:''} puld1 = [{CW_PDMENU_S,1,'Object Actions>'},$ {CW_PDMENU_S,1,'Save Object'},$ {CW_PDMENU_S,0,'as IDL save file'},$ {CW_PDMENU_S,2,'as a CDF file'},$ {CW_PDMENU_S,1,'Plot Object'},$ {CW_PDMENU_S,0,'as an Xwindow'},$ {CW_PDMENU_S,2,'as a GIF file'},$ {CW_PDMENU_S,0,'List Object'},$ {CW_PDMENU_S,0,'Time Filter'},$ {CW_PDMENU_S,2,'Close Object'}] but2 = CW_PDMENU(base3,puld1,/return_full_name) puld2 = [{CW_PDMENU_S,1,'Variable Actions>'},$ {CW_PDMENU_S,0,'Show/Edit vattrs'} ,$ {CW_PDMENU_S,0,'Compute Statistics'} ,$ {CW_PDMENU_S,0,'List Variable'},$ {CW_PDMENU_S,0,'Plot Variable'},$ {CW_PDMENU_S,2,'XPlot Image Variable'}] but3 = CW_PDMENU(base3,puld2,/return_full_name) ; Register this data object into the main window list add_cdfxwindow,('Data Object '+letter),base1 ; Save the widget id's of the buttons and list of this widget junk = {labl:labl1,text:text1,list:list1,drop:but1,$ omenu:but2,vmenu:but3,letter:letter,vnum:-1L} child = widget_info(base1,/child) ; get widget id of first child widget_control,child,set_uvalue=junk ; save widget ids in first child widget_control,but3,sensitive=0 ; desensitize variable functions for now ; Save the structure into the base user value widget_control,base1,set_uvalue=a & a=0 ; Realize the data object widget_control,base1,/realize Xmanager,'DataObject',base1,Event='cdfx_DataObject_Event',$ GROUP=GROUP,Cleanup='cdfx_D0CBox' end ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- pro cdfx_save_all_data_objects common cdfxcom, CDFxwindows, CDFxprefs ; include cdfx common w = where(strpos(CDFxwindows.title, 'Data Object') ne -1, wc) if wc lt 1 then begin resp = dialog_message(/info, 'No data objects to save!') return end for i=0, wc-1 do begin child = widget_info(CDFxwindows.wid(w[i]), /child) widget_control, child, get_uvalue=info widget_control, info.labl, get_value=olabel widget_control, /hourglass widget_control, CDFxwindows.wid(w[i]), get_uvalue=a olabel = strtrim(olabel, 2) s = break_mystring(olabel, delimiter=' ') t = break_mystring(s(2), delimiter='/') u = s(0)+'_'+t(0)+t(1)+t(2)+'.sav' ; print, 'Creating the save file:', u save_mystruct, a, u a = 0 ; free memory endfor resp = dialog_message(/info, 'Saved ' + strtrim(string(wc),2) + ' object(s).') end ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- pro cdfx_shutdown common cdfxcom, CDFxwindows, CDFxprefs ; include cdfx common ; Free any data held in handles before destroying the objects w = where(strpos(cdfxwindows.title,'Data Object') ne -1,wc) for i=0, wc-1 do begin widget_control, cdfxwindows.wid(w(i)), get_uvalue=a delete_myhandles, a endfor if strupcase(!version.os_family) eq 'WINDOWS' then begin $ cd,current=cwd save,filename=cwd+'\.cdfx', CDFxprefs endif else save, filename='~/.cdfx', CDFxprefs remove_cdfxwindow, title='Main Menu' ;need?? end ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- pro cdfx_MMenu_Event, event common cdfxcom, CDFxwindows, CDFxprefs ; include cdfx common tnames = tag_names(event) if tnames(3) eq 'VALUE' then begin ; must be from pull down menu case event.value of 'Open a new Window >.Image Animator Window' : begin widget_control,/hourglass cdfx_pre_xinteranimate, end ; 'Open a new Window >.Time Series Plot Window' : print,'NOT YET IMPLEMENTED' ; 'Open a new Window >.Spectrogram Plot Window' : print,'NOT YET IMPLEMENTED' ; 'Open a new Window >.Radar Plot Window' : print,'NOT YET IMPLEMENTED' ; 'Open a new Window >.Data Manipulator Window' : print,'NOT YET IMPLEMENTED' 'Modify Preferences>.Font Preferences' : begin s = XFONT() if (s ne '') then widget_control,default_font=s end 'Modify Preferences>.Color Table Preferences' : xloadct ; 'Modify Preferences>.Data Object Preferences' : print,'NOT YET IMPLEMENTED' ; 'Modify Preferences>.Time Series Preferences' : print,'NOT YET IMPLEMENTED' ; 'Modify Preferences>.Spectrogram Preferences' : print,'NOT YET IMPLEMENTED' ; 'Modify Preferences>.Image Preferences' : print,'NOT YET IMPLEMENTED' ; 'Modify Preferences>.Listing Preferences' : print,'NOT YET IMPLEMENTED' else : print,'UNKNOWN VALUE FOR PULLDOWN!' endcase endif else begin ; must be a regular button or the draw widget if tnames(3) eq 'TYPE' then begin ; must be the draw widget if ne 0 then begin ;!! print,'CDFx Version 1.0 Date: 5/22/96' endif endif else begin ; must be a regular button child = widget_info(, /child) widget_control, child, get_uvalue=button_ids case of button_ids.but1 : begin ; Read CDF files widget_control,/hourglass ; a = xread_mycdf(/nodatastruct,debug=CDFxprefs.debug) a = cdfx_opencdfs(gleader=button_ids.base01) ; verify that 'a' is a structure b = size(a) & c = b(n_elements(b)-2) if (c eq 8) then begin ;print,'Generating data object...' widget_control,/hourglass cdfx_dataobject, a, a = 0 ; delete structure endif end button_ids.but2 : begin widget_control,/hourglass restore_dataobjects, end button_ids.but3 : begin widget_control,/hourglass WindowList end button_ids.butm: help, /memory button_ids.bSaveObjects: cdfx_save_all_data_objects button_ids.bShowPrefs: cdfx_show_preferences button_ids.bAnimate: begin widget_control,/hourglass cdfx_pre_xinteranimate, end button_ids.bQuit: begin if dialog_message(/question,$ 'Are you sure you want to quit?') eq 'Yes' then begin cdfx_shutdown widget_control,, /destroy endif end else : print,'UNKNOWN BUTTON!' endcase endelse endelse end ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- pro cdfx_MMenuCBox, wid cdfx_shutdown end ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- pro cdfx, debug=debug ; Create the common block containing window information common cdfxcom, CDFxwindows, CDFxprefs if xregistered('CDFx Main Menu') ne 0 then begin print, 'CDFx main menu already exists!' ; dialog_message?? return endif device, decomposed = 0 ;device, true_color = 24 loadct, 5 ;widget_control, default_font='6x10' ; Initialize globals. CDFxwindows = { title:strarr(50), wid:lonarr(50) } ;is 50 enough?? cd,current=cwd if strupcase(!version.os_family) eq 'WINDOWS' then $ CDFxprefs = {version:1,debug:0,masters_path:cwd} else $ CDFxprefs = {version:1,debug:0,masters_path:'/home/cdaweb/data/0MASTERS' } ; ?? Use defsysv, '!CDFX', ___ ; Restore preferences, if the save file exists. if strupcase(!version.os_family) eq 'WINDOWS' then $ ;fname = file_search('~/.cdfx') fname = file_search(cwd+'\.cdfx') else fname = file_search('~/.cdfx') if (size(fname))[0] ne 0 then restore, fname[0] ; Create the main menu base01 = widget_base(/Column,Title='CDFx',/frame,/base_align_center) drw1 = widget_draw(base01,xsize=131,ysize=126,/frame, retain=2) lbl = widget_label(base01, value = 'v0.525') but1 = widget_button(base01,value='Read CDF files') but3 = widget_button(base01,value='Window List') but2 = widget_button(base01,value='Restore Data Objects') bSaveObjects = widget_button(base01, value='Save Data Objects') bAnimate = widget_button(base01, value='Animate Images') bShowPrefs = widget_button(base01, value='Preferences') bQuit = widget_button(base01, value='Quit') if keyword_set(debug) then begin CDFxprefs.debug = 1 butm = widget_button(base01, value='IDL Memory') endif else $ butm = -1L base2 = widget_base(base01,/Column,/BASE_ALIGN_CENTER) junk1 = {CW_PDMENU_S, flags:0, name:''} ;puld1 = [{CW_PDMENU_S,1,'Open a new Window >'},$ ; {CW_PDMENU_S,0,'Image Animator Window'}] ;but4 = CW_PDMENU(base2,puld1,/return_full_name) ;!! {CW_PDMENU_S,0,'Time Series Plot Window'},$ ; {CW_PDMENU_S,0,'Spectrogram Plot Window'},$ ; {CW_PDMENU_S,0,'Radar Plot Window'},$ ; {CW_PDMENU_S,2,'Data Manipulator Window'},$ ;puld2 = [{CW_PDMENU_S,1,'Modify Preferences>'},$ ; {CW_PDMENU_S,0,'Font Preferences'},$ ; {CW_PDMENU_S,0,'Color Table Preferences'}] ;but5 = CW_PDMENU(base2,puld2,/return_full_name) ;!! {CW_PDMENU_S,0,'Data Object Preferences'},$ ; {CW_PDMENU_S,0,'Time Series Preferences'},$ ; {CW_PDMENU_S,0,'Spectrogram Preferences'},$ ; {CW_PDMENU_S,0,'Image Preferences'},$ ; {CW_PDMENU_S,0,'Listing Preferences'}] ;puld3 = [{CW_PDMENU_S,1,'Shut Down>'},$ ; {CW_PDMENU_S,0,'...and Save all Data Objects'},$ ; {CW_PDMENU_S,2,'...and Destroy all Data Objects'}] ;but6 = CW_PDMENU(base2,puld3,/return_full_name) ; Register the main menu into the window list and save in the cdfx common add_cdfxwindow, 'Main Menu', base01 ; Save the widget id's of the buttons in the first child uvalue button_ids = { $ base01:base01, drw1:drw1, but1:but1, but2:but2, but3:but3, butm:butm, $ ;but4:but4, $ bAnimate:bAnimate, $ bSaveObjects:bSaveObjects, $ bShowPrefs:bShowPrefs, $ bQuit:bQuit } child = widget_info(base01, /child) widget_control, child, set_uvalue=button_ids ; Realize the main menu widget_control, base01, /realize widget_control, get_value=index, drw1 wset, index ; Try to locate the CDFx logo image. pathDirs = strjoin(strsplit(!path, ':', /extract), ',') logoFiles = cdfx_file_search('{' + pathDirs + '}/cdfxlogo.png') ;print, logoFiles ;print, pathDirs ; If logo found, draw it. if (size(logoFiles))[0] gt 0 then begin catch, error_status if error_status eq 0 then begin ; read_gif, logoFiles[0], logo, r, g, b logo = read_png(logoFiles[0], r, g, b) if !version.release lt '6.0' then $ logo = reverse(logo, 2) tvlct, r, g, b tv, logo endif endif ; Manage the window xmanager, 'MMenu', base01, event='cdfx_MMenu_Event', cleanup='cdfx_MMenuCBox' end ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------