;+ ; NAME: ffo_string - substitute for string() ; ; PURPOSE: allows override of free format I/O specifications ; ; INPUT: format - a format specification, value - a value to be string'ed ; ; Examples: newstring = ffo_string( 'F10.2', 354.9985 ) ; newstring = ffo_string( struct.format, struct.dat ) ; ; NOTE: this function wraps the format string in parenthesis ; ; original version - JWJ 08/08/2000 ; FUNCTION ffo_string, format, value ; First, if format is defined, just use it against the value ; and return the result if strlen( format ) gt 0 then begin ; print, 'ffo_string using given format: string( FORMAT = (' + format + '), value)' return, string( FORMAT = '(' + format + ')', value ) endif ; Here's the original reason this function was developed. ; If the format is not defined and the data type ; is FLOAT, use F13.6 instead of the IDL 5.2 free format ; specifier of G13.6 which is causes us particular problems if size( value, /type ) eq 4 then begin ; print, 'ffo_string overriding free format for FLOAT type: string( FORMAT = (F13.6), value)' return, string( FORMAT = '(F13.6)', value ) endif ; At last, if no particular rules were met for overriding the ; format specifcation, use the free format I/O ; print, 'ffo_string doing free format I/O: string( value )' return, string( value ) end ; ffo_string ;+ ; NAME: delete.pro ; ; PURPOSE: Frees memory ; ; INPUT; var - any variable ; PRO delete, var ; ; ptr=PTR_NEW(var) ; PTR_FREE, ptr var = 0B ; end ;+ ; NAME: reform_strc.pro ; ; PURPOSE: Reforms the data array from a (1,N) to a (N). ; ; astrc - Input structure ; FUNCTION reform_strc, astrc istr=0 namest=tag_names(astrc) ns_tags=n_tags(astrc) for k=0, ns_tags-1 do begin tagname=namest(k) names=tag_names(astrc.(k)) ntags=n_tags(astrc.(k)) mc=where((names eq 'VAR_NOTES'),nc) for j=0, ntags-1 do begin if(names(j) eq 'DAT') then begin asize=size(astrc.(k).dat) if(asize(0) gt 0) then newdata=reform(astrc.(k).dat) else $ newdata=astrc.(k).dat tempa=create_struct('DAT',newdata) tempb=create_struct(tempb,tempa) endif else begin str_p=astrc.(k).(j) if(j eq 0) then begin tempb=create_struct(names(j),str_p) endif else begin tempa=create_struct(names(j),str_p) tempb=create_struct(tempb,tempa) endelse endelse endfor ; end j ; Add VAR_NOTES to each variable that does not have this attribute if(mc(0) lt 0) then begin tempa=create_struct('VAR_NOTES','') tempb=create_struct(tempb,tempa) endif ; Add each variable to the overall structure if(istr eq 0) then begin temp2=create_struct(namest(k),tempb) b=create_struct(temp2) endif else begin temp2=create_struct(namest(k),tempb) b=create_struct(b,temp2) endelse istr=istr+1 endfor ; end k ; Free Memory delete, tempa delete, tempb delete, temp2 return, b end ; ;12/13/2006 - TJK moved parse_mydepend0 out of this file to its own ;file (w/ same name so that it can be called by read_myCDF.pro ; ;+ ; NAME: reform_mystruc.pro ; ; PURPOSE: Reforms the data array from a (i,j,k) to a (i*j,k). ; ; astrc - Input structure FUNCTION reform_mystruct, astrc istr=0 namest=tag_names(astrc) ns_tags=n_tags(astrc) for k=0, ns_tags-1 do begin sz=size(astrc.(k).dat) names=tag_names(astrc.(k)) ntags=n_tags(astrc.(k)) if(sz(0) eq 3) then begin tagname=namest(k) newsz=sz(1)*sz(2) newdata=reform(astrc.(k).dat,newsz,sz(3)) astrc.(k).var_notes='ListImage' for j=0, ntags-1 do begin if(names(j) eq 'DAT') then begin tempa=create_struct('DAT',newdata) tempb=create_struct(tempb,tempa) endif else begin tag_cmd='str_p=astrc.'+tagname+'.(j)' if(not execute(tag_cmd)) then begin print, 'ERROR=Execute error setting tag_cmd2' close,1 return, -1 endif if(j eq 0) then begin tempb=create_struct(names(j),str_p) endif else begin tempa=create_struct(names(j),str_p) tempb=create_struct(tempb,tempa) endelse endelse endfor ; end j temp2=create_struct(namest(k),tempb) b=create_struct(b,temp2) endif else begin if(istr eq 0) then begin b=create_struct(namest(k),astrc.(k)) endif else begin temp=create_struct(namest(k),astrc.(k)) b=create_struct(b,temp) endelse endelse istr=istr+1 endfor ; Free Memory delete, tempa delete, tempb delete, temp return, b end ;+ ; NAME: ord_mystruc.pro ; ; PURPOSE: Reorders the given structure so that the dimension of the data ; variables is increasing w/ each entry. ; ; astrc - Input structure ; vorder - An array of the dimension of each variable in the structure FUNCTION ord_mystruct, astrc, vorder, is vlen=n_elements(vorder) vmax=max(vorder) istr=0 names=tag_names(astrc) for k=is, vmax do begin for i=0, vlen-1 do begin if(vorder(i) eq k) then begin if(istr eq 0) then begin bnew=create_struct(names(i),astrc.(i)) endif else begin temp=create_struct(names(i),astrc.(i)) bnew=create_struct(bnew,temp) endelse istr=istr+1 endif endfor ; end i endfor ; end k ; Free Memeory delete, temp return, bnew end ; ; FUNCTION dependn_search,a,i,d ; ; INPUT: a - data structure ; i - index of variable for which we want the values of depend_n ; d - which depend? 1? 2? ; OUTPUT: array of depend_n values ; ; Establish error handler catch, error_status if(error_status ne 0) then begin print, 'STATUS= Data cannot be listed.' print, 'ERROR=Error number: ',error_status,' in listing (dependn_search).' print, 'ERROR=Error Message: ', !ERR_STRING close, 1 return, -1 endif depn_values='' tmp_stuff='' dependn='' ; case d of 1:begin q=where(tag_names(a.(i)) eq 'DEPEND_1') if (q(0) ne -1) then dependn=a.(i).depend_1 end 2:begin q=where(tag_names(a.(i)) eq 'DEPEND_2') if (q(0) ne -1) then dependn=a.(i).depend_2 end endcase if (dependn(0) ne '') then s=execute('tmp_stuff= a.'+dependn+'.DAT') if (dependn(0) ne '') then s=execute('dep_fill= a.'+dependn+'.FILLVAL') if string(tmp_stuff(0)) ne '' then begin size_tmp=size(tmp_stuff) case size_tmp(0) of 1: begin depn_values=strtrim(tmp_stuff,2) end 2: begin ; RCJ 12/01 As far as I know, there are 2 types of 2D depend matrices. ; Taking, for example angles and a 3x3 matrix: ; a=[[90,180,270],[90,180,270],[90,180,270]] is one possible arrangement, but ; a=[[90,90,90],[180,180,180],[270,270,270]] is also an arrangement I've seen. ; So this code is checking for these 2 types. Taking the first and second ; rows, the first is compared to the second using 'match'. If the elements ; do not match (second case, count=0) our depend array is column 0 of ; the original matrix. If all elements match (first case, ; count=n_elements(one of the rows) then our depend array is row 0 of ; the original matrix. For a case other than these 2 listing the data ; becomes a more difficult task. I would have to think about it.... ;ts1=tmp_stuff[*,0] ;ts2=tmp_stuff[*,1] ; Above is the old ts1 and ts2. Now I'm trying to avoid ; comparing arrays that contain fillval (hopefully not *all* of ; them do!) : RCJ 02/21/02 ; The "if j lt size_tmp(2)" tests are used in case there are fillvals in ; all of the rows and we don't want to run out of rows to test. RCJ 09/25/02 j=0 test_ts1: q=where(tmp_stuff[*,j] eq dep_fill) if q(0) ne -1 then begin j=j+1 if j lt size_tmp(2)-1 then goto, test_ts1 endif ts1=tmp_stuff[*,j] if j lt size_tmp(2)-1 then j=j+1 test_ts2: q=where(tmp_stuff[*,j] eq dep_fill) if ((q(0) ne -1) and (j lt size_tmp(2)-1)) then begin j=j+1 goto, test_ts2 endif ts2=tmp_stuff[*,j] ; ; Test one array against the other: ; match,ts1,ts2,its1,its2,count=count ; recycling the variable: its1=n_elements(ts1) case count(0) of 0: begin tmp_stuff=transpose(tmp_stuff[0,*]) end its1: begin tmp_stuff=tmp_stuff[*,0] end else: begin print,'WARNING: s/w does not recognize this 2D depend matrix. Too many fillvals?' print,' Returning first row of array. In listing (dependn_search).' ;return, depn_values ; oh well, it's better to return something: tmp_stuff=tmp_stuff[*,0] end endcase ; read only first line, but this is not generic enough... RCJ (10/01) ;tmp_stuff=tmp_stuff[*,0] depn_values=strtrim(tmp_stuff,2) end endcase endif ; return, depn_values end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION label_search,a,sz,i,k ; RCJ 01/29/2003 We are no longer using label_search_max_width. ; ; Please pay attention to label_search_max_width ; if you make changes to label_search. The previous ; function is a copy of the latter with one specific ; modification, hence any changes may need to be made ; in both places ; ; JWJ 07/31/2000 ; ; ; INPUT: a - data structure ; sz - dimension of a(i) variable. First element of output of size(). ; i - index of variable for which we want the label ; k - index of array element for which we want the label ; ; OUTPUT: element k of label array for variable a.(i) ; ; Establish error handler catch, error_status if(error_status ne 0) then begin print, 'STATUS= Data cannot be listed.' print, 'ERROR=Error number: ',error_status,' in listing (label_search).' print, 'ERROR=Error Message: ', !ERR_STRING close, 1 return, -1 endif label='' len=size(a.(i).dat) lent=size(a.(0).dat) length=lent(lent(0)+2) if(sz le 1) then begin if(length eq 1 and len(0) eq 1 and len(1) gt 1) then begin if(a.(i).lablaxis ne '') then label=strupcase(a.(i).lablaxis) else $ lab=strupcase(a.(i).labl_ptr_1) label=lab(k) endif else begin if(a.(i).lablaxis eq '') then label=strupcase(a.(i).fieldnam) else $ label=strupcase(a.(i).lablaxis) endelse endif if(sz eq 2) then begin if(a.(i).var_notes eq 'ListImage') then begin if(a.(i).lablaxis ne '') then label=a.(i).lablaxis else $ label=a.(i).fieldnam endif if(a.(i).var_notes ne 'ListImage') then begin ;if(a.(i).lablaxis ne '') then label=strupcase(a.(i).lablaxis) ;else begin ;lab=strupcase(a.(i).labl_ptr_1) ;if(lab(0) ne '') then begin ; label=lab(k) ; ; RCJ 03/28/01 Replaced the above with the code below. It is not ; guaranteed that we have labl_ptr_1, and k is sometimes out of range. ; if(a.(i).lablaxis ne '') then begin lab=strupcase(a.(i).lablaxis) endif else begin lab=strupcase(a.(i).labl_ptr_1) endelse if(lab(0) ne '') then begin if (n_elements(lab) gt 1) then label=lab(k) else label=lab(0) endif else begin ; depend1=strupcase(a.(i).depend_1) ; RTB added code 3/98 temp_names=tag_names(a) z=tagindex(depend1,temp_names) if(z(0) ne -1) then $ lab_cmd='lab=a.(z(0)).labl_ptr_1' else $ print, depend1, ' not found (ListImage section of LIST_mystruct).' ; lab_cmd='lab=a.'+depend1+'.labl_ptr_1' if(not execute(lab_cmd)) then print, "ERROR=Error setting lab_cmd" if(lab(0) eq '') then begin ; RTB 3/98 ;lab_cmd='lab=string(a.'+depend1+'.dat(k))' ; JWJ 08/08/2000 - changed below ffo_string() call from a string() call lab=ffo_string(a.(z(0)).format, a.(z(0)).dat(k)) label=strtrim(lab(0),2) endif else begin label=strtrim(lab(k),2) endelse endelse endif endif if(n_elements(label) eq 0) then label = '' ; Fill ' ' w/ '_' ;ii = strpos(label,' ') ;if(ii ne -1) then begin ; if(ii eq 0) then begin ; label=strtrim(label,1) ; ii = strpos(label,' ') ; endif return, label end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION unit_search,a,sz,i,k ; INPUT: a - data structure ; sz - dimension of a(i) variable. First element of output of size(). ; i - index of variable for which we want the unit ; k - index of array element for which we want the unit ; ; OUTPUT: element k of label array for variable a.(i) ; ; Establish error handler catch, error_status if(error_status ne 0) then begin print, 'STATUS= Data cannot be listed.' print, 'ERROR=Error number: ',error_status,' in listing (unit_search).' print, 'ERROR=Error Message: ', !ERR_STRING close, 1 return, -1 endif ;print,'stuff = ',sz,i,k ; RCJ 02/06/2003 Was going to call this var 'unit' but the name is already used: "printf, unit,.." ; so I'm calling it 'units': units='' len=size(a.(i).dat) lent=size(a.(0).dat) length=lent(lent(0)+2) if(sz le 1) then begin if(a.(i).units ne '') then units=a.(i).units else begin ; RCJ 04/18/2003 'units' or 'unit_ptr' are *required* var attributes according to the ; ISTP guidelines but some cdfs come w/ neither of them, so here's a test: z=tagindex('unit_ptr',tag_names(a.(i))) if z[0] ne -1 then unts=a.(i).unit_ptr else unts='' units=unts(k) endelse endif if(sz eq 2) then begin if(a.(i).var_notes eq 'ListImage') then begin if(a.(i).units ne '') then units=a.(i).units endif if(a.(i).var_notes ne 'ListImage') then begin ; if(a.(i).units ne '') then begin unts=a.(i).units endif else begin ; RCJ 02/25/2004 'units' or 'unit_ptr' are *required* var attributes according to the ; ISTP guidelines but some cdfs come w/ neither of them, so here's the same ; test as above: z=tagindex('unit_ptr',tag_names(a.(i))) if z[0] ne -1 then unts=a.(i).unit_ptr else unts='' ;unts=a.(i).unit_ptr ;print,'this is units = ',unts,' and k = ', k endelse ;for ii=0,n_elements(unts)-1 do print,ii,' &',unts(ii),'&' ;if(unts(0) ne '') then begin if (n_elements(unts) gt 1) then units=unts(k) else units=unts(0) ;endif endif endif if(n_elements(units) eq 0) then units = '' return, units end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;FUNCTION label_search_max_width,a,sz,i,k ; ;; ;; This function mirrors the function label_search ;; with one difference. This version will, when the ;; label search involves the "dat" array, return the ;; first instance of the widest "string" value from ;; that array. ;; ;; JWJ 07/31/2000 ;; ;; Establish error handler ;catch, error_status ;if(error_status ne 0) then begin ; print, 'STATUS= Data cannot be listed.' ; print, 'ERROR=Error number: ',error_status,' in listing (label_search).' ; print, 'ERROR=Error Message: ', !ERR_STRING ; close, 1 ; return, -1 ;endif ; ;label='' ;len=size(a.(i).dat) ;lent=size(a.(0).dat) ;length=lent(lent(0)+2) ; ;if(sz le 1) then begin ; if(length eq 1 and len(0) eq 1 and len(1) gt 1) then begin ; if(a.(i).lablaxis ne '') then label=strupcase(a.(i).lablaxis) else $ ; lab=strupcase(a.(i).labl_ptr_1) ; label=lab(k) ; endif else begin ; if(a.(i).lablaxis eq '') then label=strupcase(a.(i).fieldnam) else $ ; label=strupcase(a.(i).lablaxis) ; endelse ;endif ; ;if(sz eq 2) then begin ; if(a.(i).var_notes eq 'ListImage') then begin ; if(a.(i).lablaxis ne '') then label=a.(i).lablaxis else $ ; label=a.(i).fieldnam ; endif ; if(a.(i).var_notes ne 'ListImage') then begin ; ;if(a.(i).lablaxis ne '') then label=strupcase(a.(i).lablaxis) ;else begin ; ;lab=strupcase(a.(i).labl_ptr_1) ; ;if(lab(0) ne '') then begin ; ; label=lab(k) ; ;endif else begin ; ; ; ; RCJ 03/28/01 Replaced the above with the code below. It is not ; ; guaranteed that we have labl_ptr_1, and k is sometimes out of range. ; ; ; lab='' ; if(a.(i).lablaxis ne '') then begin ; lab=strupcase(a.(i).lablaxis) ; endif else begin ; lab=strupcase(a.(i).labl_ptr_1) ; endelse ; if(lab(0) ne '') then begin ; if (n_elements(lab) gt 1) then label=lab(k) else label=lab(0) ; endif else begin ; ; ; depend1=strupcase(a.(i).depend_1) ; ; RTB added code 3/98 ; temp_names=tag_names(a) ; z=tagindex(depend1,temp_names) ; if(z(0) ne -1) then $ ; lab_cmd='lab=a.(z(0)).labl_ptr_1' else $ ; print, depend1, ' not found (ListImage section of LIST_mystruct).' ; ; lab_cmd='lab=a.'+depend1+'.labl_ptr_1' ; if(not execute(lab_cmd)) then print, "ERROR=Error setting lab_cmd" ; if(lab(0) eq '') then begin ; ; RTB 3/98 ; ;lab_cmd='lab=string(a.'+depend1+'.dat(k))' ; ; ; JWJ 07/31/2000 ; lab_cmd='lab=string(a.(z(0)).dat(k))' ; ; JWJ 07/31/2000 ; wtmp=execute(lab_cmd) ; ; JWJ 07/31/2000 ; if(not wtmp) then print, "ERROR=Error setting lab_cmd 1" ; ; JWJ 07/31/2000 ; label=strtrim(lab(0),2) ; ; ; Loop through "dat" array structure element here, find widest ; ; "string" contained there, and set label to that value. The ; ; first instance of the widest "string" found is the one used ; ; primarily for efficiancy reasons ; ; ; ; JWJ 07/31/2000 ; ; ; label = '' ; element_string = '' ; element_width = 0 ; max_element_width = 0 ; for element = 0, ( n_elements( a.(z(0)).dat ) - 1 ) do begin ; ; ; JWJ 08/08/2000 - changed below ffo_string() call from a string() call ; element_string = strtrim( ffo_string( a.(z(0)).format, a.(z(0)).dat(element) ), 2 ) ; ; element_width = strlen( element_string ) ; if( element_width gt max_element_width ) then begin ; label = element_string ; max_element_width = element_width ; endif ; ; uncomment the below statement for debugging ; ; print, 'label = "', label, '" element = ', element, $ ; ; ', element_string = "', element_string, '"' ; endfor ; ; endif else begin ; label=strtrim(lab(k),2) ; endelse ; endelse ; endif ;endif ; ;if(n_elements(label) eq 0) then label = '' ; ;; Fill ' ' w/ '_' ;;ii = strpos(label,' ') ;;if(ii ne -1) then begin ;; ;if(ii eq 0) then begin ;; ; label=strtrim(label,1) ;; ; ii = strpos(label,' ') ;; ;endif ;; strput,label,'_',ii ;;endif ; ;return, label ;end ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION list_header, a, unit, ntags ; Establish error handler catch, error_status if(error_status ne 0) then begin print, 'STATUS= Data cannot be listed.' print, 'ERROR=Error number: ',error_status,' in listing (list_header).' print, 'ERROR=Error Message: ', !ERR_STRING close, 1 return, -1 endif status=0 printf, unit, format='(15x,"************************************")' printf, unit, format='(15x,"**** RECORD VARYING VARIABLES ****")' printf, unit, format='(15x,"************************************")' printf, unit, format='(15x)' ii=0 for i=0L, ntags-5 do begin if(a.(i).var_type eq 'data') or (a.(i).var_type eq 'support_data') then begin ii=ii+1 if(n_elements(a.(i).catdesc) eq 0) then begin printf,unit, format='(i2,". ",a)', ii, a.(i).fieldnam endif else begin if(strlen(a.(i).catdesc) eq 0) then begin printf,unit, format='(i2,". ",a)', ii, a.(i).fieldnam endif else begin printf,unit, format='(i2,". ",a)', ii, a.(i).catdesc endelse endelse endif ;if(a.(i).var_notes eq 'ListImage') then begin if(a.(i).var_notes eq 'ListImage') and $ ((a.(i).var_type eq 'data') or (a.(i).var_type eq 'support_data')) then begin depend1=a.(i).depend_1 depend2=a.(i).depend_2 temp_names=tag_names(a) ; RTB added code 3/98 z=tagindex(depend1,temp_names) if(z(0) ne -1) then dep1_cmd='dep1=a.(z(0)).dat' else $ print, depend1, ' not found(ListImage section of LIST_mystruct).' if(z(0) ne -1) then frm1_cmd='frm1=a.(z(0)).format' else $ print, depend1, ' not found (ListImage section of LIST_mystruct).' ; RTB added code 3/98 ; RCJ 12/99 changed z -> zz, otherwise energy and angle will have ;the same values when the commands are executed ; zz=tagindex(depend2,temp_names) if(zz(0) ne -1) then dep2_cmd='dep2=a.(zz(0)).dat' else $ print, depend2, ' not found (ListImage section of LIST_mystruct).' if(zz(0) ne -1) then frm2_cmd='frm2=a.(zz(0)).format' else $ print, depend2, ' not found (ListImage section of LIST_mystruct).' ;dep1_cmd='dep1=a.'+depend1+'.dat' ;frm1_cmd='frm1=a.'+depend1+'.format' ;dep2_cmd='dep2=a.'+depend2+'.dat' ;frm2_cmd='frm2=a.'+depend2+'.format' if(not execute(dep1_cmd)) then print, "ERROR=Error setting dep1" if(not execute(frm1_cmd)) then print, "ERROR=Error setting frm1" if(not execute(dep2_cmd)) then print, "ERROR=Error setting dep2" if(not execute(frm2_cmd)) then print, "ERROR=Error setting frm2" len1=string(strlen(dep1(0))+1) len2=string(strlen(dep2(0))+1) sz1=size(dep1) sz2=size(dep2) ln1=strtrim(sz1(sz1(0)+2),2) ln2=strtrim(sz2(sz2(0)+2),2) frm1=ln1+'a'+len1 frm2=ln2+'a'+len2 ; if(frm1 eq '') then frm1=ln1+'a' ; if(frm2 eq '') then frm2=ln2+'a' form1='("depend_1 is ",a,": [",'+frm1+',"]")' form2='("depend_2 is ",a,": [",'+frm2+',"]")' printf, unit, format=form1, depend1,dep1 printf, unit, format=form2, depend2,dep2 ;TJK changed this upon Bob's request since its not an accurate statement... ; printf, unit, format='("Format: [1st depend_1 x M depend_2s, 2nd depend_1 x M depend_2s, ... Nth depend_1 x M depend_2s]")' printf, unit, format='("Order of values for this variable in each row: values at each depend_1 for the 1st depend_2, values at each depend_1 for the 2nd depend_2, ..., values at each depend_1 for the last depend_2")' printf,unit,format='(15x)' endif endfor ; end i printf,unit,format='(15x)' return, status end ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION ex_prt, unit, var, var2, slen, k ; Establish error handler catch, error_status if(error_status ne 0) then begin print, 'STATUS = Data cannot be listed.' print, 'ERROR=Error number: ',error_status,' in listing (ex_prt).' print, 'ERROR=Error Message: ', !ERR_STRING close, 1 return, -1 endif status=0 icnt=0 output=' ' for i=0, slen-1 do begin ch=strmid(var2,i,1) if(icnt lt 75) then begin strput,output,ch,icnt endif else begin if(ch eq ' ') then begin if(k eq 0) then begin printf, unit, format='(5x,a,5x,a)', var, output endif else begin printf, unit, format='(30x,a)', output endelse icnt=0 output=' ' endif else strput,output,ch,icnt endelse icnt=icnt+1 endfor if(icnt gt 1) then printf, unit, format='(30x,a)', output return, status end ;+ ; NAME: wrt_hybd_strct.pro ; ; PURPOSE: Prints ascii file of RV or NRV variables ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FUNCTION wrt_hybd_strct, a, unit, convar, maxrecs, depend0 ; Establish error handler catch, error_status if(error_status ne 0) then begin if(error_status eq -96) then $ print, 'STATUS= This amount of data cannot be listed, please request a shorter time range' if(error_status eq -133) then $ print, 'STATUS= Incompatible variable types. Select variables separately' if(error_status eq -124) then $ print, 'STATUS= Temporary memory error. Please try again.' $ else print, 'STATUS= Data cannot be listed' print, 'ERROR=Error number: ',error_status,' in listing (wrt_hybd_strct).' print, 'ERROR=Error Message: ', !ERR_STRING return, -1 endif status=0 names=strupcase(tag_names(a)) ntags=n_tags(a) blnk=' ' ;print,'convar = ',convar case convar of 0 : begin ; Check MAXRECS if(n_elements(num_data) eq 0) then num_data=0 num_data=num_data+ntags if(num_data gt maxrecs) then begin dif_rec=num_data-maxrecs text='The maximum number of records allowed to be listed is ' text1='Your request has exceeded this maximum by ' text2='WARNING: Maxrecs exceeded in Global Attributes; No. Recs. = ' printf, unit, format='(a,i6)',text,maxrecs printf, unit, format='(a,i6)',text1,dif_rec printf, unit, format='(a)',blnk status=1 endif printf, unit, format='(15x,"************************************")' printf, unit, format='(15x,"***** GLOBAL ATTRIBUTES ******")' printf, unit, format='(15x,"************************************")' printf, unit, format='(15x)' for i=0, ntags-1 do begin var=' ' var1=strtrim(names(i),2) strput,var,var1,0 tstsz=size(a.(i)) if(tstsz(0) eq 0) then begin var2=strtrim(a.(i),2) slen=strlen(var2) if(slen gt 80) then begin status=ex_prt(unit,var,var2,slen,0) endif else begin printf, unit, format='(5x,a,5x,a)', var, var2 endelse endif else begin for k=0, tstsz(1)-1 do begin var2=strtrim(a.(i)(k)) slen=strlen(var2) if(slen gt 80) then begin status=ex_prt(unit,var,var2,slen,k) endif else begin if(k eq 0) then begin printf, unit, format='(5x,a,5x,a)', var, var2 endif else begin printf, unit, format='(30x,a)', var2 endelse endelse endfor ; end k endelse endfor ; end i ; if(num_data gt maxrecs) then begin dif_rec=num_data-maxrecs text='The maximum number of records allowed to be listed is ' text1='Your request has exceeded this maximum by ' text2='WARNING: Maxrecs exceeded in Global Attributes; No. Recs. = ' printf, unit, format='(a)',blnk printf, unit, format='(a,i6)',text,maxrecs printf, unit, format='(a,i6)',text1,dif_rec status=1 endif ; printf, unit, format='(15x)' end ; end case 0 ; ; Record Varying Variables ; 1 : begin ; Check MAXRECS if(n_elements(num_data) eq 0) then num_data=0 ; Put in appropriate record count len=size(a.(0).dat) length=len(len(0)+2) num_data=length ; Check for maxrecs begin exceeded num_data=num_data+4 if(num_data gt maxrecs) then begin dif_rec=num_data-maxrecs text='The maximum number of records allowed to be listed is ' text1='Your request has exceeded this maximum by ' printf, unit, format='(a,i6)',text,maxrecs printf, unit, format='(a,i6)',text1,dif_rec printf, unit, format='(a)',blnk status=1 length=maxrecs endif status=list_header(a,unit,ntags) labels=strarr(ntags-3) units=strarr(ntags-3) ; for i=0, ntags-5 do begin if (a.(i).var_type eq 'data') or (a.(i).var_type eq 'support_data') then begin nvar=a.(i).fillval labels(i)=label_search(a,1,i,0) ;units(i)=a.(i).units units(i)=unit_search(a,1,i,0) ; if 'EPOCH' or 'EPOCH92' etc. if(names(i) eq depend0) then begin temp=create_struct(names(i),a.(i).dateph(0)) endif else begin if(nvar eq 0) then begin temp=create_struct(names(i),a.(i).dat(0)) endif else begin temp=create_struct(names(i),a.(i).dat(0:nvar)) endelse endelse if(i eq 0) then begin b=temp endif else begin b=create_struct(b,temp) endelse endif endfor ; end i ; Free Memory delete, temp printf,unit,format=a.lform,labels printf,unit,format=a.uform,units ; for j=0L, length-1 do begin nj=0 for i=0,ntags-5 do begin if (a.(i).var_type eq 'data') or (a.(i).var_type eq 'support_data') then begin ; temporary patch until nvar included as a new variable attribute nvar=a.(i).fillval nvar=nvar(0) ; if(names(i) eq 'EPOCH' or names(i) eq 'EPOCH92') then begin if(names(i) eq depend0) then begin b.(i)=a.(i).dateph(j) endif else begin if(nvar eq 0) then begin b.(i)=a.(i).dat(j) endif else begin b.(i)=a.(i).dat(0:nvar) endelse endelse endif endfor ; end i printf,unit,format=a.dform,b endfor ; end j if(num_data gt maxrecs) then begin dif_rec=num_data-maxrecs text='The maximum number of records allowed to be listed is ' text1='Your request has exceeded this maximum by ' printf, unit, format='(a)',blnk ; printf, unit, ' ' printf, unit, format='(a,i6)',text,maxrecs printf, unit, format='(a,i6)',text1,dif_rec status=1 endif ; Free Memory delete, b end ; end case 1 ; ; Non-Record Varying Variables ; 2 : begin ; Check MAXRECS if(n_elements(num_data) eq 0) then num_data=0 ; Put in appropriate record count num_data=num_data+4 if(num_data gt maxrecs) then begin dif_rec=num_data-maxrecs text='The maximum number of records allowed to be listed is ' text1='Your request has exceeded this maximum by ' printf, unit, format='(a,i6)',text,maxrecs printf, unit, format='(a,i6)',text1,dif_rec printf, unit, format='(a)',blnk status=1 length=maxrecs endif ; printf, unit, format='(15x,"************************************")' printf, unit, format='(15x,"** NON-RECORD VARYING VARIABLES **")' printf, unit, format='(15x,"************************************")' printf, unit, format='(15x)' end ; end case 2 ; ; 2-D Record Varying Variables ; 3 : begin ; Check MAXRECS if(n_elements(num_data) eq 0) then num_data=0 ; Put in appropriate record count len=size(a.(0).dat) length=len(len(0)+2) ; Check for maxrecs begin exceeded num_data=length num_data=num_data+4 if(num_data gt maxrecs) then begin dif_rec=num_data-maxrecs text='The maximum number of records allowed to be listed is ' text1='Your request has exceeded this maximum by ' printf, unit, format='(a,i6)',text,maxrecs printf, unit, format='(a,i6)',text1,dif_rec printf, unit, format='(a)',blnk status=1 length=maxrecs endif status=list_header(a,unit,ntags) num=a.(0).fillval labels=strarr(num) units=strarr(num) dep1_values='' atags=tag_names(a) inc=0 for i=0, ntags-5 do begin ;print,'var type = ',a.(i).var_type if(a.(i).var_type eq 'data') or (a.(i).var_type eq 'support_data') then begin st_sz=size(a.(i).dat) ;print,'size = ',st_sz if(st_sz(0) le 1) then begin ; Include condition where only 1 time selected w/ num_var ; length vector if(st_sz(0) eq 1 and st_sz(1) gt 1 and length eq 1) then begin num_var=st_sz(1) for k=0, num_var-1 do begin labels(inc)=label_search(a,st_sz(0),i,k) ;units(inc)=a.(i).units units(inc)=unit_search(a,st_sz(0),i,k) ; temp=create_struct(labels(inc),a.(i).dat(k,0)) ; temp=create_struct(atags(i)+labels(inc),a.(i).dat(k,0)) unique = strtrim(string(inc), 2) temp=create_struct(atags(i)+unique,a.(i).dat(k,0)) if(inc eq 0) then begin b=temp endif else begin b=create_struct(b,temp) endelse inc=inc+1 endfor ; end k endif else begin ;print,'2', inc, size(labels) labels(inc)=label_search(a,st_sz(0),i,0) ;print,'labels(inc) 1 = ',labels(inc) ;units(inc)=a.(i).units units(inc)=unit_search(a,st_sz(0),i,0) ;print,'units(inc) 1 = ',units(inc) ; names(i) eq 'EPOCH' or 'EPOCH92' etc. if(names(i) eq depend0) then begin temp=create_struct(names(i),a.(i).dateph(0)) endif else begin temp=create_struct(names(i),a.(i).dat(0)) endelse if(inc eq 0) then begin b=temp endif else begin b=create_struct(b,temp) endelse inc=inc+1 endelse endif ; end st_sz(0) le 1 ; if(st_sz(0) eq 2) then begin num_var=st_sz(1) ; RCJ 12/02/2003 Commented out the 'if num_var lt 20....' ; It doesn't seem to make sense. Will test. ;if(num_var lt 20) then begin for k=0, num_var-1 do begin labels(inc)=label_search(a,st_sz(0),i,k) ;units(inc)=a.(i).units units(inc)=unit_search(a,st_sz(0),i,k) ; temp=create_struct(labels(inc),a.(i).dat(k,0)) ;temp=create_struct(atags(i)+labels(inc),a.(i).dat(k,0)) unique = strtrim(string(inc), 2) temp=create_struct(atags(i)+unique,a.(i).dat(k,0)) if(inc eq 0) then begin b=temp endif else begin b=create_struct(b,temp) endelse ; RCJ 05/19/2003 Added the 'if endif else' above because ; we got errors when inc=0: b was undefined. ;b=create_struct(b,temp) inc=inc+1 endfor ;endif else begin ; condition where # vars >20 ;; A large number of variables can exceed allowabel ;; format lengths etc. ;biglab='2_dim' ;;print, biglab ;for k=0,num_var-1 do begin ; labels(inc)=label_search(a,st_sz(0),i,k) ; ;print,'labels(inc) 2 = ',labels(inc) ; ;units(inc)=a.(i).units ; units(inc)=unit_search(a,st_sz(0),i,k) ; ;print,'units(inc) 2 = ',units(inc) ; inc=inc+1 ;endfor ;temp=create_struct(atags(i)+biglab,a.(i).dat(*,0)) ;b=create_struct(b,temp) ;endelse ; create array of depend_1 values, if they exist, to also be listed ; RCJ 04/01 ; exist test is done in dependn_search, if does not exist ; return '' dep1=dependn_search(a,i,1) if (dep1(0) ne '') then begin depend1=a.(i).depend_1 s=execute('dep1_units=a.'+strtrim(depend1,2)+'.units') dep1=['(@_'+dep1+'_'+dep1_units+')'] dep1_values=[dep1_values,dep1] endif endif ; end if st_sz(0) eq 2 endif ; end a.(i).var_type endfor ; end i ; Free Memory delete, temp ; printf,unit,format=a.lform,labels ; listing depend_1 values if they exist. RCJ 04/01 if (n_elements(dep1_values) gt 1) then begin dep1_values=dep1_values[1:*] diff=n_elements(labels)-n_elements(dep1_values) for k=1,diff do begin cmd='space=string("",format="('+strtrim(strlen(labels(k))+1,2)+'x,a)") s=execute(cmd) dep1_values=[space,dep1_values] endfor printf,unit,format=a.dpform,dep1_values endif printf,unit,format=a.uform,units ; for j=0L, length-1 do begin inc=0 for i=0,ntags-5 do begin if(a.(i).var_type eq 'data') or (a.(i).var_type eq 'support_data') then begin ; 'EPOCH' or 'EPOCH92' if(names(i) eq depend0) then begin b.(inc)=a.(i).dateph(j) inc=inc+1 endif else begin st_sz=size(a.(i).dat) if(st_sz(0) le 1) then begin if(st_sz(0) eq 1 and st_sz(1) gt 1 and length eq 1) then begin num_var=st_sz(1) for k=0,num_var-1 do begin b.(inc)=a.(i).dat(k,j) inc=inc+1 endfor endif else begin b.(inc)=a.(i).dat(j) inc=inc+1 endelse endif if(st_sz(0) eq 2) then begin num_var=st_sz(1) ; RCJ 12/02/2003 Commented out this 'if num_var lt 20...' ; It doesn't seem to make sense. Will test. ;if(num_var lt 20) then begin for k=0,num_var-1 do begin b.(inc)=a.(i).dat(k,j) inc=inc+1 endfor ;endif else begin ;b.(inc)=a.(i).dat(*,j) ;inc=inc+1 ; RTB added 1/21/99 ;endelse endif endelse ; end (names(i) ne depend0) endif ; end a.(i).var_type endfor ; end i printf,unit,format=a.dform,b endfor ; end j ; if(num_data gt maxrecs) then begin dif_rec=num_data-maxrecs text='The maximum number of records allowed to be listed is ' text1='Your request has exceeded this maximum by ' printf, unit, format='(a)',blnk printf, unit, format='(a,i6)',text,maxrecs printf, unit, format='(a,i6)',text1,dif_rec status=1 length=maxrecs endif ; Free Memory delete, b end ; end case 3 ; ; 3-D Record Varying Variables ; 4 : begin ; Check MAXRECS if(n_elements(num_data) eq 0) then num_data=0 ; Put in appropriate record count len=size(a.(0).dat) length=len(len(0)+2) ; Check for maxrecs begin exceeded num_data=length num_data=num_data+4 if(num_data gt maxrecs) then begin dif_rec=num_data-maxrecs text='The maximum number of records allowed to be listed is ' text1='Your request has exceeded this maximum by ' printf, unit, format='(a,i6)',text,maxrecs printf, unit, format='(a,i6)',text1,dif_rec printf, unit, format='(a)',blnk ; printf, unit, ' ' status=1 length=maxrecs endif ; printf, unit, format='(15x,"************************************")' printf, unit, format='(15x,"**** RECORD VARYING VARIABLES ****")' printf, unit, format='(15x,"************************************")' printf, unit, format='(15x)' printf,unit, format='("1. ",a)', a.epoch.fieldnam printf,unit, format='("2. ",a)', a.index.catdesc printf,unit, format='("3. ",a)', a.qflag.catdesc printf,unit, format='("4. ",a)', a.position.fieldnam printf,unit, format='("5. ",a)', a.vel.fieldnam printf,unit,format='(15x)' ; num=7 labels=strarr(num) units=strarr(num) inc=0 ; Epoch eplabel=' ' strput,eplabel,a.epoch.fieldnam,0 labels(inc)=eplabel units(inc)=a.epoch.units temp=create_struct('EPOCH',a.epoch.dateph(0)) b=temp inc=inc+1 ; Index labels(inc)="Index" units(inc)='' inc=inc+1 ; Qflag labels(inc)=a.qflag.lablaxis units(inc)=a.qflag.units inc=inc+1 ; Position for k=0, 1 do begin if(k eq 0) then labels(inc)=" geo latitude" if(k eq 1) then labels(inc)="geo longitude" units(inc)=a.position.units inc=inc+1 endfor for k=0, 1 do begin if(k eq 0) then labels(inc)=" geo east vel" if(k eq 1) then labels(inc)="geo north vel" units(inc)=a.vel.units inc=inc+1 endfor ; farr=fltarr(180) in=0 for l=0,29 do begin farr(in)=a.index.dat(0) in=in+1 farr(in)=a.qflag.dat(l,0) in=in+1 for k=0, 1 do begin farr(in)= a.position.dat(k,l,0) in=in+1 endfor for k=0, 1 do begin farr(in)= a.vel.dat(k,l,0) in=in+1 endfor endfor temp=create_struct('DATREC',farr) b=create_struct(b,temp) ; ; Free Memory delete, temp printf,unit,format=a.lform,labels printf,unit,format=a.uform,units ; for j=0L, length-1 do begin m=0 b.epoch=a.epoch.dateph(j) for l=0,29 do begin b.datrec(m)=a.index.dat(l) m=m+1 b.datrec(m)=a.qflag.dat(l,j) m=m+1 for k=0,1 do begin b.datrec(m)=a.position.dat(k,l,j) m=m+1 endfor for k=0,1 do begin b.datrec(m)=a.vel.dat(k,l,j) m=m+1 endfor endfor ; end l printf,unit,format=a.dform,b endfor ; end j ; if(num_data gt maxrecs) then begin dif_rec=num_data-maxrecs text='The maximum number of records allowed to be listed is ' text1='Your request has exceeded this maximum by ' printf, unit, format='(a)',blnk printf, unit, format='(a,i6)',text,maxrecs printf, unit, format='(a,i6)',text1,dif_rec status=1 length=maxrecs endif ; Free Memory delete, b end ; end case 4 ; ; Image Data ; 5 : begin ; Check MAXRECS if(n_elements(num_data) eq 0) then num_data=0 ; Put in appropriate record count len=size(a.(0).dat) length=len(len(0)+2) ; Check for maxrecs begin exceeded num_data=length num_data=num_data+4 if(num_data gt maxrecs) then begin dif_rec=num_data-maxrecs text='The maximum number of records allowed to be listed is ' text1='Your request has exceeded this maximum by ' printf, unit, format='(a,i6)',text,maxrecs printf, unit, format='(a,i6)',text1,dif_rec printf, unit, format='(a)',blnk ; printf, unit, ' ' status=1 length=maxrecs endif status=list_header(a,unit,ntags) num=a.(0).fillval ;labels=strarr(num) ;units=strarr(num) final_labels='' final_units='' final_dep1_values='' final_dep2_values='' atags=tag_names(a) inc=0 for i=0, ntags-5 do begin ;print,'i = ',i,' varname = ',a.(i).varname,' ',a.(i).var_type if(a.(i).var_type eq 'data') or (a.(i).var_type eq 'support_data') then begin labels='' units='' dep1_values='' dep2_values='' st_sz=size(a.(i).dat) if(st_sz(0) le 1) then begin ; get labels and units: labels=[labels,label_search(a,st_sz(0),i,0)] ;units=[units,a.(i).units] units=[units,unit_search(a,st_sz(0),i,0)] if(names(i) eq depend0) then begin temp=create_struct(names(i),a.(i).dateph(0)) endif else begin temp=create_struct(names(i),a.(i).dat(0)) endelse if(inc eq 0) then begin b=temp endif else begin b=create_struct(b,temp) endelse inc=inc+1 endif if(st_sz(0) eq 2) then begin ; get labels and units: num_var=st_sz(1) ;if(a.(i).var_notes eq 'ListImage') then begin ; for k=0, num_var-1 do begin ; ;labels(inc)=label_search(a,st_sz(0),i,0) ; ;labels(inc)=label_search(a,st_sz(0),i,k) ; ;units(inc)=a.(i).units ; labels=[labels,label_search(a,st_sz(0),i,k)] ; units=[units,a.(i).units] ; ;temp=create_struct(labels(inc),a.(i).dat(*,0)) ; ;temp=create_struct(atags(i)+labels(inc),a.(i).dat(*,0)) ; uniq = strtrim(string(inc), 2) ; ;temp=create_struct(atags(i)+uniq,a.(i).dat(*,0)) ; temp=create_struct(atags(i)+uniq,a.(i).dat(k,0)) ; b=create_struct(b,temp) ; inc=inc+1 ; endfor ;endif else begin for k=0, num_var-1 do begin labels=[labels,label_search(a,st_sz(0),i,k)] ;units=[units,a.(i).units] units=[units,unit_search(a,st_sz(0),i,k)] unique = strtrim(string(inc), 2) ;temp=create_struct(atags(i)+uniq,a.(i).dat(*,0)) ; RCJ 04/11/2001 modified the line above. New line is below. temp=create_struct(atags(i)+unique,a.(i).dat(k,0)) b=create_struct(b,temp) inc=inc+1 endfor ;endelse endif ; end st_sz(0) eq 2 ; Free Memory delete, temp ; labels=labels[1:*] final_labels=[final_labels,labels] units=units[1:*] final_units=[final_units,units] ; ; create array of depend_1 values, if they exist, to also be listed ; RCJ 06/01 ; exist test is done in dependn_search, if does not exist ; return '' dep1=dependn_search(a,i,1) if (dep1(0) ne '') then begin depend1=a.(i).depend_1 s=execute('dep1_units=a.'+strtrim(depend1,2)+'.units') dep1=['(@_'+dep1+'_'+dep1_units+')'] dep1_values=[dep1_values,dep1] endif ; create array of depend_2 values, if they exist, to also be listed ; RCJ 06/01 ; exist test is done in dependn_search, if does not exist ; return '' dep2=dependn_search(a,i,2) if (dep2(0) ne '') then begin depend2=a.(i).depend_2 s=execute('dep2_units=a.'+strtrim(depend2,2)+'.units') dep2=['(@_'+dep2+'_'+dep2_units+')'] dep2_values=[dep2_values,dep2] endif ; ; listing depend_1 values if they exist. RCJ 06/01 if (n_elements(dep1_values) gt 1) then begin tmp_dep1_values=dep1_values[1:*] while n_elements(dep1_values)-1 le n_elements(labels)-n_elements(tmp_dep1_values) do begin dep1_values=[dep1_values,tmp_dep1_values] endwhile dep1_values=dep1_values[1:*] final_dep1_values=[final_dep1_values,dep1_values] endif ; listing depend_2 values if they exist. RCJ 06/01 if (n_elements(dep2_values) gt 1) then begin tmp_dep2_values=dep2_values[1:*] if n_elements(tmp_dep2_values) eq n_elements(labels) then begin ;print,'SAME NUMBER OF ELEMENTS!!!!!!' ; RCJ 07/01 If the initial depend_2 is 2D (now stretched into 1D) ; we don't need to do what goes below: endif else begin k=0 dep2_values='' while n_elements(dep2_values)-1 le n_elements(labels)-n_elements(tmp_dep1_values) do begin for kk=0,n_elements(tmp_dep1_values)-1 do begin dep2_values=[dep2_values,tmp_dep2_values(k)] endfor k=k+1 if k ge n_elements(tmp_dep2_values) then k=0 endwhile endelse if n_elements(dep2_values) gt 1 then dep2_values=dep2_values[1:*] final_dep2_values=[final_dep2_values,dep2_values] endif ; ; endif ; end a.(i).var_type ; endfor ; end i ; final_labels=final_labels[1:*] printf,unit,format=a.lform,final_labels final_units=final_units[1:*] ; but cannot printf the units right now ; If there are depend_1/_2 they come first. ; If there are labels with no corresponding dep1 values, ; then add spaces before the first element of the array. ; This works as long as the labels which *do not have* corresponding dep1 ; values come before the labels which *have* corresponding dep1 values. ; If that condition is not true, the logic has to be reworked. RCJ 07/01 if n_elements(final_dep1_values) gt 1 then begin final_dep1_values=final_dep1_values[1:*] diff=n_elements(final_labels)-n_elements(final_dep1_values) for k=1,diff do begin cmd='space=string("",format="('+strtrim(strlen(final_labels(k))+1,2)+'x,a)") s=execute(cmd) final_dep1_values=[space,final_dep1_values] endfor printf,unit,format=a.dpform,final_dep1_values endif ; same for dep2 values: if n_elements(final_dep2_values) gt 1 then begin final_dep2_values=final_dep2_values[1:*] diff=n_elements(final_labels)-n_elements(final_dep2_values) for k=1,diff do begin cmd='space=string("",format="('+strtrim(strlen(final_labels(k))+1,2)+'x,a)") s=execute(cmd) final_dep2_values=[space,final_dep2_values] endfor printf,unit,format=a.dpform,final_dep2_values endif ; printf,unit,format=a.uform,final_units ; for j=0L, length-1 do begin inc=0 for i=0,ntags-5 do begin if(a.(i).var_type eq 'data') or (a.(i).var_type eq 'support_data') then begin ; if(names(i) eq 'EPOCH' or names(i) eq 'EPOCH92') then begin if(names(i) eq depend0) then begin b.(inc)=a.(i).dateph(j) inc=inc+1 endif else begin st_sz=size(a.(i).dat) if(st_sz(0) eq 1) then begin b.(inc)=a.(i).dat(j) inc=inc+1 endif if(st_sz(0) eq 2) then begin num_var=st_sz(1) ;if(a.(i).var_notes eq 'ListImage') then begin ; for k=0,num_var-inc-1 do begin ; ;b.(inc)=a.(i).dat(*,j) ; b.(inc)=a.(i).dat(k,j) ; inc=inc+1 ; endfor ;endif else begin for k=0,num_var-1 do begin b.(inc)=a.(i).dat(k,j) inc=inc+1 endfor ;endelse endif endelse endif endfor ; end i printf,unit,format=a.dform,b endfor ; end j ; if(num_data gt maxrecs) then begin dif_rec=num_data-maxrecs text='The maximum number of records allowed to be listed is ' text1='Your request has exceeded this maximum by ' printf, unit, format='(a)',blnk printf, unit, format='(a,i6)',text,maxrecs printf, unit, format='(a,i6)',text1,dif_rec status=1 length=maxrecs endif ; Free Memory delete, b end ; end case 5 ; else : begin print, 'STATUS= A listing of these data cannot be generated. ' print, "ERROR=Error: Invalid control variable; convar= ",convar close,1 return, -1 end endcase ; end case convar return, status end ;+ ; NAME: form_bld.pro ; ; PURPOSE: Builds format statements ; ; shft - 0= left justified field; 1= right justified field ; FUNCTION form_bld, col_sz, label, units, dat_len, dep_col_sz, depend1_labels, $ dep2_col_sz, depend2_labels, form, shft ; Use column size and to build label, unit and data format statements ; maxlength=max(strlen(depend1_labels)) > max(strlen(depend2_labels)) > strlen(label) mintab=fix(dep_col_sz-max(strlen(depend1_labels))) < fix(dep2_col_sz-max(strlen(depend2_labels))) <fix(col_sz-strlen(label)) ; ; depend1 and depend2 use the same format (depv) : ltab=strtrim(mintab,2) lfld=strtrim(maxlength,2) if(shft eq 0) then begin if(ltab ne '0') then depv='A'+lfld+','+ltab+'X,1X,' else depv='A'+lfld+',1X,' endif else begin if(ltab ne '0') then depv=ltab+'X,A'+lfld+',1X,' else depv='A'+lfld+',1X,' endelse ; if(shft eq 0) then begin if(ltab ne '0') then labv='A'+lfld+','+ltab+'X,1X,' else labv='A'+lfld+',1X,' endif else begin if(ltab ne '0') then labv=ltab+'X,A'+lfld+',1X,' else labv='A'+lfld+',1X,' endelse ; col_sz=maxlength > col_sz utab=strtrim(fix(col_sz-strlen(units)),2) ufld=strtrim(strlen(units),2) if(shft eq 0) then begin if(utab ne '0') then untv='A'+ufld+','+utab+'X,1X,' else untv='A'+ufld+',1X,' endif else begin if(utab ne '0') then untv=utab+'X,A'+ufld+',1X,' else untv='A'+ufld+',1X,' endelse ; dtab=strtrim(fix(col_sz-dat_len),2) if(dtab ne '0') then datv=dtab+'X,'+form+',1X,' $ else datv=form+',1X,' sform=create_struct('labv',labv,'untv',untv,'datv',datv,'depv',depv) return, sform end ;+ ; NAME: data_len.pro ; ; PURPOSE: Determines the length of the data field given FORMAT, FILLVAL ; ; FUNCTION data_len,format,fillval ; Set input values if undefined ; status=0 ;if(n_elements(format) eq 0) then form='null' else form=strmid(format,0,1) ;if(strlen(format) eq 0) then form='null' else begin ; RCJ 11/23/05 It has to be G format or fillvals will be **** if(strlen(format) eq 0) then format='G13.6' itrip=0 nc=0 new_form=' ' nvar='' ivar=0 for i=0, strlen(format)-1 do begin ch=strupcase(strmid(format,i,1)) if(ch ne '(') and (ch ne 'A') and (ch ne 'F') and (ch ne 'P') and $ (ch ne 'I') and (ch ne 'Z') and (ch ne 'G') and (ch ne 'E') then begin if(ivar eq 0) then nvar=nvar+ch endif if(ch eq 'A') or (ch eq 'F') or (ch eq 'I') or (ch eq 'Z') or (ch eq 'G') $ or (ch eq 'E') then begin form=ch itrip=1 ivar=1 endif if(ch eq 'P') then ch='' if(ch eq ',') or (ch eq ')') then itrip=0 if(itrip eq 1) then begin strput,new_form,ch,nc nc=nc+1 endif endfor ; end i format=strtrim(new_form,2) formlen=strlen(format)-1 ;endelse ; case form of 'null' : begin status=-1 return, status end ; RCJ 11/23/05 We are setting formats F,E,G to G13.6 (or wider) ; to accomodate possible fillvals in the data 'F' : begin dat_len = 13.6 > strmid(format,1,formlen) dat_len = strmid(dat_len,6,4) end 'E' : begin dat_len = 13.6 > strmid(format,1,formlen) dat_len = strmid(dat_len,6,4) end 'G' : begin dat_len = 13.6 > strmid(format,1,formlen) dat_len = strmid(dat_len,6,4) end 'I' : begin ; Program caused arithmetic error: Floating illegal operand; where? if(n_elements(fillval) eq 0) then dat_len=strmid(format,1,formlen) else $ dat_len=strlen(strtrim(string(fix(fillval)),2)) > strmid(format,1,3) end 'A' : begin ;if(n_elements(fillval) eq 0) then dat_len=strmid(format,1,formlen) else $ ; dat_len=strlen(strtrim(fillval,2)) > strmid(format,1,3) if(n_elements(fillval) eq 0) then dat_len=strmid(format,1,formlen) $ else begin if size(fillval,/tname) eq 'DCOMPLEX' then $ ; RCJ 11/2006 This is the case of epoch for themis data dat_len=strlen(strtrim(real_part(fillval),2)) > strmid(format,1,3) else $ dat_len=strlen(strtrim(fillval,2)) > strmid(format,1,3) endelse end else : begin dat_len=0 end endcase ; RCJ 11/23/05 It has to be G format or fillvals will be ****: if(form eq 'F') or (form eq 'E') then form='G' if(nvar ne '') then begin format=nvar+form+strtrim(dat_len,2) dat_len=fix(nvar)*fix(dat_len) nvar=fix(nvar)-1 endif else begin format=form+strtrim(dat_len,2) dat_len=fix(dat_len) nvar=0 endelse frm_st=create_struct('status',status, 'form',format, 'dat_len',dat_len, $ 'nvar',nvar) return, frm_st end function ep_conv, b, depd0, HANDLE=handle ; catch, error_status if(error_status ne 0) then begin if(error_status eq -78) then $ print, 'STATUS=Available memory exceeded. Re-select time interval.' print, 'ERROR=Error number: ',error_status,' in listing (ep_conv).' print, 'ERROR=Error Message: ', !ERR_STRING stop endif ; tagnames=tag_names(b) v1=tagindex(depd0,tagnames) if(n_elements(handle) eq 0) then handle=0 ; x1='b.'+strtrim(depd0,2)+'.units="dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss.ms "' b.(v1(0)).units="dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss.ms " ; if(not execute(x1)) then begin ; print, 'ERROR=Execute error setting x1' ; close,1 ; return, -1 ; endif ; b.epoch.units="dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss.ms " if(handle eq 0) then begin dat=b.(v1(0)).dat ; x2=execute('dat=b.'+strtrim(depd0,2)+'.dat') ; dat=b.epoch.dat datsz=size(dat) if(datsz(0) gt 0) then dat=reform(dat) endif else begin ;x3=execute('tmp=b.'+strtrim(depd0,2)+'.HANDLE') tmp=b.(v1(0)).HANDLE handle_value, tmp, dat datsz=size(dat) if(datsz(0) gt 0) then dat=reform(dat) endelse len=size(dat) length=long(len(len(0)+2)) dat_eph=strarr(length) for k=0L, length-1 do begin CDF_EPOCH,dat(k), yr, mo, dy, hr, mn, sc, milli, /break if(dy lt 10) then dy= '0'+strtrim(dy,2) else dy=strtrim(dy,2) if(mo lt 10) then mo= '0'+strtrim(mo,2) else mo=strtrim(mo,2) if(hr lt 10) then hr= '0'+strtrim(hr,2) else hr=strtrim(hr,2) if(mn lt 10) then mn= '0'+strtrim(mn,2) else mn=strtrim(mn,2) if(sc lt 10) then sc= '0'+strtrim(sc,2) else sc=strtrim(sc,2) milli=strmid(strtrim(float(milli)/1000.,2),2,3) yr=strtrim(yr,2) dat_eph(k)=dy+'-'+mo+'-'+yr+' '+hr+':'+mn+':'+sc+'.'+milli endfor eptmp=create_struct('DATEPH',dat_eph) return, eptmp ; end ;+ ; NAME: LIST_mystruct.pro ; ; PURPOSE: Generates a list output for CDAWweb ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; FUNCTION LIST_mystruct, a,NOGATT=nogatt,NOVATT=novatt,NORV=norv,$ ; NONRV=nonrv,NO2DRV=no2drv,FILENAME=filename,$ ; TSTART=TSTART,TSTOP=TSTOP,MAXRECS=maxrecs ; ; VARIABLES: ; ; Input: ; ; a - an IDL structure ; ; Keyword Parameters: ; ; nogatt - Global attributes output: =0 (print), =1 (no print) ; novatt - Variable attributes output: =0 (print), =1 (no print) ; norv - Record varying output: =0 (print), =1 (no print) ; nonrv - Non record varying output: =0 (print), =1 (no print) ; no2drv - 2D record varying output: =0 (print), =1 (no print) ; filename - Output filename ; maxrecs - Maximum record output ; ; REQUIRED PROCEDURES: ; ; HISTORY ; ; Initial version: ; ; 1.0 R. Baldwin HSTX 2/9/96 ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; FUNCTION LIST_mystruct, a,NOGATT=nogatt,NOVATT=novatt,NORV=norv,$ NONRV=nonrv,NO2DRV=no2drv,FILENAME=filename,$ TSTART=TSTART,TSTOP=TSTOP,MAXRECS=maxrecs,$ REPORT=REPORT,STATUS=STATUS,DEBUG=DEBUG ; ; Set input values if undefined ; ;TJK 5/18/00 - Modified to allow 100,000 records to be listed - greatly ;increased from 30,000 - might have to back this off some should we start ;to see performance impacts. ; status=0 reportflag = 0 if(n_elements(nogatt) eq 0) then nogatt=0 if(n_elements(novatt) eq 0) then novatt=0 if(n_elements(norv) eq 0) then norv=1 if(n_elements(nonrv) eq 0) then nonrv=1 if(n_elements(no2drv) eq 0) then no2drv=1 if(n_elements(no3drv) eq 0) then no3drv=1 if(n_elements(noimg) eq 0) then noimg=1 if(n_elements(filename) eq 0) then filename='cdaweb_listing.asc' ;if(n_elements(maxrecs) eq 0) then maxrecs=150000 ;TJK changed from 30000 if(n_elements(maxrecs) eq 0) then maxrecs=15000000 ;TJK changed from 150000 for testing on new machine ;if(n_elements(maxrecs) eq 0) then maxrecs=100000 ;TJK changed from 30000 ; REPORT and reportflag no longer used; if(n_elements(REPORT) eq 0) then report='' ; statusflag not implemented yet! if(n_elements(STATUS) eq 0) then statusflag=1L else statusflag=0L if(n_elements(DEBUG) eq 0) then debugflag=1L else debugflag=0L ; Establish error handler ;catch, error_status ;if(error_status ne 0) then begin ; print, 'ERROR=Error number: ',error_status,' in listing (LIST_mystruct).' ; print, 'ERROR=Error Message: ', !ERR_STRING ; if(error_status eq -98) then begin ; if reportflag then printf, 1, 'STATUS=Data space too large. Cannot currently list these data.' ; print, 'STATUS=Data space too large. Cannot currently list these data.' ; endif else begin ; if reportflag then printf, 1, 'STATUS= Data cannot be listed. ' ; print, 'STATUS=Data cannot be listed. ' ; endelse ; close,1 ; return, -1 ;endif ; Open report file if(REPORT) then begin openw, 1, REPORT, error=err if(err ne 0) then begin print, "ERROR=",!ERR_STRING close, 1 & return, -1 endif reportFlag = 1 endif if(keyword_set(DEBUG)) then print, 'Opening output file=', filename ; ; Open output file ; openw, unit, filename, /get_lun,error=err,width=1000 if(n_elements(a) eq 0) then begin if reportflag then printf, 1, 'STATUS= Data cannot be listed.' print, 'STATUS=Data cannot be listed.' print, 'ERROR=Error: Undefined structure' close, 1 return, -1 endif ; Add Code to trap a=-1 bad structures RTB str_tst=size(a) if(str_tst(str_tst(0)+1) ne 8) then begin v_data='DATASET=UNDEFINED' v_err='ERROR=Input is not a stucture.' v_stat='STATUS=Cannot list this data' ; a=crate_struct('DATASET',v_data,'ERROR',v_err,'STATUS',v_stat) print, v_data print, v_err print, v_stat return, 0 endif else begin ; Test for errors trapped in read_myCDF atags=tag_names(a) rflag=tagindex('DATASET',atags) if(rflag(0) ne -1) then begin print, a.DATASET ; print, a.ERROR 1/97 read_myCDF change print, a.STATUS return, 0 endif ; ; RCJ 06/09/2004. Testing number of columns. Large images ; yield more than 32767. columns and IDL will not print ; that much (and it will take a looong time to process). ; This test had to be done here, before 'LISTING=' because parse.ph ; will register a 'system error' if there is a filename but nothing ; is listed. for i=0,n_elements(atags)-1 do begin if strupcase(a.(i).var_type) eq 'DATA' or $ strupcase(a.(i).var_type) eq 'SUPPORT_DATA' then begin aatags=tag_names(a.(i)) q=where(aatags eq 'HANDLE') if q[0] ne -1 then handle_value,a.(i).handle,testarr $ else testarr=a.(i).dat sz=size(testarr) if sz[0] eq 3 then begin if sz[1]*sz[2] gt 32767. then begin a.(i).var_type = 'ignore_data' print,'STATUS=3D array too big. Will not list.' endif endif endif endfor ; ; ; There's nothing to list unless at least one of the variables is var_type=data ; reuse variable rflag: RCJ 09/16/02 rflag='' for i=0,n_elements(atags)-1 do rflag=[rflag,a.(i).var_type] q=where(strupcase(rflag) eq 'DATA') if q(0) eq -1 then return,0 endelse ; Write DATASET= data_set='' if(data_set eq '') then begin ; RCJ 03/13/2003 Some datasets are larger than 9 characters. ; Using strsplit to separate the string at the '_' and rejoin the dataset name only. ;data_set=strmid(a.(0).LOGICAL_FILE_ID,0,9) s=strsplit(a.(0).LOGICAL_FILE_ID,'_',/extract) data_set=s[0]+'_' for i=1,n_elements(s)-4 do begin data_set=data_set+s[i]+'_' endfor data_set=strupcase(data_set+s[n_elements(s)-3]) ;data_set=strupcase(data_set[0]+'_'+data_set[1]+'_'+data_set[2]) endif if(data_set eq '') then begin data_set=strtrim(a.(0).LOGICAL_SOURCE,2) data_set=strupcase(data_set) endif if reportflag then printf, 1, 'DATASET=',data_set print, 'DATASET=',data_set ; Write file name to REPORT file if reportflag then printf, 1, 'LISTING=',filename print, 'LISTING=',filename ; ; Reform dat arrays w/in structure. ; if(keyword_set(DEBUG)) then print, 'Reform arrays w/in structure.' a=reform_strc(a) ; ; Separate variables by their depend_0; build mega-structure ; mega=parse_mydepend0(a) depends=tag_names(mega) for mega_loop=1, mega.num do begin a=mega.(mega_loop) depend0=depends(mega_loop) if(depend0 eq ' ') then continue ; ; Determine Global and variable attribute structures for listing ; ns_tags=n_tags(a) namest=strupcase(tag_names(a)) ; Determine location of Epoch variable if(keyword_set(DEBUG)) then print, 'Find DEPEND_0' incep=-1 incep=where(namest eq depend0,w) ; Remove any nasty variables v1=tagindex(depend0,namest) if(v1(0) ne -1) then begin ; x1=execute('station=a.'+strtrim(depend0,2)+'.source_name') station=a.(v1(0)).source_name station=strmid(station,0,4) v1=tagindex('delay_time',namest) ;if((station eq "ISIS") and (v1(0) ne -1)) then a.DELAY_TIME.var_type="metadata" if (((station eq "ISIS")or(station eq "ALOU")) and (v1(0) ne -1)) then a.DELAY_TIME.var_type="metadata" endif else begin print, 'ERROR= Tag name not found' return, -1 endelse ; No record varying attribute found incep=incep(0) if(incep eq -1) then begin if reportflag then printf, 1, 'STATUS= Data cannot be listed. ' print, 'STATUS= Data cannot be listed. ' print, 'ERROR=Error: No record varying data selected' close, 1 return, -1 endif ; Create new structure w/ data (w/o handle) and determine size of Data array ; Epoch or depend_0 will be the first variable processed if(keyword_set(DEBUG)) then print, 'Converting handles; Compute size;',$ ' Build new structure.' names=tag_names(a.(incep)) ntags=n_tags(a.(incep)) ; Check to see if HANDLE a tag name wh=where(names eq 'HANDLE',whn) if(whn) then begin handle_value, a.(incep).HANDLE, dat datsz=size(dat) if(datsz(0) gt 0) then dat=reform(dat) ; Convert Epoch info. to string ; 'EPOCH' or 'EPOCH92' etc. if(namest(incep) eq depend0) then begin eptmp=ep_conv(a,depend0,/handle) temp=create_struct('DAT',dat) temp1=create_struct(a.(incep),temp) temp2=create_struct(temp1,eptmp) b=create_struct(namest(incep),temp2) endif else begin temp=create_struct('DAT',dat) temp1=create_struct(a.(incep),temp) b=create_struct(namest(incep),temp1) endelse ; endif else begin ; Convert Epoch info. to string ; 'EPOCH' or 'EPOCH92' etc. if(namest(incep) eq depend0) then begin eptmp=ep_conv(a,depend0) tmp=create_struct(a.(incep),eptmp) b=create_struct(namest(incep),tmp) endif else begin b=create_struct(namest(incep),a.(incep)) endelse endelse vorder=intarr(ns_tags) for k=0, ns_tags-1 do begin if(k ne incep) then begin names=tag_names(a.(k)) ntags=n_tags(a.(k)) whc=where(names eq 'HANDLE',whn) if(whn) then begin handle_value, a.(k).HANDLE, dat datsz=size(dat) if(datsz(0) gt 0) then dat=reform(dat) temp=create_struct('DAT',dat) temp1=create_struct(a.(k),temp) temp2=create_struct(namest(k),temp1) b=create_struct(b,temp2) endif else begin temp=create_struct(namest(k),a.(k)) b=create_struct(b,temp) endelse endif st_sz=size(b.(k).DAT) vorder(k)=st_sz(0) endfor ; end k ; Free Memory delete, a delete, temp delete, temp1 delete, temp2 delete, tmp ; if(keyword_set(DEBUG)) then print, 'Determine type of listing.' ; Determine type of listing plist=max(vorder) ;TJK change to 1st variable since not all CDF's have a time variable called ;"EPOCH" if(plist eq 3) then station=strmid(b.epoch.source_name,0,4) if(plist eq 3) then station=strmid(b.(0).source_name,0,4) ; if(plist eq 0) then begin norv=1 & no2drv=1 & nonrv=1 & no3drv=1 & noimg=1 endif if(plist eq 1) then begin norv=0 & no2drv=1 & nonrv=1 & no3drv=1 & noimg=1 endif if(plist eq 2) then begin norv=1 & no2drv=0 & nonrv=1 & no3drv=1 & noimg=1 endif if(plist eq 3) then begin if(station ne "DARN") then begin norv=1 & no2drv=1 & nonrv=1 & no3drv=1 & noimg=0 endif else begin norv=1 & no2drv=1 & nonrv=1 & no3drv=0 & noimg=1 endelse endif if(plist gt 3) then begin if reportflag then printf, 1, 'STATUS= Data of 3D or less can be listed. Re-select variables' print, 'STATUS= Data of 3D or less can be listed. Re-select variables' close, 1 return, -1 endif ; Reorder structue b_tagnames=tag_names(b) v1=tagindex(depend0,b_tagnames) if(v1(0) eq -1) then begin print, 'ERROR= No tag found for DEPEND0' return, -1 endif epsz=size(b.(v1(0)).dat) ;x1=execute('epsz=size(b.'+depend0+'.dat)') if(epsz(0) eq 0) then b=ord_mystruct(b,vorder,0) else $ b=ord_mystruct(b,vorder,1) ; Reform Image 3D data arrays if(noimg eq 0 and keyword_set(DEBUG)) then print, 'Reform 3D Image arrays.' if(noimg eq 0) then b=reform_mystruct(b) ; Set/Convert tstart and tstop if(keyword_set(DEBUG)) then print, 'Set/Convert tstart and tstop.' tmpoch=b.(v1(0)).dat ;x1=execute('tmpoch=b.'+strtrim(depend0,2)+'.dat') leng=n_elements(tmpoch) if((n_elements(TSTART) eq 0) or (n_elements(TSTOP) eq 0)) then begin if(leng gt 1) then begin TSTART=tmpoch(0) TSTOP=tmpoch(leng-1) endif else begin tmp=tmpoch tmpoch=fltarr(1) tmpoch(0)=tmp TSTART=tmpoch(0) TSTOP=tmpoch(0) endelse endif ; Set time constraints start_time = 0.0D0 ; initialize stop_time = 0.0D0 ; initialize if keyword_set(TSTART) then begin ; determine datatype and process if needed b1 = size(TSTART) & c1 = n_elements(b1) case (b1(c1-2)) of 5: start_time=tstart ; double float 9: start_time=tstart ; dcomplex 7: begin ; string if (size(tstart,/tname) eq 'DCOMPLEX') then $ start_time=encode_cdfepoch(tstart,/epoch16) else $ start_time=encode_cdfepoch(tstart) end else: begin print,'ERROR=TSTART parameter must be STRING, DOUBLE or DCOMPLEX' & close, 1 return,-1 end endcase ; RCJ 11/2006 Replaced w/ code above, extending capability to complex values ;if (b1(c1-2) eq 5) then start_time = TSTART $ ; double float already ; else if (b1(c1-2) eq 7) then start_time = encode_cdfepoch(TSTART) $ ; string ;else begin ; print,'ERROR=TSTART parameter must be STRING or DOUBLE' & close, 1 ; return,-1 ;endelse endif if keyword_set(TSTOP) then begin ; determine datatype and process if needed b1 = size(TSTOP) & c1 = n_elements(b1) case (b1(c1-2)) of 5: stop_time=tstop ; double float 9: stop_time=tstop ; dcomplex 7: begin ;string if (size(tstop,/tname) eq 'DCOMPLEX') then $ stop_time=encode_cdfepoch(tstop,/epoch16) else $ stop_time=encode_cdfepoch(tstop) end else: begin print,'ERROR=TSTOP parameter must be STRING, DOUBLE or DCOMPLEX' & close, 1 return,-1 end endcase ; RCJ 11/2006 Replaced w/ code above, extending capability to complex values ;if (b1(c1-2) eq 5) then stop_time = TSTOP $ ; double float already ; else if (b1(c1-2) eq 7) then stop_time = encode_cdfepoch(TSTOP) $ ; string ;else begin ; print,'ERROR=TSTOP parameter must be STRING or DOUBLE' & close, 1 ; return,-1 ;endelse endif ; Restrict long listings giving user some information to gage their ; work time_dif=stop_time-start_time time_dif=time_dif/(86400.*1000.) tnum=n_elements(tmpoch)-1 ; Try a more accurate method for determining time interval ;dif_ep=tmpoch(1)-tmpoch(0) if(tnum gt 100) then begin idcs=findgen(99) idct=findgen(99)+1 difs=tmpoch(idct)-tmpoch(idcs) mnval=min(difs) mxval=max(difs) if(mnval ne mxval) then begin dif_ep=moment(difs) endif else begin ;dif_ep=fltarr(1) ; Input to cdf_epoch has to be double: dif_ep=dblarr(1) dif_ep(0)=difs(0) endelse cdf_epoch,dif_ep(0),y1,mo1,d1,h1,m1,s1,mi1,/break ; cdf_epoch,dif_ep,y1,mo1,d1,h1,m1,s1,mi1,/break deltime=strtrim(h1,2)+':'+strtrim(m1,2)+':'+strtrim(s1,2)+'.'+strtrim(mi1,2) endif ;TJK 8/30/2004 - add code to determine the number of columns of data being requested - ;and kick out on that, in addition to the number of records (below). ;TJK 9/21/2004 - find the depend_1 and depend_2 variables and then look at their sizes ; in order to determine the actual number of columns of data requested for vars = 0, n_tags(b)-1 do begin dep1=dependn_search(b,vars,1) if (dep1(0) ne '') then begin depend1 = b.(vars).depend_1 if (n_elements(dep1_values) eq 0) then dep1_values = depend1 else $ dep1_values=[dep1_values,depend1] endif dep2=dependn_search(b,vars,2) if (dep2(0) ne '') then begin depend2 = b.(vars).depend_2 if (n_elements(dep2_values) eq 0) then dep2_values = depend2 else $ dep2_values=[dep2_values,depend2] endif endfor ;sort and uniq the arrays to get rid of duplicates if (n_elements(dep1_values) gt 0) then begin dep1_idx = uniq(dep1_values,sort(dep1_values)) dep1_values = dep1_values(dep1_idx) endif if (n_elements(dep2_values) gt 0) then begin dep2_idx = uniq(dep2_values,sort(dep2_values)) dep2_values = dep2_values(dep2_idx) ; print, 'DEBUG - dep1_values = ',dep1_values, 'dep2_values = ',dep2_values endif cols = 0 & d1cols = 0 & d2cols = 0 b_tagnames=tag_names(b) ;Find the number of records idx = tagindex(depend0,b_tagnames) var_size = size(b.(idx).dat) n_recs = var_size(1) for vars = 0, n_elements(dep1_values)-1 do begin var_idx = tagindex(dep1_values(vars),b_tagnames) if (var_idx ge 0) then begin var_size = size(b.(var_idx).dat) if (strupcase(b.(var_idx).var_type) eq 'SUPPORT_DATA') then begin ; print, 'support varname and size = ',b.(var_idx).varname, var_size if (var_size(0) eq 1) then d1cols = d1cols + var_size(1) ; support data like rows and ; columns for an image variable if (var_size(0) eq 2) then d1cols = d1cols+ var_size(1) ;spectrogram type vars. endif endif ; print, 'DEBUG DEP1 Cols = ',d1cols endfor for vars = 0, n_elements(dep2_values)-1 do begin var_idx = tagindex(dep2_values(vars),b_tagnames) if (var_idx ge 0) then begin var_size = size(b.(var_idx).dat) if (strupcase(b.(var_idx).var_type) eq 'SUPPORT_DATA') then begin ; print, 'support varname and size = ',b.(var_idx).varname, var_size if (var_size(0) eq 1) then d2cols = d2cols + var_size(1) ; support data like rows and ; columns for an image variable if (var_size(0) eq 2) then d2cols = d2cols+ var_size(1) ;spectrogram type vars. endif endif ; print, 'DEBUG DEP2 Cols = ',d2cols endfor cols = d1cols + d2cols if (cols eq 0) then begin ;have to look at the data variables to decide # cols ; print, 'TJK DEBUG - No depend1 or depend2 values, so looking at the data vars to determine cols' for vars = 0, n_elements(b_tagnames)-1 do begin if (strupcase(b.(vars).var_type) eq 'DATA') then begin var_size = size(b.(vars).dat) ; print, 'data varname and size = ',b.(vars).varname, var_size if (var_size(0) eq 1) then cols = cols+ 1 ;regular DATA variable - scalar if (var_size(0) eq 2 and var_size(1) lt 10) then cols = cols+ var_size(1) ;vectors endif ; print, 'DEBUG DATA Cols = ',cols endfor endif ;print, 'DEBUG - Number of columns requested = ',cols, 'number of records = ',n_recs ;TJK 9/2/2004 - change the logic to check for a large number of columns AND a large number of records ;print a different message, depending on whichever is too large for listing to handle stars = '******************' if((n_recs gt 15000000 and cols gt 6) or n_recs gt 16000000) then begin ;larger than this takes 30+ min. to generate. status = 'WARNING: You have requested '+strtrim(string(n_recs),2)+' records of data, the limit is 15,000,000, please reduce the time range and resubmit.' printf, unit, stars printf, unit, format='(a)',status printf, unit, stars ; Continue to get listing of Global Attributes nogatt=0 & norv=1 & nonrv=1 & no2drv=1 & no3drv=1 & noimg=1 ; print, 'STATUS= ',status ; return, 0 endif if((cols gt 100 and n_recs gt 10000) or $ (d1cols gt 40 and d2cols gt 40))then begin status = 'WARNING: Cannot list this type of data, at least one of the variables that you have selected requires too many columns.' printf, unit, stars printf, unit, format='(a)',status printf, unit, stars ; Continue to get listing of Global Attributes nogatt=0 & norv=1 & nonrv=1 & no2drv=1 & no3drv=1 & noimg=1 ; print, 'STATUS= ',status ; return, 0 endif ; Determine indices of epoch.dat that are within the tstart and tstop ;tind=where((b.epoch.dat ge start_time) and (b.epoch.dat le stop_time),w) ; RCJ 11/2006 Cannot do 'where' when complex numbers are introduced. ; Have to use cdf_epoch_compare. ;tind=where((tmpoch ge start_time) and (tmpoch le stop_time),w) if (size(tmpoch,/tname) eq 'DCOMPLEX')then begin tind = lonarr(n_elements(tmpoch)) for i = 0L, n_elements(tmpoch)-1 do begin tind(i) = ((cdf_epoch_compare(stop_time, tmpoch(i)) ge 0) and $ (cdf_epoch_compare(tmpoch(i), start_time) ge 0)) ;cdf_epoch_compare returns 0 for equal ;value and 1 for greater than endfor tind = where(tind eq 1,w) endif else begin ;original code for regular tmpoch value tind=where((tmpoch ge start_time) and (tmpoch le stop_time),w) endelse if(tind(0) eq -1) then begin ; Continue to get listing of Global Attributes warning=' WARNING: No Data Selected for this Time Period. ' printf, unit, format='(a)',warning ; printf, unit, ' WARNING: No Data Selected for this Time Period. ' nogatt=0 & norv=1 & nonrv=1 & no2drv=1 & no3drv=1 & noimg=1 c=b ; print, 'ERROR= No Data Selected for this Time Period. ' ; status=-1 ; return, status endif ; ; temporary fix for 1 time choosen for a N dim arrays if(w eq 1) then begin warning=' WARNING: Increase time period selected for listing. ' printf, unit, '******************************************************* ' printf, unit, format='(a)',warning printf, unit, '******************************************************* ' printf, unit, ' ' w=0 nogatt=0 & norv=1 & nonrv=1 & no2drv=1 & no3drv=1 & noimg=1 c=b endif itrip=0 irv=0 inrv=0 lab_for='(' unt_for='(' dat_for='(' dep_for='(' ns_tags=n_tags(b) namest=tag_names(b) ; ; Apply time constraints to data structure if keyword_set(DEBUG) then print,'Apply time constraints to data structure.' if(w gt 0) then begin for i=0, ns_tags-1 do begin ntags=n_tags(b.(i)) names=tag_names(b.(i)) st_sz=size(b.(i).dat) ; if(namest(i) eq "EPOCH" or namest(i) eq "EPOCH92") then begin if(namest(i) eq depend0) then begin temp_dat=b.(i).dateph(tind) temp_dat1=b.(i).dat(tind) tmp=create_struct('DATEPH',temp_dat) tmp1=create_struct('DAT',temp_dat1) for l=0, ntags-1 do begin if((names(l) eq "DAT") or (names(l) eq "DATEPH")) then begin if(names(l) eq "DAT") then tmpt=create_struct(tmpt,tmp1) if(names(l) eq "DATEPH") then tmpt=create_struct(tmpt,tmp) endif else begin if(l eq 0) then tmpt=create_struct(names(l),b.(i).(l)) else begin $ tmpt1=create_struct(names(l),b.(i).(l)) tmpt=create_struct(tmpt,tmpt1) endelse endelse endfor ctmp=create_struct(namest(i),tmpt) if(i eq 0) then c=ctmp else c=create_struct(c,ctmp) endif else begin if(b.(i).var_type eq 'data') then begin if(st_sz(0) eq 1) then temp_dat1=b.(i).dat(tind) if(st_sz(0) eq 2) then temp_dat1=b.(i).dat(*,tind) if(st_sz(0) eq 3) then temp_dat1=b.(i).dat(*,*,tind) endif else begin temp_dat1=b.(i).dat endelse tmp1=create_struct('DAT',temp_dat1) for l=0, ntags-1 do begin if(names(l) ne "DAT") then begin if(l eq 0) then tmpt=create_struct(names(l),b.(i).(l)) else begin $ tmpt1=create_struct(names(l),b.(i).(l)) tmpt=create_struct(tmpt,tmpt1) endelse endif else begin tmpt=create_struct(tmpt,tmp1) endelse endfor ; end l ctmp=create_struct(namest(i),tmpt) if(i eq 0) then c=ctmp else c=create_struct(c,ctmp) endelse ; end if (namest(i) ne depend0) endfor ; end i endif ; end if (w gt 0) ; Free Memory delete, ctmp delete, tmp1 delete, tmpt delete, tmpt1 delete, tmp delete, b ; nvar=0 for i=0,ns_tags-1 do begin j=0 ntags=n_tags(c.(i)) names=tag_names(c.(i)) shft=1 ; 'EPOCH' or 'EPOCH92' etc. if(namest(i) eq depend0) then shft=0 ;if(c.(i).var_notes eq 'ListImage') then shft=0 ; Build Global Structure if keyword_set(DEBUG) then print,'Build Global Structure.' while (itrip eq 0) and (j lt ntags) do begin j=j+1 nc=j if(names(j) eq 'FIELDNAM') then begin itrip=1 endif else begin pair=create_struct(names(j),c.(i).(j)) if(j eq 1) then begin glbatt=create_struct(pair) endif else begin glbatt=create_struct(glbatt,pair) endelse endelse endwhile ; End Global Structure ; Determine Format type and data width if keyword_set(DEBUG) then print,'Determine Format type and data width.' form='' ; Default field ; 'EPOCH' or 'EPOCH92' etc. if(namest(i) eq depend0) then format='A23' else format=c.(i).format if(c.(i).var_type eq 'data') or $ ; the line below will allow support_data that is not a depend_1 or 2 variable to be listed. ; I'm assuming depend_1 or 2 variables do not have depend_0=Epoch ; RCJ 10/28/2002 ;((c.(i).var_type eq 'support_data') and (strupcase(c.(i).depend_0) eq depend0)) or $ ; (strupcase(c.(i).VARNAME) eq depend0) then begin ; RCJ 11/12/2003 Sometimes depend_1 or 2 do have depend_0=Epoch (see ; i8_h0_gme var Proton_DIntn2. This seems to be a better test: ((c.(i).var_type eq 'support_data') and $ (c.(i).cdfrecvary ne 'NOVARY')) then begin frm_st=data_len(format,c.(i).fillval) status=frm_st.status if( status ne 0) then begin if reportflag then printf, 1, 'STATUS= Data cannot be listed. ' print, 'STATUS= Data cannot be listed. ' print, 'ERROR=Error: In function data_len' close, 1 return, -1 endif dat_len=frm_st.dat_len form=frm_st.form ; patch c.(i).fillval=frm_st.nvar endif ; For now replace fillval w/ nvar (number of elements of a variable) ; else rebuild the structure w/ nvar attributes appended to each variable ; RTB 3/96 ; Set record varying formats if(form ne '') then begin ;print,'^^^ ',nogatt,norv,nonrv,no2drv,no3drv,noimg if(norv eq 0) then begin ; if(c.(i).lablaxis eq '') then label=c.(i).fieldnam else $ ; label=c.(i).lablaxis label=label_search(c,1,i,0) units=unit_search(c,1,i,0) ;col_sz=strlen(label) > strlen(c.(i).units) > dat_len col_sz=strlen(label) > strlen(units) > dat_len ; the second set of "col_sz, label" input will be used to define the format ; dep_for. This input changes when we have variables w/ depend_1 attribute. ; RCJ 04/01 ;sform=form_bld(col_sz, label, c.(i).units, dat_len, col_sz, label, col_sz, label,form, shft) sform=form_bld(col_sz, label, units, dat_len, col_sz, label, col_sz, label,form, shft) lab_for=lab_for + sform.labv unt_for=unt_for + sform.untv dat_for=dat_for + sform.datv dep_for=dep_for + sform.depv endif ; Determine formats for 2D-RV if(no2drv eq 0) then begin if keyword_set(DEBUG) then print,'Determine formats for 2D-RV.' if(c.(i).var_type eq 'data') or $ ;(c.(i).var_type eq 'support_data') then begin ; RCJ 11/12/2003 Same kind of test as above. Look for 11/12/2003. ((c.(i).var_type eq 'support_data') and $ (c.(i).cdfrecvary ne 'NOVARY')) then begin st_sz=size(c.(i).dat) ; Compute depend_0 or Epoch if(st_sz(0) le 1) then begin label=label_search(c,1,i,0) units=unit_search(c,1,i,0) num_var=1 if(w eq 1 and st_sz(1) gt 1 and st_sz(0) eq 1) then num_var=st_sz(1) for k=0, num_var-1 do begin ;col_sz=strlen(label) > strlen(c.(i).units) > dat_len col_sz=strlen(label) > strlen(units) > dat_len ; the second set of "col_sz, label" input will be used to define the format ; dep_for. This input changes when we have variables w/ depend_1 attribute. ; RCJ 04/01 ;sform=form_bld(col_sz, label, c.(i).units, dat_len, col_sz,label,col_sz,label,form, shft) sform=form_bld(col_sz, label, units, dat_len, col_sz,label,col_sz,label,form, shft) lab_for=lab_for + sform.labv unt_for=unt_for + sform.untv dat_for=dat_for + sform.datv dep_for=dep_for + sform.depv nvar=nvar+1 endfor endif ; Compute all other 2D variables if(st_sz(0) eq 2) then begin ; ; This part of the program will change depend_1 variables var_type from ; 'data' or 'support_data' to 'metadata' so that we can set the labels ; ; ; 2D variables do not necessarily have depend_1 defined, so I'm defining ; cur_val_typ and cur_val = '' so we don't get into an error as we pass by ; this part of the program. RCJ 06/00 ; cur_var_typ='' & cur_val='' depend1=strupcase(c.(i).depend_1) temp_names=tag_names(c) z=tagindex(depend1,temp_names) if(z(0) ne -1) then $ cur_val='cur_var_typ=c.(z(0)).var_type' else $ print, 'Depend_1 not found. This does not necessarily represent a problem (LIST_mystruct).' if(not execute(cur_val)) then begin print, "ERROR=Execute error setting cur_val" close, 1 return, -1 endif if(cur_var_typ eq 'data') or $ (cur_var_typ eq 'support_data') then begin cur_var_typ="metadata" set_val='c.(z(0)).var_type=cur_var_typ' if(not execute(set_val)) then begin print, 'ERROR=Execute error setting set_val' close, 1 return, -1 endif endif ; ; Set labels ; num_var=st_sz(1) ; RCJ 12/02/2003 It seems to me we could use only the second ; part of this if statement whatever the value of num_var is. ;if(num_var lt 20) then begin ;for k=0, num_var-1 do begin ;if(c.(i).var_type eq 'data') or $ ; (c.(i).var_type eq 'support_data') then begin ; ; Determine labels ; ;print,'k = ',k ; depend1_labels=dependn_search(c,i,1) ; st_sz(0)=2 ; if (depend1_labels(0) ne '') then begin ; depend1=c.(i).depend_1 ; s=execute('dep1_units=c.'+strtrim(depend1,2)+'.units') ; depend1_labels=['(@_'+depend1_labels+'_'+dep1_units+')'] ; ;dep1_values=[dep1_values,dep1] ; endif ; ; Determine labels ; depend2_labels=dependn_search(c,i,2) ; st_sz(0)=2 ; if (depend2_labels(0) ne '') then begin ; depend2=c.(i).depend_2 ; s=execute('dep2_units=c.'+strtrim(depend2,2)+'.units') ; depend2_labels=['(@_'+depend2_labels+'_'+dep2_units+')'] ; endif ; ;dep_col_sz=max(strlen(depend1_labels)) > max(strlen(depend2_labels)) >strlen(c.(i).units) > dat_len ; label=label_search(c,st_sz(0),i,k) ; units=unit_search(c,st_sz(0),i,k) ; dep_col_sz=max(strlen(depend1_labels)) > max(strlen(depend2_labels)) >strlen(units) > dat_len ; ;col_sz = strlen(label) > strlen(c.(i).units) > dat_len ; col_sz = strlen(label) > strlen(units) > dat_len ; ;sform=form_bld(col_sz, label, c.(i).units, dat_len, dep_col_sz,depend1_labels,dep_col_sz,depend2_labels,form, shft) ; sform=form_bld(col_sz, label, units, dat_len, dep_col_sz,depend1_labels,dep_col_sz,depend2_labels,form, shft) ; lab_for=lab_for + sform.labv ; unt_for=unt_for + sform.untv ; dat_for=dat_for + sform.datv ; dep_for=dep_for + sform.depv ; nvar=nvar+1 ;endif ; end var_type= data condition ;endfor ;endif else begin ; num_var condition if(c.(i).var_type eq 'data') or $ (c.(i).var_type eq 'support_data') then begin depend1_labels=dependn_search(c,i,1) ; st_sz(0)=2 if (depend1_labels(0) ne '') then begin depend1=c.(i).depend_1 s=execute('dep1_units=c.'+strtrim(depend1,2)+'.units') depend1_labels=['(@_'+depend1_labels+'_'+dep1_units+')'] ;dep1_values=[dep1_values,dep1] endif depend2_labels=dependn_search(c,i,2) ; st_sz(0)=2 if (depend2_labels(0) ne '') then begin depend2=c.(i).depend_2 s=execute('dep2_units=c.'+strtrim(depend2,2)+'.units') depend2_labels=['(@_'+depend2_labels+'_'+dep2_units+')'] endif ;dep_col_sz=max(strlen(depend1_labels)) > max(strlen(depend2_labels)) >strlen(c.(i).units) > dat_len ; JWJ 07/31/2000 ; changed below from label_search to label_search_max_width ;label=label_search_max_width(c,st_sz(0),i,k) ; RCJ 01/29/2003. Label_search_max_width no longer being used. label='' units='' for kk=0L,st_sz(1)-1 do begin label0=label_search(c,st_sz(0),i,kk) if strlen(label0) gt strlen(label) then label=label0 units0=unit_search(c,st_sz(0),i,kk) if strlen(units0) gt strlen(units) then units=units0 endfor ; label: this is only the longest of the labels, not a specific label. dep_col_sz=max(strlen(depend1_labels)) > max(strlen(depend2_labels)) >strlen(units) > dat_len ;col_sz = strlen(label) > strlen(c.(i).units) > dat_len col_sz = strlen(label) > strlen(units) > dat_len ;sform=form_bld(col_sz, label, c.(i).units, dat_len, dep_col_sz, depend1_labels,dep_col_sz, depend2_labels,form, shft) sform=form_bld(col_sz, label, units, dat_len, dep_col_sz, depend1_labels,dep_col_sz, depend2_labels,form, shft) ; Modify format labv=strtrim(num_var,2)+'('+sform.labv+' ' untv=strtrim(num_var,2)+'('+sform.untv+' ' datv=strtrim(num_var,2)+'('+sform.datv+' ' depv=strtrim(num_var,2)+'('+sform.depv+' ' lend=strlen(labv)-2 uend=strlen(untv)-2 dend=strlen(datv)-2 dpend=max(strlen(depv))-2 strput,labv,'),',lend strput,untv,'),',uend strput,datv,'),',dend strput,depv,'),',dpend lab_for=lab_for + labv unt_for=unt_for + untv dat_for=dat_for + datv dep_for=dep_for + depv nvar=nvar+num_var endif ;endelse endif ; end if (z(0) ne -1) c.(0).fillval=nvar endif ; end if (c.(i).var_type eq 'data') endif ; format condition endif ; end if (form ne '') ; ; Determine formats for 3D-RV images if(noimg eq 0) then begin if keyword_set(DEBUG) then print,'Determine formats for 3D-RV images.' if(i gt 0) then $ if(c.(i).var_type eq 'support_data') then c.(i).var_type="metadata" if(c.(i).var_type eq 'data') or (c.(i).var_type eq 'support_data') then begin st_sz=size(c.(i).dat) ;print,'st_sz in 3d images = ',c.(i).varname,$ ; ' ',c.(i).var_type,' ',st_sz ; RCJ 06/04/2004 If image causes list to have too many columns ; IDL will not print. Get out. ;if st_sz[1] gt 32767. then begin ; print, 'STATUS=Array has too many columns and cannot be listed.' ; ;print,'ERROR=Array has too many columns. Will not list.' ; return,-1 ;endif ; Compute depend_0 or Epoch if(st_sz(0) le 1) then begin nvar=nvar+1 label=label_search(c,st_sz(0),i,0) units=unit_search(c,st_sz(0),i,0) ;col_sz=strlen(label) > strlen(c.(i).units) > dat_len col_sz=strlen(label) > strlen(units) > dat_len ; the second set of "col_sz, label" input will be used to define the format ; dep_for. This input changes when we have variables w/ depend_1 attribute. ; RCJ 04/01 ;sform=form_bld(col_sz, label, c.(i).units, dat_len, col_sz, label, col_sz, label,form, shft) sform=form_bld(col_sz, label, units, dat_len, col_sz, label, col_sz, label,form, shft) lab_for=lab_for + sform.labv unt_for=unt_for + sform.untv dat_for=dat_for + sform.datv dep_for=dep_for + sform.depv endif ; Compute all other 2D variables if(st_sz(0) eq 2) then begin ; Set labels ;num_var=st_sz(1) ;if(c.(i).var_notes eq 'ListImage') then num_var=1 ;for k=0, num_var-1 do begin if(c.(i).var_type eq 'data') or $ (c.(i).var_type eq 'support_data') then begin ; Determine labels depend1_labels=dependn_search(c,i,1) ; st_sz(0)=2 if (depend1_labels(0) ne '') then begin depend1=c.(i).depend_1 s=execute('dep1_units=c.'+strtrim(depend1,2)+'.units') depend1_labels=['(@_'+depend1_labels+'_'+dep1_units+')'] endif depend2_labels=dependn_search(c,i,2) ; st_sz(0)=2 if (depend2_labels(0) ne '') then begin depend2=c.(i).depend_2 s=execute('dep2_units=c.'+strtrim(depend2,2)+'.units') depend2_labels=['(@_'+depend2_labels+'_'+dep2_units+')'] endif ;dep_col_sz=max(strlen(depend1_labels)) > max(strlen(depend2_labels)) >strlen(c.(i).units) > dat_len label='' units='' for kk=0L,st_sz(1)-1 do begin label0=label_search(c,st_sz(0),i,kk) if strlen(label0) gt strlen(label) then label=label0 units0=unit_search(c,st_sz(0),i,kk) if strlen(units0) gt strlen(units) then units=units0 endfor ;label=label_search(c,st_sz(0),i,k) dep_col_sz=max(strlen(depend1_labels)) > max(strlen(depend2_labels)) >strlen(units) > dat_len ;col_sz = strlen(label) > strlen(c.(i).units) > dat_len col_sz = strlen(label) > strlen(units) > dat_len ;sform=form_bld(col_sz, label, c.(i).units, dat_len,col_sz,label,form, shft) ;sform=form_bld(col_sz, label, c.(i).units, dat_len,dep_col_sz,depend1_labels,dep_col_sz,depend2_labels,form, shft) sform=form_bld(col_sz, label, units, dat_len,dep_col_sz,depend1_labels,dep_col_sz,depend2_labels,form, shft) ; ;lab_for=lab_for + sform.labv sform.labv=strmid(sform.labv,0,strlen(sform.labv)-1) ; remove comma ;lab_for=lab_for + strtrim((st_sz(1)-1),2)+'('+sform.labv+'),' lab_for=lab_for + strtrim((st_sz(1)),2)+'('+sform.labv+'),' ; ;unt_for=unt_for + sform.untv sform.untv=strmid(sform.untv,0,strlen(sform.untv)-1) ; remove comma ;unt_for=unt_for + strtrim((st_sz(1)-1),2)+'('+sform.untv+'),' unt_for=unt_for + strtrim((st_sz(1)),2)+'('+sform.untv+'),' ; sform.depv=strmid(sform.depv,0,strlen(sform.depv)-1) ; remove comma ;dep_for=dep_for + strtrim((st_sz(1)-1),2)+'('+sform.depv+'),' dep_for=dep_for + strtrim((st_sz(1)),2)+'('+sform.depv+'),' ; sform.datv=strmid(sform.datv,0,strlen(sform.datv)-1) ; remove comma ;dat_for=dat_for + strtrim((st_sz(1)-1),2)+'('+sform.datv+'),' dat_for=dat_for + strtrim((st_sz(1)),2)+'('+sform.datv+'),' ; Modify sform.datv ;if(c.(i).var_notes eq 'ListImage') then begin ;lab_for=lab_for + strtrim((st_sz(1)-1),2)+'x,' ;unt_for=unt_for + strtrim((st_sz(1)-1),2)+'x,' ;dep_for=dep_for + strtrim((st_sz(1)-1),2)+'x,' ;sform.datv=strtrim(st_sz(1),2)+'('+form+',1x),' ;endif ;dat_for=dat_for + sform.datv nvar=nvar+1 endif ; end var_type= data condition ;endfor endif ;c.(0).fillval=nvar c.(0).fillval=st_sz(1) endif ; end if (c.(i).var_type eq 'data' or ...) endif ; end if (noimg eq 0) endfor ; end i ; ; Add ending parenthesis of formats lend=strlen(lab_for)-1 uend=strlen(unt_for)-1 dend=strlen(dat_for)-1 dpend=max(strlen(dep_for))-1 strput,lab_for,')',lend strput,unt_for,')',uend strput,dat_for,')',dend strput,dep_for,')',dpend ; if(no3drv eq 0) then begin lab_for='(a23,1x,A5,1x,a9,2(1x,a13),2(1x,a13))' unt_for='(a23,1x,a5,1x,a9,2(7x,a7),2(11x,a3))' dat_for='(a23,4x,i2,7x,i3,2(1x,g13.5),2(1x,g13.5),/,29(27x,i2,7x,i3,2(1x,g13.5),2(1x,g13.5),/))' endif ;print,'dep_for = ', dep_for ;print,'lab_for = ', lab_for ;print,'unt_for = ', unt_for ;print,'dat_for = ', dat_for if(norv eq 0) or (no2drv eq 0) or (no3drv eq 0) or (noimg eq 0) then $ rvars=create_struct(c,'LFORM',lab_for,'UFORM',unt_for,'DFORM',dat_for,'DPFORM',dep_for) ; ; Write out structure listing ; Turn off glbatt for mulitple depend_0's if(mega_loop gt 1) then begin nogatt=1 printf, unit, format='(" ")' endif ; Free Memory delete, c if keyword_set(DEBUG) then print,'Write out variables.' if(nogatt eq 0) then status=wrt_hybd_strct(glbatt,unit,0,maxrecs,depend0) if(norv eq 0) then status=wrt_hybd_strct(rvars,unit,1,maxrecs,depend0) if(nonrv eq 0) then status=wrt_hybd_strct(nrvars,unit,2,maxrecs,depend0) if(no2drv eq 0) then status=wrt_hybd_strct(rvars,unit,3,maxrecs,depend0) if(no3drv eq 0) then status=wrt_hybd_strct(rvars,unit,4,maxrecs,depend0) if(noimg eq 0) then status=wrt_hybd_strct(rvars,unit,5,maxrecs,depend0) ; Free Memory delete, rvars endfor ; end mega_loop time_string=systime() printf, unit, format='(" ")' printf, unit, format='("Key Parameter and Survey data (labels K0,K1,K2) are preliminary browse data.")' printf, unit, format='("Generated by CDAWeb on: ",a)',time_string close,unit close,1 free_lun, unit end