This page was created by the IDL library routine mk_html_help2.

Last modified: Thu Oct 24 15:35:45 2019.

Directory Listing of Routines

Routine Descriptions


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 given a THEMIS tplot variable name, check to see if spin period and
 phase exist, for coordinate transformations, If they do not, load
 the state data for the appropriate time period
 thm_autoload_support, vname=vname, spinmodel=spinmodel, spinaxis=spinaxis, slp=slp, probe_in=probe,
     trange=[tmin, tmax], history_out=hist_string
 vname = tplot variable name
 probe_in: Specifies the probe name to load support data for (required
           for /spinmodel and /spinaxis)
 spinmodel: if set to 1, ensure spinmodel data is loaded and covers the
           requested time interval
 spinaxis: if set to 1, ensure state (spinras, spindec) data is loaded and 
           covers the requested time interval
 slp:  if set, ensure sun & moon data are loaded and cover the requested
       time interval
 trange: Specify a time range for which support data should be loaded
        (required if vname is not supplied)
 history_out = a history string, if data needs loading
 2013-12-19: Adapted from thm_ui_check4spin by jwl
$LastChangedBy: jwl $
$LastChangedDate: 2016-12-20 16:09:38 -0800 (Tue, 20 Dec 2016) $
$LastChangedRevision: 22466 $
$URL: svn+ssh:// $

(See projects/themis/state/


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function: thm_interpolate_state

Purpose: interpolates the low res STATE file

         all variables are structures as produced by get_data


      tha_spinper_highres=thm_interpolate_state(thx_xxx_in=thx_xxx_in,thx_spinper=thx_spinper) --> linear interpolation
      tha_spinphase_highres=thm_interpolate_state(thx_xxx_in=thx_xxx_in,thx_spinper=thx_spinper,thx_spinphase=thx_spinphase) --> phase constructed according to the nearest neighbor spin phase, spin period
      tha_spinras_highres=thm_interpolate_state(thx_xxx_in=thx_xxx_in,thx_spinras=thx_spinras) --> linear interpolation
      tha_spindec_highres=thm_interpolate_state(thx_xxx_in=thx_xxx_in,thx_spindec=thx_spindec) --> linear interpolation
      tha_spinalpha_highres=thm_interpolate_state(thx_xxx_in=thx_xxx_in,thx_spinalpha=thx_spinalpha) --> linear interpolation
      tha_spinbeta_highres=thm_interpolate_state(thx_xxx_in=thx_xxx_in,thx_spinbeta=thx_spinbeta) --> linear interpolation
      tha_pos_highres=thm_interpolate_state(thx_xxx_in=thx_xxx_in,thx_pos=thx_pos) --> spline interpolation
      tha_vel_highres=thm_interpolate_state(thx_xxx_in=thx_xxx_in,thx_vel=thx_vel) --> spline interpolation

Notes: under construction!!

Written by Hannes Schwarzl
 $LastChangedBy: pcruce $
 $LastChangedDate: 2013-06-13 17:51:42 -0700 (Thu, 13 Jun 2013) $
 $LastChangedRevision: 12531 $
 $URL: svn+ssh:// $

(See projects/themis/state/


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Procedure: THM_LOAD_SLP,
 thm_load_slp, datatype = datatype, trange = trange, $
                verbose = verbose, $
                varname_out = varname_out, $
                downloadonly = downloadonly, $
                valid_names = valid_names,$
  Loads Solar and Lunar Ephemeris data from a CDF.  
  1. Data is generated using the JPL SPICE/ICY library.  Extensive documentation
  can be found on the SPICE/ICY website:
  2. All quantities are in GEI coordinates. GEI Epoch is True of Date(this 
  is the THEMIS standard).
  3. All data have abberational corrections for light time and stellar abberation.
  Thus the data represent the state of the Moon and the Sun as they would be
  observed on earth at a particular time. A more detailed discussion of this topic 
  can be found in the SPICE/ICY 'SPK' required reading document. The SPICE/ICY 
  abberation used is called 'LT+S'.
  4. GEI True of Date are not built into SPICE/ICY.  A custom kernel is used when
  generating these data that accounts for earth precession using the IAU_1976 
  precessional model and accounts for earth nutation using the IAU_1980 nutational
  model which are built into SPICE/ICY.
  The quantities returned and their descriptions follow.
  1. slp_sun_pos:    Sun position X,Y,Z in km.
  2. slp_sun_vel:    Sun velocity X,Y,Z in km/sec.
  3. slp_sun_att_x:  IAU_SUN coordinate system X-axis(X,Y,Z).  (unitless/normalized)
                     A. This axis lies in the Solar equatorial plane and the plane containing the Solar prime meridian   
                     B. This axis points towards a fixed point on the solar surface and rotates with the sun.
                     C. This axis rotates with sidereal rotation period of the sun.~24.47 days.
                     D. This quantity created by rotation the basis vector [1,0,0] from IAU_SUN
                     into GEI coordinate orientation. 
                     E.  While this quantity is oriented relative to the GEI coordinate system, it is not technically earth centered.  Only
                     the rotational component of the transformation is performed, not the translation into earth-center.      
                     F.  slp_sun_att_z and slp_sun_att_x are orthognal axes, thus
                     slp_sun_att_y = slp_sun_att_z x slp_sun_att_x, and this set of axes can be used to 
                     transform between GEI and IAU_SUN coordinates 
  4. slp_sun_att_z:  IAU_SUN coordinate system Z-axis(X,Y,Z). (unitless/normalized)
                     A.  This axis points in the direction of the mean rotational axis of the sun.
                     B. This quantity created by rotation the basis vector [0,0,1] from IAU_SUN
                     into GEI coordinate orientation. 
                     C. While this quantity is oriented relative to the GEI coordinate system, it is not technically earth centered.  Only
                     the rotational component of the transformation is performed, not the translation into earth-center.     
                     D.  slp_sun_att_z and slp_sun_att_x are orthognal axes, thus
                     slp_sun_att_y = slp_sun_att_z x slp_sun_att_x, and this set of axes can be used to 
                     transform between GEI and IAU_SUN coordinates 
  5. slp_sun_ltime:  The time, in seconds, it takes for light to travel from the sun to the earth at the time of observation..
                     To translate data from light corrected to uncorrected data subtract these corrections from the data times.
  6. slp_lun_pos:    Lunar position X,Y,Z in km.
  7. slp_lun_pos:    Lunar velocity X,Y,Z in km/s.
  8. slp_lun_att_x:  IAU_MOON coordinate system X-axis (X,Y,Z)
                     A.  This axis lies in the Lunar equatorial plane and the plane containing the Lunar prime meridian
                     B.  This axis points towards a fixed point on the moon's surface and rotates with the moon.
                     C.  This quantity created by rotation the basis vector [0,0,1] from IAU_MOON
                     into GEI coordinate orientation..  
                     D.  While this quantity is oriented relative to the GEI coordinate system, it is not technically earth centered.  Only
                     the rotational component of the transformation is performed, not the translation into earth-center. 
                     E.  slp_lun_att_z and slp_lun_att_x are orthognal axes, thus
                     slp_lun_att_y = slp_lun_att_z x slp_lun_att_x, and this set of axes can be used to 
                     transform between GEI and IAU_SUN coordinates 
  9. slp_lun_att_z:  IAU_MOON coordinate system Z-axis(X,Y,Z). (unitless/normalized)
                     A.  This axis points in the direction of the mean rotational axis of the moon.
                     B.  This quantity created by rotation the basis vector [0,0,1] from IAU_MOON
                     into GEI coordinates. 
                     C. While This quantity is in GEI coordinates, it is not technically earth centered.  Only
                     the rotational component of the transformation is performed, not the translation into earth-center.   
                     D.  slp_lun_att_z and slp_;un_att_x are orthognal axes, thus
                     slp_lun_att_y = slp_lun_att_z x slp_lun_att_x, and this set of axes can be used to 
                     transform between GEI and IAU_MOON coordinates. 
 10. slp_lun_ltime:  The time, in seconds, it takes for light to travel from the moon to the earth at the time of observation.
                     To translate data from light corrected to uncorrected data subtract these corrections from the data times.
  datatype = The type of data to be loaded.  Allowed values are:
  TRANGE= (Optional) Time range of interest  (2 element array), if
          this is not set, the default is to prompt the user. Note
          that if the input time range is not a full day, a full
          day's data is loaded
   level = ignored, only one level for this datatype: L1
  /VERBOSE : set to output some useful info
  varname_out= a string array containing the tplot variable names for
               the loaded data
  /downloadonly, if set, then only download the data, do not load it
                 into variables.
  /no_download: use only files which are online locally.
  relpathnames_all: named variable in which to return all files that are
          required for specified timespan, probe, datatype, and level.
          If present, no files will be downloaded, and no data will be loaded.
  files   named varible for output of pathnames of local files.
  /valid_names, if set, then this will return the valid site, datatype
                and/or level options in named variables, for example,
                thm_load_gmag, site = xxx, /valid_names
                will return the array of valid sites in the
                variable xxx
  suffix= suffix to add to output data quantity (not added to support data)


 $LastChangedBy: egrimes $
 $LastChangedDate: 2018-12-21 11:50:27 -0800 (Fri, 21 Dec 2018) $
 $LastChangedRevision: 26397 $
 $URL: svn+ssh:// $

(See projects/themis/state/


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Purpose:  Loads THEMIS STATE (orbit and attitude) data

  probe = Probe name. The default is 'all', i.e., load all available probes.
          This can be an array of strings, e.g., ['a', 'b'] or a
          single string delimited by spaces, e.g., 'a b'
  datatype = The type of data to be loaded, can be an array of strings
          or single string separate by spaces.  The default is 'pos vel'
  TRANGE= (Optional) Time range of interest  (2 element array), if
          this is not set, the default is to prompt the user. Note
          that if the input time range is not a full day, a full
          day's data is loaded
  version = the version of the state file, one of 'v00', 'v01', 'v02', 'v03'.
            defaults to 'v01'
  level = the level of the data, the default is 'l1', or level-1
          data. A string (e.g., 'l2') or an integer can be used. 'all'
          can be passed in also, to get all levels.
  suffix= suffix to add to tplot variable names.  Note: this will get added
          support_data variables as well as regular data variables.
  CDF_DATA: named variable in which to return cdf data structure: only works
          for a single spacecraft and datafile name.
  VARNAMES: names of variables to load from cdf: default is all.
  /GET_SUPPORT_DATA: load support_data variables as well as data variables
                      into tplot variables.
  /DOWNLOADONLY: download file but don't read it.
  /no_download: use only files which are online locally.
  /NO_UPDATE: prevent contact to server if local file already exists.
  relpathnames_all: named variable in which to return all files that are
          required for specified timespan, probe, datatype, and level.
          If present, no files will be downloaded, and no data will be loaded.
  /valid_names, if set, then this routine will return the valid probe, datatype
          level, and version options in named variables supplied as
          arguments to the corresponding keywords.
  files   named varible for output of pathnames of local files.
  /VERBOSE  set to output some useful info
  coord: Can specify the coordinate system you would like data
  returned in.
  no_spin: if set, do not call thm_load_spin to load spinmodel data.


  If /GET_SUPPORT_DATA and ~/NO_SPIN, then call THM_LOAD_SPIN, W.M.Feuerstein,
  Delete th?_spin* TPLOT variables after calling THM_LOAD_SPIN (as long as
    ~/KEEP_SPIN_DATA), add KEEP_SPIN_DATA kw, include a couple of (normally
    commented) lines to chck consistency of spinmodel, WMF, 4/10/08.

 coordinate systems of returned variables:
 *_pos : gei
 *_vel : gei
 *_ras : gei
 *_dec : gei
 *_alpha : spg
 *_beta : spg
 *_spinper : none(listed in dlimits as unknown)
 *_spinphase : none(listed in dlimits as unknown)
 *_roi : none(listed in dlimits as unknown)
 *_man : none(listed in dlimits as unknown)

 If you modify the d_names constant make sure to make the
 corresponding changes to the c_names constant

 $LastChangedBy: nikos $
 $LastChangedDate: 2016-10-07 12:12:46 -0700 (Fri, 07 Oct 2016) $
 $LastChangedRevision: 22069 $
 $URL $

(See projects/themis/state/


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Procedure: THM_LOAD_STATE2

Purpose:  Loads THEMIS STATE (orbit and attitude) data

  probe = Probe name. The default is 'all', i.e., load all available probes.
          This can be an array of strings, e.g., ['a', 'b'] or a
          single string delimited by spaces, e.g., 'a b'
  datatype = The type of data to be loaded, can be an array of strings
          or single string separate by spaces.  The default is 'all'
  TRANGE= (Optional) Time range of interest  (2 element array), if
          this is not set, the default is to prompt the user. Note
          that if the input time range is not a full day, a full
          day's data is loaded
  version = the version of the state file, one of 'v01', 'v02', 'v03', 'v04'.
            defaults to 'v01'
  level = the level of the data, the default is 'l1', or level-1
          data. A string (e.g., 'l2') or an integer can be used. 'all'
          can be passed in also, to get all levels.
  CDF_DATA: named variable in which to return cdf data structure: only works
          for a single spacecraft and datafile name.
  VARNAMES: names of variables to load from cdf: default is all.
  /GET_SUPPORT_DATA: load support_data variables as well as data variables
                      into tplot variables.
  /DOWNLOADONLY: download file but don't read it.
  /valid_names, if set, then this routine will return the valid probe, datatype
          and/or level options in named variables supplied as
          arguments to the corresponding keywords.
  files   named varible for output of pathnames of local files.
  /VERBOSE  set to output some useful info

 $LastChangedBy: egrimes $
 $LastChangedDate: 2018-12-21 11:50:27 -0800 (Fri, 21 Dec 2018) $
 $LastChangedRevision: 26397 $
 $URL $

(See projects/themis/state/


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Procedure: THM_LOAD_STATE2

Purpose:  Loads THEMIS STATE (orbit and attitude) data

  probe = Probe name. The default is 'all', i.e., load all available probes.
          This can be an array of strings, e.g., ['a', 'b'] or a
          single string delimited by spaces, e.g., 'a b'
  datatype = The type of data to be loaded, can be an array of strings
          or single string separate by spaces.  The default is 'all'
  TRANGE= (Optional) Time range of interest  (2 element array), if
          this is not set, the default is to prompt the user. Note
          that if the input time range is not a full day, a full
          day's data is loaded
  version = the version of the state file, one of 'v01', 'v02', 'v03', 'v04'.
            defaults to 'v01'
  level = the level of the data, the default is 'l1', or level-1
          data. A string (e.g., 'l2') or an integer can be used. 'all'
          can be passed in also, to get all levels.
  CDF_DATA: named variable in which to return cdf data structure: only works
          for a single spacecraft and datafile name.
  VARNAMES: names of variables to load from cdf: default is all.
  /GET_SUPPORT_DATA: load support_data variables as well as data variables
                      into tplot variables.
  /DOWNLOADONLY: download file but don't read it.
  /valid_names, if set, then this routine will return the valid probe, datatype
          and/or level options in named variables supplied as
          arguments to the corresponding keywords.
  files   named varible for output of pathnames of local files.
  /VERBOSE  set to output some useful info

 $LastChangedBy: egrimes $
 $LastChangedDate: 2018-12-21 11:50:27 -0800 (Fri, 21 Dec 2018) $
 $LastChangedRevision: 26397 $
 $URL $

(See projects/themis/state/


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Alternate relpathname routine for L1 state data, allows for different
relpath from SPDF directory with v0? in the final relpathname
relpathnames = thm_load_state_relpath(sname = sname, filetype =
                                      filetype, level = level, $
                                      version = version, $
                                      trange = trange, $
                                      addmaster = addmaster)
 sname = probe, one of ['a','b','c','d','e']
 filetype = 'state' -> this keyword is only defined here due to the
            interface to thm_load_xxx
 level = 'l1'  -> this keyword is only defined here due to the
            interface to thm_load_xxx
 version = '0','1','2','3' or '?' The default is to not have a
           version number, and this keyword is not used
 trange = the timerange
 relpathnames_local = the fullpath of the file as it will be saved
                      locally, this is an output keyword
 relpathnames = the full path of the files relative to the local
                and remote data directories.
 April 1, 2010, jmm,
 $LastChangedBy: pcruce $
 $LastChangedDate: 2014-02-20 12:48:24 -0800 (Thu, 20 Feb 2014) $
 $LastChangedRevision: 14398 $
 $URL: svn+ssh:// $

(See projects/themis/state/


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  Use sunpulse data produced by thm_sunpulse to get spinphase at abitrary times
Input Parameters:
      time_dat: double precision array: times of data points at which
                interpolates are desired.
Output Parameters:
   spinpha_int: interpolated spin phase
         Probe: a single probe name. e.g. 'a'
        suffix: suffix on tplot variable (thx_state_sunpulse[_suffix])

Optional Input Parameters (If not present, then state data will be
   loaded from standard state tplot variables, using probe keyword)
      sunpulse: double precision array: times of sunpulses
  sunp_spinper: spin period at each sunpulse time

K. Bromund, SPSystems/NASA/GSFC, May 2007
$LastChangedBy: aaflores $
$LastChangedDate: 2012-02-13 14:41:42 -0800 (Mon, 13 Feb 2012) $
$LastChangedRevision: 9728 $
$URL: svn+ssh:// $

(See projects/themis/state/


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  Interpolate spin phase to have same time resolution as time_dat
         probe: string indicating probe.  Array of strings, or a string
                like 'a b'.  Not used if positional parameters are present.
        suffix: suffix to add to default tplot name in which to store sunpulse
                data: thx_state_sunpulse (x = probe letter designation)
                This suffix is expected on the names of the state data inputs.
Optional Inputs/Output parameters:
(if not present, then standard state tplot variable names will be used for i/o)
  Input Parameters:
    time_state: double precision array: times of data from state file
       spinpha: spin phase from state file
       spinper: spin period from state file
  Output Parameters:
      sunpulse: sunpulse times (times of zero spin phase)
  sunp_spinper: spin period at time of each sunpulse.

 sunpulse_name: string.  If present, store sunpulse/spinperiod in tplot 
                variable with this name.  Has no effect if probe keyword 
                is provided.


 Written by K. Bromund, SPSystems/NASA/GSFC, May 2007
$LastChangedBy: aaflores $
$LastChangedDate: 2015-04-30 15:28:49 -0700 (Thu, 30 Apr 2015) $
$LastChangedRevision: 17458 $ 
$URL: svn+ssh:// $

(See projects/themis/state/