Pro cdaweb_errplot, X, Low, High, Width = width ;+ ; NAME: ; CDAWEB_ERRPLOT ; ; PURPOSE: ; Plot error bars over a previously drawn plot. ; ; CATEGORY: ; J6 - plotting, graphics, one dimensional. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; CDAWEB_ERRPLOT, Low, High ;X axis = point number. ; ; CDAWEB_ERRPLOT, X, Low, High ;To explicitly specify abscissae. ; ; INPUTS: ; Low: A vector of lower estimates, equal to data - error. ; High: A vector of upper estimates, equal to data + error. ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; X: A vector containing the abscissae. ; ; KEYWORD Parameters: ; WIDTH: The width of the error bars, in units of the width of ; the plot area. The default is 1% of plot width. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; None. ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None. ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; An overplot is produced. ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; Logarithmic restriction removed. ; ; PROCEDURE: ; Error bars are drawn for each element. ; ; EXAMPLES: ; To plot symmetrical error bars where Y = data values and ; ERR = symmetrical error estimates, enter: ; ; PLOT, Y ;Plot data ; CDAWEB_ERRPLOT, Y-ERR, Y+ERR ;Overplot error bars. ; ; If error estimates are non-symetrical, enter: ; ; PLOT,Y ; CDAWEB_ERRPLOT, Upper, Lower ;Where Upper & Lower are bounds. ; ; To plot versus a vector of abscissae: ; ; PLOT, X, Y ;Plot data (X versus Y). ; CDAWEB_ERRPLOT, X, Y-ERR, Y+ERR ;Overplot error estimates. ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Originally, idl internal routine ; RCJ, Feb, 2003 Cdaweb_errplot: Based on errplot (idl internal routine). We needed a ; 'long' loop: for i=0L,n-1 do begin ;- on_error,2 ;Return to caller if an error occurs if n_params(0) eq 3 then begin ;X specified? up = high down = low xx = x endif else begin ;Only 2 params up = x down = low xx=findgen(n_elements(up)) ;make our own x endelse w = ((n_elements(width) eq 0) ? 0.01 : width) * $ ;Width of error bars (!x.window[1] - !x.window[0]) * !d.x_size * 0.5 n = n_elements(up) < n_elements(down) < n_elements(xx) ;# of pnts for i=0L,n-1 do begin ;do each point. xy0 = convert_coord(xx[i], down[i], /DATA, /TO_DEVICE) ;get device coords xy1 = convert_coord(xx[i], up[i], /DATA, /TO_DEVICE) plots, [xy0[0] + [-w, w,0], xy1[0] + [0, -w, w]], $ [replicate(xy0[1],3), replicate(xy1[1],3)], $ NOCLIP=!p.noclip, PSYM=0, /DEVICE endfor end