;+ ;NAME: ; spd_ui_nudge_options ; ;PURPOSE: ; simple user interface window which allows the user to specify a new ; time array for a trace or spectrogram ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; spd_ui_nudge_options, gui_id, info ; ;INPUT: ; gui_id = widget id of the widget that called this program ; info = the info structure of the Main GUI ;OUTPUT: ; ;HISTORY: ;$LastChangedBy: jimm $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2014-02-11 10:54:32 -0800 (Tue, 11 Feb 2014) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 14326 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_3_3/spedas_gui/panels/spd_ui_nudge_options.pro $ ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; helper function to add a number to the front of the trace name and truncate to fit in the combobox. ; This helps resolve problems with identical traces and combobox problems on linux. function spd_ui_nudge_options_truncate_traces, tracenames tracenamestrunc = tracenames for traceit = 0, n_elements(tracenames)-1 do begin tracenamestrunc[traceit] = strtrim(string(traceit +1),2)+': '+traceNames[traceit] if strlen(tracenamestrunc[traceit]) GT 35 then tracenamestrunc[traceit]=strmid(tracenamestrunc[traceit], 0, 35)+'...' endfor return, tracenamestrunc end PRO spd_ui_nudge_options_event, event compile_opt hidden ;Catch here to insure that the state remains defined err_xxx = 0 Catch, err_xxx IF (err_xxx NE 0) THEN BEGIN Catch, /Cancel Help, /Last_Message, Output = err_msg spd_ui_sbar_hwin_update, state.info, err_msg, /error, err_msgbox_title='Error in Nudge Options' Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy widget_control, event.top,/destroy RETURN ENDIF widget_control, event.top, get_uvalue = state, /no_copy ;kill request block If(TAG_NAMES(event, /STRUCTURE_NAME) EQ 'WIDGET_KILL_REQUEST') Then Begin state.info.statusbar -> update, 'Nudge Options Panel Closed' widget_control, event.top, set_uvalue = state, /no_copy widget_control, event.top, /destroy Return Endif ;Options widget_control, event.id, get_uvalue = uval if is_struct(state) then state.info.historywin -> update,'SPD_UI_NUDGE_OPTIONS: User value: '+uval ,/dontshow Case uval of 'OK': Begin state.info.statusbar -> update, 'Nudge Options Panel Closed' widget_control, event.top, set_uvalue = state, /no_copy widget_control, event.top, /destroy Return End 'PANEL':Begin panel_x = widget_info(state.panel_combobox, /combobox_gettext) ;populate the trace_combobox pindex = where(state.panel_values Eq panel_x) If(pindex[0] Eq -1) Then Message, 'No panel selection?' state.panel_index = pindex panel = state.active_panels[pindex] panel -> getproperty, tracesettings = dummy_obj trace_objs = dummy_obj -> get(/all) if obj_valid(trace_objs[0]) then begin trace_values = '' For j = 0, n_elements(trace_objs)-1 Do Begin trace_objs[j] -> getproperty, datay = tj trace_values = [trace_values, tj] Endfor trace_values = trace_values[1:*] trace_values_trunc = spd_ui_nudge_options_truncate_traces(trace_values) tracesensitive = 1 endif else begin trace_values = '' trace_values_trunc = ' ' tracesensitive = 0 endelse trace_combobox = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='trace') widget_control, trace_combobox, set_value = trace_values_trunc, sensitive = tracesensitive apply_button = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='apply') widget_control, apply_button, sensitive = tracesensitive If(ptr_valid(state.trace_values)) Then ptr_free, state.trace_values state.trace_values = ptr_new(trace_values) state.trace_to_nudge = (*state.trace_values)[0] state.trace_id = 0 id = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='tracetext') widget_control, id, set_value=state.trace_to_nudge, sensitive = tracesensitive state.statusbar -> update, 'Chosen Panel: '+state.panel_values[pindex] End 'TRACE':Begin state.trace_id = event.index state.trace_to_nudge = (*state.trace_values)[event.index] id = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='tracetext') widget_control, id, set_value=state.trace_to_nudge ;check to see that a panel has been selected: ; widget_control, state.trace_combobox, get_value = tvals ; tvalue = widget_info(state.trace_combobox, /combobox_gettext) ; tvals = *state.trace_values ; tindex = where(tvals Eq tvalue) ; If(tindex[0] Eq -1) Then Message, 'No trace selection?' ; state.trace_to_nudge = tvals[tindex] state.statusbar -> update, 'Chosen Trace: '+state.trace_to_nudge End 'SECONDS': Begin state.shift_unit = 'sec' state.shift_scale = 1.0 state.use_records = 0b state.statusbar -> update, 'Shift unit: Seconds' End 'MINUTES': Begin state.shift_unit = 'min' state.shift_scale = 60.0 state.use_records = 0b state.statusbar -> update, 'Shift unit: Minutes' End 'HOURS': Begin state.shift_unit = 'hr' state.shift_scale = 3600.0 state.use_records = 0b state.statusbar -> update, 'Shift unit: Hours' End 'DAYS': Begin state.shift_unit = 'day' state.shift_scale = 86400.0 state.use_records = 0b state.statusbar -> update, 'Shift unit: Days' End 'RECORDS': Begin state.shift_unit = 'rec' state.shift_scale = 1.0 state.use_records = 1b state.statusbar -> update, 'Shift unit: Records' End 'MAJINC':Begin if event.valid then begin If(event.value Ne 0) Then Begin state.nshift = event.value ext_string = strcompress(string(event.value)) state.statusbar -> update, 'Shift by'+ext_string+$ ' '+state.shift_unit Endif Else Begin state.statusbar -> update, 'Invalid or Zero Shift Input: ' state.nshift = 0 Endelse endif else state.statusBar->update, 'Invalid or Zero Shift Input.' End 'APPLY': Begin ;first, get the trace that you;re nudging tn = state.trace_to_nudge widget_control, state.nshift_widget, get_value=val If(is_string(tn) Eq 0) Then Begin state.statusbar -> update, tn+' Is not an active trace, No nudge' Endif Else If ~finite(val) then begin state.statusbar -> update, 'Invalid shift input, no changes made to '+tn Endif Else If(state.nshift Eq 0) Then Begin state.statusbar -> update, 'Zero Shift Input. No Nudge for '+tn Endif Else If(ptr_valid(state.trace_values) Eq 0) Then Begin state.statusbar -> update, 'Please Choose a Panel and Trace' Endif Else Begin ;check to see if the trace involved is a spectrogram pobj = state.active_panels[state.panel_index] pobj -> getproperty, tracesettings = pset psetj = pset -> get(/all) ;there should always be a trace_value equal to tn ;tindex = where(*state.trace_values Eq tn) ;And if you've replicated the trace, there may be more ;tindex = tindex[0] tindex = state.trace_id If(tindex[0] Eq -1) Then Begin fail = 1b state.statusbar -> update, 'No trace available, No Nudge for '+tn Endif Else Begin If(obj_isa(psetj[tindex], 'spd_ui_line_settings')) Then isspec = 0b $ Else isspec = 1b ;if the name has "_yaxis" or "_data" on the end, strip it and use that ;variable. This avoids extra-long variable names If(isspec) Then Begin temp_array = strsplit(tn, '_',/extract) ntemp = n_elements(temp_array) If(ntemp GT 1 && temp_array[ntemp-1] Eq 'yaxis') Then Begin tn_trace = tn tn = strjoin(temp_array[0:ntemp-2], '_') Endif Else tn_trace = tn ;don't lose the trace name Endif Else Begin temp_array = strsplit(tn, '_',/extract) ntemp = n_elements(temp_array) If(ntemp GT 1 && temp_array[ntemp-1] Eq 'data') Then Begin tn_trace = tn tn = strjoin(temp_array[0:ntemp-2], '_') Endif Else tn_trace = tn ;don't lose the trace name Endelse ;get the data, create a variable with the data for this trace and the ;nudged time pointer, create an object that can be copied and put into ;the loadeddata object overwrite_selections = '' spd_ui_do_nudge, tn, state.nshift, state.shift_unit, state.shift_scale, $ state.use_records, isspec, state.info.loadedData, $ state.info.historyWin, state.statusbar, state.gui_id, fail=fail, $ tn1=tn1, overwrite_selections = overwrite_selections Endelse if ~fail then Begin state.call_sequence->addNudgeOp,$ tn,$ state.nshift,$ state.shift_unit,$ state.shift_scale,$ state.use_records,$ isspec,$ overwrite_selections If(isspec) Then tn1_trace = tn1+'_yaxis' Else tn1_trace = tn1+'_data';added 8-feb-2011, jmm ;the new trace is now the trace to nudge state.trace_to_nudge = tn1_trace ;get the trace and time variable names for the new trace allvars = state.info.loadeddata -> getall(/parent) tn1p = allvars[where(strmatch(allvars, '*'+tn1) Eq 1)] tn1p = tn1p[n_elements(tn1p)-1] ;just in case there are more than one. If(isspec) Then Begin ;spectra are handled differently psetj[tindex] -> setproperty, datax = tn1p+'_time', datay = tn1p+'_yaxis', dataz = tn1p Endif Else Begin tn1c = state.info.loadeddata -> getchildren(tn1p) ;reset the trace to point to the nudged variable psetj[tindex] -> setproperty, datax = tn1c[0], datay = tn1c[1] Endelse ;update y-axis label if it hasn't been modified by the user pobj -> getproperty, yaxis=yaxis yaxis -> getproperty, labels = labels if obj_valid(labels) then begin labels = labels->get(/all) trace_label = labels[tindex]->getall() if trace_label.value eq tn then labels[tindex]->setproperty, value = tn1_trace $ else state.info.historywin->update, 'Label modified by user, no change made.' endif else state.info.historywin->update, 'Y-Axis labels not valid, no change made.' ;update the draw object and redraw the panels state.info.drawObject -> update, state.info.windowStorage, state.info.loadedData state.info.drawObject -> draw state.info.scrollbar -> update state.statusbar -> update, 'Trace Nudged: '+tn1 state.info.historywin -> update, 'Trace Nudged: '+tn1 ;Update the traces in the droplist for this panel trace_values = '' For j = 0, n_elements(psetj)-1 Do Begin psetj[j] -> getproperty, datay = tj trace_values = [trace_values, tj] Endfor trace_values_trunc = spd_ui_nudge_options_truncate_traces(trace_values[1:*]) trace_combobox = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='trace') widget_control, trace_combobox, set_value = trace_values_trunc widget_control, trace_combobox, set_combobox_select=tindex If(ptr_valid(state.trace_values)) Then ptr_free, state.trace_values state.trace_values = ptr_new(trace_values[1:*]) id = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='tracetext') widget_control, id, set_value = (*state.trace_values)[tindex] Endif Endelse End Endcase Widget_Control, event.top, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy RETURN END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO spd_ui_nudge_options, gui_id, info,call_sequence err_xxx = 0 catch, err_xxx If(err_xxx Ne 0) Then Begin catch, /cancel Help, /Last_Message, Output=err_msg FOR j = 0, N_Elements(err_msg)-1 DO begin if (is_struct(info)) then info.historywin->update,err_msg[j] endfor ok = error_message('Unknown error starting Nudge Traces: See console for details.',$ /noname, /center, title='Error in Nudge Traces') if tlb gt 0 then widget_control,tlb,/destroy if is_struct(info) then spd_gui_error,gui_id,info.historywin Return Endif ;Get the panels for the active window(s) wo = info.windowstorage -> getactive() If(obj_valid(wo[0]) Eq 0) Then Begin ok = error_message('Nudge Traces: There are No Active Windows', $ /info, traceback = 0, /noname, /center, title = 'Error in Nudge Traces') Return Endif For j = 0, n_elements(wo)-1 Do Begin wo[j] -> getproperty, panels = panelsj parray = panelsj -> Get(/all) If(obj_valid(parray[0])) Then Begin If(n_elements(active_panels) Eq 0) Then Begin active_panels = parray Endif Else active_panels = [active_panels, parray] Endif Endfor npan = n_elements(active_panels) If(npan Eq 0) Then Begin ok = error_message('Nudge Traces: There are No Active Panels', $ /info, traceback = 0, /noname, /center, title = 'Error in Nudge Traces') Return Endif ;each panel has a name: panel_values = strarr(npan) panel_copy = objarr(npan) For k = 0, n_elements(active_panels)-1 Do Begin active_panels[k] -> Getproperty, name = pname IF pname EQ '' THEN panel_values=active_panels[k]->ConstructPanelName() ELSE panel_values[k] = pname panel_copy[k] = active_panels[k] -> copy() Endfor ;set up traces panel_index = 0 panel = active_panels[panel_index] panel -> getproperty, tracesettings = dummy_obj trace_objs = dummy_obj -> get(/all) if obj_valid(trace_objs[0]) then begin For j = 0, n_elements(trace_objs)-1 Do Begin trace_objs[j] -> getproperty, datay = tj trace_values = array_concat(tj, trace_values) Endfor if n_elements(trace_values) gt 0 then begin trace_to_nudge = trace_values[0] trace_values_trunc = spd_ui_nudge_options_truncate_traces(trace_values) tracesensitive = 1 endif endif else begin trace_values = ' ' trace_to_nudge = ' ' trace_values_trunc = ' ' tracesensitive = 0 endelse ;set up the panel tlb = Widget_Base(/Col, Title = 'Nudge Traces', Group_Leader = gui_id, /Modal, /Floating) textBase = Widget_Base(tlb, /Row) topBase = Widget_Base(tlb, /Row) col1Base = Widget_Base(topBase, /Col) col2Base = Widget_Base(topBase, /Row) panelBase = Widget_Base(col1Base, /Row, YPad = 7,xpad=22) traceBase = Widget_Base(col1Base, /Row, YPad = 7) tracetextBase = widget_base(col1Base,/Row, YPad = 7,xpad=16) incBase = Widget_Base(col1Base, /Row, YPad = 7, xpad=6) unitsLabelBase = Widget_Base(col2Base, /Row) unitsFrameBase = Widget_Base(col2Base, /Col, /Exclusive) nudgeAllBase = Widget_Base(tlb, /Col, /Align_Center, YPad = 10) buttonBase = Widget_Base(tlb, /Row, /Align_Center) ;widgets nudge_text = WIDGET_Label(textBase, Value = 'Nudging will shift a trace in the selected panel by a specific amount') plabel = widget_label(panelbase, value = ' Panel: ') panel_combobox = Widget_Combobox(panelBase, Value = panel_values, scr_XSize = 260, UValue = 'PANEL') tlabel = widget_label(tracebase, value = 'Select Trace: ') trace_combobox = Widget_Combobox(traceBase, scr_XSize = 260, Value = trace_values_trunc, uvalue = 'TRACE', uname='trace', sensitive=tracesensitive) tracetextlabel = widget_label(tracetextbase, value=' Trace: ') trace_text = widget_text(tracetextbase, scr_XSize=260,value = trace_to_nudge, uname='tracetext', sensitive=tracesensitive) cmajor_increment = spd_ui_spinner(incBase, Label = ' Amount: ', $ Increment = 1, Value = 1, UValue = 'MAJINC') units_text = WIDGET_Label(unitslabelBase, Value = 'Units:') seconds_button = Widget_Button(unitsframeBase, Value = 'Seconds', UValue = 'SECONDS') minutes_button = Widget_Button(unitsframeBase, Value = 'Minutes', UValue = 'MINUTES') hours_button = Widget_Button(unitsframeBase, Value = 'Hours', UValue = 'HOURS') days_button = Widget_Button(unitsframeBase, Value = 'Days', UValue = 'DAYS') records_button = Widget_Button(unitsframeBase, Value = 'Records', UValue = 'RECORDS') Widget_Control, seconds_button, /set_button apply_button = Widget_Button(buttonBase, Value = ' Apply ', XSize = 85, $ UValue = 'APPLY', sensitive=tracesensitive, uname = 'apply') ok_button = Widget_Button(buttonBase, Value = ' Done ', XSize = 85, UValue = 'OK') ; Create Status Bar Object statusbar = obj_new('spd_ui_message_bar', Value = 'Status information is displayed here.', $ tlb, Xsize=80, YSize=1) state = {tlb:tlb, gui_id:gui_id, panel_combobox:panel_combobox, panel_values:panel_values, $ panel_index:panel_index, info:info, $ trace_to_nudge:trace_to_nudge, trace_id:0, shift_scale:1.0, shift_unit:'sec', $ active_panels:active_panels, use_records:0b, nshift:1.0, $ nshift_widget:cmajor_increment, trace_values:ptr_new(trace_values), $ panel_copy:panel_copy, statusbar:statusbar,call_sequence:call_sequence} ; lphilpott 24-feb-2012 ; This code should be revised at some point so extraneous information is not stored in state. ; trace_values: contains the full names of the traces, needed because those displayed in the combobox may need to be truncated ; trace_to_nudge: is the text of the current active trace (probably not necessary) ; trace_id: is the index into the combobox of the current active trace, needed because there may be multiple entries of the same trace ; trace_combobox: I am removing this because it is just the widget_id of the combobox and we can get that through widget_info ;the panel_copy will be a copy of the original panel that was nudged, ;so that it can be reset properly if the 'cancel' button is pushed CenterTlb, tlb Widget_Control, tlb, Set_UValue = state, /No_Copy Widget_Control, tlb, /Realize ;keep windows in X11 from snaping back to ;center during tree widget events if !d.NAME eq 'X' then begin widget_control, tlb, xoffset=0, yoffset=0 endif XManager, 'spd_ui_nudge_options', tlb, /No_Block RETURN END ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------