;+ ; ;NAME: ; spd_ui_help_about ; ;PURPOSE: ; A widget to display About information (SPEDAS Version) ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: nikos $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2018-10-29 09:47:11 -0700 (Mon, 29 Oct 2018) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 26022 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_3_3/spedas_gui/panels/spd_ui_help_about.pro $ ;- function spd_ui_help_about_dlm, type dlm_result = "" help, type, /dlm, output=dlm_about if (!D.NAME eq 'WIN') then newline = string([13B, 10B]) else newline = string(10B) if n_elements(dlm_about) gt 0 then begin for i=0, n_elements(dlm_about)-1 do begin dlm_result = dlm_result + STRTRIM(dlm_about[i], 2) if i lt n_elements(dlm_about)-1 then dlm_result = dlm_result + newline + newline endfor endif else begin dlm_result = dlm_about[0] endelse return, dlm_result end pro spd_ui_help_about_update_dlm plugin_mission='themis' GETRESOURCEPATH, path ; start at the resources folder update_dlm_info = path + PATH_SEP() + 'update_dlm_info.txt' if file_test(update_dlm_info, /READ) then begin xdisplayfile, update_dlm_info, done_button='CLOSE', height=50, /modal, title='How to update CDF and GEOPACK' endif else begin endelse end Pro spd_ui_help_about_event, ev plugin_mission = '' widget_control, ev.id, get_uvalue=uval ; check if this event was generated by a button on the about plugins menu uval_arr = strsplit(uval, ':', /extract) uval = uval_arr[0] if n_elements(uval_arr) eq 3 then begin plugin_mission = uval_arr[1] plugin_about_file = uval_arr[2] endif case uval of 'ABOUT': begin GETRESOURCEPATH, path ; start at the resources folder plugin_about_path = path+ PATH_SEP() + PATH_SEP(/PARENT_DIRECTORY)+ PATH_SEP() + PATH_SEP(/PARENT_DIRECTORY) + PATH_SEP() + 'projects'+ PATH_SEP() + strlowcase(plugin_mission) +PATH_SEP() if ~file_test(plugin_about_path, /directory) then plugin_about_path = path + PATH_SEP() + 'terms_of_use' + PATH_SEP() xdisplayfile, plugin_about_path + strlowcase(plugin_about_file), done_button='CLOSE', height=50, /modal, title='About ' + plugin_mission end 'SPEDASWEB' : begin spd_ui_open_url, 'http://spedas.org/' end 'UPDATEDLM' : begin spd_ui_help_about_update_dlm end 'QUIT' : begin widget_control, ev.top, /destroy end endcase end Pro spd_ui_help_about, gui_id, historywin ;aboutlabel should show the SPEDAS version and some other info (perhaps build date, web site URL, etc) spedas_version, spd_ver=spd_ver, spd_date=spd_date aboutString= ' SPEDAS ' + spd_ver + string(10B) + string(10B) $ + ' Space Physics Environment Data Analysis Software ' $ + string(10B) + string(10B) + spd_date + string(10B) + string(10B) $ + ' For support or bug reports, contact: THEMIS_Science_Support@ssl.berkeley.edu ' cdf_about = spd_ui_help_about_dlm('cdf') geopack_about = spd_ui_help_about_dlm('geopack') aboutBase = widget_base(/col, title = 'About', /modal, Group_Leader=gui_id) aboutLabel = widget_label(aboutBase, value=aboutString, /align_center, SCR_XSIZE=600, SCR_YSIZE=100, UNITS=0) cdfBase = widget_base(aboutBase, /row) ; cdfLabel = widget_label(cdfBase, value=cdf_about, /align_center, SCR_XSIZE=300, SCR_YSIZE=100, UNITS=0, /SUNKEN_FRAME) ; geoLabel = widget_label(cdfBase, value=geopack_about, /align_center, SCR_XSIZE=300, SCR_YSIZE=100, UNITS=0, /SUNKEN_FRAME) cdfLabel = widget_text(cdfBase, value=cdf_about, /align_center, SCR_XSIZE=300, SCR_YSIZE=130, UNITS=0, /SCROLL, /WRAP) geoLabel = widget_text(cdfBase, value=geopack_about, /align_center, SCR_XSIZE=300, SCR_YSIZE=130, UNITS=0, /SCROLL, /WRAP) ;aboutLabel0 = widget_label(aboutBase, value=' ', /align_center, SCR_XSIZE=500, SCR_YSIZE=5, UNITS=0) dlmButton = widget_button(aboutBase, value = ' How to update CDF and GEOPACK ', uvalue= 'UPDATEDLM', /align_center, scr_xsize = 300) aboutPluginButtons = widget_button(aboutBase, value='About SPEDAS Plugins...', uvalue='ABOUTPLUGINS', /align_center, scr_xsize=300, /menu) spedasButton = widget_button(aboutBase, value = ' Go to http://spedas.org/ ', uvalue= 'SPEDASWEB', /align_center, scr_xsize = 300) widget_control, gui_id, get_uvalue=info about_plugins = info.pluginManager->getAboutPlugins() if is_struct(about_plugins) then begin ; add the items to the about plugins menu about_plugins_menu = lonarr(n_elements(about_plugins)) for i=0, n_elements(about_plugins)-1 do $ about_plugins_menu[i] = widget_button(aboutPluginButtons, $ value=about_plugins[i].mission_name, uvalue='ABOUT:' $ +about_plugins[i].mission_name+':'+about_plugins[i].text_file) endif else begin ; disable if there weren't any plugins loaded widget_control, aboutPluginButtons, sensitive = 0 endelse aboutLabel = widget_label(aboutBase, value=' ', /align_center, SCR_XSIZE=500, SCR_YSIZE=20, UNITS=0) exitButton = widget_button(aboutBase, value = ' Close ', uvalue= 'QUIT', /align_center, scr_xsize = 150) widget_control, aboutBase, /realize xmanager, 'spd_ui_help_about', aboutBase, /no_block end