This page was created by the IDL library routine
Last modified: Thu Oct 24 15:35:45 2019.
PROCEDURE: mms_load_mec PURPOSE: Load the attitude/ephemeris data from the LANL MEC files KEYWORDS: trange: time range of interest [starttime, endtime] with the format ['YYYY-MM-DD','YYYY-MM-DD'] or to specify more or less than a day ['YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss','YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss'] probes: list of probes, valid values for MMS probes are ['1','2','3','4']. if no probe is specified the default is probe '1' datatype: valid datatypes include ['ephts04d', 'epht89q', 'epht89d'] default is 'ephts04d' data_rate: instrument data rates include ['srvy', 'brst']. The default is 'srvy'. local_data_dir: local directory to store the CDF files; should be set if you're on *nix or OSX, the default currently assumes Windows (c:\data\mms\) source: specifies a different system variable. By default the MMS mission system variable is !mms get_support_data: load support data (defined by support_data attribute in the CDF) tplotnames: names for tplot variables no_color_setup: don't setup graphics configuration; use this keyword when you're using this load routine from a terminal without an X server running time_clip: clip the data to the requested time range; note that if you do not use this keyword you may load a longer time range than requested no_update: set this flag to preserve the original data. if not set and newer data is found the existing data will be overwritten suffix: appends a suffix to the end of the tplot variable name. this is useful for preserving original tplot variable. varformat: should be a string (wildcards accepted) that will match the CDF variables that should be loaded into tplot variables cdf_filenames: this keyword returns the names of the CDF files used when loading the data cdf_version: specify a specific CDF version # to load (e.g., cdf_version='4.3.0') latest_version: only grab the latest CDF version in the requested time interval (e.g., /latest_version) major_version: only open the latest major CDF version (e.g., X in vX.Y.Z) in the requested time interval min_version: specify a minimum CDF version # to load cdf_records: specify a number of records to load from the CDF files. e.g., cdf_records=1 only loads in the first data point in the file This is especially useful for loading S/C position for a single time spdf: grab the data from the SPDF instead of the LASP SDC (only works for public access) available: returns a list of files available at the SDC for the requested parameters this is useful for finding which files would be downloaded (along with their sizes) if you didn't specify this keyword (also outputs total download size) versions: this keyword returns the version #s of the CDF files used when loading the data always_prompt: set this keyword to always prompt for the user's username and password; useful if you accidently save an incorrect password, or if your SDC password has changed tt2000: flag for preserving TT2000 timestamps found in CDF files (note that many routines in SPEDAS (e.g., do not currently support these timestamps) EXAMPLES: to load/plot the S/C position data for probe 3 on 2/20/2016: MMS> mms_load_mec, probe=3, trange=['2016-02-20', '2016-02-21'] MMS> tplot, 'mms3_mec_r_gsm' NOTES: MISSING DATA: if the MEC data are missing for a date you suspect should contain data (>30 days ago), try loading the datatype 'epht89d' instead of the default of 'epht04d'. There are sometimes issues with creating the Tsyganenko 04 data products, which leads to the default 'epht04d' files not being available. The 'epht89d' files contain the same ephemeris data - the only difference are the data products that rely on the field model. The MMS plug-in in SPEDAS requires IDL 8.4 to access data at the LASP SDC Have questions regarding this load routine, or its usage?!forum/spedas $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ $LastChangedDate: 2019-07-10 14:19:15 -0700 (Wed, 10 Jul 2019) $ $LastChangedRevision: 27435 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See projects/mms/mec/
PROCEDURE: mms_mec_fix_metadata PURPOSE: Helper routine for setting metadata of MEC variables $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ $LastChangedDate: 2017-05-01 13:00:22 -0700 (Mon, 01 May 2017) $ $LastChangedRevision: 23255 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See projects/mms/mec/
PROCEDURE: mms_mec_formation_plot PURPOSE: Creates a plot showing the spacecraft formation at a given time INPUT: time: string containing the date and time to create the plot for. e.g., 'YYYY-MM-DD/HH:MM' KEYWORDS: projection: project the spacecraft positions onto all planes xy_projection: project the S/C positions onto the XY plane xz_projection: project the S/C positions onto the XZ plane yz_projection: project the S/C positions onto the YZ plane quality_factor: include the tetrahedron quality factor coord: coordinate system of the formation plot; default is GSE valid options are eci, gsm, geo, sm, gse, gse2000 xyz: a 3 x 3 rotation matrix for rotating position data to an arbitrary coordinate system from the coordinate system defined by coord lmn: a 3 x 3 rotation matrix for rotating position data to an LMN coordinate system from the coordinate system defined by coord (do not use with xyz keyword) sundir: direction of the sun (+x) in the figure (right or left); default is 'right' (+N direction for LMN coordinate) independent_axes: by default, the same scale is used for each axis; set this keyword to use different scales for the x, y, and z axes EXAMPLES: mms_mec_formation_plot, '2016-1-08/2:36', /xy_projection, coord='gse' should create something like: Sun to the left: mms_mec_formation_plot, '2016-1-08/2:36', /xy_projection, coord='gse', sundir='left' Specify an LMN transformation: mms_mec_formation_plot, '2016-1-08/2:36', /xy_projection, coord='gse', lmn=[[0.00,0.00,1.00],[0.00,-1.00,0.00],[1.00,0.00,0.00]], sundir='left' Specify an XYZ transformation: mms_mec_formation_plot, '2016-1-08/2:36', /xy_projection, coord='gse', xyz=[[0.00,0.00,1.00],[0.00,-1.00,0.00],[1.00,0.00,0.00]], sundir='left' HISTORY: August 2016: Lots of updates from Naritoshi Kitamura The original copy of this comes from the SDC version, which was written by Kris Larsen and Kim Kokkonen at LASP $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ $LastChangedDate: 2019-10-16 10:31:13 -0700 (Wed, 16 Oct 2019) $ $LastChangedRevision: 27875 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See projects/mms/mec/
PROCEDURE: mms_orbit_plot PURPOSE: Creates a plot showing the spacecraft location KEYWORDS: trange: time range of interest probes: probes to include in the orbits plot plane: orbital plane to plot (default: 'xy', other options include: 'yz', 'xz') xrange: min and max of the horizontal axis yrange: min and max of the vertical axis coord: coordinate system of the plot (default: gse) other options include: 'eci', 'gsm', 'geo', 'sm', 'gse2000' title: title of the plot; defaults to the time range of the orbit EXAMPLES: IDL> mms_orbit_plot, probe=[1, 2, 3, 4], trange=['2015-12-15', '2015-12-16'] HISTORY: Based on SDC routine that produces historical orbit plots for MMS originally by Kris Larsen, Kim Kokkonen, Chris Lindholm; egrimes heisted the important parts and turned this into a SPEDAS routine on November 27, 2017 NOTES: terminator line on Earth is probably going to be incorrect when plane is specified to be YZ $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ $LastChangedDate: 2019-09-12 10:29:05 -0700 (Thu, 12 Sep 2019) $ $LastChangedRevision: 27748 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See projects/mms/mec/