;+ ;NAME: ; spd_ui_loaded_data__define ; ;PURPOSE: ; This is an array of data objects and represents all the data that has been loaded ; for this session. ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ;OUTPUT: ; reference to data object array ; ;ATTRIBUTES: ; array of data objects ; ;METHODS: ; Add adds a new tplot variable to the loaded data object by tplot variable name ; Remove removes an object from the array by name or group name ; GetAll returns an array of all data names ; GetActive returns a list of all data that is currently displayed ; GetChildren returns a list of the children for a particular variable name ; SetActive makes a data object active given a tplot name ; IsActive Checks if a variable with a given name is active ; IsParent Checks if a variable with a given name is a parent ; IsChild Checks if a variable with a given name is a child ; ClearActive makes a data object inactive ; ClearAllActive clears all active data objects ; GetVarData gets the data component from a variable. For a group variable, the routine ; will need to compose the data first ; GetTvarData gets a tplot variable, For a group data structure it will construct ; a new tplot variable. ; GetObjects returns an array of all data objects, can also take a name or group name ; ; NOTE: ; ; 1. You should use 'getTvarData' to generate a ; tplot variable that has all the dimensions of the variable composed ; as a single entity. After you have modified the variable you ; should you 'add', to add the data back in to the data structure. ; ; 2. Note also, that you don't need to have separate rules to data process parents and children, if you use ; the same getTvarData/add workflow above for children variables, it ; will work fine. ; ; 3. INIT takes an argument, /autoload. If that is set, the load routine will load all the tplot variables in ; memory, but not all the metadata for the variables will be set correctly. ; ; ;HISTORY: ; ;$LastChangedBy: jimmpc1 $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2018-03-05 14:00:03 -0800 (Mon, 05 Mar 2018) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 24830 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_3_2/spedas_gui/objects/spd_ui_loaded_data__define.pro $ ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;component_names: returns the names of the data variables added(but not yaxis or time), it is mainly used internally to implement a recursive call, but if it is useful, please use it. FUNCTION SPD_UI_LOADED_DATA::Add, name, file=file, mission=mission,observatory=observatory,coordSys=coordSys,instrument=instrument,timerange=timerange,isSpect=isSpect,groupname=groupname,component_names=component_names,added_name=added_name,units=units,yaxisunits=yaxisunits,isYaxis=isYaxis,suffix=suffix,indepName=indepName,yaxisparent=yaxisparent compile_opt idl2 if ~tnames(name) then begin ok = error_message('Add called without a tplot variable',/traceback,/center,title='Data Load Error') return,0 endif get_data, name, data=d,limits=l,dlimits=dl if ~is_struct(d) then begin ok = error_message('Problem Loading: ' + name + '. Quantity does not have valid data.',/center,traceback=0,title='Data Load Problem') return,0 endif if size(d.x,/type) ne 5 then begin ok = error_message('Cannot load "'+name+'". The x-axis must contain double precision floating point data.',/noname,/center, title='Data Load Error', traceback=0) return, 0 endif return,self->addData(name,d,limit=l,dlimit=dl,file=file, mission=mission,observatory=observatory,instrument=instrument,timerange=timerange,isSpect=isSpect,groupname=groupname,component_names=component_names,added_name=added_name,units=units,yaxisunits=yaxisunits,isYaxis=isYaxis,suffix=suffix,indepName=indepName,yaxisparent=yaxisparent) end ;operates directly on data structs not tplot variables FUNCTION spd_ui_loaded_data::addData,in_name,d,limit=l,dlimit=dl,file=file, mission=mission,observatory=observatory,coordSys=coordSys,instrument=instrument,timerange=timerange,isSpect=isSpect,groupname=groupname,component_names=component_names,added_name=added_name,units=units,yaxisunits=yaxisunits,isYaxis=isYaxis,suffix=suffix,indepName=indepName,yaxisparent=yaxisparent compile_opt idl2 ;if ~keyword_set(mission) then mission = 'none' ;if ~keyword_set(observatory) then observatory = 'none' ;if ~keyword_set(instrument) then instrument = 'none' if n_elements(in_name) gt 1 then begin ok = error_message('Problem Loading: ' + in_name + '. Can only load one name at a time.',/center,traceback=0,title='Data Load Problem') return,0 endif name = in_name[0] if ~keyword_set(suffix) then suffix = '' if ~is_struct(d) then begin ok = error_message('Problem Loading: ' + name + '. Quantity does not have valid data.',/center,traceback=0,title='Data Load Problem') return,0 endif if ~in_set(tag_names(d),'X') then begin ok = error_message('Problem Loading: ' + name + '. Quantity does not have valid X component.',/center,traceback=0,title='Data Load Problem') return,0 endif if ~is_num(d.x) then begin ok = error_message('Problem Loading: ' + name + '. X component is not a numeric type',/center,traceback=0,title='Data Load Problem') return,0 endif if ~in_set(tag_names(d),'Y') then begin ok = error_message('Problem Loading: ' + name + '. Quantity does not have valid Y component.',/center,traceback=0,title='Data Load Problem') return,0 endif if ~is_num(d.y) then begin ok = error_message('Problem Loading: ' + name + '. Y component is not a numeric type',/center,traceback=0,title='Data Load Problem') return,0 endif dSize = dimen(d.y) dxSize = dimen(d.x) if n_elements(dSize) gt 2 then begin ok = error_message('Problem Loading: ' + name + '. GUI data model does not currently support data with dimensions greater than 2.',/center,traceback=0,title='Data Load Problem') return,0 endif if n_elements(dxSize) gt 1 then begin ok = error_message('Problem Loading: ' + name + '. GUI data model does not currently support data times with dimensions greater than 1.',/center,traceback=0,title='Data Load Problem') return,0 endif if dsize[0] ne n_elements(d.x) then begin ok = error_message('Problem Loading: ' + name + '. X and Y components contain a different number of elements.',/center,traceback=0,title='Data Load Problem') return,0 endif ;ensure metadata variables are not empty if undefined(l) then l = 0 if undefined(dl) then dl = 0 ;merge settings from dl & l into one structure extract_tags,dl,l,except_tags='data_att' if is_struct(l) && in_set(strlowcase(tag_names(l)),'data_att') then begin if is_struct(l) && in_set(strlowcase(tag_names(l)),'data_att') then begin data_att_dl = dl.data_att extract_tags,data_att_dl,l.data_att str_element,dl,'data_att',data_att_dl,/add endif else begin str_element,dl,'data_att',l.data_att,/add endelse endif self->detectDlimits,name,dl,mission=mission,observatory=observatory,instrument=instrument,coordsys=coordsys,units=units,file=file,st_type=st_type if size(isSpect,/type) eq 0 then begin ;autodetect spectrographic flag if ~(size(dl, /type) eq 8) then begin isSpect = 0 endif else begin if in_set('spec',strlowcase(tag_names(dl))) then begin isSpect = dl.spec endif else begin isSpect = 0 endelse endelse endif if keyword_set(isyaxis) then begin isSpect = 0 endif ;create timerange object if n_elements(timerange) eq 0 then begin tr = OBJ_NEW('spd_ui_time_range',startTime=d.x[0],endTime=d.x[n_elements(d.x)-1]) endif else begin tr = OBJ_NEW('spd_ui_time_range',startTime=timerange[0],endTime=timerange[1]) endelse if self->ischild(name) && ~self->isParent(name) then begin ;preexisting replace relevant fields dataObj = self->getObjects(name=name) if ~obj_valid(dataObj) then begin ok = error_message('Invalid data object found where valid expected',/traceback,/center,title='Data Load Error') return,0 endif if ndimen(d.y) gt 1 then begin ok = error_message('Cannot replace child of existing object with multi-dimensional quantity',/traceback,/center,title='Data Load Error') return,0 endif component_names = [name] dataObj->getProperty,$ dataPtr=dataPtr,$ limitPtr=limitPtr,$ dlimitPtr=dlimitPtr ptr_free,dataPtr,limitPtr,dlimitPtr dataPtr = ptr_new(d.y) dlimitPtr = ptr_new(dl) limitPtr = ptr_new(l) dataObj->setProperty, $ dataPtr=dataPtr, $ dlimitPtr=dlimitPtr, $ limitPtr=limitPtr,$ mission=mission,$ observatory=observatory,$ coordsys=coordSys,$ instrument=instrument,$ filename=file,$ units=units,$ st_type=st_type,$ yaxisunits=yaxisunits,$ isSpect=isSpect,$ timeRange=tr,$ isYaxis=isYaxis added_name=name endif else begin ;doesn't already exist, create new ; prefix = strtrim(string(self.groupID),2) + ':' if self->isparent(name) then begin ;preexisting group, replace each element in group if ~self->remove(name) then begin ok = dialog_message('Error removing value, when replacing variable') return,0 endif endif prefix = '' self.groupID++ groupname = prefix+name group = obj_new('spd_ui_data_group',name=groupname) timename = groupname+'_time' timeObj = obj_new('spd_ui_data',timename,self.dataId) dsettings = obj_new('spd_ui_data_settings',timename,0) dsettings->fromLimits,l,dl ; if ytitle isn't set in limits, set it manually ytitle = dsettings->getytitle() if ytitle eq '' then dsettings->setytitle, groupname self.dataID++ timePtr = ptr_new(d.x) limitPtr = ptr_new(l) dlimitPtr = ptr_new(dl) timeObj->setProperty, $ dataPtr=timePtr, $ dlimitPtr=dlimitPtr, $ limitPtr=limitPtr,$ mission=mission,$ observatory=observatory,$ coordsys=coordSys,$ groupname=groupname,$ instrument=instrument,$ filename=file,$ units='seconds',$ isSpect=isSpect,$ timeRange=tr,$ suffix=suffix+'_time',$ /isTime,$ settings=dsettings group->add,timename,timeObj group->setTimeName,timename if n_elements(d.x) le 1 then begin cadence = 0. endif else if n_elements(d.x) eq 2 then begin cadence = d.x[1]-d.x[0] endif else begin cadence = median(deriv(d.x)) endelse group->setCadence,cadence if keyword_set(isYaxis) then begin group->setIsYaxis endif else begin group->setnotYaxis endelse if keyword_set(yaxisparent) then begin group->setYAxisParent,yaxisparent endif ;if we need to create a yaxis quantity this code does it if in_set('v',strlowcase(tag_names(d))) && is_num(d.v) then begin if ndimen(d.v) eq 2 then begin dyaxis = {x:d.x,y:d.v} endif else if ndimen(d.v) eq 1 || ndimen(d.v) eq 0 then begin if ndimen(d.y) eq 1 then begin if n_elements(d.v) eq 1 then begin dyaxis = {x:d.x,y:rebin([d.v],n_elements(d.x))} endif else if n_elements(d.v) eq n_elements(d.x) then begin dyaxis = {x:d.x,y:d.v} endif else begin ok = error_message('Malformed tplot variable, d.v has ambiguous number of elements',/traceback,/center,title='Data Load Error') return,0 endelse endif else begin dyaxis = {x:d.x,y:transpose(rebin([d.v],n_elements(d.v),n_elements(d.x)))} endelse endif endif else if ~keyword_set(isYaxis) then begin ;this code replaces commented code below dim = dimen(d.y) if ndimen(d.y) ge 2 then begin dyaxis = {x:d.x,y:transpose(dindgen(dim[1],dim[0]) mod dim[1])} endif else begin dyaxis = {x:d.x,y:dindgen(n_elements(d.y))} endelse endif ; endif else if isSpect then begin ; ; dim = dimen(d.y) ; ; if ndimen(d.y) ge 2 then begin ; dyaxis = {x:d.x,y:transpose(dindgen(dim[1],dim[0]) mod dim[1])} ; endif else begin ; dyaxis = {x:d.x,y:dindgen(n_elements(d.y))} ; endelse ; ; endif else begin ; dyaxis = 0 ; endelse if is_struct(dyaxis) then begin if ~keyword_set(yAxisName) then yAxisName = name+'_yaxis' ; yaxis_prefix = strtrim(string(self.groupid),2)+':' yaxis_prefix = '' if ~self->addData(yaxisname, dyaxis, $ component_names=yaxis_components,$ limit=l, dlimit=dl,$ file=file,$ mission=mission,$ observatory=observatory,$ coordSys=coordSys,$ instrument=instrument,$ timerange=timerange,$ isSpect=0,$ units=yaxisunits,$ suffix='_yaxis',$ yaxisparent=groupname,$ /isYaxis) then begin return,0 endif group->setyaxisname,yaxis_prefix+yaxisname yaxisadded=1 if ~keyword_set(yaxisunits) then begin yaxisgroup=self->getGroup(yaxisname) yaxischildren=yaxisgroup->getdataobjects() yaxischildren[0]->getproperty,units=yaxisunits endif endif if keyword_set(indepName) then group->setIndepName, indepName self->splitVecPtr,name,d,outnames=component_names,outptrs=outptrs,suffixes=suffixes component_names = prefix+component_names ;first check if they already exist for i = 0,n_elements(component_names)-1 do begin if self->isParent(component_names[i]) || $ self->isChild(component_names[i]) then begin ok = error_message('Adding this quantity creates a conflict with the name of an already existing quantity.',/traceback,/center) if keyword_set(yaxisname) then begin tmp = self->remove(yaxisname) endif return,0 endif endfor for i = 0,n_elements(component_names)-1 do begin dataObj = obj_new('spd_ui_data',component_names[i],self.dataId) dsettings = obj_new('spd_ui_data_settings',isSpect?name:component_names[i],i) dsettings->fromLimits,l,dl ; if ytitle isn't set in limits, set it manually ytitle = dsettings->getytitle() if ytitle eq '' then dsettings->setytitle, groupname self.dataID++ dataPtr = outptrs[i] limitPtr = ptr_new(l) dlimitPtr = ptr_new(dl) dataObj->setProperty, $ dataPtr=dataPtr, $ dlimitPtr=dlimitPtr, $ limitPtr=limitPtr,$ yaxisName = keyword_set(yaxis_components)?yaxis_components[i]:'',$ fileName=file,$ mission=mission,$ observatory=observatory,$ coordSys=coordSys,$ instrument=instrument,$ groupname=groupname,$ timeRange=tr,$ isSpect=isSpect,$ timename=timename,$ units=units,$ st_type=st_type,$ yaxisunits=yaxisunits,$ isYaxis=isYaxis,$ suffix=suffix+suffixes[i],$ settings=dsettings group->add,component_names[i],dataObj endfor if ~ptr_valid(self.groupObjs) || $ ~ptr_valid(self.groupNames) || $ ~ptr_valid(self.insNames) || $ ~ptr_valid(self.obsNames) || $ ~ptr_valid(self.misNames) then begin self.groupObjs = ptr_new([group]) self.groupNames = ptr_new([groupname]) self.insNames = ptr_new([instrument]) self.obsNames = ptr_new([observatory]) self.misNames = ptr_new([mission]) endif else begin gObjList = *self.groupObjs gNameList = *self.groupNames gInsList = *self.insNames gObsList = *self.obsNames gMisList = *self.misNames ptr_free,self.groupObjs,self.groupNames,self.insNames,self.obsNames,self.misNames olist = [gObjList,group] nlist = [gNameList,groupname] ilist = [gInsList,instrument] oblist = [gObsList,observatory] mlist = [gMisList,mission] if keyword_set(yaxisadded) then begin ;switch the order if yaxis was added, so names print in order olist[n_elements(olist)-1] = olist[n_elements(olist)-2] olist[n_elements(olist)-2] = group nlist[n_elements(nlist)-1] = nlist[n_elements(nlist)-2] nlist[n_elements(nlist)-2] = groupname ilist[n_elements(ilist)-1] = ilist[n_elements(ilist)-2] ilist[n_elements(ilist)-2] = instrument oblist[n_elements(oblist)-1] = oblist[n_elements(oblist)-2] oblist[n_elements(oblist)-2] = observatory mlist[n_elements(mlist)-1] = mlist[n_elements(mlist)-2] mlist[n_elements(mlist)-2] = mission endif self.groupObjs = ptr_new(olist) self.groupNames = ptr_new(nlist) self.insNames = ptr_new(ilist) self.obsNames = ptr_new(oblist) self.misNames = ptr_new(mlist) endelse added_name = groupname endelse return,1 END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pro spd_ui_loaded_data::detectDlimits,name,dl,mission=mission,observatory=observatory,instrument=instrument,file=file,coordsys=coordsys,units=units,st_type=st_type compile_opt idl2, hidden ;************************** ; Set mission/project name if ~keyword_set(mission) then mission = self->detectMission(name, dl) ;************************** ; Set st_type if ~keyword_set(st_type) then st_type = self->detectSttype(name, dl) ;************************** ; Set observatory if ~keyword_set(observatory) then observatory = self->detectObservatory(name, dl, mission) ;************************** ; Set instrument if ~keyword_set(instrument) then instrument = self->detectInstrument(name, dl,mission) ;************************** ; Set filename if ~keyword_set(file) then file = self->detectFilename(name, dl) ;************************** ; Set coordinate system if ~keyword_set(coordsys) then coordsys = self->detectCoordsys(name,dl) ;************************** ; Set units if ~keyword_set(units) then units = self->detectunits(name, dl) end function SPD_UI_LOADED_DATA::detectSttype, name, dl compile_opt idl2, hidden st_type = 'none' ; check that the dlimits struct exists if ~is_struct(dl) then begin dprint, 'Unable to determine st_type for ' + name, dlevel = 4 st_type = 'none' return, st_type endif ; assume we failed success = 0 ; check for st_type in the data_att struct if in_set('data_att', strlowcase(tag_names(dl))) && is_struct(dl.data_att) then begin if in_set('st_type', strlowcase(tag_names(dl.data_att))) then begin st_type = dl.data_att.st_type success = 1 endif else success = 0 endif else success = 0 return, st_type end function SPD_UI_LOADED_DATA::detectMission, name, dl compile_opt idl2, hidden ; check if dlimits exists if ~(size(dl, /type) eq 8) then begin dprint, 'Unable to determine mission/project for ' + name, dlevel=4 mission='unknown' return, strupcase(mission) endif success=0 ; check DATA_ATT if in_set('data_att', strlowcase(tag_names(dl))) && is_struct(dl.data_att) then begin if in_set('project', strlowcase(tag_names(dl.data_att))) then begin mission = dl.data_att.project success = 1 endif else success = 0 endif else success = 0 if ~success then begin ; check CDF.GATT.PROJECT if in_set('cdf', strlowcase(tag_names(dl))) && is_struct(dl.cdf) then begin if in_set('gatt', strlowcase(tag_names(dl.cdf))) && is_struct(dl.cdf.gatt) then begin if in_set('project', strlowcase(tag_names(dl.cdf.gatt))) then begin mission = dl.cdf.gatt.project success = 1 endif endif endif endif if ~success then begin ; guess project based on tplot var name name_pre = strmid(name,0,2) case name_pre of 'th': mission='THEMIS' else: begin dprint, 'Unable to determine mission/project for ' + name, dlevel=4 mission='unknown' endelse endcase endif return, strupcase(mission) end ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function SPD_UI_LOADED_DATA::detectObservatory, name, dl, mission compile_opt idl2, hidden ; check if dlimits exists if ~(size(dl, /type) eq 8) then begin dprint, 'Unable to determine observatory for ' + name, dlevel=4 observatory = 'unknown' return, observatory endif success = 0 ; check DATA_ATT if in_set('data_att', strlowcase(tag_names(dl))) && is_struct(dl.data_att) then begin if in_set('observatory', strlowcase(tag_names(dl.data_att))) && $ is_string(dl.data_att.observatory) then begin observatory = dl.data_att.observatory success = 1 endif endif if ~success then begin ; check CDF.GATT.SOURCE_NAME if in_set('cdf', strlowcase(tag_names(dl))) && is_struct(dl.cdf) then begin if in_set('gatt', strlowcase(tag_names(dl.cdf))) && is_struct(dl.cdf.gatt) then begin if in_set('source_name', strlowcase(tag_names(dl.cdf.gatt))) && $ is_string(dl.cdf.gatt.source_name) then begin case mission of 'THEMIS': begin if strmid(dl.cdf.gatt.source_name,3,13) eq '>THEMIS Probe' then begin observatory=strlowcase(strmid(dl.cdf.gatt.source_name,2,1)) success = 1 endif else begin ; use varname as last resort if stregex(name,'^th[abcdefg].*',/boolean, /fold_case) then begin observatory = strmid(name,2,1) success = 1 endif else dprint, 'Unknown observatory. Checking variable name for clues...', dlevel=4 endelse end 'GOES': begin if strmid(dl.cdf.gatt.source_name,3,50) eq '>Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite' then begin observatory=strlowcase(strmid(dl.cdf.gatt.source_name,0,3)) success = 1 endif else begin ; use varname as last resort if stregex(name,'^g\d\d.*',/boolean, /fold_case) then begin observatory = strmid(name,0,3) success = 1 endif else dprint, 'Unknown observatory. Checking variable name for clues...' endelse end else: begin observatory = dl.cdf.gatt.source_name success=1 end endcase endif endif endif endif if ~success then begin dprint, 'Unknown observatory. Checking variable name for clues...' ; use varname as last resort case mission of 'THEMIS': begin if stregex(name,'^th[abcdefg].*',/boolean, /fold_case) then begin observatory = strmid(name,2,1) endif else begin dprint, 'Unable to determine observatory for ' + name, dlevel=4 observatory = 'unknown' endelse end else: begin dprint, 'Unable to determine observatory for ' + name, dlevel=4 observatory = 'unknown' end endcase endif return, observatory end ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function SPD_UI_LOADED_DATA::detectInstrument, name, dl,mission compile_opt idl2, hidden instrument = 'unknown' ; check if dlimits exists if ~(size(dl, /type) eq 8) then begin dprint, 'Unable to determine instrument type for ' + name, dlevel=4 return, instrument endif success=0 ; check DATA_ATT if in_set('data_att', strlowcase(tag_names(dl))) && is_struct(dl.data_att) then begin if in_set('instrument', strlowcase(tag_names(dl.data_att))) then begin instrument = dl.data_att.instrument success = 1 endif endif if ~success then begin if in_set('cdf', strlowcase(tag_names(dl))) && is_struct(dl.cdf) then begin if in_set('gatt', strlowcase(tag_names(dl.cdf))) && is_struct(dl.cdf.gatt) then begin ; 'data_type' field is not ISTP compatable. This option is left for THEMIS ; and GOES missions only for backward capability ; Instead, we use Descriptor as a correct instument attribute if in_set('data_type', strlowcase(tag_names(dl.cdf.gatt))) and in_set(strlowcase(mission),['themis','goes']) then begin inst_string = strupcase(strmid(dl.cdf.gatt.data_type,0,3)) case inst_string of 'AST': begin instrument = 'asi' success = 1 end 'ASF': begin instrument = 'asi' success = 1 end 'ASK': begin instrument = 'ask' success = 1 end 'ESA': begin instrument = 'esa' success = 1 end 'FBK': begin instrument = 'fbk' success = 1 end 'FGM': begin instrument = 'fgm' success = 1 end 'FIT': begin instrument = 'fit' success = 1 end 'MAG': begin if mission eq 'THEMIS' then begin instrument = 'gmag' success = 1 endif else if mission eq 'GOES' then begin instrument = 'fgm' success = 1 endif end 'MOM': begin instrument = 'mom' success = 1 end 'SST': begin instrument = 'sst' success = 1 end 'STA': begin instrument = 'state' success = 1 end 'IDX': begin instrument = 'idx' success = 1 end else: begin ;some THEMIS data, has data_type, descriptor switched ; If mission is themis or goes, the instrument will be obtained ; later in the function. This is the case for all other missions if ~in_set(strlowcase(mission),['themis','goes']) and in_set('descriptor', strlowcase(tag_names(dl.cdf.gatt))) then begin instrument = dl.cdf.gatt.descriptor success=1 endif end ;;;;; 4/9/2015, egrimes, commented out calls to thm_ui_valid_datatype ;;;;; because it lives in projects/themis. The regex that follows ;;;;; should pick up these variables, and more. ; ; check for matches with efi data names ; efi_names = thm_ui_valid_datatype('efi') ; efi_ind = where(strlowcase(inst_string) eq efi_names, n_efi) ; if n_efi gt 0 then begin ; instrument='efi' ; success = 1 ; endif ; ; ; check for matches with fft data names ; fft_names = thm_ui_valid_datatype('fft') ; fft_ind = where(strlowcase(inst_string) eq fft_names, n_fft) ; if n_fft gt 0 then begin ; instrument='fft' ; success = 1 ; endif ; ; ; check for matches with scm data names ; scm_names = thm_ui_valid_datatype('scm') ; scm_ind = where(strlowcase(inst_string) eq scm_names, n_scm) ; if n_scm gt 0 then begin ; instrument='scm' ; success = 1 ; endif endcase endif else begin ; 'data_type' ; If mission is themis or goes, the instrument will be obtained ; later in the function. This is the case for all other missions if ~in_set(strlowcase(mission),['themis','goes']) and in_set('descriptor', strlowcase(tag_names(dl.cdf.gatt))) then begin instrument = dl.cdf.gatt.descriptor success=1 endif endelse endif ; 'gatt' endif ; 'cdf' endif ; ~success if ~success then begin if mission eq 'THEMIS' then begin if stregex(name,'^thg_ask_.*',/boolean,/fold_case) then begin instrument = 'ask' end else if stregex(name,'^th[abcde]_pe[ie][frb]_.*',/boolean,/fold_case) then begin instrument = 'esa' end else if stregex(name,'^th[abcde]_efs.*',/boolean,/fold_case) || $ stregex(name,'^th[abcde]_fgs.*',/boolean,/fold_case) || $ stregex(name,'^th[abcde]_fit.*',/boolean,/fold_case) then begin instrument = 'fit' end else if stregex(name,'^th[abcde]_ef[fpw].*',/boolean,/fold_case) || $ stregex(name,'^th[abcde]_v[ab][fpw].*',/boolean,/fold_case) then begin instrument = 'efi' end else if stregex(name,'^th[abcde]_fb[12h_].*',/boolean,/fold_case) then begin instrument = 'fbk' success = 1 ; ; 2011-01-01 JWL FFF is a valid data type for instrument='fft'. ; Without this patch, an 'unknown instrument' error message ; would appear when importing thx_fff_* tplot variables. ; endif else if stregex(name,'^th[abcde]_ff[fpw]_16.*',/boolean,/fold_case) || $ stregex(name,'^th[abcde]_ff[fpw]_32.*',/boolean,/fold_case) || $ stregex(name,'^th[abcde]_ff[fpw]_64.*',/boolean,/fold_case) then begin instrument = 'fft' endif else if stregex(name,'^th[abcde]_fg[elh].*',/boolean,/fold_case) then begin instrument = 'fgm' endif else if stregex(name,'^thg_mag_.*',/boolean,/fold_case) then begin instrument = 'gmag' endif else if stregex(name,'^th[abcde]_pe[ie]m_.*',/boolean,/fold_case) || $ stregex(name,'^th[abcde]_pxxm_.*',/boolean,/fold_case) then begin instrument = 'mom' endif else if stregex(name,'^th[abcde]_sc[fpw].*',/boolean,/fold_case) then begin instrument = 'scm' endif else if stregex(name,'^th[abcde]_ps[ei][frb]_.*',/boolean,/fold_case) then begin instrument = 'sst' endif else if stregex(name,'^th[abcde]_state_.*',/boolean,/fold_case) then begin instrument='state' endif else begin dprint, 'Unable to determine instrument type for ' + name, dlevel=4 endelse endif else if mission eq 'GOES' then begin if stregex(name,'^g1[012]_dataqual.*',/boolean,/fold_case) || $ stregex(name,'^g1[012]_t[12]_counts.*',/boolean,/fold_case) then begin instrument = 'support' endif else if stregex(name,'^g1[012]_longitude.*',/boolean,/fold_case) || $ stregex(name,'^g1[012]_mlt.*',/boolean,/fold_case) || $ stregex(name,'^g1[012]_pos.*',/boolean,/fold_case) || $ stregex(name,'^g1[012]_vel.*',/boolean,/fold_case) then begin instrument = 'ephem' endif else if stregex(name,'^g1[012]_b_.*',/boolean,/fold_case) then begin instrument = 'fgm' endif else begin dprint, 'Unable to determine instrument type for ' + name, dlevel=4 endelse endif endif return, instrument end ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function SPD_UI_LOADED_DATA::detectFilename, name, dl compile_opt idl2, hidden ; check if dlimits exists if ~(size(dl, /type) eq 8) then begin dprint, 'Unable to determine source file for ' + name, dlevel=4 file = 'unknown' return, file endif success = 0 ; check DATA_ATT if in_set('data_att', strlowcase(tag_names(dl))) && is_struct(dl.data_att) then begin if in_set('filename', strlowcase(tag_names(dl.data_att))) then begin file = dl.data_att.filename success = 1 endif endif if ~success then begin ; check CDF.FILENAME if in_set('cdf', strlowcase(tag_names(dl))) && is_struct(dl.cdf) then begin if in_set('filename', strlowcase(tag_names(dl.cdf))) then begin file = dl.cdf.filename success = 1 endif endif endif if ~success then begin file = 'unknown' dprint, 'Unable to determine source file for ' + name, dlevel=4 endif return, file end ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function SPD_UI_LOADED_DATA::detectCoordsys, name, dl compile_opt idl2, hidden ; check if dlimits exists if ~(size(dl, /type) eq 8) then begin dprint, 'Unable to determine coordinate system for ' + name, dlevel=4 coordsys = 'unknown' return, coordsys endif success = 0 ; check DATA_ATT if in_set('data_att', strlowcase(tag_names(dl))) && is_struct(dl.data_att) then begin if in_set('coord_sys', strlowcase(tag_names(dl.data_att))) then begin coordsys = dl.data_att.coord_sys success = 1 endif endif if ~success then begin ; check CDF.VATT.COORDINATE_SYSTEM if in_set('cdf', strlowcase(tag_names(dl))) && is_struct(dl.cdf) then begin if in_set('vatt', strlowcase(tag_names(dl.cdf))) && is_struct(dl.cdf.vatt) then begin if in_set('coordinate_system', strlowcase(tag_names(dl.cdf.vatt))) then begin coordsys = dl.cdf.vatt.coordinate_system success = 1 endif endif endif endif if ~success then begin ; guess coordinate system from variable name later ;vcoord = ['spg', 'ssl', 'dsl', 'gse', 'gsm','sm', 'gei','geo'] coordsys = 'unknown' dprint, 'Unable to determine coordinate system for ' + name, dlevel=4 endif return, coordsys end ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function SPD_UI_LOADED_DATA::detectunits, name, dl compile_opt idl2, hidden ; check if dlimits exists if ~(size(dl, /type) eq 8) then begin ; dprint, 'Unable to determine units for ' + name units = 'unknown' return, units endif success = 0 ; check DATA_ATT if in_set('data_att', strlowcase(tag_names(dl))) && is_struct(dl.data_att) then begin if in_set('units', strlowcase(tag_names(dl.data_att))) && dl.data_att.units ne 'unknown' then begin units = strcompress(dl.data_att.units,/remove_all) success = 1 endif endif if ~success && in_set('ysubtitle',strlowcase(tag_names(dl))) then begin units = strcompress(dl.ysubtitle,/remove_all) if strpos(units,'[') eq 0 then begin units = strmid(units,1) endif if strpos(units,']') eq strlen(units) - 1 then begin units = strmid(units,0,strlen(units)-1) endif success = 1 endif if ~success then begin ; check CDF.VATT.UNITS if in_set('cdf', strlowcase(tag_names(dl))) && is_struct(dl.cdf) then begin if in_set('vatt', strlowcase(tag_names(dl.cdf))) && is_struct(dl.cdf.vatt) then begin if in_set('units', strlowcase(tag_names(dl.cdf.vatt))) then begin units = strcompress(dl.cdf.vatt.units,/remove_all) success = 1 endif endif endif endif if ~success then begin units = 'unknown' dprint, 'Unable to determine units for ' + name, dlevel=4 endif return, units end ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION SPD_UI_LOADED_DATA::Remove, name,nodelete=nodelete compile_opt idl2 if ~keyword_set(name) then return,0 if ~ptr_valid(self.groupNames) || $ ~ptr_valid(self.groupObjs) || $ ~ptr_valid(self.insNames) || $ ~ptr_valid(self.obsNames) || $ ~ptr_valid(self.misNames) then return,1 yaxisname = '' names = *self.groupNames groups = *self.groupObjs instruments = *self.insNames observatories = *self.obsNames missions = *self.misNames idx = where(name eq names,c) if c ne 0 then begin ;name matches group ptr_free,self.groupNames,self.groupObjs,self.insNames,self.obsNames,self.misNames obj = groups[idx] ;remove yaxis if present yaxisname = obj->getYaxisName() tmp = obj->removeAll(nodelete=nodelete) if ~keyword_set(nodelete) then obj_destroy,obj idx = where(name ne names,c) if c ne 0 then begin self.groupNames = ptr_new(names[idx]) self.groupObjs = ptr_new(groups[idx]) self.insNames = ptr_new(instruments[idx]) self.obsNames = ptr_new(observatories[idx]) self.misNames = ptr_new(missions[idx]) endif endif else begin for i = 0,n_elements(groups)-1 do begin tmp = groups[i]->remove(name,nodelete=nodelete) endfor endelse if yaxisname then begin if ~self->remove(yaxisname) then return,0 endif return,1 END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Get all the names ;Times returns the start and stop times as well. ;If times is set the return value will be a Nx3 array FUNCTION SPD_UI_LOADED_DATA::GetAll, Parent=parent,Child=Child,Times=times compile_opt idl2 if ~ptr_valid(self.groupObjs) then return,0 groups = *self.groupObjs for i=0,n_elements(groups)-1 do begin if keyword_set(parent) || $ ~keyword_set(child) then begin if keyword_set(times) then begin time = groups[i]->getTimeRange() if n_elements(time) ne 2 then time = ['',''] name = reform([groups[i]->getName(),time],1,3) endif else begin name = [groups[i]->getName()] endelse if n_elements(names) eq 0 then $ names = [name] $ else $ names = [names,name] endif if keyword_set(child) || $ ~keyword_set(parent) then begin name = groups[i]->getChildren() if keyword_set(times) then begin time = groups[i]->getTimeRange() n = n_elements(name) if n_elements(time) ne 2 then time = ['',''] name = [[name],[replicate(time[0],n)],[replicate(time[1],n)]] endif if n_elements(names) eq 0 then $ names = [name] $ else $ names = [names,name] endif endfor if keyword_set(times) then names = transpose(names) RETURN, names END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION SPD_UI_LOADED_DATA::GetActive, Parent=parent,Child=child compile_opt idl2 if ~ptr_valid(self.groupObjs) || $ ~ptr_valid(self.groupNames) then return,0 groups = *self.groupObjs names = *self.groupnames for i = 0,n_elements(groups)-1 do begin if (keyword_set(parent) || ~keyword_set(child)) && $ groups[i]->getActive() then begin if n_elements(list) eq 0 then begin list = [names[i]] endif else begin list = [list,names[i]] endelse endif if (keyword_set(child) || ~keyword_set(parent)) then begin activeChildren = groups[i]->getActiveChildren() if is_string(activeChildren) then begin if n_elements(list) eq 0 then begin list = [activeChildren] endif else begin list = [list,activeChildren] endelse endif endif endfor if n_elements(list) eq 0 then $ return,0 $ else $ return,list END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function SPD_UI_LOADED_DATA::getChildren,name compile_opt idl2 if ptr_valid(self.groupNames) && $ ptr_valid(self.groupObjs) then begin names = *self.groupNames objs = *self.groupObjs idx = where(name eq names,c) if c eq 0 then begin for i = 0,n_elements(objs)-1 do begin if objs[i]->hasChild(name) then return,name endfor endif else begin return,objs[idx[0]]->getChildren() endelse endif return,0 end ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO SPD_UI_LOADED_DATA::SetActive, name compile_opt idl2 if ~keyword_set(name) then return if ~ptr_valid(self.groupObjs) then return groups = *self.groupObjs for i = 0,n_elements(groups)-1 do begin groups[i]->setActive,name endfor return END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION SPD_UI_LOADED_DATA::IsActive,name compile_opt idl2 if ~keyword_set(name) then return,0 if ~ptr_valid(self.groupNames) || $ ~ptr_valid(self.groupObjs) then return,0 groups = *self.groupNames for i = 0,n_elements(groups)-1 do begin if groups[i]->getActive() || $ groups[i]->hasActive(name) then return,1 endfor return,0 END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION SPD_UI_LOADED_DATA::IsChild,name compile_opt idl2 if ~keyword_set(name) then return,0 if ~ptr_valid(self.groupObjs) then return,0 groups = *self.groupObjs for i = 0,n_elements(groups)-1 do begin if groups[i]->hasChild(name) then return,1 endfor return,0 END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION SPD_UI_LOADED_DATA::IsParent,name compile_opt idl2 if ~keyword_set(name) then return,0 if ~ptr_valid(self.groupNames) then return,0 names = *self.groupNames return,in_set(name,names) end PRO SPD_UI_LOADED_DATA::ClearActive, thisName compile_opt idl2 if ~ptr_valid(self.groupObjs) then return groupObjs = *self.groupObjs for i=0,n_elements(groupObjs)-1 do begin groupObjs[i]->clearActive,thisName endfor END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO SPD_UI_LOADED_DATA::ClearAllActive compile_opt idl2 if ~ptr_valid(self.groupObjs) then return groupObjs = *self.groupObjs for i=0,n_elements(groupObjs)-1 do begin groupObjs[i]->clearAllActive endfor END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;option duplicate ;allows the user to guarantee they get copies of the data ;less memory efficient, but allows you to free the memory without worry of corrupting loaded data object Pro SPD_UI_LOADED_DATA::GetVarData,name=name,time=t,data=d,yaxis=y,limits=l,dlimits=dl,mission=mission,observatory=observatory,coordsys=coordsys,instrument=instrument,trange=trange,units=units,isTime=isTime,tmName=timeName,duplicate=duplicate compile_opt idl2 d = ptr_new() y = ptr_new() t = ptr_new() l = ptr_new() dl = ptr_new() if ~keyword_set(name) then begin return endif if ~ptr_valid(self.groupObjs) || $ ~ptr_valid(self.groupNames) then return ;if the name is a group if self->isParent(name) then begin groupObj = self->getGroup(name) dataObjs = groupObj->getDataObjects() timeObj = groupObj->getTimeObject() yaxisName = groupObj->getYaxisName() timeName = groupObj->getTimeName() ;get the yaxis for the group if yaxisName ne '' then self->getVarData,name=yaxisName,data=y if ~obj_valid(dataObjs[0]) || ~obj_valid(timeObj) then return if keyword_set(duplicate) && arg_present(t) then begin t = ptr_new(*(timeObj->getDataPtr())) endif else begin t = timeObj->getDataPtr() endelse dataObjs[0]->updateDlimits dataObjs[0]->getProperty,limitPtr=l,dlimitPtr=dl,mission=mission,observatory=observatory,coordsys=coordsys,instrument=intrument,timerange=timerange,units=units,isTime=isTime d1_num = n_elements(*t) d2_num = n_elements(dataObjs) out_data = dblarr(d1_num,d2_num) for i = 0,d2_num-1 do begin out_data[*,i] = *(dataObjs[i]->getDataPtr()) endfor if arg_present(d) then begin d = ptr_new(out_data) endif if arg_present(l) && keyword_set(duplicate) then begin l = ptr_new(*l) endif if arg_present(dl) && keyword_set(duplicate) then begin dl = ptr_new(*dl) endif if arg_present(trange) && obj_valid(timerange) then begin trange = [timerange->getstarttime(),timerange->getendtime()] endif endif else if self->isChild(name) then begin groups = *self.groupObjs for i = 0,n_elements(groups)-1 do begin dataObj = groups[i]->getObject(name) if obj_valid(dataObj) then begin dataObj[0]->updateDlimits dataObj[0]->getProperty,name=name,mission=mission,observatory=observatory,coordSys=coordSys,instrument=instrument,timerange=timerange,isTime=isTime,dataPtr=dataPtr,timeName=timeName,yaxisname=yaxisname,limitPtr=l,dlimitPtr=dl,units=units if arg_present(d) && keyword_set(duplicate) then begin d = ptr_new(*dataPtr) endif else begin d = dataPtr endelse if arg_present(l) && keyword_set(duplicate) then begin l = ptr_new(*l) endif if arg_present(dl) && keyword_set(duplicate) then begin dl = ptr_new(*dl) endif if isTime then begin if arg_present(t) && keyword_set(duplicate) then begin t = ptr_new(*dataPtr) endif else begin t = dataPtr endelse endif else begin timeObj = groups[i]->getObject(timeName) if ~obj_valid(timeObj) then begin ok = error_message("Invalid time object",/traceback) return endif if arg_present(t) && keyword_set(duplicate) then begin t = ptr_new(*(timeObj->getDataPtr())) endif else begin t = timeObj->getDataPtr() endelse endelse if arg_present(trange) && obj_valid(timerange) then begin trange = [timerange->getstarttime(),timerange->getendtime()] endif return endif endfor endif end function SPD_UI_LOADED_DATA::GetTvarData,name compile_opt idl2 self->getvardata,name=name,data=d,time=t,yaxis=y,limit=l,dlimit=dl if ptr_valid(d) && ptr_valid(t) && ptr_valid(y) then begin dat = {x:*t,y:*d,v:*y} endif else if ptr_valid(d) && ptr_valid(t) then begin dat = {x:*t,y:*d} endif else begin return,'' endelse if ptr_valid(l) then l = *l else l = 0 if ptr_valid(dl) then dl = *dl else dl = 0 store_data,name,data=dat,limit=l,dlimit=dl,error=error if error eq 1 then begin return,'' endif else begin return,name endelse end ;Call this method to read the metadata associated with a quantity, without the need for costly data operations ;Note that this operation can fail, if the quantity in question does not exist. ;Set fail to a named variable, which will be 0 on success and 1 on failure, after this method returns pro spd_ui_loaded_data::getdatainfo,name,mission=mission,observatory=observatory,instrument=instrument,units=units,coordinate_system=coordinate_system,trange=trange,filename=filename,limit=limit,dlimit=dlimit,fail=fail,st_type=st_type compile_opt idl2 fail = 1 if self->isParent(name) then begin group = self->getGroup(name) children = group->getDataObjects() reference=children[0] ;note. In the future these metadata quantities should probably just be stored on the group.... endif else if self->isChild(name) then begin groups = *self.groupObjs for i = 0,n_elements(groups)-1 do begin group = groups[i] reference = group->getObject(name) if obj_valid(reference) then break endfor endif if ~obj_valid(reference) || ~obj_valid(group) then return reference->getProperty,mission=mission,observatory=observatory,instrument=instrument,units=units,coordSys=coordinate_system,timerange=timerange,filename=filename,limitptr=limitptr,dlimitptr=dlimitptr,st_type=st_type if arg_present(trange) && obj_valid(timerange) then begin trange = [timerange->getstarttime(),timerange->getendtime()] endif limit = *limitptr dlimit = *dlimitptr fail = 0 end ;Call set method to read the metadata associated with a quantity, without the need for costly data operations ;Note that rename operations can fail because names may conflict. ;Set fail to a named variable, which will be 0 on success and 1 on failure, after this method returns ;Also, note that these operations can only be performed on groups. If an element is selected, the change will propagate out to the entire group. ;For example 'tha_state_pos_x', and 'tha_state_pos_y' cannot be in different coordinate systems, if you change 'tha_state_pos_x' to 'gsm', 'tha_state_pos_y' ;will also become 'gsm' pro spd_ui_loaded_data::setDataInfo,name,newname=newname,mission=mission,observatory=observatory,instrument=instrument,units=units,coordinate_system=coordinate_system,windowstorage=windowstorage,fail=fail,st_type=st_type compile_opt idl2 fail = 1 if self->isParent(name) then begin group = self->getGroup(name) children = group->getDataObjects() reference=children[0] ;note. In the future these metadata quantities should probably just be stored on the group.... endif else if self->isChild(name) then begin groups = *self.groupObjs for i = 0,n_elements(groups)-1 do begin group = groups[i] reference = group->getObject(name) if obj_valid(reference) then break endfor endif if ~obj_valid(reference) || ~obj_valid(group) then return yaxisname = group->getyaxisname() if keyword_set(yaxisname) then begin self->setdatainfo,yaxisname,mission=mission,observatory=observatory,instrument=instrument,units=units,coordinate_system=coordinate_system,fail=yaxisfail,st_type=st_type if yaxisfail then return endif idx = where(group[0] eq *self.groupobjs) if keyword_set(newname) && name ne newname then begin ;names cannot already exist. Unique names enforced if self->isParent(newname) && ~group->getIsYAxis() then return nm_idx = where(name eq *self.groupNames,c) ;names should be unique if c gt 1 then return ;now change groupname (*self.groupNames)[nm_idx] = newname group->setName,newname oldnamelist = [name] newnamelist = [newname] ;then change any children children = group->getAllObjects() for i = 0,n_elements(children)-1 do begin children[i]->getProperty,suffix=suffix,name=oldname children[i]->setProperty,name = newname+suffix children[i]->updatelabels,oldname,newname if ~keyword_set(childnames) then begin childnames = [newname+suffix] endif else begin childnames = [childnames,newname+suffix] endelse if oldname eq group->getTimeName() then begin group->setTimeName,newname+suffix endif oldnamelist = [oldnamelist,oldname] newnamelist = [newnamelist,newname+suffix] endfor group->setDataNames,childnames ;now change corresponding yaxisnames yaxisname = group->getYaxisName() if yaxisname ne '' then begin yidx = where(yaxisname eq *self.groupNames,c) if c eq 0 then return group->setYaxisName,newname+'_yaxis' ygroup = self->getGroup(yaxisname) ygroup->setname,newname+'_yaxis' (*self.groupNames)[yidx] = newname+'_yaxis' oldnamelist = [oldnamelist,yaxisname] newnamelist = [newnamelist,newname+'_yaxis'] ;now update yaxis children ychildren = ygroup->getAllObjects() for i = 0,n_elements(ychildren)-1 do begin ychildren[i]->getProperty,suffix=suffix,name=oldname ychildren[i]->setProperty,name = newname+suffix if ~keyword_set(ychildnames) then begin ychildnames = [newname+suffix] endif else begin ychildnames = [ychildnames,newname+suffix] endelse if oldname eq ygroup->getTimeName() then begin ygroup->setTimeName,newname+suffix endif oldnamelist = [oldnamelist,oldname] newnamelist = [newnamelist,newname+suffix] endfor ygroup->setDataNames,ychildnames endif if keyword_set(windowStorage) then begin windowStorage->updatedatareference,oldnamelist,newnamelist endif endif if keyword_set(mission) then begin (*self.misNames)[idx] = mission endif if keyword_set(observatory) then begin (*self.obsNames)[idx] = observatory endif if keyword_set(instrument) then begin (*self.insNames)[idx] = instrument endif children = group->getAllObjects() for i = 0,n_elements(children)-1 do begin children[i]->setProperty,mission=mission,observatory=observatory,instrument=instrument,units=units,coordSys=coordinate_system,st_type=st_type endfor fail = 0 return end PRO SPD_UI_LOADED_DATA::Cleanup if ptr_valid(self.groupObjs) then begin obj_destroy,*self.groupObjs endif ptr_free,self.groupObjs ptr_free,self.groupNames ptr_free,self.insNames ptr_free,self.misNames ptr_free,self.obsNames END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION SPD_UI_LOADED_DATA::GetObjects,name=name compile_opt idl2 if ~ptr_valid(self.groupObjs) || $ ~ptr_valid(self.groupNames) then return,0 groups = *self.groupObjs names = *self.groupNames IF ~keyword_Set(name) then begin for i = 0,n_elements(groups)-1 do begin if groups[i]->getSize() ne 0 then begin if n_elements(objlist) eq 0 then begin objlist = [groups[i]->getAllObjects()] endif else begin objlist = [objlist,groups[i]->getAllObjects()] endelse endif endfor return, objlist endif else begin group = self->getGroup(name) if obj_valid(group) then return,group->getAllObjects() for i = 0,n_elements(groups)-1 do begin if groups[i]->hasChild(name) then begin return,[groups[i]->getObject(name)] endif endfor endelse return,0 END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-------------------FUNCTIONS BELOW SUBJECT TO CHANGE----------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- function spd_ui_loaded_data::getGroup,name compile_opt idl2 if ~ptr_valid(self.groupNames) || $ ~ptr_valid(self.groupObjs) then return,0 groupNames = *self.groupNames idx = where(groupNames eq name,c) if c eq 0 then return,0 if c gt 1 then return,0 ;error on duplicate names return,(*self.groupObjs)[idx] end function spd_ui_loaded_data::getGroupNames compile_opt idl2 if ~ptr_valid(self.groupNames) then $ return,0 $ else $ return,*self.groupNames end ;only works on array dimensional quantities at the moment(no 3+-d quantities) ;pro spd_ui_loaded_data::SplitVecPtr,name,outnames=outnames,outptrs=outptrs,suffixes=suffixes pro spd_ui_loaded_data::SplitVecPtr,name,d,outnames=outnames,outptrs=outptrs,suffixes=suffixes compile_opt idl2 ; get_data, name, data = d dim = dimen(d.y) ndim = n_elements(dim) ;jmm, 20-nov-2008 If(ndim Gt 1) Then Begin if dim[1] eq 3 then begin suffixes = ['x', 'y', 'z'] endif else begin suffixes = strtrim(string(indgen(dim[1])), 2) endelse suffixes = '_' + suffixes outnames = name + suffixes outptrs = ptrarr(dim[1]) for i = 0, dim[1]-1 do outptrs[i] = ptr_new(reform(d.y[*, i])) Endif Else Begin suffixes = [''] outnames = name+'_data' outptrs = ptrarr(1) outptrs[0] = ptr_new(d.y) Endelse end ;function designed to return data relevant to populating the widget tree ;Should only be used by the widget_tree object function spd_ui_loaded_data::getTreeData if ~ptr_valid(self.groupObjs) || $ ~ptr_valid(self.groupNames) || $ ~ptr_valid(self.insNames) || $ ~ptr_valid(self.obsNames) || $ ~ptr_valid(self.misNames) then begin return,0 endif else begin names = [[*self.misNames],[*self.obsNames],[*self.insNames],[*self.groupNames]] return,{names:names,objs:*self.groupObjs} endelse end pro spd_ui_loaded_data::reset compile_opt idl2 self.dataID=1 self.groupID=1 if ptr_valid(self.groupObjs) then begin obj_destroy,*self.groupObjs ptr_free,self.groupObjs ptr_free,self.groupNames ptr_free,self.insNames ptr_free,self.misNames ptr_free,self.obsNames endif end FUNCTION SPD_UI_LOADED_DATA::Init compile_opt idl2 Catch, theError IF theError NE 0 THEN BEGIN Catch, /Cancel ok = Error_Message(Traceback=Keyword_Set(debug)) RETURN, 0 ENDIF self.dataID = 1 self.groupID = 1 RETURN, 1 END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO SPD_UI_LOADED_DATA__DEFINE struct = { SPD_UI_LOADED_DATA, $ groupObjs: Ptr_New(), $ ; array of group objects for loaded data groupNames:ptr_new(), $ ; array of names of groups insNames:ptr_new(), $ ; array of names of instruments obsNames:ptr_new(), $ ; array of names of observatories for each group misNames:ptr_new(), $ ; array of names of missions for each group groupid:1L, $ ; Next groupid value dataID: 1L $ ; This is the value that will be assigned to the next dataID to be created ; values start counting at 1 not 0 } END