;+ ; PROCEDURE: ; mms_hpca_calc_anodes ; ; PURPOSE: ; Sums/averages over anodes (or a given field of view) for HPCA ion data ; ; KEYWORDS: ; tplotnames: names of tplot variables to pick the HPCA ; ion spectra out of; will use tnames() if this is not set ; fov: field of view to sum/avg over ; anodes: anodes to sum/avg over (can not be set at the same time as fov) ; probe: MMS probe # ; suffix: if a suffix is used in the call to mms_load_hpca, you must specify it here ; ; ; EXAMPLE: ; See mms_load_hpca_crib for usage examples ; ; NOTES: ; This routine sums over anodes (or FoV) for products in units of counts, e.g., ; *_count_rate, *_RF_corrected, *_bkgd_corrected, *_norm_counts ; ; and averages products in units of flux: ; *_flux ; ;$LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2017-08-08 13:01:28 -0700 (Tue, 08 Aug 2017) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 23767 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_3_3/projects/mms/hpca/mms_hpca_calc_anodes.pro $ ;- function mms_hpca_elevations anode_theta = [123.75000, 101.25000, 78.750000, 56.250000, 33.750000, $ 11.250000, 11.250000, 33.750000, 56.250000, 78.750000, $ 101.25000, 123.75000, 146.25000, 168.75000, 168.75000, $ 146.25000] anode_theta[6:13] += 180. return, anode_theta end function mms_hpca_anodes, fov = fov if undefined(fov) then begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Error, must give a field of view' return, -1 endif anodes = mms_hpca_elevations() fov_tmp = float(fov) anodes_in_fov = where(anodes ge fov_tmp[0] and anodes le fov_tmp[1], anode_count) return, anodes_in_fov end ; Input: ; data_struct: structure containing: {x: times, y: flux} ; ; Keywords: ; fov: field of view ; ; ; averages over elevation angles inside the field of view ; ; output: ; structure containing {x: times, y: flux, v: energies} function mms_hpca_avg_fov, data_struct, fov = fov, anodes = anodes if ~is_struct(data_struct) then begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Error - invalid structure.' return, -1 endif if ~undefined(fov) and ~undefined(anodes) then begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Error, should only specify a field of view (fov) or list of anodes, but not both.' return, -1 endif if undefined(fov) and undefined(anodes) then begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Error, must specify either field of view or a list of anodes' return, -1 endif if undefined(fov) then anodes_in_fov = anodes else anodes_in_fov = mms_hpca_anodes(fov=fov) times = data_struct.X ;anode_elevation = mms_hpca_elevations() str_element, data_struct, 'v2', energy_table, success=success if undefined(energy_table) then return, -1 ; no energy table on the input? ; check if the energy table is all 0s, if so, default to the hard-coded table wherezeros = where(energy_table eq 0, zerocount) if zerocount eq 63 then success = 0 if ~success then begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Couldn''t load the HPCA energy table from the tplot variable, using hard-coded energy table instead' energies = mms_hpca_energies() endif else energies = energy_table data_within_fov = data_struct.Y[*,*,anodes_in_fov] if n_elements(anodes_in_fov) eq 1 then data_total = reform(data_within_fov) else data_total = total(data_within_fov, 3, /nan) data_mean = dblarr(n_elements(times), n_elements(energies)) data_mean = average(data_within_fov, 3, /nan) data_mean(where(data_mean eq 0.)) = !VALUES.F_NAN return, {x: times, y: data_mean, v: energies} end ; Input: ; data_struct: structure containing: {x: times, y: flux} ; ; Keywords: ; fov: field of view ; ; ; sums over elevation angles inside the field of view ; ; output: ; structure containing {x: times, y: flux, v: energies} function mms_hpca_sum_fov, data_struct, fov = fov, anodes = anodes if ~is_struct(data_struct) then begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Error - invalid structure.' return, -1 endif if ~undefined(fov) and ~undefined(anodes) then begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Error, should only specify a field of view (fov) or list of anodes, but not both.' return, -1 endif if undefined(fov) and undefined(anodes) then begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Error, must specify either field of view or a list of anodes' return, -1 endif if undefined(fov) then anodes_in_fov = anodes else anodes_in_fov = mms_hpca_anodes(fov=fov) times = data_struct.X ;anode_elevation = mms_hpca_elevations() str_element, data_struct, 'v2', energy_table, success=success if undefined(energy_table) then return, -1 ; no energy table? ; check if the energy table is all 0s, if so, default to the hard-coded table wherezeros = where(energy_table eq 0, zerocount) if zerocount eq 63 then success = 0 if ~success then begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Couldn''t load the HPCA energy table from the tplot variable, using hard-coded energy table instead' energies = mms_hpca_energies() endif else energies = energy_table data_within_fov = data_struct.Y[*,*,anodes_in_fov] data_total = dblarr(n_elements(times), n_elements(energies)) if n_elements(anodes_in_fov) eq 1 then data_total = reform(data_within_fov) else data_total = total(data_within_fov, 3, /nan) data_total(where(data_total eq 0.)) = !VALUES.F_NAN return, {x: times, y: data_total, v: energies} end pro mms_hpca_calc_anodes, tplotnames=tplotnames, fov=fov, probe=probe, anodes = anodes, suffix = suffix if ~undefined(fov) and ~undefined(anodes) then begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Error, should only specify a field of view (fov) or list of anodes, but not both.' return endif if undefined(fov) and undefined(anodes) then begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Error, must specify either field of view or a list of anodes' return endif if undefined(probe) then probe = '1' else probe = strcompress(string(probe), /rem) if undefined(tplotnames) then tplotnames = tnames() else tplotnames = tnames(tplotnames) if undefined(suffix) then suffix = '' sum_anodes = ['*_count_rate', '*_RF_corrected', '*_bkgd_corrected', '*_norm_counts']+suffix if ~undefined(fov) then begin fov_str = strcompress('_elev_'+string(fov[0])+'-'+string(fov[1]), /rem) endif else fov_str = '_anodes_' + strjoin(strcompress(string(anodes), /rem), '_') ;avg_anodes = ['*_flux', '*_vel_dist_fn'] ; removed velocity distribution from above because ; we need the full (non-avg'd) data for 2d slices avg_anodes = ['*_flux']+suffix for sum_idx = 0, n_elements(sum_anodes)-1 do begin vars_to_sum = strmatch(tplotnames, sum_anodes[sum_idx]) for vars_idx = 0, n_elements(vars_to_sum)-1 do begin if vars_to_sum[vars_idx] eq 1 then begin get_data, tplotnames[vars_idx], data=var_data, dlimits=var_dl, limits=var_l if is_struct(var_data) then begin updated_spectra = mms_hpca_sum_fov(var_data, fov=fov, anodes=anodes) store_data, tplotnames[vars_idx]+fov_str, data=updated_spectra, dlimits=var_dl, limits=var_l append_array, tplotnames, tplotnames[vars_idx]+fov_str options, tplotnames[vars_idx]+fov_str, spec=1 endif endif endfor endfor for avg_idx = 0, n_elements(avg_anodes)-1 do begin vars_to_avg = strmatch(tplotnames, avg_anodes[avg_idx]) for vars_idx = 0, n_elements(vars_to_avg)-1 do begin if vars_to_avg[vars_idx] eq 1 then begin get_data, tplotnames[vars_idx], data=var_data, dlimits=var_dl, limits=var_l if is_struct(var_data) then begin updated_spectra = mms_hpca_avg_fov(var_data, fov=fov, anodes=anodes) store_data, tplotnames[vars_idx]+fov_str, data=updated_spectra, dlimits=var_dl, limits=var_l append_array, tplotnames, tplotnames[vars_idx]+fov_str options, tplotnames[vars_idx]+fov_str, spec=1 endif endif endfor endfor mms_hpca_set_metadata, tplotnames, prefix = 'mms'+probe, fov = fov, anodes = anodes, suffix = suffix+fov_str end