;+ ;Procedure: THM_LOAD_GMAG, ; thm_load_gmag, site = site, datatype = datatype, trange = trange, $ ; level = level, verbose = verbose, $ ; subtract_average = subtract_average, $ ; subtract_median = subtract_median, $ ; varname_out = varname_out, $ ; subtracted_values = subtracted_values, $ ; downloadonly = downloadonly, $ ; valid_names = valid_names ;keywords: ; site = Observatory name, example, thm_load_gmag, site = 'bmls', the ; default is 'all', i.e., load all available stations . This ; can be an array of strings, e.g., ['bmls', 'ccmv'] or a ; single string delimited by spaces, e.g., 'bmls ccnv' ; datatype = The type of data to be loaded, for this case, there is only ; one option, the default value of 'mag', so this is a ; placeholder should there be more that one data type. 'all' ; can be passed in also, to get all variables. ; TRANGE= (Optional) Time range of interest (2 element array), if ; this is not set, the default is to prompt the user. Note ; that if the input time range is not a full day, a full ; day's data is loaded ; level = the level of the data, the default is 'l2', or level-2 ; data. A string (e.g., 'l2') or an integer can be used. 'all' ; can be passed in also, to get all levels. ; /VERBOSE : set to output some useful info ; /SUBTRACT_AVERAGE, if set, then the average values are subtracted ; from the loaded variables, ; /SUBTRACT_MEDIAN, if set, then the median values are subtracted ; from the loaded variables, ; varname_out= a string array containing the tplot variable names for ; the loaded data, useful for the following keyword: ; subtracted_values = returns N_elements(varname_out) by 3 array ; containing the average or median (or 0) values ; subtracted from the data. ; /downloadonly, if set, then only download the data, do not load it ; into variables. ; no_download: use only files which are online locally. ; relpathnames_all: named variable in which to return all files that are ; required for specified timespan, probe, datatype, and level. ; If present, no files will be downloaded, and no data will be loaded. ; /valid_names, if set, then this will return the valid site, datatype ; and/or level options in named variables, for example, ;0 ; thm_load_gmag, site = xxx, /valid_names ; ; will return the array of valid sites in the ; variable xxx ; Valid names will be returned sorted by network unless the keyword /sort_by_alpha ; is set in which case the sites will be alphabetized ; /sort_by_alpha = Set this keyword to return the list of valid names sorted alphabetically rather ; than by network ; get_support_data = does nothing. present only for consistency with other ; load routines ; ; /thm_sites = Set this keyword to load magnetometer from the THEMIS GBO network ; ; /tgo_sites = Set this keyword to load magnetometers from the TGO magnetometer network(Courtesy of DTU, Norway) ; ; /dtu_sites = Set this keyword to load magnetometers from the DTU magnetometer network ; (note that this keyword does not currently load (dnb, nrd) as only old uncalibrated data is available) ; /ua_sites = Set this keyword to load magnetometers from the University of Alaska magnetometer network. ; ; /maccs_sites = Set this keyword to load magnetometers from the MACCS network. ; ; /usgs_sites = Set this keyword to load magnetometers from the USGS network. ; ; /atha_sites = Set this keyword to load magnetometers from the U Athabasca or AUTUMN network. ; ; /epo_sites = Set this keyword to load magnetometers that are EPO sites ; ; /falcon_sites = Set this keyword to load magnetometers that are Falcon netword sites ; ; /carisma_sites = Set this keyword to load magnetometers that are carisma sites ; ; /mcmac_sites = Set this keyword to load magnetometers that are mcmac sites ; ; /nrcan_sites = Set this keyword to load magnetometers that are nrcan sites ; ; /step_sites = Set this keyword to load magnetometers that are STEP sites ; ; /fmi_sites = Set this keyword to load magnetometers that are FMI sites ; ; /aari_sites = Set this keyword to load magnetometers that are AARI sites ; ;Example: ; thm_load_gmag, site = 'bmls', trange = ; ['2007-01-22/00:00:00','2007-01-24/00:00:00'] ; ; WARNING: As with all GMAG data, users should be careful to verify data units and coordinate ; systems, as calibrations can drift from true values over time. Users should be particularly ; careful with the older data from the DMI/DTU network. ; ;Written by: Davin Larson, Dec 2006 ; 22-jan-2007, jmm, jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu rewrote argument list, added ; keywords, ; 1-feb-2007, jmm, added subtract_median, subtracted_value keywords ; 19-mar-2007, jmm, fixed the station list... ; 1-may-2009, jmm, removed greenland_data keyword, the greenland ; stations are now valid site names ; 3-jun-2009, jmm, added stations cdrt, crvr, gjoa, rbay, pang, tbdl ; MACCS data from Augsburg ; 1-Jan-2011, prc, Extended support for DTU gmag provider. (DTU & TGO networks) Detailed info on sites is here: http://flux.phys.uit.no/geomag.html ; 7-Jan-2011, prc, Added site selection keywords for MACCS and University of Alaska. ; 6-May-2011, lphilpott, Updated site lists for DTU and TGO ('greenland') networks and added a warning about uncalibrated data. ; 20_Aug-2012, clrussell, Added new USGS sites and new site VLDR to list of valid sites ; 11-Sep-2012, clrussell, Added site network keywords for UAthabasca (AUTUMN) and USGS and EPO ; 24-Sep-2012, clrussell, Added new keyword /sort_by_alpha which will return the list of valid stations sorted by order ; rather than by network. ; 04-Apr-2012, clrussell, Added units to the data_att structure ; ; $LastChangedBy: crussell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2019-04-12 11:58:43 -0700 (Fri, 12 Apr 2019) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 27009 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_3_2/projects/themis/ground/thm_load_gmag.pro $ ;- ; processing for subracting average, median, and returning subracted value. pro thm_load_gmag_post, sname=sitei, datatype=dtj, $ varcount = varcount, verbose = vb, $ subtract_average = subavg, $ subtract_median = subtract_median, $ varname_out = varname_out, $ subtracted_values = subtracted_values, $ suffix = suffix, _extra = _extra ; varname = 'thg_'+lvlk+'_'+dtj+'_'+sitei If(keyword_set(suffix)) Then varname = 'thg_'+dtj+'_'+sitei+suffix $ Else varname = 'thg_'+dtj+'_'+sitei ; sites are now being rotated to local magnetic coordinates (April 2012) ; xyzsite = ['abk','fcc','ykc'];sites with geographic xyz data rather than THEMIS geomag HDZ ; xyzvar = where(xyzsite eq sitei, count) ; if count gt 0 then begin ; options, /def, varname, ytitle = sitei,ysubtitle='B (nT)', $ ; constant = 0.,labels=['X','Y','Z'],labflag=1,colors=[2,4,6] ; endif else ;AARI stations provide only the variation in the field ; components are labelled as dH dD dZ so that this is clear to user variation_site = ['amd','bbg','brn','dik','loz','pbk','tik','viz'];AARI stations provide only the variation in the field var = where(variation_site eq sitei, count) if count gt 0 then begin options, /def, varname, ytitle = sitei,ysubtitle='B (nT)', $ constant = 0.,labels=['dH','dD','dZ'],labflag=1,colors=[2,4,6] endif else options, /def, varname, ytitle = sitei,ysubtitle='B (nT)', $ constant = 0.,labels=['H','D','Z'],labflag=1,colors=[2,4,6] if varcount Eq 0 then begin varname_out = varname subtracted_values = dblarr(1, 3) ;3 field components varcount = varcount+1 endif else begin varname_out = [varname_out, varname] subtracted_values = [subtracted_values, dblarr(1, 3)] varcount = varcount+1 endelse if keyword_set(subavg) Or keyword_set(subtract_median) then begin get_data, varname, data = d, alim = alim if keyword_set(d) then begin lng = struct_value(alim, 'cdf.vatt.station_longitude', default = !values.f_nan) lat = struct_value(alim, 'cdf.vatt.station_longitude', default = !values.f_nan) ;Note 'lat' and 'lng' could be used to subtract off a model dipole ;field svalue = average(d.y, 1, /double, $ ret_median = keyword_set(subtract_median)) d.y -= (replicate(1, n_elements(d.x)) # svalue ) ; subtract the average value subtracted_values[varcount-1, *] = transpose(svalue) store_data, varname, data = d endif endif ;add suffient labeling to make identification and transformation of coordinate system possible get_data,varname,dlimit=dl str_element,dl,'data_att.coord_sys','hdz',/add str_element,dl,'data_att.units','nT',/add str_element,dl,'cdf.vatt.station_latitude',lat,success=s if s then begin str_element,dl,'data_att.site_latitude',lat,/add endif str_element,dl,'cdf.vatt.station_longitude',lon,success=s if s then begin str_element,dl,'data_att.site_longitude',lon,/add endif store_data,varname,dlimit=dl end Pro thm_load_gmag, site = site, datatype = datatype, trange = trange, $ level = level, verbose = verbose, $ subtract_average = subavg, $ subtract_median = subtract_median, $ varname_out = varname_out, $ subtracted_values = subtracted_values, $ downloadonly = downloadonly, no_download=no_download, $ relpathnames_all=relpathnames_all, $ valid_names = valid_names, $ sort_by_alpha = sort_by_alpha, $ get_support_data=get_support_data, $ progobj = progobj, files=files, $ thm_only = thm_only, $ thm_sites= thm_sites, $ tgo_sites = tgo_sites, $ dtu_sites = dtu_sites, $ ua_sites = ua_sites, $ maccs_sites = maccs_sites, $ usgs_sites = usgs_sites, $ atha_sites = atha_sites, $ epo_sites = epo_sites, $ falcon_sites = falcon_sites, $ mcmac_sites = mcmac_sites, $ nrcan_sites = nrcan_sites, $ step_sites = step_sites, $ fmi_sites = fmi_sites, $ aari_sites = aari_sites, $ suffix=suffix ; _extra = _extra ;krb 5/4 ;figure out sites here If(keyword_set(thm_only)) Then Begin vsnames = 'atha chbg ekat fsim fsmi fykn gbay glyn '+$ 'gill inuv kapu kian kuuj mcgr nrsq pgeo '+$ 'pina rank snap snkq tpas whit yknf' vsnames_arr = strsplit(vsnames, ' ', /extract) vsnames_all = vsnames_arr vsnames_g_arr = '' If(is_string(site)) Then Begin dprint, 'Use of site keyword is incompatible with /thm_only keyword, setting site to ALL' site = 'all' Endif Endif else begin vsnames = 'abk akul amd amer arct atha bbg benn bett blc bmls bou brn brw bsl cbb ccnv cdrt chbr chbg cigo cmo crvr ded dik drby eagl ekat fcc frd frn fsim fsj fsmi ftn fykn '+ $ 'fyts gako gbay gill gjoa glyn gua han hlms homr hon hots hris hrp iglo inuk inuv iqa iva kako kapu kena kev kian kil kjpk kodk kuuj larg lcl leth loys loz lrel lrg lrv lyfd mas mcgr mea mek nain new muo nrsq nur '+ $ 'ott ouj pang pbk pblo pcel pel pg0 pg1 pg2 pg3 pg4 pg5 pgeo pina pine pks pokr ptrs puvr radi ran rank rbay redr rich rmus roth salu satx schf sept shu sit sjg snap snkq stfd stfl stj '+ $ 'swno tar tik tpas trap tuc ukia vic viz vldr whit whs wlps wrth ykc yknf' vsnames_arr = strsplit(vsnames, ' ', /extract) vsnames_g = 'amk and atu bfe bjn dob dmh dnb don fhb gdh ghb hop hov jan jck kar kuv lyr nal naq nor nrd roe rvk sco skt sol sor stf sum svs tab tdc thl tro umq upn' vsnames_g_arr = strsplit(vsnames_g, ' ', /extract) vsnames_c = 'anna back cont daws eski fchp fchu gull isll lgrr mcmu mstk norm osak '+$ 'oxfo pols rabb sach talo thrf vulc weyb wgry' vsnames_c_arr = strsplit(vsnames_c, ' ', /extract) vsnames_all = [vsnames_arr, vsnames_g_arr, vsnames_c_arr] Endelse If(keyword_set(site)) Then site_in = site if n_elements(site_in) eq 1 then begin site_in = strsplit(site_in,' ',/extract) endif if keyword_set(thm_sites) then begin site_in = array_concat(strsplit('atha chbg ekat fsim fsmi fykn gbay '+$ 'gill inuv kapu kian kuuj mcgr nrsq pgeo '+$ 'pina rank snap snkq tpas whit yknf',' ',/extract),site_in) endif ; if ~keyword_set(thm_only) then begin if keyword_set(tgo_sites) then begin site_in = array_concat(['nal','lyr','hop','bjn','nor','sor','tro','and','don','rvk','sol','kar', 'jan', 'jck', 'dob'],site_in) endif if keyword_set(dtu_sites) then begin; dnb (not operational), nrd currently excluded because only old uncalibrated DMI data is available (atu, dmh, svs added back in in 2012) site_in = array_concat(['atu','dmh','svs','tdc','bfe','roe','thl','kuv','upn','umq','gdh','stf','skt','ghb','fhb','naq','amk','sco', 'tab', 'sum', 'hov'],site_in) endif if keyword_set(ua_sites) then begin site_in = array_concat(['arct','bett','cigo','eagl','fykn','gako','hlms','homr','kako','pokr','trap'],site_in) endif if keyword_set(maccs_sites) then begin site_in = array_concat(['cdrt','chbr','crvr','gjoa','iglo','nain','pang','rbay'],site_in) endif if keyword_set(usgs_sites) then begin site_in = array_concat(['bou','brw','bsl','cmo','ded','frd','frn','gua','hon','new','shu','sit','sjg','tuc'],site_in) endif if keyword_set(atha_sites) then begin site_in = array_concat(['roth', 'leth', 'redr', 'larg', 'vldr', 'salu', 'akul', 'puvr', 'inuk', 'kjpk', 'radi', 'stfl', 'sept', 'schf'],site_in) endif if keyword_set(epo_sites) then begin site_in = array_concat(['bmls','ccnv','drby','fyts','hots','loys','pgeo','pine','ptrs','rmus','swno','ukia'],site_in) endif if keyword_set(falcon_sites) then begin site_in = array_concat(['hris', 'kodk', 'lrel', 'pblo', 'stfd', 'wlps'],site_in) endif if keyword_set(mcmac_sites) then begin site_in = array_concat(['amer', 'benn', 'glyn', 'lyfd', 'pcel', 'rich', 'satx', 'wrth'],site_in) endif if keyword_set(nrcan_sites) then begin site_in = array_concat(['blc', 'cbb', 'iqa', 'mea', 'ott', 'stj', 'vic'],site_in) endif if keyword_set(step_sites) then begin site_in = array_concat(['fsj', 'ftn', 'hrp', 'lcl', 'lrg', 'pks', 'whs'],site_in) endif if keyword_set(fmi_sites) then begin site_in = array_concat(['han', 'iva', 'kev', 'kil', 'mas', 'mek', 'muo', 'nur', 'ouj', 'pel', 'ran', 'tar'],site_in) endif if keyword_set(aair_sites) then begin site_in = array_concat(['amd','bbg','brn','dik','loz','pbk','tik','viz'],site_in) endif ; if this list of valid names changes, please also update version in thm_load_gmag if keyword_set(carisma_sites) then begin site_in = array_concat(['anna', 'back', 'cont', 'daws', 'eski', 'fchp', 'fchu', $ 'gull', 'isll', 'lgrr', 'mcmu', 'mstk', 'norm', 'osak', 'oxfo', $ 'pols', 'rabb', 'sach', 'talo', 'thrf', 'vulc', 'weyb', 'wgry'],site_in) endif endif if ~keyword_set(site_in) then begin site_in = 'all' endif thm_sites = ssl_check_valid_name(site_in, vsnames_arr, /ignore_case, /include_all, /no_warning) green_sites = ssl_check_valid_name(site_in, vsnames_g_arr, /ignore_case, /include_all, /no_warning) crsm_sites = ssl_check_valid_name(site_in, vsnames_c_arr, /ignore_case, /include_all, /no_warning) ; If no sites are valid issue a warning to the user ; Not using the default warning issued by ssl_check_valid_name above because that step needs to check green and thm sites separately ; We don't want to issue a warning unless site is neither thm nor green. ; Check should be performed anyway in order to notify the user of partially invalid input later. sites_found = is_string(crsm_sites) || is_string(green_sites) || is_string(thm_sites) tempallsites = ssl_check_valid_name(site_in, vsnames_all[sort(vsnames_all)],/ignore_case, $ /include_all, invalid=msg_site, type='site name', no_warning=sites_found) If(keyword_set(valid_names)) Then Begin ;need to handle valid_names here too, jmm, 4-may-2009 thm_load_greenland_gmag, site = gsites, datatype = datatype, $ level = level, suffix=suffix, /valid_names thm_load_carisma_gmag, site = csites, datatype = datatype, $ level = level, suffix=suffix, /valid_names thm_load_xxx, sname = tsites, datatype = datatype, $ level = level, /valid_names, vsnames = vsnames, $ type_sname = 'site', $ vdatatypes = 'mag', $ vlevels = 'l2', $ suffix=suffix,$ deflevel = 'l2' site = [csites, gsites, tsites] If (keyword_set(sort_by_alpha)) Then site=strlowcase(strcompress(site[sort(site)], /remove_all)) Return Endif If(is_string(green_sites)) Then Begin ;go to greenland_gmag for these ;Issue warning if user is loading potentially uncalibrated data ; lphilpott 2-mar-2012 ; There is still some confusion over data from the DTU and TGO sites. Current data is downloaded in 'XYZ(2)' format, ; this should be geomag XYZ similar to THEMIS gmag sites, but from the values it appears to be the variation in field rather absolute values. ; At this point I think users should be warned to take care with all DTU and TGO data. ; This will be revised in the future when more is known about the data or the data is downloaded in a different form. ;uncal_site =['amk','atu','dmh','dnb','gdh','kuv','naq','nrd','sco','skt','svs','thl','umq','upn'] ;matching_sites = strfilter(green_sites,uncal_site, count=count) ;if(count gt 0) then begin dprint, 'Care should be taken with data from sites in the DTU or TGO networks as this data may be uncalibrated.', dlevel=2 ;endif If(keyword_set(relpathnames_all)) Then Begin ;this is a mess... thm_load_greenland_gmag, site = green_sites, datatype = datatype, trange = trange, $ level = level, verbose = verbose, subtract_average = subavg, $ subtract_median = subtract_median, varname_out = varname_out, $ subtracted_values = subtracted_values, downloadonly = downloadonly, $ no_download = no_download, relpathnames_all = relpathnames_all, $ valid_names = valid_names, get_support_data = get_support_data, $ progobj = progobj, files = files, suffix=suffix Endif Else Begin thm_load_greenland_gmag, site = green_sites, datatype = datatype, trange = trange, $ level = level, verbose = verbose, subtract_average = subavg, $ subtract_median = subtract_median, varname_out = varname_out, $ subtracted_values = subtracted_values, downloadonly = downloadonly, $ no_download = no_download, valid_names = valid_names, $ get_support_data = get_support_data, progobj = progobj, files = files, suffix=suffix Endelse Endif If(is_string(crsm_sites)) Then Begin If(keyword_set(relpathnames_all)) Then Begin ;this is a mess... thm_load_carisma_gmag, site = crsm_sites, datatype = datatype, trange = trange, $ level = level, verbose = verbose, subtract_average = subavg, $ subtract_median = subtract_median, varname_out = varname_out, $ subtracted_values = subtracted_values, downloadonly = downloadonly, $ no_download = no_download, relpathnames_all = relpathnames_all, $ valid_names = valid_names, get_support_data = get_support_data, $ progobj = progobj, files = files, suffix=suffix Endif Else Begin thm_load_carisma_gmag, site = crsm_sites, datatype = datatype, trange = trange, $ level = level, verbose = verbose, subtract_average = subavg, $ subtract_median = subtract_median, varname_out = varname_out, $ subtracted_values = subtracted_values, downloadonly = downloadonly, $ no_download = no_download, valid_names = valid_names, $ get_support_data = get_support_data, progobj = progobj, files = files, suffix=suffix Endelse Endif If(is_string(thm_sites)) Then Begin if arg_present(relpathnames_all) then begin downloadonly = 1 no_download = 1 end varcount = 0 thm_load_xxx, sname = thm_sites, datatype = datatype, trange = trange, $ level = level, verbose = verbose, downloadonly = downloadonly, $ no_download = no_download, relpathnames_all = relpathnames_all, $ cdf_data = cdf_data, get_cdf_data = arg_present(cdf_data), $ varnames = varnames, valid_names = valid_names, files = files, $ vsnames = vsnames, $ type_sname = 'site', $ vdatatypes = 'mag', $ get_support_data = get_support_data, $ vlevels = 'l2', $ deflevel = 'l2', $ version = 'v01', $ post_process_proc = 'thm_load_gmag_post', $ subtract_average = subavg, $ subtract_median = subtract_median, $ varname_out = varname_out, $ subtracted_values = subtracted_values, $ varcount = varcount, $ progobj = progobj, $ suffix=suffix,$ _extra = _extra Endif ;print accumulated error messages now that loading is complete if keyword_set(msg_site) && sites_found then begin for i=0, n_elements(msg_site)-1 do begin if msg_site[i] ne '' then dprint, dlevel=1, msg_site[i] endfor endif end