;+ ;Purpose: ;Generates fgm overview plots for a given date ;this includes one day long plot and 4 1/4 day plots ;It stores these plots in the current directory ; ;Arguments: ; date: the date for which the plots will be generated ; ; directory(optional): an optional output directory ; ; device(optional):switch to 'z' device for cron plotting ; ; $LastChangedBy: aaflores $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2012-01-24 11:22:53 -0800 (Tue, 24 Jan 2012) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 9600 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_3_2/projects/themis/common/thm_fgm_overviews.pro $ ;- pro thm_fgm_overviews,date,directory=directory,device=device,nopng=nopng,dont_delete_data=dont_delete_data probe_list = ['a','b','c','d','e'] ;clean slate If(not keyword_set(dont_delete_data)) Then del_data,'*' if not keyword_set(date) then begin dprint,'Date must be set to generate fgm overview plots' return endif date2 = time_string(date) if keyword_set(directory) then dir=directory else dir='./' if keyword_set(device) then set_plot,device ;tplot_options,'lazy_ytitle',0 ; prevent auto formatting on ytitle (namely having carrage returns at underscores) timespan,date2,1,/day year=string(strmid(date2,0,4)) month=string(strmid(date2,5,2)) day=string(strmid(date2,8,2)) thm_load_state,/get_sup var_string1 = '' var_string2 = '' ;Load all of the data, create sample rate bar for i = 0L,n_elements(probe_list)-1L do begin sc = probe_list[i] sample_rate_var = thm_sample_rate_bar(date, 1, sc, /outline) thm_load_fgm, probe = sc, coord = 'gse', level = 'l2' ;level 2 data has a suffix ;check for existence of data, if it is not there, try L1 If ~is_string(tnames('th'+sc+'_fgl_gse')) Then begin thm_load_fgm, probe = sc, coord = 'gse', suff = '_gse', level = 'l1' endif ;fallback if fgs data not present from level2 file if ~is_string(tnames('th'+sc+'_fgs_gse')) then begin thm_load_fit, probe = sc, coord = 'gse', suff = '_gse';level 1 is default endif if ~is_string(tnames('th'+sc+'_fgl_gse')) then begin store_data,'th'+sc+'_fgl_gse',data={x:time_double(date2)+findgen(2)*86400., y:[!VALUES.D_NAN,!VALUES.D_NAN]} endif if ~is_string(tnames('th'+sc+'_fgs_gse')) then begin store_data,'th'+sc+'_fgs_gse',data={x:time_double(date2)+findgen(2)*86400., y:[!VALUES.D_NAN,!VALUES.D_NAN]} endif sc = probe_list[i] ;load routines can change this to an array var_string1 += 'th'+sc+'_fgs_gse ' var_string2 += ' sample_rate_'+sc + ' th'+sc+'_fgl_gse ' ;Adjust titles options, 'th'+sc+'_fgs_gse', 'ytitle', 'th'+sc+'_fgs_gse' options, 'th'+sc+'_fgl_gse', 'ytitle', 'th'+sc+'_fgl_gse' ;kill units in ytitles options, 'th'+sc+'_fgs_gse', 'ysubtitle', '' options, 'th'+sc+'_fgl_gse', 'ysubtitle', '' endfor var_string = var_string1 + ' ' + var_string2 ;set colors !p.background=255. !p.color=0. time_stamp,/off loadct2,43 !p.charsize=0.8 tplot_options,'xmargin',[16,8] ;tclip instead of ylim, jmm, 13-jun-2008 ;ylim,'*',-100.,100. tclip, -100.0, 100.0, /overwrite title = 'P5, P1, P2, P3, P4 (TH-A,B,C,D,E) FGS, FGL [nT]' If(Not keyword_set(nopng)) Then Begin tplot, var_string, title = title thm_gen_multipngplot, 'thm_tohban_fgm', date2, directory = dir Endif Else Begin tplot, var_string, title = title Endelse end