;+ ;NAME: ; spd_ui_calculate ; ;PURPOSE: ; A widget interface for selecting data ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; spd_ui_calculate, master_widget_id ; ;INPUT: ; master_widget_id = the id number of the widget that calls this program ; ;OUTPUT: ; none ; ;HISTORY: ;$LastChangedBy: pcruce $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2015-01-05 17:01:57 -0800 (Mon, 05 Jan 2015) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 16596 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_3_3/spedas_gui/panels/spd_ui_calculate.pro $ ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function spd_ui_calculate_insert_text,programTextID,insertText,offset Compile_Opt hidden,idl2 Widget_control,programTextID,get_value=programtext ;insert requested constant at cursor location xy = widget_info(programTextID,text_offset_to_xy=offset) ;cursor is allowed to go one element beyond current text if xy[1] ge n_elements(programtext) then begin temptext = strarr(n_elements(programtext)+1) temptext[0:n_elements(programtext)-1] = programtext programtext = temptext endif ;check that xy is not [-1,-1] if xy[0] ge 0 and xy[1] ge 0 then begin textline = programtext[xy[1]] textline = strmid(textline,0,xy[0]) + insertText + strmid(textline,xy[0],strlen(textline)-xy[0]) outText = programText outText[xy[1]] = textline endif else begin ;otherwise is this a new line? if spd_ui_calculate_checknl(programTextID, offset) then begin outText = [programText, insertText] endif endelse return,outText end ; Helper fuction to determine if cursor is on a new line ; at the end of the current text widget. function spd_ui_calculate_checknl, id, offset compile_opt idl2, hidden ;get number of known chars in text widget widget_control, id, get_value=text chars = total( strlen(text) ) + n_elements(text)-1 ;no text if chars eq 0 and offset eq 0 then return, 1b ;if offset is one greater than known chars (and xy is [-1,-1]) ;assume a new line (this may be a windows only problem) if (chars + 1) eq offset then return, 1b return, 0b end ;Abstraction of the insert operation for the calculate panel. ;Allows operation to be called from an insert button event or from a double click on another interface element pro spd_ui_calculate_insert,listInFocus,insertTree,programTextId,strToAdd,textOffset,statusBar,historyWin compile_opt idl2,hidden case listinFocus of 0: BEGIN ; insert from data tree selection = insertTree->getValue() if is_string(selection[0]) then begin Widget_control,programTextId,set_value=spd_ui_calculate_insert_text(programTextID,'"'+strToAdd+'"',textOffset) endif else begin statusBar->update,'Please select a variable to insert.' historyWin->update,'Calculate: Please select a variable to insert.' endelse END 1: BEGIN ; insert from functions list Widget_control,programtextId,set_value=spd_ui_calculate_insert_text(programTextId,strToAdd,textOffset) END 2: BEGIN ; insert from operators list Widget_control,programtextId,set_value=spd_ui_calculate_insert_text(programTextId,strToAdd,textOffset) END 3: BEGIN ; insert from constants list Widget_control,programtextId,set_value=spd_ui_calculate_insert_text(programTextId,strToAdd,textOffset) END endcase end PRO spd_ui_calculate_event, event Compile_Opt hidden,idl2 Widget_Control, event.TOP, Get_UValue=state, /No_Copy ;Put a catch here to insure that the state remains defined err_xxx = 0 Catch, err_xxx IF (err_xxx NE 0) THEN BEGIN Catch, /Cancel Help, /Last_Message, Output = err_msg spd_ui_sbar_hwin_update, state, err_msg, /error, err_msgbox_title='Error in Calculate' Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy widget_control, event.top,/destroy RETURN ENDIF ;kill request block IF(Tag_Names(event, /Structure_Name) EQ 'WIDGET_KILL_REQUEST') THEN BEGIN Exit_Sequence: widget_control,state.programText,get_value=text state.settings->setProperty,text=text,name=state.programName,path=state.programPath ;Update the draw object to refresh any plots state.drawobject->update, state.windowStorage, state.loadeddata state.drawobject->draw state.historyWin->update,'Calculate Widget Killed' state.tlb_statusbar->update, 'Calculate Widget Killed' if obj_valid(state.insertTree) then begin *state.treeCopyPtr = state.insertTree->getCopy() endif Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy Widget_Control, event.top, /Destroy RETURN ENDIF IF(Tag_Names(event, /Structure_Name) EQ 'WIDGET_TAB') THEN BEGIN widget_control,state.programText,get_value=text state.settings->setProperty,text=text,name=state.programName,path=state.programPath Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy RETURN ENDIF Widget_Control, event.id, Get_UValue=uval IF Size(uval, /Type) NE 0 THEN BEGIN state.historywin->update,'SPD_UI_CALCULATE: User value: '+uval ,/dontshow overwrite_selections = '' overwrite_count = 0 CASE uval OF 'OK': begin ;Update the draw object to refresh any plots state.drawobject->update, state.windowStorage, state.loadeddata state.drawobject->draw state.historyWin->update,'Calculate Widget Closed' state.tlb_statusbar->update, 'Calculate Widget Closed' widget_control,state.programText,get_value=text state.settings->setProperty,text=text,name=state.programName,path=state.programPath if obj_valid(state.insertTree) then begin *state.treeCopyPtr = state.insertTree->getCopy() endif Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy Widget_Control, event.top, /Destroy RETURN end 'INSERT': begin spd_ui_calculate_insert,state.listInFocus,state.insertTree,state.programText,state.strToAdd,state.offset,state.statusBar,state.historyWin ; case state.listinFocus of ; 0: BEGIN ; insert from data tree ; selection = state.insertTree->getValue() ; ; if is_string(selection[0]) then begin ; Widget_control,state.programtext,set_value=spd_ui_calculate_insert_text(state.programText,'"'+state.strtoadd+'"',state.offset) ; endif else begin ; state.statusBar->update,'Please select a variable to insert.' ; state.historyWin->update,'Calculate: Please select a variable to insert.' ; endelse ; END ; 1: BEGIN ; insert from functions list ; Widget_control,state.programtext,set_value=spd_ui_calculate_insert_text(state.programText,state.strtoadd,state.offset) ; END ; 2: BEGIN ; insert from operators list ; Widget_control,state.programtext,set_value=spd_ui_calculate_insert_text(state.programText,state.strtoadd,state.offset) ; END ; 3: BEGIN ; insert from constants list ; Widget_control,state.programtext,set_value=spd_ui_calculate_insert_text(state.programText,state.strtoadd,state.offset) ; END ; endcase end 'CLEAR': begin widget_control,state.programtext,set_value=' ' state.statusBar->update,'Calculate: Clearing program text.' state.historyWin->update,'Calculate: Clearing program text.' end 'INSERTTREE': begin selection = state.insertTree->getValue() if is_string(selection[0]) then begin ; 0 for default/data tree, 1 for functions list, 2 for operators list and 3 for constants state.listinFocus = 0 buttonid = widget_info(state.tlb,find_by_uname='INSERT') insertvarlbl = 'Insert variable: '+selection[0] state.selectBar->update,insertvarlbl widget_control,buttonid, tooltip=insertvarlbl+' into the program' state.strtoadd = selection[0] state.statusBar->update,'Variable selected: '+selection+'.' state.historyWin->update,'Calculate: Variable selected: '+selection ; we should clear the selection on the function and operator lists idoperator = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='operator') idfunction = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='function') widget_control, idoperator, set_list_select=-1 ; no selection widget_control, idfunction, set_list_select=-1 ; ^^ endif else begin ; the user clicked in the data tree, but not a valid variable if (state.listinFocus eq 0) then begin ; the data tree was in focus last buttonid = widget_info(state.tlb,find_by_uname='INSERT') insertvarlbl = 'Select a variable, function, operator or constant to add to the program' state.selectBar->update,insertvarlbl widget_control,buttonid, tooltip=insertvarlbl endif endelse end 'FUNCTION': begin ; 0 for default/data tree, 1 for functions list, 2 for operators list and 3 for constants state.listinFocus = 1 buttonid = widget_info(state.tlb,find_by_uname='INSERT') insertvarlbl = 'Insert function: '+state.functions[event.index] widget_control,buttonid, tooltip=insertvarlbl+' into the program', /sensitive state.strtoadd = state.functions[event.index] state.selectBar->update,insertvarlbl state.statusBar->update,'Function selected: '+state.functions[event.index]+'.' state.historyWin->update,'Calculate: Function selected: '+state.functions[event.index] ; we should clear the selection on the operator list idoperator = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='operator') widget_control, idoperator, set_list_select=-1 ; no selection ; clear selection in data tree state.insertTree->clearSelected if event.clicks ge 2 then begin spd_ui_calculate_insert,state.listInFocus,state.insertTree,state.programText,state.strToAdd,state.offset,state.statusBar,state.historyWin endif end 'OPERATOR': begin ; 0 for default/data tree, 1 for functions list, 2 for operators list and 3 for constants state.listinFocus = 2 buttonid = widget_info(state.tlb,find_by_uname='INSERT') insertvarlbl = 'Insert operator: '+state.operators[event.index] state.selectBar->update,insertvarlbl widget_control,buttonid, tooltip=insertvarlbl+' into the program', /sensitive state.strtoadd = state.operators[event.index] state.statusBar->update,'Operator selected: '+state.operators[event.index]+'.' state.historyWin->update,'Calculate: Operator selected: '+state.operators[event.index] ; we should clear the selection on the function list idfunction = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='function') widget_control, idfunction, set_list_select=-1 ; no selection ; clear selection in data tree state.insertTree->clearSelected if event.clicks ge 2 then begin spd_ui_calculate_insert,state.listInFocus,state.insertTree,state.programText,state.strToAdd,state.offset,state.statusBar,state.historyWin endif end 'PI':begin ;use abstracted function spd_ui_calculate_insert,3,state.insertTree,state.programText,'pi',state.offset,state.statusBar,state.historyWin end 'E':begin ;use abstracted function spd_ui_calculate_insert,3,state.insertTree,state.programText,'e',state.offset,state.statusBar,state.historyWin end 'RE':begin ;use abstracted function ;use actual value instead of symbolic constant so that users know what value they're getting spd_ui_calculate_insert,3,state.insertTree,state.programText,'6371.2',state.offset,state.statusBar,state.historyWin end 'RUN': begin ; initialize a prompt object to pass to calc calc_prompt_user = obj_new('spd_ui_prompt_obj', gui_id=state.gui_id, historyWin=state.historyWin, statusBar=state.statusBar) Widget_control,state.programtext,get_value=programtext spd_ui_run_calc,programtext,state.loadedData,state.historyWin,state.statusBar,state.gui_id,error=err,overwrite_selections=overwrite_selections,overwrite_count=overwrite_count,calc_prompt_obj=calc_prompt_user,last_line=last_line widget_control,state.programLabel,set_value=state.programName state.insertTree->update if keyword_set(err) then begin state.historyWin->update,'Calculation Failed. Error Follows:' printdat,err,output=o for i = 0,n_elements(o)-1 do begin state.historyWin->update,o[i] endfor if in_set('VALUE',tag_names(err)) then begin state.statusBar->update,'Calculation failed with error: ' + err.name + ' : ' + err.value[0] + ' on line: ' + strtrim(last_line+1,2) + '. Check history for more detail.' for i = 0,n_elements(err.value)-1 do begin state.historyWin->update,'VALUE:' + err.value[i] endfor endif else begin state.statusBar->update,'Calculation failed with error: ' + err.name + ' on line: ' + strtrim(last_line+1,2) + '. Check history for more detail.' endelse endif defsysv, '!mini_globals', exists=mini_globals_exists if mini_globals_exists eq 1 then begin if last_line gt -1 then begin ; add the calc operation to the call sequence object state.call_sequence->addCalcOp,programText[0:last_line],(*!mini_globals.replay_struct).overwrite_selections endif ; need to clear the user's overwrite selections, in case the user decides to do more calc operations in this session str_element, *!mini_globals.replay_struct, 'overwrite_selections', '', /add_rep ; gotta reset the overwrite count to 0, too. (*!mini_globals.replay_struct).overwrite_count = 0 ; ok = dialog_message('Calculation complete',/information,/center) if ~keyword_set(err) then begin state.statusBar->update,'Calculation complete' state.historyWin->update,'Calculation complete' endif endif else begin errmsg = 'Error in spd_ui_calculate, !mini_globals system variable seems to be missing.' dprint, dlevel = 0, errmsg state.statusBar->update,errmsg state.historyWin->update,errmsg return endelse ; Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy end 'TEXT': begin ;keep track of cursor location ;widget event (incorrectly ) uses an offset of 2 for cairrage returns in windows if !version.OS_FAMILY eq 'Windows' and event.type eq 0 then begin if event.ch eq 10b then event.offset-- endif ;get cursor location xy = widget_info(state.programtext,text_offset_to_xy=event.offset) ;only store legitimate cursor locations if n_elements(xy) eq 2 && $ xy[0] ge 0 && $ xy[1] ge 0 then begin state.offset = event.offset endif else begin if spd_ui_calculate_checknl(event.id, event.offset) then begin state.offset = event.offset endif endelse end 'OPEN': begin if state.programPath ne '' && state.programName ne '-scratch-' then begin file = dialog_pickfile(path=state.programPath,get_path=path, filter = '*.txt',/must_exist) endif else begin file = dialog_pickfile(get_path=path, filter = '*.txt',/must_exist) endelse ;if the file is not a regular file and it is not a new file if ~file_test(file,/regular) && file_test(file) then begin result = dialog_message('Illegal file type selected, please try again',/center) endif else if file ne '' then begin sep = path_sep() files = strsplit(file,sep,/extract) state.programPath = path state.programName = files[n_elements(files)-1] catch,err if err then begin catch, /cancel ok = error_message('Error reading file: ' + state.programName, /center, $ title='Error in Calculate') state.statusBar->update,'Error reading file: ' + state.programName state.historyWin->update,'Error reading file: ' + state.programName close,lun free_lun,lun endif else begin ln_num = file_lines(state.programPath+state.programName) if ln_num gt 0 then begin inlines = strarr(ln_num) get_lun,lun openr,lun,state.programPath+state.programName readf,lun,inlines close,lun free_lun,lun endif else begin inlines='' endelse state.statusBar->update,'Displaying file: ' + state.programName state.historyWin->update,'Displaying file: ' + state.programName state.offset = 0 widget_control,state.programLabel,set_value=state.programName widget_control,state.programText,set_value=inlines endelse catch,/cancel endif end 'HELP':BEGIN gethelppath,path xdisplayfile,path+'spd_ui_calculate.txt' , group=state.tlb, /modal, done_button='Done', $ title='HELP: Calculate Window' END 'SAVE': begin programpath = state.programPath filename = state.programName if (state.programPath + state.programName) eq '-scratch-' then begin ; ok=dialog_message('Scratch file not a valid save destination, please select a file name.',/center) state.statusBar->update,'Scratch file not a valid save destination, please select a file name.' ;file = dialog_pickfile(get_path = path, filter = '*.txt', /write, default_extension='*.txt') ; file = dialog_pickfile(Title='Save Calculation File:', get_path=path, $ ; Filter='*.txt', /Write, Dialog_Parent=state.tlb, default_extension='txt') file = spd_ui_dialog_pickfile_save_wrapper(Title='Save Calculation File:', get_path=path, $ Filter='*.txt', /Write, Dialog_Parent=state.tlb, default_extension='txt') if file eq '' || $ path eq '' then begin state.statusBar->update,'File Save Canceled' Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy return endif sep = path_sep() files = strsplit(file,sep,/extract) ; lphilpott 8-mar-2012 removing update of file name as it shouldn't happen until after the tests below ;state.programPath = path ;state.programName = files[n_elements(files)-1] programpath = path filename = files[n_elements(files)-1] ;widget_control,state.programLabel,set_value=state.programName endif result = "No" while result eq "No" && file_test(programpath+filename) do begin result = dialog_message('File: ' + filename + ' already exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite file?',/question,/center) if result eq "No" then begin if programpath ne '' && filename ne '-scratch-' then begin ;file = dialog_pickfile(path=state.programPath,get_path=path, filter = '*.txt', default_extension='*.txt', /write) file = spd_ui_dialog_pickfile_save_wrapper(path=programpath,get_path=path, filter = '*.txt', default_extension='*.txt', /write) endif else begin ;file = dialog_pickfile(get_path=path, filter = '*.txt', default_extension='*.txt', /write) file = spd_ui_dialog_pickfile_save_wrapper(get_path=path, filter = '*.txt', default_extension='*.txt', /write) endelse if file eq '' || $ path eq '' then begin state.statusBar->update,'File Save Canceled' Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy return endif sep = path_sep() files = strsplit(file,sep,/extract) programpath = path filename = files[n_elements(files)-1] ;state.programPath = path ;state.programName = files[n_elements(files)-1] ;widget_control,state.programLabel,set_value=state.programName endif endwhile state.programPath = programpath state.programName = filename widget_control,state.programLabel,set_value=state.programName widget_control,state.programText,get_value=text catch,err get_lun,lun openw,lun,state.programPath+state.programName if err then begin catch, /cancel ok = error_message('Error writing file: ' + state.programName,/center,title='Error in Calculate') state.statusBar->update,'Error writing file:'+state.programName state.historyWin->update,'Error writing file:'+state.programName close,lun free_lun,lun endif else begin for i = 0,n_elements(text)-1 do begin printf,lun,text[i] endfor close,lun free_lun,lun endelse state.statusBar->update,'File Save Successful' catch,/cancel end ELSE: ;add rest of cases here ENDCASE ENDIF Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy RETURN END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pro spd_ui_calculate, gui_id,loadedData,settings,historywin,treeCopyPtr,call_sequence, $ drawObject,windowStorage,scrollbar,tlb_statusBar xsize = 360 ysize = 380 ;master widget if ~obj_valid(settings) then begin ok = error_message('ERROR: Calculate panel passed illegal settings',/center, $ title='Error in Calculate') return endif err_xxx = 0 Catch, err_xxx IF(err_xxx Ne 0) THEN BEGIN Catch, /Cancel Help, /Last_Message, Output=err_msg FOR j = 0, N_Elements(err_msg)-1 DO historywin->update,err_msg[j] Print, 'Error in Calculate Panel--See history' ok = error_message('An unknown error occured starting Calculate. See console for details.',$ /noname, /center, title='Error in Calculate') widget_control, tlb,/destroy spd_gui_error, gui_id, historywin RETURN ENDIF tlb_statusBar->update,'Calculate Widget opened' tlb = Widget_Base(/col, Title='Calculate', Group_Leader=gui_id, $ /Modal, /Floating,/tlb_kill_request_events, xpad=3) mainBase = widget_base(tlb,/row,/base_align_left, frame=3) buttonBase = widget_base(tlb,/row,/align_center) statusBase = widget_base(tlb,/row,/align_center) col1base = widget_base(mainBase,/col,/base_align_center) ; a sub-column to hold the insert button col1abase = widget_base(mainbase,/col) col2base = widget_base(mainBase,/col,/base_align_left) col3base = widget_base(mainBase,/col,/base_align_left) col4base = widget_base(mainBase,/col,/base_align_left) col1row1 = widget_base(col1base,/row, /align_left) col1row2 = widget_base(col1base,/row) col1row3 = widget_base(col1base,/row,/align_center) ; col1row4 = widget_base(col1base,/row) col1arow1 = widget_base(col1abase,/row,ypad=195) col2row1 = widget_base(col2base,/row, /align_left) col2row2 = widget_base(col2base,/row) col2row3 = widget_base(col2base,/row,/base_align_left) col3row1 = widget_base(col3base,/row) col3row2 = widget_base(col3base,/row) col3row3 = widget_base(col3base,/row) col3row4 = widget_base(col3base,/row) col3row5 = widget_base(col3base,/row) col3row6 = widget_base(col3base,/row,space=4) ;constant buttons col4row1 = widget_base(col4base,/row) col4row2 = widget_base(col4base,/row) settings->getProperty, $ name=programName, $ path=programPath, $ text=programText programLabel = Widget_Label(col1row1, Value='Program: ') programLabel = Widget_Text(col1row1, Value = programName,xsize=40) ; this will be changed to a string array of tplot_names ; ;tplot_names, name=insertValue ;insertValue=tnames() ;Does not have limit on length of name like TPLOT_NAMES. fieldNames = loadedData->getAll() if ~is_string(fieldNames) then begin insertbuttonsens = 0 fieldNames = ['none'] fieldPtr = ptr_new() endif else begin insertbuttonsens = 1 fieldPtr = ptr_new(fieldNames) endelse insertLabel = Widget_Label(col2row1, Value='Insert Variable: ',/Align_Left) insertTree = obj_new('spd_ui_widget_tree',col2row2,'INSERTTREE',loadedData,xsize=xsize,ysize=ysize,mode=3,multi=0,leafonly=1,showdatetime=1) insertTree->update,from_copy=*treeCopyPtr ; selectedlistLabel = Widget_Label(col2row3, Value='Select a variable, function, operator or constant to add to the program', uname='selectedlistLabel', /dynamic_resize) ; Right arrow button to insert field into program area getresourcepath,rpath leftArrow = read_bmp(rpath + 'arrow_180_medium.bmp', /rgb) spd_ui_match_background, tlb, leftArrow insertButton = Widget_Button(col1arow1, Value = leftArrow, /Bitmap, UValue = 'INSERT', UName='INSERT', $ ToolTip = 'Select a variable, function, or operator to add to the program',/align_center, sensitive=insertbuttonsens); sensitivity cannot change without leaving calc panel to load data ;size calculations for text area xtextsize=floor(xsize/(!D.X_CH_SIZE)) ytextsize=floor(ysize/(!D.Y_CH_SIZE+4)) ;alternate mechanism for avoiding x11 error described below if strlen(programText[0]) lt xtextsize+10 then begin programText[0] = programText[0]+strjoin(replicate(' ',xtextsize+10-strlen(programText[0]))) endif selectBar = obj_new('spd_ui_message_bar',col2row3,value='Select item from list to add it to program.',xsize=xtextSize-6,ysize=1,/notimestamp) ; if n_elements(programText) gt 1 && stregex(programText[0],"^[ ]*$",/bool) then begin ; check if first string is all spaces ; programText = programText[1:n_elements(programText)-1] ;remove sentinel string ; endif ; ; sentinel_string=strjoin(replicate(' ',xtextsize+10)) ;used to stop an x-11 warning that occurs when: ; ;when text widgets are realized ; ;on linux ; ;in modal sub-widgets ; ;with initial text size is smaller than the horizontal width of the text area in characters ; ;the sentinel string guarantees that the initial text is wider than the horizontal width of the text area in characters ; ;it must be at the beginning of the text for the warning to be avoided ; programText = [sentinel_string,programText] progText = Widget_Text(col1row2, Value=programText, /Editable, XSize=xtextsize,ysize=ytextsize, /Scroll, Uvalue='TEXT',/all_events) calc, function_list=functionNames, operator_list=operatorNames functionLabel= Widget_Label(col3row1, Value='Insert Function: ') functionList = Widget_List(col3row2, Value=functionNames, xsize=27, ysize=13, uval='FUNCTION', uname='function') operatorLabel= Widget_Label(col3row3, Value='Insert Operator: ') operatorList = Widget_List(col3row4, Value=operatorNames, xsize=27, ysize=12, uval='OPERATOR', uname='operator') constlabel = widget_label(col3row5, value = 'Insert Constant: ') pibutton = widget_button(col3row6, value = 'pi', uvalue='PI', tooltip='Insert pi') pigeo = widget_info(pibutton,/geo) bs = pigeo.scr_xsize * 1.35 widget_control, pibutton, xsize=bs, ysize=bs ebutton = widget_button(col3row6, value = 'e', uvalue='E', tooltip='Insert e', xsize=bs, ysize=bs) rebutton = widget_button(col3row6, value = 'Re', uvalue='RE', tooltip='Insert Earth''s radius (km)', xsize=bs, ysize=bs) statusBar = obj_new('spd_ui_message_bar',statusBase,xsize=143,ysize=1) newButton = Widget_Button(col1row3, Value=' Open ', UValue = 'OPEN', xsize=70) saveButton = Widget_Button(col1row3, Value=' Save ', UValue = 'SAVE', xsize=70) runButton = Widget_Button(col1row3, Value=' Run ', UValue = 'RUN', xsize=70) clearButton = Widget_Button(col1row3, Value=' Clear ', UValue = 'CLEAR', xsize=70) okButton = Widget_Button(buttonBase, Value=' Done ', UValue='OK', xsize=70) helpButton = Widget_Button(buttonBase, Value='Help', XSize=85, UValue='HELP', $ tooltip='Open Help Window.') state = {tlb:tlb, $ gui_id:gui_id, $ programtext:progtext, $ programLabel:programLabel,$ programPath:programPath,$ programName:programName,$ insertTree:insertTree,$ functions:functionNames,$ operators:operatorNames,$ loadedData:loadedData, $ offset:0,$ historywin:historywin, $ statusBar:statusBar,$ selectBar:selectBar,$ settings:settings, $ treeCopyPtr:treeCopyPtr, $ call_sequence:call_sequence, $ tlb_statusBar:tlb_statusBar, $ drawObject: drawObject, $ windowStorage: windowStorage, $ listinFocus:0, $ ; 0 for default/data tree, 1 for functions list, 2 for operators list and 3 for constants strtoadd:'' $ ; keep track of string to add to the program } Widget_Control, tlb, Set_UValue = state, /No_Copy centerTLB,tlb Widget_Control, tlb, /Realize ;print,tlb ;print,col1row2 ;keep windows in X11 from snaping back to ;center during tree widget events if !d.NAME eq 'X' then begin widget_control, tlb, xoffset=0, yoffset=0 endif statusBar->update,'Calculate opened. Displaying File: ' + programName historyWin->update,'Calculate opened. Displaying File: ' + programName XManager, 'spd_ui_calculate', tlb, /No_Block ; the following call to update/draw was commented out 9/30/2014 ; by Eric Grimes; seems unnecessary, and calls to ; the update method of the draw object are very expensive ;Update the draw object to refresh any plots ; drawobject->update, windowStorage, loadeddata ; drawobject->draw ;scrollbar->update historyWin->update,'Calculate panel closed' RETURN END ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------