;$author: kovalick $ ;$Date: 2006-10-11 13:32:51 -0700 (Wed, 11 Oct 2006) $ ;$Header: /home/cdaweb/dev/control/RCS/CDAWlib.pro,v 1.8 1998/06/11 12:48:38 kovalick Exp johnson $ ;$Locker: johnson $ ;$Revision: 8 $; ;NOTE to user's please set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the appropriate directories ;on your system, the 1st should be the location of the idl executable, the ;second should be the name of a directory which can contain a version of ;this whole set of s/w in an IDL save file. ;setenv, 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/ncf/alpha/lib/rsi/idl_4/bin/bin.alpha:/home/rumba/cdaweb/lib' setenv,'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/rsi/idl_6.1/bin/bin.linux.x86:/home/cdaweb/lib' ;small subset of John Hopkins routines used by CDAWlib ;these files are kept in the jh subdirectory so they won't ;be confused w/ our own utility routines. .run jh/monthnames.pro .run jh/dt_tm_mak.pro .run jh/jd2ymd.pro .run jh/nearest.pro .run jh/strep.pro .run jh/weekday.pro .run jh/getwrd.pro .run jh/makex.pro .run jh/repchr.pro .run jh/stress.pro .run jh/xprint.pro .run jh/inrange.pro .run jh/sechms.pro .run jh/time_label.pro .run jh/ymd2jd.pro .run version ;reading cdf routines: .run Validate_myPath .run break_mySTRING .run decode_CDFEPOCH .run encode_CDFEPOCH .run TAGindex .run save_mystruct .run restore_mystruct ;;; listing portion of cdaweb - following file contains all listing routines. .run LIST_mystruct ;;; virtual variables .run geopack .run ic_gci_transf .run virtual_funcs .run vis .run create_vis .run read_myCDF ;utility routines: .run getdirs .run find_myfiles ;plotting routines: .run semiminmax .run find_gaps .run project_subtitle .run plot_timeseries .run examine_SPECTROGRAM_DT .run plot_stack .run plot_spectrogram .run plot_images .run auroral_image .run plot_map_images .run handle_check .run b_lib.pro .run orbit_plt.pro .run orb_mgr.pro .run xyzmap.pro .run plot_maps.pro .run plot_radar .run plot_plasmagram .run map_keywords.pro .run bar_chart .run evaluate_varstruct .run plotmaster .run Compare_myCDFs ;device routines - MAC, WIN, X, PS, etc.: .run DeviceClose .run DeviceOpen ;Spectrogram routines: .run findGaps .run Colorbar .run align_center .run spectrogram .run timeaxis_text .run TNAXES .run ssc_plot ;listing portion of cdaweb - following file contains all listing routines. ;.run LIST_mystruct ; A group of conversion routines: ;.run conv_pos .run cnv_mdhms_sec .run cnvtime .run cnv_sec_mdhms .run cnvcoord .run eccmlt .run mlt .run monday .run angadj ; Radar vector plot routine: .run vectplt ;X/widget routines to facilitate finding and opening cdfs: .run Pickdir .run Compare_myCDFs .run Xread_mycdf ;device routines - MAC, WIN, X, PS, etc.: .run DeviceClose .run DeviceOpen ;Spectrogram routines: .run findGaps .run Colorbar .run align_center .run spectrogram .run timeaxis_text .run TNAXES ; A group of time conversion routines: .run cnv_mdhms_sec .run cnvtime .run cnv_sec_mdhms .run cnvcoord .run eccmlt .run mlt .run monday .run angadj ; Radar vector plot routine: .run vectplt ;X interface .run cdfx ;NOTE to user's the following are just defaults that can obviously be ;changed to your liking. loadct, 39 widget_control, default_font='6x10'