;+ ; Deprecated! Please use spd_new_coords ; ;NAME: ; thm_new_coords ;PURPOSE: ; sets coordinate systems in the dlimits structure of input ; tplot variables from the CDF attributes, or alternatively, input ; keywords ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; thm_new_coords,vars,coords_in=coords_in ;INPUT: ; vars = variable names ;OUTPUT: ; none explicit, the dlimits structure of the variables are changed ;KEYWORDS: ; coords_in = if set, then the coords for all vars will be set to this ; value (this is a scalar input) ;HISTORY: ; 12-feb-2008, jmm, jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu ;$LastChangedBy: nikos $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2016-10-07 12:15:23 -0700 (Fri, 07 Oct 2016) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 22070 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/themis/deprecated/thm_new_coords.pro $ ;- Pro thm_new_coords, vars, coords_in = coords_in ;add coords, coordinate systems to variables new_v = tnames(vars) If(is_string(new_v) Eq 0) Then Return For j = 0, n_elements(new_v)-1 Do Begin get_data, new_v[j], dlimits = dl If(is_string(coords_in)) Then coords = coords_in[0] Else Begin coords = 'none' ;check cdf.vatt's, if it exists, if not, then no coords will be set If(is_struct(dl)) Then Begin str_element, dl, 'cdf', success = yes_cdf If(yes_cdf Gt 0) Then Begin str_element, dl.cdf, 'vatt', success = yes_vatt If(yes_vatt) Then Begin str_element, dl.cdf.vatt, 'coordinate_system', $ coords_test, success = yes_coords If(yes_coords) Then coords = coords_test Endif Endif Endif Endelse ;check for dlimits structure, if it doesn't exist, make one, and add ;data_att structure, if it does exist, change or add the 'coords' tag ;if applicable If(coords Ne 'none') Then Begin coords = strcompress(strlowcase(coords), /remove_all) If(coords Ne 'sensor') Then coords = strmid(coords, 0, 3) If(is_struct(dl)) Then Begin str_element, dl, 'data_att', success = yes_data_att If(yes_data_att) Then Begin ;data_att exists, add or replace the coords data_att = dl.data_att str_element, data_att, 'coord_sys', coords, /add_replace Endif Else data_att = {coord_sys:coords} ;data_att doesn't exist, so build it ;now add or replace the data_att str_element, dl, 'data_att', data_att, /add_replace Endif Else Begin ;no dlimits data_att = {coord_sys:coords} dl = {data_att:data_att} Endelse store_data, new_v[j], dlimits = dl Endif ;no changes if there are no coords to add Endfor Return End