;+ ; Name: ; spd_ui_field_models ; ; Purpose: ; Panel for producing magnetic field models in SPEDAS ; ; ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: nikos $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2018-06-19 12:03:48 -0700 (Tue, 19 Jun 2018) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 25372 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_3_3/spedas_gui/panels/spd_ui_field_models.pro $ ;- ; Name: ; spd_ui_field_models_add_option ; ; Purpose: ; Wrapper for spd_ui_add_variable, opens a dialog to allow the user to select a tplot variable ; and adds the users selection to the GUI loadedData object ; function spd_ui_field_models_add_option, statePtr, windowtitle = windowtitle state = *statePtr var_to_add = spd_ui_add_variable(state.tlb,state.loadedData,state.guiTree,state.historywin,state.statusBar,treemode=0,windowtitle=windowtitle) if ~keyword_set(var_to_add[0]) then begin return, -1 endif else begin ; get the tvar group name ret_tvars = state.loadedData->GetTvarData((*var_to_add[0]).groupName) endelse return, ptr_new(ret_tvars) end ; Name: ; spd_ui_field_models_ret_modelname ; ; Purpose: ; Returns the model name based on the tab ID ; function spd_ui_field_models_ret_modelname, cur_tab ; the tabs are currently: ; 0 - TS04, 1 - T01, 2 - T96, 3 - T89, 4 - IGRF if cur_tab eq 0 then field_model = 'TS07' if cur_tab eq 1 then field_model = 'T04S' if cur_tab eq 2 then field_model = 'T01' if cur_tab eq 3 then field_model = 'T96' if cur_tab eq 4 then field_model = 'T89' if cur_tab eq 5 then field_model = 'IGRF' if undefined(field_model) then field_model = 'none' return, field_model end ; Name: ; spd_ui_field_models_error ; ; Purpose: ; Sends errors in this panel to dprint, status bar and history window ; pro spd_ui_field_models_error, state, error if ~undefined(error) && error ne '' then begin dprint, dlevel=1, error state.historyWin->update, error state.statusBar->update, error endif else begin dprint, dlevel=0, 'Problem in the field models panel error procedure, no error provided.' endelse end ; Name: ; spd_ui_field_models_check_params ; ; Purpose: ; Verifies the input parameters, returns a tplot variable containing ; the n x 10 param array required by the Tsyganenko models ; function spd_ui_field_models_check_params, state, field_model newname = field_model + '_field_model' parameter_input = newname+'_parm' ; commenting out checking of the position variables dlimits.data_att.st_type ; until we can figure out a way to add st_type to generic ephemeris data ; loaded via CDAWeb ; ; thesttype = '' ; ; ; check that the position variable contains the appropriate ; ; st_type tag in the dlimits.data_att struct ; get_data, *state.tvars_to_trace[0], dlimits=pos_dlimits ; if is_struct(pos_dlimits.data_att) then begin ; str_element, pos_dlimits.data_att, 'st_type', thesttype ; if thesttype ne 'pos' then begin ; ; position tplot variable doesn't have the required ; ; dlimits.data_att.st_type ; spd_ui_field_models_error, state, 'Input variable doesn''t appear to be a valid position variable. Check that the ''st_type'' string in the dlimits.data_att structure is set to ''pos''.' ; return, -1 ; endif ; endif else begin ; spd_ui_field_models_error, state, 'Input variable doesn''t appear to be a valid position variable. Check that the dlimits structure contains the appropriate data_att structure.' ; return, -1 ; endelse ; check the user's input data if strlowcase(field_model) eq 't89' || strlowcase(field_model) eq 'igrf' then begin parameter_input = state.t89_iopt endif else begin ; check the variables selected by the user if tnames(*state.usersIMFBy) eq '' then begin spd_ui_field_models_error, state, 'No IMF By data selected. Interplanetary magnetic field data is required for the '+field_model+' model' spd_ui_field_models_error, state, 'Use the load data panel to load OMNI data for the time interval you''re trying to model' return, -1 endif if tnames(*state.usersIMFBz) eq '' then begin spd_ui_field_models_error, state, 'No IMF Bz data selected. Interplanetary magnetic field data is required for the '+field_model+' model' spd_ui_field_models_error, state, 'Use the load data panel to load OMNI data for the time interval you''re trying to model' return, -1 endif if tnames(*state.usersDensity) eq '' then begin spd_ui_field_models_error, state, 'No solar wind (proton) density data selected. Solar wind density data is required for the '+field_model+' model' spd_ui_field_models_error, state, 'Use the load data panel to load OMNI data for the time interval you''re trying to model' return, -1 endif if tnames(*state.usersSpeed) eq '' then begin spd_ui_field_models_error, state, 'No solar wind (proton) speed data selected. Solar wind speed data is required for the '+field_model+' model' spd_ui_field_models_error, state, 'Use the load data panel to load OMNI data for the time interval you''re trying to model' return, -1 endif if tnames(*state.usersDst) eq '' then begin spd_ui_field_models_error, state, 'No Dst data selected. Dst index data is required for the '+field_model+' model' spd_ui_field_models_error, state, 'Use the load data panel to load Dst data for the time interval you''re trying to model' return, -1 endif if strlowcase(field_model) eq 't01' && *state.UsersGs ne '' then begin g_coeff_tvar = *state.UsersGs endif if strlowcase(field_model) eq 't04s' && *state.UsersWs ne '' then begin w_coeff_tvar = *state.UsersWs endif if strlowcase(field_model) eq 'ts04' && *state.UsersWs07 ne '' then begin w_coeff_tvar = *state.UsersWs07 endif ; get the time range from the position variable get_data, *state.tvars_to_trace[0], trange = trange ; combine the selected IMF By and IMF Bz variables store_data, 'temp_imf_data', data=[*state.usersIMFBy, *state.usersIMFBz] get_tsy_params, *state.usersDst,'temp_imf_data',*state.usersDensity,*state.usersSpeed,field_model,newname=parameter_input,/speed,/imf_yz,$ g_coefficients=(~undefined(g_coeff_tvar) ? g_coeff_tvar : 0), w_coefficients=(~undefined(w_coeff_tvar) ? w_coeff_tvar : 0), $ trange = (~undefined(trange) ? trange : 0) endelse return, parameter_input end ; Name: ; spd_ui_field_models_model_params ; ; Purpose: ; Updates the 'Current model parameters' section of the panel ; pro spd_ui_field_models_model_params, tlb, field_model ; find the widget ids for the labels wcoef_wid = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='Wsbase') imfby_wid = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='imfbybase') imfbz_wid = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='imfbzbase') swdensity_wid = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='swdensitybase') swvel_wid = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='swvelbase') dst_wid = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='dstbase') coeffs_wid = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='selectedw') case strlowcase(field_model) of 't89': begin Widget_Control, wcoef_wid, sensitive = 0 Widget_Control, imfby_wid, sensitive = 0 Widget_Control, imfbz_wid, sensitive = 0 Widget_Control, swdensity_wid, sensitive = 0 Widget_Control, swvel_wid, sensitive = 0 Widget_Control, dst_wid, sensitive = 0 end 't96': begin Widget_Control, wcoef_wid, sensitive = 0 Widget_Control, imfby_wid, sensitive = 1 Widget_Control, imfbz_wid, sensitive = 1 Widget_Control, swdensity_wid, sensitive = 1 Widget_Control, swvel_wid, sensitive = 1 Widget_Control, dst_wid, sensitive = 1 end 't01': begin Widget_Control, tlb, get_uvalue = ptrState state = *ptrState wid_wlabel = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='selectedwlabel') Widget_Control, wid_wlabel, set_value='G coefficients: ' Widget_Control, coeffs_wid, set_value=(*state.usersGs eq '' ? '[calculate automatically]' : *state.usersGs) Widget_Control, wcoef_wid, sensitive = 1 Widget_Control, imfby_wid, sensitive = 1 Widget_Control, imfbz_wid, sensitive = 1 Widget_Control, swdensity_wid, sensitive = 1 Widget_Control, swvel_wid, sensitive = 1 Widget_Control, dst_wid, sensitive = 1 end 't04s': begin Widget_Control, tlb, get_uvalue = ptrState state = *ptrState wid_wlabel = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='selectedwlabel') Widget_Control, wid_wlabel, set_value='W coefficients: ' Widget_Control, coeffs_wid, set_value=(*state.usersWs eq '' ? '[calculate automatically]' : *state.usersWs) Widget_Control, wcoef_wid, sensitive = 1 Widget_Control, imfby_wid, sensitive = 1 Widget_Control, imfbz_wid, sensitive = 1 Widget_Control, swdensity_wid, sensitive = 1 Widget_Control, swvel_wid, sensitive = 1 Widget_Control, dst_wid, sensitive = 1 end 'ts07': begin Widget_Control, tlb, get_uvalue = ptrState state = *ptrState wid_wlabel = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='selectedwlabel') Widget_Control, wid_wlabel, set_value='W coefficients: ' Widget_Control, coeffs_wid, set_value=(*state.usersWs07 eq '' ? '[calculate automatically]' : *state.usersWs07) Widget_Control, wcoef_wid, sensitive = 1 Widget_Control, imfby_wid, sensitive = 1 Widget_Control, imfbz_wid, sensitive = 1 Widget_Control, swdensity_wid, sensitive = 1 Widget_Control, swvel_wid, sensitive = 1 Widget_Control, dst_wid, sensitive = 1 end 'igrf': begin Widget_Control, wcoef_wid, sensitive = 0 Widget_Control, imfby_wid, sensitive = 0 Widget_Control, imfbz_wid, sensitive = 0 Widget_Control, swdensity_wid, sensitive = 0 Widget_Control, swvel_wid, sensitive = 0 Widget_Control, dst_wid, sensitive = 0 end endcase end ; Name: ; spd_ui_field_models_event ; ; Purpose: ; Event handler for this panel ; pro spd_ui_field_models_event, event compile_opt idl2, hidden Widget_Control, event.top, get_uvalue = ptrState state = *ptrState err_models_event = 0 catch, err_models_event ; catch any errors thrown if err_models_event ne 0 then begin catch, /cancel help, /last_message, output = err_msg spd_ui_sbar_hwin_update, state, err_msg, /error, err_msgbox_title='Error in spd_ui_field_models.' widget_control, event.top,/destroy return endif ; handle kill requests if tag_names(event, /structure_name) eq 'WIDGET_KILL_REQUEST' then begin state.historyWin->Update, 'Field Models window closed' state.statusBar->Update, 'Field Models window closed' if obj_valid(state.fieldModelSettings) then begin state.fieldModelSettings->setProperty, pos_tvar = *state.tvars_to_trace, output_options = state.model_types, $ imf_by_tvar = *state.usersIMFBy, imf_bz_tvar = *state.usersIMFBz, sw_density_tvar = *state.usersDensity, sw_speed_tvar = *state.usersSpeed, $ dst_tvar = *state.usersDst, w_coeff_tvar = *state.usersWs, g_coeff_tvar = *state.usersGs, t89_kp = state.t89_iopt, $ t89_set_tilt = *state.userSetTilt, t89_add_tilt = *state.userAddTilt, t01_storm = state.t01_storm endif if ptr_valid(ptrState) then ptr_free, ptrState Widget_Control, event.top, /destroy ; run the garbage collector if we're in IDL 6-7 if double(!version.release) lt 8. then heap_gc return endif ; handle tab events if (tag_names(event, /Structure_Name) eq 'WIDGET_TAB') then begin wid_curmodel = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='selectedmodel') tab_wid = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='currenttab') cur_tab = widget_info(tab_wid, /tab_current) ; determine the field model by the tab # field_model = spd_ui_field_models_ret_modelname(cur_tab) ; disable labels for any parameters not needed for this model spd_ui_field_models_model_params, event.top, field_model widget_control, wid_curmodel, set_value = field_model return endif ; get the uvalue Widget_Control, event.id, get_uvalue=uval case uval of ; buttons for solar wind options 'PROTONVELOCITY': begin ret_ionvel = spd_ui_field_models_add_option(ptrState, windowtitle = 'Select a variable containing solar wind speed data') if ~ptr_valid(ret_ionvel) then begin return endif else begin pos_wid = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='selectedswvel') Widget_Control, pos_wid, set_value = *ret_ionvel[0] ptr_free, state.usersSpeed state.usersSpeed = ret_ionvel Widget_Control, event.top, set_uvalue = ptr_new(state), /no_copy return endelse end 'PROTONDENSITY': begin ret_iondens = spd_ui_field_models_add_option(ptrState, windowtitle = 'Select a variable containing solar wind density data') if ~ptr_valid(ret_iondens) then begin return endif else begin pos_wid = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='selectedswdens') Widget_Control, pos_wid, set_value = *ret_iondens[0] ptr_free, state.usersDensity state.usersDensity = ret_iondens Widget_Control, event.top, set_uvalue = ptr_new(state), /no_copy return endelse end 'IMFBY': begin ret_imfb = spd_ui_field_models_add_option(ptrState, windowtitle = 'Select a variable containing IMF By data (in GSM coordinates)') if ~ptr_valid(ret_imfb) then begin return endif else begin pos_wid = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='selectedByimf') Widget_Control, pos_wid, set_value = *ret_imfb[0] ptr_free, state.usersIMFBy state.usersIMFBy = ret_imfb Widget_Control, event.top, set_uvalue = ptr_new(state), /no_copy return endelse end 'IMFBZ': begin ret_imfb = spd_ui_field_models_add_option(ptrState, windowtitle = 'Select a variable containing IMF Bz data (in GSM coordinates)') if ~ptr_valid(ret_imfb) then begin return endif else begin pos_wid = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='selectedBzimf') Widget_Control, pos_wid, set_value = *ret_imfb[0] ptr_free, state.usersIMFBz state.usersIMFBz = ret_imfb Widget_Control, event.top, set_uvalue = ptr_new(state), /no_copy return endelse end ; buttons for magnetospheric options ; 'DST': begin ret_dst = spd_ui_field_models_add_option(ptrState, windowtitle = 'Select a variable containing Dst data') if ~ptr_valid(ret_dst) then begin return endif else begin pos_wid = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='selecteddst') Widget_Control, pos_wid, set_value = *ret_dst[0] ptr_free, state.usersDst state.usersDst = ret_dst Widget_Control, event.top, set_uvalue = ptr_new(state), /no_copy return endelse end 'WCOEFF': begin ret_wcoeffs = spd_ui_field_models_add_option(ptrState, windowtitle = 'Select a variable containing the 6 W-coefficients') if ~ptr_valid(ret_wcoeffs) then begin return endif else begin pos_wid = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='selectedw') Widget_Control, pos_wid, set_value = *ret_wcoeffs[0] ptr_free, state.usersWs state.usersWs = ret_wcoeffs Widget_Control, event.top, set_uvalue = ptr_new(state), /no_copy return endelse end 'GCOEFF': begin ret_gcoeffs = spd_ui_field_models_add_option(ptrState, windowtitle = 'Select a variable containing the G-coefficients') if ~ptr_valid(ret_gcoeffs) then begin return endif else begin pos_wid = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='selectedw') Widget_Control, pos_wid, set_value = *ret_gcoeffs[0] ptr_free, state.usersGs state.usersGs = ret_gcoeffs Widget_Control, event.top, set_uvalue = ptr_new(state), /no_copy return endelse end ; model output buttons 'MODEL_AT_POS': begin state.model_types = [state.model_types[0] ? 0b : 1b, state.model_types[1], state.model_types[2]] Widget_Control, event.top, set_uvalue = ptr_new(state) end 'TRACE_EQUATOR': begin state.model_types = [state.model_types[0], state.model_types[1] ? 0b : 1b, state.model_types[2]] Widget_Control, event.top, set_uvalue = ptr_new(state) end 'TRACE_IONOSPHERE': begin state.model_types = [state.model_types[0], state.model_types[1], state.model_types[2] ? 0b : 1b] Widget_Control, event.top, set_uvalue = ptr_new(state) end ;; end of model output buttons ; the user changed the iopt value 'IOPTSELECTION': begin iopt_wid = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='ioptselection') iopt_selection = widget_info(iopt_wid, /droplist_select) state.t89_iopt = iopt_selection Widget_Control, event.top, set_uvalue=ptr_new(state), /no_copy end ; button for selecting the position GUI variable 'SELECTPOSITION': begin ret_tvars = spd_ui_field_models_add_option(ptrState, windowtitle = 'Select a variable containing position data') if ~ptr_valid(ret_tvars) then begin return endif else begin pos_wid = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='selectposition') Widget_Control, pos_wid, set_value = *ret_tvars[0] ptr_free, state.tvars_to_trace state.tvars_to_trace = ret_tvars Widget_Control, event.top, set_uvalue = ptr_new(state), /no_copy return endelse end 'GENMAGFIELD': begin ; check the user's settings model_types = state.model_types run_at_pos = model_types[0] trace_to_eq = model_types[1] trace_to_ion = model_types[2] ; make sure the user selected at least one output option if total(model_types) lt 1 then begin spd_ui_field_models_error, state, 'Cannot generate field model - no output options selected.' return endif ; find the current tab # tab_wid = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='currenttab') cur_tab = widget_info(tab_wid, /tab_current) ; determine the field model by the tab # field_model = spd_ui_field_models_ret_modelname(cur_tab) ; generate the fields if ptr_valid(state.tvars_to_trace) then begin model_errors = 0 pos_input = *state.tvars_to_trace if (size(pos_input, /type) eq 2 && pos_input eq 0) || pos_input eq '' then begin spd_ui_field_models_error, state, 'Error, no GUI position variables selected to model.' return endif the_model_params = spd_ui_field_models_check_params(state, field_model) ; check for a problem in getting the model parameters if size(the_model_params, /type) ne 7 && the_model_params eq -1 then begin spd_ui_field_models_error, state, 'Error generating the field model due to missing input parameters.' return endif ; get the dlimits for checking the coordinates coord_sys = cotrans_get_coord(pos_input[0]) ; convert to GSM if needed if strlowcase(coord_sys) ne 'gsm' then begin dprint, dlevel = 2, 'Coordinate system for input position not in GSM, transforming from ' + strupcase(coord_sys) + ' to GSM prior to calculating models' state.statusBar->update, 'Coordinate system for input position not in GSM, transforming from ' + strupcase(coord_sys) + ' to GSM prior to calculating models' state.historyWin->update, 'Coordinate system for input position not in GSM, transforming from ' + strupcase(coord_sys) + ' to GSM prior to calculating models' var_to_map = pos_input[0] + '_gsm' spd_cotrans, pos_input[0], var_to_map, out_coord = 'gsm' endif else var_to_map = pos_input[0] state.statusBar -> update, 'Generating the ' + field_model + ' model field for: ' + string(var_to_map) state.historywin -> update, 'Generating the ' + field_model + ' model field for: ' + string(var_to_map) ; generate the magnetic field model at the position in the tplot variable if run_at_pos then begin model_var = var_to_map+'_b'+field_model case strlowcase(field_model) of 't89': begin if *state.userSetTilt ne '' then begin ; the user manually set the tilt angle user_set_tilt = float(*state.userSetTilt) tt89, var_to_map, newname=model_var[0], kp=state.t89_iopt, error=model_errors, set_tilt=user_set_tilt endif else if *state.userAddTilt ne '' then begin ; the user has an angle to be added to the model tilt user_add_tilt = float(*state.userAddTilt) tt89, var_to_map, newname=model_var[0], kp=state.t89_iopt, error=model_errors, add_tilt=user_add_tilt endif else begin ; no changes to the tilt angle tt89, var_to_map, newname=model_var[0], kp=state.t89_iopt, error=model_errors endelse end 't96': begin tt96, var_to_map, newname=model_var[0], parmod=the_model_params, error=model_errors end 't01': begin tt01, var_to_map, newname=model_var[0], parmod=the_model_params, error=model_errors, storm = state.t01_storm end 't04s': begin tt04s, var_to_map, newname=model_var[0], parmod=the_model_params, error=model_errors end 'ts07': begin tts07, var_to_map, newname=model_var[0], parmod=the_model_params, error=model_errors end 'igrf': begin tt89, var_to_map, newname=model_var[0], /igrf_only, error=model_errors end endcase if model_errors eq 0 then spd_ui_field_models_error, state, 'Unknown error calculating the magnetic field model' if tnames(model_var[0]) ne '' then begin new_att = {coord_sys: 'gsm', st_type: 'none', units: 'nT'} ; update the dlimits structure options, model_var[0], 'data_att', new_att, /def ; update the yaxis subtitle options, model_var[0], 'ysubtitle', '[nT]', /def options, model_var[0], labels=['Bx_gsm','By_gsm','Bz_gsm'] options, model_var[0], labflag=1 ; add the tplot variable to the loadedData object ret_loaded = state.loadedData->add(model_var[0]) state.statusBar->update, 'Done calculating the ' + field_model + ' model at ' + var_to_map state.historyWin->update, 'Done calculating the ' + field_model + ' model at ' + var_to_map endif endif ; trace the magnetic field to the equator if trace_to_eq then begin state.statusBar -> update, 'Tracing from '+var_to_map+' to the equator (' + field_model + ')' state.historyWin -> update, 'Tracing from '+var_to_map+' to the equator (' + field_model + ')' eq_footprint = var_to_map+'_efoot' ttrace2equator,var_to_map,trace_var_name=var_to_map+'_'+field_model+'_etrace', newname=eq_footprint,external_model=(field_model eq 'IGRF' ? 'none' : field_model), $ par=the_model_params,/km, error=trace_to_eq_error, storm = (strlowcase(field_model) eq 't01' ? state.t01_storm : 0), $ set_tilt = (~undefined(user_set_tilt) ? user_set_tilt : 0), add_tilt = (~undefined(user_add_tilt) ? user_add_tilt : 0) ; add the newly created tplot variable (footprint) to the GUI variables ; trace data is stored in tplot variables, but not loaded in the GUI if tnames(eq_footprint) ne '' then begin ret_loaded = state.loadedData->add(eq_footprint) state.statusBar->update, 'Traced ' + var_to_map + ' to the equator (' + field_model + ')' state.historyWin->update, 'Traced ' + var_to_map + ' to the equator (' + field_model + ')' endif endif ; trace the magnetic field to the ionosphere if trace_to_ion then begin state.statusBar -> update, 'Tracing from ' + var_to_map + ' to the ionosphere (' + field_model + ')' state.historyWin -> update, 'Tracing from ' + var_to_map + ' to the ionosphere (' + field_model + ')' iono_footprint = var_to_map+'_ifoot' ttrace2iono,var_to_map,trace_var_name = var_to_map+'_'+field_model+'_itrace', newname = iono_footprint,external_model=(field_model eq 'IGRF' ? 'none' : field_model), $ par=the_model_params,in_coord='gsm',out_coord='gsm',/km, storm = (strlowcase(field_model) eq 't01' ? state.t01_storm : 0), $ set_tilt = (~undefined(user_set_tilt) ? user_set_tilt : 0), add_tilt = (~undefined(user_add_tilt) ? user_add_tilt : 0) ; add the newly created tplot variable (footprint) to the GUI variables ; trace data is stored in tplot variables, but not loaded in the GUI if tnames(iono_footprint) ne '' then begin ret_loaded = state.loadedData->add(iono_footprint) state.statusBar->update, 'Traced ' + var_to_map + ' to the ionosphere (' + field_model + ')' state.historyWin->update, 'Traced ' + var_to_map + ' to the ionosphere (' + field_model + ')' endif endif endif ; clean up params if tnames('temp_imf_data') ne '' then store_data, 'temp_imf_data', /delete return end 'HELPSETTILT': begin helptheuser = dialog_message('Use "Set tilt angle" to manually override the model tilt angle', /info) end 'HELPADDTILT': begin helptheuser = dialog_message('Use "Add tilt angle" to add an additional angle to the model tilt angle. This option is ignored if you set the tilt angle manually.', /info) end 'STORMBUTTON01': begin if state.t01_storm eq 0 then warn_about_using_this = dialog_message('The storm-time version of the T01 model is no longer maintained. Consider using the TS04 or TS07 model instead.', /info) state.t01_storm = state.t01_storm ? 0b : 1b Widget_Control, event.top, set_uvalue = ptr_new(state) end 'ADDTILTANGLE': begin addtilt_wid = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='addtiltangle') widget_control, addtilt_wid, get_value = tilt_to_add state.userAddTilt = ptr_new(tilt_to_add) Widget_Control, event.top, set_uvalue = ptr_new(state), /no_copy end 'SETTILTANGLE': begin settilt_wid = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='settiltangle') widget_control, settilt_wid, get_value = tilt_to_set state.userSetTilt = ptr_new(tilt_to_set) Widget_Control, event.top, set_uvalue = ptr_new(state), /no_copy end 'CLOSE': begin if obj_valid(state.fieldModelSettings) then begin state.fieldModelSettings->setProperty, pos_tvar = *state.tvars_to_trace, output_options = state.model_types, $ imf_by_tvar = *state.usersIMFBy, imf_bz_tvar = *state.usersIMFBz, sw_density_tvar = *state.usersDensity, sw_speed_tvar = *state.usersSpeed, $ dst_tvar = *state.usersDst, w_coeff_tvar = *state.usersWs, g_coeff_tvar = *state.usersGs, t89_kp = state.t89_iopt, $ t89_set_tilt = *state.userSetTilt, t89_add_tilt = *state.userAddTilt, t01_storm = state.t01_storm endif if ptr_valid(ptrState) then ptr_free, ptrState Widget_Control, event.top, /destroy return end 'CLEAR': begin ; reset to defaults state.tvars_to_trace = ptr_new('') state.userSetTilt = ptr_new('') state.userAddTilt = ptr_new('') state.usersIMFBy = ptr_new('') state.usersIMFBz = ptr_new('') state.usersDensity = ptr_new('') state.usersSpeed = ptr_new('') state.usersDst = ptr_new('') state.usersGs = ptr_new('') state.usersWs = ptr_new('') state.t01_storm = 0 state.t89_iopt = 2 ; update the displayed options sel_pos = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='selectposition') sel_By = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='selectedByimf') sel_Bz = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='selectedBzimf') sel_swdens = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='selectedswdens') sel_swvel = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='selectedswvel') sel_dst = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='selecteddst') sel_w = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='selectedw') set_tilt_text = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='settiltangle') add_tilt_text = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='addtiltangle') iopt_droplist = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='ioptselection') t01_stormbutton = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='stormbutton01') widget_control, sel_pos, set_value='Select a position variable' widget_control, sel_By, set_value='[none]' widget_control, sel_Bz, set_value='[none]' widget_control, sel_swdens, set_value='[none]' widget_control, sel_swvel, set_value='[none]' widget_control, sel_dst, set_value='[none]' widget_control, sel_w, set_value='[calculate automatically]' widget_control, set_tilt_text, set_value = '' widget_control, add_tilt_text, set_value = '' widget_control, iopt_droplist, set_droplist_select=2 widget_control, t01_stormbutton, set_button = 0 ; update the state structure in the tlb widget_control, event.top, set_uvalue = ptr_new(state), /no_copy ; run the garbage collector if double(!version.release) lt 8.0d then heap_gc end else: begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Not implemented yet.' return end endcase end pro spd_ui_field_models, info catch, err_field_models ; catch any errors opening the panel if err_field_models ne 0 then begin catch, /cancel help, /last_message, output=err_msg dprint, dlevel = 1, err_msg err_msgbox = error_message('An unknown error occured while opening the field models window. See the console for details', /noname, /center, title='Error in Field Models') spd_gui_error, info.master, info.historyWin return endif ; check that the GEOPACK DLM is loaded help, /dlm, output=dlm_output if strfilter(dlm_output, '*geopack*') eq '' then begin spd_ui_field_models_error, info, 'Error, Geopack DLM not found. Download and install it from http://ampere.jhuapl.edu/code/idl_geopack.html' return endif ; create the base widget for the field models panel tlb = Widget_Base(/Col, Title='Magnetic Field Models', Group_Leader=info.master, $ /Floating, /tlb_kill_request_events, tab_mode = 1, /modal) mainBase = Widget_Base(tlb, /col) tabBase = Widget_Tab(tlb, location=0, multiline=10, uname='currenttab') bottomBase = Widget_Base(tlb, /col) getresourcepath, resource_path palettebmp = read_bmp(resource_path + 'color.bmp', /rgb) cal = read_bmp(resource_path + 'cal.bmp', /rgb) helpbmp = read_bmp(resource_path + 'question.bmp', /rgb) spd_ui_match_background, tlb, helpbmp spd_ui_match_background, tlb, palettebmp spd_ui_match_background, tlb, cal if obj_valid(info.fieldModelSettings) then begin info.fieldModelSettings->getProperty, pos_tvar=pos_tvar, imf_by_tvar=imf_by_tvar, imf_bz_tvar=imf_bz_tvar, $ sw_density_tvar=sw_density_tvar, sw_speed_tvar=sw_speed_tvar, dst_tvar=dst_tvar, w_coeff_tvar=w_coeff_tvar, $ g_coeff_tvar=g_coeff_tvar, t89_kp=t89_kp, t89_set_tilt=t89_set_tilt, t89_add_tilt=t89_add_tilt, output_options=output_options, $ t01_storm = t01_storm endif if pos_tvar eq '' then begin pos_tvar = 'Select a position variable' var_to_trace = '' endif else var_to_trace = pos_tvar positionBase = Widget_Base(mainBase, row=2) inputLabel = Widget_Label(positionBase, value='Input: ') posSelectButton = Widget_Button(positionBase, value=pos_tvar, xsize=200, uname='selectposition', uval='SELECTPOSITION', tooltip='Select a variable containing the input position') label_width = 55 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Tsyganenko 07 tab ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; t07base = Widget_Base(tabBase, col=2, title='TS07', tab_mode = 1, event_pro='spd_ui_field_models_event') swBase07 = Widget_Base(t07base, /col, xsize=180) swLabel = Widget_Label(swBase07, value='Solar wind parameters:', /align_left) imfByButton = Widget_Button(swBase07, value='IMF By (GSM)', uname='imfby', uval='IMFBY', tooltip = 'Select a variable containing IMF By data') imfBzButton = Widget_Button(swBase07, value='IMF Bz (GSM)', uname='imfbz', uval='IMFBZ', tooltip = 'Select a variable containing IMF Bz data') protonDensityButton = Widget_Button(swBase07, value='Proton density', uname='protondensity', uval='PROTONDENSITY', tooltip = 'Select a variable containing solar wind density data') protonVelocityButton = Widget_Button(swBase07, value='Proton speed', uname='protonvelocity', uval='PROTONVELOCITY', tooltip = 'Select a variable containing solar wind speed data') magBase07 = Widget_Base(t07base, /col, xsize=180) magnetoPLabel = Widget_Label(magBase07, value='Magnetospheric parameters:', /align_left) DstButton = Widget_Button(magBase07, value='Dst', uname='dst', uval='DST', tooltip = 'Select a variable containing Dst data') WcoeffButton = Widget_Button(magBase07, value='W-coefficients (optional)', uname='wcoeff', uval='WCOEFF', tooltip = 'Select a variable containing the W-coefficients. If not set, the appropriate W coefficients will be calculated by Geopack') ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Tsyganenko-Sitnov 04 tab ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; t04base = Widget_Base(tabBase, col=2, title='TS04', tab_mode = 1, event_pro='spd_ui_field_models_event') swBase04 = Widget_Base(t04base, /col, xsize=180) swLabel = Widget_Label(swBase04, value='Solar wind parameters:', /align_left) imfByButton = Widget_Button(swBase04, value='IMF By (GSM)', uname='imfby', uval='IMFBY', tooltip = 'Select a variable containing IMF By data') imfBzButton = Widget_Button(swBase04, value='IMF Bz (GSM)', uname='imfbz', uval='IMFBZ', tooltip = 'Select a variable containing IMF Bz data') protonDensityButton = Widget_Button(swBase04, value='Proton density', uname='protondensity', uval='PROTONDENSITY', tooltip = 'Select a variable containing solar wind density data') protonVelocityButton = Widget_Button(swBase04, value='Proton speed', uname='protonvelocity', uval='PROTONVELOCITY', tooltip = 'Select a variable containing solar wind speed data') magBase04 = Widget_Base(t04base, /col, xsize=180) magnetoPLabel = Widget_Label(magBase04, value='Magnetospheric parameters:', /align_left) DstButton = Widget_Button(magBase04, value='Dst', uname='dst', uval='DST', tooltip = 'Select a variable containing Dst data') WcoeffButton = Widget_Button(magBase04, value='W-coefficients (optional)', uname='wcoeff', uval='WCOEFF', tooltip = 'Select a variable containing the W-coefficients. If not set, the appropriate W coefficients will be calculated by Geopack') ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Tsyganenko 01 tab ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; t01base = Widget_Base(tabBase, col=2, title='T01', tab_mode = 1, event_pro='spd_ui_field_models_event') swBase01 = Widget_Base(t01base, /col, xsize=180) swLabel = Widget_Label(swBase01, value='Solar wind parameters:', /align_left) imfByButton = Widget_Button(swBase01, value='IMF By (GSM)', uname='imfby', uval='IMFBY', tooltip = 'Select a variable containing IMF By data') imfBzButton = Widget_Button(swBase01, value='IMF Bz (GSM)', uname='imfbz', uval='IMFBZ', tooltip = 'Select a variable containing IMF Bz data') protonDensityButton = Widget_Button(swBase01, value='Proton density', uname='protondensity', uval='PROTONDENSITY', tooltip = 'Select a variable containing solar wind density data') protonVelocityButton = Widget_Button(swBase01, value='Proton speed', uname='protonvelocity', uval='PROTONVELOCITY', tooltip = 'Select a variable containing solar wind speed data') magBase01 = Widget_Base(t01base, /col, xsize=180) magnetoPLabel = Widget_Label(magBase01, value='Magnetospheric parameters:', /align_left) DstButton = Widget_Button(magBase01, value='Dst', uname='dst', uval='DST', tooltip = 'Select a variable containing Dst data') GcoeffButton = Widget_Button(magBase01, value='G-coefficients (optional)', uname='gcoeff', uval='GCOEFF', tooltip = 'Select a variable containing the G-coefficients. If not set, the appropriate G coefficients will be calculated by Geopack') storm01base = Widget_Base(magBase01, /nonexclusive) stormButton = Widget_Button(storm01base, value='During a geomagnetic storm?', uname='stormbutton01', uval='STORMBUTTON01', tooltip='Specify the storm-time version of the T01 model. This option is no longer maintained - consider using TS04 or TS07 for storm-time models.') widget_control, stormButton, set_button = t01_storm ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Tsyganenko 96 tab ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; t96base = Widget_Base(tabBase, col=2, title='T96', tab_mode = 1, event_pro='spd_ui_field_models_event') swBase96 = Widget_Base(t96base, /col, xsize=180) swLabel = Widget_Label(swBase96, value='Solar wind parameters:', /align_left) imfByButton = Widget_Button(swBase96, value='IMF By (GSM)', uname='imfby', uval='IMFBY', tooltip = 'Select a variable containing IMF By data') imfBzButton = Widget_Button(swBase96, value='IMF Bz (GSM)', uname='imfbz', uval='IMFBZ', tooltip = 'Select a variable containing IMF Bz data') protonDensityButton = Widget_Button(swBase96, value='Proton density', uname='protondensity', uval='PROTONDENSITY', tooltip = 'Select a variable containing solar wind density data') protonVelocityButton = Widget_Button(swBase96, value='Proton speed', uname='protonvelocity', uval='PROTONVELOCITY', tooltip = 'Select a variable containing solar wind speed data') magBase96 = Widget_Base(t96base, /col, xsize=180) magnetoPLabel = Widget_Label(magBase96, value='Magnetospheric parameters:', /align_left) DstButton = Widget_Button(magBase96, value='Dst', uname='dst', uval='DST', tooltip = 'Select a variable containing Dst data') ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Tsyganenko 89 tab ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; t89base = Widget_Base(tabBase, row=2, title='T89', tab_mode = 1, event_pro='spd_ui_field_models_event') iOptLabel = Widget_Label(t89Base, value='Kp: ') iOptDropDown = Widget_DropList(t89base, value=['0, 0+','1-, 1, 1+','2-, 2, 2+','3-, 3, 3+','4-, 4, 4+','5-, 5, 5+','>= 6-'], uname='ioptselection', uval='IOPTSELECTION', event_pro='spd_ui_field_models_event') widget_control, iOptDropDown, SET_DROPLIST_SELECT = t89_kp newt89base = Widget_Base(t89base, /col) tiltLabel = Widget_Label(newt89base, value='Tilt angle (optional): ', /align_left) tiltBase = Widget_Base(newt89base, row=2, /align_left) setTiltLabel = Widget_Label(tiltBase, value='Set: ', xsize=45) setTiltText = Widget_Text(tiltBase, uname='settiltangle', uval='SETTILTANGLE', value=t89_set_tilt, /editable, /all_events) setTiltLabel = Widget_Label(tiltBase, value='deg') helpsettilt = Widget_Button(tiltBase, value=helpbmp, /bitmap, uname='helpsettilt', uval='HELPSETTILT') addTiltLabel = Widget_Label(tiltBase, value='Add: ', xsize=45) addTiltText = Widget_Text(tiltBase, uname='addtiltangle', uval='ADDTILTANGLE', value=t89_add_tilt, /editable, /all_events) setTiltLabel = Widget_Label(tiltBase, value='deg') helpaddtilt = Widget_Button(tiltBase, value=helpbmp, /bitmap, uname='helpaddtilt', uval='HELPADDTILT') ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; IGRF tab ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; igrfbase = Widget_Base(tabBase, /row, title='IGRF', tab_mode = 1, event_pro='spd_ui_field_models_event') igrfLabel = Widget_Label(igrfbase, value='No additional input parameters required.') ; show the user their current selections modelinfoLabel = Widget_Label(bottomBase, value='Current model parameters:', /align_left) modelparamBase = Widget_Base(bottomBase, col=1) modelinfoBase = Widget_Base(modelparamBase, row=7, scr_xsize=350, /align_left) colBaseModel = Widget_Base(modelinfoBase, col=2) modelLabel = Widget_Label(colBaseModel, value='Model: ', /align_left) selectedModelLabel = Widget_Label(colBaseModel, value='TS07', /align_left, uname='selectedmodel') colBaseimfy = Widget_Base(modelinfoBase, uname='imfbybase', row=1, scr_xsize=340) imfyLabel = Widget_Label(colBaseimfy, value='IMF By: ', /align_left, scr_xsize=50) ; the extra 30-35 whitespace characters in the selected IMF strings are needed because Motif doesn't ; resize these widgets when their values are updated on linux machines selectedByIMFLabel = Widget_Label(colBaseimfy, value=(imf_by_tvar eq '' ? '[none] ' : imf_by_tvar), /align_left, uname='selectedByimf') colBaseimfz = Widget_Base(modelinfoBase, row=1, uname='imfbzbase', scr_xsize=340) imfzLabel = Widget_Label(colBaseimfz, value='IMF Bz: ', /align_left) selectedBzIMFLabel = Widget_Label(colBaseimfz, value=(imf_bz_tvar eq '' ? '[none] ' : imf_bz_tvar), /align_left, uname='selectedBzimf', xsize=250) colBaseDensity = Widget_Base(modelinfoBase, row=1, uname='swdensitybase', scr_xsize=340) swdensLabel = Widget_Label(colBaseDensity, value='SW density: ', /align_left) selecteddensLabel = Widget_Label(colBaseDensity, value=(sw_density_tvar eq '' ? '[none] ' : sw_density_tvar), /align_left, uname='selectedswdens', xsize=250) colBaseVelocity = Widget_Base(modelinfoBase, row=1, uname='swvelbase', scr_xsize=340) swvelLabel = Widget_Label(colBaseVelocity, value='SW flow speed: ', /align_left) selswvelLabel = Widget_Label(colBaseVelocity, value=(sw_speed_tvar eq '' ? '[none] ' : sw_speed_tvar), uname='selectedswvel', /align_left, xsize=250) colBaseDst= Widget_Base(modelinfoBase, row=1, uname='dstbase', scr_xsize=340) dstLabel = Widget_Label(colBaseDst, value='Dst: ', /align_left) seldstLabel = Widget_Label(colBaseDst, value=(dst_tvar eq '' ? '[none] ' : dst_tvar), uname='selecteddst', /align_left, xsize=250) colBaseWs= Widget_Base(modelinfoBase, row=1, uname='Wsbase', scr_xsize=340) WcoeffLabel = Widget_Label(colBaseWs, value='W coefficients: ', /align_left, uname='selectedwlabel') selWLabel = Widget_Label(colBaseWs, value=(w_coeff_tvar eq '' ? '[calculate automatically] ' : w_coeff_tvar), uname='selectedw', /align_left, xsize=250) ; buttons for output options labelmodel = Widget_Label(bottomBase, value='Output:', /align_left) modelTypeBase = Widget_Base(bottomBase, row=1, /nonexclusive) modelatPosition = Widget_Button(modelTypeBase, value='Model at position', uname = 'model_at_pos', uval='MODEL_AT_POS', tooltip='Calculates the model field at the input position') trace_equator = Widget_Button(modelTypeBase, value = 'Trace to equator', uname = 'trace_equator', uval='TRACE_EQUATOR', tooltip='Traces the field line from the position to the equator') trace_ionosphere = Widget_Button(modelTypeBase, value='Trace to ionosphere', uname = 'trace_ionosphere', uval = 'TRACE_IONOSPHERE', tooltip='Traces the field line from the position to the ionosphere in the northern hemisphere') ; start with model at position selected widget_control, modelatPosition, set_button=output_options[0] widget_control, trace_equator, set_button=output_options[1] widget_control, trace_ionosphere, set_button=output_options[2] buttonBase = Widget_Base(bottomBase, /row, /align_center) generateButton = Widget_Button(buttonBase, value='Generate', uval='GENMAGFIELD', xsize=80, tooltip='Generate the magnetic field model') clearButton = Widget_Button(buttonBase, value='Clear', uval='CLEAR', xsize=80, tooltip='Clear the current options') closeButton = Widget_Button(buttonBase, value='Close', uval='CLOSE', xsize=80, tooltip='Close this window') statusBase = Widget_Base(tlb, /Row, /align_center) statusBar = Obj_New('SPD_UI_MESSAGE_BAR', statusBase, XSize=55, YSize=1) ; state structure for this widget state = {tlb: tlb, $ fieldModelSettings: info.fieldModelSettings, $ gui_id: info.master, $ guiTree: info.guiTree, $ loadedData: info.loadedData, $ historyWin: info.historyWin, $ statusBar: statusBar, $ ; pointers to the user's currently selected: userSetTilt: ptr_new(t89_set_tilt), $ ; allow the user to set the tilt angle userAddTilt: ptr_new(t89_add_tilt), $ ; allow the user to add to the model tilt angle usersIMFBy: ptr_new(imf_by_tvar), $ ; IMF By variable usersIMFBz: ptr_new(imf_bz_tvar), $ ; IMF Bz variable usersDensity: ptr_new(sw_density_tvar), $ ; solar wind density variable usersSpeed: ptr_new(sw_speed_tvar), $ ; solar wind speed variable usersDst: ptr_new(dst_tvar), $ ; Dst variable usersGs: ptr_new(g_coeff_tvar), $ ; G coefficients, for T01 usersWs: ptr_new(w_coeff_tvar), $ ; W coefficients, for TS04 usersWs07: ptr_new(w_coeff_tvar07), $ ; W coefficients, for TS07 t01_storm: t01_storm, $ ; allow the user to specify the storm-time version of T01 t89_iopt: t89_kp, $ ; default to Kp corresponding to 2-,2,2+ model_types: output_options, $ ; output; [model at position, equatorial footprint, ionospheric footprint] tvars_to_trace: ptr_new(var_to_trace)} ptrState = ptr_new(state, /no_copy) Widget_Control, tlb, set_uvalue = ptrState, /no_copy centertlb, tlb Widget_Control, tlb, /realize XManager, 'spd_ui_field_models', tlb, /no_block end