;+ ; Name: ; spd_ui_neutral_sheet_models ; ; Purpose: ; Panel for producing magnetic neutral sheet models in SPEDAS ; ; ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2014-08-21 12:21:00 -0700 (Thu, 21 Aug 2014) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 15698 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/trunk/spedas_gui/panels/spd_ui_neutral_sheet_models.pro $ ;- ; Name: ; spd_ui_neutral_sheet_models_add_option ; ; Purpose: ; Wrapper for spd_ui_add_variable, opens a dialog to allow the user to select a tplot variable ; and adds the users selection to the GUI loadedData object ; function spd_ui_neutral_sheet_models_add_option, statePtr, windowtitle = windowtitle state=*statePtr var_to_add = spd_ui_add_variable(state.tlb,state.loadedData,state.guiTree,state.historywin,state.statusBar,treemode=0,windowtitle=windowtitle) if ~keyword_set(var_to_add[0]) then begin return, -1 endif else begin ; get the tvar group name ret_tvars = state.loadedData->GetTvarData((*var_to_add[0]).groupName) endelse return, ptr_new(ret_tvars) end ; Name: ; spd_ui_neutral_sheet_models_error ; ; Purpose: ; Sends errors in this panel to dprint, status bar and history window ; pro spd_ui_neutral_sheet_models_error, state, error if ~undefined(error) && error ne '' then begin dprint, dlevel=1, error state.historyWin->update, error state.statusBar->update, error endif else begin dprint, dlevel=0, 'Problem in the neutral sheet models panel error procedure, no error provided.' endelse end ; Name: ; spd_ui_neutral_sheet_models_event ; ; Purpose: ; Event handler for this panel ; pro spd_ui_neutral_sheet_models_event, event compile_opt idl2, hidden Widget_Control, event.top, get_uvalue = ptrState state = *ptrState err_models_event = 0 catch, err_models_event ; catch any errors thrown if err_models_event ne 0 then begin catch, /cancel help, /last_message, output = err_msg spd_ui_sbar_hwin_update, state, err_msg, /error, err_msgbox_title='Error in spd_ui_neutral_sheet_models.' widget_control, event.top,/destroy return endif ; handle kill requests if tag_names(event, /structure_name) eq 'WIDGET_KILL_REQUEST' then begin state.historyWin->Update, 'Neutral Sheet Models window closed' state.statusBar->Update, 'Neutral Sheet Models window closed' if obj_valid(state.neutralSheetSettings) then begin state.neutralSheetSettings->setProperty, pos_tvar = *state.positionVar, ns_model=state.modelName, $ kp_index=state.kpIndex, magnetic_lat=state.magneticLat endif if ptr_valid(ptrState) then ptr_free, ptrState Widget_Control, event.top, /destroy ; run the garbage collector if we're in IDL 6-7 if double(!version.release) lt 8. then heap_gc return endif ; get the uvalue Widget_Control, event.id, get_uvalue=uval case uval of ; buttons for solar wind options 'MODELNAME': begin state.modelName=event.str state.modelSelect=event.index state.neutralSheetSettings->SetProperty, ns_model=state.modelName state.historyWin->Update, 'Neutral Sheet Model updated' state.statusbar->Update, 'Neutral Sheet Model updated' if event.index NE 3 then sensitive=0 else sensitive=1 widget_control, state.midBase, sensitive=sensitive widget_control, event.top, set_uvalue = ptr_new(state), /no_copy return end 'KPINDEX': begin if is_numeric(event.value) && event.value GE 0 then begin state.kpIndex = event.value state.neutralSheetSettings->SetProperty, kp_index=state.kpIndex state.historyWin->Update, 'KP Index updated' state.statusbar->Update, 'KP Index updated' widget_control, event.top, set_uvalue = ptr_new(state), /no_copy return endif else begin spd_ui_neutral_sheet_models_error, state, 'KP Index must be numeric.' kp_id=widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='kpindex') widget_control, kp_id, set_value=state.kpIndex return endelse end 'MAGLAT': begin if is_numeric(event.value) && event.value GE -90 && event.value LE 90. then begin state.magneticLat = event.value state.neutralSheetSettings->SetProperty, magnetic_lat=state.magneticLat state.historyWin->Update, 'Magnetic Latitude updated' state.statusbar->Update, 'Magnetic Latitude updated' ; update the state structure in the tlb widget_control, event.top, set_uvalue = ptr_new(state), /no_copy return endif else begin spd_ui_neutral_sheet_models_error, state, 'Magnetic Latitude must be numeric (between -90 to 90).' mlt_id=widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='maglat') widget_control, mlt_id, set_value=state.magneticLat return endelse end 'ZNS': begin if event.select EQ 1 then state.outputzns=1 else state.outputzns=0 ; update the state structure in the tlb widget_control, event.top, set_uvalue = ptr_new(state), /no_copy return end 'DZ2NS': begin if event.select EQ 1 then state.outputdz2ns=1 else state.outputdz2ns=0 ; update the state structure in the tlb widget_control, event.top, set_uvalue = ptr_new(state), /no_copy return end 'SELECTPOSITION': begin ret_tvars = spd_ui_neutral_sheet_models_add_option(ptrState, windowtitle = 'Select a variable containing position data') if ~ptr_valid(ret_tvars) then begin return endif else begin pos_wid = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='selectposition') Widget_Control, pos_wid, set_value = *ret_tvars[0] ptr_free, state.positionVar state.positionVar = ret_tvars Widget_Control, event.top, set_uvalue = ptr_new(state), /no_copy return endelse end 'GENNEUTRALSHEET': begin ; generate the neutral sheet if ptr_valid(state.positionVar) then begin model_errors = 0 pos_input = *state.positionVar if (size(pos_input, /type) eq 2 && pos_input eq 0) || pos_input eq '' then begin spd_ui_neutral_sheet_models_error, state, 'Error, no GUI position variables selected.' return endif if state.outputzns EQ 0 && state.outputdz2ns EQ 0 then begin spd_ui_neutral_sheet_models_error, state, 'Error, no output type selected.' return endif ; get the dlimits for checking the coordinates coord_sys = cotrans_get_coord(pos_input[0]) ; convert to GSM if needed if strlowcase(coord_sys) ne 'gsm' then begin dprint, dlevel = 2, 'Coordinate system for input position not in GSM, transforming from ' + strupcase(coord_sys) + ' to GSM prior to calculating models' state.statusBar->update, 'Coordinate system for input position not in GSM, transforming from ' + strupcase(coord_sys) + ' to GSM prior to calculating models' state.historyWin->update, 'Coordinate system for input position not in GSM, transforming from ' + strupcase(coord_sys) + ' to GSM prior to calculating models' var_to_use = pos_input[0] + '_gsm' spd_cotrans, pos_input[0], var_to_use, out_coord = 'gsm' endif else var_to_use = pos_input[0] ; extract data get_data, var_to_use, data=pos_gsm, dlimits=pos_gsm_dl, limits=pos_gsm_l state.statusBar -> update, 'Generating the neutral sheet '+state.modelName+' model for: ' + string(var_to_use) state.historywin -> update, 'Generating the neutral sheet '+state.modelName+' model neutral sheet for: ' + string(var_to_use) ; generate the neutral sheet model at the position in the tplot variable if state.outputzns then begin neutral_sheet, pos_gsm.x, pos_gsm.y/6378., model=strlowcase(state.modelName), kp=state.kpIndex, $ mlt=state.magneticLat, distance2NS=distance2NS data_att={coord_sys:'gsm', st_type:'zns_pos', units:'km', project:pos_gsm_dl.data_att.project, $ observatory:pos_gsm_dl.data_att.observatory, instrument:'neutral_sheet'} zns_dl={spec:0, log:0, data_att:data_att, labels:'',ysubtitle:'[km]'} store_data, 'zns_'+strlowcase(state.modelName)+'_gsm', data={x:pos_gsm.x, y:distance2NS*6378.}, dlimits=zns_dl endif if state.outputdz2ns then begin neutral_sheet, pos_gsm.x, pos_gsm.y/6378., model=strlowcase(state.modelName), kp=state.kpIndex, $ mlt=state.magneticLat, distance2NS=distance2NS, /sc2NS data_att={coord_sys:'gsm', st_type:'dz2ns_pos', units:'km', project:pos_gsm_dl.data_att.project, $ observatory:pos_gsm_dl.data_att.observatory, instrument:'neutral_sheet'} dz2ns_dl={spec:0, log:0, data_att:data_att, labels:'',ysubtitle:'[km]'} store_data, 'dz2ns_'+strlowcase(state.modelName)+'_gsm', data={x:pos_gsm.x, y:distance2NS*6378.}, dlimits=dz2ns_dl endif if tnames('zns_'+strlowcase(state.modelName)+'_gsm') ne '' then begin ; add the tplot variable to the loadedData object ret_loaded = state.loadedData->add('zns_'+strlowcase(state.modelName)+'_gsm') state.statusBar->update, 'Done calculating the z distance of the neutral_sheet_model using model '+state.modelName state.historyWin->update, 'Done calculating the z distance of the neutral_sheet_model using model '+state.modelName endif if tnames('dz2ns_'+strlowcase(state.modelName)+'_gsm') ne '' then begin ; add the tplot variable to the loadedData object ret_loaded = state.loadedData->add('dz2ns_'+strlowcase(state.modelName)+'_gsm') state.statusBar->update, 'Done calculating the z distance from '+var_to_use+' to the neutral sheet using model' + state.modelName state.historyWin->update, 'Done calculating the z distance from '+var_to_use+' to the neutral sheet using model' + state.modelName endif endif return end 'CLOSE': begin if obj_valid(state.neutralSheetSettings) then begin state.neutralSheetSettings->setProperty, pos_tvar = *state.positionVar, ns_model=state.modelName, $ kp_index=state.kpIndex, magnetic_lat=state.magneticLat endif if ptr_valid(ptrState) then ptr_free, ptrState Widget_Control, event.top, /destroy return end 'CLEAR': begin ; reset to defaults state.modelSelect = 0 state.positionVar = ptr_new('') state.kpIndex=0 state.magneticLat=0 state.modelName='AEN' state.outputzns=0 state.outputdz2ns=0 info.neutralSheetSettings->SetProperty, pos_tvar=state.positionVar, ns_model=state.modelName, $ kp_index=state.kpIndex, magnetic_lat=state.magneticLat ; update the displayed options mod_id = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='modelname') kp_id = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='kpindex') mlt_id = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='maglat') zns_id = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='zns') dz2ns_id = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname='dz2ns') widget_control, (widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='modelName')), set_combobox_select=state.modelSelect widget_control, (widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='kpIndex')), set_value=state.kpIndex widget_control, (widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='maglat')), set_value=state.magneticLat widget_control, (widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='zns')), set_value=0 widget_control, (widget_info(tlb, find_by_uname='dz2ns')), set_value=0 ; update the state structure in the tlb widget_control, event.top, set_uvalue = ptr_new(state), /no_copy ; run the garbage collector if double(!version.release) lt 8.0d then heap_gc end 'HELP': begin spd_ui_neutral_sheet_help, state return end else: begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Not implemented yet.' return end endcase end pro spd_ui_neutral_sheet_models, info catch, err_neutral_sheet_models ; catch any errors opening the panel if err_neutral_sheet_models ne 0 then begin catch, /cancel help, /last_message, output=err_msg dprint, dlevel = 1, err_msg err_msgbox = error_message('An unknown error occured while opening the neutral sheet models window. See the console for details', /noname, /center, title='Error in Neutral Sheet Models') spd_gui_error, info.master, info.historyWin return endif ; create the base widget for the neutral models panel tlb = Widget_Base(/Col, Title='Neutral Sheet Models', Group_Leader=info.master, $ /Floating, /tlb_kill_request_events, tab_mode = 1, /modal) mainBase = Widget_Base(tlb, /col) bottomBase = Widget_Base(tlb, /col) getresourcepath, resource_path palettebmp = read_bmp(resource_path + 'color.bmp', /rgb) cal = read_bmp(resource_path + 'cal.bmp', /rgb) helpbmp = read_bmp(resource_path + 'question.bmp', /rgb) spd_ui_match_background, tlb, helpbmp spd_ui_match_background, tlb, palettebmp spd_ui_match_background, tlb, cal if obj_valid(info.neutralSheetSettings) then begin info.neutralSheetSettings->getProperty, pos_tvar=pos_tvar, ns_model=ns_model, $ kp_index=kp_index, magnetic_lat=magnetic_lat endif if pos_tvar eq '' then begin pos_tvar = 'Select a position variable' pos_var = '' endif else pos_var = pos_tvar positionBase = Widget_Base(mainBase, row=2) inputLabel = Widget_Label(positionBase, value='Input: ') posSelectButton = Widget_Button(positionBase, value=pos_tvar, xsize=200, uname='selectposition', uval='SELECTPOSITION', tooltip='Select a variable containing the input position') label_width = 55 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Model Name selection ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; modelNames = ['AEN', 'DEN', 'FAIRFIELD', 'LOPEZ', 'THEMIS', 'SM'] model_select = 0 modelBase = Widget_Base(mainBase, /row, title='Model Name', ypad=4) modelLabel = Widget_Label(modelBase, value='Model Name: ', /align_left) modelCombo = Widget_Combobox(modelBase, value=modelNames, xsize=100, uvalue='MODELNAME', uname='modelName') ; widget_control, modelCombo, set_combobox_select=model_select if model_select NE 3 then sensitive=0 else sensitive =1 midBase=Widget_Base(mainbase, /col, /frame, xpad=5, ypad=5, sensitive=sensitive) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; KP Index selection ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; titleBase=Widget_base(midBase, /row) titleLabel=Widget_Label(titleBase, value='Parameters:', /align_left) kpBase = Widget_Base(midBase, /row, title='KP Index') kpLabel = Widget_Label(kpBase, value='KP Index: ', /align_left) kpSpinner = spd_ui_spinner(kpbase, increment=1, uvalue='KPINDEX', uname='kpindex', min_value=0) widget_control, kpSpinner, set_value=kp_Index ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Magnetic Lat selection ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; mltBase = Widget_Base(midBase, /row, title='Magnetic Latitude') mltLabel = Widget_Label(mltBase, value='Magnetic Latitude: ', /align_left) mltSpinner = spd_ui_spinner(mltbase, increment=1, uvalue='MAGLAT', uname='maglat', min_value=-90, max_value=90) widget_control, mltspinner, set_value=magnetic_lat tempbase=Widget_Base(mainbase, /col, ypad=5) outputBase=Widget_Base(mainbase, /col, /frame, xpad=5, ypad=5) outputLabel=Widget_Label(outputBase, value='Output: ', /align_left) outbutBase=Widget_Base(outputbase, /col, /nonexclusive) outputzns=1 outputdz2ns=0 znsButton = Widget_Button(outbutBase, Value=' zNS', uval='ZNS', uname='zns', $ tooltip='NS position along the zaxis at a specific x and y location, in gsm coordinates') dz2nsButton = Widget_Button(outbutBase, Value=' dz2NS', uval='DZ2NS', uname='dz2ns', $ tooltip='Distance of position to neutral sheet along the z axis, in gsm coordinates') widget_control, znsButton, set_button=outputzns buttonBase = Widget_Base(bottomBase, /row, /align_center) generateButton = Widget_Button(buttonBase, value='Generate', uval='GENNEUTRALSHEET', xsize=80, tooltip='Generate the neutral sheet model') clearButton = Widget_Button(buttonBase, value='Clear', uval='CLEAR', xsize=80, tooltip='Clear the current options') closeButton = Widget_Button(buttonBase, value='Close', uval='CLOSE', xsize=80, tooltip='Close this window') help_button = Widget_Button(buttonBase, value='Help', uval='HELP', xsize=80, tooltip='Descriptions of neutral sheet models') statusBase = Widget_Base(tlb, /Row, /align_center) statusBar = Obj_New('SPD_UI_MESSAGE_BAR', statusBase, XSize=55, YSize=1) ;end ; state structure for this widget state = {tlb: tlb, $ neutralSheetSettings: info.neutralSheetSettings, $ gui_id: info.master, $ guiTree: info.guiTree, $ loadedData: info.loadedData, $ historyWin: info.historyWin, $ statusBar: statusBar, $ modelName: ns_model, $ modelSelect: model_select, $ kpIndex: kp_index, $ magneticLat: magnetic_lat, $ prevmaglat:magnetic_lat, $ prevkpindex:kp_index, $ outputzns: outputzns, $ outputdz2ns: outputdz2ns, $ midBase: midBase, $ positionVar: ptr_new(pos_var)} ptrState = ptr_new(state, /no_copy) Widget_Control, tlb, set_uvalue = ptrState, /no_copy centertlb, tlb Widget_Control, tlb, /realize XManager, 'spd_ui_neutral_sheet_models', tlb, /no_block end