;helper function ; Removes trailing zeros and/or decimal from string, ; Assumes trailing spaces have already been removed. ; if ideallen is given it will not reduce the length less than this (0 is not valid) function remove_zeros, sval, ideallen=ideallen compile_opt idl2, hidden f = stregex(sval, '\.?0*$',length=len) if keyword_set(ideallen) then begin if (strlen(sval)-len) lt ideallen then begin newstr = strmid(sval, 0, ideallen ) ; if this results in string ending in '.' then add in a space instead if strmid(newstr,strlen(newstr)-1,1) eq '.' then newstr=strmid(newstr,0,strlen(newstr)-1)+' ' return, newstr endif else return, strmid(sval, 0, (strlen(sval)-len) ) endif else return, strmid(sval, 0, (strlen(sval)-len) ) end function remove_leading_F, sval sval = strtrim(sval) if strlen(sval) le 8 then return, sval if strmid(sval, 0, 4) eq 'FFFF' then begin sval = strmid(sval, 4, strlen(sval)-1) endif if strmid(sval, 0, 4) eq 'FFFF' then begin sval = strmid(sval, 4, strlen(sval)-1) endif return, sval end ;+ ;FUNCTION: ; formatannotation ; ;PURPOSE: ; This routine is used as a callback for axis labeling by IDLgrAxis ; Because it is a callback routine, IDL requires it to have this specific form. ; It is probably useful as a general purpose formatting routine, as well. ; ;Inputs: ;Axis:Required by IDL, but ignored ;Index: Required by IDL, but ignored ;Value: Required The value to be formatted. ;Data: Keyword,Required ; The data struct holds the important information and has the following format: ; data = {timeAxis:0B, $ ;Should we format as time data? ; formatid:0L, $ ;Precision of returned value in sig figs ; scaling:0B, $ ;0:Linear,1:Log10,2:LogN ; exponent:0B, $ ;(REQUIRED for non-time data)0:Auto-Format(see description),1:Numerical(double),2:Sci-Notation(1.2x10^3) ; range:[0D,0D],$ ; The range field is optional. If it is present in the struct, value will be interpreted a multiplier over the specified range.(generally this is used if the data is being stored as a proportion) ; noformatcodes:0b,$ ; Optional, set to 1 to disable IDL formatting codes like !U ; maxexplen:0L,$ ; Optional, if present and not equal -1 then exponents will be formatted to this length ; negexp:0B} ; Optional, if present 1 indicates presence of a negative exponent on axis (only considered if maxexplen is also set and not -1) ;Auto-Format: ;If the number being formatted is too large or small to be displayed with the requested number of ; significant figures then the number will be automatically displayed in scientific notation ; (e.g. for 3 sig. figs '1234.5' will be shown as '1.23x10^3' and '.00012345' will be shown as '1.23x10^-4') ;Values in log_10() space will be displayed as '10^1.2' ;Values in ln() space will be displayes as 'e^1.2' ;Integer formatting is not effected. ; ;Formatting Codes: ;Formatting codes are utilized to create superscripts and unicode characters that are displayd ;by IDLgraxis: ; !z(00d7): Unicode multiplication symbol ; !U : Superscripts the following substring ; ;Example: ; print,formatannotation(0,0,1,data={timeaxis:0,formatid:7,scaling:0,exponent:0}) ; 1.000000 ; print,formatannotation(0,0,.5,data={timeaxis:1,formatid:12,scaling:0,range:[time_double('2007-03-23'),time_double('2007-03-24')]}) ; 082/12:00:00.000 ; print,formatannotation(0,0,4,data={timeaxis:0,formatid:5,scaling:2,exponent:0}) ; e!U4.0000 ; print,formatannotation(0,0,.25,data={timeaxis:0,formatid:5,scaling:1,range:[1,2],exponent:0}) ; 10!U1.2500 ; print,formatannotation(0,0,1234,data={timeaxis:0,formatid:7,scaling:0,exponent:2}) ; 1.234000!z(00d7)10!U3 ; ;$LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2014-06-05 10:01:44 -0700 (Thu, 05 Jun 2014) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 15308 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_3_2/spedas_gui/utilities/formatannotation.pro $ ;- function formatannotation,axis,index,value,data=data compile_opt idl2 str_element,data,'noformatcodes',noformatcodes,success=s if s eq 0 then begin noformatcodes = 0 endif ;check if maxexplen is defined str_element,data,'maxexplen',maxexplen,success=s if s eq 0 then begin maxexplen = -1 endif ;check if negexp is defined str_element,data,'negexp',negexp,success=s if s eq 0 then begin negexp = 0; nothing is done if no negative exponents are indicated endif ;CONSTANTS months = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'] if noformatcodes then begin expformat = '^' sciformat = 'e' endif else begin expformat = '!U' sciformat = '!3x!X10!U' endelse ; numLimit = 10000000000 roundingfactor = 1d-15 ;print,value ;help,data,/str if finite(value,/nan) then begin ;print,strtrim(string(value)) return,strtrim(string(value)) endif ; Range and rounding if in_set('range',strlowcase(tag_names(data))) then begin val = (value + data.range[0]/(data.range[1]-data.range[0]))*(data.range[1]-data.range[0]) ;round values near 0 relativecuttoff = (data.range[1]-data.range[0])*roundingfactor if val le relativecuttoff && val ge -relativecuttoff then begin val = 0 endif ; the following code will round annotations like 999999 to 1000000 on non-time axes if ~data.timeaxis then begin rval = round(val) if abs(val - rval) lt roundingfactor then val = rval endif endif else begin val = value endelse ;Calculate real space value if necessary oval = 1d*val if data.scaling eq 1 then begin val = 10d^val endif else if data.scaling eq 2 then begin val = 1d*exp(val) endif else begin val = 1d*val endelse if ~finite(val) then begin ; print,strtrim(string(val)) return,strtrim(string(val)) endif ; if in_set('formatstyle',strlowcase(tag_names(data))) then begin ; formatstyle = data.formatstyle ; endif else begin ; formatstyle = 0 ; endelse ;correction factor for variation in exponential ;format across OS's (no longer necessary) ;format on Linux/Unix/OSX = '2.E+00' ;format on Windows = '2.E+000' ; if !VERSION.OS_FAMILY eq 'Windows' then begin ; os = 1 ; endif else begin ; os = 0 ; endelse ;*************************** ;Time Annotation Formatting ;*************************** if data.timeAxis then begin ;round to nearest millisecond tm = (val - floor(val))*1000d val = floor(val) + round(tm)*10d^(-3) ts = time_struct(val) ;account for time_struct allowing fractional sec = 1 ;this should take care of incrimenting other fields ;(sec, min, hour, day, etc) if ts.fsec ge 1d then begin td = time_double(ts) ts = time_struct(td) endif if data.formatid eq 0 then begin return,string(ts.year,format='(I4.4)') + '-' + $ months[ts.month-1] +'-'+ $ string(ts.date,format='(I2.2)') endif else if data.formatid eq 1 then begin return,string(ts.year,format='(I4.4)') + '-' + $ months[ts.month-1] +'-'+ $ string(ts.date,format='(I2.2)') + '/' + $ string(ts.hour,format='(I2.2)') + ':' + $ string(ts.min,format='(I2.2)') endif else if data.formatid eq 2 then begin return,string(ts.year,format='(I4.4)') + '-' + $ months[ts.month-1] +'-'+ $ string(ts.date,format='(I2.2)') + '/' + $ string(ts.hour,format='(I2.2)') + ':' + $ string(ts.min,format='(I2.2)') + ':' + $ string(ts.sec,format='(I2.2)') endif else if data.formatid eq 3 then begin return,string(ts.year,format='(I4.4)') + '-' + $ months[ts.month-1] +'-'+ $ string(ts.date,format='(I2.2)') + '/' + $ string(ts.hour,format='(I2.2)') + ':' + $ string(ts.min,format='(I2.2)') + ':' + $ string(ts.sec,format='(I2.2)') + '.' + $ string(ts.fsec*1000,format='(I3.3)') endif else if data.formatid eq 4 then begin return,string(ts.hour,format='(I2.2)') + ':' + $ string(ts.min,format='(I2.2)') endif else if data.formatid eq 5 then begin return,string(ts.hour,format='(I2.2)') + ':' + $ string(ts.min,format='(I2.2)') + ':' + $ string(ts.sec,format='(I2.2)') endif else if data.formatid eq 6 then begin return,string(ts.hour,format='(I2.2)') + ':' + $ string(ts.min,format='(I2.2)') + ':' + $ string(ts.sec,format='(I2.2)') + '.' + $ string(ts.fsec*1000,format='(I3.3)') endif else if data.formatid eq 7 then begin return,string(ts.month,format='(I2.2)') + ':' + $ string(ts.date,format='(I2.2)') endif else if data.formatid eq 8 then begin return,string(ts.month,format='(I2.2)') + '-' + $ string(ts.date,format='(I2.2)')+ '/' + $ string(ts.hour,format='(I2.2)') + ':' + $ string(ts.min,format='(I2.2)') endif else if data.formatid eq 9 then begin return,string(ts.doy,format='(I3.3)') endif else if data.formatid eq 10 then begin return,string(ts.doy,format='(I3.3)') + '/' + $ string(ts.hour,format='(I2.2)') + ':' + $ string(ts.min,format='(I2.2)') endif else if data.formatid eq 11 then begin return,string(ts.doy,format='(I3.3)') + '/' + $ string(ts.hour,format='(I2.2)') + ':' + $ string(ts.min,format='(I2.2)') + ':' + $ string(ts.sec,format='(I2.2)') endif else if data.formatid eq 12 then begin return,string(ts.doy,format='(I3.3)') + '/' + $ string(ts.hour,format='(I2.2)') + ':' + $ string(ts.min,format='(I2.2)') + ':' + $ string(ts.sec,format='(I2.2)') + '.' + $ string(ts.fsec*1000,format='(I3.3)') endif else if data.formatid eq 13 then begin return,string(ts.year,format='(I4.4)') + '-' + $ string(ts.doy,format='(I3.3)') endif else if data.formatid eq 14 then begin return,string(ts.year,format='(I4.4)') + '-' + $ string(ts.doy,format='(I3.3)') + '/' + $ string(ts.hour,format='(I2.2)') + ':' + $ string(ts.min,format='(I2.2)') endif else if data.formatid eq 15 then begin return,string(ts.year,format='(I4.4)') + '-' + $ string(ts.doy,format='(I3.3)') + '/' + $ string(ts.hour,format='(I2.2)') + ':' + $ string(ts.min,format='(I2.2)') + ':' + $ string(ts.sec,format='(I2.2)') endif else if data.formatid eq 16 then begin return,string(ts.year,format='(I4.4)') + '-' + $ string(ts.doy,format='(I3.3)') + '/' + $ string(ts.hour,format='(I2.2)') + ':' + $ string(ts.min,format='(I2.2)') + ':' + $ string(ts.sec,format='(I2.2)') + '.' + $ string(ts.fsec*1000,format='(I3.3)') endif else if data.formatid eq 17 then begin ;jmm, 9-may-2011 return,string(ts.year,format='(I4.4)') + '-' + $ string(ts.month, format = '(I2.2)') + '-' + $ string(ts.date,format='(I2.2)')+ '/' + $ string(ts.hour,format='(I2.2)') + ':' + $ string(ts.min,format='(I2.2)') + ':' + $ string(ts.sec,format='(I2.2)') endif else if data.formatid eq 18 then begin ;jmm, 9-may-2011 return,string(ts.year,format='(I4.4)') + '-' + $ string(ts.month, format = '(I2.2)') + '-' + $ string(ts.date,format='(I2.2)')+ '/' + $ string(ts.hour,format='(I2.2)') + ':' + $ string(ts.min,format='(I2.2)') + ':' + $ string(ts.sec,format='(I2.2)') + '.' + $ string(ts.fsec*1000,format='(I3.3)') endif else if data.formatid eq 19 then begin ;jmm, 9-may-2011 return,string(ts.year,format='(I4.4)') + '-' + $ string(ts.month, format = '(I2.2)') + '-' + $ string(ts.date,format='(I2.2)')+ 'T' + $ string(ts.hour,format='(I2.2)') + ':' + $ string(ts.min,format='(I2.2)') + ':' + $ string(ts.sec,format='(I2.2)') endif else if data.formatid eq 20 then begin ;jmm, 9-may-2011 return,string(ts.year,format='(I4.4)') + '-' + $ string(ts.month, format = '(I2.2)') + '-' + $ string(ts.date,format='(I2.2)')+ 'T' + $ string(ts.hour,format='(I2.2)') + ':' + $ string(ts.min,format='(I2.2)') + ':' + $ string(ts.sec,format='(I2.2)') + '.' + $ string(ts.fsec*1000,format='(I3.3)') endif else begin ok = error_message('Illegal annotation format',/traceback) return,'' endelse endif else begin ;************************** ;Data Annotations Formating ;************************** ;Initializations for formatting prefix = '' suffix = '' neg=0 dec=0 use_oval = 0 precision = data.formatid-1 > 0 ;desired decimal precision (1 less than sig figs) negzero = ( (val eq 0) && (strmid(strtrim(val,1),0,1) eq '-') ) ? 1:0 ;Determine format type: ;--------------------- ;The type of annotation to be returned is chosen below by setting the 'type' variable. ;0 - numerical format ;1 - sci-notation (also requires expsign=1 or -1) ;2 - e^x format ;3 - 10^x format spd_ui_usingexponent,val,data,type=type,expsign=expsign ;if an error occurred return if type eq -1 then return,'' ;Handle double format ;-------------------- if type eq 0 then begin spd_ui_getlengthvars, val, dec, neg if data.formatid eq 0 then begin formatString = '(I' + strtrim(string(neg+dec,format='(I)'),2)+')' if precision lt dec then precision = dec < 9 endif else begin ;use sig figs for consistancy with sci. not. if on auto-format if data.exponent eq 0 then begin p0 = abs(val) lt 1 ? 1:0 prec = ((precision+1-dec+p0) > 0) endif else begin prec = precision endelse ;increment length if rounding will add digit check_dround, val, neg, dec, prec formatString = '(D' + strtrim(string(negzero+neg+dec+1+prec,format='(I)'),2)+$ '.' + strtrim(prec,2)+')' endelse ;Handle exponential (sci-notation) format ;---------------------------------------- endif else if type eq 1 then begin spd_ui_getlengthvars, val, dec, neg if val eq 0 then $ return, remove_zeros(string(val,format='(D'+strtrim(precision+2+negzero)+'.'+strtrim(precision)+')')) ;determine exponent (1,-1, 0) if expsign eq -1 then begin esign = '-' exponent = ceil(abs(alog10(abs(val)))) endif else if expsign eq 1 then begin esign = '' exponent = floor(abs(alog10(abs(val)))) endif else if expsign eq 0 then begin esign = '' exponent = 0 endif val = val * (10d^exponent)^(-expsign) if ~finite(val) then return,strtrim(string(val)) ;increment length if rounding will add digit check_eround, val, neg,dec, precision, exponent,expsign ;add desired exponent string if abs(val) ge 0 and abs(val) lt 10 then begin if maxexplen ne -1 and negexp eq 1 then begin;if needed add space at beginning to compensate for other annotations having neg exponent exponent = strtrim(exponent,2) if esign ne '-' then exponent=' '+exponent suffix = sciformat + esign + exponent endif else suffix = sciformat + esign + strtrim(exponent,2) endif else begin ;print, 'FormatAnnotation: Error creating exponent!' return,'' endelse if data.formatid eq 0 then begin formatString = '(I' + strtrim(string(neg+dec,format='(I)'),2)+')' endif else begin formatString = '(D' + strtrim(string(neg+precision+2,format='(I)'),2)+'.' + $ strtrim(precision,2) + ')' endelse ;Handle e^x format ;(number should still be in ln() space at this point) ;--------------------------------------------------- endif else if type eq 2 then begin if finite(oval, /infinity) then begin if oval lt 0 then $ return, remove_zeros(string(0d,format='(D'+strtrim(precision+2)+'.'+strtrim(precision)+')')) $ else return, 'Infinity' endif spd_ui_getlengthvars, oval, dec, neg use_oval = 1 ;increment length if rounding will add digit to exponent check_dround, oval, neg, dec, precision prec = ((precision+1-dec) > 0) formatString = '(D' + strtrim(string(neg+dec+prec+1+negzero,format='(I)'),2)+'.' + $ strtrim(prec,2) + ')' prefix = 'e' + expformat ;Handle 10^x format ;(number should still be in log_10() space at this point) ;------------------------------------------------------- endif else if type eq 3 then begin if finite(oval, /infinity) then begin if oval lt 0 then $ return, remove_zeros(string(0d,format='(D'+strtrim(precision+2)+'.'+strtrim(precision)+')')) $ else return, 'Infinity' endif spd_ui_getlengthvars, oval, dec, neg use_oval = 1 ;increment length if rounding will add digit to exponent check_dround, oval, neg, dec, precision prec = ((precision+1-dec) > 0) formatString = '(D' + strtrim(string(neg+dec+prec+1+negzero,format='(I)'),2)+'.' + $ strtrim(prec,2) + ')' prefix = '10' + expformat ; Hexadecimal format endif else if type eq 4 then begin typecode=size(val,/type) if typecode eq 1 then begin ; byte strvalue = strtrim(string(val,FORMAT='(Z2)')) endif else if typecode eq 2 then begin ; int strvalue = strtrim(string(val,FORMAT='(Z4)')) endif else if typecode eq 3 then begin ; long strvalue = strtrim(string(val,FORMAT='(Z8)')) endif else begin ; any other type strvalue = strtrim(string(val,FORMAT='(Z16)')) endelse ;return, remove_leading_F(strvalue) ;we should use this if we want to clip the leading FFFF FFFF (it happens with negative values) return, strvalue endif else begin ok = error_message('Illegal annotation type',/traceback) return,'' endelse ;Check that the format did not exceed max length and ;return formatted number ;---------------------------------- if stregex(formatstring, '[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]+',/extract) ge 255 then return, 'Overflow' ; if stregex( string(val,format=formatString), '[*]+', /bool) then begin ; print, val, formatstring ; stop ; endif if maxexplen ne -1 then begin ;if annotation has an exponent and we are trying to line up annotations if use_oval then begin mainstr = string(oval,format=formatString) ; if some annotations on axis are negative add a space to nonneg ones so that the annotations aline correctly if negexp eq 1 then begin if strmid(mainstr,0,1) ne '-' then mainstr=' '+mainstr endif return, prefix + remove_zeros(mainstr,ideallen=maxexplen) + suffix endif else begin ; in this case the exponent is in the suffix, adding space for nonneg exp is handled earlier in code if data.formatid eq 0 then return, prefix + string(val,format=formatString) + suffix return, prefix + remove_zeros(string(val,format=formatString)) + suffix endelse endif else begin if use_oval then begin return, prefix + remove_zeros(string(oval,format=formatString)) + suffix endif else begin if data.formatid eq 0 then return, prefix + string(val,format=formatString) + suffix return, prefix + remove_zeros(string(val,format=formatString)) + suffix endelse endelse endelse ;end data formatting end