;+ ;FUNCTION: time_parse ;PURPOSE: ; Parse a string or array of strings into double precision seconds since 1970 ; (a)using user provided format code ; or (b)using flexible formatting and no code ; ;INPUTS: ; s : the input string or array of strings ; ;KEYWORDS: ; tformat=tformat: Format string such as "YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss" (Default) ; the following tokens are recognized: ; YYYY - 4 digit year ; yy - 2 digit year (00-69 assumed to be 2000-2069, 70-99 assumed to be 1970-1999) ; MM - 2 digit month ; DD - 2 digit date ; hh - 2 digit hour ; mm - 2 digit minute ; ss - 2 digit seconds ; .fff - fractional seconds (can be repeated, e.g. .f,.ff,.fff,.ffff, etc... are all acceptable codes) ; MTH - 3 character month ; DOY - 3 character Day of Year ; TDIFF - 5 character, +hhmm or -hhmm different from UTC (sign required) ; tformat is case sensitive! ; ; tdiff=tdiff: Offset in hours. Array or scalar acceptable. ; If your input times are not UTC and offset ; is not specified in the time string itself, ; use this keyword. ; ; MMDDYYYY=MMDDYYYY: handle dates in month/day/year format flexibly if tformat not specified ; ; ;Examples: ; ;NOTES: ; #1 Some format combinations can conflict and may lead to unpredictable behavior. (e.g. "YYYY-MM-MTH") ; #2 Primarily intended as a helper routine for time_double and time_struct ; #3 letter codes are case insensitive. ; #4 Based heavily on str2time by Davin Larson. ; ;$LastChangedBy: davin-mac $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2019-03-04 13:43:53 -0800 (Mon, 04 Mar 2019) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 26755 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_3_3/general/misc/time/time_parse.pro $ ;- function time_parse,s, tformat=tformat,tdiff=tdiff,MMDDYYYY=MMDDYYYY compile_opt idl2 months= ['JAN','FEB','MAR','APR', 'MAY', 'JUN', 'JUL', 'AUG','SEP','OCT','NOV','DEC'] ndim = size(s,/n_dimen) dim = size(s,/dim) if ndim gt 0 then begin str = replicate(time_struct(0d),dim) endif else begin str = time_struct(0d) endelse if undefined(tdiff) then begin tdiff = 0 endif tdiff_sec = tdiff * 60. * 60. ;flexible formatting, allows arbitary punctuation, variable length fields, etc... ;primarily used for human entry and legacy support if undefined(tformat) then begin ;Davin's version. Even though it loops and is a little opaque, ;this is faster than the vectorized versions using stregex bt = bindgen(256) bt[byte(':_-/,T')]= 32 ;create new ascii set where common separators are replaced with space year=0l & month=0l & date=0 & hour=0 & min=0 & fsec=0.d ;select output types for parse for i=0l,n_elements(s)-1l do begin if strlowcase(s[i]) eq 'now' then begin st = string(bt[byte(time_string(systime(1),prec=3))]) endif else begin st = string(bt[byte(s[i])])+' 0 0 0 0 0 0' ; remove separators and pad fields endelse if keyword_set(MMDDYYYY) then reads,st,month,date,year,hour,min,fsec $ else reads,st,year,month,date,hour,min,fsec ;handle inputs of the form yyyymmdd hhmmss (only separator is space between date and time) if year gt 10000000l then begin hour = month date = year mod 100 year = year/100 month = year mod 100 year = year/100 min = hour mod 100 hour = hour / 100 endif ;handle two digit years if year lt 70 then year = year+2000 if year lt 200 then year = year+1900 ; month=0 or date=0 are invalid entries, replace with 1 month = month > 1 date = date > 1 str[i].year=year str[i].month=month str[i].date=date str[i].hour=hour str[i].min=min ;separate seconds and fractional seconds str[i].sec=fix(fsec) str[i].fsec=double(fsec) mod 1.0 endfor endif else begin ;fixed formatting year = 0 p = strpos(tformat,'yy') if p ge 0 then begin year = fix(strmid(s,p,2)) year += 1900*(year ge 70) +2000 *(year lt 70) endif p = strpos(tformat,'YYYY') if p ge 0 then begin year = fix(strmid(s,p,4)) endif str.year = year p = strpos(tformat,'MM') if p ge 0 then begin str.month = fix(strmid(s,p,2)) endif p = strpos(tformat,'MTH') for i = 0,11 do begin idx = where(months[i] eq strupcase(strmid(s,p,3)),c) if c gt 0 then begin str[idx].month = i+1 endif endfor p = strpos(tformat,'DD') if p ge 0 then str.date = fix(strmid(s,p,2)) p = strpos(tformat,'DOY') if p ge 0 then begin doy_to_month_date,str.year,fix(strmid(s,p,3)),month,date str.month = month str.date = date endif p = strpos(tformat,'hh') if p ge 0 then str.hour = fix(strmid(s,p,2)) p = strpos(tformat,'mm') if p ge 0 then str.min = fix(strmid(s,p,2)) p = strpos(tformat,'ss') if p ge 0 then str.sec = fix(strmid(s,p,2)) token='.' repeat begin token = token +'f' p = strpos(tformat, token ) endrep until strpos(tformat,token+'f') lt 0 if p ge 0 then str.fsec = double(strmid(s,p,strlen(token))) p = strpos(tformat,'TDIFF') if p gt 0 then begin tdiff_hr = fix(strmid(s,p,3)) tdiff_min = fix(strmid(s,p+3,2)) tdiff_sec = tdiff_hr * 60. * 60. + tdiff_min * 60. endif endelse if n_elements(tdiff_sec) gt 1 || tdiff_sec ne 0 then begin return,time_struct(time_double(str) - tdiff_sec) endif else begin return,str endelse end