;+ ;Procedure: THM_LOAD_XXX ; ;Purpose: Generic THEMIS Data File Loading routine, meant to be called by ; type specific thm_load procedures. ; ;keywords: ; post_process_proc: name of procedure to call after cdf2tplot is called ; will be called w/ keywords sname, dt (datatype), lvl, ; and _extra. ; relpath_funct: name of routine to call in place of file_dailynames ; may simply be a wrapper. ; will be called w/ keywords sname, dt (datatype), lvl, ; and _extra. ; cdf_to_tplot: user-supplied procedure to override cdf2tplot ; sname = site or probe name. The default is 'all', ; type_sname = string, set to 'probe' or 'site' ; /all_sites_in_one: set this if all sites are contained in a single file. ; vsnames = space-separated list of valid probes/sites ; datatype = Can be any datatype from the list of valid datatypes ; or 'all' ; vdatatypes = space-separated list of valid data types ; file_vdatatypes = space-separated list of file types corresponding to each ; valid data type. If there is a one-to-one correpspondence ; between filetype and datatype, vfiletypes may be left undefined. ; If all datatypes are in a single file, then file_vdatatypes may ; contain a single name, rather than a list. ; TRANGE= (Optional) Time range of interest (2 element array), if ; this is not set, the default is to prompt the user. Note ; that if the input time range is not a full day, a full ; day's data is loaded ; level = the level of the data, the default is 'l1', or Level 1 ; data. A string (e.g., 'l2') or an integer can be used. ; vlevels=A space-separated list of valid levels, e.g. 'l1 l2' ; proc_type = the type of data, i.e. 'raw' or 'calibrated'. This is ; for validating the 'type' keyword to thm_load procs. ; vtypes =A space-separated list of valid types, e.g. 'raw calibrated' ; vL2datatypes= space-separated list of datatypes valid for L2 data ; vL2coord= space-separated list of coordinates valid for L2 data ; file_vL2datatypes=same as file_vdatatypes, but for L2 data. Defaults to ; value of file_vdatatypes. ; coord = coordinate system of data to be loaded. For L2, may be an array or ; space-separated list, which will checked against vL2coord. ; For L1, no checking: passed on to post_process_proc. ; CDF_DATA: named variable in which to return cdf data structure: only works ; for a single spacecraft and datafile name. ; VARNAMES: names of variables to load from cdf: default is all. ; /GET_SUPPORT_DATA: load support_data variables as well as data variables ; into tplot variables. ; /DOWNLOADONLY: download file but don't read it. ; /NO_UPDATE: prevent contact to server if local file already exists. ; /valid_names, if set, then this routine will return the valid probe, datatype ; and/or level options in named variables supplied as ; arguments to the corresponding keywords. ; files named varible for output of pathnames of local files. ; /VERBOSE set to output some useful info ; suffix suffix to add to names of tplot variables loaded from CDF ; Note that the suffix is *not* applied to support_data. ; SCM_CAL: structure that contains calibration paramters ; msg_out: A named variable to output any useful error messages, ; messages can be printed to the console later when they ; will be more visible to the user. ; ;Notes: ; This routine is (should be) platform independent. ; ; $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-12-21 11:50:27 -0800 (Fri, 21 Dec 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 26397 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_3_2/projects/themis/common/thm_load_xxx.pro $ ;- pro thm_load_xxx, sname = sname, datatype = datatype, trange = trange, $ level = level, coord = coord, proc_type = type, version = version, $ verbose = verbose, downloadonly = downloadonly, $ cdf_data = cdf_data, get_cdf_data = get_cdf_data, $ get_support_data = get_support_data, varformat = varformat, $ tplotnames = tplotnames, valid_names = valid_names, $ files = files, $ type_sname = type_sname, $ vsnames = vsnames, vdatatypes = vdatatypes, $ file_vdatatypes = file_vdatatypes, $ vtypes = vtypes, $ vlevels = vlevels, deflevel = deflevel, $ vL2datatypes = vL2datatypes, vL2coord = vL2coord, $ file_vL2datatypes = file_vL2datatypes, $ relpath_funct = relpath_funct, $ cdf_to_tplot = cdf_to_tplot, $ post_process_proc = post_process_proc, $ addmaster = addmaster, midfix = midfix, $ no_download = no_download, relpathnames_all = relpathnames_all, $ all_sites_in_one = all_sites_in_one, suffix = suffix, $ progobj = progobj, $ ;jmm, 15-may-2007 scm_cal = scm_cal, $ no_update = no_update, $ alternate_load_params=alternate_load_params, $ no_time_clip = no_time_clip, $ no_implicit_wildcard=no_implicit_wildcard, $ use_eclipse_corrections=use_eclipse_corrections, $ msg_out=msg_out, $ _ref_extra = _extra compile_opt idl2 if keyword_set(alternate_load_params) then begin dprint, 'Using alternate load parameters' load_params=alternate_load_params endif else begin thm_init load_params=!themis endelse thm_load_proc_arg, sname = sname, datatype = datatype, $ level = level, coord = coord, proc_type = type, $ verbose = verbose, $ varformat = varformat, valid_names = valid_names, $ type_sname = type_sname, $ vsnames = vsnames, vdatatypes = vdatatypes, $ file_vdatatypes = file_vdatatypes, $ vtypes = vtypes, $ vlevels = vlevels, deflevel = deflevel, $ vL2datatypes = vL2datatypes, vL2coord = vL2coord, $ file_vL2datatypes = file_vL2datatypes, $ no_download = no_download, $ progobj = progobj, $ osname = snames, odt = dts, olvl = lvls, my_themis = my_themis, $ oft = fts, ofdt = fdts, $ load_params=load_params, $ use_eclipse_corrections=use_eclipse_corrections, $ no_update = no_update, $ msg_out = msg_out vb = size(verbose, /type) ne 0 ? verbose : load_params.verbose nlvls = n_elements(lvls) ndts = n_elements(dts) nfts = n_elements(fts) nsnames = n_elements(snames) if nlvls*ndts*nfts*nsnames le 0 then return if keyword_set(valid_names) then return if get_cdf_data && nlvls*nfts*nsnames gt 1 then begin dprint, 'can only get cdf_data for a single file type' return endif if keyword_set(all_sites_in_one) then begin ;; site name is not included in pathname of data file nsnames = 1 ;for ASK endif ;get file names, loop over all snames, levels and datatypes files_ptrarr = ptrarr(nsnames, nfts, nlvls) for k = 0, nlvls-1 do $ for j = 0, nfts-1 do $ for i = 0, nsnames-1 do begin snamei = snames[i] ftj = fts[j] lvlk = lvls[k] if keyword_set(relpath_funct) then begin ;; call a datatype specific pathname function, because ;; we don't want to write one-box-fits-all heuristics relpathnames = call_function(relpath_funct, sname = snamei, $ filetype = ftj, level = lvlk, $ version = version, trange = trange, $ addmaster = addmaster, _extra = _extra) endif else begin ;; use standard heuristics to determine pathname ;; if these don't work, please consider using your own relpath_funct ;; before adding code which may affect the other instrument load routines if strcmp(strlowcase(type_sname), 'probe') then begin relpath = 'th'+snamei+'/'+lvlk+'/'+ ftj+'/' prefix = 'th'+snamei+'_'+lvlk+'_'+ftj+'_' dir = 'YYYY/' endif else if strcmp(strlowcase(type_sname), 'site') then begin relpath = 'thg/'+lvlk+'/'+ftj+'/'+snamei + '/' prefix = 'thg_'+lvlk+'_'+ftj+'_'+snamei + '_' dir = 'YYYY/' endif If(version Eq '') Then Begin ending = '.cdf' Endif Else ending = '_'+version+'.cdf' relpathnames = file_dailynames(relpath, prefix, ending, dir = dir, $ trange = trange, addmaster = addmaster) endelse ;get the full path name, save it for later for reading the cdf. my_themis.no_download = 1 files_ptrarr[i, j, k] = $ ptr_new(spd_download(remote_file=relpathnames, _extra = my_themis)) ;build an array with all relpathnames, so all files can be downloaded ;with one call to file_retrieve. if i+j+k eq 0 then relpathnames_all = relpathnames else $ relpathnames_all = [relpathnames_all, relpathnames] if vb ge 7 then dprint, 'files', *files_ptrarr[i, j, k] endfor ;end of loop over all snames, levels and datatypes. ;download files for all snames, levels, and datatypes if ~load_params.no_download && ~keyword_set(no_download) then begin if vb ge 7 then dprint, 'relpathnames', relpathnames_all my_themis.no_download = 0 files = spd_download(remote_file=relpathnames_all, _extra = my_themis) endif ;there appear to be mulitple copies of this and other settings ;in my_themis, load_params, & specific keywords - these should ;be sorted out more explicitly, but for now I'm copying ;the logic of the no_download implementation above if load_params.downloadonly || keyword_set(downloadonly) then begin ptr_free, files_ptrarr return endif ;load data into tplot variables loop over all snames, levels and datatypes for k = 0, nlvls-1 do $ for j = 0, nfts-1 do $ for i = 0, nsnames-1 do begin if keyword_set(all_sites_in_one) then begin snamei = snames ; this is for ASK endif else snamei = snames[i] ftj = fts[j] fdtj = fdts[j] lvlk = lvls[k] files = file_search(*files_ptrarr[i, j, k], count = filecount) If(filecount Eq 0) Then Begin dprint, 'Files Not Found:' If(ptr_valid(files_ptrarr[i, j, k])) Then Begin dprint, *files_ptrarr[i, j, k] Endif Else dprint, 'Invalid files pointer' Continue ;no file found, go to the next Endif ; note the trailing '*' is necessary to get, for example, ; both tha_fgh and tha_fgh_hed, given datatype of fgh star = keyword_set(get_support_data) ? '*' : '' ; 2010-01-26 JWL: For thm_load_state, we need to disable the implied ; trailing wildcard that enables support variables like tha_fgh_hed ; to be autoloaded, even if only "fgh" was supplied as an input ; datatype to thm_load_fgm. ; ; But if thm_load_state requests datatype "pos", we don't necessarily ; want to load "pos_gse" and "pos_gsm" even if /get_support_data ; is specified. So in thm_load_state, we'll call thm_load_xxx ; with /no_implicit_wildcard, and the other load routines will ; not be affected. if keyword_set(no_implicit_wildcard) then begin star = '' endif fdtj_arr = strsplit(fdtj, ' ', /extract) if n_elements(fdtj_arr) eq 1 then fdtj_arr = fdtj_arr[0] ; for ASK if keyword_set(varformat) then begin varformatj = varformat endif else if strcmp(strlowcase(type_sname), 'probe') then begin varformatj = strjoin('*'+fdtj_arr+star, ' ') endif else begin varformatj = strjoin('*'+fdtj_arr+'_'+snamei+star, ' ') endelse if vb ge 6 then printdat, varformatj ;;;; if get_cdf_data then begin if not keyword_set(varformat) then varformat = varformatj cdf_data = cdf_load_vars(*files_ptrarr[0, 0, 0], varnames = varnames, $ verbose = vb, /all, varformat = varformat) ptr_free, files_ptrarr return endif if keyword_set(cdf_to_tplot) then begin call_procedure, cdf_to_tplot, file = files, $ all = all, verbose = vb, tplotnames = tplotnames, $ varformat = varformatj, midfix = midfix, midpos = 4, $ suffix = suffix, varnames = varnames, _extra = _extra endif else begin if keyword_set(verbose) then dprint, transpose(['Loading...', files]) spd_cdf2tplot, file = files, all = all, verbose = vb, $ tplotnames = tplotnames, suffix = suffix, $ midfix = midfix, midpos = 4, varformat = varformatj endelse tn_pre_proc = tnames() ; clip data to requested trange, if trange exists, jmm, 2009-08-11 If (keyword_set(trange) && n_elements(trange) Eq 2) $ Then tr = timerange(trange) $ else tr = timerange() ;explicit check for existence of tplotnames to avoid later crash, jmm, 27-aug-2009 If(is_string(tplotnames)) Then Begin for ivar = 0, n_elements(tplotnames)-1 do begin ;change index variable to ivar, jmm, 28-jul-2009 if tnames(tplotnames[ivar]) eq '' then continue ; check special case from efi loading if strmid(tplotnames[ivar], 16, 17, /reverse_offset) eq '_thm_cal_efi_priv' then continue ; check special case from state loading if strmid(tplotnames[ivar], 10, 11, /reverse_offset) eq '_state_temp' then continue ; check for scm data, skip cut until after calibration if strmid(tplotnames[ivar], 3, 3) eq '_sc' then continue if ~keyword_set(no_time_clip) then begin time_clip, tplotnames[ivar], min(tr), max(tr), /replace, error = tr_err if tr_err then del_data, tplotnames[ivar] endif endfor tn_post_clip = tnames() ; make ssl_set_intersection doesn't get scalar inputs if n_elements(tn_pre_proc) eq 1 then tn_pre_proc = [tn_pre_proc] if n_elements(tn_post_clip) eq 1 then tn_post_clip = [tn_post_clip] if n_elements(tplotnames) eq 1 then tplotnames = [tplotnames] tn_for_cal = ssl_set_intersection(tplotnames, tn_post_clip) if keyword_set(post_process_proc) then begin if keyword_set(scm_cal) then Begin call_procedure, post_process_proc, sname = snamei, filetype = ftj, $ datatype = fdtj, suffix = suffix, coord = coord, $ level = lvlk, verbose = vb, tplotnames = tplotnames, $ progobj = progobj, proc_type = type, trange = trange, $ scm_cal = scm_cal, get_support_data = get_support_data, $ use_eclipse_corrections = use_eclipse_corrections, _extra = _extra endif else Begin if ~array_equal(tn_for_cal, -1L,/no_type) then $ call_procedure, post_process_proc, sname = snamei, filetype = ftj, $ datatype = fdtj, suffix = suffix, coord = coord, $ level = lvlk, verbose = vb, tplotnames = tn_for_cal, $ progobj = progobj, files = files, proc_type = type, $ get_support_data = get_support_data, trange = trange, $ use_eclipse_corrections = use_eclipse_corrections, no_time_clip=no_time_clip, _extra = _extra endelse endif ; make sure tplot_vars created in post_procs get added to list tn_post_proc = tnames() if n_elements(tn_post_proc) eq 1 then tn_post_proc = [tn_post_proc] post_proc_names = ssl_set_complement(tn_pre_proc, tn_post_proc) if size(post_proc_names, /type) eq 7 then tplotnames = [tplotnames, post_proc_names] ; clip data to requested trange, if trange exists, jmm, 2009-08-11 for ivar = 0, n_elements(tplotnames)-1 do begin if tnames(tplotnames[ivar]) eq '' then continue ; check special case from efi loading if strmid(tplotnames[ivar], 16, 17, /reverse_offset) eq '_thm_cal_efi_priv' then continue ; check special case from state loading if strmid(tplotnames[ivar], 10, 11, /reverse_offset) eq '_state_temp' then continue if ~keyword_set(no_time_clip) then begin time_clip, tplotnames[ivar], min(tr), max(tr), /replace, error = tr_err if tr_err then del_data, tplotnames[ivar] endif endfor Endif ;end for If block checking for tplotnames endfor ;end of loop over all snames, levels and datatypes. ptr_free, files_ptrarr end