;+ ; Function: ; GOESstruct_to_cdfstruct ; ; Purpose: ; Converts an IDL structure returned from a GOES netCDF file ; into an IDL structure that can be passed to cdf_info_to_tplot ; ; Input: ; netCDFi: GOES IDL structure from ncdf_load_vars ; ; Output: ; IDL structure that follows the SPDF CDF standard ; (at least enough so to be read by cdf_info_to_tplot) ; ; ; $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-09-13 12:25:51 -0700 (Thu, 13 Sep 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 25786 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/goes/goesstruct_to_cdfstruct.pro $ ;- function GOESstruct_to_cdfstruct, netCDFi compile_opt idl2 if ~is_struct(netCDFi) then begin dprint, dlevel=1, 'Must provide a netCDF structure' return, -1 endif newstruct = create_struct('filename', netCDFi.filename, 'nv', netCDFi.nv) if tag_exist(netCDFi.g_attributes, 'conventions') then begin ; find the GOES spacecraft id satellite_id = strsplit(netCDFi.g_attributes.satellite_id, '^GOES-', /regex, /extract) prefix = 'g'+satellite_id[0] case netCDFi.g_attributes.instrument of 'Magnetometer': instru = 'fgm' 'Electron,Proton,Alpha Detector': instru = 'epead' 'Energetic Particle Sensor': instru = 'eps' 'Magnetospheric Electron Detector': instru = 'maged' 'Magnetospheric Proton Detector': instru = 'magpd' 'Magnetospheric Electron Detector (MAGED)': instru = 'maged' 'Magnetospheric Proton Detector (MAGPD)': instru = 'magpd' 'High energy Proton and Alpha Detector': instru = 'hepad' 'X-ray Sensor': instru = 'xray' else: instru = 'unknown' endcase process_level = netCDFi.g_attributes.process_level title = netCDFi.g_attributes.title sample_time = netCDFi.g_attributes.sample_time sample_units = netCDFi.g_attributes.sample_unit g_attributes = create_struct('PROJECT', 'GOES') str_element, g_attributes, 'SOURCE_NAME', prefix+'>Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite', /add str_element, g_attributes, 'DISCIPLINE', 'Space Physics>Magnetospheric Science', /add str_element, g_attributes, 'DATA_TYPE', strupcase(instru), /add str_element, g_attributes, 'DESCRIPTOR', process_level, /add str_element, g_attributes, 'DATA_VERSION', '1', /add str_element, g_attributes, 'PI_NAME', 'Howard J. Singer', /add str_element, g_attributes, 'PI_AFFILIATION', 'NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center', /add str_element, g_attributes, 'TEXT', title, /add str_element, g_attributes, 'INSTRUMENT_TYPE', netCDFi.g_attributes.instrument, /add str_element, g_attributes, 'MISSION_GROUP', 'GOES', /add str_element, g_attributes, 'LOGICAL_SOURCE_DESCRIPTION', 'temp', /add str_element, g_attributes, 'TIME_RESOLUTION', sample_time + ' ' + sample_units, /add str_element, g_attributes, 'RULES_OF_USE', 'Open Data for Scientific Use', /add str_element, g_attributes, 'GENERATED_BY', 'THEMIS/IGPP', /add str_element, g_attributes, 'ACKNOWLEDGEMENT', 'NASA Contract NAS5-02099', /add str_element, g_attributes, 'LINK_TITLE', 'National Geophysical Data Center', /add str_element, g_attributes, 'HTTP_LINK', 'https://satdat.ngdc.noaa.gov/sem/goes/data/', /add str_element, g_attributes, 'FILE_NAMING_CONVENTION', 'source_descriptor_datatype', /add inq = create_struct('nzvars', netCDFi.nv) str_element, inq, 'ndims', 0, /add str_element, inq, 'DECODING', 'HOST_DECODING', /add str_element, inq, 'ENCODING', 'NETWORK_ENCODING', /add str_element, inq, 'MAJORITY', 'ROW_MAJOR', /add str_element, inq, 'MAXREC', -1, /add str_element, inq, 'nvars', 0, /add str_element, inq, 'natts', netCDFi.nv, /add str_element, inq, 'dim', 0, /add vars = create_struct('name', 'default') str_element, vars, 'num', 0, /add str_element, vars, 'is_zvar', 1, /add str_element, vars, 'datatype', 'CDF_REAL', /add str_element, vars, 'type', 5, /add ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; double str_element, vars, 'numattr', -1, /add str_element, vars, 'numelem', 1, /add str_element, vars, 'recvary', byte(1), /add str_element, vars, 'numrec', 1, /add str_element, vars, 'ndimen', 0, /add str_element, vars, 'd', 0, /add str_element, vars, 'dataptr', ptr_new(0), /add str_element, vars, 'attrptr', ptr_new(0), /add dataptrs = ptrarr(netCDFi.nv) attrptrs = ptrarr(netCDFi.nv) variables = replicate(vars, netCDFi.nv) ; loop through the variables to find the time, location data for i = 0, netCDFi.nv-1 do begin ; make sure this variable has a valid data ptr before trying to use it below if ~ptr_valid(netCDFi.vars.(i).dataptr) then continue ; need to check if the time units are in milliseconds ; if so, convert to seconds and update the units attribute if stregex(netCDFi.vars.(i).units, 'milliseconds') ne -1 then begin ; check that the dataptr is a valid pointer if ptr_valid(netCDFi.vars.(i).dataptr) then begin time_data = *netCDFi.vars.(i).dataptr/1000. ; convert to seconds netCDFi.vars.(i).units = 'seconds' endif else continue endif if netCDFi.vars.(i).name eq 'inclination' then begin inclination_data = *netCDFi.vars.(i).dataptr ; in degrees endif else if netCDFi.vars.(i).name eq 'time_tag_orbit' then begin ;time_data_orbit = *netCDFi.vars.(i).dataptr/1000. ; times for long/inclination pairs, convert to seconds endif else if netCDFi.vars.(i).name eq 'west_longitude' then begin west_longitude = *netCDFi.vars.(i).dataptr ; west longitude endif endfor ; loop through the variables again, this time associating ; the time variable with data variables for i = 0, netCDFi.nv-1 do begin attr = create_struct('DEPEND_0', 'epoch') if (netCDFi.vars.(i).name eq 'time_tag' || netCDFi.vars.(i).name eq 'time_tag_orbit') then begin str_element, vars, 'datatype', 'CDF_EPOCH', /add data = *netCDFi.vars.(i).dataptr/1000. ; convert from ms to seconds endif else begin str_element, vars, 'datatype', 'CDF_REAL', /add data = *netCDFi.vars.(i).dataptr endelse ; 'time_tag' is used consistently as the time variable tag for non-ephemeris data in the GOES data files ; 'time_tag_orbit' is used as the time variable tag for ephemeris data in the GOES data files if (netCDFi.vars.(i).name eq 'time_tag_orbit' || netCDFi.vars.(i).name eq 'inclination' || netCDFi.vars.(i).name eq 'west_longitude') then begin str_element, attr, 'DEPEND_TIME', 'time_tag_orbit', /add endif else begin str_element, attr, 'DEPEND_TIME', 'time_tag', /add endelse str_element, attr, 'DISPLAY_TYPE', 'time_series', /add str_element, netCDFi.vars.(i), 'missing_value', missingval, SUCCESS=s if s ne 0 then str_element, attr, 'FILLVAL', missingval, /add else str_element, attr, 'FILLVAL', !values.f_nan, /add ; check if this variable has the attribute 'FORMAT' str_element, netCDFi.vars.(i), 'FORMAT', val, SUCCESS=s if s ne 0 then str_element, attr, 'FORMAT', netCDFi.vars.(i).format,/add str_element, netCDFi.vars.(i), 'LIN_LOG', linlogval, SUCCESS=s if s ne 0 then str_element, attr, 'SCALETYP', netCDFi.vars.(i).lin_log, /add ; check the name to see if this is support data ; QUAL_FLAG or NUM_PTS if (stregex(netCDFi.vars.(i).name, 'QUAL_FLAG') ne -1 || stregex(netCDFi.vars.(i).name, 'NUM_PTS') ne -1) then begin str_element, attr, 'VAR_TYPE', 'support_data', /add endif else begin str_element, attr, 'VAR_TYPE', 'data', /add endelse ; Unfortunately, the GOES variable structures do not contain ; the coordinates outside of the description of the variable str_element, attr, 'COORDINATE_SYSTEM', 'unknown', /add str_element, attr, 'UNITS', netCDFi.vars.(i).units, /add variables[i].dataptr = ptr_new(data) variables[i].attrptr = ptr_new(attr) variables[i].name = netCDFi.vars.(i).name endfor ; construct the structure in a format similar to that returned by cdf_load_vars str_element, newstruct, 'g_attributes', g_attributes, /add str_element, newstruct, 'inq', inq, /add str_element, newstruct, 'vars', variables, /add endif else begin dprint, dlevel=1, 'This structure does not appear to contain valid GOES data' endelse return, newstruct end