;+ ; PROCEDURE: ; mms_fpi_ang_ang ; ; PURPOSE: ; Creates various plots directly from the ; FPI distribution functions, including: ; ; - angle-angle (azimuth vs zenith) ; - angle-energy (azimuth and zenith vs energy) ; - pitch angle - energy ; ; INPUT: ; time: exact time you'd like to see plotted ; ; KEYWORDS: ; all_energies: generate azimuth vs zenith plots at ; all energies, one plot for each energy ; ; probe: probe to plot ; energy_range: energy range to include in the ; angle-angle and angle-energy plots (default: 10-30000 eV) ; data_rate: FPI data rate ('fast' or 'brst') ; species: FPI species - 'e' for electrons or 'i' for ions (defaults to 'e') ; subtract_bulk: subtract the bulk velocity prior to ; creating the PA-energy figure ; pa_en_units: units for the PA-energy figure (defaults to 'df_cm') ; postscript: save the plots as postscript files (can't be set with /png) ; png: save the plots as PNG files (can't be set with /postscript) ; center_measurement: shift the data to the center of the ; measurement interval ; xsize: x-size of the figures (default: 550px) ; ysize: y-size of the figures (default: 450px) ; filename_suffix: suffix to append to the end of PNG/postscript file names ; nocontours: disable pitch angle contours on the angle-angle plots ; ; NOTES: ; Bulk velocity subtraction (via the /subtract_bulk keyword) only ; works for PA-energy figures (i.e., angle-angle and angle-energy plots ; are created as the data exists in the data files) ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2019-09-17 12:04:17 -0700 (Tue, 17 Sep 2019) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 27764 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_3_2/projects/mms/fpi/mms_fpi_ang_ang.pro $ ;- pro mms_fpi_ang_ang, time, probe=probe, energy_range=energy_range, data_rate=data_rate, $ species=species, all_energies=all_energies, subtract_bulk=subtract_bulk, pa_en_units = pa_en_units, $ postscript=postscript, png=png, center_measurement=center_measurement, xsize=xsize, ysize=ysize, $ filename_suffix = filename_suffix, zrange=zrange, fgm_level=fgm_level, fgm_instrument=fgm_instrument, $ fgm_data_rate=fgm_data_rate, level=level, nocontours=nocontours if undefined(time) then begin time = gettime(key='Enter time: ') trange = time_double(time) + [-300., 300] endif else trange = time_double(time) + [-300., 300] if undefined(probe) then probe = '1' else probe = strcompress(string(probe), /rem) if undefined(species) then species = 'e' if undefined(xsize) then xsize = 550 if undefined(ysize) then ysize = 450 if undefined(energy_range) then energy_range = [10., 30000] ; eV if undefined(data_rate) then data_rate = 'fast' if undefined(filename_suffix) then filename_suffix = '' if undefined(pa_en_units) then pa_en_units = 'df_cm' if undefined(fgm_level) then fgm_level = 'l2' if undefined(fgm_instrument) then fgm_instrument='fgm' if undefined(fgm_data_rate) and data_rate eq 'brst' then fgm_data_rate='brst' else fgm_data_rate='srvy' pa_en_units_str = spd_units_string(pa_en_units) if ~undefined(postscript) and ~undefined(png) then begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Error, both PNG and POSTSCRIPT output requested, but can only do one at a time; defaulting to postscript' undefine, png endif if ~undefined(zrange) then begin if zrange[1] lt zrange[0] then begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Error, zrange must be in the form [min, max]' return endif endif if energy_range[1] lt energy_range[0] then begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Error, energy range must be in the form [min_energy, max_energy]' return endif if ~array_contains(['i', 'e'], species) then begin dprint, dlevel = 0, "Error, invalid species specified; valid options are: 'i' (for ions) or 'e' (for electrons)" return endif if ~array_contains(['fast', 'brst'], data_rate) then begin dprint, dlevel = 0, "Error, invalid data_rate specified; valid options are: 'fast' or 'brst'" return endif mms_load_fpi, datatype=['d'+species+'s-dist', 'd'+species+'s-moms'], level=level, data_rate=data_rate, trange=trange, probe=probe, center_measurement=center_measurement, tplotnames=tplotnames if undefined(tplotnames) then begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'No FPI data found in the requested time range: ', time_string(trange, tformat='YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss.fff') return endif mms_load_fgm, trange=trange, data_rate=fgm_data_rate, probe=probe, level=fgm_level, instrument=fgm_instrument get_data, 'mms'+probe+'_d'+species+'s_dist_'+data_rate, data=d, dlimits=dl if ~is_struct(d) then begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Error, no data found.' return endif closest_time = find_nearest_neighbor(d.X, time_double(time)) closest_idx = where(d.X eq closest_time) closest_idx = closest_idx-1 ; use the time from the data for the trange, to avoid different times ; for angle-angle, angle-energy, and PA-energy figures trange_pad = time_double(closest_time)+[0., 0.2] data = reform(d.Y[closest_idx, *, *, *]) phi = reform(d.V1[closest_idx, *]) theta = d.V2 energies = reform(d.V3[closest_idx, *]) energy_axis = minmax(energies) idx_of_ens = where(energies ge energy_range[0] and energies le energy_range[1]) energies = energies[idx_of_ens] data_at_ens = data[*, *, idx_of_ens] data_summed = total(data_at_ens, 3, /nan) distptr = mms_get_dist('mms'+probe+'_d'+species+'s_dist_'+data_rate, single_time=time) disterrptr = mms_get_dist('mms'+probe+'_d'+species+'s_disterr_'+data_rate, single_time=time) if ~ptr_valid(distptr) then begin dprint, dlevel = 4, 'Error, no data found for this time: '+time_string(time) return endif dist = *distptr ; theta is stored as co-latitude theta_colat = reform(dist.theta[0, 0, *]) ; convert to latitude theta_flow_direction = 90-theta_colat phi = reform(dist.phi[0, *, 0]) if undefined(all_energies) then begin if ~undefined(postscript) then popen, 'azimuth_vs_zenith'+filename_suffix, /landscape else window, 1, xsize=xsize, ysize=ysize if fgm_instrument eq 'dfg' and fgm_level eq 'l2pre' then begin if tnames('mms'+probe+'_dfg_'+fgm_data_rate+'_l2pre_gse_bvec') ne '' then b_field = 'mms'+probe+'_dfg_'+fgm_data_rate+'_l2pre_gse_bvec' else b_field = 'mms'+probe+'_dfg_b_gse_'+fgm_data_rate+'_l2pre_bvec' endif else b_field = 'mms'+probe+'_fgm_b_gse_'+fgm_data_rate+'_'+fgm_level+'_bvec' if ~undefined(subtract_bulk) then $ pad = moka_mms_pad_fpi(*distptr, *disterrptr, time=closest_time, mag_data=b_field, vel_data='mms'+probe+'_d'+species+'s_bulkv_gse_'+data_rate, subtract_bulk=subtract_bulk, units=pa_en_units) $ else $ pad = moka_mms_pad_fpi(*distptr, *disterrptr, time=closest_time, subtract_bulk=0, units=pa_en_units, mag_data=b_field) ; angle-angle over the energy range plotxyz, window=1, phi, theta_flow_direction, data_summed, /zlog, /noisotropic, xrange=[0, 360], yrange=[0, 180], zrange=zrange, xsize=xsize, ysize=ysize, $ xtitle='Az flow angle (deg)', $ ytitle='Zenith flow angle (deg)', $ ztitle='f (s!U3!N/cm!U6!N)', $ title=time_string(closest_time, tformat='YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss.fff')+' (' + strcompress(string(energy_range[0]) + '-'+string(energy_range[1]), /rem)+ ' eV)' if undefined(nocontours) then begin num_levels = 16 contourLevels = 180*indgen(num_levels+1)/num_levels c_levels_str = strcompress(string(contourLevels), /rem) contour, transpose(pad.pa_azpol, [1, 0]), pad.wpol, pad.waz,YSTYLE=1, xstyle=1, xmargin=2, ymargin=[7, 2], xrange=[0, 360], yrange=[0, 180], Levels=contourLevels,C_Colors=0, /overplot, c_labels=c_levels_str, c_charsize=1 endif if ~undefined(png) then makepng, 'azimuth_vs_zenith'+filename_suffix if ~undefined(postscript) then pclose if ~undefined(postscript) then popen, 'zenith_vs_energy'+filename_suffix, /landscape else window, 2, xsize=xsize, ysize=ysize theta_en = total(data_at_ens, 1) ; Zenith vs. energy plotxyz, window=2, energies, theta_flow_direction, transpose(theta_en), /noisotropic, /zlog, xsize=xsize, ysize=ysize, $ xtitle='Energy (eV)', $ ytitle='Zenith flow angle (deg)', $ ztitle='f (s!U3!N/cm!U6!N)', $ title=time_string(closest_time, tformat='YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss.fff'), $ /xlog, xrange=energy_axis, yrange=[0, 180.], zrange=zrange, yticks=6 if ~undefined(png) then makepng, 'zenith_vs_energy'+filename_suffix if ~undefined(postscript) then pclose if ~undefined(postscript) then popen, 'azimuth_vs_energy'+filename_suffix, /landscape else window, 3, xsize=xsize, ysize=ysize phi_en = total(data_at_ens, 2) ; Azimuth vs. energy plotxyz, window=3, energies, phi, transpose(phi_en), /noisotropic, /zlog, xsize=xsize, ysize=ysize, $ xtitle='Energy (eV)', $ ytitle='Azimuth flow angle (deg)', $ ztitle='f (s!U3!N/cm!U6!N)', $ title=time_string(closest_time, tformat='YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss.fff'), $ /xlog, xrange=energy_axis, yrange=[0, 360.], zrange=zrange, yticks=6 if ~undefined(png) then makepng, 'azimuth_vs_energy'+filename_suffix if ~undefined(postscript) then pclose if ~undefined(postscript) then popen, 'pad_vs_energy'+filename_suffix, /landscape else window, 4, xsize=xsize, ysize=ysize paendata = transpose(pad.DATA) ; apply energy ranges for PAD vs. energy plot lowerens = where(pad.EGY lt energy_range[0]) higherens = where(pad.EGY gt energy_range[1]) if lowerens[0] ne -1 then paendata[*, lowerens] = !values.d_nan if higherens[0] ne -1 then paendata[*, higherens] = !values.d_nan plotxyz, pad.PA, pad.EGY, paendata, /noisotropic, /ylog, /zlog, title=time_string(closest_time, tformat='YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss.fff'), $ xrange=[0,180], zrange=zrange, xtitle='Pitch angle (deg)', ytitle='Energy (eV)', ztitle=pa_en_units_str, window=4, xsize=xsize, ysize=ysize if ~undefined(png) then makepng, 'pad_vs_energy'+filename_suffix if ~undefined(postscript) then pclose endif else if keyword_set(all_energies) then begin for en_idx=0, n_elements(idx_of_ens)-1 do begin if ~undefined(postscript) then popen, 'azimuth_vs_zenith_'+strcompress(string(energies[idx_of_ens[en_idx]]), /rem)+filename_suffix, /landscape else window, en_idx, xsize=xsize, ysize=ysize data_at_this_en = reform(data[*, *, idx_of_ens[en_idx]]) plotxyz, window=en_idx, phi, theta_flow_direction, data_at_this_en, /zlog, /noisotropic, xrange=[0, 360], yrange=[0, 180], zrange=zrange, xsize=xsize, ysize=ysize, $ xtitle='Az flow angle (deg)', $ ytitle='Zenith flow angle (deg)', $ ztitle='f (s!U3!N/cm!U6!N)', $ title=time_string(closest_time, tformat='YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss.fff') + ' (' + strcompress(string(energies[idx_of_ens[en_idx]]), /rem) + ' eV)' makepng, 'azimuth_vs_zenith_'+strcompress(string(energies[idx_of_ens[en_idx]]), /rem)+filename_suffix endfor endif end