This page was created by the IDL library routine
Last modified: Mon Jul 27 13:46:48 2020.
<B>File Name :</B><P> <B>Class Name :</B>ConfigData<P> @file_comments <B>Purpose :</B><P> Configuration data object. コンフィグデータオブジェクト。<P> <B>Members :</B><P> - TIME RANGE - trange 時間幅<P> - CURRENT TIME - curtime 表示に使用する時間 - NUMBER OF OBESRVATION numtimekeys 観測時間の数 - SCATTER MODE - scatter 表示方法1(離散データ表示)<P> - SLICE-VOLUME MODE slice_volume 表示方法2(スライスボリューム表示)<P> - MAGNETIC FIELD VECTOR - ptmagnetic 磁場ベクトル<P> - VELOCITY VECTOR - ptvelocity 速度ベクトル<P> - VIEW VECTOR - ptview 視点ベクトル<P> - COORDINATE 1 - gsm 座標系1<P> - COORDINATE 2 - mag 座標系2<P> - COORDINATE 3 - sc 座標系3<P> - COORDINATE 4 - gse 座標系4<P> - COORDINATE 5 - sm 座標系5<P> - COORDINATE 6 - bce 座標系6<P> - SETTING FOR X RANGE (ON/OFF) - set_xrange X軸の幅の設定on/off<P> - X RANGE - xrange X軸の幅<P> - SETTING FOR Y RANGE (ON/OFF) - set_yrange Y軸の幅の設定on/off<P> - Y RANGE - yrange Y軸の幅<P> - SETTING FOR Z RANGE (ON/OFF) - set_zrange Z軸の幅の設定on/off<P> - Z RANGE - zrange Z軸の幅<P> - UNIT OF AXIS (VELOCITY, ENERGY, OR MU); MU NOT YET COMPLETE axis_unit 軸の単位('velocity','energy','mu'のいずれかを指定)<P> - SETTING FOR MAX & MIN OF PHYSICAL QUANTITY - set_range 物理量の上限下限値の設定on/off<P> - MAX & MIN OF PHYSICAL QUANTITY - range 物理量の上限下限値<P> - UNIT OF PHYSICAL QUANTITY (DIFFERENTIAL FLUX, ENERGY FLUX, OR PSD) - ENERGY FLUX NOT YET COMPLETE unit 物理量の単位('diff_flux','energy_flux','psd'のいずれかを指定)<P> - USER-DEFINED VECTOR - ptuser ユーザー指定のベクトル<P> - PATH FOR CONFIGURATION FILE - config コンフィグファイルのパス<P> - MAX & MIN OF VOLUME - vol_range ボリュームの上限下限値<P> - COLOR OF VOLUME - vol_color ボリュームの色<P> - MAX & MIN of ADDITIONAL VOLUME - vol_range_add 追加ボリュームの上限下限値<P> - COLOR of ADDITIONAL VOLUME - vol_color_add 追加ボリュームの色<P> - LOCATION OF 1D SLICE (X) - pslice_x 1Dスライス面と場所X<P> - LOCATION OF 1D SLICE (Y) - pslice_y 1Dスライス面と場所Y<P> - LOCATION OF 1D SLICE (Z) - pslice_z 1Dスライス面と場所Z<P> - LOCATION OF 2D SLICE (xy) - ptslice_xy 2Dスライス面と場所XY面<P> - LOCATION OF 2D SLICE (yz) - ptslice_yz 2Dスライス面と場所YZ面<P> - LOCATION OF 2D SLICE (zx) - ptslice_xz 2Dスライス面と場所ZX面<P> - SETTING OF INTERPOLATION METHOD - interpol 補間方法を指定<P> - COLOR TABLE (33 BY DEFAULT) - color_table カラーテーブルの番号(デフォルトは33) - NUMBER OF CONTOUR LEVEL - cont_nlevels コンタのレベル数 @history Who Date version Description<P> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------<P> Kunihiro Keika 2015/07/21 Added English comments. Exelis VIS KK 2014/05/20 Original Version<P>
(See spedas_gui/isee3d/
CONSTRUCTER of CONFIGURATION DATA OBJECT <B>Purpose :</B>コンフィグデータオブジェクトのコンストラクタ。<P> SUCCESS (1), FAILURE (<0) @returns 成功(1)、不成功(0以下)
(See spedas_gui/isee3d/
GET RGB FROM COLOR NAMES. <B>Purpose :</B>色名よりRGBを取得する。<P>
(See spedas_gui/isee3d/
DESTRUCTOR OF CONFIGURATION DATA OBJECT <B>Purpose :</B>コンフィグデータオブジェクトのデストラクタ。<P>
(See spedas_gui/isee3d/
SETTING OF PROPERTIES <B>Purpose :</B>プロパティを設定する。<P>
(See spedas_gui/isee3d/
GET PROPERTIES <B>Purpose :</B>プロパティを取得する。<P>
(See spedas_gui/isee3d/
READ CONFIGURATION FILE <B>Purpose :</B>コンフィグファイルを読み込む。<P> SUCCESS (1), FAILURE (<0) @returns 成功(1)、不成功(0以下)
(See spedas_gui/isee3d/
EXTRACT CONFIGURATION FILE <B>Purpose :</B>コンフィグファイルを書き出す。<P> SUCCESS (1), FAILURE (<0) @returns 成功(1)、不成功(0以下) @param filepath {in} {required} {type=string} SETTING OF PATH FOR CONFIGURATION FILE コンフィグファイルパスを設定する。
(See spedas_gui/isee3d/
DEFINITION OF CONFIGURATION DATA OBJECT <B>Purpose :</B> Definitions of ConfigData Class. <P> コンフィグデータオブジェクトの定義。 TIME RANGE @field trange 時間幅
(See spedas_gui/isee3d/
Definition of geometry of a cube. @abstract @keyword x {out}{optional}{type=numeric vector} x coordinates of vertices @keyword y {out}{optional}{type=numeric vector} y coordinates of vertices @keyword z {out}{optional}{type=numeric vector} z coordinates of vertices @keyword polygon_conn {out}{optional}{type=numeric vector} connectivity array for the polygon
(See spedas_gui/isee3d/
Define instance variables. @file_comments Class representing a cube. @author Michael Galloy @history <ul> <li>Created August 1, 2003 <li>2006-06, MP: Removed POLYLINE_CONN keyword from getDefinition method. </ul>
(See spedas_gui/isee3d/
<B>Purpose :</B>Zの値を取得する�P> @returns Zの配�値
(See spedas_gui/isee3d/
GET N VALUE <B>Purpose :</B>Nの値を取得する�P> @returns Nの配�値
(See spedas_gui/isee3d/
GET START TIME AND END TIME. <B>Purpose :</B>starttime, endtimeを取得する�P> @returns [starttime, endtime]
(See spedas_gui/isee3d/
GET MIN AND MAX OF TIME RANGE <B>Purpose :</B>全�タ中の時間の篛�を取得する�P> @returns [時間最小値,時間最大値]
(See spedas_gui/isee3d/
GET MAX AND MIN OF X VALUE <B>Purpose :</B>全�タ中のXの篛�を取得する�P> @returns [X最小値,X最大値]
(See spedas_gui/isee3d/
GET MAX AND MIN OF Y VALUE <B>Purpose :</B>全�タ中のYの篛�を取得する�P> @returns [Y最小値,Y最大値]
(See spedas_gui/isee3d/
GET MAX AND MIN OF Z VALUE <B>Purpose :</B>全�タ中のZの篛�を取得する�P> @returns [Z最小値,Z最大値]
(See spedas_gui/isee3d/
GET MAX AND MIN OF N VALUE <B>Purpose :</B>全�タ中のNの篛�を取得する�P> @returns [N最小値,N最大値]
(See spedas_gui/isee3d/
<B>Purpose :</B> Definitions of DataManagement Class. <P> 離散�タオブジェクト�定義�
(See spedas_gui/isee3d/
<B>File Name :</B><P> <B>Class Name :</B>DataManagement<P> @file_comments <B>Purpose :</B><P> �タ管琂�ブジェクト�P> <B>Members :</B><P> pcTime 時間の配�<P> pfX X値の配�<P> pfY Y値の配�<P> pfZ Z値の配�<P> pfN N値の配�<P> @history Who Date version Description<P> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------<P> Exelis VIS KK 2014/05/20 Original Version<P>
(See spedas_gui/isee3d/
OBJECT CONSTRUCTOR <B>Purpose :</B>�タ管琂�ブジェクト�コンストラクタ�P> @returns 成功(1)、不��マイナス値) @param olep {in} {required} {type=object} SETTING OF INPUT DATA OBJECT 入力データオブジェクトを設定する�
(See spedas_gui/isee3d/
<B>Purpose :</B>�タ管琂�ブジェクト�ヂ�トラクタ�P>
(See spedas_gui/isee3d/
SETTING OF PROPERTIES <B>Purpose :</B>プロパティを設定する�P> @param trange {in} {optional} {type=string array} SETTING OF TIME RANGE 時間幂�設定する�
(See spedas_gui/isee3d/
RE-MAKE DISPLAY INDEX <B>Purpose :</B>表示�タのインッ�クス値を作�し直す�P>
(See spedas_gui/isee3d/
<B>Purpose :</B>Timeの惱を取得�P> @returns 時間惱の配�
(See spedas_gui/isee3d/
<B>Purpose :</B>パレッ�を取得する�P> @returns パレッ�オブジェク�
(See spedas_gui/isee3d/
<B>Purpose :</B>ボリュー��タを取得する�P> @returns 三次�列�ボリュー��タ
(See spedas_gui/isee3d/
<B>Purpose :</B>Xの値を取得する�P>
(See spedas_gui/isee3d/
<B>Purpose :</B>Yの値を取得する�P> @returns Yの配�値
(See spedas_gui/isee3d/
<B>Purpose :</B>三次元データアプリケーション。<P>
(See spedas_gui/isee3d/
Implement this method in a concrete subclass. @abstract @keyword x {out}{optional}{type=numeric vector} x coordinates of vertices @keyword y {out}{optional}{type=numeric vector} y coordinates of vertices @keyword z {out}{optional}{type=numeric vector} z coordinates of vertices @keyword polygon_conn {out}{optional}{type=numeric vector} Connectivity array for the polygon
(See spedas_gui/isee3d/
Set properties of the polyhedron. @keyword outline {in}{optional}{type=boolean} Whether the polyhedron is filled or an outline @keyword _extra {in}{optional}{type=keywords} Keywords of IDLgrPolygon
(See spedas_gui/isee3d/
Get properties of the polyhedron. @keyword outline {out}{optional}{type=boolean} Whether the polyhedron is filled or an outline @keyword _ref_extra {out}{optional}{type=keywords} Keywords of IDLgrPolygon.
(See spedas_gui/isee3d/
Build the polyhedron's vertices and connectivity array.
(See spedas_gui/isee3d/
Free resources.
(See spedas_gui/isee3d/
@keyword pos {in}{optional}{type=3-element numeric}{default=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]} The position of the center of the cube. @keyword scale {in}{optional}{type=numeric}{default=1.0} Scale the size of the polygon. @keyword outline {in}{optional}{type=boolean} Set to create an outline of a polygon. Default is filled. @keyword _extra {in}{optional}{type=keywords} Keywords to IDLgrPolygon.
(See spedas_gui/isee3d/
Define instance variables. @file_comments Class representing a polyhedron. @field outline Switch to display outline/filled polyhedron. @requires IDL 6.0 @author Michael Galloy, RSI, 2003 @history <ul> <li>2006-06, Mark Piper: Refactored class, inheriting from IDLgrPolygon instead of IDLgrModel. Removed IDLgrPolyline reference. Renamed buildPolygons and getDefinition methods. </ul>
(See spedas_gui/isee3d/
Procedure: Purpose: Backward compatibility wrapper for Notes: Please refer to ISEE_3D and associated cribs $LastChangedBy: nikos $ $LastChangedDate: 2019-10-23 15:29:51 -0700 (Wed, 23 Oct 2019) $ $LastChangedRevision: 27925 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See spedas_gui/isee3d/
<B>File Name :</B><P> <B>Class Name :</B>stel_import_lep<P> @file_comments <B>Purpose :</B> <P>import ION 3D distribution dataP> <B>Members :</B> <P>stel_import_lep ハッシュ格納用のメンバー<P> @history Who Date version Description<P> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------<P> Exelis VIS KK 2014/05/20 Original Version<P>
(See spedas_gui/isee3d/