;+ ;NAME: ; spd_ui_jump ; ;PURPOSE: ; small window that allows the user to enter a new start time for the x axis ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; spd_ui_jump ; ;INPUT: ; gui_id id of the top level base widget that is calling this routine ; ;OUTPUT: ; ;HISTORY: ;$LastChangedBy: jimm $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2014-02-11 10:54:32 -0800 (Tue, 11 Feb 2014) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 14326 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_3_3/spedas_gui/panels/spd_ui_jump.pro $ ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO spd_ui_jump_event, event COMPILE_OPT hidden Widget_Control, event.TOP, Get_UValue=state, /No_Copy ;Put a catch here to insure that the state remains defined err_xxx = 0 Catch, err_xxx IF (err_xxx NE 0) THEN BEGIN Catch, /Cancel Help, /Last_Message, Output = err_msg spd_ui_sbar_hwin_update, state.info, err_msg, /error, err_msgbox_title='Error in Jump' Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy widget_control, event.top,/destroy RETURN ENDIF ;Which widget caused this event? Widget_Control, event.id, Get_UValue=uval ;Deal with it CASE uval OF 'CANC': BEGIN DPRINT, 'New File widget canceled' Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy Widget_Control, event.top, /Destroy RETURN END 'OK': BEGIN DPRINT, 'New File widget canceled' Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy Widget_Control, event.top, /Destroy RETURN END 'TEXT': BEGIN ; do something here with text END ELSE: dprint, 'Not yet implemented' ENDCASE Widget_Control, event.top, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy RETURN END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO spd_ui_jump, gui_id, historywin ;build master widget tlb = Widget_Base(/Col, title='SPEDAS: Marker Title', Group_Leader = gui_id, $ /Modal, /Floating) ;widget bases spaceBase = Widget_Base(tlb, /Row) jumptoBase = Widget_Base(tlb, /Row, XPad=10) textBase = Widget_Base(tlb, /Row) buttonBase = Widget_Base(tlb, /Row, /Align_Center, XPad=10, YPad=10) ;widgets spaceLabel = Widget_Label(spaceBase, Value=' ') jumptoLabel = Widget_Label(jumptoBase, Value='Jump To: ') jumptoText = Widget_Text(jumptoBase, Value=' ', /Editable, XSize=30, UValue='TEXT') jumptoLabel = Widget_Label(textBase, Value=' Format: YYYY/MM/DD-HH:MM:SS.S') okButton = Widget_Button(buttonBase, Value=' OK ', UValue='OK') cancelButton = Widget_Button(buttonBase, Value=' Cancel ', UValue='CANC') state = {tlb:tlb,gui_id:gui_id, historywin:historywin} Widget_Control, tlb, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy Widget_Control, tlb, /Realize XManager, 'spd_ui_jump', tlb, /No_Block RETURN END ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------