;+ ;NAME: ; thm_fftfbk_overplot ;PURPOSE: ; Creates overview plots of FBK and FFT (in fast-survey FFF mode) for ; all probes. Two plots are created, one for the "inner probes" (a, d, ; e) and one for the "outer probes" (b, c). There are four quantities ; for each probe, two FBK and two FFF. ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; thm_fftfbk_overplot, date=date,device = device, $ ; directory = directory, makepng = makepng ;INPUT: ; date = the date for the plots, e.g., '2012-12-21' in any tplottable ; format ;OUTPUT: ; none explicit, plots are generated ;KEYWORDS: ; DEVICE: sets the device (x or z) (default is x) ; MAKEPNG: keyword to generate 5 png files ; DIRECTORY: sets the directory where the above pngs are ; placed (default is './') ; $LastChangedBy: aaflores $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2012-01-26 16:41:44 -0800 (Thu, 26 Jan 2012) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 9622 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_3_2/projects/themis/common/thm_fftfbk_overplot.pro $ ;- Pro thm_fftfbk_overplot, date, device = device, dont_delete_data = dont_delete_data, $ directory = directory, makepng = makepng ;Input FFT, FBK data for all probes probe_list = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] inner_probes = ['a', 'd', 'e'] outer_probes = ['b', 'c'] ;clean slate If(~keyword_set(dont_delete_data)) Then del_data, '*' If(~keyword_set(date)) Then Begin dprint, 'Date must be set to generate fft-fbk overview plots' Return Endif If(keyword_set(directory)) Then dir = directory Else dir = './' If(keyword_set(device)) Then set_plot, device ; date2 = time_string(date) timespan, date2, 1 year = string(strmid(date2, 0, 4)) month = string(strmid(date2, 5, 2)) day = string(strmid(date2, 8, 2)) ;Load data for all probes thm_load_state, /get_support_data thm_load_fbk thm_load_fft ;For each probe there should be 4 variables filled, 2 fbk and 2 fff, ;if those aren't there, the fill with dummy variables. inner_probe_tvars = '' outer_probe_tvars = '' For ip = 0, 4 Do Begin sc = probe_list[ip] thx = 'th'+sc del_data, thx+'_fb_h*' ; del thx_fb_hff as it is not used and gets in the way later fbk_tvars = tnames(thx+'_fb_*') ; this should give us two tplot variables (but sometimes more) If(n_elements(fbk_tvars) eq 1) Then fbk_tvars = [fbk_tvars, 'filler'] For i = 0, 1 Do Begin ;only two variables ;kluge to prevent missing data from crashing things get_data, fbk_tvars[i], data = dd If(size(dd, /type) Ne 8) Then Begin filler = fltarr(2, 6) filler[*, *] = float('NaN') name = thx+'_fb_'+strcompress(string(i+1), /remove_all) store_data, name, data = {x:time_double(date)+findgen(2), y:filler, v:findgen(6)} options, name, 'spec', 1 ylim, name, 1, 1000, 1 zlim, name, 0, 0, 1 fbk_tvars[i] = name Endif Else Begin store_data, fbk_tvars[i], data = {x:dd.x, y:dd.y, v:[2048., 512., 128., 32., 8., 2.]} options, fbk_tvars[i], 'spec', 1 options, fbk_tvars[i], 'zlog', 1 ylim, fbk_tvars[i], 2.0, 2048.0, 1 thm_spec_lim4overplot, fbk_tvars[i], ylog = 1, zlog = 1, /overwrite lbl = thx+'_fbk_'+strmid(fbk_tvars[i], 7) options, fbk_tvars[i], 'ytitle', strjoin(strsplit(lbl, '_', /extract), '!c') ;for ztitle, we need to figure out which type of data is there ; for V channels, <|V|>. ; for E channels, <|mV/m|>. ; for SCM channels, <|nT|>. x1 = strpos(fbk_tvars[i], 'scm') If(x1[0] Ne -1) Then Begin options, fbk_tvars[i], 'ztitle', '<|nT|>' ;reset the upper value of zlimit to 2.0, jmm, 30-nov-2007 get_data, fbk_tvars[i], data = d If(is_struct(d)) Then zlim, fbk_tvars[i], min(d.y), 2.0, 1 Endif xv = strpos(fbk_tvars[i], 'v') If(xv[0] Ne -1) Then options, fbk_tvars[i], 'ztitle', '<|V|>' xe = strpos(fbk_tvars[i], 'e') If(xe[0] Ne -1) Then Begin options, fbk_tvars[i], 'ztitle', '<|mV/m|>' ;reset the upper value of zlimit to 2.0, jmm, 30-nov-2007 get_data, fbk_tvars[i], data = d If(is_struct(d)) Then zlim, fbk_tvars[i], min(d.y), 2.0, 1 Endif Endelse Endfor ;load the FFF data ;here try to create composite FFF, FBK variables one for EFI and one ;for SCM fft_tvars_eac = tnames(thx+'_fff_??_e?c34') fft_tvars_scm = tnames(thx+'_fff_??_scm3') fft_tvars = [fft_tvars_eac, fft_tvars_scm] For i = 0, 1 Do Begin ;kluge to prevent missing data from crashing things get_data, fft_tvars[i], data = dd If(size(dd, /type) Ne 8) Then Begin filler = fltarr(2, 6) filler[*, *] = float('NaN') name = thx+'_fff_'+strcompress(string(i+1), /remove_all) store_data, name, data = {x:time_double(date)+findgen(2), y:filler, v:findgen(6)} options, name, 'spec', 1 ylim, name, 1, 1000, 1 zlim, name, 0, 0, 1 fft_tvars[i] = name Endif Else Begin options, fft_tvars[i], 'spec', 1 options, fft_tvars[i], 'zlog', 1 lbl = thx+'_fff_'+strmid(fft_tvars[i], 7) options, fft_tvars[i], 'ytitle', strjoin(strsplit(lbl, '_', /extract), '!c') ;replace zero values with NaN -- may remove the black from the 2 and 6 ; hour plots zv = where(dd.y Eq 0, nzv) If(nzv Gt 0) Then dd.y[zv] = !values.f_nan ;only bother with this if necessary, but sometimes dd.v is zero, ;probably there will be limits set. yv = where(dd.v Eq 0, nyv) If(nyv Gt 0) Then Begin yv1 = where(dd.v Gt 0, nyv1) If(nyv1 Gt 0) Then Begin minyv1 = min(dd.v[yv1]) dd.v[yv] = minyv1 > 1.0 Endif Endif store_data, fft_tvars[i], data = temporary(dd) ;degap the data: tdegap, fft_tvars[i], /overwrite, dt = 600.0 thm_spec_lim4overplot, fft_tvars[i], ylog = 1, zlog = 1, /overwrite ;Units? seem to be ok Endelse Endfor ;fill inner or outer probe vars Case ip of 0:inner_probe_vars = [fft_tvars, fbk_tvars] 1:outer_probe_vars = [fft_tvars, fbk_tvars] 2:outer_probe_vars = [outer_probe_vars, fft_tvars, fbk_tvars] 3:inner_probe_vars = [inner_probe_vars, fft_tvars, fbk_tvars] 4:inner_probe_vars = [inner_probe_vars, fft_tvars, fbk_tvars] Endcase Endfor ;At this point i have all of my variables, plot the inner and outer ;probes: ititle = 'Inner Probes: P5, P3, P4 (TH-A,D,E) FFT, FBK' otitle = 'Outer Probes: P1, P2 (TH-B,C) FFT, FBK' tplot_options, 'lazy_ytitle', 1 !p.charsize = 0.6 If(keyword_set(makepng)) Then Begin dprint, 'PLot_dir: '+dir tplot, inner_probe_vars, title = ititle thm_gen_multipngplot, 'thm_tohban_fftfbkinner', date2, directory = dir tplot, outer_probe_vars, title = otitle thm_gen_multipngplot, 'thm_tohban_fftfbkouter', date2, directory = dir Endif Else Begin If(!d.name NE 'Z') Then window, 0, xs = 640, ys = 720 tplot, inner_probe_vars, title = ititle If(!d.name NE 'Z') Then window, 2, xs = 640, ys = 480 tplot, outer_probe_vars, title = otitle, window = 2 Endelse Return End