;+ ;Procedure: ; mms_get_hpca_dist ; ;Purpose: ; Returns pseudo-3D particle data structures containing mms hpca data ; for use with spd_slice2d. ; ;Calling Sequence: ; data = mms_get_hpca_dist(tname [,index] [,trange=trange] [,/times] [,/structure] ; [,probe=probe] [,species=species] [,units=units] ) ; ;Input: ; tname: Tplot variable containing the desired data. ; single_time: Return a single time nearest to the time specified by single_time (supersedes trange and index) ; index: Index of time samples to return (supersedes trange) ; trange: Two element time range to constrain the requested data ; times: Flag to return full array of time samples ; structure: Flag to return a structure array instead of a pointer. ; ; probe: Specify probe if not present or correct in input_name ; species: Specify species if not present or correct in input_name ; units: Specify units of input data if not present or correct in input_name ; ; ;Output: ; return value: pointer to array of pseudo 3D particle distribution structures ; or 0 in case of error ; ;Notes: ; The HPCA data is required to be at the center of the measurement interval for this routine ; to work properly; be sure to use the keyword: /center_measurement when calling mms_load_hpca ; ; Still a work in progress; report bugs to egrimes@igpp.ucla.edu ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2020-07-24 11:04:47 -0700 (Fri, 24 Jul 2020) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 28935 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_3_3/projects/mms/hpca/mms_get_hpca_dist.pro $ ;- function mms_get_hpca_dist, tname, index, trange=trange, times=times, structure=structure, $ probe=probe, species=species, units=units, single_time=single_time compile_opt idl2, hidden name = (tnames(tname))[0] if name eq '' then begin dprint, dlevel=0, 'Variable: "'+tname+'" not found' return, 0 endif ;pull data and metadata get_data, name, ptr=p, dlimits=dl if ~is_struct(p) then begin dprint, dlevel=0, 'Variable: "'+tname+'" contains invalid data' return, 0 endif if size(*p.y,/n_dim) ne 3 then begin dprint, dlevel=0, 'Variable: "'+tname+'" has wrong number of elements' return, 0 endif if ~is_struct(dl) then begin dprint, dlevel=0, 'Variable: "'+tname+'" contains invalid metadata' return, 0 endif if ~tag_exist(dl, 'centered_on_load') then begin dprint, dlevel=0, '########################### WARNING #############################' dprint, dlevel=0, '#################################################################' dprint, dlevel=0, 'Variable: "'+tname+'" does not appear to be at the center of the accumulation interval; /center_measurement is keyword required for HPCA distributions prior to calling this routine. You can ignore this warning if you have manually centered the data to the accumulation interval using a method other than the /center_measurement keyword in the call to mms_load_hpca' dprint, dlevel=0, '#################################################################' dprint, dlevel=0, '########################### WARNING #############################' endif ;get some basic info from name var_info = stregex(name, 'mms([1-4])_hpca_([^_]+)_(.+)', /subexpr, /extract) if var_info[0] ne '' then begin if undefined(probe)then probe = var_info[1] if undefined(species) then species = var_info[2] if undefined(units) then units = var_info[3] endif ;double check that required info is defined if undefined(probe) || undefined(species) || undefined(units) then begin dprint, 'Cannot determine probe/species/units from variable name, please specify by keyword' return, 0 endif ;make sure units are recognizable to transform routine units_name = units eq 'phase_space_density' ? 'df_cm' : units if ~stregex(units_name,'^((e?flux)|(df(_[ck]m)?)|(psd))$',/bool,/fold) then begin dprint, 'Units not recognized: "'+units+'" Please verify variable name or keyword input' return, 0 endif ; Match particle data to azimuth data ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ;get azimuths and full dist sample times from ancillary variable get_data, 'mms'+probe+'_hpca_azimuth_angles_per_ev_degrees', ptr=azimuth if ~is_struct(azimuth) then begin dprint, dlevel=0, 'No azimuth data found for the current time range' return, 0 endif ; check if the time series is monotonic ; to avoid doing incorrect calculations when there's a problem with the CDF files time_data = *azimuth.x wherenonmono = where(time_data[1:*] le time_data, countnonmono) if countnonmono ne 0 then begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Error, non-monotonic data found in the HPCA Epoch_Angles time series data' return, 0 endif ;find azimuth times with complete 1/2 spins of particle data ;this is used to determine the number of 3D distributions that will be created ;and where their corresponding data is located in the particle data structure n_times = n_elements((*azimuth.y)[0,0,*]) ;# data samples for each azimuth array data_idx = value_locate(*p.x, time_data) ;data index corresponding to each azimuth array full = where( (data_idx[1:*] - data_idx[0:n_elements(data_idx)-2]) eq n_times, n_full) if n_full eq 0 then begin dprint, dlevel=0, 'Azimuth data does not cover current data''s time range' return, 0 endif ;filter times when azimuth data is all zero ; -just check the first energy & elevation ; -assume azimuth values are positive valid_az = where( total((*azimuth.y)[full,0,0,*],4) ne 0, n_valid_az, ncomp=n_blank) if n_blank gt 0 then begin if n_valid_az eq 0 then begin dprint, dlevel=0, 'Azimuth data is all zero for requested time range' return, 0 endif full = full[valid_az] n_full = n_elements(full) endif ; Return matched times if requested ; -This allows calling code to loop over indices without having to determine ; which (azimuth) times are associate with complete data sets ; -These times are not center of distribution but center of first energy sweep ;------------------------------------------------------------------ if keyword_set(times) then begin return, (time_data)[full] endif ; Allow calling code to request a time range or specify index to specific sample. ;----------------------------------------------------------------- if ~undefined(single_time) then begin nearest_time = find_nearest_neighbor(time_data, time_double(single_time)) if nearest_time eq -1 then begin dprint, 'Cannot find requested time in the data set: ' + time_string(single_time) return, 0 endif nearest_index = where(time_data eq nearest_time, n_full) full = full[nearest_index] endif else begin if ~undefined(index) then begin full = full[index] n_full = n_elements(full) endif else if ~undefined(trange) then begin tr = minmax(time_double(trange)) index = where( (time_data)[full] ge tr[0] and (time_data)[full] lt tr[1], n_full) if n_full eq 0 then begin dprint, 'No data in time range: '+strjoin(time_string(tr),' ') return, 0 endif full = full[index] endif endelse if n_elements(data_idx) gt 1 && data_idx[0] eq -1 then data_idx = data_idx[1:*] data_idx = data_idx[full] ; Initialize energies, angles, and support data ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ;final dimensions for a single distribution (energy-azimuth-elevation) azimuth_dim = dimen(*azimuth.y) ;time-energy-elevation-azimuth dim = azimuth_dim[ [1,4,3] ] ;energy-azimuth-elevation base_arr = fltarr(dim) ;mass & charge of species ; -slice routines assume mass in eV/(km/s)^2 case species of 'hplus':begin mass = 1.04535e-2 charge = 1. end 'heplus':begin mass = 4.18138e-2 charge = 1. end 'heplusplus':begin mass = 4.18138e-2 charge = 2. end 'oplus':begin mass = 0.167255 charge = 1. end 'oplusplus':begin mass = 0.167255 charge = 2. end else: begin dprint, dlevel=0, 'Cannot determine species' return, 0 endelse endcase ;energy bins are constant energy = rebin(*p.v2, dim) ;elevations bins are constant ; -convert to from colat to lat theta = rebin( reform( float(90 - *p.v1),[1,1,dim[2]] ), dim) dtheta = replicate(22.5, dim) ;azimuths are be populated below ; Create standard 3D distributions ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ;basic template structure that is compatible with spd_slice2d template = { $ project_name: 'MMS', $ spacecraft: probe, $ data_name: 'HPCA '+species, $ units_name: units_name, $ units_procedure: 'mms_part_conv_units', $ ;placeholder species:species, $ valid: 1b, $ charge: charge, $ mass: mass, $ time: 0d, $ end_time: 0d, $ data: base_arr, $ bins: base_arr+1, $ ;must be set or data will be considered invalid energy: energy, $ denergy: base_arr, $ nenergy: dim[0], $ ; # of energies nbins: dim[1]*dim[2], $ ; # thetas * # phis phi: base_arr, $ dphi: base_arr, $ theta: theta, $ dtheta: dtheta $ } dist = replicate(template, n_full) ; Populate the structures ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ;get start/end times ; -this assumes that the times from the particle (and angle) data ; are at the center of the corresponding energy sweep ; -also assumes that there are no gaps in the data dt = (time_data)[1:*] - (time_data)[0:*] ;delta-time for each 1/2 spin dt_sweep = (*p.x)[1:*] - (*p.x)[0:*] ;delta-time for each full energy sweep dist.time = (time_data)[full] - dt_sweep[data_idx] dist.end_time = dist.time + dt[full] ;index won't exceed elements due to selection criteria ;get azimuth ; -shift from time-energy-elevation-azimuth to energy-azimuth-elevation-time ; (time must be last to be added to structure array) dist.phi = transpose( (*azimuth.y)[full,*,*,*], [1,3,2,0]) ;get dphi ; -use median distance between subsequent phi measurements within each distribution ; (median is used to discard large differences across 0=360) ; -preserve dimensionality in case differences arise across energy or elevation dphi = median( (*azimuth.y)[full,*,*,1:*] - (*azimuth.y)[full,*,*,0:*], dim=4 ) ;get median across phi dphi = rebin( dphi, [dimen(dphi),dim[1]] ) ;expand back to original dimensions dist.dphi = transpose( dphi, [1,3,2,0] ) ;shuffle dimensions ;copy particle data for i=0, n_elements(dist)-1 do begin data_times = *p.x ; need to extract the data from the center of the half-spin if data_idx[i]-n_times/2. lt 0 then start_idx = 0 else start_idx = data_idx[i]-n_times/2. if data_idx[i]+n_times/2.-1 ge n_elements(data_times) then end_idx = n_elements(data_times)-1 else end_idx = data_idx[i]+n_times/2.-1 ;shift from azimuth-energy-elevation to energy-azimuth-elevation dist[i].data = transpose( (*p.y)[start_idx:end_idx,*,*], [1,0,2]) endfor ;ensure phi values are in [0,360] ; -this may be unnecessary with new spinangle cdfs ;dist.phi = (dist.phi + 360) mod 360 ;spd_slice2d accepts pointers or structures ;pointers are more versatile & efficient, but less user friendly if keyword_set(structure) then begin return, dist endif else begin return, ptr_new(dist,/no_copy) endelse end