;+ SetButtonActive ;NAME: ; spd_ui_windows__define ; ;PURPOSE: ; This is an array of window objects and represents all the data that has been loaded ; for this session. ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ;OUTPUT: ; reference to window object array ; ;ATTRIBUTES: ; array of window objects ; ;METHODS: ; SetProperty ; GetProperty ; Add creates a new window object and adds it to the array ; GetActive returns active window object ; SetActive makes a window object active given a windowID ; GetSelected returns the selected window object ; SetSelected makes a window object selected ; ; NOTE: These 3 methods do not appear to exist ; GetDefaultTitle returns a title, if the user has provided a default one ; AskForTitle return 1=if user wants to be asked each time, 0=don't ask, use default ; ClearActive resets active windows to inactive (must provide a window ID) ; ClearAll clears either selected or active windows (must use a keyword) ; AddObject adds a new object to the array (method for internal use) ; RemoveObject removes an object from the array (routine for internal use) ; GetObjects returns an array of all data objects, can also take a name or group name (method for internal use) ; ; NOTE: ; ; Markers can be active and/or selected. ; ACTIVE: If a window is 'active' then it is currently displayed on a window. ; If the window is no longer active, then the window is no longer ; active and must be deactivated. To make a window inactive the user must provide a windowID. ; SELECTED: If a window is 'selected' then it is either a new window (which automatically ; by default, becomes the selected window) or the user has clicked on a specific ; window to select it. There can only be one 'selected' window at a time. ; ;HISTORY: ; ;$LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2015-07-13 09:37:27 -0700 (Mon, 13 Jul 2015) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 18098 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/spedas_gui/objects/spd_ui_windows__define.pro $ ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION SPD_UI_WINDOWS::Add, $ Name=name, $ ; name for this window IsActive=isactive, $ ; flag set if this window is displayed NRows=nrows, $ ; number of rows in this window NCols=ncols, $ ; number of columns in this window Panels=panels, $ ; ptr to array of panels displayed on this window Settings=settings, $ ; object for page settings Locked=locked, $ ; set if x axes are locked Tracking=tracking ; flag set if tracking is on compile_opt idl2 Catch, theError IF theError NE 0 THEN BEGIN Catch, /Cancel ok = Error_Message('An error occured while adding pages. See console for details.',/noname) ;spd_ui_error RETURN, 0 ENDIF ; Check that all parameters have values IF N_Elements(name) EQ 0 THEN name='Page: ' + strtrim(string(self.id),2) IF N_Elements(isactive) EQ 0 THEN isactive = 1 IF N_Elements(nrows) EQ 0 THEN nrows=2 IF N_Elements(ncols) EQ 0 THEN ncols=1 IF N_Elements(locked) EQ 0 THEN locked=0 ELSE locked=locked if obj_valid(settings) then begin newsettings=settings->copy() endif if obj_valid(self.template) then begin self.template->getProperty,page=page if obj_valid(page) then begin newsettings = page->copy() endif endif IF NOT Obj_Valid(panels) THEN Begin panels = Obj_New('IDL_Container') endif else begin if ~obj_isa(panels,'IDL_Container') then begin ok=error_message('Non container object passed where one expected',/traceback,/noname) return,0 endif panelObjs = panels->get(/all) for i = 0,n_elements(panelObjs)-1L do begin if obj_valid(panelObjs[i]) then panelObjs[i]->setProperty,windowID=self.id endfor endelse IF N_Elements(tracking) EQ 0 THEN tracking = 1 IF isactive EQ 1 THEN self->clearAllActive newWindow = Obj_New("SPD_UI_WINDOW", self.id, Name=name, $ IsActive=isactive, NRows=nrows, NCols=ncols, Settings=newsettings, $ Tracking=tracking, Locked=locked, Panels=panels) IF NOT Obj_Valid(newWindow) THEN RETURN, 0 result=self->AddObject(newWindow) IF result EQ 0 THEN RETURN, 0 if keyword_set(isActive) then self->setActive,id=self.id ;now handled in layout panel ; if locked then begin ; self.axisObject->lock,windowid=self.id ; endif ; All went well, so increment id for the next new panel self.id = self.id + 1 RETURN, 1 END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION SPD_UI_WINDOWS::AddNewObject, windowObj compile_opt idl2 Catch, theError IF theError NE 0 THEN BEGIN Catch, /Cancel ok = Error_Message('An error occured while adding pages. See console for details.',/traceback,/noname) ;spd_ui_error RETURN, 0 ENDIF IF ~Obj_Valid(windowObj) THEN RETURN, 0 windowObj->GetProperty, Name=name,Id=id,NRows=nrows, NCols=ncols, $ IsActive=isactive,Locked=locked,Panels=panels,Settings=settings, $ PanelId=panelid,Tracking=tracking ; Check that all parameters have values ; Disregard window name from windowObj, to force uniqueness name='Page: ' + strtrim(string(self.id),2) ; Clobber the incoming name too while we're at it... windowObj->SetProperty,name=name IF N_Elements(id) EQ 0 THEN id = 0 IF N_Elements(nrows) EQ 0 THEN nrows=1 IF N_Elements(ncols) EQ 0 THEN ncols=1 IF N_Elements(isactive) EQ 0 THEN isactive = 1 IF N_Elements(panelid) EQ 0 THEN panelid = 0 IF N_Elements(tracking) EQ 0 THEN tracking = 1 IF N_Elements(locked) EQ 0 THEN locked = 1 if obj_valid(settings) then begin newsettings=settings->copy() endif if obj_valid(self.template) then begin self.template->getProperty,page=page if obj_valid(page) then begin newsettings = page->copy() endif endif IF NOT Obj_Valid(panels) THEN Begin panels = Obj_New('IDL_Container') endif else begin if ~obj_isa(panels,'IDL_Container') then begin ok=error_message('Non container object passed where one expected',/traceback,/noname) return,0 endif panelObjs = panels->get(/all) IF Obj_Valid(panelObjs[0]) THEN BEGIN for i = 0,n_elements(panelObjs)-1L do begin panelObjs[i]->setProperty,windowID=self.id endfor ENDIF endelse IF isactive EQ 1 THEN self->clearAllActive newWindow = Obj_New("SPD_UI_WINDOW", self.id, Name=name, $ IsActive=isactive, NRows=nrows, NCols=ncols, Settings=newsettings, $ Tracking=tracking, Panels=panels,Locked=locked, Panelid=panelid) IF NOT Obj_Valid(newWindow) THEN RETURN, 0 result=self->AddObject(newWindow) IF result EQ 0 THEN RETURN, 0 if keyword_set(isActive) then self->setActive,id=self.id ; All went well, so increment id for the next new panel self.id = self.id + 1 RETURN, 1 END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;WARNING: This method is not like the other copy methods ;Rather than copying all the windows and settings that it ;contains, This method makes a copy of its active window ;and adds it to the list of windows. PRO SPD_UI_WINDOWS::Copy activeWindow=self->GetActive() newWindow=activeWindow[0]->Copy() newWindow->GetProperty, $ NRows=nrows, $ ; number of rows NCols=ncols, $ ; number of columns Panels=panels, $ ; panel objects on this window Settings=settings, $ ; properties of this window Tracking=tracking ; flag set if tracking is on result=self->Add( $ NRows=nrows, $ NCols=ncols, $ Panels=panels, $ Settings=settings, $ Tracking=tracking) END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO SPD_UI_WINDOWS::Remove END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ;PRO SPD_UI_WINDOWS::GetProperty, $ ; WindowObjs=windowobjs, $ ; window array ; callSequence=callSequence, $ ; object stores the sequence of data operation functions that have been called ; Id=id ; current value of id ; ; Catch, theError ; IF theError NE 0 THEN BEGIN ; Catch, /Cancel ; ok = Error_Message('An error occured while retrieving page properties. See console for details.', $ ; /traceback, /noname) ; ;spd_ui_error ; RETURN ; ENDIF ; ; IF Arg_Present(windowobjs) THEN BEGIN ; IF Ptr_Valid(self.windowObjs) THEN windowobjs = self.windowObjs $ ; ELSE windowobjs = 0 ; ENDIF ; ; if arg_present(callSequence) then callSequence = self.callSequence ; ; IF Arg_Present(id) THEN id = self.id ; ; ;RETURN ;END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; PRO SPD_UI_WINDOWS::SetActive, Id=id compile_opt idl2 IF Ptr_Valid(self.windowObjs) EQ 0 THEN RETURN numObjects = N_Elements(*self.windowObjs) IF numObjects LT 1 THEN RETURN dataArr=*self.windowObjs self->clearAllActive FOR i=0, numObjects-1 DO BEGIN dataObj=dataArr[i] dataObj->GetProperty, Id=thisID IF id EQ thisID THEN BEGIN dataObj->SetProperty, IsActive=1 return ENDIF ENDFOR END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO SPD_UI_WINDOWS::SetButtonActive, ID=id compile_opt idl2 ; set the button active on the pulldown menu IF Ptr_Valid(self.windowButtons) EQ 0 THEN RETURN numObjects = N_Elements(self.windowButtons) IF numObjects LT 1 THEN RETURN FOR i=0, numObjects-1 DO BEGIN IF id EQ self.windowButtons[i] THEN BEGIN name = self.windowNames[i] Widget_Control, id, Set_Button=1 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN Widget_Control, self.windowButtons[i], Set_Button=1 ENDELSE ENDFOR ; set the window to active self->clearAllActive IF Ptr_Valid(self.windowObjs) EQ 0 THEN RETURN numObjects = N_Elements(self.windowObjs) IF numObjects LT 1 THEN RETURN dataArr=*self.windowObjs FOR i=0, numObjects-1 DO BEGIN dataObj=dataArr[i] dataObj->GetProperty, Name=thisName IF N_Elements(name) GT 0 && name EQ thisName THEN BEGIN dataObj->GetProperty, Id=id self->SetActive, id return ENDIF ENDFOR END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION SPD_UI_WINDOWS::GetActive compile_opt idl2 IF Ptr_Valid(self.windowObjs) EQ 0 THEN RETURN,0 numObjects = N_Elements(*self.windowObjs) IF numObjects LT 1 THEN RETURN, 0 dataArr=*self.windowObjs FOR i=0, numObjects-1 DO BEGIN dataObj=dataArr[i] dataObj->GetProperty, IsActive=isactive IF isactive EQ 1 THEN BEGIN IF N_Elements(activeArr) EQ 0 THEN activeArr = [dataObj] $ ELSE activeArr = [activeArr, dataObj] ENDIF ENDFOR IF N_Elements(activeArr) EQ 0 THEN RETURN, 0 ELSE RETURN, activeArr END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pro spd_ui_windows::Reset, callSequence=callSequence ptr_free,self.windowObjs self.windowObjs=ptr_new() ptr_free,self.windowButtons self.windowButtons=ptr_new() ptr_free,self.windowNames self.windowNames=ptr_new() obj_destroy,self.callSequence self.callSequence = callSequence self.id = 1L ; not sure this is necessary? end PRO SPD_UI_WINDOWS::ClearActive, Id=id compile_opt idl2 IF Ptr_Valid(self.windowObjs) EQ 0 THEN RETURN IF N_Elements(id) EQ 0 THEN RETURN numObjects = N_Elements(*self.windowObjs) IF numObjects LT 1 THEN RETURN dataArr=*self.windowObjs FOR i=0, numObjects-1 DO BEGIN dataObj=dataArr[i] dataObj->GetProperty, Id=thisId IF id EQ thisId THEN BEGIN dataObj->SetProperty, IsActive=0 ENDIF ENDFOR END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO SPD_UI_WINDOWS::ClearAllActive IF Ptr_Valid(self.windowObjs) EQ 0 THEN RETURN numObjects = N_Elements(*self.windowObjs) IF numObjects LT 1 THEN RETURN dataArr=*self.windowObjs FOR i=0L, numObjects-1L DO BEGIN dataObj=dataArr[i] dataObj->SetProperty, IsActive=0 ENDFOR END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION SPD_UI_WINDOWS::AddObject, dataObject compile_opt idl2 ; check for validity IF NOT Obj_Valid(dataObject) THEN RETURN, 0 ; If this the first data object create array and add this to it ; otherwise just add to the existing array IF NOT Ptr_Valid(self.windowObjs) THEN BEGIN temp = ObjArr(1) temp[0] = dataObject Ptr_Free, self.windowObjs self.windowObjs = Ptr_New(temp) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN numObjects = N_Elements(*self.windowObjs) temp = Objarr(numObjects) temp = [*self.windowObjs, dataObject] Ptr_Free, self.windowObjs self.windowObjs = Ptr_New(temp) ENDELSE RETURN, 1 END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION SPD_UI_WINDOWS::RemoveObject, dataObject compile_opt idl2 ; check for validity IF NOT Obj_Valid(dataObject) THEN RETURN, -1 ; invalid ptr not necessarily an error, just no data IF NOT Ptr_Valid(self.windowObjs) THEN RETURN, 1 numObjects = N_Elements(*self.windowObjs) IF numObjects LT 1 THEN RETURN, 1 ELSE dataArr=*self.windowObjs ; get the data object id and use it to find the object in the array dataObject->GetProperty, ID=removeId, IsActive=isactive index=-1 FOR i=0, numObjects-1 DO BEGIN thisObj=dataArr[i] thisObj->GetProperty, ID=thisId IF thisId EQ removeId THEN BEGIN index=i BREAK ENDIF ENDFOR ; Deal with special cases first ; ID not found (not necessarily an error) IF index EQ -1 THEN RETURN, 1 ; Only one object in the array IF index EQ 0 && numObjects EQ 1 THEN BEGIN Ptr_Free, self.windowObjs self.id = 1 RETURN, 1 ENDIF ; remove first last and middle elements temp = ObjArr(numObjects-1) IF index EQ 0 THEN temp = dataArr[1:numObjects-1] IF index EQ numObjects-1 THEN temp = dataArr[0:numObjects-2] IF index GT 0 && index LT numObjects-1 THEN temp = [dataArr[0:index-1],dataArr[index+1:numObjects-1]] ; if object removed was active, reset active window to the first one ; and create new pointer IF isActive EQ 1 THEN BEGIN if index eq 0 then begin temp[0]->SetProperty, IsActive=1 endif else begin temp[index-1]->setProperty, isactive=1 endelse endif Ptr_Free, self.windowObjs self.windowObjs = Ptr_New(temp) self->renumber RETURN, 1 END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO SPD_UI_WINDOWS::Renumber compile_opt idl2 if ~ptr_valid(self.windowObjs) then return dataArr = *self.windowObjs valids = where(obj_valid(dataArr), count, complement=invalids) if count lt 1 then return else begin for i=0, count-1 do begin dataArr[valids[i]]->SetProperty, ID=i+1 name='Page: ' + strtrim(string(i+1),2) dataArr[valids[i]]->SetProperty, Name=name endfor endelse self.id = count+1 Ptr_Free, self.windowObjs self.windowObjs = Ptr_New(dataArr) END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION SPD_UI_WINDOWS::GetObjects, Id=id compile_opt idl2 IF Ptr_Valid(self.windowObjs) EQ 0 THEN RETURN, 0 IF ~keyword_Set(id) then begin RETURN, *self.windowObjs endif else begin numObjects = N_Elements(*self.windowObjs) IF numObjects LT 1 THEN RETURN, 0 dataArr=*self.windowObjs FOR i=0, numObjects-1 DO BEGIN dataObj=dataArr[i] dataObj->GetProperty, Id=thisId if id eq thisId then begin if n_elements(objList) eq 0 then begin objList = [dataObj] endif else begin objList = [objList,dataObj] endelse endif endfor endelse if n_elements(objList) eq 0 then begin return,0 endif else begin return,objList endelse END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;adds the current windows to a newly created window menus object pro spd_ui_windows::reloadWindowMenus,windowMenus compile_opt idl2 windows = self->getObjects() if obj_valid(windows[0]) then begin for i = 0,n_elements(windows)-1 do begin windows[i]->getProperty,name=name windowMenus->add,name endfor endif end ;this routine will update references to a data quantity ;This should be used if a name has changed while traces are ;already in existence . pro spd_ui_windows::updatedatareference,oldnames,newnames compile_opt idl2 windows = self->getObjects() if ~obj_valid(windows[0]) then return for i = 0,n_elements(windows)-1 do begin windows[i]->updatedatareference,oldnames,newnames endfor end PRO SPD_UI_WINDOWS::Cleanup Ptr_Free, self.windowObjs Ptr_Free, self.windowButtons Ptr_Free, self.windowNames obj_destroy, self.template obj_destroy, self.callSequence END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION SPD_UI_WINDOWS::Init,loadedData Catch, theError IF theError NE 0 THEN BEGIN Catch, /Cancel ok = Error_Message('Error initializing window storage object. See console output for details.',/traceback,/noname) ;spd_ui_error RETURN, 0 ENDIF if ~obj_valid(loadedData) then begin ok = error_message('Loaded Data must be valid to create window storage object',/traceback,/noname) return,0 endif self.windowObjs = Ptr_New() self.windowButtons = Ptr_New() self.windowNames = Ptr_New() self.callSequence = obj_new('spd_ui_call_sequence',loadedData) self.template = obj_new('spd_ui_template') self.id = 1 RETURN, 1 END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO SPD_UI_WINDOWS__DEFINE struct = { SPD_UI_WINDOWS, $ windowObjs: Ptr_New(), $ ; array of objects for windows windowButtons: Ptr_New(), $ ; array of widget ids for pull down menu windowNames: Ptr_New(), $ ; array of window names for pull down menu callSequence:obj_new(), $ ; sequence of calls to data routines, used for save without data template:obj_new(), $ ; template object used when creating settings for new windows id: 0L, $ ; value that will be assigned to next window ; values start counting at 1 not 0 inherits spd_ui_getset $ ; provides generate getProperty, setProperty,getAll,setAll methods } END