This page was created by the IDL library routine
Last modified: Mon Jul 27 13:46:48 2020.
PROCEDURE: hdf_list_anns PURPOSE: prints the annotations in an hdf file KEYWORDS: filename: the filename from which annotations should be lifted anns(optional): a named variable in which the annotations will be returned $LastChangedBy: pcruce $ $LastChangedDate: 2007-12-07 22:48:56 -0800 (Fri, 07 Dec 2007) $ $LastChangedRevision: 2165 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See general/key_param/
PROCEDURE: loadallhdf PURPOSE: Loads selected HDF file variables into a data structure. KEYWORDS: VDATANAME: (Required) name of VData set to be retrieved from HDF file. (following keywords are optional) FILENAMES: string (array); full pathname of file(s) to be loaded. (INDEXFILE, ENVIRONVAR, MASTERFILE and TIME_RANGE are ignored if this is set.) MASTERFILE: Full Pathname of indexfile or name of environment variable giving path and filename information as defined in "get_file_names". (INDEXFILE and ENVIRONVAR are ignored if this is set) INDEXFILE: File name (without path) of indexfile. This file should be located in the directory given by ENVIRONVAR. If not given then "PICKFILE" is used to select an index file. see "make_cdf_index" for information on producing this file. ENVIRONVAR: Name of environment variable containing directory of indexfiles (default is 'CDF_INDEX_DIR') TIME_RANGE: Two element vector specifying time range (default is to use trange_full; see "TIMESPAN" or "GET_TIMESPAN" for more info) HDFNAMES: Names of HDF variables to be loaded. (string array) TAGNAMES: String array of structure tag names. DATA: Named variable that data is returned in. TPLOT_NAME: "TPLOT" string name. If set then a tplot variable is created. Individual elements can be referred to as 'NAME.ELEMENT' VERSION: @(#) 1.1 00/01/20 Created by Peter Schroeder, January 2000
(See general/key_param/
PROCEDURE: load_ace_cris PURPOSE: loads ACE CRIS Experiment key parameter data for "tplot". INPUTS: none, but will call "timespan" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. MASTERFILE: (String) full filename of master file. SEE ALSO: "loadallhdf" CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder LAST MODIFIED: @(#) 1.1 00/01/20
(See general/key_param/
PROCEDURE: load_ace_epam PURPOSE: loads ACE EPAM Experiment key parameter data for "tplot". INPUTS: none, but will call "timespan" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. MASTERFILE: (String) full filename of master file. SEE ALSO: "loadallhdf" CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder LAST MODIFIED: @(#) 1.1 00/01/20
(See general/key_param/
PROCEDURE: load_ace_mag PURPOSE: loads ACE MAG Experiment key parameter data for "tplot". INPUTS: none, but will call "timespan" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. MASTERFILE: (String) full filename of master file. POLAR: Computes B field and SC position in polar coordinates. SEE ALSO: "loadallhdf" CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder Modified by D. Larson 5/2008 to automatically download files from the ACE data center (masterfile is ignored) LAST MODIFIED: @(#) 1.2 02/04/12
(See general/key_param/
PROCEDURE: load_ace_sepica PURPOSE: loads ACE SEPICA Experiment key parameter data for "tplot". INPUTS: none, but will call "timespan" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. MASTERFILE: (String) full filename of master file. SEE ALSO: "loadallhdf" CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder LAST MODIFIED: @(#) 1.1 00/01/20
(See general/key_param/
PROCEDURE: load_ace_sis PURPOSE: loads ACE SIS Experiment key parameter data for "tplot". INPUTS: none, but will call "timespan" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. MASTERFILE: (String) full filename of master file. SEE ALSO: "loadallhdf" CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder LAST MODIFIED: @(#) 1.1 00/01/20
(See general/key_param/
PROCEDURE: load_ace_swepam PURPOSE: loads ACE SWEPAM (Ion) Experiment key parameter data for "tplot". INPUTS: none, but will call "timespan" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. MASTERFILE: (String) full filename of master file. POLAR: Computes proton velocity and SC position in polar coordinates. SEE ALSO: "loadallhdf" CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder Modified by D. Larson 5/2008 to automatically download files from the ACE data center (masterfile is ignored) LAST MODIFIED: @(#) 1.3 02/04/12
(See general/key_param/
PROCEDURE: load_ace_uleis PURPOSE: loads ACE ULEIS Experiment key parameter data for "tplot". INPUTS: none, but will call "timespan" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. MASTERFILE: (String) full filename of master file. SEE ALSO: "loadallhdf" CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder LAST MODIFIED: @(#) 1.1 00/01/20
(See general/key_param/
PROCEDURE: load_dst PURPOSE: loads DST data from a DST text file INPUTS: none, but will call "timespan" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: time_range: 2 element vector specifying the time range. CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder LAST MODIFIED: @(#) 1.6 02/11/01
(See general/key_param/
PROCEDURE: load_ge_mgf PURPOSE: loads GEOTAIL MAGNETOMETER Experiment key parameter data for "tplot". INPUTS: none, but will call "timespan" if time range is not already set. KEYWORDS: POLAR: Also computes the B field in polar coordinates. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range DATA: Data returned in this named variable RESTRICTIONS: This routine expects to find the master file: 'ge_k0_mgf_files' in the directory specified by the environment variable: 'CDF_DATA_DIR' See "make_cdf_index" for more info. SEE ALSO: "make_cdf_index","loadcdf","loadcdfstr","loadallcdf" CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 99/05/27
(See general/key_param/
PROCEDURE: load_hkp_mfi PURPOSE: Creates TPLOT magnetic field variables from 3DP housekeeping data. To be used when key parameter file is not available. INPUTS: none KEYWORDS: none NOTES: 3DP housekeeping data gives direction of magnetic field only. A magnitude of 1 is assumed to create these variables. CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder LAST MODIFIED: %W% %E%
(See general/key_param/
PROCEDURE: load_i8_mag PURPOSE: loads IMP-8 magnetometer key parameter data for "tplot". INPUTS: none, but will call "timespan" if time range is not already set. KEYWORDS: TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range DATA: returns data structure RESTRICTIONS: This routine expects to find the master file: 'i8_k0_mag_files' In the directory specified by the environment variable: 'CDF_DATA_DIR' See "make_cdf_index" for more info. SEE ALSO: "make_cdf_index","loadcdf","loadcdfstr","loadallcdf" CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 02/04/12
(See general/key_param/
PROCEDURE: load_i8_pla PURPOSE: loads IMP-8 Plasma Experiment key parameter data for "tplot". INPUTS: none, but will call "timespan" if time range is not already set. KEYWORDS: TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range DATA: returns data structure RESTRICTIONS: This routine expects to find the master file: 'i8_k0_pla_files' In the directory specified by the environment variable: 'CDF_DATA_DIR' See "make_cdf_index" for more info. SEE ALSO: "make_cdf_index","loadcdf","loadcdfstr","loadallcdf" CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 02/04/12
(See general/key_param/
PROCEDURE: load_ig_pci PURPOSE: loads INTERBALL Ground key parameter data for "tplot". INPUTS: none, but will call "timespan" if time range is not already set. KEYWORDS: TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range SEE ALSO: "make_cdf_index" CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 96/08/23
(See general/key_param/
PROCEDURE: load_kp PURPOSE: Loads Kp and ap data from a text file Variables stored include: Kp: Kp index (multiplied by 10) ap: ap index Sol_Rot_Num: Bartels Solar Rotation Number Sol_Rot_Day: Number of day within Bartels 27-day cycle Kp_Sum: Sum of the eight Kp indices for the day ap_Mean: Mean of the eight ap indices for the day Cp: Cp or Planetary Daily Character Figure C9: Conversion of Cp to the 0-9 range Sunspot_Number: International Sunspot Number Solar_Radio_Flux: Ottawa 10.7-cm Solar Radio Flux Adjusted to 1 AU Flux_Qualifier: "0" indicates flux required no adjustment. "1" indicates flux required adjustment for burst in progress at time of measurement. "2" indicates a flux approximated by either interpolation or extrapolation. "3" indicates no observation. INPUTS: none, but will call "timespan" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: time_range: 2 element vector specifying the time range. HISTORY: CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder 2012-07-20: Jianbao Tao (JBT), SSL, UC Berkeley. 1. Added the VERSION section to the documentation comment. VERSION: $LastChangedBy$ $LastChangedDate$ $LastChangedRevision$ $URL$
(See general/key_param/
PROCEDURE: load_po_pwi PURPOSE: Loads Polar Plasma Wave Instrument key parameter data into "tplot" variables. INPUTS: none, but will call "timespan" if time range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range SEE ALSO: "make_cdf_index","loadcdf","loadcdfstr","loadallcdf" CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 99/05/27
(See general/key_param/
PROCEDURE: load_so_cel PURPOSE: loads SOHO CEL key parameter data for "tplot". INPUTS: none, but will call "timespan" if time range is not already set. KEYWORDS: TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range MASTERFILE: (string) full filename of master index file CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 99/05/27
(See general/key_param/
PROCEDURE: load_so_cst PURPOSE: loads SOHO CST key parameter data for "tplot". INPUTS: none, but will call "timespan" if time range is not already set. KEYWORDS: TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 97/11/20
(See general/key_param/
PROCEDURE: load_so_ern PURPOSE: loads SOHO ERN key parameter data for "tplot". INPUTS: none, but will call "timespan" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range SEE ALSO: "make_cdf_index","loadcdf","loadcdfstr","loadallcdf" CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 99/05/27
(See general/key_param/
PROCEDURE: load_wi_3dp PURPOSE: loads WIND 3D Plasma Experiment key parameter data for "tplot". INPUTS: none, but will call "timespan" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. NVDATA: Raw non-varying data can be returned through this variable. POLAR: Computes polar coordinates if set. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. VTHERMAL: if nonzero, calculates ion thermal velocities. RESOLUTION: Returns data at a given time resolution. In seconds. MASTERFILE: (String) full filename of master file. SEE ALSO: "make_cdf_index","loadcdf","loadcdfstr","loadallcdf" CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 02/04/19
(See general/key_param/
PROCEDURE: load_wi_ehpd PURPOSE: loads WIND 3D Plasma Experiment key parameter data for "tplot". INPUTS: none, but will call "timespan" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. NVDATA: Raw non-varying data can be returned through this variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. MASTERFILE: (string) full file name to the master file. RESOLUTION: number of seconds resolution to return. PREFIX: Prefix for TPLOT variables created. Default is 'ehpd' SEE ALSO: "make_cdf_index","loadcdf","loadcdfstr","loadallcdf" CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 99/05/27
(See general/key_param/
PROCEDURE: load_wi_ehsp_3dp PURPOSE: loads WIND 3D Plasma Experiment key parameter data for "tplot". INPUTS: none, but will call "timespan" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. NVDATA: Raw non-varying data can be returned through this variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. MASTERFILE: (string) full filename of master file. PREFIX: Prefix for tplot variables. Default is 'ehsp' RESOLUTION: Resolution to be returned in seconds. SEE ALSO: "make_cdf_index","loadcdf","loadcdfstr","loadallcdf" CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 01/10/08
(See general/key_param/
PROCEDURE: load_wi_elm2 PURPOSE: loads WIND 3D Plasma Experiment key parameter data for "tplot". INPUTS: none, but will call "timespan" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. NVDATA: Raw non-varying data can be returned through this variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. MASTERFILE: (string) full file name to the master file. RESOLUTION: number of seconds resolution to return. PREFIX: Prefix for TPLOT variables created. Default is 'el_mom' SEE ALSO: "make_cdf_index","loadcdf","loadcdfstr","loadallcdf" CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder LAST MODIFIED: @(#) 1.3 99/05/27
(See general/key_param/
PROCEDURE: load_wi_elpd_3dp PURPOSE: loads WIND 3D Plasma Experiment key parameter data for "tplot". INPUTS: none, but will call "timespan" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range RESTRICTIONS: This routine expects to find the master file: 'wi_elsp_3dp_files' In the directory specified by the environment variable: 'CDF_INDEX_DIR' See "make_cdf_index" for more info. SEE ALSO: "make_cdf_index","loadcdf","loadcdfstr","loadallcdf" CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 99/05/27
(See general/key_param/
PROCEDURE: load_wi_elpd_3dp PURPOSE: loads WIND 3D Plasma Experiment key parameter data for "tplot". INPUTS: none, but will call "timespan" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. NVDATA: Raw non-varying data can be returned through this variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. NO_PLOT: Suppresses the display of the summary plot. MASTERFILE: (string) full filename of master file. PREFIX: (string) prefix for returned TPLOT variables. Default is 'elpd' RESOLUTION: Resolution to return in seconds. SEE ALSO: "make_cdf_index","loadcdf","loadcdfstr","loadallcdf" CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 99/05/27
(See general/key_param/
PROCEDURE: load_wi_elsp_3dp PURPOSE: loads WIND 3D Plasma Experiment key parameter data for "tplot". INPUTS: none, but will call "timespan" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. NVDATA: Raw non-varying data can be returned through this variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. MASTERFILE: (string) full file name to the master file. PREFIX: Prefix for TPLOT variables created. Default is 'elsp' SEE ALSO: "make_cdf_index","loadcdf","loadcdfstr","loadallcdf" CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 99/05/27
(See general/key_param/
PROCEDURE: load_wi_em_3dp PURPOSE: loads WIND 3D Plasma Experiment key parameter data for "tplot". INPUTS: none, but will call "timespan" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. NVDATA: Raw non-varying data can be returned through this variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. MASTERFILE: (string) full file name to the master file. PREFIX: Prefix for TPLOT variables created. Default is 'wi_em_' POLAR: If nonzero, compute velocities in polar coordinates. SEE ALSO: "make_cdf_index","loadcdf","loadcdfstr","loadallcdf" CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 99/05/27
(See general/key_param/
PROCEDURE: load_wi_epa PURPOSE: loads WIND Energetic Particle Analyser key parameter data for "tplot". INPUTS: none, but will call "timespan" if time range is not already set. KEYWORDS: none SEE ALSO: "make_cdf_index" CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 99/05/27
(See general/key_param/
PROCEDURE: load_wi_frm_3dp PURPOSE: loads WIND 3D Plasma Experiment key parameter data for "tplot". INPUTS: none, but will call "timespan" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. NVDATA: Raw non-varying data can be returned through this variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. MASTERFILE: (string) full file name to the master file. PREFIX: Prefix for TPLOT variables created. Default is 'wi_frm' RESOLUTION: Resolution of data in seconds. SEE ALSO: "make_cdf_index","loadcdf","loadcdfstr","loadallcdf" CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 97/02/26
(See general/key_param/
PROCEDURE: load_wi_h0_mfi PURPOSE: loads WIND MAGNETOMETER high resolution data for "tplot". INPUTS: none, but will call "timespan" if time range is not already set. KEYWORDS: TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range POLAR: Also computes the B field in polar coordinates. DATA: Data returned in this named variable. HOUR: Load hourly averages instead of 3 second data. MINUTE: Load 60 second averages instead of 3 second data. NODATA: Returns 0 if data exists for time range, otherwise returns 1. GSM: If set, GSM data is retrieved. PREFIX: (string) prefix for tplot variables. Default is 'wi_' NAME: (string) name for tplot variables. Default is 'wi_Bh' RESOLUTION: Resolution to return in seconds. MASTERFILE: (string) full filename of master file. SEE ALSO: "make_cdf_index","loadcdf","loadcdfstr","loadallcdf" CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder LAST MODIFIED: @(#) 1.10 02/11/01
(See general/key_param/
PROCEDURE: load_wi_hkp_3dp PURPOSE: loads WIND 3D Plasma Experiment key parameter data for "tplot". INPUTS: none, but will call "timespan" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. NVDATA: Raw non-varying data can be returned through this variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. MASTERFILE: (string) full file name to the master file. RESOLUTION: number of seconds resolution to return. PREFIX: Prefix for TPLOT variables created. Default is 'wi_hkp' SEE ALSO: "make_cdf_index","loadcdf","loadcdfstr","loadallcdf" CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder LAST MODIFIED: @(#) 1.5 99/05/27
(See general/key_param/
PROCEDURE: load_wi_mfi PURPOSE: loads WIND MAGNETOMETER Experiment key parameter data for "tplot". INPUTS: none, but will call "timespan" if time range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. NVDATA: Raw non-varying data can be returned through this variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. MASTERFILE: (string) full file name to the master file. RESOLUTION: number of seconds resolution to return. PREFIX: Prefix for TPLOT variables created. Default is 'wi_' POLAR: Also computes the B field in polar coordinates. SEE ALSO: "make_cdf_index","loadcdf","loadcdfstr","loadallcdf" CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 02/11/01
(See general/key_param/
PROCEDURE: load_wi_or PURPOSE: loads WIND 3D Plasma Experiment orbit data for "tplot". INPUTS: none, but will call "timespan" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. RESOLUTION: number of seconds resolution to return. POLAR: Computes polar coordinates if set. PRE: If set, use predicted (pre) data. NODATA: Returns 1 if no data available. HEC: If set, retrieve HEC data. VAR_LAB: Return polar data and use as var_labels in tplot. GSM: If set, retrieve GSM data. LAT: If set, retrieve LAT data. SEE ALSO: "make_cdf_index","loadcdf","loadcdfstr","loadallcdf" CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 99/12/28
(See general/key_param/
PROCEDURE: load_wi_phsp_3dp PURPOSE: loads WIND 3D Plasma Experiment key parameter data for "tplot". INPUTS: none, but will call "timespan" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. NVDATA: Raw non-varying data can be returned through this variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. MASTERFILE: (string) full file name to the master file. PREFIX: Prefix for TPLOT variables created. Default is 'phsp' SEE ALSO: "loadcdf","loadcdfstr","loadallcdf" CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.4 99/05/27
(See general/key_param/
PROCEDURE: load_wi_plsp_3dp PURPOSE: loads WIND 3D Plasma Experiment key parameter data for "tplot". INPUTS: none, but will call "timespan" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. NVDATA: Raw non-varying data can be returned through this variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. MASTERFILE: (string) full file name to the master file. RESOLUTION: number of seconds resolution to return. PREFIX: Prefix for TPLOT variables created. Default is 'plsp' MOMENT: Load PESA Low moment data. SEE ALSO: "make_cdf_index","loadcdf","loadcdfstr","loadallcdf" CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.7 02/11/01
(See general/key_param/
PROCEDURE: load_wi_pm_3dp PURPOSE: loads WIND 3D Plasma Experiment key parameter data for "tplot". INPUTS: none, but will call "timespan" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. NVDATA: Raw non-varying data can be returned through this variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. MASTERFILE: (string) full file name to the master file. RESOLUTION: number of seconds resolution to return. PREFIX: Prefix for TPLOT variables created. Default is 'wi_pm_' POLAR: Computes polar coordinates if set. VTHERMAL: If set, calculates and stores thermal velocity. SEE ALSO: "make_cdf_index","loadcdf","loadcdfstr","loadallcdf" CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 99/05/27
(See general/key_param/
PROCEDURE: load_wi_sfpd PURPOSE: loads WIND 3D Plasma Experiment key parameter data for "tplot". INPUTS: none, but will call "timespan" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. NVDATA: Raw non-varying data can be returned through this variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. MASTERFILE: (string) full file name to the master file. RESOLUTION: number of seconds resolution to return. PREFIX: Prefix for TPLOT variables created. Default is 'sfpd' SEE ALSO: "make_cdf_index","loadcdf","loadcdfstr","loadallcdf" CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 02/04/19
(See general/key_param/
PROCEDURE: load_wi_sfsp_3dp PURPOSE: loads WIND 3D Plasma Experiment key parameter data for "tplot". INPUTS: none, but will call "timespan" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. NVDATA: Raw non-varying data can be returned through this variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. MASTERFILE: (string) full file name to the master file. RESOLUTION: number of seconds resolution to return. PREFIX: Prefix for TPLOT variables created. Default is 'sfsp' SEE ALSO: "make_cdf_index","loadcdf","loadcdfstr","loadallcdf" CREATED BY: Davin Larson $LastChangedBy: nikos $ $LastChangedDate: 2017-03-10 14:53:59 -0800 (Fri, 10 Mar 2017) $ $LastChangedRevision: 22941 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See general/key_param/
PROCEDURE: load_wi_sopd PURPOSE: loads WIND 3D Plasma Experiment key parameter data for "tplot". INPUTS: none, but will call "timespan" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. NVDATA: Raw non-varying data can be returned through this variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. MASTERFILE: (string) full file name to the master file. RESOLUTION: number of seconds resolution to return. PREFIX: Prefix for TPLOT variables created. Default is 'ehpd' SEE ALSO: "make_cdf_index","loadcdf","loadcdfstr","loadallcdf" CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 2000/9/13
(See general/key_param/
PROCEDURE: load_wi_sosp_3dp PURPOSE: loads WIND 3D Plasma Experiment key parameter data for "tplot". INPUTS: none, but will call "timespan" if time_range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. NVDATA: Raw non-varying data can be returned through this variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. MASTERFILE: (string) full file name to the master file. RESOLUTION: number of seconds resolution to return. PREFIX: Prefix for TPLOT variables created. Default is 'sosp' SEE ALSO: "loadcdf","loadcdfstr","loadallcdf" CREATED BY: Peter Schroeder FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 03/04/30
(See general/key_param/
PROCEDURE: load_wi_sp_mfi PURPOSE: loads WIND MAGNETOMETER 3 second data for "tplot". INPUTS: none, but will call "timespan" if time range is not already set. KEYWORDS: TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range POLAR: Also computes the B field in polar coordinates. DATA: Data returned in this named variable. NODATA: Returns 0 if data exists for time range, otherwise returns 1. GSM: If set, GSM data is retrieved. PREFIX: (string) prefix for tplot variables. Default is 'wi_' NAME: (string) name for tplot variables. Default is 'wi_B3' RESOLUTION: Resolution to return in seconds. MASTERFILE: (string) full filename of master file. SEE ALSO: "make_cdf_index","loadcdf","loadcdfstr","loadallcdf" CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: VERSION: 1.17 LAST MODIFICATION: 01/07/16
(See general/key_param/
PROCEDURE: load_wi_swe PURPOSE: loads WIND Solar Wind Experiment key parameter data for "tplot". INPUTS: none, but will call "timespan" if time range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. MASTERFILE: (string) full file name to the master file. POLAR: If set, calculate and store velocity in polar coordinates. SEE ALSO: "make_cdf_index","loadcdf","loadcdfstr","loadallcdf" CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 02/12/03
(See general/key_param/
PROCEDURE: load_wi_wav PURPOSE: loads WIND WAVES Experiment key parameter data for "tplot". INPUTS: none, but will call "timespan" if time range is not already set. KEYWORDS: DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. NVDATA: Raw non-varying data can be returned through this variable. TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range. MASTERFILE: (string) full file name to the master file. RESOLUTION: number of seconds resolution to return. NE_FILTER: Name of electron density variable to be used as filter. MOON: Load moon position data. SOLAR: Load solar data. SEE ALSO: "make_cdf_index","loadcdf","loadcdfstr","loadallcdf" CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: LAST MODIFICATION: 99/05/27
(See general/key_param/
WARNING!!! This Function is OBSOLETE try not to use it... FUNCTION: pb5_to_time INPUT: pb5 array from cdf files (especially kpd files) OUTPUT: double array, seconds since 1970 SEE ALSO: "print_cdf_info", "loadcdf" CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.5 95/10/18
(See general/key_param/
PROCEDURE: reduce_dimen,name,d,n1,n2,deflim=deflim,newname=newname PURPOSE: reduces dimension of tplot variable for plotting. INPUT: name: tplot handle of 3 dimensional data d: dimension to sum over. (1 or 2) n1: starting index n2: ending index Caution: This procedure is still in development. Created by: Davin Larson, Sept 1995 File: Version: 1.1 Last Modified: 02/04/12
(See general/key_param/
PROCEDURE: setfileenv PURPOSE: Sets up environment variables giving information on the location of master index files and file paths of WIND 3DP data. This should be the one and only file that needs editting for new file systems. CREATED BY: Davin Larson and Peter Schroeder VERSION: @(#) 1.24 03/09/20
(See general/key_param/