;+ ;NAME: ; spd_ui_axis_options ;PURPOSE: ; User interface for modifying axis settings ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; spd_ui_axis, gui_id ; ;INPUT: ; gui_id = the id number of the widget that calls this ; ;OUTPUT: ; ;HISTORY: ; ;(lphilpott 07/2011) Reorganised code: removed widget ids from the state structure, these should now be found using find_by_uname. Removed ;duplicate information eg panels, panelobjs from state structure. These can now be found using the helper methods spd_ui_axis_options_getpanelobjs etc. ;(lphilpott 02/2012) QA: Changed labels to have number prefixed in combobox to avoid problems with identical labels on linux. ;In the process removed the spaces that were added to empty labels to distinguish them under linux. ;Also changed truncation to avoid problem with combobox arrow being pushed over if label became too long. ;NB: This problem doesn't seem to happen with the panel title on Panel Options window. ;If we could work out why the panel title combobox worked there it would be better to fix axis label title to match rather than truncating. ; ;$LastChangedBy: nikos $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2017-10-03 14:12:59 -0700 (Tue, 03 Oct 2017) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 24103 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_3_3/spedas_gui/panels/spd_ui_axis_options.pro $ ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ; ; ; ;+ ; set_minor ;SPD_UI_PROPAGATE_AXIS.PRO ; ;Given STATE propagate the current AXISSETTINGS from the current panel to all other panels. ; ;W.M.Feuerstein, 11/10/2008. ; ;- pro SPD_UI_PROPAGATE_AXIS , state, apply_to_all_panels compile_opt idl2, hidden ;Get correct axis: ;***************** ; And panelobjs array, and current panel panelobjs = spd_ui_axis_options_getpanelobjs(state) currpanelobj = spd_ui_axis_options_getcurrentpanel(state) curraxissettings = spd_ui_axis_options_getaxis(state) IF N_Elements(panelobjs) GT 0 && Obj_Valid(panelobjs[0]) THEN BEGIN for i=0,n_elements(panelobjs)-1 do begin if i ne state.axispanelselect then begin ;axissettings = curraxissettings->Copy() temppanelobj = panelobjs[i] case state.axisselect of 0: temppanelobj->getProperty,xaxis = newaxissettings 1: temppanelobj->getProperty,yaxis = newaxissettings ; 2: temppanelobj->SetProperty,zaxis = axissettings ;z axis doesn't work with this panel endcase ;Range if apply_to_all_panels eq 0 then begin currAxisSettings->getProperty,$ rangeOption=rangeOption,$ scaling=scaling,$ isTimeAxis=isTimeAxis,$ rangeMargin=rangeMargin,$ boundScaling=boundScaling,$ minBoundRange=minBoundRange, $ ; range for bounded autoscaling maxBoundRange=maxBoundRange, $ ; max range for bounded autoscaling minFixedRange=minFixedRange, $ ; min range value if fixed scaling maxFixedRange=maxFixedRange ; max range value if fixed scaling newAxisSettings->setProperty,$ rangeOption=rangeOption,$ scaling=scaling,$ isTimeAxis=isTimeAxis,$ rangeMargin=rangeMargin,$ boundScaling=boundScaling,$ minBoundRange=minBoundRange, $ ; range for bounded autoscaling maxBoundRange=maxBoundRange, $ ; max range for bounded autoscaling minFixedRange=minFixedRange, $ ; min range value if fixed scaling maxFixedRange=maxFixedRange ; max range value if fixed scaling endif ;Tick if apply_to_all_panels eq 1 then begin currAxisSettings->getProperty,$ MajorTickEvery=majortickevery, $ ; display major ticks every MinorTickEvery=minortickevery, $ ; display major ticks every MajorTickUnits=majortickunits, $ ; major tick units (sec, hr, min, day, none) MinorTickUnits=minortickunits, $ ; major tick units (sec, hr, min, day, none) MajorTickAuto=majortickauto, $ ; set to automatically figure out major ticks MinorTickAuto=minortickauto, $ ; set to automatically figure out minor ticks FirstTickAuto=firsttickauto, $ ; obsolete NumMajorTicks=nummajorticks, $ ; number of major ticks NumMinorTicks=numminorticks, $ ; number of major ticks FirstTickAt=firsttickat, $ ; value where first tick should be FirstTickUnits=firsttickunits, $ ; first tick unit (sec, hr, min, day, none) TickStyle=tickstyle, $ ; style (inside, outside, both) BottomPlacement=bottomplacement, $ ; flag set if ticks should be on bottom axis TopPlacement=topplacement, $ ; flag set if ticks should be on top axis MajorLength=majorlength, $ ; length of major tick MinorLength=minorlength, $ ; length of minor tick autoTicks=autoTicks, $ logminorticktype=logminorticktype newAxisSettings->setProperty,$ MajorTickEvery=majortickevery, $ ; display major ticks every MinorTickEvery=minortickevery, $ ; display major ticks every MajorTickUnits=majortickunits, $ ; major tick units (sec, hr, min, day, none) MinorTickUnits=minortickunits, $ ; major tick units (sec, hr, min, day, none) MajorTickAuto=majortickauto, $ ; set to automatically figure out major ticks MinorTickAuto=minortickauto, $ ; set to automatically figure out minor ticks FirstTickAuto=firsttickauto, $ ; obsolete NumMajorTicks=nummajorticks, $ ; number of major ticks NumMinorTicks=numminorticks, $ ; number of major ticks FirstTickAt=firsttickat, $ ; value where first tick should be FirstTickUnits=firsttickunits, $ ; first tick unit (sec, hr, min, day, none) TickStyle=tickstyle, $ ; style (inside, outside, both) BottomPlacement=bottomplacement, $ ; flag set if ticks should be on bottom axis TopPlacement=topplacement, $ ; flag set if ticks should be on top axis MajorLength=majorlength, $ ; length of major tick MinorLength=minorlength, $ ; length of minor tick autoTicks=autoTicks, $ logminorticktype=logminorticktype endif ;Grid if apply_to_all_panels eq 2 then begin currAxisSettings->getProperty,$ majorGrid=majorgrid, $ ; linestyle object of major grid minorGrid=minorgrid ; linestyle object of minor grid newAxisSettings->setProperty,$ majorGrid=(majorgrid->copy()), $ ; linestyle object of major grid minorGrid=(minorgrid->copy()) ; linestyle object of minor grid currpanelobj->GetProperty, Settings=panelSettings IF obj_valid(panelSettings) THEN panelSettings->GetProperty, framethick=framethick $ ELSE framethick=1 IF obj_valid(panelobjs[i]) THEN panelobjs[i]->GetProperty, Settings=newSettings IF obj_valid(newSettings) THEN newSettings->SetProperty, framethick=framethick endif ;Annotation if apply_to_all_panels eq 3 then begin currAxisSettings->getProperty,$ LineAtZero=lineatzero, $ ; flag set if line is drawn at zero showdate=showdate, $ ; flag set if date strings are shown DateString1=datestring1, $ ; string format of date for line 1 DateString2=datestring2, $ ; string format of date for line 1 DateFormat1=dateformat1, $ ; format of date for line 1 (annotation purposes) DateFormat2=dateformat2, $ ; format of date for line 2 AnnotateAxis=annotateaxis, $ ; flag set to annotate along axis PlaceAnnotation=placeannotation, $ ; placement of annotation (bottom or top) AnnotateMajorTicks=annotatemajorticks, $ ; set flag if major ticks are annotated annotateEvery=annotateevery, $ ; value where annotation of major ticks occur annotateUnits=annotateunits, $ ; units for major tick value (sec, min, hr, day) FirstAnnotation=firstannotation, $ ; value where annotation of first major tick occurs FirstAnnotateUnits=firstannotateunits, $ ; units for major tick value (sec, min, hr, day) annotateRangeMin=annotaterangemin, $ ; set flag to annotate the range min tick AnnotateRangeMax=annotaterangemax, $ ; set flag to annotate the range max tick AnnotateStyle=annotatestyle, $ ; format style of tick (h:m, doy, time, etc....) annotateOrientation=annotateOrientation,$ ;orientation of the annotations: 0(horizontal) & 1(vertical) annotateTextObject=annotateTextObject, $ ; Text object that represents that textual style of annotations annotateExponent=annotateExponent newAxisSettings->setProperty,$ LineAtZero=lineatzero, $ ; flag set if line is drawn at zero showdate=showdate, $ ; flag set if date strings are shown DateString1=datestring1, $ ; string format of date for line 1 DateString2=datestring2, $ ; string format of date for line 1 DateFormat1=dateformat1, $ ; format of date for line 1 (annotation purposes) DateFormat2=dateformat2, $ ; format of date for line 2 AnnotateAxis=annotateaxis, $ ; flag set to annotate along axis PlaceAnnotation=placeannotation, $ ; placement of annotation (bottom or top) AnnotateMajorTicks=annotatemajorticks, $ ; set flag if major ticks are annotated annotateEvery=annotateevery, $ ; value where annotation of major ticks occur annotateUnits=annotateunits, $ ; units for major tick value (sec, min, hr, day) FirstAnnotation=firstannotation, $ ; value where annotation of first major tick occurs FirstAnnotateUnits=firstannotateunits, $ ; units for major tick value (sec, min, hr, day) annotateRangeMin=annotaterangemin, $ ; set flag to annotate range min tick AnnotateRangeMax=annotaterangemax, $ ; set flag to annotate range max tick AnnotateStyle=annotatestyle, $ ; format style of tick (h:m, doy, time, etc....) annotateOrientation=annotateOrientation,$ ;orientation of the annotations: 0(horizontal) & 1(vertical) annotateTextObject=(annotateTextObject->copy()),$ ; Text object that represents that textual style of annotations annotateExponent=annotateExponent endif ;Title if apply_to_all_panels eq 4 then begin ;do not change all titles currAxisSettings->getProperty,$ titleObj=titleObj, $ ; title obj subtitleObj=subtitleObj, $ ; subtitle obj placeTitle=placeTitle, $ ; placement of title (left/bottom or right/top) titleorientation=titleorientation, $ ; orientation of title (0=horizontal, 1=vertical) titlemargin=titlemargin, $ ; number of points for title margin lazytitles=lazytitles, $ ; A flag to determine whether underscores should be converted to carriage returns showtitle=showtitle ; flag for whether the title should be displayed ;Keep the old values for title and subtitle text newAxisSettings->getProperty, $ titleObj=oldtitleObj, $ subtitleObj=oldsubtitleObj oldTitleStr = oldtitleObj->GetValue() oldSubTitleStr = oldsubtitleObj->GetValue() newTitle = titleObj->copy() newSubTitle = subtitleObj->copy() newTitle->setProperty, Value=oldTitleStr newSubTitle->setProperty, Value=oldSubTitleStr newAxisSettings->setProperty,$ titleObj=newTitle, $ ; title obj axis subtitleObj=newSubTitle, $ ; subtitle obj axis placeTitle=placeTitle, $ ; placement of title (left/bottom or right/top) titleorientation=titleorientation, $ ; orientation of title (0=horizontal, 1=vertical) titlemargin=titlemargin, $ ; number of points for title margin lazytitles=lazytitles, $ ; A flag to determine whether underscores should be converted to carriage returns showtitle=showtitle ; flag for whether the title should be displayed endif ;Label if apply_to_all_panels eq 5 then begin currAxisSettings->getProperty,$ Orientation=orientation, $ ; orientation of labels 0=Horizontal, 1=Vertical Margin=margin, $ ; number of points for label margins showLabels=showLabels, $ ; flag for whether or not labels are displayed labels=labels, $ ; A container object that stores the text objects which represent each label stackLabels=stackLabels, $ ; A flag to determine whether labels should be stacked lazylabels=lazylabels, $ ; A flag to determine whether underscores should be converted to carriage returns blackLabels=blackLabels, $ ; A flag to determine whether labels should be stacked placeLabel=placeLabel ; place labels bottom/left (0) or top/right (1) newAxisSettings->getProperty, labels=newlabels ;properly copy labels if obj_valid(labels) && obj_isa(labels,'IDL_Container') && $ obj_valid(newlabels) && obj_isa(newlabels,'IDL_Container') then begin labellist = labels->get(/all) newlabellist = newlabels->get(/all) if obj_valid(labellist[0]) && obj_valid(newlabellist[0]) then begin for j=0, n_elements(newlabellist)-1 do begin if j gt n_elements(labellist)-1 then break if obj_valid(labellist[j]) then begin labellist[j]->getProperty, font=lfont, format=lformat, color=lcolor, $ size=lsize, thickness=lthickness, show=lshow newlabellist[j]->setProperty, font=lfont, format=lformat, color=lcolor, $ size=lsize, thickness=lthickness, show=lshow endif endfor endif endif else begin ;newlabels = obj_new() endelse newAxisSettings->setProperty,$ Orientation=orientation, $ ; orientation of labels 0=Horizontal, 1=Vertical Margin=margin, $ ; number of points for label margins showLabels=showLabels, $ ; flag for whether or not labels are displayed ;labels=newlabels, $ ; A container object that stores the text objects which represent each label stackLabels=stackLabels, $ ; A flag to determine whether labels should be stacked lazylabels=lazylabels, $ ; A flag to determine whether underscores should be converted to carriage returns blackLabels=blackLabels, $ ; A flag to determine whether labels should be stacked placeLabel=placeLabel if ~blacklabels && showlabels && (state.axisselect eq 1) then temppanelobj->SyncLinesToLabels endif endif endfor ENDIF end ;------------------------------------------------ ;+ ; ;Procedure: spd_ui_update_axis_from_draw ; ;Syntax: ; SPD_UI_INIT_AXIS_WINDOW , [ tlb ] [ , state = state ] ; ;After an update, this routine will update the fixed range of the axis objects ;Using the output of the draw object. This stops the draw object from having ;to break abstraction. ; ;It also updates the number of ticks. As the number displayed may vary ;from the number requested. (Only update is not using aesthetic ticks - lphilpott 26-june-2012) ; ;(aaflores 2013-2-7) ;Major ticks: If ticks by number is set then the ticks by interval option ; should be updated to draw similarly spaced ticks, and vice versa. ;Minor ticks: Unsure... leaving them as is. ; ;- pro spd_ui_update_axis_from_draw,drawObject,panels compile_opt idl2,hidden ;validate panel idl_container if obj_valid(panels) && panels->count() gt 0 then begin panel_list = panels->get(/all) ;loop over panel list for i = 0,n_elements(panel_list)-1 do begin panel_list[i]->getProperty,xaxis=xaxis,yaxis=yaxis ;get info about current panel settings info = drawObject->getPanelInfo(i) ;if there is a problem go to next iteration if ~is_struct(info) then continue ; X axis ;-------- ;get x range and delog it xrange = info.xrange if info.xscale eq 1 then begin xrange = 10D^xrange endif else if info.xscale eq 2 then begin xrange = exp(xrange) endif ;store xrange xaxis->setProperty,$ minFixedRange=xrange[0],$ maxFixedRange=xrange[1] ;update ticks xaxis->getProperty, autoticks=aestheticticks, majortickauto=majortickauto, $ majortickunits=majortickunits, istimeaxis=istime if ~aestheticticks || ~majortickauto then begin xaxis->setProperty,$ numMajorTicks=info.xmajorNum,$ numMinorTicks=info.xminorNum endif if majortickauto then begin xmajorsize = ~istime ? info.xmajorsize : $ spd_ui_axis_options_convert_units(info.xmajorsize,majortickunits,/fromseconds) xaxis->setProperty, majortickevery = xmajorsize endif ; Y axis ;-------- ;get yrange and delog it yrange = info.yrange if info.yscale eq 1 then begin yrange = 10D^yrange endif else if info.yscale eq 2 then begin yrange = exp(yrange) endif ;store yrange yaxis->setProperty,$ minFixedRange=yrange[0],$ maxFixedRange=yrange[1] ;update ticks yaxis->getProperty, autoticks=aestheticticks, majortickauto=majortickauto, $ majortickunits=majortickunits, istimeaxis=istime if ~aestheticticks || ~majortickauto then begin yaxis->setProperty,$ numMajorTicks=info.ymajorNum,$ numMinorTicks=info.yminorNum endif if majortickauto then begin ymajorsize = ~istime ? info.ymajorsize : $ spd_ui_axis_options_convert_units(info.ymajorsize,majortickunits,/fromseconds) yaxis->setProperty,majortickevery = ymajorsize endif endfor endif end ;------------------------------------------------ function spd_ui_axis_options_convert_units,value,units,fromseconds=fromseconds compile_opt idl2, hidden if units eq 0 then begin conversion_factor = 1D endif else if units eq 1 then begin conversion_factor = 60D endif else if units eq 2 then begin conversion_factor = 60D*60D endif else if units eq 3 then begin conversion_factor = 60D*60D*24D endif if keyword_set(fromseconds) then begin return,value/conversion_factor endif else begin return,value*conversion_factor endelse end ;------------------------------------------------ pro spd_ui_axis_options_init_color, state compile_opt idl2, hidden ; initialize color windows id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='labelcolorwin') widget_control, id, get_value=labelcolorwin currlabelobj = spd_ui_axis_options_getcurrentlabel(state) currlabelobj->getproperty, color=color scene=obj_new('IDLGRSCENE', color=color) labelcolorwin->setProperty,graphics_tree=scene labelcolorwin->draw, scene end ;------------------------------------------------ pro spd_ui_axis_update_units,state compile_opt idl2, hidden tlb=state.tlb axissettings = spd_ui_axis_options_getaxis(state) ;Gets the list of units, dependent upon whether the axis is a time axis or not units = axisSettings->getUnits() axissettings->GetProperty, majortickunits = majortickunits ;because the list of units may change length when other settings ;the previous unit index may not index into the list anymore if majorTickUnits ge n_elements(units) then begin majorTickUnits = 0 axissettings->setProperty, majortickunits = majortickunits endif id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname = 'majortickunits') widget_control, id, set_value = units widget_control, id, set_combobox_select = majortickunits axissettings->GetProperty, annotateunits=annotateunits ;if isTime switch caused units switch, make sure they don't index out of range if annotateUnits ge n_elements(units) then begin annotateUnits = 0 axissettings->setProperty, annotateUnits = annotateUnits endif id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='annotateunits') widget_control, id, set_value = units widget_control, id, set_combobox_select=annotateunits end ;------------------------------------------------ ;+ ; ;SPD_UI_INIT_AXIS_WINDOW.PRO ; ;Given the top level base when running SPD_UI_AXIS_OPTIONS, update all axis attributes from settings. ; ;The widget ID of the top level base should be the first parameter (this is when the program unit calling this routine ;does not have the STATE structure). Otherwise, STATE should be passed by keyword and the first parameter should not be passed. ; ;Syntax: ; SPD_UI_INIT_AXIS_WINDOW , [ tlb ] [ , state = state ] ; ;W.M.Feuerstein, 11/7/2008. ; ;- pro SPD_UI_INIT_AXIS_WINDOW ,tlb, state=state compile_opt idl2, hidden statedef = ~(~size(state,/type)) if ~statedef then begin Widget_Control, tlb, Get_UValue=state, /No_Copy ;Only get STATE if it is not passed in. endif else begin tlb = state.tlb endelse ;Get correct axis: ;***************** ; currpanelobj = spd_ui_axis_options_getcurrentpanel(state) axissettings = spd_ui_axis_options_getaxis(state) panelObjs = spd_ui_axis_options_getpanelobjs(state) ; Set axispanelselect to bottom panel if panels are locked ; activeWindow = state.windowStorage->GetActive() ; if Obj_Valid(activeWindow) then begin ; activeWindow->getproperty, locked = locked ;if locked NE -1 then state.axispanelselect=n_elements(panelObjs)-1 ; endif ; put updating of widgets on hold until end of init function tabid = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='tabs') ;widget_control, state.tabbase, update=0 widget_control, tabid, update=0 ; Check if there are any panels. Pass panelsExist to sensitive to make things noneditable if no panels exist if obj_valid(panelObjs[0]) then panelsExist = 1 else panelsExist = 0 ;********************* ;Initialize Range tab: ;********************* ; ;Get state of istime setting: ;**************************** IF Obj_Valid(axissettings) THEN BEGIN axissettings->GetProperty, istimeaxis=istime ENDIF ELSE BEGIN axissettings=Obj_New("SPD_UI_AXIS_SETTINGS") axissettings->GetProperty, istimeaxis=istime ENDELSE ; id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname = 'rangepaneldroplist') widget_control, id, set_combobox_select = state.axispanelselect ;Set appropriate sensitivity, buttons, and attributes for Range Options, Scaling, Fixed Min/Max, AutoRange, and Floating Center: ;******************************************************************************************************************************* FOR i=0,N_Elements(state.rangeOptions)-1 DO Widget_Control, state.rangeOptions[i], sensitive=(1 && panelsExist) FOR i=0,N_Elements(state.scalingOptions)-1 DO Widget_Control, state.scalingOptions[i], sensitive = (1 && panelsExist) ; axissettings->GetProperty,rangeoption=rangeoption ;floating center removed: option index no longer matches widget array index WIDGET_CONTROL, state.rangeoptions[rangeoption eq 2], /Set_Button axissettings->GetProperty,scaling=scaling WIDGET_CONTROL, state.scalingoptions[scaling], /Set_Button styleValues = axisSettings->GetAnnotationFormats() id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='annotatestyle') widget_control, id, set_value = styleValues ;sensitize annotation styles for j=0, n_elements(state.atype)-1 do widget_control, state.atype[j], sensitive=(1 && panelsExist) ;get data annotation format axissettings->GetProperty, annotateExponent=annotateExponent widget_control, state.atype[annotateExponent], set_button=1 ; minincrement = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='minincrement') maxincrement = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='maxincrement') widget_control, minIncrement, /destroy widget_control, maxIncrement, /destroy if scaling eq 0 then minvalue = !values.d_nan else minvalue = 0 minbase = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='minbase') maxbase = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='maxbase') minIncrement=spd_ui_spinner(minBase, Increment=1, text_box_size=24, $ uval='MINFIXEDRANGE', uname='minincrement', $ precision=13,min_value=minvalue) maxIncrement=spd_ui_spinner(maxBase, Increment=1, text_box_size=24, $ uval='MAXFIXEDRANGE', uname='maxincrement', $ precision=13,min_value=minvalue) ; ; Set the boundscaling settings EVEN if autorange is not selected and boundrange will end up ; densensitised. id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'rmincrement') axissettings->GetProperty, rangemargin = rangemargin widget_control, id, set_value = 100*rangemargin id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'boundscaling') axissettings->GetProperty, boundscaling = boundscaling widget_control, id, set_button = boundscaling id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'minboundrange') axissettings->GetProperty, minboundrange = minboundrange widget_control, id, set_value=minboundrange id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'maxboundrange') axissettings->GetProperty, maxboundrange = maxboundrange widget_control, id, set_value=maxboundrange case rangeoption of ;Fixed Range 2: begin id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'aobase') widget_control, id, sensitive = 0 id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'fobase') widget_control, id, sensitive = (1 && panelsExist) ; id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'fltobase') ; widget_control, id, sensitive = 0 ; id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'minincrement') axissettings->GetProperty, minfixedrange = minfixedrange widget_control, id, set_value = minfixedrange ; id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'maxincrement') axissettings->GetProperty, maxfixedrange = maxfixedrange widget_control, id, set_value = maxfixedrange end ;Auto-Range ;Using ELSE instead of specific check to avoid errors from loading ;.tgd files that use floating center. else: begin id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'aobase') widget_control, id, sensitive = (1 && panelsExist) id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'fobase') widget_control, id, sensitive = 0 ; id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'fltobase') ; widget_control, id, sensitive = 0 id = widget_info(state.tlb,find_by_uname = 'boundbase') widget_control,id,sensitive=(boundscaling && panelsExist) id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'minincrement') axissettings->GetProperty, minfixedrange = value widget_control, id, set_value=value id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'maxincrement') axissettings->GetProperty, maxfixedrange = value widget_control, id, set_value=value end endcase if istime then begin minincrement = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='minincrement') maxincrement = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='maxincrement') widget_control, minIncrement, /destroy widget_control, maxIncrement, /destroy ;state.minIncrement=widget_text(state.minBase, Sensitive=sensitive, /editable, uval='MINFIXEDRANGE', $ ; xsize=21, uname='minincrement',/all_events) ;state.maxIncrement=widget_text(state.maxBase, Sensitive=sensitive, /editable, uval='MAXFIXEDRANGE', $ ; xsize=21, uname='maxincrement',/all_events) minbase = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='minbase') maxbase = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='maxbase') minIncrement=widget_text(minBase, /editable, uval='MINFIXEDRANGE', $ xsize=21, uname='minincrement',/all_events) maxIncrement=widget_text(maxBase, /editable, uval='MAXFIXEDRANGE', $ xsize=21, uname='maxincrement',/all_events) styleValues = axisSettings->GetAnnotationFormats() id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='annotatestyle') widget_control, id, set_value = styleValues ;desensitize annotation types for j=0, n_elements(state.atype)-1 do widget_control, state.atype[j], sensitive=0 id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'minincrement') axissettings->GetProperty, minfixedrange = minfixedrange minfixedrangetime = formatDate(minfixedrange, '%date/%exacttime', 0) widget_control, id, set_value=minfixedrangetime, sensitive=1 ; id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'maxincrement') axissettings->GetProperty, maxfixedrange = maxfixedrange maxfixedrangetime = formatDate(maxfixedrange, '%date/%exacttime', 0) widget_control, id, set_value=maxfixedrangetime, sensitive=1 endif id = widget_info(tlb,find_by_uname = 'istime') widget_control,id,set_button=istime, sensitive=panelsExist ; from Annotations tab to get ride of flicker in droplist axissettings->GetProperty, annotatestyle=annotatestyle id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='annotatestyle') widget_control, id, set_combobox_select=annotatestyle, sensitive=panelsExist widget_control, state.tlb,tlb_get_offset=off widget_control, state.tlb, xoffset=off[0],yoffset=off[1] ;widget_control, state.tabbase, update=1 widget_control, tabid, update=1 ;Warn user about x-axis range options and locking if state.axisselect eq 0 then begin id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='tabs') if widget_info(id, /tab_current) eq 0 then begin activeWindow = state.windowstorage->getactive() activewindow->getproperty, locked=locked ;added parameter to stop the locked message from being displayed over and over and over.... if locked ne -1 && state.lockedMessageDisplayed eq 0 then begin state.statusbar->update, $ '*Panels Are Locked: Changes to range are only displayed for the locked panel ("(L)" prefix).' state.lockedMessageDisplayed=1 endif endif endif ;********************* ;Initialize Ticks tab: ;********************* ; ; grey out by number frame when no panels exist id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname = 'bynumberbase') widget_control, id, sensitive = panelsExist ;grey out by interval frame when no panels exist id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname = 'byintervalbase') widget_control, id, sensitive = panelsExist ;Set Auto Button axisSettings->GetProperty,autoticks=autoticks id = widget_info(tlb,find_by_uname = 'niceticks') widget_control,id,set_button=autoticks id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname = 'tickpaneldroplist') widget_control, id, set_combobox_select = state.axispanelselect axissettings->GetProperty, majortickevery = majortickevery id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname = 'majortickevery') widget_control, id, set_value = majortickevery spd_ui_axis_update_units,state axissettings->GetProperty, nummajorticks = value id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname = 'nummajorticks') widget_control, id, set_value = value axissettings->GetProperty, numminorticks = value ;for now use majortickauto option to control by number/by interval widgets axissettings->GetProperty, majortickauto = majortickauto bid = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname = 'bynumber') id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname = 'numberbase') widget_control, bid, set_button = majortickauto widget_control, id, sensitive = majortickauto minortickbase = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='minortickbase') if autoticks && majortickauto then widget_control, minorTickBase, sensitive=0 else widget_control, minorTickBase, sensitive=1 majortickbase = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='majortickbase') if autoticks && majortickauto then widget_control, majorTickBase, sensitive=0 else widget_control, majorTickBase, sensitive=1 bid = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname = 'byinterval') id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname = 'intervalbase') widget_control, bid, set_button = ~majortickauto widget_control, id, sensitive = ~majortickauto axissettings->GetProperty, numminorticks = value, autoticks=autoticks if ~autoticks then begin ;28/6/2011 lphilpott changed autoticks to ~autoticks because it wasn't loading correct minor value id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname = 'numminorticks') widget_control, id, set_value = value endif ; (lphilpott 7/6/2011) Setting to the minimum range here causes the "align ticks at" to be reset constantly. ; Change slightly such that it is set to the maximum of the minimum range and the current setting. This should ; only reset user changes if the user changes it to a value less than the minimum range if (state.axisselect eq 0) then begin ;x axis only axisSettings->getproperty,minfixedrange=minrange_firsttickat,firsttickat=current_firsttickat ;get the current minimum range for the panel ts_firsttickat = time_struct(minrange_firsttickat) ;set to the date of the minimum range for the axis default_firsttickat = time_double(num_to_str_pad(ts_firsttickat.year,4)+'-'+num_to_str_pad(ts_firsttickat.month,2)+'-'+num_to_str_pad(ts_firsttickat.date,2)) firsttickat = default_firsttickat > current_firsttickat axisSettings->setProperty,firsttickat=firsttickat,/notouched endif axissettings->GetProperty, firsttickat = firsttickat bid = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='firsttickatbase') id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname = 'firsttickat') ;update first tick at widget, change type if necessary if istime then begin if widget_info(id,/type) ne 3 then begin widget_control, id, /destroy id = widget_text(bid, value=time_string(firsttickat), uname='firsttickat',/editable) endif else widget_control, id, set_value = time_string(firsttickat) endif else begin if widget_info(id,/type) ne 0 then begin widget_control, id, /destroy id = spd_ui_spinner(bid, value=firsttickat, incr=1, uname='firsttickat', $ tooltip='Numerical location of first tick.', text_box=12) endif else widget_control, id, set_value = firsttickat endelse axisSettings->getProperty,logMinorTickType=logMinorTickType id = widget_info(tlb,find_by_uname='logminorticktype'+strtrim(logMinorTickType,2)) widget_control,id,/set_button axisSettings->getProperty,scaling=scaling id = widget_info(tlb,find_by_uname='logminorticktypebase') if scaling eq 0 then begin widget_control,id,sensitive=0 endif else begin widget_control,id,sensitive=1 endelse ; grey out placement frame when no panels exist id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname = 'placeframebase') widget_control, id, sensitive = panelsExist ; grey out length frame when no panels exist id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname = 'lengthframebase') widget_control, id, sensitive = panelsExist axissettings->GetProperty, tickstyle = value id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname = 'tickstyle') widget_control, id, set_combobox_select=value, sensitive=panelsExist axissettings->GetProperty, bottomplacement = value id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname = 'bottomplace') widget_control, id, set_button=value axissettings->GetProperty, topplacement = value id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname = 'topplace') widget_control, id, set_button=value axissettings->GetProperty, majorlength = value id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname = 'majorlength') widget_control, id, set_value=value axissettings->GetProperty, minorlength = value id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname = 'minorlength') widget_control, id, set_value=value ;******************** ;Initialize Grid tab: ;******************** ; id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname = 'gridpaneldroplist') widget_control, id, set_combobox_select = state.axispanelselect ;id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname = 'outlinethick') ;IF ~Obj_Valid(currpanelobj) THEN currpanelobj=Obj_New("SPD_UI_PANEL", 1) ;currpanelobj->GetProperty, settings=panelsettings ;panelsettings->GetProperty, framethick=framethick ;widget_control, id, set_value = framethick, sensitive=panelsExist ;intialize color major grid window ;********************************* ; axissettings->GetProperty, majorgrid=majorgrid if obj_valid(majorgrid) then begin majorgrid->GetProperty,color=color endif else begin color = [0,0,0] majorGrid = obj_new('SPD_UI_LINE_STYLE',color=color, show=0) axissettings->SetProperty, majorgrid=majorgrid endelse majorcolorid = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='majorgridcolorwin') Widget_Control, majorcolorid, Get_Value=majorgridcolorWin if obj_valid(scene) then scene->remove,/all scene=obj_new('IDLGRSCENE', color=color) majorgridcolorWin->draw, scene majorgrid->GetProperty, show=showmajor id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'majorbase') widget_control, id, sensitive=showmajor id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'majorgrids') widget_control, id, set_button=showmajor, sensitive=panelsExist id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'majorgridbtnlabel') widget_control, id, sensitive = panelsExist styleNames = majorgrid->getlinestyles() majorgrid->GetProperty, id=styleid id=widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'majorgridstyle') widget_control, id, set_combobox_select=styleid majorgrid->GetProperty, thickness=thickness id=widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'majorgridthick') widget_control, id, set_value = thickness ; intialize color minor grid window axissettings->GetProperty, minorgrid=minorgrid if obj_valid(minorgrid) then begin minorgrid->GetProperty,color=color endif else begin color = [0,0,0] minorGrid = obj_new('spd_ui_line_style',color=color, show=0) axissettings->SetProperty, minorgrid=minorgrid endelse minorcolorid = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='minorgridcolorwin') Widget_Control, minorcolorid, Get_Value=minorgridcolorWin if obj_valid(scene) then scene->remove,/all scene=obj_new('IDLGRSCENE', color=color) minorgridcolorWin->draw, scene minorgrid->GetProperty, show=showminor id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'minorbase') widget_control, id, sensitive=showminor id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'minorgrids') widget_control, id, set_button=showminor, sensitive=panelsExist id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'minorgridbtnlabel') widget_control, id, sensitive=panelsExist styleNames = minorgrid->getlinestyles() minorgrid->GetProperty, id=styleid id=widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'minorgridstyle') widget_control, id, set_value=styleNames, set_combobox_select=styleid minorgrid->GetProperty, thickness=thickness id=widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'minorgridthick') widget_control, id, set_value = thickness ;************************** ;Initialize Annotation tab: ;************************** ; id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname = 'annopaneldroplist') widget_control, id, set_combobox_select = state.axispanelselect axissettings->GetProperty, lineatzero=lineatzero id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname = 'lineatzero') widget_control, id, set_button=lineatzero, sensitive = panelsExist axissettings->GetProperty, showdate=showdate id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname = 'showdate') widget_control, id, set_button=showdate if istime && ~state.axisselect then widget_control, id, sensitive=panelsExist else widget_control, id, sensitive=0 id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='anodatebase') if istime && ~state.axisselect then widget_control, id, sensitive=panelsExist&&showDate else widget_control, id, sensitive=0 axissettings->GetProperty, datestring1=datestring1 id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname = 'anodate1') widget_control, id, set_value=datestring1;, sensitive=panelsExist&&showDate - sensitivity set with anodatebase above axissettings->GetProperty, datestring2=datestring2 id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname = 'anodate2') widget_control, id, set_value=datestring2;, sensitive=panelsExist&&showDate axissettings->GetProperty, annotateaxis=annotateaxis id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='annotateaxis') widget_control, id, set_button=annotateaxis, sensitive=panelsExist id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='annoaxisbase') widget_control, id, sensitive=(annotateaxis && panelsExist) axissettings->GetProperty, placeannotation=placeannotation id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname = 'placeannotation') widget_control, id, set_combobox_select=placeannotation axissettings->GetProperty, annotatemajorticks=annotatemajorticks id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='annotatemajorticks') widget_control, id, set_button=annotatemajorticks id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='annomajorbase') widget_control, id, sensitive=(~annotatemajorticks && panelsExist) axissettings->GetProperty, annotateevery=annotateevery id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='annotateevery') widget_control, id, set_value=annotateevery axissettings->GetProperty, firstannotation=firstannotation id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='firstannotation') bid = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='firstannotationbase') if istime then begin if widget_info(id,/type) ne 3 then begin widget_control, id, /destroy id = widget_text(bid, value=time_string(firstannotation), uname='firstannotation',/editable) endif else begin widget_control, id, set_value = time_string(firstannotation) endelse endif else begin if widget_info(id,/type) ne 0 then begin widget_control,id,/destroy id = spd_ui_spinner(bid, value=firstannotation, incr=1, uname='firstannotation', $ tooltip='Numerical location of first annotation.', text_box=12) endif else begin widget_control, id, set_value=firstannotation endelse endelse axissettings->GetProperty, annotaterangemin=annotaterangemin id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='annotaterangemin') widget_control, id, set_button=annotaterangemin, sensitive=panelsExist axissettings->GetProperty, annotaterangemax=annotaterangemax id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='annotaterangemax') widget_control, id, set_button=annotaterangemax, sensitive=panelsExist axissettings->GetProperty, annotateorientation=annotateorientation ;if annotateorientation then begin id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='annohorizontal') widget_control, id, set_button=~annotateorientation id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='annovertical') widget_control, id, set_button=annotateorientation axissettings->GetProperty, annotateTextObject=annotateTextObject annotateTextObject->GetProperty, font=font id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='anofontlist') widget_control, id, set_combobox_select=font annotateTextObject->GetProperty, size=size id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='anofontsize') widget_control, id, set_value=size ; intialize annotation font color window axissettings->GetProperty, annotatetextobject=annotatetextobject if obj_valid(annotatetextobject) then begin annotatetextobject->GetProperty,color=color endif else begin color = [0,0,0] annotatetextobject = obj_new('spd_ui_text',color=color, show=0) axissettings->SetProperty, annotatetextobject=annotatetextobject endelse anocolorid = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='anocolorwin') Widget_Control, anocolorid, Get_Value=anocolorWin if obj_valid(scene) then scene->remove,/all scene=obj_new('IDLGRSCENE', color=color) anocolorWin->draw, scene id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname= 'anoslabel') widget_control, id, sensitive=panelsExist ;********************** ;Initialize Labels tab: ;********************** ; id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname = 'labelpaneldroplist') widget_control, id, set_combobox_select = state.axispanelselect IF state.axisselect EQ 1 THEN BEGIN axisSettings->GetProperty, BLACKLABELS=blacklabels id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'blacklabels') widget_control, id, set_button = blacklabels ENDIF id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'labelstyleframebase') widget_control, id, sensitive=panelsExist axissettings->getproperty, lazylabels = lazylabels id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='lazylabels') widget_control, id, set_button = lazylabels axissettings->GetProperty, stacklabels = stacklabels id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'stacklabels') widget_control, id, set_button = stacklabels axissettings->GetProperty, showlabels = showlabels id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'showlabels') widget_control, id, set_button = showlabels id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'labeldroplist') axissettings->GetProperty, labels=labelsObj showid = widget_info(state.tlb,find_by_uname = 'showlabel') if obj_valid(labelsObj) then labels = labelsObj->get(/all) ELSE labels=Obj_New("SPD_UI_TEXT", Value=' ') if obj_valid(labels[0]) then begin nlabels = n_elements(labels) labeltextlines = strarr(nlabels) for i=0,nlabels-1 do begin labels[i]->GetProperty, value=labeltext labeltext = spd_ui_axis_options_create_label_name(i,labeltext) ; this label length test has been moved to the create_label_name function ;if strlen(labeltext) GT 45 then labeltext=strmid(labeltext, 0, 45)+'...' labeltextlines[i]=labeltext endfor currlabelobj = labels[state.labelselect] currlabelobj->getProperty, show=showlabel widget_control, id, set_value=labeltextlines widget_control, id, set_combobox_select=state.labelselect IF showlabel THEN widget_control,showid,set_button=1 ELSE widget_control,showid,set_button=0 ;*state.currlabelobj->GetProperty, font=font, format=format, size=size, color=color, value=value currlabelobj->GetProperty, font=font, format=format, size=size, color=color, value=value IF showlabels THEN show=1 ELSE show=0 ; for i=0,nlabels-1 do begin ; IF NOT show THEN labels[i]->SetProperty, Show=0 ; endfor widget_control, showid, sensitive=show id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'labeldroplist') widget_control, id, sensitive=show endif else begin state.labelselect = 0 labeltextlines=[' '] widget_control, id, set_value=' ' widget_control,showid,sensitive=1 font=0 format=3 size=10 color=[0,0,0] value='' endelse id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='ltframebase') widget_control, id, sensitive=panelsExist id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='labeltextedit') widget_control, id, set_value=value id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='labelfont') widget_control, id, set_combobox_select=font id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='labelformat') widget_control, id, set_combobox_select=format id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='labelsize') widget_control, id, set_value=size ; intialize label color window labelcolorid = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='labelcolorwin') Widget_Control, labelcolorid, Get_Value=labelcolorWin if obj_valid(scene) then scene->remove,/all scene=obj_new('IDLGRSCENE', color=color) labelcolorWin->draw, scene axissettings->GetProperty, placelabel=placelabel id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname = 'placelabel') widget_control, id, set_combobox_select=placelabel axissettings->GetProperty, orientation=orientation id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='labelhorizontal') widget_control, id, set_button=~orientation id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='labelvertical') widget_control, id, set_button=orientation axissettings->GetProperty, margin=margin id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='labelmargin') widget_control, id, set_value=margin, sensitive = panelsExist id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='labelsync') widget_control, id, sensitive = panelsExist id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='labelpalette') widget_control, id, sensitive = panelsExist spd_ui_axis_options_init_color, state ;********************************** ; initialize title tab ;********************************** id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname = 'titlepaneldroplist') widget_control, id, set_combobox_select = state.axispanelselect id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'titletextframebase') widget_control, id, sensitive=panelsExist id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'titleplacementframebase') widget_control, id, sensitive=panelsExist ; intialize title font color window axissettings->GetProperty, titleobj=titleobj, subtitleobj=subtitleobj if obj_valid(titleobj) then begin titleobj->GetProperty,color=color endif else begin color = [0,0,0] titleobj = obj_new('spd_ui_text',color=color, show=0) axissettings->SetProperty, titleobj=titleobj endelse titlecolorid = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='titlecolorwin') Widget_Control, titlecolorid, Get_Value=titlecolorWin if obj_valid(scene) then scene->remove,/all scene=obj_new('IDLGRSCENE', color=color) titlecolorWin->draw, scene ; intialize subtitle font color window if obj_valid(subtitleobj) then begin subtitleobj->GetProperty,color=color endif else begin color = [0,0,0] titleobj = obj_new('spd_ui_text',color=color, show=0) axissettings->SetProperty, subtitleobj=subtitleobj endelse subtitlecolorid = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='subtitlecolorwin') Widget_Control, subtitlecolorid, Get_Value=subtitlecolorWin if obj_valid(scene) then scene->remove,/all scene=obj_new('IDLGRSCENE', color=color) subtitlecolorWin->draw, scene axissettings->GetProperty, placetitle=placetitle id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname = 'placetitle') widget_control, id, set_combobox_select=placetitle axissettings->GetProperty, titleorientation=titleorientation id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='titlehorizontal') widget_control, id, set_button=~titleorientation id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='titlevertical') widget_control, id, set_button=titleorientation titleobj->GetProperty, font=font id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='titlefont') widget_control, id, set_combobox_select=font titleobj->GetProperty, size=size id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='titlesize') widget_control, id, set_value=size titleobj->GetProperty, format=format id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='titleformat') widget_control, id, set_combobox_select=format subtitleobj->GetProperty, font=font id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='subtitlefont') widget_control, id, set_combobox_select=font subtitleobj->GetProperty, size=subsize id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='subtitlesize') widget_control, id, set_value=subsize subtitleobj->GetProperty, format=format id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='subtitleformat') widget_control, id, set_combobox_select=format titleobj->GetProperty, value=value id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='titletextedit') widget_control, id, set_value=value axissettings->GetProperty, subtitleobj=subtitleobj subtitleobj->GetProperty, value=value id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='subtitletextedit') widget_control, id, set_value=value axissettings->GetProperty, titlemargin=titlemargin id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='titlemargin') widget_control, id, set_value=titlemargin axissettings->getproperty, lazytitles = lazytitles id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='lazytitles') widget_control, id, set_button = lazytitles ;Initialize annotation font color: ;********************************* if ~statedef then Widget_Control, tlb, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy ;Only put STATE if it was not passed in. END ; ----------------------------------------- ;Get and return current axis settings object from state FUNCTION spd_ui_axis_options_getaxis, state compile_opt idl2,hidden currpanelobj = spd_ui_axis_options_getcurrentpanel(state) if ~Obj_Valid(currpanelobj) then currpanelobj=Obj_New("SPD_UI_PANEL", 1) case state.axisselect of 0: currpanelobj->GetProperty,xaxis = axissettings 1: currpanelobj->GetProperty,yaxis = axissettings endcase if ~obj_valid(axissettings) then axissettings=obj_new('SPD_UI_AXIS_SETTINGS') return, axissettings END ; ------------------------------------------- ; Get and return the panels (all) ; This is usually an IDL_container, but this is not guaranteed. function spd_ui_axis_options_getpanels, state compile_opt idl2,hidden activeWindow = state.windowStorage->GetActive() activeWindow->GetProperty, Panels=panels return, panels end ; Return the array of panel objects ; If there are no panels this will return -1 function spd_ui_axis_options_getpanelobjs, state compile_opt idl2, hidden panels = spd_ui_axis_options_getpanels(state) if obj_valid(panels) then begin panelobjs = panels->get(/All) endif else panelobjs = -1 return, panelobjs end ; Get and return current panel ; If there are no panels this will return a new panel object function spd_ui_axis_options_getcurrentpanel, state compile_opt idl2,hidden panelObjs = spd_ui_axis_options_getpanelobjs(state) if obj_valid(panelobjs[0]) then begin currpanelobj = panelobjs[state.axispanelselect] endif if ~Obj_Valid(currpanelobj) then currpanelobj=Obj_New("SPD_UI_PANEL", 1) return, currpanelobj end ;Get and return current label function spd_ui_axis_options_getcurrentlabel, state compile_opt idl2, hidden axissettings = spd_ui_axis_options_getaxis(state) axissettings->getProperty, labels=labels if obj_valid(labels) then begin currlabelobj = labels->get(position = state.labelselect) if ~obj_valid(currlabelobj) then begin currlabelobj = Obj_new("SPD_UI_TEXT", Value=' ') endif endif else currlabelobj=Obj_New("SPD_UI_TEXT", Value=' ') return, currlabelobj end ; Get scaling option from widgets and apply. ; ; This function should eventually replace the ; correstponding code in the event handler.; ; pro spd_ui_axis_options_set_scaling,tlb,state,nopopups=nopopups compile_opt idl2,hidden axissettings = spd_ui_axis_options_getaxis(state) linid = widget_info(tlb,find_by_uname='linear') logid = widget_info(tlb,find_by_uname='log10') if widget_info(linid,/button_set) then begin axissettings->setProperty,scaling=0 endif else if widget_info(logid,/button_set) then begin axissettings->setProperty,scaling=1 endif else begin axissettings->setProperty,scaling=2 endelse end ; Gets range values from widgets and applies them to the corresponding settings ; spd_ui_axis_options_set_scaling should be called first ; ; This function should eventually replace the ; correstponding code in the event handler. ; PRO spd_ui_axis_options_set_range, tlb, state,nopopups=nopopups compile_opt idl2, hidden panelObjs = spd_ui_axis_options_getpanelobjs(state) if ~Obj_valid(panelObjs[0]) then return axissettings = spd_ui_axis_options_getaxis(state) ; Retrieve scaling for later axissettings->getproperty,scaling=scaling, istimeaxis=istimeaxis ; Fixed Range ; ID = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='fixedrange') if widget_info(ID, /button_set) then begin axissettings->SetProperty,rangeoption=2 maxID = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='maxincrement') minID = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='minincrement') widget_control, minid, get_value=minv widget_control, maxid, get_value=maxv axisSettings->getProperty,minFixedRange=oldmin,maxFixedRange=oldmax if istimeaxis then begin oldmin = formatDate(oldmin, '%date/%exacttime', 0) oldmax = formatDate(oldmax, '%date/%exacttime', 0) endif if istimeaxis then begin minv = spd_ui_timefix(minv) maxv = spd_ui_timefix(maxv) if ~is_string(minv) || ~is_string(maxv) then begin if ~is_string(minv) then begin inv = 'min' widget_control, minid, set_value=oldmin minv = oldmin endif if ~is_string(maxv) then begin inv = keyword_set(inv) ? inv + ' and max':'max' widget_control,maxid, set_value=oldmax maxv = oldmax endif spd_ui_message,'Invalid fixed '+inv+'; values reset. (Must be yyyy-mm-dd/hh:mm:ss)', $ sb=state.statusBar, hw=state.historywin, dialog=~keyword_set(nopopups) endif minv = time_double(minv) maxv = time_double(maxv) endif if finite(minv,/nan) || finite(maxv,/nan) then begin if finite(minv,/nan) then begin invd = 'min' widget_control, minid, set_value=oldmin endif if finite(maxv,/nan) then begin invd = keyword_set(invd) ? ' and max':'max' widget_control, maxid, set_value=oldmax endif spd_ui_message,'Invalid fixed '+invd+'; values reset.', $ sb=state.statusbar, hw=state.historywin, dialog=~keyword_set(nopopups) endif else begin if minv ge maxv then begin spd_ui_message,'Maximum range value must be greater than minimum; values reset.', $ sb=state.statusbar, hw=state.historywin, dialog=~keyword_set(nopopups) widget_control, minid, set_value=oldmin widget_control, maxid, set_value=oldmax endif else if scaling ne 0 && minv le 0 && ~istimeaxis then begin spd_ui_message,'Range must be greater than zero for logarithmic scaling.', $ sb=state.statusbar, hw=state.historywin, dialog=~keyword_set(nopopups) newmin = (oldmin gt 0)? oldmin:1 newmax = (oldmax gt 0)? oldmax:10 widget_control, minid, set_value=newmin widget_control, maxid, set_value=newmax endif else begin axisSettings->setproperty, minfixedrange=minv axisSettings->setproperty, maxfixedrange=maxv endelse endelse ;if isTimeAxis then return ; will always be fixed for time, regardless of widget selections endif ;Auto-Range ; id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='autorange') if widget_info(ID, /button_set) then begin axissettings->SetProperty,rangeoption=0 rmarginid = widget_info(tlb,find_by_uname='rmincrement') widget_control, rmarginid, get_value = rangemargin if ~finite(rangemargin,/nan) then begin if rangemargin lt 0 then begin spd_ui_message,'Range Margin value must be greater than 0; value reset.', $ sb=state.statusbar, hw=state.historywin, dialog=~keyword_set(nopopups) axissettings->GetProperty, rangemargin=rangemargin Widget_Control, rmarginid, set_value = rangemargin*100 endif else begin axissettings->SetProperty, rangemargin = rangemargin/100 endelse endif else begin spd_ui_message,'Invalid range margin; value reset.', $ sb=state.statusbar, hw=state.historywin, dialog=~keyword_set(nopopups) axissettings->GetProperty, rangemargin=rangemargin Widget_Control, rmarginid, set_value = rangemargin*100 endelse ; Bound Scaling ; boundID = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='boundscaling') bound = widget_info(boundID, /button_set) if bound then begin minID = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='minboundrange') widget_control, minID, get_value = minboundrange maxID = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='maxboundrange') widget_control, maxID, get_value = maxboundrange if ~finite(minboundrange,/nan) && ~finite(maxboundrange,/nan) then begin if minboundrange ge maxboundrange then begin spd_ui_message,'Maximum bound scaling must be greater than minimum; values reset.', $ sb=state.statusbar, hw=state.historywin, dialog=~keyword_set(nopopups) Widget_Control, boundID, Set_Button=0 bound = 0 endif else if scaling ne 0 && maxboundrange le 0 then begin spd_ui_message,'Negative bound scaling range for a log axis. Bound scaling not used.', $ sb=state.statusbar, hw=state.historywin, dialog=~keyword_set(nopopups) Widget_Control, boundID, Set_Button=0 bound = 0 endif else begin if scaling ne 0 && minboundrange le 0 then begin spd_ui_message,'Warning: Negative minimum autoscaling range boundary set for a log axis.', $ sb=state.statusbar, hw=state.historywin endif axissettings->setproperty, maxboundrange = maxboundrange, minboundrange = minboundrange endelse endif else begin spd_ui_message,'Invalid bound range min/max, no changes made.', $ sb=state.statusbar, hw=state.historywin, dialog=~keyword_set(nopopups) widget_control, minID, set_value = 0 widget_control, maxID, set_value = 0 Widget_Control, boundID, Set_Button=0 bound=0 endelse endif axisSettings->getProperty,boundscaling=currentbound if currentBound ne bound then begin axissettings->SetProperty, boundscaling = bound spd_ui_message,'Bound scaling turned ' + (bound ? 'on.':'off.'), hw=state.historywin endif endif END ;------------------------------------------------ ; Simple routine to add the number to the front of a label eg. 1: and truncate the label ; to fit within the combobox (necessary mainly on linux to avoid combobox arrow disappearing) ; This is intended to prevent there every being identical labels stored in the combobox ; Identical or empty labels in the combobox can cause problems on linux etc. function spd_ui_axis_options_create_label_name, labelnumber, value name = strtrim(string(labelnumber +1),2) name += ': '+value[0] ; NB: the length that can be displayed varies greatly between operating system ; don't change this number without testing on both windows and linux. if strlen(name) GT 35 then name=strmid(name, 0, 35)+'...' return, name end ;------------------------------------------------ ;Applies current widget values to selected label ;Label title is applied in main event handler ; ; This function should eventually replace the ; correstponding code in the event handler. ; PRO spd_ui_axis_options_set_labels, tlb, state,nopopups=nopopups compile_opt idl2, hidden ;Get current axis settings and current panel axissettings = spd_ui_axis_options_getaxis(state) ;currpanelobj = state.panelobjs[state.axispanelselect] currpanelobj = spd_ui_axis_options_getcurrentpanel(state) ; test for validity so OK/APPLY doesn't bomb when no data loaded bck 4/1/09 if ~obj_valid(currpanelobj) then begin state.historywin->update, 'Current panel object is invalid' return endif ;Get font id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='labelfont') widget_control, id, get_value =fontlist font = widget_info(id, /combobox_gettext) font = where(fontlist eq font) ;Get format id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='labelformat') widget_control, id, get_value =formatlist format = widget_info(id, /combobox_gettext) format = where(formatlist eq format) ;Get size id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='labelsize') widget_control, id, get_value =size ;Get color id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='labelcolorwin') widget_control, id, get_value =colorwin colorwin->getProperty,graphics_tree=scene scene->getProperty,color=color ;Get margin size (to handle invalid entries) id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='labelmargin') widget_control, id, get_value = marginsize ;Set Values, sync to labels if applicable axissettings->getProperty, labels=labels if obj_valid(labels) then begin currlabelobj = labels->get(position = state.labelselect) if obj_valid(currlabelObj) then begin currlabelobj->SetProperty, font=font, format=format, color=color if state.axisselect eq 1 then begin axissettings->GetProperty, blacklabels=blacklabels, showlabels=showlabels if ~blacklabels and showlabels then currpanelobj->SyncLinesToLabels endif if ~finite(size,/nan) then begin ;size will be cast as short when added to object if fix(size) lt 1 then begin spd_ui_message,'Label Size must be greater than or equal to one; value reset.', $ sb=state.statusbar, hw=state.historywin, dialog=~keyword_set(nopopups) currlabelobj->GetProperty, size = prevsize id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='labelsize') widget_control, id, set_value =prevsize endif else currlabelobj->SetProperty, size = size endif else begin spd_ui_message,'Invalid label font size; value reset.', $ sb=state.statusbar, hw=state.historywin, dialog=~keyword_set(nopopups) currlabelobj->GetProperty, size = prevsize id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='labelsize') widget_control, id, set_value =prevsize endelse if finite(marginsize, /nan) then begin spd_ui_message,'Invalid label margin size; value reset.', $ sb=state.statusbar, hw=state.historywin, dialog=~keyword_set(nopopups) axissettings->GetProperty, margin=prevmargin id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='labelmargin') widget_control, id, set_value=prevmargin endif endif $ else state.historywin->update, 'Invalid label object' endif else state.historywin->update, 'Invalid labels object' END ;------------------------------------------------ pro spd_ui_axis_options_set_major_ticks,state,nopopups=nopopups compile_opt idl2,hidden tlb = state.tlb axissettings = spd_ui_axis_options_getaxis(state) ; only show a dialog if setting applies to a currently active choice showmessage = 1 id = widget_info(tlb,find_by_uname='bynumber') bynumberset = widget_info(id,/button_set) ;setting number of major ticks showmessage = bynumberset id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname = 'nummajorticks') widget_control,id,get_value=ticknum spd_ui_spinner_get_max_value, id, majormax if ~finite(ticknum,/nan) then begin if tickNum gt majormax then begin spd_ui_message,'Major Ticks number cannot be greater than ' + STRTRIM(string(majormax,format='(I)'),2) + '; value reset.', $ sb=state.statusbar, hw=state.historywin, $ dialog=(showmessage && ~keyword_set(nopopups)) axisSettings->getProperty,numMajorTicks=ticknum widget_control,id,set_value=ticknum endif else if tickNum lt 0 then begin spd_ui_message,'Major Ticks number cannot be less than 0; value reset.', $ sb=state.statusbar, hw=state.historywin, $ dialog=(showmessage && ~keyword_set(nopopups)) axisSettings->getProperty,numMajorTicks=0 widget_control,id,set_value=ticknum endif else begin axissettings->SetProperty, nummajorticks = ticknum endelse endif else begin spd_ui_message,'Invalid number of major ticks; value reset.', $ sb=state.statusbar, hw=state.historywin, $ dialog=(showmessage && ~keyword_set(nopopups)) axisSettings->getProperty,numMajorTicks=ticknum widget_control,id,set_value=ticknum endelse showmessage = ~bynumberset id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname = 'majortickevery') widget_control,id,get_value=majortickevery if ~finite(majortickevery,/nan) then begin if majortickevery le 0 then begin spd_ui_message,'Major tick interval must be greater than zero; value reset.', $ sb=state.statusbar, hw=state.historywin, $ dialog=(showmessage && ~keyword_set(nopopups)) ; reset value AND units axissettings->GetProperty,majorTickEvery=majorTickEvery,majorTickUnits=majorTickUnits widget_control,id,set_value=majorTickEvery id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname = 'majortickunits') widget_control, id, set_combobox_select = majortickunits endif else begin axisSettings->setProperty,majorTickEvery=majorTickEvery endelse endif else begin spd_ui_message,'Invalid major tick interval; value reset.', $ sb=state.statusbar, hw=state.historywin, $ dialog=(showmessage && ~keyword_set(nopopups)) ;reset value AND units axissettings->GetProperty,majorTickEvery=majorTickEvery, majorTickUnits=majorTickUnits widget_control,id,set_value=majorTickEvery ;units = axisSettings->getUnits() id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname = 'majortickunits') ;widget_control, id, set_value = units widget_control, id, set_combobox_select = majortickunits endelse axisSettings->setProperty,majorTickUnits=spd_ui_get_combobox_select(tlb,'majortickunits') id = widget_info(tlb,find_by_uname='bynumber') axisSettings->setProperty,majorTickAuto=widget_info(id,/button_set) end ;------------------------------------------------ pro spd_ui_axis_options_set_minor_ticks,state,nopopups=nopopups compile_opt idl2,hidden tlb = state.tlb axissettings = spd_ui_axis_options_getaxis(state) showmessage = 1 ;setting number of minor ticks id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname = 'numminorticks') showmessage = widget_info(id,/sensitive) widget_control,id,get_value=ticknum if ~finite(ticknum,/nan) then begin if tickNum lt 0 then begin spd_ui_message,'Minor Tick Number cannot be less than 0; value reset.', $ sb=state.statusbar, hw=state.historywin, $ dialog=(showmessage && ~keyword_set(nopopups)) axisSettings->getProperty,numminorTicks=ticknum widget_control,id,set_value=ticknum endif else if tickNum gt 2ll^63-1 then begin ;(2ll^63-1 rolls over to the maximum positive signed 64 bit integer, 2's complement FTW) spd_ui_message,strtrim(tickNum,2) + ' is waaaaaay too many minor ticks. Try something smaller.', $ sb=state.statusbar, hw=state.historywin, $ dialog=(showmessage && ~keyword_set(nopopups)) axisSettings->getProperty,numminorTicks=ticknum widget_control,id,set_value=ticknum endif else begin axissettings->SetProperty, numminorticks = ticknum endelse endif else begin spd_ui_message,'Invalid number of minor ticks, no changes made.', $ sb=state.statusbar, hw=state.historywin, $ dialog=(showmessage && ~keyword_set(nopopups)) axisSettings->getProperty, numminorticks = ticknum widget_control, id, set_value = ticknum endelse for i = 0,3 do begin id = widget_info(tlb,find_by_uname='logminorticktype'+strtrim(i,2)) if widget_info(id,/button_set) then begin axisSettings->setProperty,logminorticktype=i endif endfor ;ensure that minor ticks are on auto axisSettings->setProperty,minorTickAuto=1 end ;------------------------------------------------ pro spd_ui_axis_options_set_first_ticks,state,nopopups=nopopups compile_opt idl2,hidden tlb = state.tlb axissettings = spd_ui_axis_options_getaxis(state) axissettings->GetProperty, istimeaxis=istime, maxfixedrange=maxfixedrange id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname = 'firsttickat') widget_control,id,get_value=firsttickat f = 'Align ticks at' showmessage = 1 bid = widget_info(tlb,find_by_uname='bynumber') bynumberset = widget_info(bid,/button_set) showmessage=~bynumberset ;If dealing with time axis if istime then begin if ~is_string(spd_ui_timefix(firsttickat)) then begin spd_ui_message,f+': Invalid entry; value reset. (Must be yyyy-mm-dd/hh:mm:ss)', $ sb=state.statusbar, hw=state.historywin, /dontshow, $ dialog=(showmessage && ~keyword_set(nopopups)) axissettings->GetProperty,firsttickat=firsttickat widget_control,id,set_value=time_string(firsttickat) endif else begin axisSettings->setProperty,firsttickat=time_double(spd_ui_timefix(firsttickat)) endelse ;If dealing with non-time axis endif else if finite(firsttickat) then begin axisSettings->setProperty,firsttickat=firsttickat endif else begin spd_ui_message,'Invalid "'+f+'"; no changes made.', $ sb=state.statusbar, hw=state.historywin, /dontshow, $ dialog=(showmessage && ~keyword_set(nopopups)) endelse end ;------------------------------------------------ ; Set currect ticks options ; ; This function should eventually replace the ; correstponding code in the event handler. ; ; nopopups: Set methods sometimes get called when not on an ok or apply. ; To prevent annoyance, these actions won't trigger popup messages pro spd_ui_axis_options_set_ticks,tlb,state,nopopups=nopopups compile_opt idl2,hidden panelObjs = spd_ui_axis_options_getpanelobjs(state) if ~Obj_valid(panelObjs[0]) then return axissettings = spd_ui_axis_options_getaxis(state) ;set major tick settings spd_ui_axis_options_set_major_ticks,state,nopopups=nopopups ;set minor tick settings spd_ui_axis_options_set_minor_ticks,state,nopopups=nopopups ;set first tick settings spd_ui_axis_options_set_first_ticks,state,nopopups=nopopups ;set 'Nice ticks' button id = widget_info(tlb,find_by_uname='niceticks') ;must be set to zero when not sensitive until new behavior ;is implemented, otherwise will override other settings axissettings->setproperty, autoticks = widget_info(id,/button_set) axissettings->setProperty,tickStyle=spd_ui_get_combobox_select(tlb,'tickstyle') ;tick placement options id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname = 'bottomplace') axissettings->SetProperty, bottomplacement = widget_info(id,/button_set) id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname = 'topplace') axissettings->SetProperty, topplacement = widget_info(id,/button_set) ;tick length options ; 2011-06-24 lphilpott ; Adding code to issue dialog messages for invalid major and minor tick LENGTHS ; This will mean the user can't set an invalid entry and click okay without being ; informed that their entry will be ignored. id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname = 'majorlength') widget_control, id, get_value=value spd_ui_spinner_get_max_value, id, majormax if ~finite(value,/nan) then begin if value gt majormax then begin spd_ui_message,'Major tick length must be less than or equal to ' + STRTRIM(string(majormax,format='(I)'),2) + '; value reset.', $ sb=state.statusbar, hw=state.historywin, dialog=~keyword_set(nopopups) axisSettings->getProperty, majorlength = prevvalue if prevvalue gt majormax then prevvalue = majormax widget_control, id, set_value=STRTRIM(string(prevvalue,format='(I)'),2) endif else if value lt 0. then begin spd_ui_message,'Major tick length must be greater than or equal to 0; value reset.', $ sb=state.statusbar, hw=state.historywin, dialog=~keyword_set(nopopups) axisSettings->getProperty, majorlength = prevvalue if prevvalue lt 0 then prevvalue = 0 widget_control, id, set_value=prevvalue endif else begin axisSettings->setProperty, majorlength = value endelse endif else begin spd_ui_message,'Invalid major tick length; value reset.', $ sb=state.statusbar, hw=state.historywin, dialog=~keyword_set(nopopups) axisSettings->getProperty, majorlength = prevvalue widget_control, id, set_value=prevvalue endelse id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname = 'minorlength') widget_control, id, get_value=value spd_ui_spinner_get_max_value, id, majormax if ~finite(value,/nan) then begin if value gt majormax then begin spd_ui_message,'Minor tick length must be less than or equal to ' + STRTRIM(string(majormax,format='(I)'),2) + '; value reset.', $ sb=state.statusbar, hw=state.historywin, dialog=~keyword_set(nopopups) axisSettings->getProperty, minorlength = prevvalue if prevvalue gt majormax then prevvalue = majormax widget_control, id, set_value=prevvalue endif else if value lt 0. then begin spd_ui_message,'Minor tick length must be greater than or equal to 0; value reset.', $ sb=state.statusbar, hw=state.historywin, dialog=~keyword_set(nopopups) axisSettings->getProperty, minorlength = prevvalue if prevvalue lt 0 then prevvalue = 0 widget_control, id, set_value=prevvalue endif else begin axisSettings->setProperty, minorlength = value endelse endif else begin spd_ui_message,'Invalid minor tick length; value reset.', $ sb=state.statusbar, hw=state.historywin, dialog=~keyword_set(nopopups) axisSettings->getProperty, minorlength = prevvalue widget_control, id, set_value=prevvalue endelse end ;Get annotation settings and apply ;Only does first annotation at the moment ; ; This function should eventually replace the ; correstponding code in the event handler. ; pro spd_ui_axis_options_set_annotations,tlb,state,nopopups=nopopups compile_opt idl2, hidden panelobjs = spd_ui_axis_options_getpanelobjs(state) if ~Obj_valid(panelObjs[0]) then return axissettings = spd_ui_axis_options_getaxis(state) ; Check font size is valid id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='anofontsize') widget_control, id, get_value=anofontsize if anofontsize lt 1 then begin spd_ui_message,'Annotation font size must be greater than or equal to one; value reset.', $ sb=state.statusbar, hw=state.historywin, dialog=~keyword_set(nopopups) axissettings->GetProperty, annotatetextobject = annotatetextobject annotatetextobject->GetProperty, size = prevanofontsize widget_control, id, set_value=prevanofontsize endif else if finite(anofontsize, /nan) then begin spd_ui_message,'Invalid annotation font size; value reset.', $ sb=state.statusbar, hw=state.historywin, dialog=~keyword_set(nopopups) axissettings->GetProperty, annotatetextobject = annotatetextobject annotatetextobject->GetProperty, size = prevanofontsize widget_control, id, set_value=prevanofontsize endif else begin;set a valid font size axissettings->GetProperty, annotatetextobject = annotatetextobject annotatetextobject->SetProperty, size = anofontsize endelse ; Check annotate every is valid id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='annotateevery') widget_control, id, get_value=aneveryvalue if aneveryvalue le 0 then begin spd_ui_message,'Annotate every value must be greater than zero; value reset.', $ sb=state.statusbar, hw=state.historywin, dialog=~keyword_set(nopopups) axissettings->GetProperty, annotateevery = prevaneveryvalue widget_control, id, set_value=prevaneveryvalue endif else if finite(aneveryvalue, /nan) then begin spd_ui_message,'Invalid annotate every value; value reset.', $ sb=state.statusbar, hw=state.historywin, dialog=~keyword_set(nopopups) axissettings->GetProperty, annotateevery = prevaneveryvalue widget_control, id, set_value=prevaneveryvalue endif firstannotationid = widget_info(tlb,find_by_uname='firstannotation') widget_control,firstannotationid,get_value=firstannotation axissettings->GetProperty, istimeaxis=istime, maxfixedrange=maxfixedrange axissettings->GetProperty, annotatemajorticks=annotatemajorticks axissettings->GetProperty, annotateaxis=annotateaxis f = 'Align Annotations at' ;If dealing with time axis if istime then begin firstannotation = spd_ui_timefix(firstannotation) if ~is_string(firstannotation) then begin spd_ui_message,f+': Invalid entry; value reset. (Must be yyyy-mm-dd/hh:mm:ss)', $ sb=state.statusbar, hw=state.historywin, /dontshow, dialog=~keyword_set(nopopups) axissettings->GetProperty,firstannotation=firstannotation widget_control,firstannotationid,set_value=time_string(firstannotation) endif else if annotateaxis and ~annotatemajorticks and (time_double(firstannotation) gt maxfixedrange) then begin spd_ui_message,f+': Invalid entry, value cannot be greater than range.', $ sb=state.statusbar, hw=state.historywin, /dontshow, dialog=~keyword_set(nopopups) axissettings->GetProperty,firstannotation=firstannotation widget_control,firstannotationid,set_value=time_string(firstannotation) endif else begin axisSettings->setProperty,firstannotation=time_double(firstannotation) endelse ;If dealing with non-time axis endif else if finite(firstannotation) then begin if annotateaxis and ~annotatemajorticks and (firstannotation gt maxfixedrange) then begin spd_ui_message,f+': Invalid entry, value cannot be greater than range.', $ sb=state.statusbar, hw=state.historywin, /dontshow, dialog=~keyword_set(nopopups) endif else begin axisSettings->setProperty,firstannotation=firstannotation endelse endif else begin spd_ui_message,'Invalid "'+f+'" value; value reset.', $ sb=state.statusbar, hw=state.historywin, /dontshow, dialog=~keyword_set(nopopups) axisSettings->getProperty,firstannotation=prevfirstannotation widget_control,firstannotationid,set_value=prevfirstannotation endelse end ;------------------------------- ; Get grid options from widgets and apply. ; ; This function should eventually replace the ; correstponding code in the event handler. ; pro spd_ui_axis_options_set_grids, tlb, state,nopopups=nopopups compile_opt idl2, hidden panelObjs = spd_ui_axis_options_getpanelobjs(state) if ~Obj_valid(panelObjs[0]) then return axissettings = spd_ui_axis_options_getaxis(state) currpanelobj = spd_ui_axis_options_getcurrentpanel(state) currpanelobj->GetProperty, settings=panelsettings ;outline thickness ; id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname = 'outlinethick') ; widget_control, id, get_value=outlinethick ; if outlinethick lt 1. or outlinethick gt 10 or ~finite(outlinethick) then begin ; messageString = finite(outlinethick) ? 'Frame thickness must be between 1 and 10; value reset.': $ ; 'Invalid frame thickness; value reset.' ; if ~keyword_set(nopopups) then begin ; response = dialog_message(messageString, /CENTER) ; endif ; state.statusbar->update,messageString ; state.historywin->update,messageString ; panelsettings->GetProperty, framethick=prevoutlinethick ; widget_control, id, set_value=prevoutlinethick ; endif else begin ; panelsettings->SetProperty, framethick=outlinethick ; endelse ;major grid thickness showmessage = 1 axissettings->GetProperty, majorgrid=majorgrid majorgrid->GetProperty, show=showmessage id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname = 'majorgridthick') widget_control, id, get_value=majorgridthick if majorgridthick lt 1. or majorgridthick gt 10 or ~finite(majorgridthick) then begin messageString = finite(majorgridthick) ? 'Major grid thickness must be between 1 and 10; value reset.': $ 'Invalid major grid thickness; value reset.' spd_ui_message, messageString, sb=state.statusbar, hw=state.historywin, $ dialog=(showmessage && ~keyword_set(nopopups)) majorgrid->GetProperty, thickness=prevmajorthick widget_control, id, set_value=prevmajorthick endif else begin majorgrid->SetProperty, thickness=majorgridthick endelse ;minor grid thickness id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname = 'minorgridthick') widget_control, id, get_value=minorgridthick showmessage = 1 axissettings->GetProperty, minorgrid=minorgrid minorgrid->GetProperty, show=showmessage if minorgridthick lt 1. or minorgridthick gt 10 or ~finite(minorgridthick) then begin messageString = finite(minorgridthick) ? 'Minor grid thickness must be between 1 and 10; value reset.': $ 'Invalid minor grid thickness; value reset.' spd_ui_message, messageString, sb=state.statusbar, hw=state.historywin, $ dialog=(showmessage && ~keyword_set(nopopups)) minorgrid->GetProperty, thickness=prevminorthick widget_control, id, set_value=prevminorthick endif else begin minorgrid->SetProperty, thickness=minorgridthick endelse end ;------------------------ pro spd_ui_axis_options_set_title, tlb, state,nopopups=nopopups compile_opt idl2, hidden ;Get current axis settings and current panel axissettings = spd_ui_axis_options_getaxis(state) ;currpanelobj = state.panelobjs[state.axispanelselect] currpanelobj = spd_ui_axis_options_getcurrentpanel(state) if ~obj_valid(currpanelobj) then begin state.historywin->update, 'Current panel object is invalid' return endif ;Get title id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='titletextedit') widget_control, id, get_value = title ;Get title font id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='titlefont') widget_control, id, get_value =fontlist font = widget_info(id, /combobox_gettext) font = where(fontlist eq font) ;Get title format id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='titleformat') widget_control, id, get_value =formatlist format = widget_info(id, /combobox_gettext) format = where(formatlist eq format) axissettings->getProperty, titleobj=titleobj, subtitleobj=subtitleobj titleobj->SetProperty, value=title, font=font, format=format ;Get subtitle id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='subtitletextedit') widget_control, id, get_value = subtitle ;Get subtitle font id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='subtitlefont') widget_control, id, get_value =fontlist font = widget_info(id, /combobox_gettext) font = where(fontlist eq font) ;Get subtitle format id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='subtitleformat') widget_control, id, get_value =formatlist format = widget_info(id, /combobox_gettext) format = where(formatlist eq format) subtitleobj->SetProperty, value=subtitle, font=font, format=format ;Get title size (to handle invalid entries) id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='titlesize') widget_control, id, get_value =size ;Get subtitle size (to handle invalid entries) id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='subtitlesize') widget_control, id, get_value =subsize ;Get margin size (to handle invalid entries) id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='titlemargin') widget_control, id, get_value = marginsize ; check for invalid entries ;check title size if ~finite(size,/nan) then begin ;size will be cast as short when added to object if fix(size) le 0 then begin spd_ui_message,'Title font size must be greater than zero; value reset.', $ sb=state.statusbar, hw=state.historywin, dialog=~keyword_set(nopopups) titleobj->GetProperty, size = prevsize id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='titlesize') widget_control, id, set_value =prevsize endif else begin titleobj->SetProperty, size = size endelse endif else begin spd_ui_message,'Invalid title font size; value reset.', $ sb=state.statusbar, hw=state.historywin, dialog=~keyword_set(nopopups) titleobj->GetProperty, size = prevsize id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='titlesize') widget_control, id, set_value =prevsize endelse ;check subtitle size if ~finite(subsize,/nan) then begin ;size will be cast as short when added to object if fix(subsize) le 0 then begin spd_ui_message,'Subtitle font size must be greater than zero; value reset.', $ sb=state.statusbar, hw=state.historywin, dialog=~keyword_set(nopopups) subtitleobj->GetProperty, size = prevsize id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='subtitlesize') widget_control, id, set_value =prevsize endif else begin subtitleobj->SetProperty, size = subsize endelse endif else begin spd_ui_message,'Invalid subtitle font size; value reset.', $ sb=state.statusbar, hw=state.historywin, dialog=~keyword_set(nopopups) subtitleobj->GetProperty, size = prevsize id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='subtitlesize') widget_control, id, set_value =prevsize endelse if finite(marginsize, /nan) then begin spd_ui_message,'Invalid title margin size; value reset.', $ sb=state.statusbar, hw=state.historywin, dialog=~keyword_set(nopopups) axissettings->GetProperty, titlemargin=prevmargin id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='titlemargin') widget_control, id, set_value=prevmargin endif else axissettings->setProperty, titlemargin=marginsize ; colour, placement and orientation are handled in main event handler end ;nopopups: Set methods sometimes get called when not on an ok or apply. To prevent annoyance, these actions won't trigger popup messages PRO spd_ui_axis_options_setvalues, tlb, state,nopopups=nopopups compile_opt idl2, hidden ; Get current scaling spd_ui_axis_options_set_scaling, tlb, state,nopopups=nopopups ; Get current range settings and apply spd_ui_axis_options_set_range, tlb, state,nopopups=nopopups ;get current tick settings and apply spd_ui_axis_options_set_ticks, tlb,state,nopopups=nopopups ; Get current label settings and apply spd_ui_axis_options_set_labels, tlb, state,nopopups=nopopups ;Get current annotation settings and apply spd_ui_axis_options_set_annotations,tlb,state,nopopups=nopopups ;Get current grid settings and apply (currently just checks spinner values are valid) spd_ui_axis_options_set_grids, tlb, state,nopopups=nopopups ;Get current title settings and apply spd_ui_axis_options_set_title, tlb, state, nopopups=nopopups return END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Update appropriate widgets when switching scaling (e.g. linear, log10, natural log) ; pro spd_ui_axis_options_update_scaling, state, axissettings, linear=linear, log10=log10, natural_log=natural_log compile_opt idl2, hidden ; Set scaling specific variables ; if keyword_set(linear) then begin if ~undefined(linear) then begin scaling = 0 def_range = [0,0] * !values.d_nan msg = 'Linear' endif ; if keyword_set(log10) then begin if ~undefined(log10) then begin scaling = 1 def_range = [0,0] msg = 'Log 10' endif ; if keyword_set(natural_log) then begin if ~undefined(natural_log) then begin scaling = 2 def_range = [0,0] msg = 'Natural Log' endif ; Apply selected options axissettings->SetProperty,scaling=scaling ; Update spinner min/max values for non-time axes is_time = widget_info(state.tlb,find_by_uname='istime') if ~widget_info(is_time,/button_set) then begin spd_ui_spinner_set_min_value, widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'minincrement'), def_range[0] spd_ui_spinner_set_min_value, widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'maxincrement'), def_range[1] endif ; Sensitize other widgets as needed id = widget_info(state.tlb,find_by_uname='logminorticktypebase') widget_control, id, sensitive = (scaling gt 0) spd_ui_axis_update_units,state state.historywin->Update, msg+' scaling selected' end ; Modified so that currlabelobj is no longer a pointer (lphilpott 7/26/2011) PRO spd_ui_axis_options_update_labels, tlb, axissettings, currlabelobj, labelcolorwindow compile_opt idl2, hidden axissettings->GetProperty, orientation=orientation, margin = margin if obj_valid(currlabelobj) && (n_elements(currlabelobj) gt 0) then begin currlabelobj->GetProperty, font=font, format=format, size=size, color=color, value=value, show=show ;Text Options id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='labeltextedit') widget_control, id, set_value=value id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='labelfont') widget_control, id, set_combobox_select=font id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='labelformat') widget_control, id, set_combobox_select=format id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='labelsize') widget_control, id, set_value=size ;Show id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='showlabel') widget_control, id, set_button=show endif ;Color window Widget_Control, labelcolorWindow, Get_Value=labelcolorWin labelcolorwin->getproperty, graphics_tree=scene if obj_valid(scene) then begin scene->remove,/all scene->setproperty, color=reform(color) endif else begin scene=obj_new('IDLGRSCENE', color=reform(color)) labelcolorwin->setproperty, graphics_tree=scene endelse labelcolorWin->draw, scene ;Style id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='labelhorizontal') widget_control, id, set_button=~orientation id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='labelvertical') widget_control, id, set_button=orientation id = widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='labelmargin') widget_control, id, set_value=margin END ;--------------------------------------------------------- ; Event Handler ; ------------- ; The code contained here should mainly be for: ; -widget updates ; -output to the user ; Ideally changes to the axis options object should occur in ; helper procedures contained above. ; PRO spd_ui_axis_options_event, event Compile_Opt idl2,hidden ; Get State structure from top level base Widget_Control, event.TOP, Get_UValue=state, /No_Copy ; Catch block for any errors that occur while processing events. err_xxx = 0 Catch, err_xxx IF (err_xxx NE 0) THEN BEGIN Catch, /Cancel Help, /Last_Message, Output = err_msg spd_ui_sbar_hwin_update, state, err_msg, /error, err_msgbox_title='Error in Axis Options' Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy widget_control, event.top,/destroy RETURN ENDIF ;currpanelobj = state.panelobjs[state.axispanelselect] currpanelobj = spd_ui_axis_options_getcurrentpanel(state) ;kill request block IF (Tag_Names(event, /Structure_Name) EQ 'WIDGET_KILL_REQUEST') THEN BEGIN state.statusbar->Update, 'Widget kill request received...' state.historyWin->Update, 'Widget kill request received...' ;Call reset method on the settings object for every panel: ;********************************************************* ; (state.windowStorage->getActive())->reset ; IF Obj_Valid(state.panelObjs[0]) THEN BEGIN ; for i=0,n_elements(state.panelobjs)-1 do state.panelobjs[i]->reset ; ENDIF ;IF Obj_Valid(state.infoaxissettings) THEN state.infoaxissettings->reset state.statusbar->Update, 'Panels reset.' state.historyWin->Update, 'Panels reset.' state.drawObject->update, state.windowStorage, state.loadedData state.drawObject->draw state.scrollbar->update state.statusbar->Update, 'Active window refreshed.' state.historyWin->Update, 'Active window refreshed.' state.statusbar->Update, 'Closing Axis Options widget... state.historyWin->Update, 'Closing Axis Options widget... dprint, dlevel=4, 'Closing Axis Options widget... state.tlb_statusbar->Update, 'Axis Options closed' dprint, dlevel=4, 'widget killed' Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy Widget_Control, event.top, /Destroy RETURN ENDIF ;deal with tabs IF (Tag_Names(event, /Structure_Name) EQ 'WIDGET_TAB') THEN BEGIN Widget_Control, state.panelDroplists[event.tab], set_combobox_select = state.axispanelselect Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy RETURN EndIF ; Get settings for current axis (once per event call) axissettings = spd_ui_axis_options_getaxis(state) ; Get the instructions from the widget causing the event and act on them. Widget_Control, event.id, Get_UValue=uval IF Size(uval, /Type) NE 0 THEN BEGIN state.historyWin->Update,'SPD_UI_AXIS_OPTIONS: User value: '+uval, /dontshow CASE uval OF 'APPLYTOALL': BEGIN ; *************************************************************** ; old way of doing things: spd_ui_axis_options_setvalues, state.tlb, state tabid = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='tabs',/TAB_CURRENT) tid = widget_info(tabid, /TAB_CURRENT) ;widget_control, state.tabbase, update=0 ; widget_control, tabid, get_value=tabval spd_ui_propagate_axis,state,tid ;favoring a delayed axis propagation over immediate to simplify code state.drawObject->update, state.windowStorage, state.loadedData, error=draw_error, errmsg=errmsg if draw_error ne 0 then begin ; Issue a dialog message to the user if one has been defined for this error type. if keyword_set(errmsg) then begin if in_set('TYPE', tag_names(errmsg)) then begin if strupcase(errmsg.type) eq 'ERROR' then begin if in_set('VALUE', tag_names(errmsg)) then begin ok = dialog_message('Error: '+errmsg.value+' Changes reset.',/center) endif endif endif endif (state.windowStorage->getActive())->reset spd_ui_init_axis_window, state = state state.drawObject->update, state.windowStorage, state.loadedData currentwin=state.windowStorage->getActive() currentwin->getProperty, panels=panels ;update fixed range to match the auto or floating range value ;attempt to ensure it doesn't reset fixed min/max to 1970 spd_ui_update_axis_from_draw,state.drawObject,panels state.historyWin->Update, 'Draw object update error, changes reset.' endif else begin currentwin=state.windowStorage->getActive() currentwin->getProperty, panels=panels spd_ui_update_axis_from_draw,state.drawObject,panels state.statusBar->update,'Changes applied to all Panels.' state.historyWin->update,'Changes applied to all Panels.' endelse ; *************************************************************** spd_ui_init_axis_window, state = state ; print, 'Applying ' + state.last_change + ' to all panels' ; spd_ui_axis_options_apply_to_all, state ; state.drawObject->update, state.windowStorage, state.loadedData, error=draw_error, errmsg=errmsg ; (state.windowStorage->getActive())->reset state.drawObject->draw ; state.scrollbar->update state.historyWin->Update, 'Active window refreshed.' end 'APPLY': BEGIN spd_ui_axis_options_setvalues, state.tlb, state ; spd_ui_propagate_axis,state,0 ;favoring a delayed axis propagation over immediate to simplify code state.drawObject->update, state.windowStorage, state.loadedData, error=draw_error, errmsg=errmsg if draw_error ne 0 then begin ; if Obj_Valid(state.panelObjs[0]) then begin ; for i=0,n_elements(state.panelobjs)-1 do state.panelobjs[i]->reset ; endif ; Issue a dialog message to the user if one has been defined for this error type. if keyword_set(errmsg) then begin if in_set('TYPE', tag_names(errmsg)) then begin if strupcase(errmsg.type) eq 'ERROR' then begin if in_set('VALUE', tag_names(errmsg)) then begin ok = dialog_message('Error: '+errmsg.value+' Changes reset.',/center) endif endif endif endif (state.windowStorage->getActive())->reset ; if Obj_Valid(state.infoaxissettings) then state.infoaxissettings->reset spd_ui_init_axis_window, state = state state.drawObject->update, state.windowStorage, state.loadedData ;(4259b) axis settings were no longer propagating through to the windowStorage following a draw error ; This is a temporary fix. Ultimately it might be good to always get the panel/axis information directly ; from the active window rather than storing multiple copies of stuff. currentwin=state.windowStorage->getActive() currentwin->getProperty, panels=panels ; panelObjs=panels->get(/All) ; state.panels = panels ; state.panelObjs=panelObjs ;update fixed range to match the auto or floating range value ;attempt to ensure it doesn't reset fixed min/max to 1970 spd_ui_update_axis_from_draw,state.drawObject,panels state.historyWin->Update, 'Draw object update error, changes reset.' endif else begin currentwin=state.windowStorage->getActive() currentwin->getProperty, panels=panels spd_ui_update_axis_from_draw,state.drawObject,panels spd_ui_message,'Changes applied.', hw=state.historywin endelse spd_ui_init_axis_window, state = state state.drawObject->draw state.scrollbar->update state.historyWin->Update, 'Active window refreshed.' END 'CANC': Begin ;Call reset method on the settings object for every panel: ;********************************************************* ; ; IF Obj_Valid(state.panelObjs[0]) THEN BEGIN ; for i=0,n_elements(state.panelobjs)-1 do state.panelobjs[i]->reset ; ENDIF (state.windowStorage->getActive())->reset ; IF Obj_Valid(state.infoaxissettings) THEN state.infoaxissettings->reset state.statusbar->Update, 'Panels reset.' state.historyWin->Update, 'Panels reset.' state.drawObject->update, state.windowStorage, state.loadedData state.drawObject->draw state.scrollbar->update state.statusbar->Update, 'Active window refreshed.' state.historyWin->Update, 'Active window refreshed.' state.statusbar->Update, 'Closing Axis Options widget... state.historyWin->Update, 'Closing Axis Options widget... dprint, dlevel=4, 'Closing Axis Options widget... state.tlb_statusbar->Update, 'Axis Options canceled' Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy Widget_Control, event.top, /Destroy RETURN END 'OK': BEGIN ;Exit widget: ;************ spd_ui_axis_options_setvalues, state.tlb, state ; spd_ui_propagate_axis,state,0 ;favoring a delayed axis propagation over immediate to simplify code state.drawObject->update, state.windowStorage, state.loadedData, error=draw_error, errmsg=errmsg if draw_error ne 0 then begin ; if Obj_Valid(state.panelObjs[0]) then begin ; for i=0,n_elements(state.panelobjs)-1 do state.panelobjs[i]->reset ; endif ; Issue a dialog message to the user if one has been defined for this error type. if keyword_set(errmsg) then begin if in_set('TYPE', tag_names(errmsg)) then begin if strupcase(errmsg.type) eq 'ERROR' then begin if in_set('VALUE', tag_names(errmsg)) then begin ok = dialog_message('Error: '+errmsg.value+' Changes reset.',/center) endif endif endif endif (state.windowStorage->getActive())->reset ; if Obj_Valid(state.infoaxissettings) then state.infoaxissettings->reset spd_ui_init_axis_window, state = state state.drawObject->update, state.windowStorage, state.loadedData ;update fixed range to match the auto or floating range value panels = spd_ui_axis_options_getpanels(state) spd_ui_update_axis_from_draw,state.drawObject,panels state.historyWin->Update, 'Draw object update error, changes reset.' endif else begin panels = spd_ui_axis_options_getpanels(state) spd_ui_update_axis_from_draw,state.drawObject,panels endelse ; panelObjs = spd_ui_axis_options_getpanelobjs(state) ; IF Obj_Valid(state.panelObjs[0]) THEN BEGIN ; for i=0,n_elements(state.panelobjs)-1 do state.panelobjs[i]->setTouched ; ENDIF ; if Obj_valid(panelObjs[0]) then begin ; for i=0, n_elements(panelobjs)-1 do panelobjs[i]->setTouched ; endif state.drawObject->draw state.scrollbar->update state.statusbar->Update, 'Active window refreshed.' state.historyWin->Update, 'Active window refreshed.' dprint, dlevel=4, 'Active window refreshed.' state.statusbar->Update, 'Closing Axis Options widget...' state.historyWin->Update, 'Closing Axis Options widget...' dprint, dlevel=4, 'Closing Axis Options widget...' state.tlb_statusbar->update, 'Axis Options closed' Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy Widget_Control, event.top, /Destroy RETURN END 'TEMP':begin ;make sure internal state is updated before save spd_ui_axis_options_setvalues, state.tlb, state ; spd_ui_propagate_axis,state,0 ;favoring a delayed axis propagation over immediate to simplify code ;panels = spd_ui_axis_options_getpanels(state) panelObjs = spd_ui_axis_options_getpanelobjs(state) if Obj_valid(panelObjs[0]) then begin for i=0, n_elements(panelobjs)-1 do panelobjs[i]->setTouched endif ; IF Obj_Valid(state.panelObjs[0]) THEN BEGIN ; for i=0,n_elements(state.panelobjs)-1 do state.panelobjs[i]->setTouched ; ENDIF if obj_valid(panelObjs[state.axispanelselect]) then begin if state.axisselect eq 0 then begin state.template->setProperty,x_axis=axissettings->copy() axis_string = 'X' endif else begin state.template->setProperty,y_axis=axissettings->copy() axis_string = 'Y' endelse state.statusbar->update,'Current '+axis_string+'-Axis options stored for use in a Template' state.historywin->update,'Current '+axis_string+'-Axis options stored for use in a Template' messageString = 'These values have now been stored!' + string(10B) + string(10B) + 'To save them in a template, click File->Graph Options Template->Save Template' response=dialog_message(messageString,/CENTER, /information) endif else begin state.statusbar->update,'Cannot store options. Needs a valid panel to save axis options for a template.' state.historywin->update,'Cannot store options. Needs a valid panel to save axis options for a template.' endelse ;not sure if this is necessary spd_ui_init_axis_window, state = state end ;****************************************************************************** ;Panel drop list ;****************************************************************************** ;Multiple widgets have the same uvalue and trigger the same event ;The repeated code for each panel was making maintenance more difficult 'PANELDROPLIST' : begin spd_ui_axis_options_setvalues, state.tlb, state,/nopopups state.axispanelselect = event.index ;currpanelobj = spd_ui_axis_options_getcurrentpanel(state) state.labelselect=0 spd_ui_init_axis_window , state = state ; state.statusBar->Update, 'Panel selected' state.historywin->Update, 'Panel selected' end ;****************************************************************************** ; Annotation Options ;****************************************************************************** 'AAUTO': if event.select eq 1 then begin axissettings->setproperty, AnnotateExponent=0 ; state.statusbar->update,'Auto-Notation selected' state.historywin->update,'Auto-Notation selected' end 'ADBL': if event.select eq 1 then begin axissettings->setproperty, AnnotateExponent=1 ; state.statusbar->update,'Decimal Notation selected' state.historywin->update,'Decimal Notation selected' end 'AEXP': if event.select eq 1 then begin axissettings->setproperty, AnnotateExponent=2 ; state.statusbar->update,'Scientific Notation selected' state.historywin->update,'Scientific Notation selected' end 'HEXNOT': if event.select eq 1 then begin axissettings->setproperty, AnnotateExponent=4 ; state.statusbar->update,'Scientific Notation selected' state.historywin->update,'Hexadecimal Notation selected' end 'LINEATZERO': BEGIN axissettings->SetProperty, lineatzero=event.select ; state.statusbar->update,'Draw Line at Zero toggled' state.historywin->update,'Draw Line at Zero toggled' END 'SHOWDATE': BEGIN axissettings->SetProperty, showdate=event.select id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='anodatebase') if event.select then begin widget_control, id, /sensitive endif else begin widget_control, id, sensitive=0 endelse ; state.statusbar->update,'Show Date toggled' state.historywin->update,'Show Date toggled' END 'ANODATE1': BEGIN widget_control, event.id, get_value=value axissettings->SetProperty, datestring1=value ; state.statusbar->update,'Annotate First toggled' state.historywin->update,'Annotate First toggled' END 'ANODATE2': BEGIN widget_control, event.id, get_value=value axissettings->SetProperty, datestring2=value ; state.statusbar->update,'Annotate Last toggled' state.historywin->update,'Annotate Last toggled' END 'ANODATEPREVIEW': BEGIN axissettings->GetProperty, dateString1=datestring1, dateString2=datestring2 ;panels = spd_ui_axis_options_getpanels(state) panelObjs = spd_ui_axis_options_getpanelobjs(state) IF ~in_set(Obj_Valid(panelObjs),'0') THEN BEGIN info = state.drawObject->GetPanelInfo(state.axispanelselect) line1 = formatdate(info.xrange[0], datestring1, info.xscale) line2 = formatdate(info.xrange[0], datestring2, info.xscale) preview = line1 + ssl_newline() + line2 id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='anodatepreviewtext') widget_control, id, set_value=preview ; state.statusbar->update,'Annotate Preview selected' state.historywin->update,'Annotate Preview selected' ENDIF END 'ANNOTATEAXIS': BEGIN axissettings->SetProperty, annotateaxis=event.select id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='annoaxisbase') if event.select then begin widget_control, id, /sensitive endif else begin widget_control, id, sensitive=0 endelse ; state.statusbar->update,'Annotate Along Axis toggled' state.historywin->update,'Annotate Along Axis toggled' END 'PLACEANNOTATION':BEGIN axissettings->SetProperty, placeannotation=event.index ; state.statusbar->Update, 'Annotation placement updated to "'+event.str+'".' state.historyWin->Update, 'Annotation placement updated to "'+event.str+'".' ;this only works for X axis as GetPlacement returns top or bottom ;state.statusbar->Update, 'Annotation placement updated to "'+axissettings->GetPlacement(event.index)+'".' ;state.historyWin->Update, 'Annotation placement updated to "'+axissettings->GetPlacement(event.index)+'".' END 'ANNOTATEMAJORTICKS': BEGIN axissettings->SetProperty, annotatemajorticks=event.select id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='annomajorbase') if event.select then begin widget_control, id, sensitive=0 endif else begin widget_control, id, /sensitive endelse ; state.statusbar->update,'Annotate Major Ticks toggled' state.historywin->update,'Annotate Major Ticks toggled' END 'ANNOTATEEVERY':BEGIN if event.valid then begin if event.value le 0 then begin state.statusBar->Update, 'Annotate Every must be greater than zero.' endif else begin axissettings->SetProperty, annotateevery = event.value ; state.statusBar->Update, 'Annotate every value changed.' state.historywin->Update, 'Annotate every value changed.' endelse endif else if finite(event.value,/nan) then begin state.statusBar->Update, 'Invalid annotate every value, please re-enter.' endif else state.statusBar->Update, 'Annotate every value must be greater than zero.' END 'ANNOTATEUNITS':BEGIN axissettings->GetProperty, $ annotateevery = annotateevery, $ annotateUnits = annotateUnits annotateEvery = spd_ui_axis_options_convert_units(annotateEvery,annotateUnits) annotateEvery = spd_ui_axis_options_convert_units(annotateEvery,event.index,/fromSeconds) axissettings->SetProperty, annotateunits=event.index,annotateEvery=annotateEvery spd_ui_init_axis_window , state = state ; state.statusbar->Update, 'Annotation units updated to "'+axissettings->GetUnit(event.index)+'".' state.historyWin->Update, 'Annotation units updated to "'+axissettings->GetUnit(event.index)+'".' END 'FIRSTANNOTATION':BEGIN if finite(event.value,/nan) then state.statusBar->Update, 'Invalid ''Align annotation at'' value, please re-enter.' END 'ANNOTATESTYLE': BEGIN axissettings->SetProperty, annotatestyle=event.index ; state.statusbar->Update, 'Annotation style updated to "'+axissettings->GetAnnotationFormat(event.index)+'".' state.historyWin->Update, 'Annotation style updated to "'+axissettings->GetAnnotationFormat(event.index)+'".' END 'ANNOTATERANGEMIN':BEGIN axissettings->SetProperty, annotaterangemin = event.select END 'ANNOTATERANGEMAX':BEGIN axissettings->SetProperty, annotaterangemax = event.select END 'ANNOHORIZONTAL': BEGIN axissettings->SetProperty, annotateorientation=~event.select ; state.statusBar->Update, 'Horizontal Orientation selected' state.historywin->Update, 'Horizontal Orientation selected' END 'ANNOVERTICAL':BEGIN axissettings->SetProperty, annotateorientation=event.select ; state.statusBar->Update, 'Vertical Orientation selected' state.historywin->Update, 'Vertical Orientation selected' END 'ANOFONTLIST': BEGIN axissettings->GetProperty, annotatetextobject = annotatetextobject annotatetextobject->SetProperty, font=event.index ; state.statusbar->Update, 'Annotation font updated to "'+annotatetextobject->GetFont(index=event.index)+'".' state.historyWin->Update, 'Annotation font updated to "'+annotatetextobject->GetFont(index=event.index)+'".' END 'ANOFONTSIZE': BEGIN if event.valid then begin ;axissettings->GetProperty, annotatetextobject = annotatetextobject if event.value lt 1. then begin state.statusbar->update, 'Font size should be greater than or equal to one.' endif ; Delay setting the font size until the user applies. Otherwise it resets the font size with every key press in the textfield ; else begin ; annotatetextobject->SetProperty, size=event.value ; ; state.statusBar->Update, 'Annotation font size changed.' ; state.historywin->Update, 'Annotation font size changed.' ; endelse endif else if finite(event.value, /nan) then begin state.statusBar->Update, 'Invalid annotation font size, please re-enter.' endif else state.statusBar->Update, 'Annotation font size should be greater than or equal to one, please re-enter.' END 'ANNOTATIONPALETTE': BEGIN ;SPD_UI_PALETTE_EVENT, state.tlb, state.anocolorWin, color axissettings->GetProperty,annotatetextobject=annotatetextobject annotatetextobject->GetProperty,color=currentcolor color = PickColor(!P.Color, Group_Leader=state.tlb, Cancel=cancelled, $ currentcolor=currentcolor) if cancelled then color=currentcolor if obj_valid(annotatetextobject) then annotatetextobject->SetProperty,color=color else begin annotatetextobject = obj_new('spd_ui_text') annotatetextobject->SetProperty,color=color axissettings->SetProperty,annotatetextobject=annotatetextobject endelse anocolorid = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='anocolorwin') Widget_Control, anocolorid, Get_Value=anocolorWin if obj_valid(scene) then scene->remove,/all scene=obj_new('IDLGRSCENE', color=reform(color)) anocolorWin->draw, scene ; state.statusBar->Update, 'Minor Grids Color selected' state.historywin->Update, 'Minor Grids Color selected' END ;n;'ANNOTATIONSETALL': begin ;n; ; state.statusBar->Update, 'Set All Panels toggled' ;n; state.historywin->Update, 'Set All Panels toggled' ;n;end ;****************************************************************************** ; End Annotation Options ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Grid Panel Options ;****************************************************************************** ;'OUTLINETHICK': BEGIN ; if event.valid then begin ; currpanelobj->GetProperty, settings = panelsettings ; if event.value lt 1. then begin ; state.statusbar->update, 'Frame thickness should be greater than or equal to one.' ; endif else if event.value gt 10 then begin ; state.statusbar->update, 'Maximum frame thickness is 10.' ; endif else begin ; panelsettings->SetProperty, framethick=event.value ; ; state.statusBar->Update, 'Outline thickness changed.' ; state.historywin->Update, 'Outline thickness changed.' ; endelse ; endif else if finite(event.value,/nan) then begin ; state.statusBar->Update, 'Invalid outline thickness, please re-enter.' ; endif else state.statusBar->Update, 'Frame thickness must be between 1 and 10' ;END 'MAJORGRIDPALETTE': begin axissettings->GetProperty,majorgrid=majorgrid IF ~Obj_Valid(majorgrid) THEN majorgrid=Obj_New("SPD_UI_LINE_STYLE") majorgrid->GetProperty,color=currentcolor color = PickColor(!P.Color, Group_Leader=state.tlb, Cancel=cancelled, $ currentcolor=currentcolor) if cancelled then color=currentcolor if obj_valid(majorgrid) then majorgrid->SetProperty,color=color else begin majorgrid = obj_new('SPD_UI_LINE_STYLE') majorgrid->SetProperty,color=color axissettings->SetProperty,majorgrid=majorgrid endelse majorcolorid = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='majorgridcolorwin') Widget_Control, majorcolorid, Get_Value=majorgridcolorWin if obj_valid(scene) then scene->remove,/all scene=obj_new('IDLGRSCENE', color=reform(color)) majorgridcolorWin->draw, scene ; state.statusBar->Update, 'Lazy Labels selected' state.historywin->Update, 'Lazy Labels selected' end 'MAJORGRIDS': BEGIN axissettings->GetProperty, majorgrid=majorgrid IF ~Obj_Valid(majorgrid) THEN majorgrid=Obj_New("SPD_UI_LINE_STYLE") majorgrid->SetProperty, show=event.select if event.select then begin id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'majorbase') widget_control, id, /sensitive endif else begin id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'majorbase') widget_control, id, sensitive=0 endelse ; state.statusBar->Update, 'Major Grids toggled' state.historywin->Update, 'Major Grids toggled' END 'MAJORGRIDSTYLE': BEGIN axissettings->GetProperty, majorgrid=majorgrid IF ~Obj_Valid(majorgrid) THEN majorgrid=Obj_New("SPD_UI_LINE_STYLE") styleNames = majorgrid->getlinestyles() majorgrid->SetProperty, Id=event.index, Name=styleNames[event.index] ;print, event.index, ' - ', styleNames[event.index] ; state.statusbar->Update, 'Major grid line style updated to "'+majorgrid->GetLineStyleName(linestyleid=event.index)+'".' state.historyWin->Update, 'Major grid line style updated to "'+majorgrid->GetLineStyleName(linestyleid=event.index)+'".' END 'MAJORGRIDTHICK': BEGIN ; if event.valid then begin ; axissettings->GetProperty, majorgrid=majorgrid ; IF ~Obj_Valid(majorgrid) THEN majorgrid=Obj_New("SPD_UI_LINE_STYLE") ; if event.value lt 1. then begin ; state.statusBar->update, 'Grid thickness should be greater than or equal to 1.' ; endif else if event.value gt 10 then begin ; state.statusBar->update, 'Maximum grid thickness is 10.' ; endif else begin ; majorgrid->SetProperty, thickness=event.value ; ; state.statusBar->Update, 'Major grid thickness changed.' ; state.historywin->Update, 'Major grid thickness changed.' ; endelse ; endif else if finite(event.value, /nan) then begin ; state.statusBar->Update, 'Invalid major grid thickness, please re-enter.' ; endif else state.statusBar->Update, 'Grid thickness must be between 1 and 10.' END 'MINORGRIDPALETTE': begin axissettings->GetProperty,minorgrid=minorgrid IF ~Obj_Valid(minorgrid) THEN minorgrid=Obj_New("SPD_UI_LINE_STYLE") minorgrid->GetProperty,color=currentcolor color = PickColor(!P.Color, Group_Leader=state.tlb, Cancel=cancelled, $ currentcolor=currentcolor) if cancelled then color=currentcolor if obj_valid(minorgrid) then minorgrid->SetProperty,color=color else begin minorgrid = obj_new('spd_ui_line_style') minorgrid->SetProperty,color=color axissettings->SetProperty,minorgrid=minorgrid endelse minorcolorid = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='minorgridcolorwin') Widget_Control, minorcolorid, Get_Value=minorgridcolorWin if obj_valid(scene) then scene->remove,/all scene=obj_new('IDLGRSCENE', color=reform(color)) minorgridcolorWin->draw, scene ; state.statusBar->Update, 'Minor Grids Color selected' state.historywin->Update, 'Minor Grids Color selected' end 'MINORGRIDS': BEGIN axissettings->GetProperty, minorgrid=minorgrid IF ~Obj_Valid(minorgrid) THEN minorgrid=Obj_New("SPD_UI_LINE_STYLE") minorgrid->SetProperty, show=event.select if event.select then begin id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'minorbase') widget_control, id, /sensitive endif else begin id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'minorbase') widget_control, id, sensitive=0 endelse ; state.statusBar->Update, 'Minor Grids toggled' state.historywin->Update, 'Minor Grids toggled' END 'MINORGRIDSTYLE': BEGIN axissettings->GetProperty, minorgrid=minorgrid IF ~Obj_Valid(minorgrid) THEN minorgrid=Obj_New("SPD_UI_LINE_STYLE") styleNames = minorgrid->getlinestyles() minorgrid->SetProperty, Id=event.index, Name=styleNames[event.index] ; state.statusbar->Update, 'Minor grid line style updated to "'+minorgrid->GetLineStyleName(linestyleid=event.index)+'".' state.historyWin->Update, 'Minor grid line style updated to "'+minorgrid->GetLineStyleName(linestyleid=event.index)+'".' END 'MINORGRIDTHICK': BEGIN ; if event.valid then begin ; axissettings->GetProperty, minorgrid=minorgrid ; IF ~Obj_Valid(minorgrid) THEN minorgrid=Obj_New("SPD_UI_LINE_STYLE") ; if event.value lt 1. then begin ; state.statusBar->update, 'Grid thickness should be greater than or equal to one.' ; endif else if event.value gt 10 then begin ; state.statusBar->update, 'Maximum grid thickness is 10.' ; endif else begin ; minorgrid->SetProperty, thickness=event.value ; ; state.statusBar->Update, 'Minor grid thickness changed.' ; state.historywin->Update, 'Minor grid thickness changed.' ; endelse ; endif else if finite(event.value, /nan) then begin ; state.statusBar->Update, 'Invalid minor grid thickness, please re-enter.' ; endif else state.statusBar->Update, 'Grid thickness must be between 1 and 10.' END ;n;'GRIDSETALL': begin ;n; ; state.statusBar->Update, 'Set All Panels toggled' ;n; state.historywin->Update, 'Set All Panels toggled' ;n;end ;****************************************************************************** ; End Grid Panel Options ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Labels Options ;****************************************************************************** 'BLACKLABELS': BEGIN axissettings->SetProperty, BlackLabels=event.select id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='labelpalette') if event.select eq 1 then widget_control, id, sensitive=0 $ else widget_control, id, sensitive=1 END 'STACKLABELS': begin axissettings->SetProperty, stacklabels=event.select ; state.statusBar->Update, 'Stack Labels toggled' state.historywin->Update, 'Stack Labels toggled' end 'LAZYLABELS': begin axissettings->setproperty, lazylabels=event.select ; state.statusBar->Update, 'Lazy Labels toggled' state.historywin->Update, 'Lazy Labels toggled' end 'SHOWLABELS': BEGIN axissettings->SetProperty, showlabels=event.select id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'showlabel') widget_control, id, sensitive=event.select id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'labeldroplist') widget_control, id, sensitive=event.select ; state.statusBar->Update, 'Show Labels toggled' state.historywin->Update, 'Show Labels toggled' END 'SHOWLABEL': BEGIN axissettings->getProperty, labels=labels if obj_valid(labels) then begin currlabelobj = labels->get(position = state.labelselect) if obj_valid(currLabelobj) then begin currLabelObj->setProperty,show=event.select endif endif labelcolorid = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='labelcolorwin') spd_ui_axis_options_update_labels, state.tlb, axissettings, currlabelobj, labelcolorid ; state.statusBar->Update, 'Show Label toggled' state.historywin->Update, 'Show Label toggled' END 'LABELDROPLIST': BEGIN spd_ui_axis_options_set_labels, state.tlb, state ;currlabelObj = *state.currlabelobj ;CHECK THIS. MAY NOT FUNCTION AS INTENDED currlabelObj = spd_ui_axis_options_getcurrentlabel(state) if event.index eq -1 then begin currlabelobj->SetProperty, value=event.str endif else begin state.labelselect = event.index currlabelObj = spd_ui_axis_options_getcurrentlabel(state) endelse labelcolorid = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='labelcolorwin') spd_ui_axis_options_update_labels, state.tlb, axissettings, currlabelobj, labelcolorid ; state.statusBar->Update, 'Label selected' state.historywin->Update, 'Label selected' END 'LABELTEXTEDIT': BEGIN widget_control, event.id, get_value = value ; this handles case where label is an empty string if stregex(value[0], '^ *$', /boolean) then begin show = 0 ; shouldn't be necessary anymore as labels have number prefixed: ;placeholder = '' ;for i=0, state.labelselect do placeholder += ' ' ;equal entries not distinguished on linux ;value[0] = placeholder ;combobox cannot take empty string endif else begin show = 1 endelse name = spd_ui_axis_options_create_label_name(state.labelselect,value[0]) id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='labeldroplist') widget_control, id, get_value = labels ;labels[state.labelselect] = value[0] labels[state.labelselect] = name widget_control, id, set_value = labels widget_control, id, set_combobox_select=state.labelselect ;reset to empty string before altering label object if show eq 0 then value[0] = '' ; probably not necessary anymore axissettings->getProperty, labels=labels if obj_valid(labels) then begin currlabelobj=labels->get(position = state.labelselect) IF ~Obj_Valid(currlabelobj) THEN currlabelobj=Obj_New("SPD_UI_TEXT", Value=' ') endif else currlabelobj = obj_new("SPD_UI_TEXT", Value=' ') currLabelObj->setProperty, show=show, value=value[0] id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='showlabel') widget_control, id, set_button=show ; state.statusBar->Update, 'Label Text edited' state.historywin->Update, 'Label Text edited' END 'ADDLABEL': BEGIN axissettings->GetProperty, labels=labelsObj if obj_valid(labelsObj) then begin labelsObj->add,obj_new('spd_ui_text',value='New Text Label',font=0,format=3, $ size=10,color=[0,0,0]) endif else begin labelsObj = obj_new('IDL_Container') labelsObj->add,obj_new('spd_ui_text',value='New Text Label',font=0,format=3, $ size=10,color=[0,0,0]) endelse axissettings->SetProperty, labels=labelsObj state.labelselect = labelsObj->Count() - 1 currlabelobj = labelsObj->get(position = state.labelselect) ;if ptr_valid(state.currlabelobj) then ptr_free, state.currlabelobj ;state.currlabelObj = ptr_new(currlabelobj) spd_ui_init_axis_window , state = state ; state.statusBar->Update, 'Label Text added' state.historywin->Update, 'Label Text added' END 'LABELFONT': begin ; state.statusBar->Update, 'Label Font selected' state.historywin->Update, 'Label Font selected' end;Replaced by spd_ui_axis_options_set_labels 'LABELFORMAT': begin ; state.statusBar->Update, 'Label Font Format selected' state.historywin->Update, 'Label Font Format selected' end;Replaced by spd_ui_axis_options_set_labels 'LABELSIZE': BEGIN;Replaced by spd_ui_axis_options_set_labels if event.valid then begin ;axissettings->GetProperty, annotatetextobject = annotatetextobject if event.value lt 1. then begin state.statusbar->update, 'Font size should be greater than or equal to one.' endif endif else if finite(event.value, /nan) then begin state.statusBar->Update, 'Invalid label font size, please re-enter.' endif else state.statusBar->Update, 'Label font size should be greater than or equal to one, please re-enter.' END 'LABELPALETTE': BEGIN axissettings->getProperty, labels=labels if obj_valid(labels) then begin currlabelobj=labels->get(position = state.labelselect) IF obj_Valid(currlabelobj) THEN currlabelobj->GetProperty,color=currentcolor $ ELSE currentcolor=[0,0,0] endif else currentcolor=[0,0,0] color = PickColor(!P.Color, Group_Leader=state.tlb, Cancel=cancelled, $ currentcolor=currentcolor) if cancelled then color=currentcolor ; update the label object with the user's selection if obj_valid(currlabelobj) then currlabelobj->setProperty, color=color labelcolorid = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='labelcolorwin') Widget_Control, labelcolorid, Get_Value=labelcolorWin labelcolorwin->getproperty, graphics_tree=scene if obj_valid(scene) then begin scene->remove,/all scene->setproperty, color=reform(color) endif else begin scene=obj_new('IDLGRSCENE', color=reform(color)) labelcolorwin->setproperty, graphics_tree=scene endelse labelcolorWin->draw, scene ; state.statusBar->Update, 'Label Font Color selected' state.historywin->Update, 'Label Font Color selected' END 'LABELHORIZONTAL': BEGIN axissettings->SetProperty, orientation=~event.select ; state.statusBar->Update, 'Horizontal Label Orientation selected' state.historywin->Update, 'Horizontal Label Orientation selected' END 'LABELVERTICAL': BEGIN axissettings->SetProperty, orientation=event.select ; state.statusBar->Update, 'Vertical Label Orientation selected' state.historywin->Update, 'Vertical Label Orientation selected' END 'PLACELABEL':BEGIN axissettings->SetProperty, placelabel=event.index state.historyWin->Update, 'Label placement updated to "'+event.str+'".' END 'LABELMARGIN': BEGIN if event.valid then begin axissettings->getProperty, margin=oldvalue mvalue = double(event.value) if (mvalue gt 10000) or (mvalue lt -10000) then begin state.historywin->Update, 'Invalid label margin, please re-enter.' endif else begin axissettings->SetProperty, margin=mvalue state.historywin->Update, 'Label margin changed.' endelse endif else state.statusBar->Update, 'Invalid label margin, please re-enter.' END ;n;'LABELTSETALL': begin ;n; ; state.statusBar->Update, 'Set All Panels toggled' ;n; state.historywin->Update, 'Set All Panels toggled' ;n;end;Replaced by spd_ui_axis_options_set_labels 'LABELSYNC': BEGIN ;set current settings before propagating spd_ui_axis_options_set_labels, state.tlb, state axissettings->GetProperty,labels=labels if obj_valid(labels[0]) then begin labelobjects = labels->get(/all) labelobjects[state.labelselect]->GetProperty, font=font, format=format, size=size, show=show for i=0, n_elements(labelobjects)-1 do begin if i eq state.labelselect then continue labelobjects[i]->SetProperty, font=font, format=format, size=size, show=show endfor ; state.statusBar->update, 'Labels synchronized on panel.'; +strtrim(state.labelselect+1,2)+'.' -this is the label number, not the panel number state.historywin->update, 'Labels synchronized on panel.' endif else begin state.statusBar->update, 'No valid labels to sync on current panel.'; ('+strtrim(state.labelselect+1,2)+').' endelse END 'FORMATHELPBUTTON': BEGIN ;; user clicked axis label format help gethelppath,path xdisplayfile,path+'spd_ui_format_axis_labels.txt' , group=state.tlb, /modal, done_button='Done', title='HELP: Formatting Axis Labels' END ;****************************************************************************** ; End Labels Options ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Range Options ;****************************************************************************** 'AUTORANGE': begin ;Update AXISSETTINGS: ;******************** ; ;Sensitize Range Options: ;************************ ; id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'aobase') widget_control, id, sensitive = 1 ;check if bound scaling is checked boundid = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'boundscaling') bound = widget_info(boundid, /button_set) id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='boundbase') widget_control,id,sensitive=bound ;Desensitize Floating Center and Fixed Min/Max: ;********************************************** ; ; id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'fltobase') ; widget_control, id, sensitive = 0 id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'fobase') widget_control, id, sensitive = 0 ; state.statusBar->Update, 'Auto Range selected' state.historywin->Update, 'Auto Range selected' end ; 'FLOATRANGE': begin ; ; ;Desensitize Range Options: ; ;************************** ; ; ; id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'aobase') ; widget_control, id, sensitive = 0 ; ; ;Sensitize Floating Center: ; ;************************** ; ; ; id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'fltobase') ; widget_control, id, sensitive = 1 ; ; spd_ui_axis_options_update_flt, state.tlb, axissettings, state ; ; id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'fobase') ; widget_control, id, sensitive = 0 ; ; state.statusBar->Update, 'Floating Center selected' ; state.historywin->Update, 'Floating Center selected' ; ; end 'FIXEDRANGE': begin ;Desensitize Range Options: ;************************** ; id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'aobase') widget_control, id, sensitive = 0 ; id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'fltobase') ; widget_control, id, sensitive = 0 id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'fobase') widget_control, id, sensitive = 1 ;set spinner min if log scaling is selected axissettings->getproperty,scaling=scaling, istimeaxis=istimeaxis linid = widget_info(state.tlb,find_by_uname='linear') if widget_info(linid,/button_set) then linscale = 1 else linscale = 0 if ~istimeaxis then begin if linscale eq 0 then minvalue = 0 else minvalue = !values.d_nan spd_ui_spinner_set_min_value, widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'minincrement'), minvalue spd_ui_spinner_set_min_value, widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname = 'maxincrement'),minvalue endif ; state.statusBar->Update, 'Fixed Min/Max selected' state.historywin->Update, 'Fixed Min/Max selected' end 'BOUNDSCALING': begin ; ID1 = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='minboundrange') ; ID2 = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='maxboundrange') ; widget_control,ID1,sensitive=event.select ; widget_control,ID2,sensitive=event.select id = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='boundbase') widget_control,id,sensitive=event.select ; state.statusBar->Update, 'Bound Autoscaling toggled' state.historywin->Update, 'Bound Autoscaling toggled' end 'ISTIME': BEGIN ;make sure axis settings settings are updated spd_ui_axis_options_setvalues, state.tlb, state,/nopopups ;Get state of istime button and store in AXISSETTINGS: ;***************************************************** ; istime = Widget_Info(event.id, /Button_Set) ; IF ~Obj_Valid(axissettings) THEN axissettings = Obj_New("SPD_UI_AXIS_SETTINGS") axisSettings->getProperty,$ istimeaxis=istimeold,$ annotateUnits=annotateUnits,$ firstAnnotateUnits=firstAnnotateUnits,$ majorTickUnits=majorTickUnits,$ minorTickUnits=minorTickUnits,$ firstTickUnits=firstTickUnits,$ annotateEvery=annotateEvery,$ firstAnnotation=firstAnnotation,$ majorTickEvery=majorTickEvery,$ minorTickEvery=minorTickEvery,$ firsttickAt=firstTickAt ;default units to hours when axis is time ;not entirely necessary, but this prevents users from accidentally creating ;plots with thousands of ticks or annotations if istime eq 1 && istimeold eq 0 then begin ; axissettings->setProperty, annotateUnits = 2 ; axissettings->setProperty, majorTickUnits = 2 ; axissettings->setProperty, minortickUnits = 2 annotateEvery = spd_ui_axis_options_convert_units(annotateEvery,annotateUnits,/fromseconds) firstAnnotation = spd_ui_axis_options_convert_units(firstAnnotation,firstAnnotateUnits,/fromseconds) majorTickEvery = spd_ui_axis_options_convert_units(majorTickEvery,majorTickUnits,/fromseconds) minorTickEvery = spd_ui_axis_options_convert_units(minorTickEvery,minorTickUnits,/fromseconds) firstTickAt = spd_ui_axis_options_convert_units(firstTickAt,firstTickUnits,/fromseconds) endif else begin annotateEvery = spd_ui_axis_options_convert_units(annotateEvery,annotateUnits) firstAnnotation = spd_ui_axis_options_convert_units(firstAnnotation,firstAnnotateUnits) majorTickEvery = spd_ui_axis_options_convert_units(majorTickEvery,majorTickUnits) minorTickEvery = spd_ui_axis_options_convert_units(minorTickEvery,minorTickUnits) firstTickAt = spd_ui_axis_options_convert_units(firstTickAt,firstTickUnits) endelse axissettings->SetProperty,$ istimeaxis=istime,$ annotateEvery=annotateEvery,$ firstAnnotation=firstAnnotation,$ majorTickEvery=majorTickEvery,$ minorTickEvery=minorTickEvery,$ firsttickAt=firstTickAt spd_ui_init_axis_window,event.top,state=state END 'LINEAR': spd_ui_axis_options_update_scaling, state, axissettings, /linear 'LOG10': spd_ui_axis_options_update_scaling, state, axissettings, /log10 'NATURALLOG': spd_ui_axis_options_update_scaling, state, axissettings, /natural_log ; 'FLOATINGCENTER': begin ; axissettings->SetProperty, floatingcenter = event.index ; ; state.statusbar->Update, 'Floating Center updated to "'+axissettings->GetFloatingCenter(event.index)+'".' ; state.historyWin->Update, 'Floating Center updated to "'+axissettings->GetFloatingCenter(event.index)+'".' ; end 'EQUALXYSCALING': begin axissettings->SetProperty, equalxyscaling = widget_info(event.id, /button_set) ; state.statusBar->Update, 'Equal X Y Axis Scaling toggled' state.historywin->Update, 'Eual X Y Axis Scaling toggled' end ;****************************************************************************** ; End Range Options ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Tick Options ;****************************************************************************** 'MAJORTICKUNITS': BEGIN ;update numerical tick interval as needed ;(currently only time axes allow multiple units, units for non-time ; axes are determined by the scaling --aaflores 2013-2-7) axissettings->getProperty, majortickunits=majorunits, istimeaxis=istime if istime then begin id = widget_info(state.tlb,find_by_uname='majortickevery') widget_control,id,get_value=majorTickEvery majorTickEvery = spd_ui_axis_options_convert_units(majorTickEvery,majorUnits) majorTickEvery = spd_ui_axis_options_convert_units(majorTickEvery,event.index,/fromSeconds) widget_control,id,set_value=majorTickEvery endif ;apply new settings axissettings->setProperty, majortickunits=event.index ; state.statusbar->Update, 'Major tick units updated to "'+axissettings->GetUnit(event.index)+'".' state.historyWin->Update, 'Major tick units updated to "'+axissettings->GetUnit(event.index)+'".' END 'BYNUMBER': begin bid = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='byinterval') id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='intervalbase') widget_control, bid, set_button=0 widget_control, id, sens=0 id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='numberbase') widget_control, id, sens=1 id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='niceticks') minortickbase = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='minortickbase') If widget_info(id, /button_set) then widget_control, minorTickBase, sens=0 else widget_control, minorTickBase, sens=1 ; state.statusBar->Update, 'Major Ticks by Number selected' state.historywin->Update, 'Major Ticks by Number selected' end 'NICETICKS': begin id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='niceticks') minortickbase = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='minortickbase') If widget_info(id, /button_set) then widget_control, minorTickBase, sens=0 else widget_control, minorTickBase, sens=1 majortickbase = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='majortickbase') If widget_info(id, /button_set) then widget_control, majorTickBase, sens=0 else widget_control, majorTickBase, sens=1 ; state.statusBar->Update, 'Aesthetic Ticks toggled' state.historywin->Update, 'Aesthetic Ticks toggled' end 'BYINTERVAL': begin bid = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='bynumber') id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='numberbase') widget_control, bid, set_button=0 widget_control, id, sens=0 id = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='intervalbase') widget_control, id, sens=1 minortickbase = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='minortickbase') widget_control,minorTickBase,sensitive=1 ; state.statusBar->Update, 'Major Ticks by Interval selected' state.historywin->Update, 'Major Ticks by Interval selected' end ;****************************************************************************** ; End Tick Options ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Title Options ;****************************************************************************** 'TITLEPALETTE': BEGIN axissettings->getProperty, titleobj=titleobj if obj_valid(titleobj) then titleobj->GetProperty,color=currentcolor else currentcolor = [0,0,0] color = PickColor(!P.Color, Group_Leader=state.tlb, Cancel=cancelled, $ currentcolor=currentcolor) if cancelled then color=currentcolor if obj_valid(titleobj) then titleobj->SetProperty,color=color else begin ; don't think this should be necessary titleobj = obj_new('spd_ui_text') titleobj->SetProperty,color=color axissettings->SetProperty,titleobj=titleobj endelse titlecolorid = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='titlecolorwin') Widget_Control, titlecolorid, Get_Value=titlecolorWin if obj_valid(scene) then scene->remove,/all scene=obj_new('IDLGRSCENE', color=reform(color)) titlecolorWin->draw, scene state.historywin->Update, 'Title Color selected' END 'SUBTITLEPALETTE': BEGIN axissettings->getProperty, subtitleobj=subtitleobj if obj_valid(subtitleobj) then subtitleobj->GetProperty,color=currentcolor else currentcolor = [0,0,0] color = PickColor(!P.Color, Group_Leader=state.tlb, Cancel=cancelled, $ currentcolor=currentcolor) if cancelled then color=currentcolor if obj_valid(subtitleobj) then subtitleobj->SetProperty,color=color else begin ; don't think this should be necessary subtitleobj = obj_new('spd_ui_text') subtitleobj->SetProperty,color=color axissettings->SetProperty,subtitleobj=subtitleobj endelse subtitlecolorid = widget_info(state.tlb, find_by_uname='subtitlecolorwin') Widget_Control, subtitlecolorid, Get_Value=subtitlecolorWin if obj_valid(scene) then scene->remove,/all scene=obj_new('IDLGRSCENE', color=reform(color)) subtitlecolorWin->draw, scene state.historywin->Update, 'Subtitle Color selected' END 'LAZYTITLES': begin axissettings->setproperty, lazytitles=event.select ; state.statusBar->Update, 'Lazy Labels toggled' state.historywin->Update, 'Lazy Titles toggled' end 'TITLEHORIZONTAL': BEGIN axissettings->SetProperty, titleorientation=~event.select state.historywin->Update, 'Horizontal Title Orientation selected' END 'TITLEVERTICAL': BEGIN axissettings->SetProperty, titleorientation=event.select state.historywin->Update, 'Vertical Title Orientation selected' END 'PLACETITLE':BEGIN axissettings->SetProperty, placetitle=event.index state.historyWin->Update, 'Title placement updated to "'+event.str+'".' END ;n;'TITLESETALL': begin ;n; state.historywin->Update, 'Set All Panels toggled' ;n;END 'TITLEMARGIN': BEGIN if event.valid then begin ;axissettings->SetProperty, titlemargin=event.value state.historywin->Update, 'Title margin changed.' endif else state.statusBar->Update, 'Invalid title margin, please re-enter.' END 'TITLEFONT': begin state.historywin->Update, 'Title Font selected' end;Handle later in spd_ui_axis_options_set_title 'TITLEFORMAT': begin state.historywin->Update, 'Title Font Format selected' end;Handle later in spd_ui_axis_options_set_title 'SUBTITLEFONT': begin state.historywin->Update, 'Subtitle Font selected' end;Handle later in spd_ui_axis_options_set_title 'SUBTITLEFORMAT': begin state.historywin->Update, 'Subtitle Font Format selected' end;Handle later in spd_ui_axis_options_set_title 'TITLESIZE': BEGIN;Handle later in spd_ui_axis_options_set_title if ~event.valid then begin if finite(event.value,/nan) then begin state.statusBar->Update, 'Invalid font size, please re-enter.' endif else begin state.statusBar->Update, 'Minimum font size is 1.' endelse endif state.historywin->Update, 'Title Font Size changed' END 'SUBTITLESIZE': BEGIN;Handle later in spd_ui_axis_options_set_title if ~event.valid then begin if finite(event.value,/nan) then begin state.statusBar->Update, 'Invalid font size, please re-enter.' endif else begin state.statusBar->Update, 'Minimum font size is 1.' endelse endif state.historywin->Update, 'Subtitle Font Size changed' END 'TITLETEXTEDIT': begin state.historywin->Update, 'Title updated' end 'SUBTITLETEXTEDIT':begin state.historywin->Update, 'Subtitle updated' end ;****************************************************************************** ; End Title Options ;****************************************************************************** ;(lphilpott, July 2011) TPALETTE event does not appear to be defined or necessary so I am ; commenting it out. ; 'TPALETTE': BEGIN ; ; SPD_UI_PALETTE_EVENT, state.tlb, state.tcolorWin, color ; state.axisSettings->GetProperty, Labels=labels ; ; ********** NEED TO FIGURE OUT WHICH LABEL THIS IS ****** ; ; ********** Should know by index ************ ; labelObj->SetProperty, Color=color ; END ELSE: ENDCASE ENDIF Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy RETURN END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO spd_ui_axis_options, gui_id, windowStorage, loadedData, drawObject, historyWin, $ windowTitle, axisselect, scrollbar, template,$ panel_select=panel_select, tlb_statusbar compile_opt idl2 err_x=0 catch, err_x if err_x ne 0 then begin catch, /cancel help, /Last_Message, Output=err_msg for j = 0, N_Elements(err_msg)-1 do historywin->update,err_msg[j] ok = error_message('An unknown error occured starting Axis Options.', /noname, $ /center, title='Error in Axis Options') widget_control, tlb, /destroy spd_gui_error, gui_id, historywin return endif tlb_statusBar->update,'Axis Options opened' ;top level and main bases tlb = Widget_Base(/Col, Title=windowTitle, Group_Leader=gui_id, /Modal, /Floating,/tlb_kill_request_events, tab_mode=1) tabBase = Widget_Tab(tlb, Location=location, uname = 'tabs') buttonBase = Widget_Base(tlb, /Row, /align_center) statusBase = Widget_Base(tlb, /Row, /align_center) rangeBase = Widget_Base(tabBase, Title='Range', /Col) ticksBase = Widget_Base(tabBase, Title='Ticks', /Col) gridBase = Widget_Base(tabBase, Title='Grid', /Col) annotationBase = Widget_Base(tabBase, Title='Annotations', /Col) titleBase = widget_base(tabBase,Title='Title',/col) labelsBase = Widget_Base(tabBase, Title='Labels', /Col) ;range bases panelBase = Widget_Base(rangeBase, /Row) rangeBase = Widget_Base(rangeBase, /Row) range1Base = Widget_Base(rangeBase, /Col) rlabelBase = Widget_Base(range1Base, /Col) roptionsBase = Widget_Base(range1Base, /Col, Frame=3) slabelBase = Widget_Base(range1Base, /Col) soptionsBase = Widget_Base(range1Base, /Col, Frame=3) flabelBase = Widget_Base(range1Base, /Col) foptionsBase = Widget_Base(range1Base, /Col, Frame=3, uname='fobase') timeXYBase = Widget_Base(range1Base, /Col, /NonExclusive, YPad=2) lockMSGbase = widget_base(range1Base, /row, ypad=1) range2Base = Widget_Base(rangeBase, /Col) alabelBase = Widget_Base(range2Base, /Col, uname='alabelbase') aoptionsBase = Widget_Base(range2Base, /Col, Frame=3, YPad=6, uname='aobase') ; fclabelBase = Widget_Base(range2Base, /Col) ; fcoptionsBase = Widget_Base(range2Base, /Col, Frame=3, YPad=6, uname='fltobase') ;n;setAllBase = Widget_Base(range2Base, /Col, /Align_Center, YPad=15, /nonexclusive) ;setAllBase = Widget_Base(range2Base, /Col, /Align_Center, YPad=6) ;ticks bases tpanelBase = Widget_Base(ticksBase, ypad=15, /Row) ticksMainBase = Widget_Base(ticksBase, /Col) ticksTopBase = Widget_Base(ticksMainBase, /row, ypad=5, /align_left) ticksMiddleBase = widget_base(ticksMainBase, /col, ypad=1) ticksBottomBase = Widget_Base(ticksMainBase, /Row,/align_left) plcmntBase = Widget_Base(ticksBottomBase, /Col, /Align_Left, ypad=5);,xpad=3) lengthBase = Widget_Base(ticksBottomBase, /Col, /Align_Left, xpad=3, ypad=5) ticksButtonBase = Widget_Base(ticksMainBase, /Row, /Align_Center, YPad=10, /nonexclusive) ;grid panel bases gpBase = Widget_Base(gridBase, /Col) grid1Base = Widget_Base(gridBase, /Col, XPad=4) majorBase = Widget_Base(grid1Base, /Col, YPad=1, xpad=20) mgLabelBase = Widget_Base(majorBase, /Row) majFrameBase = Widget_Base(majorBase, /Col, Frame=3, XPad=15, YPad=1, /align_center, uname='majorbase') mdLabelBase = Widget_Base(majFrameBase, /Row) dirPullBase = Widget_Base(majFrameBase, /Col, YPad=1) minorBase = Widget_Base(grid1Base, /Col, YPad=1, XPad=20) mgiLabelBase = Widget_Base(minorBase, /Row, YPad=1) minFrameBase = Widget_Base(minorBase, /Col, Frame=3, YPad=1, XPad=15, /align_center, uname='minorbase') mdiLabelBase = Widget_Base(minFrameBase, /Row) diriPullBase = Widget_Base(minFrameBase, /Col, YPad=1) gcBase = Widget_Base(grid1Base, /Col) gaBase = Widget_Base(gridBase, /Col, /Align_Center, YPad=1, /nonexclusive) ;annotation bases anoPanelBase = Widget_Base(annotationBase, /Row) anoMainBase = Widget_Base(annotationBase, /Col) anoTopBase = Widget_Base(anoMainBase, /row, space=0, ypad=0) anoTopCol1Base = Widget_Base(anoTopBase, space=0, ypad=0, /Col) anoTopCol2Base = Widget_Base(anoTopBase, space=0, ypad=0, /Col) anoMiddleBase = Widget_Base(anoMainBase, /Col, ypad=0, space=0) anoButtonBase = Widget_Base(anoMainBase, /Row, /Align_Center, /nonexclusive) ; title bases titlePanelBase = Widget_Base(titleBase, /Row) titleMainBase = Widget_Base(titleBase, /Col) titleTextBase = Widget_Base(titleMainBase, /Col, YPad=1, space=10) titleButtonBase = Widget_Base(titleMainBase, /Row, /Align_Center, /nonexclusive) ;labels bases lpanelBase = Widget_Base(labelsBase, /col, YPad=3) ;stackBase = Widget_Base(labelsBase, /nonexclusive, /row) labelMainBase = Widget_Base(labelsBase, /Col) labelTextBase = Widget_Base(labelMainBase, /Col, YPad=1) ; labelPositionBase = Widget_Base(labelMainBase, /Col) stackBase = Widget_Base(labelMainBase, /nonexclusive, /row) labelButtonBase = Widget_Base(labelMainBase, /Row, /Align_Center, YPad=3, /nonexclusive) ;axis settings were passed in ;save here in case reset must be called ;infoaxissettings->save ;retrieve data and panel info for display activeWindow = windowStorage->GetActive() IF ~Obj_Valid(activeWindow) THEN BEGIN panelNames=['No Panels'] windowlocked = -1 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN activeWindow->GetProperty, Panels=panels,locked=windowlocked IF ~Obj_Valid(panels) THEN BEGIN panelNames=['No Panels'] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN panelObjs = panels->Get(/all) IF Is_Num(panelObjs) THEN BEGIN panelNames=['No Panels'] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN FOR i=0, N_Elements(panelObjs)-1 DO BEGIN activeWindow->getproperty, locked = locked lockPrefix = i eq locked ? '(L) ':'' name = lockPrefix + panelObjs[i]->constructPanelName() IF i EQ 0 THEN panelNames=[name] ELSE panelNames=[panelNames, name] ENDFOR ENDELSE ENDELSE IF Is_Num(panelNames) THEN panelNames=['No Panels'] IF N_Elements(panelNames) EQ 1 && panelNames EQ '' THEN panelNames=['No Panels'] ENDELSE activeWindow->save ;Save all existing panels in current window: ;******************************************* ; ;if ~(~size(panelobjs,/type)) && obj_valid(panelobjs[0]) then begin ; for i=0,n_elements(panelobjs)-1 do panelobjs[i]->save ;endif ;If 0th PANELOBJ is valid, then assume the AXISPANELSELECT-th PANELOBJ is valid and get AXISSETTINGS for correct axis: ;********************************************************************************************************************* ; axispanelselect = 0 if obj_valid(panelobjs[0]) then begin if n_elements(panel_select) gt 0 && panel_select ge 0 && panel_select lt n_elements(panelObjs) then begin axispanelselect = panel_select endif else begin if windowlocked ne -1 then begin ; axispanelselect = windowlocked ;if panels are locked default to the bottom panel axispanelselect = n_elements(panelObjs)-1 endif endelse case axisselect of 0: panelobjs[axispanelselect]->GetProperty,xaxis=axissettings 1: panelobjs[axispanelselect]->GetProperty,yaxis=axissettings ;2: panelobjs[axispanelselect]->GetProperty,zaxis=axissettings ;axis options window couldn't possibly work with z axis endcase IF ~Obj_Valid(axissettings) THEN axissettings = obj_new('spd_ui_axis_settings') endif else axissettings = obj_new('spd_ui_axis_settings') axisSettings->GetProperty, $ Scaling=scaleIndex, $ RangeOption=rangeIndex, $ IsTimeAxis=isTimeAxis, $ EqualXYScaling=equalXYScaling, $ MinFixedRange=minFixedRange, $ MaxFixedRange=maxFixedRange, $ RangeMargin=rangeMargin, $ BoundScaling=boundScaling, $ MinBoundRange=minBoundRange, $ MaxBoundRange=maxBoundRange, $ ; FloatingSpan=floatingSpan, $ ; FloatingCenter=floatingCenter, $ MajorTickEvery=majorTickEvery, $ MajorTickUnits=majorTickUnits, $ MajorTickAuto=majorTickAuto, $ MinorTickEvery=minorTickEvery, $ MinorTickUnits=minorTickUnits, $ MinorTickAuto=minorTickAuto, $ NumMajorTicks=numMajorTicks, $ NumMinorTicks=numMinorTicks, $ FirstTickAt=firstTickAt, $ FirstTickUnits=firstickUnits, $ ; FirstTickAuto=firstTickAuto, $ AnnotateExponent=AnnotateExponent ;Kludge to make sure that RANGEMARGIN is at 5% if it got initialized to 0 for some reason: ;***************************************************************************************** ; ;if rangemargin eq 0 and ~istimeaxis then begin ; rangemargin = 0.05d ; axissettings->SetProperty, rangemargin=rangemargin ;endif ;range widgets rpdlabel = Widget_label(panelbase, value = 'Panel: ', /align_center) rangepanelDroplist = Widget_combobox(panelBase, Value=panelNames, XSize=200, uval='PANELDROPLIST', uname='rangepaneldroplist') ; warn user if xaxis selected and panels are locked. IF axisselect EQ 0 && ~undefined(locked) && locked NE -1 THEN BEGIN anolab = widget_label(panelBase, value =' *Panels locked. Use apply all to change other panels.') ENDIF roptionsLabel = Widget_Label(rlabelBase, Value='Range Options:', /Align_Left) rbuttonsBase = Widget_Base(roptionsBase, /Col, /Exclusive) ;IF isTimeAxis EQ 1 THEN sensitive=0 ELSE sensitive=1 sensitive = ~istimeaxis autoRangeButton = Widget_Button(rbuttonsBase, Value='Auto Range', Sensitive=sensitive, UValue='AUTORANGE',uname='autorange') ;floatingRangeButton = Widget_Button(rbuttonsBase, Value='Floating Center', Sensitive=sensitive, UValue='FLOATRANGE', uname ='floatrange') fixedRangeButton = Widget_Button(rbuttonsBase, Value='Fixed Range', Sensitive=sensitive, UValue='FIXEDRANGE',uname='fixedrange') rangeOptions = [autoRangeButton, fixedRangeButton] soptionsLabel = Widget_Label(slabelBase, Value='Scaling:', /Align_Left) sbuttonsBase = Widget_Base(soptionsBase, /Col, /Exclusive) scalingOptions = Make_Array(3, /long) scalingOptions[0] = Widget_Button(sbuttonsBase, Value='Linear', Sensitive=sensitive, uval = 'LINEAR', uname='linear') scalingOptions[1] = Widget_Button(sbuttonsBase, Value='Log 10', Sensitive=sensitive, uval = 'LOG10',uname='log10') scalingOptions[2] = Widget_Button(sbuttonsBase, Value='Natural Log', Sensitive=sensitive, uval = 'NATURALLOG',uname='logn') WIDGET_CONTROL, scalingOptions[scaleIndex], /Set_Button ;equalXYButton = Widget_Button(timeXYBase, Value='Equal X & Y Axis Scaling', uval = 'EQUALXYSCALING', uname='equalxyscaling') ;IF equalXYScaling EQ 1 THEN Widget_Control, equalXYButton, /Set_Button ;widget_control,equalxybutton,sensitive=0 isTimeButton = Widget_Button(timeXYBase, Value='Time Axis', UValue='ISTIME',uname='istime', tooltip='If checked, SPEDAS will generate date and time based annotations for this axis.') lockMSG = widget_label(lockmsgbase, value='', uvalue = 'lockmsg') IF isTimeAxis EQ 1 THEN Widget_Control, isTimeButton, /Set_Button IF rangeIndex EQ 2 THEN sensitive=1 ELSE sensitive=0 foptionsLabel = Widget_Label(flabelBase, Value='Fixed Range:', /Align_Left) minBase = Widget_Base(foptionsBase, /Row, /align_right, uname='minbase') maxBase = Widget_Base(foptionsBase, /Row, /align_right, uname='maxbase') minIncLabel=widget_label(minbase, Value='Min: ') maxIncLabel=widget_label(maxbase, Value='Max: ') if istimeaxis then begin ; minFixedRangeTime = formatDate(minFixedRange, '%date/%time', 0) minIncrement=widget_text(minBase, Sensitive=sensitive, /editable, uval='MINFIXEDRANGE', uname='minincrement',/all_events) ; maxFixedRangeTime = formatDate(maxFixedRange, '%date/%time', 0) maxIncrement=widget_text(maxBase, Sensitive=sensitive, /editable, uval='MAXFIXEDRANGE', uname='maxincrement',/all_events) endif else begin minIncrement=spd_ui_spinner(minBase, Increment=1, Sensitive=sensitive, Value=minFixedRange, text_box_size=12, $ uval='MINFIXEDRANGE', uname='minincrement') maxIncrement=spd_ui_spinner(maxBase, Increment=1, Sensitive=sensitive, Value=maxFixedRange, text_box_size=12, $ uval='MAXFIXEDRANGE', uname='maxincrement') endelse aoptionsLabel = Widget_Label(alabelBase, Value='Auto Range:', /Align_Left) rmBase = Widget_Base(aoptionsBase, /Row) IF rangeIndex EQ 0 THEN sensitive=1 ELSE sensitive=0 ;rmIncrement=spd_ui_spinner(rmBase, Increment=0.1, Label='Range Margin (%): ', Sensitive=sensitive, Value=100*rangeMargin, uval = 'RANGEMARGIN', $ ; uname='rmincrement') rmLabel=Widget_Label(rmBase, value='Range Margin (%): ', xsize=120, /align_left, uname='rmlabel') rmIncrement=spd_ui_spinner(rmBase,increment=1, Value=200*rangeMargin, uval = 'RANGEMARGIN', $ uname='rmincrement', min_value = 0) autoBase = Widget_Base(aoptionsBase, /NonExclusive);, Sensitive=sensitive) autoButton = Widget_Button(autoBase, value = ' Bound autoscaling range', $ tooltip='Automatically scales the range within user defined boundaries', uname='boundscaling', uval='BOUNDSCALING') IF boundScaling THEN BEGIN Widget_Control, autoButton, /Set_Button sensitive=1 ENDIF else sensitive = 0 ;Widget_Control, rmLabel, sensitive=sensitive boundbase = widget_base(aoptionsBase,uname='boundbase',/col) minaBase = Widget_Base(boundbase, /Row) minaLabel=Widget_Label(minaBase, value='Minimum: ', /align_left, uname='minlabel', xsize=96) minaIncrement=spd_ui_spinner(minaBase, Increment=1, Value=minBoundRange, $ text_box_size=12, uval = 'MINBOUNDRANGE', uname='minboundrange') maxaBase = Widget_Base(boundbase, /Row) maxaLabel=Widget_Label(maxaBase, value='Maximum: ', /align_left, xsize=96, uname='maxlabel') mmaxaIncrement=spd_ui_spinner(maxaBase, Increment=1, Value=maxBoundRange, $ text_box_size=12, uval = 'MAXBOUNDRANGE', uname='maxboundrange') minmaxLabel = Widget_Label(boundbase, Value='(Not applied if min/max are equal)') ;spaceLabel = Widget_Label(fclabelBase, Value=' ', /Align_Left) ;fcoptionsLabel = Widget_Label(fclabelBase, Value='Floating Center:', /Align_Left) ;IF rangeIndex EQ 1 THEN sensitive=1 ELSE sensitive=0 ; ;spanBase = Widget_Base(fcoptionsBase, /Row) ;fslabel=widget_label(spanbase, value = 'Span: ', xsize=76, uname = 'fslabel') ;floatingspan=spd_ui_spinner(spanBase, Increment=1, Value=floatingspan, uval='FLOATINGSPAN', $ ; uname='floatingspan', tooltip='If logarithmic Max/Min = 10^[log(center) +- span]', $ ; text_box_size=12, min_value=0) ;cspaceBase = Widget_Base(fcoptionsBase, /Row, YPad=2) ;centerOptions = axisSettings->GetFloatingCenters() ; ;flclabel = widget_label(cspacebase, value = 'Center: ', xsize=76) ;floatingcenterid = Widget_combobox(cspaceBase, Value=centeroptions, uval='FLOATINGCENTER', $ ; uname='floatingcenter') ;Widget_Control, floatingcenterid, Set_combobox_Select=floatingCenter ;spaceLabel = Widget_Label(setAllBase, Value=' ') ;spaceLabel = Widget_Label(setAllBase, Value=' ') ;n;setAllButton = Widget_Button(setAllBase, Value='Set All Panels', /Align_Center, XSize = 120, uval='RANGESETALL', uname='rangesetall') ;n;if windowlocked && axisselect eq 0 then begin ;n; widget_control,setAllButton,/set_button ;n;endif ;TICKS WIDGETS ;------------ tpanellabel = widget_label(tpanelbase, value = 'Panel: ', /align_left) tpanelDroplist = Widget_combobox(tpanelBase, Value=panelNames, XSize=200, $ uval='PANELDROPLIST', uname='tickpaneldroplist') ; warn user if xaxis selected and panels are locked. IF axisselect EQ 0 && ~undefined(locked) && locked NE -1 THEN BEGIN anolab = widget_label(tpanelBase, value =' *Panels locked. Use apply all to change other panels.') ENDIF tickUnitValues = axisSettings->GetUnits() tickStyleValues = axisSettings->GetStyles() ;Main Bases for Type of ticks bynumberBase = widget_base(ticksTopBase, /col, uname='bynumberbase') byintervalBase = widget_base(ticksTopBase, /col, uname='byintervalbase') ;'By Interval' Widgets iLabelBase = widget_base(byintervalBase, /row, /exclusive) byinterval = widget_button(ilabelbase, value='Major Ticks By Interval', uvalue='BYINTERVAL', $ uname='byinterval') intervalbase = widget_base(byintervalBase, /col, /base_align_left, uname='intervalbase', $ frame=1, space=6, ypad=6, xpad=4) tickEvery = spd_ui_spinner(intervalBase, label='Major Tick Every: ', getXLabelSize=xlsize, $ text_box_size=12, uname='majortickevery', incr=1, $ tooltip='Inverval in Units between major tick marks', min_value=0) geo_tmp = widget_info(tickevery,/geo) tickUnitsBase = widget_base(intervalBase, /row, xpad=0, ypad=0, space=1) unitslabel = widget_label(tickUnitsBase, value='Units', xsize=xlsize) unitslist = widget_combobox(tickUnitsBase, value=tickUnitValues, uval='MAJORTICKUNITS', $ uname='majortickunits', xsize=geo_tmp.scr_xsize - xlsize - 2) firsttickBase = widget_base(intervalBase, /row, xpad=0, space=0,uname='firsttickatbase') firstticklabel = widget_label(firsttickBase, value='Align ticks at: ', xsize=xlsize+3) if istimeaxis then begin firsttick = widget_text(firsttickBase, value=time_string(firsttickat), uname='firsttickat',/editable) endif else begin firsttick = spd_ui_spinner(firsttickBase, value=firsttickat, incr=1, uname='firsttickat', $ tooltip='Numerical location of first tick.', text_box=12) endelse ;'By Number' Widgets numLabelBase = widgeT_base(bynumberBase, /Col, /exclusive) bynumber = widget_button(numlabelBase, value='Major Ticks By Number', uvalue='BYNUMBER', $ uname='bynumber') numberbase = widget_base(bynumberBase, /col, /base_align_left, uname='numberbase', $ frame=1, space=6, ypad=6, xpad=4) niceticksbase = widget_base(numberbase, /row, /nonexclusive, uname='niceticksbase') niceticks = widget_button(niceticksbase, value='Automatic Ticks', uvalue='NICETICKS', uname='niceticks', $ tooltip='Places ticks at easily read values.') majorTickBase = widget_base(numberBase,uname='majortickbase',sens=0) MajorTicknum = spd_ui_spinner(majorTickBase, value=nummajorticks, getXlabelSize=xlsize, $ uname='nummajorticks', uvalue='NUMMAJORTICKS', label='Major Ticks (hint): ', incr=1, min_value=0, max_value=100,tooltip='Number of ticks may be approximate.') ;resize bynumberbase widget_control, numberbase, scr_ysize=( widget_info(intervalbase, /geo) ).scr_ysize ;initializations widget_control, unitslist, Set_combobox_Select=majorTickUnits widget_control, bynumber, set_button=1 widget_control, numberbase, sens=1 widget_control, byinterval, set_button=0 widget_control, intervalbase, sens=0 minorTickBase = widget_base(ticksMiddleBase, /row, sens=0, uname='minortickbase') MinorTicknum = spd_ui_spinner(minorTickBase, value=numminorticks, getXlabelSize=xlsize, $ uname='numminorticks', label='# of Minor Ticks: ', incr=1, min_value=0, max_value=100) minorLogTickTypeBase = widget_base(ticksMiddleBase,/col,/frame,/base_align_center) minorLogTickTypeLabelBase = widget_base(minorLogTickTypeBase,/base_align_center,/row) minorLogTickTypeLabel = widget_label(minorLogTickTypeLabelBase,value="Log Minor Tick Type:", /align_center) minorLogTickTypeButtonBase = widget_base(minorLogTickTypeBase,/exclusive,/row,uname='logminorticktypebase') minorLogTickType0 = widget_button(minorLogTickTypeButtonBase,value='Full Interval', $ uname='logminorticktype0', tooltip='Minor ticks linearly divide each major tick interval.') minorLogTickType1 = widget_button(minorLogTickTypeButtonBase,value='First Magnitude', $ tooltip='For major tick spacing > 1 order of magnitude, minor ticks linearly divide first order of magnitude in each major tick interval.',uname='logminorticktype1') minorLogTickType2 = widget_button(minorLogTickTypeButtonBase,value='Last Magnitude',$ tooltip='For major tick spacing > 1 order of magnitude, minor ticks linearly divide last order of magnitude in each major tick interval.',uname='logminorticktype2') minorLogTickType3 = widget_button(minorLogTickTypeButtonBase,value='Even Spacing',$ tooltip='Minor ticks logarithmically divide each major tickinterval.',uname='logminorticktype3') tickstyleBase = Widget_Base(ticksMiddleBase, /row, ypad=3) tslabel = widget_label(tickstylebase, value = 'Draw Ticks: ', xsize=xlsize+1) tickStyleDroplist = Widget_combobox(tickstyleBase, Value=tickStyleValues, uval='TICKSTYLE',uname='tickstyle') placementLabel = Widget_Label(plcmntBase, Value = 'Placement', /Align_Left) placeFrameBase = Widget_Base(plcmntBase, /Col, /NonExclusive, Frame=3, YPad=11, XPad=10,uname='placeframebase') case axisselect of 0:BEGIN botbutval = 'Bottom ' topbutval = 'Top ' END 1:BEGIN botbutval = 'Left ' topbutval = 'Right ' END endcase bottomButton = Widget_Button(placeFrameBase, Value=botbutval, uval='BOTTOMPLACE', $ uname='bottomplace') topButton = Widget_Button(placeFrameBase, Value=topbutval, uval='TOPPLACE', $ uname='topplace') WIDGET_CONTROL, bottomButton, /Set_Button WIDGET_CONTROL, topButton, /Set_Button lengthLabel = Widget_Label(lengthBase, Value = 'Length', /Align_Left) lengthFrameBase = Widget_Base(lengthBase, /Col, Frame=3, uname='lengthframebase') lmajorBase = Widget_Base(lengthFrameBase, /Row, YPad=3) lmajorIncrement = spd_ui_spinner(lmajorBase, label = 'Major : ',Increment=1, uval='MAJORLENGTH', $ uname='majorlength', min_value = 0, max_value = 10000) lmajorLabel= Widget_Label(lmajorBase, Value=' pts') lminorBase = Widget_Base(lengthFrameBase, /Row, YPad=3) lminorIncrement = spd_ui_spinner(lminorBase, label = 'Minor : ',Increment=1, uval='MINORLENGTH', $ uname='minorlength', min_value = 0, max_value = 10000) lminorLabel = Widget_Label(lminorBase, Value=' pts') ;n;tsetAllButton = Widget_Button(ticksButtonBase, Value='Set All Panels', /Align_Center, XSize = 120, uval='TICKSSETALL', uname='tickssetall') ;n;if windowlocked ne -1 && axisselect eq 0 then begin ;n; widget_control,tsetallbutton,/set_button ;n;endif ;GRID WIDGETS ;------------ gppanelbase = widget_base(gpbase, /row) gplabel = widget_label(gppanelbase, value='Panel: ') gpDroplist = Widget_combobox(gppanelBase, Value=panelNames, XSize=200, uval='PANELDROPLIST', uname='gridpaneldroplist') ; warn user if xaxis selected and panels are locked. IF axisselect EQ 0 && ~undefined(locked) && locked NE -1 THEN BEGIN anolab = widget_label(gppanelBase, value =' *Panels locked. Use apply all to change other panels.') ENDIF ;outlineBase = Widget_Base(gpBase, /Row) ;outlineIncrement = spd_ui_spinner(outlineBase, Label= 'Panel Outline Thickness : ', Increment=1, Value=1, uval='OUTLINETHICK', uname='outlinethick', min_value=1, max_value=10) gmajorLabel = Widget_Label(mglabelBase, Value='Major Grids: ', /Align_left, uname='majorgridbtnlabel') gmajorbuttonbase = Widget_Base(mglabelBase, /NonExclusive) gmajorbutton = Widget_Button(gmajorbuttonbase, value=' ', uval='MAJORGRIDS', uname='majorgrids') currentBase = Widget_Base(dirPullBase, /Row, XPad=1) paletteBase = Widget_Base(dirPullBase, /Row, XPad=1) colorLabel = Widget_Label(paletteBase, Value='Color: ', /align_left, xsize=100, uname='majorcolorlabel') getresourcepath,rpath palettebmp = read_bmp(rpath + 'color.bmp', /rgb) spd_ui_match_background, tlb, palettebmp majorgridpaletteButton = Widget_Button(paletteBase, Value=palettebmp, /Bitmap, $ UValue='MAJORGRIDPALETTE', uname='majorgridpalette', $ Tooltip='Choose color from Palette') spaceLabel = Widget_Label(paletteBase, Value=' ') ;majorgridcolorWindow = Widget_Draw(paletteBase, XSize=50, YSize=21, uname='majorgridcolorwindow') majorgridcolorWindow = WIDGET_DRAW(paletteBase,graphics_level=2,renderer=1, $ retain=1, XSize=50, YSize=20, units=0, frame=1, /expose_events, uname='majorgridcolorwin') cmajorBase = Widget_Base(dirpullBase, /Row) cmajorlabel=widget_label(cmajorBase, value='Thickness: ', /align_left, uname='majorgridlabel', xsize=100) cmajorIncrement = spd_ui_spinner(cmajorBase, Increment=1, Value=1,xsize=120, $ uval='MAJORGRIDTHICK', uname='majorgridthick', min_value=1, max_value=10) smajorbase = widget_base(dirpullbase, /row) smajorlabel = widget_label(smajorbase, value='Style: ', xsize=100, /align_left, uname='majorstylelabel') lineObj=Obj_New("SPD_UI_LINE_STYLE") lineStyles=lineObj->GetLineStyles() Obj_Destroy, lineObj smajorDroplist = Widget_combobox(smajorbase, XSize=157, $ uval='MAJORGRIDSTYLE', uname='majorgridstyle', $ Value=lineStyles) gimajorLabel = Widget_Label(mgilabelBase, Value = 'Minor Grids: ', /Align_Left, uname='minorgridbtnlabel') gminorbuttonbase = Widget_Base(mgilabelBase, /NonExclusive) gminorbutton = Widget_Button(gminorbuttonbase, value=' ', uval='MINORGRIDS', uname='minorgrids') cminorBase = Widget_Base(diripullBase, /Row, XPad=1) ;cminorLabel = Widget_Label(cminorBase, Value=' Current Color:') paletteiBase = Widget_Base(diripullBase, /Row, XPad=1) coloriLabel = Widget_Label(paletteiBase, Value='Color: ' ,/align_left, uname='minorclabolorel', xsize=100) minorgridpaletteButton = Widget_Button(paletteiBase, Value=palettebmp, /Bitmap, $ UValue='MINORGRIDPALETTE', uname='minorgridpalette', $ Tooltip='Choose color from Palette') spaceLabel = Widget_Label(paletteiBase, Value=' ') ;minorgridcolorWindow = WIDGET_DRAW(paletteiBase, XSize=50, YSize=21, uname='minorgridcolorwindow') minorgridcolorWindow = WIDGET_DRAW(paletteiBase,graphics_level=2,renderer=1, $ retain=1, XSize=50, YSize=20, units=0, frame=1, /expose_events, uname='minorgridcolorwin') cminorBase = Widget_Base(diripullBase, /Row) cmajorlabel=widget_label(cminorBase, value='Thickness: ', /align_left, uname='minorgridlabel', xsize=100) cminorIncrement = spd_ui_spinner(cminorBase,Increment=1, Value=1, $ uval='MINORGRIDTHICK', uname='minorgridthick',min_value=1, max_value=10) sminorbase = widget_base(diripullbase, /row) sminorlabel=widget_label(sminorBase, value='Style: ', /align_left, uname='minorstylelabel', xsize=100) sminorDroplist = Widget_combobox(sminorbase, XSize=160, $ uval='MINORGRIDSTYLE', uname='minorgridstyle', $ Value=lineStyles) ;spaceLabel = Widget_Label(gaBase, Value=' ') ;annoying IDL problem ;n;setAllgButton = Widget_Button(gaBase, Value='Set All Panels', /Align_Center, XSize=125, uval='GRIDSETALL', uname='gridsetall') ;n;if windowlocked ne -1 && axisselect eq 0 then begin ;n; widget_control,setAllgButton,/set_button ;n;endif ;annotation widgets anoPlabel = widget_label(anopanelbase, value = 'Panel: ') anoPanelDroplist = Widget_combobox(anopanelBase, Value=panelNames, XSize=200, uval='PANELDROPLIST', uname='annopaneldroplist') ; if panels are locked default to the bottom panel ; warn user if xaxis selected and panels are locked. IF axisselect EQ 0 && ~undefined(locked) && locked NE -1 THEN BEGIN anolab = widget_label(anopanelBase, value =' *Panels locked. Use apply all to change other panels.') ENDIF IF isTimeAxis EQ 1 THEN sensitive=1 ELSE sensitive=0 anoDrawBase = Widget_Base(anoTopCol1Base, /col, /NonExclusive) anoDrawButton = Widget_Button(anoDrawBase, Value='Draw Line at Zero (1 for log)', uval='LINEATZERO', $ uname='lineatzero') ;anoShowButton = Widget_Button(anoShowDateBase, Value='Show Date', Sensitive=sensitive, $ ;anoShowBase = Widget_Base(anoTopCol1Base, /row, /nonexclusive) ;anoftBase = Widget_Base(anoTopCol1Base, /col, /NonExclusive) anoftButton = Widget_Button(anoDrawBase, Value='Annotate Range Min', uval='ANNOTATERANGEMIN', $ uname='annotaterangemin') WIDGET_CONTROL, anoftButton, /Set_Button ;ano2ftBase = Widget_Base(anoftBase, /Row, /NonExclusive) ano2ftButton = Widget_Button(anoDrawBase, Value='Annotate Range Max', uval='ANNOTATERANGEMAX', $ uname='annotaterangemax') WIDGET_CONTROL, ano2ftButton, /Set_Button ;anoShowButton = Widget_Button(anoDrawBase, Value='Show Date', Sensitive=sensitive, $ ; uval='SHOWDATE', uname='showdate') ;WIDGET_CONTROL, anoShowButton, /Set_Button anoShowDateBase = Widget_Base(anoMiddleBase, /Row, /NonExclusive) anoShowButton = Widget_Button(anoShowDateBase, Value='Show Date:', Sensitive=sensitive, $ uval='SHOWDATE', uname='showdate', tooltip='Include Date string with first tick') WIDGET_CONTROL, anoShowButton, /Set_Button anoDateBase = Widget_Base(anoMiddleBase, /Row, frame=1, uname='anodatebase') anoDateTextBases = Widget_Base(anoDateBase, /col) anoDateFormat1Base = Widget_Base(anoDateTextBases, /row) anoDateFormat2Base = Widget_Base(anoDateTextBases, /row) anoDatePreviewTextBase = Widget_Base(anoDateBase, /col) anoDateFormat1Label = Widget_Label(anoDateFormat1Base, Value='Line 1: ') anoDateFormat1 = Widget_Text(anoDateFormat1Base, /editable, uval='ANODATE1', uname='anodate1', /All_Events) anoDateFormat2Label = Widget_Label(anoDateFormat2Base, Value='Line 2: ') anoDateFormat2 = Widget_Text(anoDateFormat2Base, /editable, uval='ANODATE2', uname='anodate2', /All_Events) anoDatePreviewText = Widget_Text(anoDatePreviewTextBase, ysize=2, xsize=32, /wrap, uname='anodatepreviewtext') anoDatePreviewButt = Widget_Button(anoDatePreviewTextBase, value='Preview of Date String', uval='ANODATEPREVIEW') ;anoDateButton = Widget_Button(anoTopCol2Base, Value='Date Format...', Sensitive=sensitive) anoSpaceBase = Widget_Base(anoMiddleBase, /Row) anoSpaceLabel = Widget_Label(anoSpaceBase, value = ' ') anoAxisBase = Widget_Base(anoMiddleBase, /Row, /NonExclusive) anoAxisButton = Widget_Button(anoAxisBase, Value='Annotate Along Axis:', uval='ANNOTATEAXIS', $ uname='annotateaxis') WIDGET_CONTROL, anoAxisButton, /Set_Button anoFrameBase = Widget_Base(anoMiddleBase, /Col, Frame=5, XPad=5, uname='annoaxisbase') anofpBase = Widget_Base(anoFrameBase, /row) ;annoplacement = axissettings->GetPlacements() case axisselect of 0: annoplacement = ['Bottom','Top'] 1: annoplacement = ['Left','Right'] endcase anoMajorBase = Widget_Base(anofpBase, /Row, /NonExclusive) anoMajorButton = Widget_Button(anoMajorBase, Value='Annotate Major Ticks', uval='ANNOTATEMAJORTICKS', $ uname='annotatemajorticks') anoplabel = widget_label(anofpbase, value='Place Annotation on: ', /align_left, xsize=125) anoPlaceDroplist = Widget_combobox(anofpBase, Value=annoplacement, uval='PLACEANNOTATION', uname='placeannotation') WIDGET_CONTROL, anoMajorButton, /Set_Button anomFrameBase = Widget_Base(anoFrameBase, /Col, XPad=4, uname='annomajorbase') anoEveryBase = Widget_Base(anomFrameBase, /Row) anoEveryLabel = Widget_Label(anoEveryBase, Value='Annotate Every: ', /align_left, xsize=101) anoEveryText = spd_ui_spinner(anoEveryBase, Value=majortickevery, increment=1,$ text_box_size=12, uval='ANNOTATEEVERY', uname='annotateevery',min_value=0) spaceLabel = Widget_Label(anoEveryBase, Value = ' ') IF isTimeAxis EQ 1 THEN Sensitive=1 ELSE Sensitive=0 anoEveryDroplist = Widget_combobox(anoEveryBase, Value=tickUnitValues, xsize=120, uval='ANNOTATEUNITS', uname='annotateunits') anoFirstBase = Widget_Base(anomFrameBase, /Row,uname='firstannotationbase') anoFirstLabel = Widget_Label(anoFirstBase, Value='Align Annotations At: ' ,/align_left) if istimeaxis then begin anoFirstText = widget_text(anoFirstBase, value=time_string(0), uname='firstannotation',/editable,uval='FIRSTANNOTATION') endif else begin anoFirstText = spd_ui_spinner(anoFirstBase, value=0, incr=1, uname='firstannotation', $ tooltip='Numerical location of first annotation.', text_box=12,uval='FIRSTANNOTATION') endelse anoBase = Widget_Base(anoFrameBase, /row) styleValues = axisSettings->GetAnnotationFormats() anoSBase = widget_base(anoTopCol2Base, /row, space = 0) avalue = istimeaxis ? 'Annotation Format: ':'Annotation Precision: ' anoSLabel = widget_label(anosbase, value = avalue, uname='anoslabel') anoStyleDroplist = Widget_combobox(anosbase, Value = styleValues, uval='ANNOTATESTYLE', uname='annotatestyle') anoSOBase = widget_base(anoTopCol2Base, column=1, /exclusive, ypad=0, space=0) default = widget_button(anoSOBase, value = 'Auto-Notation', uvalue='AAUTO', uname='aauto', sensitive=~istimeaxis) dbl = widget_button(anoSOBase, value = 'Decimal Notation', uvalue='ADBL', uname='adbl', sensitive=~istimeaxis) expo = widget_button(anoSOBase, value = 'Scientific Notation', uvalue='AEXP', uname = 'aexp', sensitive=~istimeaxis) hexno = widget_button(anoSOBase, value = 'Hexadecimal Notation', uvalue='HEXNOT', uname = 'hexnot', sensitive=~istimeaxis) ; We need hexno twice because type=4 (type=3 has been used before but it is not currently used) atype = [default, dbl, expo, hexno, hexno] widget_control, atype[annotateExponent], /set_button ;ano2Base = Widget_Base(anoFrameBase, /row) ;spaceLabel = Widget_Label(anoFrameBase, Value = '') orientBase = Widget_Base(anoFrameBase, /row) orientationLabel = Widget_Label(orientBase, Value=' Orientation: ', /Align_Left, xsize=125,sensitive=1) orientButtonBase = Widget_Base(orientBase, /Exclusive, /row) landscapeButton = Widget_Button(orientButtonBase, Value='Horizontal ', UValue='ANNOHORIZONTAL', $ uname='annohorizontal');, sensitive=1) landscapeButton = Widget_Button(orientButtonBase, Value='Vertical ', UValue='ANNOVERTICAL', $ uname='annovertical');, sensitive=1) ;n;anoSetAllButton = Widget_Button(anoButtonBase, Value='Set All Panels', /Align_Center, XSize = 125, uval='ANNOTATIONSETALL', uname='annotationsetall') ;spaceLabel = Widget_Label(anoFrameBase, Value = '') ; ; ; ;n;if windowlocked ne -1 && axisselect eq 0 then begin ;n;widget_control,anoSetAllButton,/set_button ;n;endif ;styleLabel = Widget_Label(anoFrameBase, Value=' Style:', /Align_Left, sensitive=1) anoStyleBase = Widget_Base(anoFrameBase, /row) anoFontBase = Widget_Base(anoStyleBase, /col) textObj = Obj_New("SPD_UI_TEXT") fontNames = textObj->GetFonts() anoFontLabel = Widget_Label(anoFontBase, value='Font', /align_left) anoStyleDroplist = Widget_combobox(anoFontbase, value=fontNames, uval='ANOFONTLIST', uname='anofontlist') anoIncBase = Widget_Base(anoStyleBase, /col) anoIncLabel = Widget_Label(anoIncBase, value='Size (pts)', /align_left) fontTitleIncrement = spd_ui_spinner(anoIncBase, Increment=1, uval='ANOFONTSIZE', $ uname='anofontsize', min_value=1) anoColorBase = Widget_Base(anoStyleBase, /col) colorLabel = Widget_Label(anoColorbase, value='Color', /align_center) ;getresourcepath,rpath ;palettebmp = rpath + 'color.bmp' annotationpaletteButton = Widget_Button(anoColorBase, Value=palettebmp, /Bitmap, $ UVal='ANNOTATIONPALETTE', uname='annotationpalette', $ Tooltip='Choose color from Palette') anoCurrentBase = Widget_Base(anoStyleBase, /col) anoCurrentLabel = Widget_Label(anocurrentbase, value='Current Color') anoColorWindow = WIDGET_DRAW(anoCurrentBase, graphics_level=2, renderer=1, retain=1, XSize=50, $ YSize=20, units=0, frame=1, /expose_events, uname='anocolorwin') ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; title widgets titlepdBase = widget_base(titlepanelbase, /row) titlePLabel=Widget_Label(titlepdBase, value='Panel: ') titlepanelDroplist = Widget_combobox(titlepdBase, Value=panelNames, XSize=150, uval='PANELDROPLIST', uname='titlepaneldroplist') ; warn user if xaxis selected and panels are locked. IF axisselect EQ 0 && ~undefined(locked) && locked NE -1 THEN BEGIN anolab = widget_label(titlepdBase, value =' *Panels locked. Use apply all to change other panels.') ENDIF titletextcolbase = widget_base(titletextBase, col=2, space=350) titletextframeLabel = Widget_Label(titletextcolbase, Value='Text: ', /Align_Left) titlehelpbutton = widget_button(titletextcolbase, value='Format Help', uname='formathelpbutton', uvalue='FORMATHELPBUTTON') titletextFrameBase = Widget_Base(titletextBase, /col, Frame=3,XPad=1, uname='titletextframebase') titlecolBase = widget_base(titletextframebase,/col) titleeditBase = widget_base(titlecolbase,/row, ypad=1,/base_align_center) titleeditbasecol1 = widget_base(titleeditBase, /col, /base_align_left);, space=20, ypad=6) titleeditbasecol2 = widget_base(titleeditbase, /col, /base_align_left);, space=12) titletextlabel = widget_label(titleeditbasecol1, value='Title:', xsize=60, /align_left) titletextfield = widget_text(titleeditBasecol2, value = '', /editable, /all_events, xsize=55, ysize=1, $ uval='TITLETEXTEDIT', uname='titletextedit') titlerow1base = widget_base(titlecolbase,/row, xpad=40,/base_align_center);, ypad=10) titlelabel1base = widget_base(titlerow1base,/col,/base_align_left, space=20, ypad=6);, xpad=30) titlefield1base = widget_base(titlerow1base,/col,/base_align_left, space=12) titlelabel2base = widget_base(titlerow1base,/col,/base_align_left, space=20, ypad=6) titlefield2base = widget_base(titlerow1base,/col,/base_align_left, space=6) tlabel = Widget_Label(titlelabel1Base, value = 'Font:') lpofontDroplist = Widget_combobox(titlefield1Base, XSize=125, Value=fontnames, uval='TITLEFONT', uname='titlefont') tlabel = Widget_Label(titlelabel1Base, value = 'Format:') formattypes=textObj->getformats() titleFormatDroplist = Widget_combobox(titlefield1Base, XSize=125, Value=formattypes, uval='TITLEFORMAT', uname='titleformat') tlabel= Widget_Label(titlelabel2Base, value='Size (points): ', /align_left) fontIncrement = spd_ui_spinner(titlefield2Base, Increment=1, Value=12, uval='TITLESIZE', uname='titlesize', min_value=1) tlabel= Widget_Label(titlelabel2Base, value='Color: ', /align_left) titlecolorBase = Widget_Base(titlefield2Base, /row, xpad=0, /base_align_center) titlepaletteButton = Widget_Button(titlecolorBase, Value=palettebmp, /Bitmap, UValue='TITLEPALETTE', uname='titlepalette', $ Tooltip='Choose color from Palette') titleColorWindow = WIDGET_DRAW(titlecolorBase, graphics_level=2, renderer=1, retain=1, XSize=50, YSize=20, units=0, frame=1, $ uname = 'titlecolorwin', /expose_events) ;-------- subtitle subtitleeditBase = widget_base(titlecolbase,/row, ypad=1,/base_align_center) subtitleeditbasecol1 = widget_base(subtitleeditBase, /col, /base_align_left);, space=20, ypad=6) subtitleeditbasecol2 = widget_base(subtitleeditbase, /col, /base_align_left);, space=12) subtitletextlabel = widget_label(subtitleeditbasecol1, value='Subtitle:',xsize=60,/align_left) subtitletextfield = widget_text(subtitleeditbasecol2, value='',/editable, /all_events, xsize=55, ysize=1,$ uval='SUBTITLETEXTEDIT',uname='subtitletextedit') subtitlerow1base = widget_base(titlecolbase,/row, xpad=40,/base_align_center);, ypad=10) subtitlelabel1base = widget_base(subtitlerow1base,/col,/base_align_left, space=20, ypad=6);, xpad=30) subtitlefield1base = widget_base(subtitlerow1base,/col,/base_align_left, space=12) subtitlelabel2base = widget_base(subtitlerow1base,/col,/base_align_left, space=20, ypad=6) subtitlefield2base = widget_base(subtitlerow1base,/col,/base_align_left, space=6) subtlabel = Widget_Label(subtitlelabel1Base, value = 'Font:') sublpofontDroplist = Widget_combobox(subtitlefield1Base, XSize=125, Value=fontnames, uval='SUBTITLEFONT', uname='subtitlefont') subtlabel = Widget_Label(subtitlelabel1Base, value = 'Format:') formattypes=textObj->getformats() subtitleFormatDroplist = Widget_combobox(subtitlefield1Base, XSize=125, Value=formattypes, uval='SUBTITLEFORMAT', uname='subtitleformat') subtlabel= Widget_Label(subtitlelabel2Base, value='Size (points): ', /align_left) subfontIncrement = spd_ui_spinner(subtitlefield2Base, Increment=1, Value=12, uval='SUBTITLESIZE', uname='subtitlesize', min_value=1) subtlabel= Widget_Label(subtitlelabel2Base, value='Color: ', /align_left) subtitlecolorBase = Widget_Base(subtitlefield2Base, /row, xpad=0, /base_align_center) subtitlepaletteButton = Widget_Button(subtitlecolorBase, Value=palettebmp, /Bitmap, UValue='SUBTITLEPALETTE', uname='subtitlepalette', $ Tooltip='Choose color from Palette') subtitleColorWindow = WIDGET_DRAW(subtitlecolorBase, graphics_level=2, renderer=1, retain=1, XSize=50, YSize=20, units=0, frame=1, $ uname = 'subtitlecolorwin', /expose_events) ;------ placement titleplacementframeLabel = Widget_Label(titletextBase, Value='Style & Placement: ', /Align_Left) titleplacementFrameBase = Widget_Base(titletextBase, /col, Frame=3,XPad=1, uname='titleplacementframebase') case axisselect of 0: titleplacement = ['Bottom','Top '] 1: titleplacement = ['Left ','Right '] endcase titleplacebase0 = widget_base(titleplacementframebase,/row, /base_align_center) titlelazybase = widget_base(titleplaceBase0, /row, /nonexclusive,/align_left) titlelazyButton = widget_button(titlelazybase, value='Lazy Titles', uval='LAZYTITLES', $ uname='lazytitles', tooltip='Underscores will be converted to new lines') titleplaceBase = widget_base(titleplacementframebase,/row,/base_align_center) titlepBase = Widget_Base(titleplaceBase, /row) titleplacelabel = widget_label(titlepbase, value='Place Title on: ') titlePlaceDroplist = Widget_combobox(titlepBase, Value=titleplacement, uval='PLACETITLE', uname='placetitle') titlemarginBase = Widget_Base(titleplacebase, /Row, xpad=20) titlemarginIncrement=spd_ui_spinner(titlemarginBase, label = 'Margin: ',Increment=1, uval='TITLEMARGIN', uname='titlemargin') titlemarginLabel = Widget_Label(titlemarginBase, Value=' pts ') titleplace2Base = widget_base(titleplacementframebase,/row) titlep2Base = Widget_Base(titleplace2Base, /row) titleplacelabel = widget_label(titlep2base, value='Orientation: ') titleButBase = Widget_Base(titlep2Base , /row, /Exclusive,xpad=12,space=50) titleHorizButton = Widget_Button(titleButBase, Value='Horizontal', uval='TITLEHORIZONTAL', uname='titlehorizontal') titleVertButton = Widget_Button(titleButBase, Value='Vertical', uval='TITLEVERTICAL', uname='titlevertical') Widget_Control, titleVertButton, /Set_Button ;correct button will be set in spd_ui_init_axis_window ;n;titleSetAllButton = Widget_Button(titleButtonBase, Value='Set All Panels', /Align_Center, XSize = 125, uval='TITLESETALL', uname='titlesetall') ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;labels widgets lpdBase = widget_base(lpanelbase, /row) panelLabel=Widget_Label(lpdBase, value='Panel: ') lpanelDroplist = Widget_combobox(lpdBase, Value=panelNames, XSize=150, uval='PANELDROPLIST', uname='labelpaneldroplist') ; warn user if xaxis selected and panels are locked. IF axisselect EQ 0 && ~undefined(locked) && locked NE -1 THEN BEGIN anolab = widget_label(lpdBase, value =' *Panels locked. Use apply all to change other panels.') ENDIF ltextLabel = Widget_Label(labeltextBase, Value='Text: ', /Align_Left) ltFrameBase = Widget_Base(labeltextBase, /col, Frame=3,XPad=1, uname='ltframebase') lt1TextBase = Widget_Base(ltFrameBase, /row, xpad=3) col1Base = Widget_Base(lt1TextBase, /col, /base_align_Center, ypad=5);, ypad=10) labelSelectBase = widget_base(col1base, /row, xpad=0, /align_left, space=3) ltexteditlabel = widget_label(labelSelectBase,value='Select Label: ') lt1Text = Widget_Combobox(labelSelectBase,Value = ' ', XSize=260, uval='LABELDROPLIST', uname='labeldroplist') ltexteditBase = widget_base(col1base, /row, xpad=0, /align_left, space=3) ltexteditlabel = widget_label(ltexteditBase,value='Edit/Add Label:') ltextedit = widget_text(ltexteditBase, value = '', /editable, /all_events, xsize=40, ysize=1, $ uval='LABELTEXTEDIT', uname='labeltextedit') ;uptoarrow = read_bmp(rpath + 'up_to_arrow.bmp', /rgb) ;spd_ui_match_background, tlb, uptoarrow ;ltextsync = widget_button(ltexteditBase, value = uptoarrow, /bitmap, uval='LABELTEXTSYNC', uname='labeltextsync') col2Base = Widget_Base(lt1TextBase, /col) col2Base2 = Widget_Base(col2Base, /col, /nonexclusive, ypad=5) showSingleLabelCheck = widget_button(col2Base2,value='Show Label',UVALUE='SHOWLABEL',uname='showlabel') ltexthelpbutton = widget_button(col2Base, value='Format Help', uname='formathelpbutton', uvalue='FORMATHELPBUTTON') ;lt2Base = Widget_Base(ltFrameBase, /col, xpad=7, /align_left) ;lt3Base = Widget_base(lt2base, /row, /align_center) ltFrameAttrBase = widget_base(ltFrameBase,/row) lpcol1Base = Widget_Base(ltFrameAttrBase, /row) lpcol2Base = Widget_Base(ltFrameAttrBase, /row) ;lt4Base = Widget_base(lt3Base, /row) ;lpFrameBase = Widget_Base(labelTextBase, /row, Frame=3, YPad=2, XPad=2) ;lpcol1Base = Widget_Base(lpFrameBase, /row) lpcol1aBase = Widget_Base(lpcol1Base, /col, space=17) lpcol1bBase = Widget_Base(lpcol1Base, /col, space=5) lpcol2aBase = Widget_Base(lpcol2Base, /col, space=17) lpcol2bBase = Widget_Base(lpcol2Base, /col, space=5) ;lpcol2Base = Widget_Base(lpFrameBase, /col) lpstyleLabel = Widget_Label(labelTextBase, Value='Style & Placement:', /Align_Left) styleFrameBase= Widget_Base(labelTextBase, /col, Frame=3, YPad=2, XPad=2, uname='labelstyleframebase') stylepBase = Widget_Base(styleFrameBase, /row) case axisselect of 0: labelplacement = ['Bottom','Top'] 1: labelplacement = ['Left','Right'] endcase labelplabel = widget_label(stylepbase, value='Place Label on: ', /align_left, xsize=90) titlePlaceDroplist = Widget_combobox(stylepBase, Value=labelplacement, uval='PLACELABEL', uname='placelabel') showLabelButtonBase = widget_base(styleFrameBase,/row,/nonexclusive,/align_left) stackButton = Widget_Button(showLabelButtonBase, Value='Stack Labels', uval='STACKLABELS', uname='stacklabels') lazyButton = widget_button(showlabelButtonBase, value='Lazy Labels', uval='LAZYLABELS', $ uname='lazylabels', tooltip='Underscores will be converted to new lines') showLabelButton = Widget_Button(showLabelButtonBase, Value='Show Labels', uval='SHOWLABELS', uname='showlabels') stackButtonBase= widget_base(styleFrameBase,/row,/nonexclusive) IF axisselect EQ 1 THEN blackButton = Widget_Button(stackButtonBase, Value='Set All Labels Black', UValue='BLACKLABELS', uname='blacklabels') Widget_Control, showlabelButton, /Set_Button lpGlobalBase = Widget_Base(styleFrameBase, /row) lpoBase = Widget_Base(lpGlobalBase, /col) lpoLabel = Widget_Label(lpoBase , Value='Orientation: ', /align_left) lpoButBase = Widget_Base(lpoBase , /col, /Exclusive, Frame=3, xpad=18) lpovHorizButton = Widget_Button(lpoButBase, Value='Horizontal', uval='LABELHORIZONTAL', uname='labelhorizontal') lpoVertButton = Widget_Button(lpoButBase, Value='Vertical', uval='LABELVERTICAL', uname='labelvertical') Widget_Control, lpovHorizButton, /Set_Button lpoIncrBase = Widget_Base(lpGlobalBase, /Row, YPad=2,/align_center) lpoIncrIncrement=spd_ui_spinner(lpoIncrBase, label = 'Margin: ',Increment=1, uval='LABELMARGIN', uname='labelmargin') lpoIncrLabel = Widget_Label(lpoIncrBase, Value=' pts ') tlabel = Widget_Label(lpcol1aBase, value = 'Font:', /align_left) lpofontDroplist = Widget_combobox(lpcol1bBase, XSize=125, Value=fontnames, uval='LABELFONT', uname='labelfont') tlabel = Widget_Label(lpcol1aBase, value = 'Format:', /align_left) formattypes=textObj->getformats() Obj_Destroy, textObj lpoFormatDroplist = Widget_combobox(lpcol1bBase, XSize=125, Value=formattypes, uval='LABELFORMAT', uname='labelformat') labelsync = widget_button(lpcol1bBase, value='Sync Panel Labels', uval='LABELSYNC', uname='labelsync', tooltip='Propagate text settings to the other labels on this panel') tlabel= Widget_Label(lpcol2aBase, value='Size (points): ', /align_left) fontIncrement = spd_ui_spinner(lpcol2bBase, Increment=1, Value=12, uval='LABELSIZE', uname='labelsize', min_value=1) cb1Base = Widget_Base(lpcol2bBase, /row, space=3, /base_align_center) tlabel= Widget_Label(lpcol2aBase, value='Color: ', /align_left) labelpaletteButton = Widget_Button(cb1Base, Value=palettebmp, /Bitmap, UValue='LABELPALETTE', uname='labelpalette', $ Tooltip='Choose color from Palette') labelColorWindow = WIDGET_DRAW(cb1Base, graphics_level=2, renderer=1, retain=1, XSize=50, YSize=20, units=0, frame=1, $ uname = 'labelcolorwin', /expose_events) ;n;labelsSetButton = Widget_Button(labelButtonBase, Value='Set All Panels', /Align_Center, XSize = 125, uval='LABELTSETALL', uname='labeltsetall') okButton = Widget_Button(buttonBase, Value='OK', XSize=75, uval='OK') applyButton = Widget_Button(buttonBase, Value='Apply', UValue='APPLY',Tooltip='Apply all settings from all tabs to current panel.', XSize=75) applyToAllButton = Widget_Button(buttonBase, Value='Apply to All Panels', Uvalue='APPLYTOALL', sens=1, $ Tooltip='Apply settings from the current tab to all panels',XSize=125) cancelButton = Widget_Button(buttonBase, Value='Cancel', UValue='CANC', XSize=75) templateButton = Widget_Button(buttonBase, Value='Store for a Template', UValue='TEMP',xsize=125,tooltip='Use these settings when saving a Graph Options Template') ;helpButton = Widget_Button(buttonBase, Value='Help', XSize=75) ;Create Status Bar Object: ;************************* ; panelDroplists=[rangepanelDroplist, tpanelDroplist, gpDroplist, anopanelDroplist, titlepanelDroplist, lpanelDroplist] statusBar = Obj_New('SPD_UI_MESSAGE_BAR', statusBase, XSize=80, YSize=1) ;state = {tlb:tlb, gui_id:gui_id, rangeOptions:rangeOptions,$; tabbase:tabbase,$ ; scalingOptions:scalingOptions, labelselect:0, atype:atype, $ ; axispanelselect:axispanelselect,; panels:panels, panelobjs:panelobjs, $ ; axisselect:axisselect,$; currlabelobj:ptr_new(), anocolorwin:-1, $ ; ;labelcolorwin:-1, majorgridcolorwin:-1, minorgridcolorwin:-1, tcolorWin:0,firstUnits:0,$ ; windowStorage:windowStorage, loadedData:loadedData, drawObject:drawObject, $ ; historyWin:historyWin, statusBar:statusBar, panelDroplists:panelDroplists, $ ; ;majorgridcolorWindow:majorgridcolorWindow, minorgridcolorWindow:minorgridcolorWindow, $ ; ;anocolorWindow:anocolorWindow, labelcolorWindow:labelcolorWindow, $ ; ;minIncrement:minIncrement, maxIncrement:maxIncrement, minBase:minBase, maxBase:maxBase,$ ; ;majorUnits:0,minorUnits:0, minorTickBase:minorTickBase, $ ; scrollbar:scrollbar,template:template} state = {tlb:tlb, gui_id:gui_id, rangeOptions:rangeOptions,scalingOptions:scalingOptions,$ labelselect:0, atype:atype, axispanelselect:axispanelselect, axisselect:axisselect,$ windowStorage:windowStorage, loadedData:loadedData, drawObject:drawObject, historyWin:historyWin,$ statusBar:statusBar, panelDroplists:panelDroplists, scrollbar:scrollbar, template:template, tlb_statusbar:tlb_statusbar,$ lockedMessageDisplayed:0,last_change:''} Widget_Control, tlb, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy centerTLB, tlb Widget_Control, tlb, /realize statusBar->Draw ; the following call to update was commented out 9/30/2014 ; by Eric Grimes; seems unnecessary, and calls to ; the update method of the draw object are very expensive ;drawObject->update,windowStorage,loadedData spd_ui_update_axis_from_draw,drawObject,panels spd_ui_init_axis_window, tlb ;keep windows in X11 from snaping back to ;center during tree widget events if !d.NAME eq 'X' then begin widget_control, tlb, xoffset=0, yoffset=0 endif XManager, 'spd_ui_axis_options', tlb, /No_Block RETURN END ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------