;+ ;NAME: ; tplot_gui ; ;PURPOSE: ; Imports and creates plot of tplot variable in SPD_GUI. ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; tplot_gui, [datanames] ; ;INPUT: ; datanames: A string of space separated datanames. Wildcard expansion is ; supported. If datanames is not supplied then the last values are ; used. Each name should be associated with a data quantity. ; (see the "STORE_DATA" and "GET_DATA" routines.) Alternatively ; datanames can be an array of integers or strings. Run ; "TPLOT_NAMES" to show the current numbering. ; ; ; ;KEYWORDS: ; /NO_VERIFY: Bypasses the Verify window before plotting the data in the GUI. ; Intended to be used in cases when it is certain that the limits ; and dlimits of the incoming tplot variables are complete and ; correct (e.g. overview plot generation). Use with caution. ; /NO_DRAW: Data is loaded, but it is not plotted. ; /no_update: data is loaded and added to plot, but update is not called. ; (saves runtime when building up a plot from several calls) ; /RESET: Sets the Reset keyword on SPD_GUI if gui is not already open. If ; set, it will reset all internal gui settings. Otherwise, it will try ; to load the state of the previous gui call. ; /add_panel: Adds data as a new panel in the current display ; /overplot: alias for add_panel. ; template_filename : The file name of a previously saved spedas template document, ; can be used to store user preferences and defaults. ; VAR_LABELS: String [array]; Variable(s) used for putting labels along ; the bottom. This allows quantities such as altitude to be labeled. ; TRANGE: Time range for tplot. Two element array, can be string or double(time in unleaped seconds since 1970) ; If this parameter is set current timespan will be ignored ; ;OUTPUT: ; none ; ;NOTES: ; tplot_gui supports many of the same settings that are selected in tplot using options and tplot_options. ; ;$LastChangedBy: nikos $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2016-10-20 14:50:42 -0700 (Thu, 20 Oct 2016) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 22172 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/spedas_gui/tplot_gui.pro $ ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pro spd_ui_tplot_gui_make_plots, newpanel, varname,template compile_opt idl2, hidden ; get group object and x-axis data quantity name group = !spedas.loadedData->getGroup(varname) if ~obj_valid(group) then return xname = group->getTimeName() ; get dlimits/limits and merge into superstructure !spedas.loadedData->getDataInfo,varname,limit=l,dlimit=dl extract_tags,dl,l if (size(dl, /type) eq 8) then begin if in_set('spec', strlowcase(tag_names(dl))) && dl.spec eq 1 then begin ; create specplot groupname = group->getName() yname = group->getYaxisName() spd_ui_make_default_specplot, !spedas.loadedData, newpanel, xname, $ yname, groupname, template endif else begin ; create lineplot ynames = group->getDataNames() for j=0, n_elements(ynames)-1 do begin spd_ui_make_default_lineplot, !spedas.loadedData, newpanel, xname, $ ynames[j], template endfor endelse endif else begin ; create lineplot ynames = group->getDataNames() for j=0, n_elements(ynames)-1 do begin spd_ui_make_default_lineplot, !spedas.loadedData, newpanel, xname, $ ynames[j],template endfor endelse end pro tplot_gui, datanames,$ no_verify=no_verify,$ no_draw=no_draw,$ no_update=no_update,$ reset=reset,$ add_panel=add_panel,$ overplot=overplot,$ template_filename=template_filename,$ var_labels=var_label,$ import_only=import_only,$ trange=trange compile_opt idl2 ; check type and dimension of input dt = size(/type,datanames) ndim = size(/n_dimen,datanames) ; check for valid input if dt ne 0 then begin if dt ne 7 or ndim ge 1 then dnames = strjoin(tnames(datanames,/all),' ') $ else dnames=datanames endif else begin last_tplot = tnames(/tplot) dprint,'Recreating the last tplot command with the following tplot variables:' dprint, last_tplot dnames = strjoin(last_tplot,' ') endelse defsysv,'!spedas',exists=spd_exists ;check if prexisting gui if keyword_set(reset) || keyword_set(add_panel) || keyword_set(overplot) || ~spd_exists then begin newwin = 0 endif else begin newwin = 1 endelse ; check if gui already running, start if not if (xregistered('spd_gui') eq 0) then begin spd_gui, reset=reset,template_filename=template_filename endif else if keyword_set(reset) then begin widget_control,!spedas.GUIID,/destroy spd_gui, reset=reset,template_filename=template_filename endif else begin ;read template from file, if requested if keyword_set(template_filename) then begin open_spedas_template,template=template,filename=template_filename,$ statusmsg=statusmsg,statuscode=statuscode if statuscode lt 0 then begin ok = dialog_message(statusmsg,/error,/center) endif else begin !spedas.windowstorage->setProperty,template=template endelse endif endelse !spedas.windowStorage->getProperty,template=template spd_ui_tplot_gui_load_tvars,dnames,no_verify=no_verify,out_names=out_names,all_names=all_names if n_elements(out_names) eq 0 then begin ;add buffer panel (keeps overview plots aligned) if keyword_set(add_panel) then begin spd_ui_make_default_panel, !spedas.windowStorage, template endif dprint,"No valid input names" return endif else begin var_num = csvector(out_names,/l) endelse tplot_options,get_opt=opts str_element,opts,'var_label',opts_vars,success=s if n_elements(var_label) gt 0 then begin var_list = var_label endif else if s then begin var_list = opts_vars endif if n_elements(var_list) gt 0 then begin spd_ui_tplot_gui_load_tvars,var_list,no_verify=no_verify,out_names=out_varnames,all_names=all_varnames all_names = array_concat(all_names,all_varnames) endif if n_elements(all_names) eq 0 then begin dprint,"No valid names" return endif ;remove any duplicate names before verification all_names = all_names[uniq(all_names,sort(all_names))] ; verify incoming tplot variables ;spd_ui_verify_data,!spedas.guiId, varnames, !spedas.loadedData, $ ; !spedas.windowStorage, !spedas.historywin, $ ; success=success if ~keyword_set(no_verify) then begin dprint,'verify data for main plots' spd_ui_verify_data,!spedas.guiId, all_names, !spedas.loadedData, $ !spedas.windowStorage, !spedas.historywin, $ success=success,newnames=new_names if ~success then begin dprint,'Data verify canceled.' !spedas.historyWin->update,'Data verify canceled.' return endif endif else begin new_names=all_names endelse if ~keyword_set(no_draw) && ~keyword_set(import_only) then begin ;note it is important that pagesettings gets set one way or another by this block ; add new window to gui if newwin then begin if ~!spedas.windowStorage->add(isactive=1) then begin ok = error_message('Error initializing new window for TPLOT_GUI.',/traceback, /center, $ title='Error in TPLOT_GUI') return endif activeWindow = !spedas.windowStorage->GetActive() ; add window name to gui window menu activeWindow[0]->GetProperty, Name=name,settings=pagesettings spd_ui_tplot_gui_page_options,pagesettings !spedas.windowMenus->Add, name !spedas.windowMenus->Update, !spedas.windowStorage ; update draw object and draw new window ; !spedas.drawObject->Update, !spedas.windowStorage, !spedas.loadedData ; !spedas.drawObject->draw endif else begin activeWindow = !spedas.windowStorage->GetActive() ; add window name to gui window menu if ~obj_valid(activeWindow) then begin ok = error_message('Error, tplot_gui /add_panel called with no active window',/traceback, /center, $ title='Error in TPLOT_GUI') return endif else begin activeWindow[0]->GetProperty,settings=pagesettings spd_ui_tplot_gui_page_options,pagesettings endelse endelse ; if keyword_set(trange) && n_elements(trange) eq 2 then begin ; ctrange = time_double(trange) ; endif else begin ; ;get current time range (as set by tlimit) ; ctrange = timerange(/current) ; endelse sub_idx = 0 ; create a separate panel for each data quantity for i=0L, var_num-1 do begin ; create panel spd_ui_make_default_panel, !spedas.windowStorage, template,outpanel=newpanel add_names = csvector(i,out_names,/read) for j = 0,n_elements(add_names)-1 do begin idx = where(add_names[j] eq all_names,c) if c ne 1 then begin dprint,"Unexpected error detected" return endif spd_ui_tplot_gui_make_plots, newpanel, new_names[idx[0]],template endfor spd_ui_tplot_gui_panel_options,newpanel,varnames=add_names,allnames=all_names,newnames=new_names,trange=trange endfor spd_ui_tplot_gui_make_var_labels,newpanel,pagesettings,varnames=out_varnames,allnames=all_names,newnames=new_names if ~keyword_set(no_update) then begin !spedas.drawObject->update,!spedas.windowStorage, !spedas.loadedData !spedas.drawObject->draw endif endif end