;+ ;FUNCTION: time_double(time) ;NAME: ; time_double ;PURPOSE: ; A fast, vectorized routine that returns the number of seconds since 1970. ;INPUT: input can be any of the following types: ; double(s) seconds since 1970 (returns the input) ; string(s) format: YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss see "time_string" ; structure(s) format returned in "time_struct" ; long array (MUST be 2 dimensional!) PB5 time (req. by CDF) ; ;OUTPUT: ; double, number of seconds since 1970 (UNIX time) ;KEYWORDS: ; EPOCH: if set, it implies the input is double precision EPOCH or ; complex double precision EPOCH16 time. ; TT2000: if set, it implies that the input is a 64 bit signed integer, ; TT2000 time: leaped nanoseconds since J2000 ; ; TFORMAT: Specify a custom format for string to double conversion: ; Format string such as "YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss" (Default) ; the following tokens are recognized: ; YYYY - 4 digit year ; yy - 2 digit year (00-69 assumed to be 2000-2069, 70-99 assumed to be 1970-1999) ; MM - 2 digit month ; DD - 2 digit date ; hh - 2 digit hour ; mm - 2 digit minute ; ss - 2 digit seconds ; .fff - fractional seconds (can be repeated, e.g. .f,.ff,.fff,.ffff, etc... are all acceptable codes) ; MTH - 3 character month ; DOY - 3 character Day of Year ; TDIFF - 5 character, +hhmm or -hhmm different from UTC (sign required) ; tformat is case sensitive! ; ;SEE ALSO: "time_string", "time_struct", "time_epoch", "time_pb5","time_parse" ; ;NOTE: ; This routine works on vectors and is designed to be fast. ; Output will have the same dimensions as the input ; Out of range values are interpreted correctly. ; ie. 1994-13-1/12:61:00 will be treated as: 1995-1-1/13:01:00 ; ;CREATED BY: Davin Larson Oct 1996 ; ;$LastChangedBy: davin-mac $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2015-11-04 21:35:03 -0800 (Wed, 04 Nov 2015) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 19252 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_3_3/general/misc/time/time_double.pro $ ; ;- function time_double,time,epoch=epoch,dim=dim,pb5=pb5,MMDDYYYY=MMDDYYYY,timezone=timezone,is_local_time=is_local_time,tt2000=tt2000,tformat=tformat ;dprint,dlevel=9,time[0] case size(/type,time) of 8: begin ; structures dn1970 = 1969l*365 + 1969/4 - 1969/100 + 1969/400 ; day number of 1970-1-1 mdt = [[0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365], $ [0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335, 366]] month = time.month-1 date = time.date-1 dy = floor(month/12.) year = time.year + dy month = month - dy*12 isleap = ((year mod 4) eq 0) - ((year mod 100) eq 0) + $ ((year mod 400) eq 0) - ((year mod 4000) eq 0) doy = mdt[month,isleap] + date seconds = (time.hour * 60.d + time.min) * 60.d + time.sec + time.fsec ;seconds = seconds+ time.tdiff * 3600d y = year-1 daynum = (y*365l + y/4 - y/100 + y/400 - y/4000) + doy seconds = (daynum-dn1970) *3600.d*24 + seconds seconds -= time.tdiff * 3600d ; correct for timezone difference if size(/n_dimen,dim) eq 1 then if dim[0] eq 1 then seconds=[seconds] ;!!! IDL BUG return,seconds end 7: begin return,time_double(time_struct(time,/no_clean,MMDDYYYY=MMDDYYYY,timezone=timezone,is_local_time=is_local_time,tformat=tformat),dim=size(/dimension,time)) ; strings end 5: begin ; doubles if keyword_set(epoch) then return, time/1000.d - 719528.d * 24.* 3600. return,time end 9: begin ; handle CDF_EPOCH16 if keyword_set(epoch) then return, real_part(time) - 719528.d * 24. * $ 3600. + imaginary(time) * 1d-12 message,/info,'Improper time input' end 4: return, double(time) 14:begin if keyword_set(tt2000) then begin ;nanoseconds since J2000 coverted into seconds + seconds since 1970-01-01 TAI - historical skew between TAI & TT epochs - leap seconds since J2000.0 return,add_tt2000_offset(double(time)/1d9+time_double('2000-01-01/12:00:00'),/subtract) endif else begin return, double(time) endelse end 2: return, double(time) 3: begin ; if keyword_set(pb5) then return, pb5_to_time(time) return, double(time) end 0: return, time_double(time_string(time,prec=6)) else: message,/info,'Improper time input' endcase end